what's in a McDonald's Big Mac I'm actually going to show you what's in a Big Mac what's in their french fries what's in the chicken nuggets what's in a McRib which is now back and the secret ingredient in their salt you guys aren't going to believe this come on how's it going it's going good how about can I get a Big Mac six piece chicken nuggets small oh yeah the ranch and the sweet and sour a MC rib and a small fries did you like any ketchup on the side with that yeah when you guys
make the burgers do you cook the burgers in any oil or is it just straight on the Grill I'm not really sure cuzz I'm I don't really cook at all can we ask him no oil just the patties go straight on the grill you just put the patties straight on the grill and then it Cooks like that but there's obviously oil accumulated just from the meat okay cool thank you there you go that's a little tidbit for you guys if you're in a pinch the quar pound beef patties at McDonald's are 100% beef maybe not
the best beef in the world but they don't use seed oils on the grill here let's go sit down and we'll see what comes out with the rest of this food this is quite a spread of uh Di abetes obesity chronic disease and unhappiness but I'm going to tell you why I'm going to start with the chicken nuggets here trust me I get it I used to eat chicken nuggets as a kid so these are chicken meat with bleached wheat flour added the problem with bleached wheat flour is some of the chemicals they use to
bleach the wheat flour can be harmful for humans like chlorine dioxide there's obviously a breading which is a wheat-based breading and that is cooked in four different types of seed oils corn canola soy and hydrogenated soybean oil to make these chicken nuggets hydrogenated soybean oil that's like a trans fat you know that's going to be a problematic thing because of how it's processed extra heated but the fact that there are four seed oils in chicken nuggets means that you're going to be getting tons of this fat linolic acid which I'm not a fan of why
do I not like linolic acid high level not to get too technical linolic acid accumulates in your body it accumulates in all the cell membranes your mitochondrial membranes it messes up the way you make energy in your mitochondria by causing proton leak across the inner mitochondrial membrane the seed oils also can break down into harmful compounds called the Hodes and the Heats these are called ox lams or oxy liens Etc all right I got a little technical that was maybe a little more technical than high level basically seed oils are something that humans never would
have been exposed to before hundred years ago they were used as machine lubricants and now they're a huge part of our food supply they're in basically everything on this table and in contrast animal fats like Tallow and butter were all we ate for thousands and thousands of years of humans is it any wonder that before the early 1900s things like cancer and autoimmune disease were much more rare cardiovascular disease heart attacks were almost unheard of and since then these have increased massively obviously there are many things that have caused these health conditions to Skyrocket in
the last 100 to5 years but I think seed oils are a major contributor to this not a huge fan of chicken nuggets but I think that a lot of kids out there have eaten a lot of these oils and that's contributing to childhood obesity childhood diabetes behavioral problems there's nothing good about chicken nuggets at McDonald's we've also got the uh dipping sauces for the chicken nuggets you've got the sweeten sour sauce first ingredient high fructose corn syrup ranch dressing first ingredient is not any sort of dairy it's say it with me soybean oil so problematic
seed oils and high fructose corn syrup the highly processed essentially weaponized form of sugar in sweet and sour sauce with your Chicken McNugget dipping sauces major problems next up McDonald's french fries guess how many ingredients are in McDonald's french fries they should be potatoes Tallow and salt McDonald's used to cook in Tallow but then an eccentric millionaire in the 1990s convinced them that Tallow was somehow contributing to heart disease sakoff shouts that's not true your fries are cooked in animal fat the McDonald's guy gets flustered tries to say something sakoff doesn't let him finish be
it's vegetable and0 to 95% beef T and from your company in fact the seed oils that they replace the Tallow with are the actual contributors to heart disease regardless it is a tragedy that McDonald's no longer Cooks their fries in Tallow these fries have 19 ingredients 19 ingredients in these fries they are cooked in four different types of seed oils corn soybean partially hydrogenated soybean oil which is going to have a lot of trans fats and canola oil what else is in here dimethyl polyoxin it's a huge word it's an anti foaming agent used in
the oils and the friers it's a silic con derivative that is also found in silly putty so there are silly putty ingredients in your French fries but we're not done yet they also contain tbq a chemical preservative which is associated with Cancers in lab animals and is a reason that many foods cannot be sold at healthy grocery stores like Whole Foods in fact Whole Foods will not sell Reese's peanut butter cups or Reese's Pieces because they contain tbq but they're fine in the McDonald's french fries and the salt at McDonald's well I'm going to tell
you the secret ingredient in the salt at McDonald's at the the end guys but you won't believe it the salt at McDonald's actually has three ingredients stay tuned the french fries at McDonald's are their biggest seller year-over-year these are almost certainly the worst thing you could possibly get here causing you to be more hungry filling you with seed oils filling you with preservatives filling you with silly putty ingredients the french fries of McDonald's are an absolute nightmare for your metabolism but they're the most popular thing here 19 ingredients in french fries crazy as a plug
McDonald's please start cooking your French fries in tallow I will do a video about that if you just have one store anywhere in the United States that cooks your French fries and Tallow I will fly there and do a video about it McDonald's heads up to you what's next ketchup you're going to put ketchup on your fries right well what do you think is in ketchup it should just be tomatoes and salt but the ketchup at McDonald's contains high fructose corn syrup corn syrup and natural flavors along with Tomatoes Salt and distilled vinegar so basically
at McDonald's so far you've got seed oils and high fructose corn syrup every which way you turn is is it any wonder that eating here will cause you to become super sized also no I hope you guys are enjoying this video I've got a deal for you if you hit that like And subscribe button right now it helps me make these videos I want to keep making these videos with free information that you can share with your friends and your family to help you lead better healthier Liv so here's the deal if you hit that
like And subscribe button right now I will do my best I promise that I will keep making these videos that are interesting that are funny that are educational that are free for you thank you my friends now back to the video all right guys next up the Big Mac this is really the thing that made McDonald's famous as far as I can tell and I've seen experiments where people have Big Macs and they put them on their shelves for five or six years and they look essentially exactly the same that's pretty freaking scary because if
I take a burger patty then I make it home and I cook it in five or six days that thing is going to be moldy or have actual real Decay because it's real food you know that when something lasts for five or six years there's a problem so the bun it's just bread right nope in the bun there are two different seed oils canola and soybean oil and sugar and that's just in the bun you have a beef patty which is probably the best part of your McDonald's Big Mac this is 100% beef that's great
the only part of this burger that has any redeeming value is the fact this is 100% beef obviously it's not the best beef on the planet it's not cooked in seed oils so that's okay not great if you're in a pinch get a bunch of these you'll be fine you ever see how thin these are it's like so thin next you got some pickles pickles are just pickles right right nope pickles at McDonald's have 10 ingredients 10 ingredients in pickles some of the ingredients are aluminum salts poly sorbate 80 and pottassium sorbate none of those
are good for humans and excess amounts of aluminum in our diets have been associated with increased rates of dementia like Alzheimer's it's horrible and these pickles are in a mix of some kind of Secret Sauce Secret Sauce is full of all the bad things it's like the worst things in the McDonald's Universe combined you got high fructose corn syrup you got soybean oil which is a seed oil You' got caramel color and you've got propylene glycol like I said the secret sauce is like the horrible love child of all the other bad things at McDonald's
now we're going to go through this bun right here you've got another beef patty and suck to that beef patty you've got a piece of American quote cheese so American cheese is pretty crazy guys not even real cheese cannot even be called real cheese it's a cheese product and if you've seen my other videos you know that American cheese is full of microplastics you can look at that American cheese under a microscope and there are tons of little microplastics in that American cheese it's a cheese product so you've got buns that are full of seed
oils and sugar you've got pickles with 10 ingredients you've got seed oil high fructose corn syrup caramel color poly sorbate 80 lined secret sauce I mean you've got a Big Mac that'll stay on the shelf of your house as a museum piece for the next six years but if you put it in your body it's definitely going to contribute to weight gain metabolic dysfunction and nothing good comes from this guys salt at McDonald's iodized salt usually salt is just sodium chloride but the salt at McDonald's contains sodium chloride sodium silico aluminate that is a derivative
of aluminum so you've got more aluminum in here remember guys that excess aluminum is associated with all sorts of neurologic issues in humans and you've got stroes which is essentially sugar so there's sugar in salted McDonald's and aluminum that's crazy let's end it off guys with the MC RB when I was growing up I ate too much McDonald's like I said I was kind of a fat kid the McRib is back it's a big deal so the MC rib is pork and as you can imagine the bun of the McRib no surprise soybean oil and
sugar in the bun interesting you've got some real onions here you've got the famous McDonald's pickles with 10 ingredients that we just talked about and then in the actual MC RB I just got some MC RB sauce on my finger trying to wipe it off uh in the McRib and the sauce you've got pork you've got dexes which is sugar you've got caramel color you've got soybean oil and you've got high fructose corn syrup you've also got sodium benzoate which is a preservative nothing to get excited about in my opinion uh a lot of barbecue
sauce on there full of all kinds of garbage but uh it's Badness so yeah guys wow we got chicken nuggets french fries sweet and sour ranch ketchup Big Mac MCB this is metabolic nightmare right here let me tell you guys how to do this better if you want to do Burgers cook them on the grill cook grass-fed grass finished cook them in Tallow you're going to be great I'm not a fan of bread in general because of the gluten but definitely don't eat bread that's full of seed oils and sugar if you want to do
chicken nuggets you can get a high quality chicken and you could cook it in some butter for your kids that's probably the best you can do definitely don't use a salt that's going to have sugar and sodium silico illuminate in it french fries I'm not a huge fan of potatoes but if you like potatoes you can make french fries cooked in Tallow with a good salt that's going to be much healthier than this MCB look there's tons of wasy good pork get a pastured pork cook it on the grill use a barbecue sauce that's not
full of seed oils and high fructose corn syrup and you'll be way better there are lots of ketchups out there that don't have high fructose corn syrup and corn syrup and natural flavors in them and there are definitely way to make sauces like these that are better than this Ranch and sweet and sour because these have horrible things in them hrose corn syrup and seed oil so you can eat foods like this you can eat amazingly healthy nutritive foods that taste great but with a little bit of attention to the way you make them you
can avoid all the toxins that are in this meal over 60% of the calories that we eat as Americans are ultr processed food like this and I hope that this video helps you understand why Americans are so sick fat and unhealthy if you eat ultr processed food you are getting all sorts of these toxins they are poisons for your metabolism they are causing you to be hungry they are causing you to gain weight they are causing you to eventually develop things like diabetes metabolic dysfunction that just leads to misery so this is a swift path
to obesity to low libido to diabetes to arthritis to all sorts of issues I believe that all of us have a Birthright to life that is full of energy libido strength and resilience this is not how you get there but like I said there's many ways to improve on all this that'll definitely improve your health so let's go uh find somebody to give this stuff away to or put it in the trash that was brutal guys there's some garbage in those Foods so McDonald's is it any wonder that eating here contributes to all sorts of
problems in humans is it any wonder that super siiz me is a real thing not when you think about the fact that there's high fructose corn here preservatives poly sorbate 80 potassium sorbate seed oils and all the foods here guys so it's really clear if you want to be healthier if you want to lose weight it's doesn't have to be complicated get rid of ultra processed foods like this in your diet Just Eat Real Foods eat real meat eat real fruit eat some vegetables knock yourself out I don't care but eat real food stop eating
this and you will be so much healthier and if you guys think the cost is prohibitive or cost as an issue this is just as expensive as it would be to go to Walmart or Target or any regular grocery store and get a very simple animal- based diet of meat and fruit honey and avocados I've done lots of videos I'll link to them down below I put a Link in this video to how to eat animal base for less than $15 a day you can't tell me that McDonald's is cheaper than that guys there's lots
of ways to eat healthier that are very affordable you don't need to eat this garbage and it'll be much healthier that's all there is to it