It was just an ordinary evening until a stranger offered a million dollars for a weekend with my....

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Cheating Secrets
It was just an ordinary evening until a stranger offered a million dollars for a weekend with my wif...
Video Transcript:
welcome to the cheating Secrets Channel it was our Friday date night we try to do this at least once a week and I think we're managing to keep up with that average we were at one of our favorite places a Mexican bar restaurant they had a really beautiful open courtyard and the weather was perfect cool but not cold with a slight breeze we struck up a conversation with the guy at the next table it was just one of those things that happened he was alone but seemed pretty friendly he said his name was John we
chatted with him about our future plans and how once we save enough we'll be able to make a down payment on a house if everything continues as it is now in about a year or so we'll have enough money that was stage one of the plan stage two is building Equity stage three is the big house stage four is kids we were young and we had time weat means me Jack Andrews and my wife Jill save your jokes we've heard them M we even have an entire shelf in our apartment dedicated to Jack and Jill
themed souvenirs from well-meaning friends and family members We Got Married 2 years ago and have been living in marital bliss ever since all we had at the moment was our one-bedroom love nest but it was ours we didn't have the newest cars but they were reliable and more importantly paid off we didn't have the biggest TV but it worked well enough for us our furniture wasn't the newest or the fanciest but it was clean and wellmade I had just made a comment along the lines of so if everything goes well we should be able to
start putting buns in the oven in about 5 years or so John responded maybe I can help speed up that timeline how's that a few years ago I got really lucky in business I'm in a position to offer you a very good deal and what kind of deal would that be before I answer that Google me John Albright that should confirm my credentials Jill took out her phone and looked him up you have your own Wikipedia page holy crap it says your net worth is that's probably outdated I'm currently close to $10 billion okay so
what's the deal even though we just met I like you guys and I want to help you so I'm going to give you $1 million that's after taxes so the actual amount will be 1.4 million but there's something I want in return I waited for the other shoe to drop I want Jill for the weekend I was stunned what are you serious I looked at Jill I can only assume that the expression of shocked disbelief on her face mirrored my own get lost jerk go back to your table and leave us alone this is a
serious offer she leaves her phone and purse behind and goes with me I'll return her by 6 p.m. on Sunday and transfer the money to your account in the meantime while she's with me she'll do whatever I want I promise I won't harm her or leave any marks on her screw you my answer is a no I'll go stand by the door and wait for 5 minutes while you two discuss it if she doesn't join me by then I'll leave and you'll never see me again he got up and walked to the exit leaning against
the wall holy crap can you believe the arrogance of this guy no I can't I know the rich live differently but this is a whole other level of entitlement she paused but a million bucks wouldn't be bad I mean we could skip straight to stage four buy a house outright fund our kids college and still have enough left to invest we could retire by 40 just don't tell me you're actually considering this option of course not I'm just saying it would be nice I looked at her good because if you did it would destroy us
don't be ridiculous I would never do anything that could harm our relationship I looked at her again I saw that Jon was watching us he tapped his finger on his wristwatch well I don't feel like staying here anymore let's go home and watch a movie or something okay keep an eye on my things I really need to go to the restroom I watched as she headed toward the restrooms she she stopped to say something to JN no doubt to tell him off once more suddenly they both walked out the door together I felt my heart
clench for a second and then I bolted from my seat and ran outside I saw her getting into a Mercedes just as she was about to close the door I shouted her name Jill don't do this she looked at me mouthed the word sorry and then closed the door the car pulled out of the parking lot I started running after it thinking I could somehow jump on it or something when suddenly I was grabbed from behind I turned around and saw one of the largest men I'd ever seen holding me by the shoulders let me
go that's my wife sorry buddy but Mr Albright doesn't want any trouble I watched as the car sped out of the parking lot and drove away at high speed I tried to break free and follow them but I couldn't his grip was like iron I stared as the tail lights disappeared into the distance just like my marriage if I let you go are you going to do something stupid I should note that she wasn't coerced in any way I looked at him what would you do if it were your wife I'd beat the crap out
of him of course that's why he sent me here to hold you back a bit but now they've left so I'm letting you go I stood there for a moment The Bodyguard waited then got into his car and drove off Jill okay keep an eye on on my things I really need to go to the restroom I hated deceiving him but I knew he would never agree I headed toward the restrooms but stopped when I reached Jon Let's go before I change my mind and before Jack makes a scene John turned and walked out the
door I followed him a Mercedes was waiting right outside JN got into the driver's seat I opened the passenger door but just as I was about to get in I heard Jack shout Jill don't do this his face was a mix of surprise and hurt I paused for a second then said sorry got into the car and closed the door it hurt to know I was causing him pain but I was doing this for us John immediately sped off don't worry he said he'll get over it I hope so I try to push thoughts of
Jack out of my mind so where are we going I have a house out of town we'll spend the weekend there the rest of the drive was silent we drove for about an hour heading out of the city soon we turned off the main Highway and started down a series of narrow Country Roads eventually we arrived at a gate John pressed a button on a remote control and the gate opened we drove for about a minute along a gravel driveway and then pulled up to a rather large Stonehouse it was two stories high and looked
like it had been standing there for a very long time we parked the car near the entrance this used to be a hunting lodge I bought it along with the surrounding land a few years ago and made some improvements John said come inside the interior was quite rustic the door led into a foyer that connected to a large study we walked into the kitchen John opened a door to another short Corridor that reminded me of a hotel hallway this impression was reinforced when Jon opened the first door on the right and stepped inside this is
where you'll be staying he said these are the quarters for the kitchen staff and other service Personnel it was a small windowless room made of cinder blocks painted a dingy white the room contained a bed a dresser and a writing desk the bed was just a bare mattress against the wall was an open closet which was empty next to the closet was a bathroom John opened the top drawer of the dresser and pulled out a folded piece of fabric I want you to go into the bathroom take off all your clothes and put this on
everything including your underwear and shoes he handed me the bundle I looked at him he made a motion with his hand signaling me to go into the bathroom so I went in and closed the door the bundle wasn't made of fabric it was some kind of opaque white plastic possibly tyac it looked like a jumpsuit except it was completely form-fitting with mittens built into the sleeves and booties on the feet okay that was strange but whatever I undressed and then put on the jumpsuit there was a zipper in the front I zipped it up to
my chest and then stepped out do you like it John approached grabbed the zipper and pulled it up to my neck there that's better then he went into the bathroom and gathered all my clothes you'll get your clean clothes back on Sunday before you leave there are more bunny suits in the dresser if you need to change they're disposable just throw them in the trash when you take them off the dresser also has sheets and a blanket he stepped closer to me invading my personal space are you ready for your first he smiled assignment I
nodded dreading what might come next clean this room and the bathroom it's been a few months and this place isn't in the best shape what clean the room there are cleaning supplies in the bathroom cabinet and a broom in the closet I expect the floors to be clean enough to eat off of do you understand you want me to clean the room and that's it yes that's all for now when you're done you can make the bed and go to sleep if you get hungry later there are sandwiches in the kitchen I stared at him
come on Chop Chop time's wasting get to it then he turned and left taking my clothes with him and closing the door behind him what else could I do I started cleaning the bathroom there were dried stains on the toilet a black ring circled the tub the light fixtures were covered in water spots mold clung to the sides of the tub it took me about an hour to clean the bathroom fortunately the room itself wasn't too bad I just needed to dust the table and dresser sweep the floor and then mop it the place was
sparkling when I finished I made the bed I was more exhausted than I realized as soon as I was done I took a shower then crawled into bed naked and fell asleep the next thing I remember is being woken up by a knock on the door wake up get dressed let's go now we're getting down to business at first I was confused then I remembered I was at J's place okay I'll be out in a minute I looked into the dresser there were several dozen bunny suits I grabbed one and put it on making sure
to zip it up all the way to the kitchen John said he was sitting at the table make us breakfast can you cook an omelette yes go ahead the pantry and fridge were stocked with plenty of ingredients so I made a couple of omelets lots of cheese bell peppers mushrooms and a bit of ham I plated the omelets then placed one in front of John and sat at the end of the table to eat mine looks delicious he said and started eating we finished the meal in silence when he was done he said clean up
here when you're finished join me outside and then he left to say I was puzzled would be an understatement I expected to be treated like some sort of sex slave not a kitchen mate but whatever the longer I could delay breaking my wedding vows the better I loaded the plates and silverware into the dishwasher and cleaned the frying pan by hand once I was done I walked out through the front door Jon was sitting in an Adera chair one of two on the patio with a small table between them good you didn't waste any time
see that he pointed to something that looked like a handle with wheels I realized it was a real lawnmower then he gestured to the expansive yard mow the lawn wait a second I replied I thought I was here to you know you agreed to do whatever I wanted in exchange for a rather generous compens ation what I want you to do right now is mow the lawn if you don't want to stick to our agreement you can leave at any time and forfeit the compensation the gate is that way he pointed to the driveway either
you mow the lawn or you leave your choice I glared at him I had mode Lawns before but always with a power mower I grabbed the mower moved it onto the grass and started mowing the lawn must have been at least half an acre maybe more for fortunately it wasn't too overgrown I pushed that thing all the way to the far Edge then turned back for the next few hours I steadily mowed taking breaks only to drink water and eat lunch which I had to prepare myself every half hour or so John would come out
to check on my progress then go back inside by the time the sun began to set I was hot sweaty and tired but I had finished the job the bunny suit felt like a portable SAA I had unzipped it down to my navl a long time ago I wheeled the lawn mower back to the front door where JN was waiting good job go take a shower and change into a new bunny suit when you're done head to the kitchen and make dinner there are steaks in the fridge I like mine medium he started to head
back inside then stopped oh and zip up you look indecent I looked down and noticed that one of my breasts was peeking out of the suit I had no idea how long it had been exposed I zipped up and trudged back to my room after showering I put on a new bunny suit and went to the kitchen it was empty I checked the fridge and found two steaks that hadn't been there that morning I also saw some mushrooms and vegetables in the drawer but forget that he said steak so that's all I was going to
prepare I heated up the oven when the steaks were ready I poked my head into the study and called out dinner's ready I took out his steak and placed it on the table table then sat down to eat mine a minute later John sat down and ate his steak without any comments when he finished he told me that after I finished cleaning the kitchen I could go to bed so I did I took off the costume climbed into bed and quickly fell asleep the next morning I was awakened Again by a knock on the door
get up and get to work it's your last day I got up and put on a fresh bunny costume John was waiting in the kitchen make breakfast again the same as yesterday breakfast and cleaning the kitchen went by in silence when I finished and turned on the dishwasher John directed me to the room next to my bedroom it was just like my bedroom but completely empty I want you to paint this room what paint the room there are paints rollers brushes and a change of clothes in the closet just this room do a good job
and this will be your last half for the weekend and don't paint over the light switches and Outlets remove the covers and replace them when you're done I looked at him in disbelief paint the room are you joking are you paying me for maintenance and that's all for now yes but get to work you don't have much time then he walked out I stood there for a second then looked into the closet there was a 5 gallon bucket of sky blue paint and a bunch of tools and supplies I grabbed a drop cloth and spread
it out on the floor I found a screwdriver and removed the outlet and switch covers then taped over the outlets and switches themselves I poured some paint into the roller and got to work it didn't take as long as I thought it would the room wasn't that big and there weren't any tricky areas that needed special attention when I finished I put the outlet covers back on folded up the drop cloth and returned all the supplies to the closet he said it was my last task so I want to the next room and took a
shower when I finished I found that my clothes had been cleaned and laid out on the bed I got dressed and went a look for John he was in the study ah there you are I assume you finished painting yes you said that was my last task that's right are you ready to go back to your husband now you should know that he was very upset when you left I know I'll make it up to him I felt a sudden surge of guilt my dear husband didn't deserve what I did to him that night he's
probably going crazy imagining all sorts of things my guilt intensified when I realized that this was the first time I had thought about him all weekend the car should be here by now he walked out the front door and I followed him as we stood there a Mercedes pulled up The Bodyguard from the restaurant was driving hop in he'll take you home the money will be in your account by the time you get there I opened the door but before getting in I turned to him and asked so what was the deal with all these
tasks I thought you wanted a sex slave or something like that don't be ridiculous you're an average fairly attractive woman but with a snap of my fingers I could get women far out of your league and for much less than a million dollar this was more of a social experiment could I make an average married woman leave with me right in front of her husband how long would it take I looked at him in disbelief without replying I got into the car and closed the door The Bodyguard drove me home in silence not a word
was spoken when we arrived at the apartment I got out of the car he drove away I walked up to the door and unlocked it I was relieved that my key still worked Jack honey I'm back where are you jack I looked at The Bodyguard what would you do if it were your wife I'd beat the crap out of him of course that's why he sent me here to hold you back for a bit but now they're gone so I'm letting you go I stood there for a second The Bodyguard waited for me to do
something then got into his car and drove off hey Jack if you're leaving you need to pay your bill first it was Mike the restaurant manager over the time we'd been coming here we had gotten to know many of the staff damn it didn't you see what just happened my my wife just left me and you're worried about the bill wow don't worry about it I'll take care of it I'm sorry I never would have thought she'd do something like that yeah neither did I Mike handed me her purse she left this on the table
her phone was in the side pocket of the purse thanks I'm not sure what the hell I'm going to do now don't do anything too stupid go home think it over good idea I don't remember how I got home as soon as I closed the front door everything hit me all at once my wife was gone my marriage had collapsed all the dreams and hopes we had were gone I collapsed onto the couch and stared at the ceiling all I could think was she's gone I don't know how long I stayed like that I must
have fallen asleep at some point because when I opened my eyes it was morning at first I was confused about why I was on the couch but then the memories came flooding back the despair hit me again just as hard then something else hit anger how dare she do this to us she threw everything we had away for money I pushed the anger down and buried the despair deep inside act now hurt later after this there's no way we can stay together on Monday I needed to meet with a lawyer but even now there were
some things I could do I had time until Sunday evening first first finances I paid off our joint credit card and then canceled it next the bank I opened a new account in my name transferring half of the savings account into it minus $2,000 I took that $2,000 in cash because I would need it I also transferred half of the checking account second I needed a new place to live I called my friend Pete Pete had a lot of friends because he had a pickup truck people always turned to him for help with moving I
told him what had happened she did what left just because some rich jerk waved a bunch of money in front of her damn that's cold I can't believe she could do that believe me I'm still in shock I need to find a place to stay and get my stuff out of the apartment before she comes back on Sunday I'm thinking about that extended stay motel near the office no way you can stay with me how much stuff do you need to move actually not that much clothes a few books and some other things I don't
care about the furniture all right pack up I'll grab some boxes and be at your place as soon as I can I packed a week's worth of clothes into a duffel bag the rest went into trash bags Pete showed up with some boxes and we filled them with books and a few other odds and ends I didn't care about anything in the kitchen silverware is cheap all my things were packed into Pete's truck or my car I looked around the apartment to make sure I had everything I saw a photo of Jill and me at
our wedding it used to be one of my favorite pictures of us used to be I decided to be Petty I took the photo out of the frame tore it in half and placed the pieces on the coffee table next to Jill's purse then I took off my wedding ring and set it on top I thought for a second and decided to be extremely Petty we had a fireplace and a couple of logs for the fire I took our wedding album from the Shelf opened it in the middle placed it over a log in the
fireplace and set it on fire then I followed Pete to his place that evening I wasn't very good company but I wasn't trying to be I know I watched a bunch of TV shows but I don't remember any of them all I could think about was that my wife had left me to sleep with a billionaire for money eventually I took a dose of NyQuil and fell asleep I woke up late on Sunday physically I felt better but emotionally I was a wreck P kept trying to engage me in conversation but I just wasn't feeling
it I thought about drinking but I knew it wouldn't solve anything eventually my phone rang I saw that it was Jill calling and I sent it a voicemail I didn't want to talk to her at all then she sent me a message I'm back please call me we need to talk nothing happened nothing yeah right and even if that were true it didn't matter she left me willing to do anything then I remembered something I turned on my laptop chill he wasn't in the living room I went to the bedroom he wasn't there either then
I saw the open closet his things were gone no no no he left I ran back to the living room and searched for a note or something else then I saw the coffee table and collapsed onto the couch there was our wedding photo torn in half with Jack's wedding ring on top I don't know how long I sat there like that it could have been a minute or maybe an hour then I realized I had to find Jack I had to tell him that nothing happened I grabbed my phone and called him the call went
straight to voicemail I left a message Jack honey where are you please call me we need to talk I love you then I sent him a message I'm back please call me we need to talk nothing happened nothing I looked around the room some of the bookshelves were empty he took his books he moved out then I saw the fireplace it looked like no no no our wedding album it was half bured no this can't be happening I have to talk to him jack then I remembered something I turned on my laptop I logged into
the bank's website and checked our joint account a new deposit of 1.4 $4 million had been made into the savings account I transferred $700,000 into my new account and logged out if my marriage was ruined over money I'd get my half they looked at each other across the conference table in the lawyer's office the attorneys had just stepped out leaving them to talk alone Jill you said you'd sign the divorce papers if I talked to you here I am talk this was the first time they had spoken to each other since that night at the
restaurant Jack I don't want a divorce nothing happened all he made me do was housework I painted the walls in a room I cleaned the bathroom I mowed the lawn I didn't do anything else I didn't do anything remotely sexual I didn't break my vows you don't understand you left me at the restaurant thinking you were going to sleep with him it doesn't matter whether you actually slept with him or not you left me there with the intention of having sex with him that's all that matters I understand you're right I can never fully make
up for what I've done to you but I have to ask please let me try I love you we can get through this I know we can love isn't the problem despite everything I still love you Jill looked at him hopefully but he continued I can't trust you anymore who's to say you won't make another important unilateral decision in the future I mean if you agreed to sleep with a guy for money what else might you do if you think it's for our benefit I'm sorry Jill but I can't get past this please sign the
papers it's a 5050 split I took everything I wanted from the apartment and have already taken half of the money sign them and we're done with that Jack stood up and walked out Jill sat silently for a while then she grabbed a pen and signed the papers in front of her thank you for listening Until the End see you in the next episode of cheating Secrets take care of yourself and your loved ones goodbye
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