Press This Button = Win $100,000!

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in front of me is three random Minecraft players in front of the three of you is a red button when you press the red button you're either going to get a challenge or win $100,000 oh my God what who wants to press the red button first ladies first ladies first come on you got a challenge you cannot press the button again until you destroy every single block on this house have fun okay be strategic with your TNT okay okay I have 1,000 blocks that's so much effort okay I'm going I'm going I'm going I'm going
find the diamond your challenge is you have a giant stone block and inside it's only one Diamond I got this i got this where is it I'm finding this diamond Marquee go ahead and hit it you don't have to wait on me okay kill the chicken okay bet you're probably thinking this is a normal chicken right yeah has to be right then why is it named totally not a normal chicken with 1,000 Health get the killing go go go oh my God it's so quick too stop running oh that oh I found it oh my
God nice let's go wa Grady already finished his a that seems messed up this is actually kind of a tough challenge one of the other guys only had to kill a chicken what I hate this I can't them so Grady you can press the button again or you can just wait for other people to press it I'll pressing it reach the ground so we have proximity chat I want you to yell as you fall okay what what would you spend the 100 Grand on a lifetime supply of ore grd fell from a high place what
is grd doing oh my gosh there's so much health left this chicken needs to stop I don't know if you know this but we probably gave you a sword in a chest somewhere what you know maybe right beside the car ooh okay thank you ah beautiful now I can enjoy my steak wa you're almost done I'm almost done okay got to go yeah how was blowing up the house it was really fun let's see if dying five different ways is just as fun I'm really good at dying in Minecraft it's okay I've never seen somebody
so excited to just die can you punch me thank you I'm going to go to the other room all right good luck Cy I keep seeing the notification that you fell bro why do you suck this bad it's going horrible okay we got this we got this I believe I believe yes oh you did it you have to go touch grass in real life be right back take a picture what are you doing now I'm lowering my health so that it takes less time to die from Fall damage how many ways have you died this
is my last one like I that go go go go go I don't have patience oh man this is going to take forever okay I'll give you a little pad in the back no all right I'll see you later okay okay I got grass I touched grass I touched grass oh nice beard touch a cloud okay I can do this I've touched many clouds clouds are pretty high I hope you know that just going to get as many blocks of this as I can like if I don't have enough we're just screwed I think anyway
how's beating up the chicken going it's running around I'm almost there just a few more hits oh your chicken's running away yes there we go that took me forever but maybe it might all be worth it cuz this will probably be $100,000 okay okay okay press the right button oh my god well this might take some time I will say it's one of the buttons in this room okay good luck you still trying to break this Jimmy I think she needs a pad on the back for motivation please I'm almost there no what if I
destroyed this block what there's a second obsidian I don't have the attention span for this you want to give me a pickaxe uh yeah yeah I'll go get one I'll be right back 4 minutes oh oh that's one okay halfway there I think we have enough I think we have enough to get there go go go go go go go go go go yes go go go go go go go go go go this might be the $100,000 right here please solve the maze oh my God you know what sometimes good things Don't Come Easy
Grady what does this remind you of it reminds me of my childhood you tell me it doesn't remind you of Opera GX the greatest browser on the planet unlike other boring web browsers Opera GX offers tons of customization with GX mods a free one-click way to make browsing fun they even made a mod specifically inspired by me it has a live wallpaper that reacts to your mouse and a evolves the background based on where you move it wa you're making progress dude what the heck we're going baby and Opera GX makes it incredibly easy to
import all your settings from your current browser there's no reason to not switch simply go to this URL right here or click the one in the description and install the oper GX browser right now there's even the 12 latest Mr Beast gaming videos at the top so you never miss one of our newest uploads what well not only that Grady since you're doing the challenge during the ad read oper GX wanted me to give you a fire gaming laptop oper GX I love you once you finish the maze I mean technically someone can win the
100 Grand while you're doing it please don't do me dirty thanks to our sponsor Opera GX yes Gracie you've done the most challenges but is that going to result in 100,000 this is messed up hatch of chicken that shouldn't be hard I'm sure you just have to wait for them to lay in egg all right have fun Carl let's go harass other people okay thanks oh my God you're so close dude this mze sucks dude you got this let's go wait this could be it this is the one sunking treasure I think maybe I just
need to swim down I think that's what it is oh my God what is this bro just find the sunken treasure there's no way I need to find this like now don't forget only 100 Grand on the line Jimmy it's not helping hey and I am done with the walls and I got to run around and do the same thing honestly you should probably just quit is 100 Grand really worth all this trouble yes it is yes and you've pressed over a th000 buttons just so you know feels great I'm going to be here for
ages you suck at this this is taking so long what if the first one lays an egg and it's no chicken I have a 12.5% chance that's bad I know but I really I just don't know what are you looking for some buried treasure wait oh I see a Gest what the I can't believe I missed that get the creeper across son of a beasting uh okay I got to get the creeper across what's this button do oh hey buddy we probably have to like Let It fate oh boy I'm just going to come visit
that's it we're just going a little walk just a little walk together gry what are you doing who trying to get a creeper across here how's it going for you I'm waiting what is this go lay your eggs I can't lay eggs I have none of the eggs hatched this chicken oh egg you are good luck you should stay here you should stay here oh there you go was it your first egg it was one it was the first one so this has nothing to do with you but uh buttons surrounded by obsidian W good
luck thank you this is it though this is the Run no no no no no no oh oh you're good we're good oh that was close do you have more pressure when I'm here little bit little bit little bit little bit oh please oh you're almost done Jimmy they don't do it come here buddy that's it that's it let's go grd I surrounded in an obsidian so you guys could uh you know catch up with each other hey grd hey Gracie Marky there's a party at the button hurry up okay okay okay okay okay okay
okay come on oh my God okay I got to go I got to go I got to go so I will be honest we are over halfway done let's go one do you might actually end up winning the 100 Grand with this next set of presses oh my gosh this is nerve-wracking who's going to press it next not it not it do I press it yeah find the blue flower have fun I hate everything about oh my god oh no that looks like a man that didn't want 100 G's oh what is this place with
the the blue flower man oh my God this is tough the next button press it' be the 100 grand right the roller coaster oh no this is like the slowest roller coaster of all time do you have anything that would speed up this process no all right good luck this is the worst now Mar you don't have to press it you can just wait I'm going to send it I'm going to send it I'm going to send it I'm going to send it I'm just go with it I'm going to go with it find Nemo
Nemo I will find you we do a little bit of fishing do you know the odds of catching Nemo is it like 10% or something you're close it's 2% what okay okay I got this i got this i got this i got this dude I have to focus so hard to even just see anything at all do your eyes not work not right now apparently like I could have already seen it and then like now yeah but the point of this one is to waste your time while someone wins 100 Grand I'll C you the
blue flower later man this sucks all of my challenges have been patients like testing and I have a really short attention span well you're almost halfway there it's better than a third of the way Nemo no a bone okay that didn't look like Nemo at all I'm going to be honest you think I can catch the Nemo before yes yes this could be it Marky you could be 100,000 there okay okay okay okay no what is my luck today come on wait what is this puzzle oh my God no way oh my God wait oh
I can break them I need to find my Corners I should probably place them first oh no um what did I just walk in on um Mary that's not even me I mean the Fig goes crazy I like the chain and the shirt and everything yes Mary you've been given some of the most difficult challenges I'll give you an Insight it's not the next button press I could trust you because you did give me a sword on the chicken Challenge and hello here you guys want to come help Grady find a blue flower yeah yeah
let's see what he's up to hey grd oh my God gr's all the way up there hey guys how's the blue flower searching going now that you guys are here feels good man it feels really good he might not finish this challenge before you guys win Grady you've walked past like 30 times you're L there's no way there's no way wait oh I'm so bad I'm so bad and now we all three meet again we are getting scarely close to the end be very very careful I'm just going to send it put three shirts on
I won't be able to hear you for a second so you got shirts to put on man all right Mary or Gracie 100 jumping jacks all right 3 4 Marque do you think this next press is 100 G's I think it's a IRL challenge raise the flag I don't have to do jumping jacks or put any shirts on I'm good here's my strategy for this one and I'm going to try to Pearl onto the walls and then from the walls I'm going to PE on the platforms oh no I should have thrown it higher x
marks the spot if I was an X that marked the spot where would I be 1 2 3 I love how she's doing it right by the button too so we have to hear 8 9 100 I was not prepared you have to try to get to the lever that sounds like a hard challenge have fun we for it this is hilarious this is on purpose totally woo we're making progress you just finished this out you're almost done please where is this thing oh I have a freaking treasure map oh my gosh two palm trees
with the rock and a small one it's like right here somewhere there it is let's go I really want that $100,000 gr the $100,000 decision is coming up do you press it now or do you wait till after someone presses it oh my gosh or never press the button again you're going to watch this video Grady and if you don't win 100 G's you're going to be like dang I didn't win 100 G's here's been my Strat the whole time I've hit the button first cuz you know what somebody has to take initiative and is
it going to be me okay okay we're almost there we're almost there I got a method okay this is looking good there's nothing I can't do I'm going to do it oh my God W no it's so close oh my God you just won $100,000 I almost convinced you to skip it too you almost did oh my god dude and Gracie Mary don't worry we're going to give each of you $10,000 as well what oh my God W goodbye
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