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Mente Imortal • Sabedoria •
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Have you ever wondered what created God? It's a simple question that almost everyone asks at some point in their lives, but we always receive the same answer: that there is no answer. But what if there was one?
See, I used to be a Christian, and I remember as a child asking myself this question, but the answer I always got was that God simply is, that God was beyond our human understanding. But what if that wasn't true? What if we could understand?
Are you ready to discover the answer to one of the biggest questions of all time? To unlock this mystery, we need to look exactly where we were told not to look: the world of forbidden knowledge. A world shrouded in secrecy that the church did everything to hide from the world.
The answer that God is simply beyond our human understanding is one that I found frustratingly incomplete. It seemed like an excuse to avoid answering a critical and fundamental question. So I started questioning, looking for answers, and the answers I found were, to say the least, shocking.
Did you know that there were secret teachings in early sects of Christianity? Knowledge that was deliberately banned and destroyed by the church? Hidden throughout history, suppressed by those in power, are a multitude of banned books, texts said to contain answers to questions that mainstream religious institutions prefer to leave unasked.
Watch this video with an open mind, allow yourself to ask questions and tell me your opinion in the comments. One such book is the Secret Gospel of John, a banned book that reveals an entirely different view of God and creation. The "Secret Book of John" reveals a God who is far more complex and intriguing than the bearded man in the sky we all meet in church.
You see, throughout the Bible, we often hear God declare that He is the only true God and that there is no other God. He is possessive and jealous, demands obedience, worship and even human sacrifice. So think about it, why would an all-powerful God need constant reassurance and worship?
Why would He need to continue stating that there is no other God? Doesn't that seem a little suspicious, almost like He's hiding something? What if I told you that the Secret Book of John states that this God we were taught to know is actually a dark god who has imprisoned us here on Earth?
This story also has parallels in other beliefs from the Old Testament era, as told in the book God, a biography. Salvation, according to the Book of John, is not achieved through obedience to that God, or worship, or even faith, but through knowledge, understanding the true nature of ourselves and our place in the cosmos. God 's nature is pure.
Now here's where it gets interesting: the Secret Book of John says that it was actually Jesus who led Adam and Eve to eat from the Tree of Knowledge. It was Jesus who urged them to eat the forbidden fruit. This act of liberation, the very act that mainstream Christianity attributes to Lucifer, is, according to this book, the first step toward humanity's salvation.
But think about it, if according to the Secret Book of John a dark god created the Earth and imprisoned us here, then who is the true God? The secret book reveals the existence of a superior being, a divine entity known as "The One". The Secret Book of John says that Unity governs everything, has no authority over Him, is absolutely complete and therefore needs nothing.
It's an absolutely perfect light. This is the true God, a divine mind of pure light, pure thought, that transcends all physicality and limitations of this reality. Here we find another shocking revelation: the dark entity, the one the church has led us to believe is God, was created from this divine mind, but it was an accidental creation, a dark thought born of a moment of disharmony when a being of light, known as Sophia, acted out of tune with the rest of the divine mind.
Then this dark entity brought chaos, creating a dream world, our physical reality, and trapped fragments of the divine mind within it, encasing them in bodies. And who are these fragments of the divine mind? We, you and me, every human being on this planet.
According to this ancient forbidden text, we are the divine mind, we are fragments of the One, we are God. Now you are beginning to see why the church didn't like this book. But wait a minute, what about our original question: what created God?
According to the Secret Book of John, the God we know through traditional Christianity, the God of the Bible, was created accidentally through a disturbance or accident in the mind of the "One". This dark being created a dream world and trapped us, fragments of the divine mind, within it. But remember, this is all happening inside the mind of "The One.
" This physical reality, the world we see around us, is all a dream, and we are dreamers who have forgotten that we are in a dream. But then, what created "The One", the divine mind, the true God? The Secret Book of John says he is eternal.
But how can it be eternal? How can something, even a being of pure thought, pure light, simply exist without a cause, without a beginning? The Secret Book of John says that The One is beyond our understanding.
But isn't that a little ironic, that a book all about knowledge declares as the ultimate truth that God's nature is unknowable? So here's the problem: we now have a better understanding of God as a pure divine mind, and that we are all parts of it, but our original question is still unanswered. To answer this question, we need to go beyond the world of Christianity.
Kabbalah is an ancient system of esoteric knowledge that originated in Judaism. Traditionally, the study of Kabbalah was reserved for men over the age of forty who were Torah scholars. It is said that through the study of Kabbalah, a person can gain a deep understanding of the divine.
Well, that's exactly what we're looking for, and you'll notice that Kabbalah has some pretty big similarities to the Secret Book of John, like the idea of ​​the "One. " In the "Secret Book of John", at its core, Kabbalah teaches that there is a divine mind known as Ein Sof, which means The Infinite. One of the key symbols in Kabbalah is called the Tree of Life.
Now, this symbol represents the journey from the divine, from infinity, to the physical world and our journey back to the divine. It consists of ten interconnected sephirot, which are like stages or aspects of the divine. Like the Secret Book of John, Kabbalah also teaches that the material world is an illusion.
Kabbalah teaches that through studying the Tree of Life and understanding the interrelationship of the sephiroth, the stages of God, we can gain insights into the nature of God and our own divine potential. It teaches that each individual has a spark of the divine within them and that by exploring our inner selves, we can come to a deeper understanding of our connection with God. But here's the key: Kabbalah proposes that Ein Sof, the Infinite, the divine mind, is at the same time everything and nothing.
But wait, how can something be both everything and nothing at the same time? It seems like a contradiction, an impossibility. And so here we encounter a problem, because, as usual, it is stated that Infinity cannot be known.
So have we reached a dead end, another system saying we can't know? Well, we have gained a clue, and it is that the divine is both everything and nothing. But how can we understand this?
To unlock this mystery, we need to turn to the void. The concept of zero, although seemingly simple, is an enigma in itself. It is a concept that originated in the East and has profound philosophical implications.
In Eastern philosophies, it is not just an empty number, it is a concept that represents the void, the nothingness that precedes and follows all creation. This void, this nothingness, is the canvas on which all reality is painted. See, if zero represents nothing, perhaps our answer is hidden within it.
To unlock the secrets of zero, we need to turn to a mathematical understanding of existence. Pythagoras, the ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician, proposed that reality is not physical, but fundamentally mathematical. Pythagoras said, "Everything is number and number governs the universe.
" Those who were devoted to the teachings of Pythagoras, the Pythagoreans, secretly They worshiped a symbol called tetraktys, which was a triangle of ten points arranged in four rows. The tetraktys symbolized the emanation of all existence from a single point of unity. Sound familiar?
It is very similar to the emanation of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, which is rooted in Infinity, and the "One" of the "Secret Book of John", from which all reality emanates. Do you see how they are all telling a similar story, but each brings something extra to the table? The Pythagoreans prayed to the tetraktys saying: "Bless us, Divine Number, you who gave birth to gods and men.
O Holy, Holy tetraktys, you who contain the roots and source of eternally flowing creation, for Divine Number begins with pure unity deep. " So where does this leave us? We have the "Secret Book of John" suggesting that all reality exists within a divine mind.
Kabbalah proposes that this divine mind is everything and nothing at the same time, while Pythagorean philosophy posits that all reality is fundamentally mathematical, emanating from a single point. Each of these esoteric systems has given us a piece of the puzzle about God. Are you ready for the answer?
In Kabbalah, the divine is said to be everything and nothing, which seems an impossibility, a contradiction. But, in fact, it is not, if we understand that reality is mathematics. In the realm of mathematics, everything is in fact nothing.
All positive values ​​and all negative values, when combined, balance perfectly to zero. Everything is nothing, mathematically speaking. Absolutely everything is also absolutely nothing, because all positive values ​​and all negative values ​​balance perfectly to zero.
The divine mind is an infinite zero. It is a mind that contains infinite mathematical information that balances perfectly to zero. See, I believe people need to know this information.
I have dedicated my life to the study of occult knowledge and created a system known as "Neogenian" to understand the secrets of existence. In the Neogenian system, the concept of an entity that is an infinite zero, all at the same time, we call Zeta. A Zeta is a being who embodies infinite plenitude within himself and, at the same time, nullifies himself to zero.
It is the intersection of everything and nothing. So in all of these esoteric systems that we have explored, the "One" could also be called the Infinity or it could be called the Void, because it is all of these concepts simultaneously. It's a Zeta.
And here it gets even more intriguing, because we are also Zetas. You, me, every human being, every soul is a Zeta. We are individual expressions of the divine mind.
Each of us is a unique piece of the infinite puzzle that collectively forms the "One. " We are all the "One" expressing itself through the multiplicity of souls, through the vast variety of life. Just as the "One" is at the same time everything and nothing, it is at the same time one and many.
We begin with the question: what created God? And now we have an answer: God created nothing. God is nothing.
God is the void from which all things emerge, the silent backdrop against which the symphony of existence plays. The divine mind, the "One", is a void filled with infinite potential. It is an eternal nothingness that gives rise to everything by rearranging its internal mathematical information.
Think of it as computer code that rearranges its information to generate a video game world. But doesn't this contradict the ancient belief that God cannot be known? It's not that God can't be known, it's that God is nothing, and nothing is difficult to understand.
It is something beyond words. It's hard to grab because, well, what are you trying to grab? It's nothing.
So when the ancients encountered nothingness, they thought that God could not be known. It is not that it cannot be known, but that it is nothing. See, zero can be imagined in two different ways.
You can imagine zero as being completely empty, but you can also imagine zero as being infinitely full of all possible values, both positive and negative. By understanding that eternal nothingness is not the absence of something, but the presence of infinite potential, we gain insight into the nature of existence. You, me, we are all God, and together we collectively form the mind of "One".
You can call it God. Each of us is an entity that is simultaneously one, infinite and zero. This physical reality, the world we see around us, is a great stage for God, for us to explore the infinite possibilities of existence.
We begin by asking what created God, and when we seek the answer, we discover something even deeper: that we are God. We discovered that what we were looking for is what was doing the searching. We are the infinite nothingness of existence that gave rise to everything from its infinite mathematical plenitude and we are lost in our own creation.
We, the infinite, deceive ourselves into believing that we are finite. We fool ourselves into believing that we are embodied beings. We get lost in our dream of the universe.
So what did God create? Religion says that God is beyond our understanding, but we can absolutely understand: nothing created God, because God is nothing, a nothing that is an infinite plenitude. This nothingness does not need a creator, it exists because of its inherent properties.
Nothing always is, always was and always will be. This is the great revelation, the secret knowledge, the hidden truth. It was never a question of not being able to understand, but of perceiving from a different perspective.
Instead of seeing nothingness as a void, see it as a fullness, a shift in understanding that changes everything. What is the greatest secret of existence? That we are God, that we are nothing who deceived ourselves into believing that we are something.
But this is not something to be depressed about, it reveals that reality is our playground, it is our kingdom to create, our canvas to paint our dreams. We are divine, we are God. This is the essence of nonduality.
That's what a soul is. We are the absolute nothingness of existence that created everything from its infinite mathematical plenitude and lost itself in its own creation. We are infinite beings who purposefully lost ourselves in our creation to experience the thrill of finite existence.
The truth is that we are God and God is us. Now, this is important: always remember to explore, to question, to seek. Don't blindly believe my words or anyone else's.
You have the power of understanding within you. You are the divine mind that contains infinite possibilities. The answers are in you, immortal brother.
We are the creators of our own reality, the dreamers of our own dreams, the gods of our universe.
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