The 7 Baby Steps Explained (Top Criticisms Addressed)

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[Music] baby step one save ,000 baby step two get all get out of debt everything but your house using the debt snowball baby step three save three to six months of expenses for a fully funded emergency fund baby step four invest 15% of your household income into retirement baby step five start saving for kids college baby step six pay off your house baby step seven nothing left to do now but become very wealthy and outrageously generous we're going to revisit this framework throughout the day this is the plan that 10 million people have used to
get straightened up so baby step one save $1,000 for your starter emergency fund th000 bucks now if you've got a th000 bucks in your mind somewhere in your life you can just check that done got to kind of move it to the side it's $1,000 don't touch it it's just there for an emergency and that's it when I first started doing this I did not have that as baby step one I had shut up and get out of debt but then people would have an alternator blow on their car that was $350 and they would
have to and they didn't have any money cuz I told them to put everything on their debt and they would sit there going I'm broke and I got to get to work screw you Dave this doesn't work and they would quit and so I went okay we got to have a little bit of pad between you but we can't we can't build up a big pile of money while we got this huge pile of debt over here that doesn't make sense either so we're going to get just a little starter emergency fund the humorous thing
is that 30 years later now people are saying Dave you need to adjust this because of inflation no stupid it was never the right amount it was never intended to be enough $1,000 is not enough and by the way $2,000 is not enough okay so it doesn't matter cuz you're not going to live here for very long this is $11,000 just to catch the little stuff so you don't lose your emotional momentum because we're running a behavior modification program here so emotional momentum matters so $1,000 just and this is the easiest baby step some of
you just did it okay done shut up move on and some of you you got to run home and go okay I got to have a I got to put some I got to have a garage sale I got to put some stuff on Craigslist and I got to clean out that piggy and okay now I got 1,000 bucks but it's only $1,000 so it's the easiest baby step for most people in America it's very very doable at least at the maximum within 30 days right but most people just kind of got to okay I'm
going to move that over here now everything else we'll talk about in a little while which we will $1,000 this is the easiest baby step it's also the hardest baby step cuz this is the point in the process that you have to decide whether you're actually going to submit yourself to a different set of ideas than you have been operating on that's called change change is very difficult for human beings we don't like change especially if it involves discomfort we're like a little toddler sitting in a poopy diaper I know it smells bad but it's
warm and it's mine until the diaper rash comes and then they Squall for six months and you put that really grotesque paste on their little butts yes I've got grandkids wow so you have to decide now am I going to try something different than the way I have believed to this point in my life and the older you are the harder that is cuz I am saying change no it was okay when it was a funny thing on the radio now we got to really freaking do it change you got to really freaking do it
takes people about a month then once you get baby step one done it moves you right to baby step two by the way these are in order and don't change the order and call up and go well I'm doing your baby steps you're not doing my baby steps you don't get to decide this 10 million people have done it would you please shut up and just do it it's like hiring a personal trainer he comes in he's got an eight pack and you got a keg and you're arguing with him don't argue with the eight
pack when you got a keg okay this is this material is so freaking dialed in and so solid over so many decades with such results such social proof in the marketplace that for you to argue with it really makes you look dumb don't do that try it this way don't fix it it's not broken if it's wrong for you l you can figure out your own North okay I'm making fun of you okay the fastest way to build wealth is to get out of debt your most powerful wealth building tool is your income Consumer Debt
is out of control in America this is the richest broke country in the world I mean really stupid way below average people in America live better than almost anyone in the world Sharon and I just spent 16 days in Egypt back in December and toured the pyramids and all these wonderful things and it was fabulous love the Egyptian people they were so neat average household income in Egypt is 5,600 a year you leave somebody a $200 tip when you're traveling in Egypt you change their net worth tears everywhere you start leaving something with a $100
denomination around it people in America we're unbelievable I mean you can just really screw this up and have a better life than 98% of the people in the rest of the globe so it causes you to be able to get away with it and think you're smart I was that guy so right now we've got $11.13 trillion doar just in credit card debt the a household household in debt in America is larger than it's ever been 17 a half trillion dollars and that's just Consumer Debt not mortgag that's cars are now over a trillion credit
cards are over a trillion we're all aware student loans are 1.7 trillion and they keep selling it to us and we keep making the student loans meanwhile everyone's going oh student loans are killing everyone in goes here take another here take another we're going to talk about forgiving it but why meanwhile why don't you have six which is completely intellectually dishonest and what I realized was because I'm a marketing guy a business guy an entrepreneurial guy and a math guy that debt is a product Banks make money on debt y'all know that right car companies
make money on debt y'all know that right and it's a product and so okay then you start doing some research from a business standpoint and you go oh it is the most aggressively marketed product in our culture today with more marketing sophistication than any other product and more money spent than any other product in America today isn't that wild you think about all the different products and all the different commercials you see and everything else debt they spend more money selling US debt in the most marketed two culture in the history of the world the
number one king of it all is the people selling you debt well guess what when you do that much sophistication selling something people buy it and Sofi has a stadium oh good there must be they must be great they support football what does Sofi do get people in debt that's what they do Bank of America America no no they give people in debt that's her freaking job this is what they do as a matter of fact Visa Mastercard Discover American Express the four of those combined this year will spend over $4 billion dollar in marketing
just those four companies $4 billion and so that's what I'm fighting against when I'm trying to get anyone in here to go uh this is North you've had people telling you this this is North your whole life with great sophistication and great levels of repetition it's in every form and format to the point that really smart people believe well where's good thatb because you've been sold you've been sold you've been had you've been screwed you know this because their buildings are bigger than yours their Furniture in those buildings is nicer than yours well guess who
paid for it you did you've been screwed and you got to decide am I going to play anymore well I didn't have a choice I got knocked out nobody would loan me money so I went okay I'm going to go debt free but you know what I decided I'm never borrowing again based on my personal experience and then based on starting to understand what has happened in our culture the subtlety of our wealth transfer from us hardworking folk to them the bankers no more I'm done that is what we called in the 80s a paradigm
shift it is a new way of looking at things if prior to last night's example you thought that was North or that was North or that was North once I showed you a compass you went okay I'm going with the guy with the compass because I was wrong I thought I was right but I'm going with the compass I was wrong the compass now you have a paradigm shift you have a new way of looking at things we're all pretty much in agreement unless you're really stoned or something that this is North okay this is
North we're in agreement on that now we've aligned ourselves to the truth that's called a paradigm shift I thought it was this way now I have a new way of looking at things I have new information the renewing of my mind this is North here's another Paradigm Shift take a look at this one [Music] [Applause] some of y'all were getting ready to get out your little protest signs weren't you because you punctuated that based on your Paradigm now that you have seen two methods of punctuating it which gives you two completely opposite meanings you now
have a new set of information your mind has been renewed and we're pretty much all aware in here this morning as I was reminded by my wife wife as I was leaving this morning that the correct answer is the last one but isn't it interesting what our minds do when we see something but then now we've seen this is North that correct punctuation is there that's cute that's funny but it makes the point of a paradigm shift here's another one take a look at this one the rich rules over the poor and the borrower is
slave to the lender it's why they call it Master Card what happens to us is we go to school and they give us a free pizza so we sign up for our first credit card we go can't go to college without a student loan because you can't be a student without a student loan that's federal law so we sign up for that and then we graduate from school and now we've got the first big boy big girl job and we've tired of driving that old hoopie so we get a car we really can't afford and
then people start saying oh you've been married 20 minutes and you haven't bought a house what's wrong with you buy a house buy a house buy a house buy a house buy a house buy a house buy a house I don't care if you're broke have student loan debt and have a car fleece for $1,200 a month and you got credit cards coming out your ears you should still go buy a house and of course the mortgage broke broker will help you get a house that's why they call them Brokers cuz people get broker and
broker and broker and then we have 27y old couples who have been out of school 5 years who are now hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt plus their home come to us and they say Dave can you still do this it's 63 years old Dave can you get me out to which we say yes but it's going to hurt we're going to have to amputate the Tahoe we're going to have to have a Tesla ectomy because one of the benefits of having gone broke is I no longer care what other people think it ripped
that out of me that's why hate mail coming at Dave Ramsey is so humorous because I'm well aware that if you follow what the masses say you will soon find out that the m is [Applause] silent I don't want to be normal I don't want to be conformed to this world and if that upsets you that means I did my job cuz that's why God put me on the planet to piss people off like that that's why I'm here then maybe they will at least look at their compass and see which way North really is
because Sharon and I made a decision we're not living like that and from that point forward we never borrowed another dime we do not borrow money for anything ever in any circumstances ever well you're weird yes we've already established normal socks okay yes I'm weird that idea is weird I am well aware of that and it is such a hard job to convince people who have been sold by four credit card companies $4 billion dollar a year for decade after decade after decade that this is smart and they sophisticated airline miles oh Lord Jesus help
me see if you don't have any payments at all none think about it just breathe in what if you didn't have even let's just pay off your house right now in your mind everything's gone and you come in Monday morning and the boss starts yelling and screaming and cussing at you you just start walking off you're like where are you going I don't have any payments [Applause] your career choices are different when you're free and you have more of a tendency mathematically to prosper when you're making decisions independ independent of oh I have to pay
these freaking bills I got to take this job it's a different world you make more money as a result of being free we've proven this time and time again over the last 30 years hey guys I hope you're fired up right now if you'll just do this stuff I'm telling you it changes everything I've worked with millions of people and the baby steps work 100% of the time but people mess this up when they try to do the plan their way you've got to try something different to get a different result don't just Wing It
Go all in by taking Financial Peace University click the link below to get our special offer all right back to the baby St apps but Dave I need a credit card to rent a car or make purchases online you can do both of these things with a debit card I met we studied the large did the largest study of millionaires from my last book baby steps millionaires ever done in North America we interviewed 10,167 Millionaires and asked them how they did it what their process was how much money they have what the money's in how
did they do it what what were the what were the vehicles they used to build wealth how did you become a millionaire did you inherit it did you win the lottery was uh where' the money come from did you save it in your 401k where did the money come from we interviewed these people we'll reference this study throughout the day and it's the white paper for it's on the back in the back of the book if you want to go into the detail of the research it's very interesting it's airtight research to the point that
this much data that's airtight collected because we knew we'd be criticized by the leftwing communist when we did it so we had to do airtight research processes and so uh if you don't agree with the conclusions of the study you're what's known as wrong this is data okay out of 10,167 of them the number of them that said they became millionaires because of airline miles was precisely zero rich people no they don't rich people laugh at stupid people that say rich people do this that's what's really going on in the real world it's crazy well
debit card you don't have a credit card I haven't had a credit card start with when I first went broke they wouldn't give me one and then I've been broke about I think we got back from Bankruptcy Court we've been back about 10 minutes and they offered us one cuz they'll give dead people and dogs credit cards you know that right we used to collect the dogs that had them we had a whole collection of them at one point years ago uh because they were just doing all these Mass mailings and they would pick up
stuff like off the AKC registry and you know fluffy the poodle in New Orleans had a $220,000 line you know I mean it's like so so you're not special if they gave you a credit card I mean I literally a week after we filed for bankruptcy in our mailbox was the opportunity to get a credit card so this is just ridiculous so no but we said no we're not bwing money anymore the borrower slave to the lender this is my wallet I have green president faces in it which are accepted almost worldwide most countries I
go to take it in Egypt I can tell you that they'll figure out a way to convert it to something like food and um four pieces of plastic in here my debit card for my personal account my debit card for ramsy Solutions when I'm doing something for business my driver's license and my handgun carry permit and uh yeah said that in California the other day I almost got arrested it's um good to be back in America but um the uh [Applause] yeah but Dave debit cards don't have the same protection that a credit card has
said who the guy on Tik [Laughter] Tock really I mean seriously what did you see right after that okay let me help you with this here's their website Visa's website Visa's zero liability policy is our guarantee that you won't be held responsible for unauthorized charges made with your account or account information you're protected if your Visa credit or say it with me debit card is lost stolen or fraudulently used online or offline my debit card has the exact same protection as Mr Tik Tock does on his credit card only he's lying to people either
because he has an agenda or because he's stupid or both this is the website so sorry myth car payments are a way of life you can't live without a car payment everybody's going to have a car payment said everyone who wanted to stay middle class was born and raised middle class and will always be middle class like me the neighborhood I grew up in oh car payments are a way of life and no one ever says it with like jubilance like car payments are awesome they're a way yeah baby no they go car payment your
way of life life you're always going to have a car payment oh it's bad out there the little man can't get ahead we're just stuck what's Eeyore your spirit animal average car payment in America today is approaching $700 10 months of that is $7,000 which will buy a fine vehicle to drive for a few months until you could save up another $7,000 10 months later and buy a $14,000 V y'all with me here that's how Grandma did it she didn't go well we're just stuck just take my teeth out and get me a car payment
grandmother would have shot you for doing this stuff you can stay away from car payments by B CA paying cash for reliable used cars myth I need to take out a credit card to build my credit score the FICO score mathematically is an I love debt score it is not a indication you're winning financially from Far Isaac's own website far Isaac is the organization that built FICO and runs FICO and has sold FICO to America and guess who loves FICO all the banks because the whole purpose of FICO is to get you into debt so
that you can run your score up so that you can get into debt so that you can run your score up so that you can get into debt so that you can run your score up so that you can get into debt 35% of the FICO score is determined by your payment of your debt 30% is based on your level of debt 15% is based on the length of time you've been in debt 10% is based on the type of debt 10% is based on new debt you can get a million doll inheritance in the
morning and unless you use it to interface with debt it will not change your FICO score one freaking point you can get a raise at work tomorrow morning of a million dollars a year and it will not change your FICO score one freaking point and yet we have people with master's degrees in finance walking around telling Americans you need to build your FICO score we worship at the altar of the Great FICO great FICO you are the provider of all good things if I want something I can buy it with money that I don't have
because of you Mr FICO great FICO we bring you offerings of Interest Dave I have an 800 credit score I'm really sorry that cost you at least a hundred grand in interest because it means youve paid back a lot over a long period of time you've youve been playing kissy face with the bank a Lot you've been making out with the bank if you got an 800 credit score has nothing to do with whether you're winning financially 100% of your FICO score has to do with how you've interfaced with debt now if your goal is
to be in debt you should really work on your FICO score because it works it's really good for that my FICO score is zero and here's how dumb our culture is okay I'm not bragging or anything but I've been doing this stuff a long time all of these buildings on this campus are 100% paid for they're worth [Applause] yeah there's 650,000 Square F feet here it's worth somewhere around $500 million okay so I can go to the local apartment complex down the road down here that's really nice because we're in a nice area and I
can walk up and there's a 26-year-old who has to follow the procedures manual that's on his or her desk on who to rent to and what to rent to them and I can walk up and they say what's your FICO score I say I don't have one I don't borrow money and I can't rent an apartment there now I can write a check and buy the [Applause] complex this is how asinine this is y'all okay this is stupid and the idea that we all fail for this crap is ridiculous it's a Bankers scam and it's
got you chasing brownie points and you shouldn't even have been a brownie hello seriously leasing a car is smart Dave consumer reports and any good calculator will tell you that car fleece is what I call them cuz you've been fleeced it's a bad bad idea right the most expensive way to finance a vehicle see car leasing is not technically lending so the Federal Trade Commission does not require them to give you a truth and lending report if you finance a car you get a truth and lending report that shows the effective apy the effective APR
and the total paid back so you know what your interest rate is y'all know what I'm talking about say yes when you lease a car you don't get one of those you know why cuz it's not technically dead under federal law and so you know what your interest rate is unless you know how to run a financial calculator and I know what MSRP is and that's what you paid for the car because you don't get to fleece them and get a deal you paid sticker so you got it a sticker which meant you paid too
much to start with and then you put the least possible down which is why you flee because you didn't have enough money to put down you wanted that car and it was shiny and you like the way the muffer sounded and or you love wanted a battery or whatever it was you wanted and so um and you least it it's the least down and the least a month and then you turn it back in later and you get to give them another check because you went over on the miles or you had excessive wear and
tear when you back out on a closed in lease we know exactly what the Turnin value is it's called the it's called the buyout at the end of the lease right you know what you can buy it for at the end of the 36 months the 74 months or what or the 84 months or whatever it is right and you can put that number in a financial calculator the MSR RP the stream of payments and the small down payment all in a financial calculator if you know how to do Financial calculations and back out the
effective rate meaning what the actual interest rate is and the average car fleece is 14.2% you never hear that anywhere 78% of the luxury cars at BMW and and Mercedes that leave the lot this year eight out of 10 of them will be leased why because Mercedes and Beamer loved it yes they making subprime rates on Prime customers yall understand same doofus could have gone over at the bank and borrowed that money for about 8% right now if you're buying $120,000 Mercedes instead I yeah I'm going to lease it and the and the and the
uh salesman who's incentivized to do leasing above payments and payments above God forbid you tried to pay cash for one of these these things CU they make more money on the financing than they do on the actual sale of the automobile and so it's a different world so no 82% of the millionaires that we surveyed said they had never had a car loan or car lease you want to be a millionaire do millionaire stuff you want to be skinny do skinny people stuff right this is what we do we have to do this okay this
is what they do and you can argue about it you go well I think no whatever you think is wrong and 82% of them said they don't do that that means 18% did and by the way of the 18% that did have one when it was the worst Financial mistake I ever made I don't borrow on cars I pay cash for cars period myth I can get a good deal on a new car listen honey if it has a motor or Wheels it goes down in value quickly if you buy a brand new car and
you leave the lot when the tires clear the car dealers lot and go onto the road and you hear that sound boom boom that was $10,000 the truth is a new car loses 60% of its value in the first five years that's according to Edmunds car guide all the car sites you can back in research it's really not that hard to do we do this stuff all the time so a $40,000 vehicle we're going to lose 60% 6 * 4 is 24 right y'all with me $24,000 you're going to lose in 5 years
and you make $8,000 a year please do the math and say I make 80,000 and I'm trying to prosper but I'm going to lose 24,000 every 5 years and figure out how that's going to lead to prosperity it's not so I I bought my jaguar and I took it to my grandpa's house who was a cash millionaire I didn't know it until he died but we knew he had SA sa everything including every nail out of every board cuz we straightened them out and put them in coffee cans y'all had a grandpa like that from
the Great Depression yeah you may have one like that now I don't know but um he was sweet as he could be I drove up in that car and he's like come he came out in the driveway I drove all the way to H Tennessee and I'm like all proud of myself got me a Jaguar he comes out and he goes what the hell is that I said it's a Jaguar Grandpa and he goes you say well that's amazing it's a beautiful car son what in the world you need with that he was driving a
68 Chevy with three on the tree by the way y'all know what that is on the tree right on the steering wheel and um I said it's a jaguar and he goes yeah what' you pay for that I said $39,000 he said oh my God you're stupid I said what do you mean grandpa say it's one of the finest cars made ever it's a European Vehicle it's got European ride and drive come on I'll take you for ride he goes I don't think I want to get in it I said Grandpa a car like this
is an investment and he said huh he goes you paid $39,000 for it he said in three years what do you be able to sell it for and I said well I don't know maybe maybe 30,000 he said well most of my investments go up just didn't go well just didn't go well oh two generations later you get this okay so wow myth cosigning alone is okay because I'm helping my friend or my relative truth is the bank would rather do the favorite thing a bank could ever do in the world is loan somebody money
their whole reason for existence to loan someone money and they have decided that your friend your relative is not worthy of even their overaggressive ability to lend money even they think think your relative is not going to pay even they think and so they went no way not this one and you went oh wait I'll help I'll help sign me up because I want to help them build their credit because who would they we can't let them be out of the F be left out of the FICO offerings they need to be able to build
their little credit so we're going to put our own teenage son daughter in debt we're going to put we're going to let our friend after their bankruptcy rebuild their credit and we're going to help them by co-signing this is how dumb we are I did this I've cosigned for three people in my life I paid all three bills one poor guy co-signed for the Jaguar when I was going broke I had to move it out of One Bank into another bank and one of my buddies that I was doing deals with cosign he ended up
having to pay it when I went bankrupt and I had to go back and repay him later after the bankruptcy his wife's still pissed at me and I don't really blame her the truth is the bank requires a co-signer because the person's not going to pay Proverbs 1718 in the new King James version says one lacking in sense cos signs for another okay you don't like that version let's look it up in the Contemporary English version the cev version it says one who co-signs for another is stupid the Bible said it's stupid that version anyway
okay so there you go myth you can't go to college without a student loan we'll talk about this a lot today truth is 71% of millionaires didn't take out a student loan to be millionaires and by the way the average age of the millionaires that we interviewed was 52 they were not 87 it was the average age and I talked to 35-year-old millionaire every week on the show all the time baby steps millionaires people that followed the baby steps and became millionaires myth the biggest myth that's over all of this is that debt is a
tool and should be used to create Prosperity there's good debt and there's bad debt truth is Deb is proof that the borrower is slave to the lender if you want to get out of debt you got to get sick and tired of being sick and tired you got to decide I'm not playing the normal person's game anymore Les Brown the great motivator says people change their lives when they finally say I've had it enough I'm not doing this anymore that's when you'll change your life and not [Applause] until for many years it was so interesting
to me that when I found someone was that visceral about it they were just pissed off I'm tired of being beat down by these stinking Banks I'm getting out of this they were the ones that get out and the other ones that want to have an intellectual discussion about the mathematical implications of oh shut up they never make it so I had people with making1 $150,000 a year they have $440,000 in debt and they go oh we can't get out of thatb you don't understand about the cost of daycare you don't understand about the cost
of we've always got a reason we're just stuck and I mean people making 40,000 they got 100,000 in debt and they standing on the stage going I'm Deb free I'm going how'd you do that that other guy said it couldn't be done and all it was was they believed it and they weren't didn't care what anybody thought about anything and they were going to go for it and I couldn't quantify this because it is 80% Behavior I know that but I couldn't quantify this visceral reaction was correlated in our data sta ically with whether they
got out you would think mathematically that if you made more money as a ratio of your income to your debt that it would be easier to get out because mathematically it is it has nothing to do with whether you're going to get out of debt your shovel to- whole ratio helps more income versus the hole you're in your shovel versus the hole you're in that ratio matters mathematically but it is not the primary indicator that indicates to us whether you're going to make it out or not it's something down inside boiling and you're just like
when you get that thing going nobody going to stop you you can even do all the stuff I teach wrong and you'll still just Hulk comes out right you can't be stopped so finally I found it about 10 15 years ago hey guys we've got tons more on the baby steps coming up but I know a lot of you can't even think about the future because you got a big old mess of debt right in front of you hey we're going to help you that's why we're doing a special offer on Financial Peace University this
class is the proven fastest way to get out of debt and into wealth and it's helped millions of people just click the link below to get started all right let's jump back in there's a book in the Bible called Proverbs Proverbs is the book of wisdom written by Solomon people of faith of the Jewish faith the Christian faith I'm chrisan CHR believe that he's the wisest man that ever lived just says it in here that he is and so it's a book of wisdom so even if you're not a person of Faith you could read
the book of wisdom and you would be wiser there's 31 Proverbs and so I took to a habit many years ago of reading one a day a little quick spiritual one a day now I might be doing an in-depth bible study on something else and I might not be shut up okay but I've done both but but I seldom miss my One A Day vitamin my one proverb a day and I just read through it over and over and over and over and over again and isn't it weird how 10 years later you see something
different than you did the 10 years previous because you have a different set of eyes to see that and all of a sudden it's there right and so I'm reading through there and on the sixth of the month I Came Upon Proverbs 6 if you have signed shity my son which is Old English Bible talk for gone into debt do this now I'm kind of a formula guy because I'm a math guy and I like things that go if you want to go north here's a compass go that way if you're in debt Solomon God
in the Bible says do this well that do this is the equal sign in the in the formula right on one side is problem on the other side is over here what you should do to fix it you follow me in the formula okay so I got pretty excited I'm like oh oh found it found it if you're in debt God says do this found it and then it says deliver yourself like a gazelle from the hand of the hunter a bird from the hand of the Fowler and I went not helpful have no idea
animal metaphor come on God what do you mean I have no idea what you're talking about I'll look it up in the Hebrew in the Greek and try to figure it out I'll meditate on it but I have no idea I had I was all excited about to do this and you give me an animal metaphor come on God scanning channels that night flipping through the TV and I hit the Discovery Channel and God answered my prayer he told me what it meant because there on the Discovery Channel were the gazel and they were out
there gazell around and I'm like I was just reading about you boys this morning if you've gone into debt do this deliver yourself like a gazelle from the hand of the hunter a bird from the hand of the Fowler now you know and I know from years of experience as professional television Watchers in America that the Discovery Channel is not on site with the gazel if the gazel are by themselves you know that someone else is around right you know someone's lurking in the bushes Mr cheetah he wants to have lunch and the little gazel
have a little cheetah detector behind their ear and they go [Applause] cheet run now we had to slow this down so I'd have time to talk the cheetah is the fastest mammal on dry land the fastest animal in the world on dry land he can go from zero to 67 mil an hour in four leaps 82 mil an hour he tops out at gazelle's got no chance and cheetah picks out a college student look come here kid come here kid you know you need to get a four-year degree in left-handed puppetry come here kid come
here kid you want to go in debt come on kid you got to sign up for a credit card kid you'll never be able to get a house you'll never be able to get a car kid come here kid the way you get out of debt you got to do this you got to run like your freaking life depends on it because it does how you get out of that is run [Applause] you know how we long how long we had to look for a clip where he gets away well the interesting stats are I
got all enamored with this this is how you get out of debt okay so the stats are the cheetah can outrun the gazelle it's an established fact and and yet the cheetah only has a successful gazelle kill one out of 19 times the gazelle gets away 18 of 19 times but he's not faster he's not even a better maneuvering necessarily unless the che just gets going so fast he can't turn right but one in 19 times I got to think about why is that well that is because of motivation one is going to die and
one's going to have lunch it matters deeply to the gazelle and here's the interesting thing about this proverb look at it carefully give no sleep to your eyelids no Slumber to your eyes and deliver yourself Biden's not coming [Applause] Trump is not coming if you wait on what happens in the White House to prosper your house you're screwed deliver yourself deliver yourself I'm not sending you any money but I'm going to make you believe if you deliver yourself it will work every time this is gazelle intensity this is when you don't care what anybody thinks
when you're selling so much stuff the kids think they're next you got the dog on eBay and the cat on Craigslist I said that on Good Morning America and Peta protested me no humor bone okay all right who knew it's removed to be an activist I know but um oh my gosh so how you get out of debt you got to get gazelle intense you got to quit borrowing more money that's another thing stop borrowing it's time to have a plasectomy time to have plastic surgery I'm done with this not playing this anymore City Bank
what's in your wallet money discover Freedom Victoria Secret they take cash okay I don't care who the washed up Hollywood star is I'm not listening to you [Applause] anymore then you got to save money you got to learn to pay yourself first we start with $1,000 we'll go on to others later you need to sell something sell some much stuff the kids think they're next you need to take a part-time job my grandmother used to say there's a great place to go when you're broke to work OT baby work like no one else and later
you can work like no one else you know when I work these days whenever day once been that way for several years I do this cuz I love it obviously you can tell take a part-time job work prayer Pray prayer really works your heavenly father is crazy about you he thinks you're awesome I got grandbabies y'all seven and eth on the way man if I had known how great grandbabies are going to be I'd have been nicer to their parents you think I love those grandbabies I had my smallest one Daniel's a little boy four
and a half we were out bushhoging at the farm the other day and tearing up stuff everywhere he fell asleep while I'm bushhoging in my lap you don't think God loves you more than that even your heavenly father is crazy about you and he's really rich he owns a cattle on a thousand hills no by the way he owns the hills the Earth is the Lords and the fullness thereof so your dad loves you and he's rich and you got a money problem phone home ET prayer works I can't pray I you you don't know
about me and man I've done a lot of bad stuff and God's mad at me he's not mad at you honey sometimes you make him laugh but he's not mad at you I mean think about it how many of y'all had enough kids that you had a stupid one if you're sitting with them don't raise your hand okay but I mean think about your heavenly father how many stupid kids has he got I've been one of his stupid kids at times cuz I didn't believe the truth I believe lies it brought harm to me and
my family he's not mad at you he misses you check in check in so how do we apply all of this stuff we apply it in a thing called the debt snowball and that's where you list your debt in baby step two all of your debt except your home smallest balance to largest balance you pay minimum payments on everything but the little one and you attack the little one with gazelle intensity you stop doing everything else temporarily stop all your Investments temporarily pull out any money that is not retirement money throw it at your debt
we're trying to clear this debt as fast and with gazelle intensity like the cheetah is trying to kill us as fast as we can like the life of a loved one meant that we clear this up we're going to do it right now we attack that smallest debt when that debt is gone we squeeze all the money out of the budget we can the next month and we take that payment and throw it on number two when number one and number two are gone we take the payments from one and two and we attack number
three with every money we can every dollar we can squeeze out of the every dollar budget right and we keep going and we squeeze and we throw and squeeze and we throw and every time that snowball rolls over you have bigger payments because all those payments that were behind you are gone are now being used to clean up the next one so by the time you get to the big one you got a lot of money freed up and you're just shoveling on that puppy you're hitting it hard and you will get out of debt
but Dave I like the debt Avalanche better where we list highest interest rate to smallest interest rate because that was mathematically correct honey if we were doing math we wouldn't have credit card debt this is not a math problem this is a stupid problem and we're fixing stupid the stupid things I've done the stupid things you've done and you can't keep doing stuff and here's the other problem okay the people that say paying off the highest interest rate to smallest interest rate is mathematically correct are wrong because they do as they often do on Tik
Tok incomplete mathematical formulas that are unsophisticated so let me help you with a mathematical formula on a behavior modification tool mathematical formula also has to include probability of completion meaning how many are going to finish okay and what the data shows us is those that start the highest interest rate because they don't make progress and get a positive psychological feedback loop they go on a diet don't lose any weight for 60 days they quit but when you pay off that little one you're like yeah you pay off the next one you're like mhm you P
off the next one yeah you pay off another one like getting the neighbors look at this you're getting more and more fired up because your hope factor is increasing your belief is increasing that this is actually going to work even for you and so your probability of completion is way up as a matter of fact you know it's probably about an 80% probability of completion with the debt snowball the debt avalanche on the other hand has about a 20% probability of completion it will actually if you did it perfectly get you out of debt slightly
faster about 1.3 months on average faster and it will save you somewhere around $1,500 in interest roughly if you did the Avalanche perfectly and you completed it but you got to figure in if you're going to do R math probability of completion and number of people that have successfully done this versus number of people that successfully done that okay and so if you put the probability of completion in the math formula you say 20% times the savings on the Avalanche versus 80% probability of completion the Deb snowball destroys the Avalanche when you actually know how
to do math because you actually have to put the statistics in Behavior your modification tools to measure them properly so Northwestern North Northwestern University of Chicago did a study on the death snowball in the Avalanche they followed it and at the end of it they concluded that the dead snowball as promoted by Dave Ramsey is correct and then it was in Time Magazine Dave Ramsey is right it's not that I want to be right it's that I want you guys to know the right way to do it okay and I'll fight anybody who spreads these
lies otherwise and Destroy them as you can tell I've been doing that for the last few minutes okay once people decide to go in on baby step two they complete this baby step on average in 18 to 24 months they sell stuff they take extra jobs they go crazy they're gazelle intense and in 18 to 24 months on average that means some people take longer some people take less might take you 5 years might take you four months might take you 10 minutes when you get home just go oh I'm taking this money paying that
off we're done okay that's possible too right I have a I have a 2% car loan and I'm just so smart no I'm paying it off no more gazelle no more not playing not playing footsy with these people anymore I'm done when you reach that point you're done with baby step two you're out of debt everything but the house you don't have any payments anything but a house payment would that feel good say yes okay then what we're going to do is move on to baby step three and now's where it gets serious we stay
gazelle intense for one more step just this step and we finish the emergency fund 3 to 6 months of expenses is a fully funded emergency fund you need an emergency fund that is only used for emergencies cuz Grandma said it she said save for a day rainy day visual aid it's going to rain 78% of America's households will have a major negative financial event in any given 10-year period of time it is going to rain Dave you need to be positive I'm positive it's going to rain you need to have faith I've got faith it's
going to rain you need an emergency fund three to six months of expenses this process is not just Financial it causes you to relax after going broke the terror that my wife went through the emergency fund is spiritual for her it's attached to her security gland which was spasming for a while cuz we were insecure now for many decades she's been secure changes everything you don't touch this for anything except for emergencies I've touched the emergency fund three times in 35 years and they were all in the first 10 years after that I had other
money every time something came up and didn't even touch the emergency fund it's very weird hail hit my house the other day I carry very large deductibles to keep my insurance premiums down so guess who gets to pay for the roof the savings on my insurance now I get to trade that out and buy a roof but yeah you know so but guess what I'm just going to write a check because it's really not a thing and just kind of like uh that's inconvenient which is what happens when you have an emergency and you have
an emergency fund it turns a crisis into an inconvenience otherwise our life is drama to drama to drama to drama to drama to drama to CH to prom dresses to Transmissions going out to oops I forgot Christmas was in December this year drama to drama to drama to drama to drama to drama until we start living on a plan and we have an emergency fund it changes your relationships it changes your spiritual walk it needs to be liquid it's not there for an investment Dave your emergency fund should be put into an investment said the
guy on Tik tock no honey it shouldn't your emergency fund is not an investment everybody say not an investment your emergency fund is Insurance everybody say insurance insurance you know what insurance is it's you spend money to protect the things that are making you money right you're transferring risk that's what insurance is and what you don't make on your 10 15 or $20,000 emergency fund because it's only in a high yield savings and not in some mutual fund or some double backflip Tick Tock crap what you don't make on it is your cost of your
insurance and it just sits there and your spouse will just kiss you and say thank you thank you I feel so much better when we have $20,000 that we never touch it's not I need new couch fund it's not I need a new bassboat fund it is an emergency fund you don't touch it for anything it takes people 6 to 12 months to get through baby step three now when we transition from baby step three we have an emergency fund of 15 20 $30,000 whatever it is at your house and no payments now breathe that
in let's just say 20,000 bucks in the bank and not a payment except the house payment does that feel pretty good yes let me help you at that point you're in the top 10% of Americans financially wow that's how bad it sucks out there wow now when you trans you stay gazelle intense till you get there and once you're there I want you to downshift out of gazelle mode and we go from sprinting to Marathon from intense to just intentional so all the stuff you didn't do vacations eating out investing all the stuff you didn't
do because you were hellbent on getting out of debt and saving your life during baby step two all the stuff you didn't do now you start to intentionally do that with wisdom on the mathematics but now you've got the money because you don't have a $1,200 stupid butt boat payment okay now you've got the money cuz Sally May the old woman sitting in the street you done evicted her okay now you've got the money because Master Card is no longer there in your house and you haven't disc discovered covered bondage now you've got the money
to downshift from intense to intentional it's a mathematical thing now that takes us to baby step four now I'm going to do a whole hour on investing later in the day but baby step four is 15% of your income going into retirement now that's your whole household income so husband plus wife if you're married What's the total times 0.15 not 20% not 25% not 12% don't care what someone else is giving you an a pinion or a match you put in 15% of your money at baby step 4 and you can do that when you
don't have any payments but a house payment Albert Einstein said compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world he who understands it earns it he who doesn't pays it you want to see what it looks like to pay it get out your mortgage ametz schedule that's compound interest smacking you in the nose you want to see what it looks like to earn it well let's look at that that what if you invested $150 a month only that's not 15% that's a lot less from age 25 to age 65 now by the way the standard
and Poor 500 which is the measure of the stock market's growth since the stock market began the average growth rate in the stock market from day one to today is 11.2% so if you saved in an average S&P 500 if you averaged exactly what the stock market has averaged or a little less at 150 bucks a month from age 35 age 25 to age 65 you'd have $1.3 million Dave mutual funds are not the best strategy you should diversify into real estate single stocks and Bitcoin said no millionaire ever 78% of the people that day
trade stocks lose money Bitcoin is not investing it's speculating it's guessing and if you want to guess with some of your money you can do that at Vegas you can do that by buying gold you can do that by buying Bitcoin but it's not investing investing is investing in something that has a long track record that is proven that you're going to leave alone for a long time and that's what you do you're investing in if you want to do some speculating don't call it investing it shows your ignorance okay so by the way millionaires
don't do this stuff the millionaires their portfolios are disturbingly boring really and the other one's day 15% is not enough anymore more because you know you don't know about inflation do you Dave you're a boomer aren't you Dave you bought your house with two baskets of strawberries didn't you Dave have you seen the videos they're funny there's a lot of them making fun of me I'm really good clickbait there's a guy who puts a little piece of hose on his head and he's trying to be Dave it's hilarious he's really funny as cute as it
can be it's wrong but it's cute 15% no longer enough so let's walk through this this is baby step four right does anybody remember what baby step seven was after you paid off your house you invest and build wealth right would you probably be putting in more than 15% at that point so this is not forever just like the th000 emergency fund was not forever this is a step it's not a forever but if you only say 15% let's play around with what would happen if you that's all you ever did let's say you're 30
years old and you say 15% of your income and you get a 10% ready of return let's dumb it down a little bit and you do that to age 65 your average household income in America right now is $77,000 15% of that saved from age 30 to age 65 35 years at 10% is $3.6 million so if I'm half wrong you're going to be okay oh and by the way let's look at the assumptions on this okay this person makes an average household income and for 35 years years they did not get a raise starting
at average is one thing never getting a raise in 35 years from at from average you're pretty much a loser how is this even possible okay you with me so what you would normally do in a financial projection is you would project the income going up and the 15% number would change and so the 3.6 is going to look a lot more like 10 okay if really put it in an actual model of what's probably really going to happen but I dumb these down because everybody's like can't do that where you going to get that
kind of money S&P 500 if you don't do anything with that and I'll teach you a lot better later but if that's all you do 3.6 million and that's if you never get a raise and you start at average wow so I don't know maybe it's not enough but there's 26 million millionaires in America there's approaching 40 million people so that means if you have a million dollars in America today in net worth you are in the top 5 a half% of Americans okay 95% of the people in America have less than you if you
have 3.6 by the way starts getting small okay so I don't know if it's enough or not but it's more than you got most of you anyway okay so there you go so maybe we got to try something different if we want something different if you've been planting corn you keep getting something other than corn you got the wrong corn so you got to try something different step five then we're going to save up and pay for our kids college the first rule of college is pay cash there is no good student loan there's no
circumstance under which you should do a student loan ever ever ever ever because here's what happens right now 25 21% of young adults right now are delaying getting married 31% of young adults are delaying moving out of their parents' home oh God 40% of young adults delay saving for retirement 47% of young adults are delaying buying a home because of student loan debt and that is even assuming that they got a student loan in a subject that made them employable versus left-handed puppetry or I got a degree in something that qualifies me to be a
barista and I'll live in my mother's basement for the rest of my life yeah so oh and they paid $250,000 for that opportunity and it's completely freaking useless so includes those and includes people who got a great marketing degree a great communication degree a great degree in something else that actually caused them to be able to go make money because they've got that degree a logistics degree is really sweet right now supply chain come out making almost six figures as a college kid right now that oh by the oh how about information systems or cyber
security oh wow definitely worth the money right all kinds of good stuff out there so you save in an Esa an educational savings account or a 529 for your kid and you don't have to start putting a lot away right now right now we're putting 15% in baby step four simultaneously it's four five and six four is getting 15% from my retirement plan and my wealth building we'll start putting something aside for the kiddos and um Dave what if my kid doesn't go to college well if you've got a bunch of money in your 529
you can transfer it to another family member with no penalty at all if your kid does go to college and gets a bunch of scholarships because everybody's like what if my little genius gets scholarships my little guy's going to be the quarterback so he's going to get scholarships and nil shut up he's four we'll wait and see okay but uh see how if he survives travel ball first but oh God uh so if your kid gets scholarships you're allowed to withdraw from the 529 the amount of the scholarship every year taxfree so you got a
$20,000 scholarship it's the value of the scholarship is 20,000 you can take 20,000 out of the 529 no penalty you had taxfree growth on the money and so if your little genius is a little genius then that happens well Dave's college is a scam it's no longer worth the money not true college is worth the money if you study the right things at the right place at the right price what's not worth the money is the name brand of the college there's zero data that says where you went to school is tied to your success
zero none Harvard none Yale none Vanderbilt zero data that says where you went to school is equated with your success level no one can find it anywhere lots of data associated with a quality education that puts Tools in your belt and enables you to make your way through the world more efficiently than not have those tools in your belt so education the right kind of education that has a utilitarian value in the marketplace is worth more than it costs you should go to college if you want to go to college you could go to the
trades too there's nothing wrong with that my friend Mike row and I have a lot of discussions about this and I love him and I agree with him you can be a welder right now and make 110,000 bucks a year you can go to code school for 15 or 20 grand and make 110 120 and as a Dev one entering the market I got Dev ones all over the building down here and they're making good money and they and if they keep studying they can be a Dev 2 Dev 3 platform engineer architect all the
Cyber architect cyber security all that stuff and we're talking 200 300 $400,000 a year and never got a college degree all they have is the Microsoft shts and the other miscellaneous code certifications and they Mentor under Co Geniuses and work their way up through the tech world that's out there too so you don't have to go to college to succeed but by the way you never have that was a lie that they told people you had to go to college to succeed but going to college never because the whole thing's a scam is not true
but don't overpay for it I mean Vanderbilt's right now I think it's like 80 or $75,000 a year University of Tennessee in state school is I think it's like $14,000 a year now is Vanderbilt worth what is that seven eight times as much no there's no data that shows that as a matter of fact I've got incomplete data that shows that it's not worth that because I graduated from the University of Tennessee and people that graduate from Vanderbilt work for me so I don't know that's incomplete but you know maybe step six pay off your
home early Dave you should never pay off your house said broke people as we studied the millionaires here's what we discovered the typical millionaire 70 80% of them which is statistically significant beyond belief um more than I thought it would be there's two main elements that caus them to get their first $1 to5 million of net worth now not 50 million but 1 to5 million okay to hit the first million of net worth and your net worth is what you own minus what you owe that's your net worth when when that's a million dollars you're
a millionaire by definition it's an accounting definition it's not a feeling and it's not a moral construct that you hate because you're a communist it's a it's an accounting construct okay you can be morally outraged about any amount if you want to I don't care that's up to you but um so you got a million dollars the first 1 to five million in the millionaires here's what we typically found they were unbelievably boring almost every one of them sounded like this they're 52 years old the kids are grown and gone the house is paid for
it's worth 600 or 700,000 and for the last 18 years they've been putting money steadily into their 401k or their Roth IRA and they Got7 or $800,000 in that so 7 or $800,000 in that plus a $600,000 paid for house I got a network of a million 3 million five and they're typical millionaire that's your first millionaire that's the first thing you do to get there so paying off your house is the thing and there's a whole bunch of you in here right now that are millionaires I know some of you and that's how you
got there for your first $1 to5 million worth of net worth now it's not 50 million and millionaires aren't billionaires billionaires have Jets millionaires don't billionaires have seven houses millionaires don't they got one billionaires have a car collection millionaires have two okay and so and they're old and so you know and they don't care what you think by the way they don't care what you think at all believe me they don't care what you think so you should pay off your house early no Dave instead of paying off your house you should invest the money
in the market and let it grow borrowing money on my house in order to put money into mutual funds although I do believe in mutual funds is not in the data the number of millionaires that did that and it caused them to become wealthy they leveraged the residents into mutual funds was precise icely zero we did not find one that did that not one and we didn't just interview people we liked we interview people that didn't even know who we were lots of them the data is and the research methodology is Stone Cold we dialed
it in so tight so paying off the house right Dave there's tax benefits to keeping a mortgage oh God you're killing me all right let me help you with this standard deduction for 2024 is $27,700 for married filing jointly so if you're doing your taxes and you're married you get to write off $227,700 automatically and file at 1040 easy done you don't write off your charitable that way unless it's in excess of 27 you wouldn't do that because you Lo if you want to do itemized you you can't do the standard okay so if you've
got enough business depreciation charitable giving and other things to do a long form you have to have you it has to be more than $27,000 for it to make sense does that do you understand that yes does that is this thing on do yall understand that yes okay so so here's what happens in America last year 90% of Americans took the standard deduction only 10% of us itemized okay so if you take the standard deduction it means you do not write off anything you just take the standard deduction which means you don't write off your
home interest so these people who say Keep Your Home Mortgage because it's a tax deduction are talking to only 10% of the public because it doesn't apply to the other 90% y'all get this right this is how asinine the things are that float around on the internet and that you're stupid even your stupid CPA sometimes tells you this oh you need to keep a home mortgage we're going to do a standard why did I keep a home mortgage again cuz I love the bank and my FICO score that's why I kept it no so let's
figure out what a tax deduction let's pretend that you're one of the 10% that does actually write the interest off let's see how this works okay now let's pretend you had a $200,000 mortgage now that'd be cheap and let's pretend you had a 5% interest rate so the math is easy that also be cheap right but this is easy math okay so 5% of 200,000 is 10,000 does that sound right say yes yes so if you have a 5% mortgage you owe 200,000 that year you paid $10,000 worth of interest do you understand say yes
that means if you're one of the 10% that do do a write- off instead of taking the standard deduction then you would have a $10,000 tax deduction on your income you would reduce your income by $110,000 before calculating your taxes that's how a tax deduction Works yall understand that say yes so let's look at how that works okay $10,000 off of my income means I don't pay $10,000 I don't pay taxes on that $10,000 worth of income if I'm in a 22% tax bracket which means I make $85,000 a year I Sav $2,200 in taxes
so here's what the Tik Tock genius or the CPA genius told you to do send 10,000 to the bank to keep from sending the government 2200 and try it again send 10,000 to the bank to keep from sending this is a tax deduction the government $ 2200 you're trading dollar for quarters yall understand that if you want to make that trade I'm going to open a booth at the break and yet people do it in America all day long and they say keep a mortgage because you should reinvest it although no millionaires do keep a
mortgage because of the tax rejection only 10% of people itemizing those that do are trading dollars for quarters and we wonder why people are broke in America with all these lies and mathematical mythology flowing around all over the place brought to you by Bank of America guess who wants you in debt on your mortgage Banks did we miss that somewhere there's the theme Here boys and girls now we're out of debt after baby step six we're doing four five and six simultaneously then we're not now we're debt free house and everything you know how fast
you can get really rich with your old house house payment that one number into a mutual fund turn you into a millionaire real fast no house payment average person doing this stuff's paying off their home in 7.2 years the average millionaire paid off theirs in 11.2 years unless we found them in the Ramsey tribe and then they were doing it in around nine years H definitely not I'm keeping a mortgage my whole life I'm getting out of debt because that house is going to go up in value with no debt it's going to be part
of my Million Dollar Plus net worth and it frees up all of my income my most powerful wealth building tool to build wealth and I can go like crazy now all I got left to do is build wealth and give outrageously Dave giving money away though takes away from money from pursuing your goals well again that's a limited mathematical understanding of how things actually work in the real world generosity actually has an odd way of creating wealth and here's why generous people have a tendency to prosper versus ungenerous people now here's why it's not mystical
I mean some preachers make it very preachy and all that and you can do that if you want to I don't mind putting it in Bible language if you want me to I can do that but that's not the important thing here's what happens okay generosity is not a an act it is a character quality the character quality causes the ACT does that make sense Integrity is not an act it is a character quality Integrity causes certain actions like honesty and you know a complete whole life the way you look at things in wholeness it's
whole all this stuff in Integrity comes from the word integer which is a whole number all that so these are character things that reflect that show up in our Behavior generosity is who you are it's not what you do does that make sense say yes okay so generous people in other words are the ones that hold the door for you they're not self centered they're other centered generous people when you're walking through the parking lot and those stupid bags bust open and stuff's rolling around all over the parking lot they're the ones that run and
help you pick up the stuff the next time that happens the person helping you is very likely a millionaire because there's a correlation in all this stuff that we found over all these years that data again is there to show this so and the reason is is they're unselfish they hold the door they have more of a tendency to smile they are thinking about others not themselves all the time that is the essence of being generous does that make sense say yes part of that is you give away money part of that is you give
away time and talent part of that is you're just helpful you're more likely to stay married and that's neat because marriage is Grand but divorce is 50 Grand right it's a relational issue I was preaching a little Baptist Church up in baduka to Kentucky about 30 years ago and I did this whole sermon on tithing and the preacher came out and he said well Dave you know I never had a couple in my church in 38 years that tithe that got divorced and I said well is that like a uh Bible thing or is that
God protecting them or what do you think and he said no generous people just easier to live with there it is who gets promoted at work selfish backstabbing throat cutter only if you're working in Corporate America right but in most jobs if you're the employer who do you promote people who are likable they smile more they're generous they think about the good of the overall project and the company not just themselves see what I'm talking about yes generous people have a tenden to make more money and build more wealth through their life so generosity is
not so don't be so shortsighted as to say it's um if I give if I have $100 and I give away $10 I only have 90 yes but you changed who you are or you reflected the changes in who you are and that is going to cause you to make a lot more than that 10 over time and besides my friend Rabbi Lapin says he's an Orthodox Jewish rabbi and he's a wonderful teacher we become close friends and he says money is not like a cake where when you give away a slice you have less
money is like candles when you use it to light others there's more light you're not diminished when you light someone else's candle and that's how money works in the real world beautiful Jewish view of things I Love It Fabulous so people who are generous excel at wealth building we'll talk about that more a little bit later too so what are we saying we're saying live like no one else so that later you can live and give like no one else and you could do that if you didn't have any payments and a couple million dollars
in your mutual fund and your house is paid for and you saw someone sitting next to you at church whose light bill just got cut off you could go and pay for it they wouldn't even know who did it and you'd be one of those people hello it's a different thing right we are blessed yes to be a blessing like Abraham of old all right guys you just learned the entire plan to win with money all seven baby steps the only thing left to do is go do it you've got to decide are you going
to keep doing what you've been doing and keep getting the same result or will you do something different and change your family tree remember winning is an intentional act and I want you to win that's why we're we're giving you a special offer on Financial Peace University this class is the fastest way to maximize your results with the baby steps the average person who goes through FPU saves $2,700 and pays off $5,300 of debt in just 90 days that's an $8,000 turnaround you'll also get every dollar premium the best budgeting app on the planet plus
a year of financial coaching and a free one-on-one coaching session and for a limited time you get all of it for just $69.99 I promise if you take the class and follow the plan you will win don't waste another minute living with money stress click the link in the description to start FPU today we're proud of you we think you've got this
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The Ramsey Show Highlights
How to Get Rich in Real Estate the RIGHT Way
How to Get Rich in Real Estate the RIGHT Way
The Ramsey Show Highlights
*NEW!* The Gottman Doctors: Affairs Can Save Your Relationship! But If You See This, Walk Away!
*NEW!* The Gottman Doctors: Affairs Can Sa...
The Diary Of A CEO
THIS Is How You Become A Millionaire In America Today | May 15, 2024
THIS Is How You Become A Millionaire In Am...
The Ramsey Show
Harvard Professor Reveals the Worst Thing To Do with Your Money
Harvard Professor Reveals the Worst Thing ...
George Kamel
Why Everyone Is Flocking To North Carolina's Tech Hub
Why Everyone Is Flocking To North Carolina...
Jordan Peterson Part 1 | Club Random with Bill Maher
Jordan Peterson Part 1 | Club Random with ...
Club Random Podcast
We Buried Common Kitchen Scraps in the Garden and THIS Happened 🤯
We Buried Common Kitchen Scraps in the Gar...
Epic Gardening
Break the Cycle: Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck
Break the Cycle: Stop Living Paycheck to P...
The Ramsey Show Highlights
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