Its Already Started But People Don't See it

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as we look around at the world today we can't help but notice the signs of the times the increasing push for Global unity in every area of Life politics economy and even religion should grab the attention of every Christian these movements though often shrouded in the language of Peace tolerance and progress align directly with the prophetic warnings found in scripture about the last days one of the most significant warnings is about the rise of a one world religion which will be part of the Endtime scenario as described in the Book of Revelation in recent headlines
Pope Francis made a statement that shocked many in the Christian Community to avoid copyright issues I will not play the video but if you want to listen to it you can search for the title pope all religions are paths to God and that title will lead you to the video being shown on screen allow me to read an article that includes quotes from the pope Pope Francis prompted controversy Friday with remarks at an interreligious meeting in Singapore that some have taken as a departure from Catholic Doctrine on the role of Jesus Christ in Salvation all
religions are a path to reach God they are I make a comparison like different languages different idioms to get there but God is God for everyone Pope Francis told a gathering of young people September 13 at an interreligious meeting at the Catholic Junior College of Singapore according to a text of the speech published by the Vatican the pope continued and since God is God for everyone we are all children of God but my God is more important than yours is this true there is only one God and our religions are languages paths to reach God
some are sik some are Muslim some are Hindu some are Christian but they are different paths the current pope has made a deliberate effort to promote Interfaith beliefs as Bible believing Christians we should take note of this because the Book of Revelation clearly speaks of a one world religion could it be that we are witnessing the early stages of this one world religion coming together the quote from the Pope that all religions are paths to God and we are all God's children while this may sound inclusive and kind-hearted it directly contradicts the core teachings of
the Gospel of Jesus Christ the Bible is clear on the distinction between being part of God's creation and being one of God's children yes it is true that all people are God's creation as Colossians 1:16 tells us for by him were all things created that are in heaven and that are in Earth visible and invisible whether they be Thrones or Dominion ions or principalities or Powers all things were created by Him and for him God has created everyone and he loves everyone his love is boundless as clearly expressed in John 3:16 for God so loved
the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life however scripture also teaches us that not every everyone is a child of God only those who are born again through faith in Jesus Christ are given the right to be called his children John 1:12 tells us but as many as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of God even to them that believe on his name this is reiterated in John 11:52 where Jesus mission is to gather together in one the
children of God that were scattered abroad the Bible never refers to the lost as God's children the term children of God is reserved for those who have been spiritually adopted through faith in Jesus Christ This is a critical distinction while the message that we are all God's children may sound lovely and soft it distorts the truth of the Gospel it is essential to understand that while God loves everyone not everyone is his child this distinction is often blurred in today's world but it is vital that we remain faithful to the biblical definition of what it
means to be a child of God one of the most concerning Trends we see today is the growing push toward a one world religion this movement is not new it has been prophesied in scripture for thousands of years Revelation 17 describes this one world religion as the great Harlot sitting on many Waters symbolizing a false religious system that will dominate the world during the end times the term Harlot is frequently used in the Old Testament as a metaphor for Spiritual unfaithfulness particularly in cases where Israel abandoned their Covenant relationship with God to follow false gods
and Idols this Harlot represents the ultimate form of spiritual unfaithfulness a false religion that will seduce the world away from the true God the exact identity of this one world religion has been a topic of debate among theologians and Bible scholars for centuries some argue that it could be a corrupted form of Christianity others believe it could be a fusion of major world religions like Christianity Islam Hinduism or Buddhism still others suggest that it could be a completely new religion possibly rooted in the New Age movement or even something that has yet to be invented
regardless of its identity the Bible makes it clear that this false religion will be widespread and will have a significant role in the antichrist's rule over the Earth for he will be the central figure of this one world religion he will be the driving force behind its creation and purpose he will be the one lifted up and exalted as a God in this religion all authority and reverence will be directed towards him for he will be the focus of the worship and Adoration of this religion people from All Nations will will be deceived into honoring
him above all could it be that this Global Interfaith Movement we are witnessing is setting the stage for the arrival of the Antichrist the unification of beliefs may be preparing the world for his Rule and deception Revelation 17:15 describes the extent of this false religion's influence and he saith unto me the waters which thou sest where the sth are peoples and multitudes and Nations and tongues this indicates that the one world religion will dominate all nations and peoples it will be Universal in scope with the authority to demand Allegiance from every person on the planet
this Authority will likely come from the Antichrist himself who will use this religious system to unite the world under his rule those who refuse to participate in this false religion will face persecution and many will lose their very own lives because of their refusal to worship the Antichrist Revelation 13: 16 and 17 warns us that all will be forced to take the mark of the beast and he causeth all both small and great rich and poor free and bond to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads and that no man might
buy or sell save he that had the mark those who refuse to take the Mark will be cut off from society unable to participate in the economic system making survival extremely difficult given the religious cultural and political diversity of our world today it's hard to imagine how such a unified religion could emerge how could people from such diverse Faith backgrounds ranging from Hindus to Buddhists and every religion in between even atheists be convinced to abandon their beliefs and embrace a single Rel religious system history shows us that religion has been one of the most divisive
forces in human civilization from the Crusades to the 30 Years War to the French Wars of religion Humanity has fought countless Wars over religious differences and yet the Bible tells us that in the last days the Antichrist will accomplish something unprecedented he will unite the entire world under one religion do you ever wonder how he will will do this how will he persuade people to abandon the faith of their ancestors their fathers and their great great grandfathers to worship Him how will he manage the seemingly impossible task of uniting the entire world under a single
religion the Bible reveals that one of the key ways Lucifer will achieve this in the last days is through deception the end times will be marked by a level of deception the world has never seen before the anti Christ's religion will be incredibly convincing the deception behind it will be so alluring so seemingly real that people from all walks of life will believe it the Bible makes this clear as I reflect on this I ask myself who else but Lucifer could craft such a powerful and seductive religion that would cause the masses to abandon what
they have always known and worship the Antichrist who else but the angel of Light could design a system so deceitful that men and women would willingly accept his mark on their foreheads and hands aligning themselves with the forces of Darkness who else but Lucifer the master of deception could craft a religion so compelling that it blinds the eyes of millions who else but the enemy of our souls could create a belief system so persuasive that it mimics truth while leading people straight into destruction who else but Satan who has spent millennia studying human nature knows
how to appeal to our deepest fears and desires twisting them to serve his dark purposes who else but the one who deceived Eve in the Garden of Eden could once again deceive Humanity on such a grand scale on a scale in which the world has never seen before who else other than Lucifer who else but the Fallen Angel once known as the anointed cherub that coverthe stone could use his knowledge of divine truth to manipulate people into believing a lie this is the same being who once walked in the midst of the stones of fire
and stood on the Holy Mountain of God basking in the very presence of the Almighty who else but the one who was perfect in Beauty and wisdom before iniquity was found in him could take the profound truths he once knew in the glory of heaven and twist them into deception who else but the father of Lies could convince the world that he is worthy of worship leading them to exchange the truth of God for the lie of the Antichrist who else but the adversary who prows around like a roaring lion could instill such fear and
conf confusion that people will take his Mark not realizing the Eternal consequences who else but the Great Deceiver could weave a religion so beguiling that it captures the hearts of men and women convincing them to bow to the Antichrist and forsake the Living God while the full manifestation of the one world religion is still to come we can already see the groundwork being laid today The ecumenical movement which seeks to unite all Christian denominations and even non-Christian religions is a clear step in this direction while the desire for Unity may sound Noble true Unity must
be based on the truth of God's word Unity at the expense of biblical truth is not Unity at all it is compromise and deception statements like the one from Pope Francis suggesting that all religions are valid paths to God are becoming more common these statements reflect a growing sentiment that religious differences should be set aside Jesus made it clear in John 14:6 I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the father but by me any teaching that denies the exclusivity of Christ as the only way to Salvation is false and
must be rejected could it be that there is an invisible hand at work today quietly orchestrating Global events to align with the prophecies found in Revelation could it be that the rise in Interfaith movements the increasing push for religious tolerance at the expense of truth and the desire for Global Unity are not just random Trends but calculated steps toward the formation of a one world religion could it be that the forces Behind These movements are setting the stage for the antichrist's arrival preparing the world to accept a false religion that will unite Nations under a
common deceptive Banner as we move closer to the Fulfillment of Endtime prophecies it is more important than ever for Christians to stay vigilant and to stand firm in the truth of God's word the world is moving toward a one world religion and the pressure to conform will only increase in the coming years we must be prepared to resist this pressure and to stand up for the gospel even when it is unpopular or costly Revelation gives us a glimpse into the future and while it is sobering it also reminds us that God is in control the
rise of the one world religion and the reign of the Antichrist are all part of God's plan and they will ultimately lead to the return of Jesus Christ and the establishment of his eternal Kingdom in the meantime we are called to be faithful Witnesses proclaiming the truth of the gospel and warning others about the deception that is coming let us take heed of Jesus warning in Matthew 24:4 take heed that no man deceive you we must guard our hearts and Minds against the lies of the enemy and remain rooted in the truth of scripture the
days ahead may be challenging but we can take comfort in knowing that our hope is in Christ and he will never leave us nor forsake us let us stand firm in our faith knowing that in the end the truth will prevail Veil and every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father [Music]
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