The Book of John | Contemporary English | Holy Bible (FULL) With Text

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Holy Bible
The Gospel According to JOHN: Chapters 1 to 21 - Full Narration with Text, Complete Audio Drama Engl...
Video Transcript:
John tells the good news John one in the beginning was the one who was called the word the Word was with God and was truly God from the very beginning the Word was with God and with this word God created all things nothing was made without the word everything that was created received its life from him and his life gave light to everyone the light keeps shining in the dark and darkness has never put it out God sent a man named John who came to tell about the light and to read all people to have
faith John wasn't that light he came only to tell about the light the true lights that shines on everyone was coming into the world the word was in the world but no one knew him though God had made the world with his word he came into his own world but his own nation did not welcome him yet some people accepted him and put their faith in him so he gave them the right to be the children of God they were not God's children by nature or because of any human desires God himself was the one
who made them his children the word became a human being and lived here with us we saw his true glory the glory of the only son of the Father from him all the kindness and all the truth of God have come down to us John spoke about him and shouted this is the one I told you would come he is greater than I am because he was alive before I was born because of all that the son is we have been given one blessing after another the law was given by Moses but Jesus Christ brought
us undeserved kindness and truth no one has ever seen God the only son who is truly God and his closest to the father has shown us what God is like the Jewish leaders in Jerusalem sent priests and temple helpers to ask John who he was he told them plainly I am NOT the Messiah then when they asked him if he were Elijah he said no I am NOT and when they asked him if he was a prophet he also said no finally they said who are you then we have to give an answer to the
ones who sent us tell us who you are John answered in the words of the prophet Isaiah I am only someone shouting in the desert get the road ready for the Lord some fantasies had also been sent to John they asked him why are you baptizing people if you are not the Messiah or Elijah or the Prophet John told him I used water to baptize people but here with you as someone you don't know even though I came first I am not good enough to untie his sandals John said this as he was baptizing east
of the Jordan River in Bethany the next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said here is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world he is the one I told you about when I said someone else will come he is greater than I am because he was alive before I was born I didn't know who he was but I came to baptize you with water so that everyone in Israel would see him I was there I saw the Spirit come down on him like a dove from heaven and the
spirit stayed on him before this I didn't know who he was but the one who sent me to baptize with water had told me you will see the Spirit come down and stay on someone then you will know that he is the one who will baptize with the Holy Spirit I saw this happen and I tell you that he is the son of God the next day John was there again and two of his followers were with him when he saw Jesus walking by he said here is the Lamb of God John's two followers heard
him and they went with Jesus when Jesus turned and saw them he asked what do you want they answered rabbi where do you live the Hebrew word rabbi means teacher jesus replied come and see it was already about four o'clock in the afternoon when they went with him and saw where he lived so they stayed on for the rest of the day one of the two men who had heard John and had gone with Jesus was Andrew the brother of Simon Peter the first thing Andrew did was to find his brother and tell him we
have found the Messiah the Hebrew word Messiah means the same as the Greek word Christ Andrew brought his brother to Jesus and when Jesus saw him he said Simon son of John you will be called Cephas this name can be translated as Peter the next day Jesus decided to go to Galilee they met Philip who was from Bethsaida the hometown of Andrew and Peter Jesus said to Philip come with me Philip then found Nathanael and said we have found the one that Moses and the prophets wrote about he is Jesus the son of Joseph from
Nazareth Nathanael asked can anything good come from Nazareth Philip answered come and see when Jesus saw Nathanael coming toward him he said here is a true descendant of our ancestor Israel and he is not deceitful how do you know me Nathanael asked jesus answered before Philip called you I saw you under the fig tree Nathanael said you are the son of God and the king of Israel jesus answered did you believe me just because I said that I saw you under the fig tree you will see something even greater I tell you for certain that
you will see heaven open and God's angels going up and coming down on the Son of Man John to three days later Mary the mother of Jesus was at a wedding feast in the village of Cana in Galilee Jesus and His disciples had also been invited were there when the wine was all gone Mary said to Jesus they don't have any more wine jesus replied mother my time has not yet come you must not tell me what to do Mary then said to the servants do whatever Jesus tells you to do at the feast there
were six stone water jars that were used by the people for washing themselves in the way that their religion said they must each jar held about twenty or thirty gallons Jesus told the servants to fill them to the top with water then after the jars had been filled he said now take some water and give it to the man in charge of the feast the servants did as Jesus told them and the man in charge drank some of the water that had now turned into wine he did not know where the wine had come from
but the servants did he called the bridegroom over and said the best wine is always served first then after the guests have had plenty the other wine is served but you have kept the best until last this was Jesus first miracle and he did it in the village of Cana in Galilee there Jesus showed his glory and his disciples put their faith in him after this he went with his mother his brothers and his disciples to the town of Capernaum where they stayed for a few days not long before the Jewish festival of Passover Jesus
went to Jerusalem they found people selling cattle sheep and doves in the temple he also saw money changes sitting at their tables so he took some rope and made a whip then he chased everyone out of the temple together with their sheep and cattle he turned over the tables of the moneychangers and spotted their coins Jesus said to the people who had been selling doves get those doves out of here don't make my father's house a market place the disciples then remembered that the scriptures say my love for your house burns in me like a
fire the Jewish leaders asked Jesus what miracle will you work to show us why you have done this destroy this temple jesus answered and in three days I will build it again the leaders replied it took 46 years to build this temple what makes you think you can rebuild it in three days but Jesus was talking about his body as a temple and when he was raised from death his disciples remembered what he had told them then they believed in the scriptures in the words of Jesus in Jerusalem during Passover many people put their faith
in Jesus because they saw him work miracles but jesus knew what was in their hearts and he would not let them have power over him no one had to tell him what people were like he already knew John 3 there was a man named Nicodemus who was a Pharisee and a Jewish leader one night he went to Jesus and said sir we know that God has sent you to teach us you could not work these miracles unless God were with you jesus replied I tell you for certain that you must be born from above before
you can see God's kingdom Nicodemus asked how can a grown man ever be born a second time he's attention I tell you for certain that before you can get into God's kingdom you must be born not only by water but by the spirit humans give life to their children yet only God's Spirit can change you into a child of God don't be surprised when I say that you must be born from above only God's Spirit gives new life the Spirit is like the wind that blows wherever it wants to you can hear the wind but
you don't know where it comes from or where it is going how can this be Nicodemus asked jesus replied how can you be a teacher of Israel and not know these things I tell you for certain that we know what we are talking about because we have seen it ourselves but none of you will accept what we say if you don't believe when I talk to you about things on earth how can you possibly believe if I talk to you about things in heaven no one has gone up to heaven except the son of man
who came down from there and the Son of Man must be lifted up just as that metal snake was lifted up by Moses in the desert then everyone who has faith in the Son of Man will have eternal life God loved the people of this world so much that He gave His only Son so that everyone who has faith in Him will have eternal life and never die God did not send his Son into the world to condemn its people he sent him to save them no one who has faith in God's Son will be
condemned but everyone who does not have faith in Him has already been condemned for not having faith in God's only Son the light has come into the world and people who do evil things are judged guilty because they love the dark more than the light people who do evil hate the light and won't come to the light because it clearly shows what they have done but everyone who lives by the truth we'll come to the light because they want others to know that God is really the one doing what they do later Jesus and His
disciples went to Judea where he stayed with them for a while and was baptizing people John had not yet been put in jail he was at enan near Salem where there was a lot of water and people were coming there for John to baptize them John's followers got into an argument with a Jewish man about a ceremony of washing they went to John and said rabbi you spoke about a man when you were with him east of the Jordan he is now baptizing people and everyone is going to him John replied no one can do
anything unless God in heaven allows it surely you remember how I told you that I am NOT the Messiah I am only the one sent ahead of him at a wedding the groom is the one who gets married the best man is glad just to be there and to hear the groom's voice that's why I am so glad Jesus must become more important while I become less important God's son comes from heaven and is above all others everyone who comes from the earth belongs to the earth and speaks about earthly things the one who comes
from heaven is above all others he speaks about what he has seen and heard and yet no one believes him but everyone who does believe him has shown that God is truthful the son was sent to speak God's message and he has been given the full power of God's Spirit the Father loves the Son and has given him everything everyone who has faith in the son has eternal life but no one who rejects him will ever share in that life and God will be angry with them for ever gone for Jesus knew that the Pharisees
had heard that he was winning and baptizing more followers than John was but Jesus disciples were really the ones doing the baptizing and not Jesus himself Jesus left Judea and started for Galilee again this time he had to go through Samaria and on his way he came to the town of Sai car it was near the fields that Jacob had long ago given to his son Joseph the well that Jacob had dug was still there and Jesus sat down beside it because he was tired from traveling it was noon and after Jesus's disciples had gone
into town to buy some food a Samaritan woman came to draw water from the well Jesus asked her would you please give me a drink of water you are a Jew she replied and I am a Samaritan woman how can you ask me for a drink of water when Jews and Samaritans won't have anything to do with each other jesus answered you don't know what God wants to give you and you don't know who is asking you for a drink if you did you would ask him for the water that gives life sir the woman
said you don't even have a bucket and the well is deep where are you going to get this life-giving water our ancestor Jacob dug this well for us and his family and animals got water from it are you greater than Jacob jesus answered everyone who drinks this water will get thirsty again but no one who drinks the water I give will ever be thirsty again the water I give is like a flowing fountain that gives eternal life the woman replied sir please give me a drink of that water then I won't get thirsty and have
to come to this well again Jesus told her go and bring your husband the woman answered I don't have a husband that's right jesus replied you're telling the truth you don't have a husband you have already been married five times and the man you are now living with is not your husband the woman said sir I can see that you are a prophet my ancestors worshiped on this mountain but you Jews say Jerusalem is the only place to worship jesus said to her believe me the time is coming when you won't worship God either on
this mountain nor in Jerusalem you Samaritans don't really know the one you worship but we Jews do know the God we worship and by using us God will save the world but a time is coming and it is already here even now the true worshipers are being led by the spirit to worship the father according to the truth these are the ones the father is seeking to worship Him God is spirit and those who worship God must be led by the spirits to worship Him according to the truth the woman said I know that the
Messiah will come he is the one we call Christ when he comes he will explain everything to us I am that one Jesus told her and I am speaking to you now the disciples returned about this time and was surprised to find Jesus talking with a woman but none of them asked him what he wanted or why he was talking with her the woman left her water jar and ran back into town she said to the people come and see a man who told me everything I have ever done could he be the Messiah everyone
in town went out to see Jesus while this was happening Jesus's disciples were saying to him teacher please eat something but Jesus told them I have food that you don't know anything about his disciples started asking each other as someone brought him something to eat Jesus said my food is to do what God wants he is the one who sent me and I must finish the work that he gave me to do you may say that there are still four months until harvest time but I tell you to look and you will see that the
fields are ripe and ready to harvest even now the harvest workers are receiving their reward by gathering a harvest that brings eternal life then everyone who planted the seed and everyone who harvests the crop will celebrate together so the saying proves true some plant the seed and others harvest the crop I am sending you to harvest crops in fields where others have done all the hard work a lot of some additives in that town put their faith in Jesus because the woman had said this man told me everything I have ever done they came and
asked him to stay in that town and he stayed on for two days many more Samaritans put their faith in Jesus because of what they heard him say they told the woman we no longer have faith in Jesus just because of what you told us we have heard him ourselves and we are certain that he is the savior of the world Jesus had said prophets are honored everywhere except in their own country then two days later he left and went to Galilee the people there welcomed him because they had gone to the festival in Jerusalem
and had seen everything he had done while Jesus was in Galilee he returned to the village of Cana where he had turned the water into wine there was an official in Capernaum whose son was sick and when the man heard that Jesus had come from Judea he went and begged him to keep his son from dying Jesus told the official you won't have faith unless you see miracles and wonders the man replied lord please come before my son dies Jesus then said your son will live go on home to him the man believed Jesus and
started back home some of the official servants met him along the road and told him your son is better he asked them when the boy got better and they answered the fever left him yesterday at 1 o'clock the boy's father realized that at 1 o'clock the day before Jesus had told him your son will live so the man and everyone in his family put their faith in Jesus this was the second miracle that Jesus worked after he left Judea and went to Galilee John 5 later Jesus went to Jerusalem for another Jewish festival in the
city near the Sheep gate was a pool with five porches and it's name in Hebrew was Beth Zeta many sick blind lame and crippled people were lying close to the pool beside the pool was a man who had been sick for 38 years when Jesus saw the man and realized that he had been crippled for a long time he asked him do you want to be healed the man answered Lord I don't have anyone to put me in the pool when the water is stirred up I tried to get in but someone else always gets
there first Jesus told him pick up your mat and walk right then the man was healed he picked up his mat and started walking around the day on which this happened was a Sabbath whether Jewish leaders saw the man carrying his mat they said to him this is the Sabbath no one is allowed to carry a mat on the Sabbath but he replied the man who healed me told me to pick up my mat and walk they asked him who is this man that told you to pick up your mat and walk but he did
not know who Jesus was and Jesus had left because of the crowd later Jesus met the man in the temple and told him you are now well but don't sin anymore or something worse might happen to you the man left and told the leaders that Jesus was the one who had healed him they started making a lot of trouble for Jesus because he did things like this on the Sabbath but jesus said my father has never stopped working and that is why I keep on working now the leaders wanted to kill Jesus for two reasons
first he had broken the lord of the sabbath but even worse he had said that God was his father which made him equal with God Jesus told the people I tell you for certain that the son cannot do anything on his own he can do only what he sees the father doing and he does exactly what he sees the father do the Father loves the Son and has shown him everything he does the father will show him even greater things and you will be amazed just as the father raises the dead and gives life so
the son gives life to anyone he wants to the father doesn't judge anyone but he has made his son the judge of everyone the father wants all people to honor the son as much as they honor him when anyone refuses to honor the son that is the same as refusing to honor the father who sent him I tell you for certain that everyone who hears my message and has faith in the one who sent me has eternal life and will never be condemned they have already gone from to life I tell you for certain that
the time will come and it is already here when all of the Dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and those who listen to it will live the father has the power to give life and he has given that same power to the son and he has given his son the right to judge everyone because he is the son of man don't be surprised the time will come when all of the Dead will hear the voice of the Son of Man and they will come out of their graves everyone who has done
good things will rise to life but everyone who has done evil things will rise and be condemned I cannot do anything on my own the father sent me and he is the one who told me how to judge I judge with fairness because I obey Him and I don't just try to please myself if I speak for myself there is no way to prove I am telling the truth but there is someone else who speaks for me and I know what he says is true you sent messengers to John and he told them the truth
I don't depend on what people say about me but I tell you these things so that you may be saved John was a lamp that gave a lot of light and you were glad to enjoy his light for a while but something more important than John speaks for me I mean the things that the father has given me to do all of these speak for me and say that the father sent me the father who sent me also speaks for me but you have never heard his voice or seen him face to face you have
not believed his message because he refused to have faith in the one he sent you searched the Scriptures because you think you will find eternal life in them the Scriptures tell about me but you refuse to come to me for eternal life I don't care about human praise but I do know that none of you love God I have come with my father's authority and you have not welcomed me but you were welcome people who come on their own how could you possibly believe you like to have your friends praise you and you don't care
about praise that the only God can give don't think that I will be the one to accuse you to the Father you have put your hope in Moses yet he is the very one who will accuse you Moses wrote about me and if you had believed Moses you would have believed me but if you don't believe what Moses wrote how can you believe what I say John six Jesus crossed Lake Galilee which was also known as Lake Tiberias a large crowd had seen him work miracles to heal the sick and those people went with him
it was almost time for the Jewish festival of Passover and Jesus went up on a mountain with his disciples and sat down when Jesus saw the large crowd coming toward him he asked Philip where will we get enough food to feed all these people he said this to test Philip since he already knew what he was going to do Philip answered don't you know that it would take almost a year's wages just to buy only a little bread for each of these people Andrew the brother of Simon Peter was one of the disciples he spoke
up and said there is a boy here who has five small loaves of barley bread and two fish but what good is that with all these people the ground was covered with grass and jesus told His disciples to have everyone sit down about 5,000 men were in the crowd Jesus took the bread in his hands and gave thanks to God that he passed the bread to the people and he did the same with the fish until everyone had plenty to eat the people ate all they wanted and jesus told His disciples to gather up the
leftovers so that nothing would be wasted the disciples gathered them up and filled twelve large baskets with what was left over from the five barley loaves after the people had seen Jesus work this miracle they began saying this must be the prophet who is to come into the world Jesus realized that they would try to force him to be their king so he went up on a mountain where he could be alone that evening Jesus's disciples went down to the lake they got into a boat and started a cross for Capernaum later that evening Jesus
had still not come to them and a strong wind was making the water rough when the disciples had rowed for three or four miles they saw Jesus walking on the water he kept coming closer to the boat and they were terrified but he said I am Jesus don't be afraid the disciples wanted to take him into the boat but suddenly the boat reached the shore where they were headed the people who had stayed on the east side of the lake knew that only one boat had been there they also knew that Jesus had not left
in it with his disciples but the next day some boats from Tiberias sailed near the place where the crowd had eaten the bread for which the Lord had given thanks they saw that Jesus and His disciples had left then they got into the boats and went to Capernaum to look for Jesus they found him on the west side of the lake and asked rabbi when did you get here jesus answered I tell you for certain that you are not looking for me because you saw the miracles but because you ate all the food you wanted
don't work for food that spoils work for food that gives eternal life the Son of Man will give you this food because God the Father has given him the right to do so what exactly does God want us to do well the people asked jesus answered God wants you to have faith in the one he sent they replied what miracle will you work so that we can have faith in you what will you do for example when our ancestors were in the desert they were given manna to eat it happened just as the Scriptures say
God gave them bread from heaven to eat Jesus then told him I tell you for certain that Moses was not the one who gave you bread from heaven my father is the one who gives you the true bread from heaven and the bread that God gives is the one who came down from heaven to give life to the world the people said Lord give us this bread and don't ever stop jesus replied i am the bread that gives life no one who comes to me will ever be hungry no one who has faith in me
will ever be thirsty i have told you already that you have seen me and still do not have faith in me everything and everyone that the father has given me will come to me and i wont turn any of them away i didn't come from heaven to do what i want i came to do what the father wants me to do he sent me and he wants to make certain that none of the ones he has given me will be lost instead he wants me to raise them to life on the last day my father
wants everyone who sees the Sun to have faith in him and to have eternal life then I will raise them to life on the last day the people started grumbling because Jesus had said he was the bread that had come down from heaven they were asking each other isn't he Jesus the son of Joseph don't we know his father and mother how can he say that he has come down from heaven he just told them stop grumbling no one can come to me unless the father who sent me makes them want to come but if
they do come I will raise them to life on the last day one of the prophets roads God will teach all of them and so everyone who listens to the Father and learns from him will come to me the only one who has seen the father is the one who has come from him no one else has ever seen the father I tell you for certain that everyone who has faith in me has eternal life I am the bread that gives life your ancestors ate manna in the desert and later they died but the bread
from heaven has come down so that no one who eats it will ever die I am that bread from heaven everyone who eats it will live forever my flesh is the life-giving bread that I give to the people of this world they started arguing with each other and asked how can he give us his flesh to eat jesus answered I tell you for certain that you won't live unless you eat the flesh and drink the blood of the Son of Man but if you do eat my flesh and drink my blood you will have eternal
life and I will raise you to life on the last day my flesh is the true food and my blood is the true drink if you eat my flesh and drink my blood you are one with me and I am one with you the living father sent me and I have life because of him now everyone who eats my flesh will live because of me the bread that comes down from heaven is not like what your ancestors ate they died but whoever eats this bread will live forever Jesus was teaching in a Jewish place of
worship in Capernaum when he said these things many of Jesus's disciples heard him and said this is too hard for anyone to understand jesus knew that his disciples were grumbling so he asked does this bother you what if you should see the Son of Man go up to heaven where he came from the Spirit is the one who gives life human strength can do nothing the words that I have spoken to you are from that life-giving spirit but some of you refuse to have faith in me jesus said this because from the beginning he knew
who would have faith in Him he also knew which one would betray him then jesus said you cannot come to me unless the father makes you want to come that is why I have told these things to all of you because of what Jesus said many of his disciples turned their backs on him and stopped following him Jesus then asked his twelve disciples if they were going to leave him Simon Peter answered Lord there is no one else that we can go to your words give eternal life we have faith in you and we are
sure that you are God's holy one jesus told his disciples I chose all twelve of you but one of you is a demon Jesus was talking about Judas the son of Simon Iscariot he would later betray Jesus even though he was one of the twelve disciples John 7 Jesus decided to leave Judea and to start going through Galilee because the Jewish leaders wanted to kill him it was almost time for the festival of shelters and Jesus's brothers said to him why don't you go to Judea then your disciples can see what you are doing no
one does anything in secret if they want others to know about them so let the world know what you are doing even Jesus's own brothers had not yet become his followers jesus answered my time hasn't yet come but your time is always here the people of this world cannot hate you they hate me because I tell them that they do evil things go on to the festival my time hasn't yet come and I am NOT going Jesus said this and stayed on in Galilee after Jesus's brothers had gone to the festival he decided to go
and he went secretly without telling anyone during the festival the Jewish leaders looked for Jesus and asked where is he the crowds even got into an argument about him some was saying Jesus is a good man while others were saying he is lying to everyone but the people were afraid of their leaders and none of them talked in public about him when the festival was about half over she just stood up and started teaching in the temple the leaders were surprised and said how does this man know so much he has never been taught jesus
replied I am NOT teaching something that I thought up what I teach comes from the one who sent me if you really want to obey God you will know if what I teach comes from God or from me if I wanted to bring honor to myself I would speak for myself but I want to honor the one who sent me that is why I tell the truth and not a lie didn't Moses give you the law yet none of you obey it so why do you want to kill me the crowd replied you're crazy what
makes you think someone wants to kill you jesus answered I worked one miracle and it amazed you Moses commanded you to circumcise your sons but it wasn't really Moses who gave you this command it was your ancestors and even on the Sabbath you circumcise your sons in order to obey the law of Moses why are you angry with me for making someone completely well on the Sabbath don't judge by appearances judge by what is right some of the people from Jerusalem was saying his insist the man they want to kill yet here he is speaking
for everyone to hear and no one is arguing with him do you suppose the authorities know that he is the Messiah but how could that be no one knows where the Messiah will come from but we know where this man from as Jesus was teaching in the temple he shouted do you really think you know me and where I came from I didn't come on my own the one who sent me is truthful and you don't know him but I know the one who sent me because I came from him some of the people wanted
to arrest Jesus right then but no one even laid a hand on him because his time had not yet come a lot of people in the crowd put their faith in him and said when the Messiah comes he surely won't perform more miracles than this man has done when the Pharisees heard the crowd arguing about Jesus they got together with the chief priests and sent some temple police to arrest him but Jesus told them I will be with you a little while longer and then I will return to the one who sent me you will
look for me but you won't find me you cannot go where I am going the Jewish leaders asked each other where can he go to keep us from finding him is he going to some foreign country where our people live is he going there to teach the Greeks what did he mean by saying that we will look for him but won't find him why can't we go where he is going on the last and most important day of the festival Jesus stood up and shouted if you are thirsty come to me and drink have faith
in me and you will have life-giving water flowing from deep inside you just as the scriptures say Jesus was talking about the Holy Spirit who would be given to everyone that had faith in him the Spirit had not yet been given to anyone since Jesus had not yet been given his full glory when the crowd heard Jesus say this some of them said he must be the profit others said he is the messiah others even said can the Messiah come from Galilee the scriptures say that the Messiah will come from the family of King David
doesn't this mean that he will be born in David's hometown of Bethlehem the people started taking sides against each other because of Jesus some of them wanted to arrest him but no one laid a hand on him when the temple police returned to the chief priests and Pharisees they were asked why didn't you bring Jesus here they answered no one has ever spoken like that man the Pharisees said to them have you also been fooled not one of the chief priests or the Pharisees has faith in him and these people who don't know the law
are under God's curse anyway Nicodemus was there at the time he was the same one who had earlier come to see Jesus Nicodemus was a member of the Jewish Council and said our law doesn't let us condemn people before we hear what they have to say we cannot judge them before we know what they have done then they said Nicodemus you must be from Galilee read the scriptures and you will find that no prophet is to come from Galilee John 8 everyone else went home but Jesus walked out to the Mount of Olives then early
the next morning he went to the temple the people came to him and he sat down and started teaching them the Pharisees and the teachers of the Lord of Moses brought in a woman who had been caught in bed with a man who was not her husband they made a stand in the middle of the crowd then they said teacher this woman was caught sleeping with a man who is not her husband the law of Moses teaches that a woman like this should be stoned to death what do you say they asked Jesus this question
because they wanted to test him and bring some charge against him but Jesus simply bent over and started writing on the ground with his finger they kept on asking Jesus about the woman finally he stood up and said if any of you have never sinned then go ahead and throw the first stone at her once again he bent over and began writing on the ground the people left one by one beginning with the oldest one in the crowd finally Jesus and the woman were that alone Jesus stood up and asked her where is everyone isn't
there anyone left to accuse you no sir the woman answered then Jesus told her I am NOT going to accuse you either you may go now but don't sin anymore once again Jesus spoke to the people this time he said I am the light for the world follow me and you won't be walking in the dark you will have the light that gives life the fantasy is objected you are the only one speaking for yourself and what do you say isn't truth jesus replied even if I do speak for myself what I say is true
I know where I came from and where I am going but you don't know where I am from or where I am going you judge in the same way that everyone else does but I don't judge anyone if I did Judge I would judge fairly because I would not be doing it alone the Father who sent me is here with me your law requires two witnesses to prove that something is true I am one of my witnesses and the father who sent me is the other one where is your father they asked Jesus you don't
know me or my father jesus answered if you knew me you would know my father jesus said this while he was still teaching in the place where the Temple treasures were stored but no one arrested him because his time had not yet come Jesus also told them I am going away and you will look for me but you cannot go where I am going and you will die with your sins Unforgiven the Jewish leaders asked does he intend to kill himself is that what he means by saying we cannot go where he is going jesus
answered you are from below but I am from above you belong to this world but I don't that is why I said you will die with your sins Unforgiven if you don't have faith in me for who I am you will die and your sins will not be forgiven who are you they asked Jesus jesus answered I am exactly who I told you at the beginning I have a lot more to say about you especially about all the evil you have done the one who sent me is truthful and I tell the people of this
world only what I have heard from him no one understood that Jesus was talking to them about the father Jesus went on to say when you have lifted up the Son of Man you will know who I am you will also know that I don't do anything on my own I say only what my father taught me the one who sent me is with me I always do what pleases him and he will never leave me after Jesus said this many of the people put their faith in Him Jesus told the people who had faith
in him if you keep on obeying what I have said you truly are my disciples you will know the truth and the truth will set you free they answered we are Abraham's children we have never been anyone's slaves how can you say we will be set free jesus replied I tell you for certain that anyone who sins is a slave of sin and slaves don't stay in the family forever though the Sun will always remain in the family if the Sun gives you freedom you are free I know that you are from Abraham's family yet
you want to kill me because my message is not really in your hearts I am telling you what my father has shown me just as you are doing what your father has taught you the people said to Jesus Abraham is our Father jesus replied if you were Abraham's children you would do what Abraham did instead you want to kill me for telling you the truth that God gave me Abraham never did anything like that but you are doing exactly what your father does don't accuse us of having someone else as our Father they said we
just have one father and he is God jesus answered if God were your father you would love me because I came from God and only from him he sent me I did not come on my own why can't you understand what I am talking about can't you stand to hear what I am saying your father is the devil and you do exactly what he wants he has always been a murderer and a liar there is nothing truthful about him he speaks on his own and everything he says is a lie not only is he a
liar himself but he is also the father of all lies everything I have told you is true and you still refuse to have faith in me can any of you accuse me of sin if you cannot why won't you have faith in me after all I am telling you the truth anyone who belongs to God will listen to his message but you refused to listen because you don't belong to God the people told Jesus we were right to say that you are a Samaritan and that you have a demon in you jesus answered I don't
have a demon in me I honor my father and you refuse to honor me I don't want honor for myself but there is one who wants me to be honored and he is also the one who judges I tell you for certain that if you obey my words you will never die then of the people said now we are sure that you have a demon Abraham is dead and so are the prophets how can you say that no one who obeys your words will ever die are you greater than our father Abraham he died and
so did the prophets who do you think you are jesus replied if I honored myself it would mean nothing my father is the one who honors me you claim that he is your God even though you don't really know him if I said I didn't know him I would be a liar just like all of you but I know him and I do what he says your father Abraham was really glad to see me you are not even 50 years old they said how could you have seen Abraham jesus answered I tell you for certain
that even before Abraham was I was and I am the people picked up stones to kill Jesus but he hadn't left the temple John 9 as Jesus walked along he sought a man who had been blind since birth Jesus's disciples asked teacher why was this man born blind was it because he or his parents sinned no it wasn't jesus answered but because of this you will see God work a miracle for him as long as it is day we must do what the one who sent me wants me to do when night comes no one
can work while I am in the world I am the light for the world after Jesus said this he spit on the ground he made some mud and smeared it on the man's eyes then he said go and wash off the mud in silo and pool the man went and washed in Siloam which means one who is sent when he had washed off the mud he could see the man's neighbors and the people who had seen him begging wanted if he really could be the same man some of them said he was the same beggar
while others said he only looked like him but he told them I am that man then how can you see they asked he answered someone named Jesus made some mud and smeared it on my eyes he told me to go and wash it off in Siloam pool when I did I could see where is he now they asked I don't know he answered the day when Jesus made the mud and healed the man was a Sabbath so the people took the man to the Pharisees they asked him how he was able to see and he
answered Jesus made some mud and smeared it on my eyes then after I washed off the mud I could see some of the Pharisees said this man Jesus does not come from God if he did he would not break the law of the Sabbath others asked how could someone who is a sinner work such a miracle since the FATA she could not agree among themselves they asked the man what do you say about this one who healed your eyes he is a prophet the man told him but the Jewish leaders would not believe that the
man had once been blind they sent for his parents and asked them is this the son that you said was born blind how can he now see the man's parents answered we are certain that he is our son and we know that he was born blind but we don't know how he got his sight or who gave it to him ask him he is old enough to speak for himself the man's parents said this because they were afraid of the Jewish leaders the leaders had already agreed that no one was to have anything to do
with anyone who said Jesus was the Messiah the leaders called the man back and said swear by God to tell the truth we know that Jesus is a sinner the man replied I don't know if he is a sinner or not all I know is that I used to be blind but now I can see what did he do to you the Jewish needed asked how did he heal your eyes the man answered I have already told you once and you refuse to listen why do you want me to tell you again do you also
want to become his disciples the leaders insulted the man and said you are his follower we are followers of Moses we are sure that God spoke to Moses but we don't even know where Jesus comes from the man replied how strange he healed my eyes and yet you don't know where he comes from we know that God listens only to people who love and obey Him God doesn't listen to sinner's and this is the first time in history that anyone has ever given sight to someone born blind Jesus could not do anything unless he came
from God the leaders told the man you have been a sinner since the day you were born do you think you can teach us anything then they said you can never come back into any of our meeting places when Jesus heard what had happened he went and found the man then Jesus asked do you have faith in the son of man he replied sir if you will tell me who he is I will put my faith in him you have already seen him jesus answered and right now he is talking with you the man said
Lord I put my faith in you that he worshiped Jesus Jesus told him I came to judge the people of this world I am here to give sight to the blind and to make blind everyone who sees when the Pharisees heard Jesus say this they asked our way blind jesus answered if you were blind you would not be guilty but now that you claim to see you will keep on being guilty john 10 jesus said i tell you for certain that only thieves and robbers climb over the fence instead of going in through the gate
to the sheep pen but the gatekeeper opens the gate for the Shepherd and he goes in through it the sheep know their Shepherds voice he calls each of them by name and leads them out when he has led out all of his sheep he walks in front of them and they follow because they know his voice the Sheep will not follow strangers they don't recognize a stranger's voice and they run away Jesus told the people this story but they did not understand what he was talking about jesus said I tell you for certain that I
am the gate for the Sheep everyone who came before me was a thief or a robber and the Sheep did not listen to any of them I am the gate all who come in through me will be saved through me they will come and go and find pasture a thief comes only to rob kill and destroy I came so that everyone would have life and have it in its fullest I am The Good Shepherd and the Good Shepherd gives up his life for his sheep hired workers are not like the Shepherd they don't own the
Sheep and when they see a wolf coming they run off and leave the Sheep then the wolf attacks and scatters the flock hired workers run away because they don't care about the Sheep I am The Good Shepherd I know my sheep and they know me just as the father knows me I know the father and I give up my life for my sheep I have other sheep that are not in this sheep pen I must bring them together too when they hear my voice then there will be one flock of sheep and one Shepherd the
Father loves me because I give up my life so that I may receive it back again no one takes my life from me I give it up willingly I have the power to give it up and the power to receive it back again just as my father commanded me to do the Jews took sides because of what Jesus had told them many of them said it has a demon in him he is crazy why listen to him but others said how could anyone with a demon in him say these things no one like that could
give sight to a blind person that winter Jesus was in Jerusalem for the temple festival one day he was walking in that part of the temple known as Solomon's porch and the people gathered all around him they said how long are you going to keep us guessing if you are the Messiah tell us plainly jesus answered I have told you and you refuse to believe me the things I do by my father's authority show Who I am but since you are not my sheep you don't believe me my sheep know my voice and I know
them they follow me and I give them eternal life so that they will never be lost no one can snatch them out of my hand my father gave them to me and he is greater than all others no one can snatch them from his hands and I am one with the Father once again the Jewish leaders picked up stones in order to kill Jesus but he said I have shown you many good things that my father sent me to do which one are you going to stone me for they answered we are not stoning you
because of any good thing you did we are stoning you because you did a terrible thing you are just a man and here you are claiming to be God jesus replied in your scriptures doesn't God say you are gods the Scriptures cannot be destroyed and God spoke to those people and called them gods so why do you accuse me of a terrible sin for saying that I am the son of God after all it is the father who prepared me for this work he is also the one who sent me into the world if I
don't do as my father does you should not believe me but if I do what my father does you should believe because of that even if you don't have faith in me then you will know for certain that the father is one with me and I am one with the father again they wanted to arrest to Jesus but he escaped and crossed the Jordan to the place where John had earlier been baptizing while Jesus was there many people came to him they were saying John didn't work any miracles but everything he said about Jesus is
true a lot of those people also put their faith in Jesus John 11 a man by the name of Lazarus was sick in the village of Bethany he had two sisters Mary and Martha this was the same Mary who later poured perfume on the Lord's head and wiped his feet with her hair the sisters sent a message to the Lord and told him that his good friend Lazarus was sick when Jesus heard this he said his sickness won't end in death it will bring glory to God and His Son Jesus loved Martha and her sister
and brother but he stayed where he was for two more days then he said to his disciples now we'll go back to Judea teacher they said the people there want to stone you to death why do you want to go back jesus answered aren't there twelve hours in each day if you walk during the day you will have light from the Sun and you won't stumble but if you walk during the night you will stumble because there isn't any light inside you then he told them our friend Lazarus is asleep and I am going there
to wake him up they replied Lord if he is asleep he will get better Jesus really meant that Lazarus was dead but they thought he was talking only about sleep then Jesus told them plainly Lazarus is dead I am glad that I wasn't there because now you will have a chance to put your faith in me let's go to him Thomas those nickname was twin said to the other disciples come on let's go so we can die with him when Jesus got to Bethany he found that Lazarus had already been in the tomb four days
Bethany was only about two miles from Jerusalem and many people had come from the city to comfort Martha and Mary because their brother had died when Martha heard that Jesus had arrived she went out to meet him but Mary stayed in the house Martha said to Jesus Lord if you had been here my brother would not have died yet even now I know that God will do anything you ask Jesus told her your brother will live again Martha answered I know that he will be raised to life on the last day when all the dead
are raised jesus then said I am the one who raises the dead to life everyone who has faith in me will live even if they die and everyone who lives because of faith in Me will never die do you believe this yes Lord she replied I believe that you are Christ the Son of God you are the one we hoped would come into the world after Martha said this she went and privately said to her sister Mary the teacher is here and he wants to see you as soon as Mary heard this she got up
and went out to Jesus he was still outside the village where Martha had gone to meet him many people had come to comfort Mary and when they saw her quickly leave the house they thought she was going out to the tomb to cry so they followed her Mary went to where Jesus was then as soon as she saw him she kneeled had his feet and said when Jesus saw that Mary and the people where they were crying he was terribly upset and asked where have you put his body they replied Lord come and you will
see Jesus started crying and the people said see how much he loved Lazarus some of them said he gives sight to the blind why couldn't he have kept Lazarus from dying Jesus was still terribly upset so he went to the tomb which was a cave for the stone rolled against the entrance then he told the people to roll the stone away but Martha said Lord you know that Lazarus has been dead for days and there will be a bad smell jesus replied didn't I tell you that if you had faith you would see the glory
of God after the stone had been rolled aside Jesus looked up toward heaven and prayed father I thank you for answering my prayer I know that you always answer my prayers but I said this so that the people here would believe that you sent me when Jesus had finished praying he shouted Lazarus come out the man who had been dead came out his hands and feet were wrapped with strips of burial cloth and a cloth covered his face Jesus then told the people untie him and let him go many of the people who had come
to visit Mary saw the things that Jesus did and they put their faith in Him others went to the Pharisees and told what Jesus had done then the chief priests and the Pharisees called the council together and said what should we do this man is working a lot of miracles if we don't stop him now everyone will put their faith in him then the Romans will come and destroy our temple and our nation one of the council members was Caiaphas who was also high priest that year he spoke up and said you people don't have
any sense at all don't you know it is better for one person to die for the people than for the whole nation to be destroyed Caiaphas did not say this on zone as high priest that year he was prophesying that Jesus would die for the nation yet Jesus would not die just for the Jewish nation he would die to bring together all of God's scattered people from that day on the council started making plans to put in Jesus to death because of this plot against him Jesus stopped going around in public he went to the
town of Ephraim which was near the desert and he stayed there with his disciples it was almost time for Passover many of the Jewish people who lived out in the country had come to Jerusalem to get themselves ready for the festival they looked around for Jesus then when they were in the temple they asked each other do you don't think he will come here for Passover do you the chief priests and the Pharisees told the people to let them know if any of them saw Jesus that is how they hoped to arrest him John 12
six days before Passover Jesus went back to Bethany where he had raised Lazarus from death Emil had been prepared for Jesus Martha was doing the serving and Lazarus himself was there Mary took a very expensive bottle of perfume and poured it on Jesus's feet she wiped them with her hair and the sweet smell of the perfume filled the house a disciple named Judas Iscariot was there he was the one who was going to betray Jesus and he asked why wasn't this perfume sold for three hundred silver coins and the money given to the poor Judas
did not really care about the poor yes this because he carried the money bag and sometimes would steal from it jesus replied leave her alone she has kept this perfume for the day of my burial you will always have the poor with you but you won't always have me a lot of people came on their that Jesus was there they also wanted to see Lazarus because Jesus had raised him from death so the chief priests made plans to kill Lazarus he was the reason that many of the Jewish people were turning from them and putting
their faith in Jesus the next day a large crowd was in Jerusalem for Passover when they heard that Jesus was coming for the festival they took palm branches and went out to greet him they shouted Jesus found a donkey and rode on it just as the scriptures say people of Jerusalem don't be afraid your king is now coming and he is riding on a donkey at first jesus' disciples did not understand but after he had been given his glory they remembered all this everything had happened exactly as the scripture said it would a crowd had
come to meet Jesus because they had seen him called Lazarus out of the tomb they kept talking about him in this miracle but the Pharisees said to each other there is nothing that can be done everyone in the world is following Jesus some Greeks had gone to Jerusalem to worship during Passover Philip from Sayeda in Galilee was there too so they went to him and said sir we would like to meet Jesus Philip told Andrew then the two of them went to Jesus and told him Jesus said the time has come for the Son of
Man to be given his glory I tell you for certain that a grain of wheat that falls on the ground will never be more than one grain unless it dies but if it dies it will produce lots of wheat if you love your life you will lose it if you give it up in this world you will be given eternal life if you serve me you must go with me My servants will be with me wherever I am if you serve me my father will honor you now I am deeply troubled and I don't know
what to say but I must not ask my father to keep me from this time of suffering in fact I came into the world to suffer so father bring glory to yourself a voice from heaven then said I have already brought glory to myself and I will do it again when the crowd heard the voice some of them thought it was thunder others thought an angel had spoken to Jesus then Jesus told the crowd that voice spoke to help you not me this world's people are now being judged and the ruler of this world is
already being thrown out if I am lifted up above the earth I will make everyone want to come to me Jesus was talking about the way he would be put to death the crowd said to Jesus the Scriptures teach that the Messiah will live forever how can you say that the Son of Man must be lifted up who is this son of man jesus answered the light will be with you for only a little longer walk in the light while you can then you won't be caught walking blindly in the dark have faith in the
light while it is with you and you will be children of the light after Jesus had said these things he left and went into hiding he had worked a lot of miracles among the people but they were still not willing to have faith in him this happened so that what the prophet Isaiah said would come true Lord who has believed our message and who has seen your mighty strength the people could not have faith in Jesus because Isaiah had also said the Lord has blinded the eyes of the people and he has made the people
stubborn he did this so that they could not see or understand and so that they would not turn to the Lord and be healed Isaiah said this because he saw the glory of Jesus and spoke about him even then many of the leaders put their faith in Jesus but they did not tell anyone about it the Pharisees had already given orders for the people not to have anything to do with anyone who had faith in Jesus and besides the leaders liked praise from others more than they liked praise from God in a loud voice Jesus
said everyone who has faith in me also has faith in the one who sent me and everyone who has seen me has seen the one who sent me I am the light that has come into the world no one who has faith in me will stay in the dark I am not the one who will judge those who refuse to obey my teachings I came to save the people of this world not to be their judge but everyone who rejects me and my teachings will be judged on the last day by what I have said
I don't speak on my own I say only what the father who sent me has told me to say I know that his commands will bring eternal life that is why I tell you exactly what the father has told me John 13 it was before Passover and Jesus knew that the time had come for him to leave this world and to return to the Father he had always loved his followers in this world and he loved them to the very end even before the evening meal started the devil had made Judas the son of Simon
Iscariot decide to betray Jesus Jesus knew that he had come from God and would go back to God he also knew that the father had given him complete power so during the meal Jesus got up removed his outer garment and wrapped a towel around his waist he put some water into a large bowl then he began washing his disciples feet and drying them with the towel he was wearing but when he came to Simon Peter that disciple asked Lord are you going to wash my feet jesus answered you don't really know what I am doing
but later you will understand you will never wash my feet Peter replied if I don't wash you Jesus told him you don't really belong to me Peter said Lord don't wash just my feet wash my hands and my head jesus answered people who have bathed then are clean all over need to wash just their feet and you my disciples are clean except for one of you jesus knew who would betray him that is why he said except for one of you after Jesus had washed his disciples feet and had put his outer garments back on
he sat down again then he said do you understand what I have done you call me your teacher and Lord and you should because that is Who I am and if your Lord and teacher has washed your feet you should do the same for each other I have set the example and you should do for each other exactly what I have done for you I tell you for certain that servants are not greater than their master and messengers are not greater than the one who sent them you know these things and God will bless you
if you do them I am NOT talking about all of you I know the ones I have chosen but what the scriptures say must come true and they say the man who ate with me has turned against me I am Telling You this before it all happens then when it does happen you will believe Who I am I tell you for certain that anyone who welcomes my messengers also welcomes me and anyone who welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me after Jesus had said these things he was deeply troubled and told his disciples I
tell you for certain that one of you will betray me they were confused about what he meant and they just stared at each other Jesus's favorite disciple was sitting next to him at the meal and Simon motioned for that disciple to find out which one Jesus meant so the disciple leaned toward Jesus and asked Lord which one of us are you talking about jesus answered I will dip this piece of bread in the sauce and give it to the one I was talking about then Jesus dipped the bread and gave it to Judas the son
of Simon Iscariot right then Satan took control of Judas Jesus said Judas go quickly and do what you have to do no one at the meal understood what Jesus meant but because Judas was in charge of the money some of them thought that Jesus had told him to buy something they needed for the festival others thought that Jesus had told him to give some money to the poor Judas took the piece of bread and went out it was already night after Judas had gone jesus said now the Son of Man will be given glory and
he will bring glory to God then after God has given glory because of him God will bring glory to him and God will do it very soon my children I will be with you for a little while longer then you will look for me but you won't find me I tell you just as I told the people you cannot go where I am going but I am giving you a new command you must love each other just as I have loved you if you love each other everyone will know that you are my disciples Simon
Peter asked Lord where are you going jesus answered you can't go with me now but later on you will Peter asked Lord why can't I go with you now I would die for you would you really die for me Jesus asked I tell you for certain that before a rooster crows you will say three times that you don't even know me John 14 jesus said to his disciples don't be worried have faith in God and have faith in me there are many rooms in my father's house I wouldn't tell you this unless it was true
I am going there to prepare a place for each of you after I have done this I will come back and take you with me then we will be together you know the way to where I am going Thomas said Lord we don't even know where you are going how can we know the way I am the way the truth and the life jesus answered without me no one can go to the Father if you had known me you would have known the father but from now on you do know him and you have seen
him Philip said Lord show us the father that is all we need jesus replied Philip I have been with you for a long time don't you know who I am if you have seen me you have seen the father how can you ask me to show you the father don't you believe that I am one with the father and that the father is one with me what I say is not said my own the father who lives in me does these things have faith in me when I say that the father is one with me
and that I am one with the father or else have faith in me simply because of the things I do I tell you for certain that if you have faith in me you will do the same things that I am doing you will do even greater things now that I am going back to the father ask me and I will do whatever you ask this way the son will bring honor to the father I will do whatever you ask me to do jesus said to his disciples if you love me you will do as I
command then I will ask the Father to send you the Holy Spirit who will help you and always be with you the spirit will show you what is true the people of this world cannot accept the spirit because they don't see or know him but you know the spirit who is with you and will keep on living in you I won't leave you like orphans I will come back to you in a little while the people of this world won't be able to see me but you will see me and because I live you will
live then you will know that I am one with the father you will know that you are one with me and I am one with you if you love me you will do what I have said and my father will love you I will also love you and show you what I am like the other Judas not Judas Iscariot then spoke up and asked Lord what do you mean by saying that you will show us what you are like but you will not show the people of this world jesus replied if anyone loves me they
will obey me then my father will love them and we will come to them and live in them but anyone who doesn't love me won't obey me what they have heard me say doesn't really come from me but from the father who sent me I have told you these things while I am still with you but the Holy Spirit will come and help you because the father will send the spirits to take my place the Spirit will teach you everything and we remind you of what I said while I was with you I give you
peace the kind of peace that only I can give it is not like the peace that this world can give so don't be worried or afraid you have already heard me say that I am going and then I will also come back to you if you really love me you should be glad that I am going back to the father because he is greater than I am I am telling you this before I leave so that when it does happen you will have faith in me I cannot speak with you much longer because the ruler
of this world is coming but he has no power over me I obey my father so that everyone in the world might know that I love him it is time for us to go now John 15 jesus said to his disciples I am The True Vine and my father is the gardener he cuts away every branch of mine that does not produce fruit but he trims clean every branch that does produce fruit so that it will produce even more fruit you are already clean because of what I have said to you stay join to me
and I will stay join to you just as a branch cannot produce fruit unless it stays joined to the vine you cannot produce fruit unless you stay join to me I am the vine and you are the branches if you stay join to me and I stayed join to you then you will produce lots of fruit but you cannot do anything without me if you don't stay join to me you will be thrown away you will be like dry branches that are gathered up and burned in a fire stay join to me and let my
teachings become part of you then you can pray for whatever you want and your prayer will be answered when you become fruitful disciples of mine my father will be honored I have loved you just as my father has loved me so make sure that I keep on loving you if you obey me I will keep loving you just as my father keeps loving me because I have obeyed him I have told you this to make you as completely happy as I am now I tell you to love each other as I have loved you the
greatest way to show love for friends is to die for them and you are my friends if you obey me servants don't know what their master is doing and so I don't speak to you as my servants I speak to you as my friends and I have told you everything that my father has told me you did not choose me I chose you and sent you out to produce fruit the kind of fruit that will last then my father will give you whatever you ask for in my name so I command you to love each
other if the people of this world hate you just remember that they hated me first if you belong to the world its people would love you but you don't belong to the world I have chosen you to leave the world behind and that is why it's people hate you remember how I told you that servants are not greater than their master so if people mistreat me they will mistreat you if they do what I say they will do what you say people will do to you exactly what they did to me they will do it
because you belong to me and they don't know the one who sent me if I had not come and spoken to them they would not be guilty of sin but now they have no excuse for their sin everyone who hates me also hates my father I have done things that no one else has ever done if they had not seen me do these things they would not be guilty but they did see me do these things and they still hate me and my father too that is why the Scriptures are true when they say people
hated me for no reason I will send you the Spirit who comes from the Father and shows what is true spirit will help you and will tell you about me then you will also tell others about me because you have been with me from the beginning John 16 I am telling you this to keep you from being afraid you will be chased out of the Jewish meeting places the time will come when people will kill you and think they are doing God a favor they will do all these things because they don't know either the
father or me I am saying this to you now so that when the time comes you will remember what I have said I was with you at the first and so I didn't tell you these things but now I am going back to the Father who sent me and none of you asks me where I am going you are very sad from hearing all of this but I tell you that I am going to do what is best for you that is why I am going away the Holy Spirit cannot come to help you until
I leave but after I am gone I will send the spirit to you the Spirit will come and show the people of this world the truth about sin and God's justice and the judgment the Spirit will show them that they are wrong about sin because they didn't have faith in me they are wrong about God's justice because I am going to the Father and you won't see me again and they are wrong about the judgment because God has already judged the ruler of this world I have much more to say to you but right now
it would be more than you could understand the spirits show is what is true and will come and guide you into the full truth the Spirit does not speak on his own he will tell you only what he has heard from me and he will let you know what is going to happen the Spirit will bring glory to me by taking my message and telling it to you everything that the father has is mine that is why I have said that the Spirit takes my message and tells it to you Jesus told his disciples you
will see me for a little while and then for a little while you won't see me they said to each other what does Jesus mean by saying that we will see him for a little while and then we won't see him for a little while what does he mean by saying that he is going to the Father what is this little while that he is talking about we don't know what he means Jesus knew that they had some questions so he said you are wondering what I meant when I said that you will see me
for a little while and then in a little while you won't see me I tell you for certain that you will cry and be sad but the world will be happy you will be said but later you will be happy when a woman is about to give birth she is in great pain but after it is all over she forgets the pain and is happy because she has brought a child into the world you are now very sad but later I will see you and you will be so happy that no one will be able
to change the way you feel when that time comes you won't have to ask me about anything I tell you for certain that the father will give you whatever you ask for in my name you have not asked for anything in this way before but now you must ask in my name then it will be given to you so that you will be completely happy I have used examples to explain to you what I had been talking about but the time will come when I will speak to you plainly about the father and will no
longer use examples like these you will ask the Father in my name and I won't have to ask him for you God the Father loves you because you love me and you believe that I have come from him I came from the father into the world but I am leaving the world and returning to the Father the disciples said now you are speaking plainly to us you're not using examples at last we know that you understand everything and we don't have any more questions now we believe that you truly have come from God jesus replied
do you really believe me the time will come and is already here when all of you will be scattered each of you will go back home and leave me by myself but the father will be with me and I won't be alone I have told you this so that you might have peace in your hearts because of me while you are in the world you will have to suffer but cheer up I have defeat the world John 17 after Jesus had finished speaking to his disciples he looked up toward heaven and prayed father the time
has come for you to bring glory to your son in order that he may bring glory to you and you gave him power over all people so that he would give eternal life to everyone you give him eternal life is to know you the only true God and to know Jesus Christ the one you sent I have brought glory to you here on earth by doing everything you gave me to do now father give me back the glory that I had with you before the world was created you have given me some followers from this
world and I have shown them what you are like they were yours but you gave them to me and they have obeyed you they know that you gave me everything I have I told my followers what you told me and they accepted it they know that I came from you and they believed that you are the one who sent me I am praying for them but not for those who belong to this world my followers belong to you and I am praying for them all that I have is yours and all that you have is
mine and they will bring glory to me Holy Father I am no longer in the world I am coming to you but my followers are still in the world so keep them safe by the power of the name that you have given me then they will be one with each other just as you and I are one while I was with them I kept them safe by the power you have given me I guarded them and not one of them was lost except the one who had to be lost this happened so that what the
scriptures say would come true father I am on my way to you but I say these things while I am still in the world so that my followers will have the same complete joy that I do I have told them your message but the people of this world hate them because they don't belong to this world just as I don't father I don't ask you to take my followers out of the world but keep them safe from the evil one they don't belong to this world and neither do I your word is the truth so
let this truth make them completely yours I am sending them into the world just as you sent me I have given myself completely for their sake so that they may be long completely to the truth father I am NOT praying just for these followers I am also praying for everyone else who will have faith because of what my followers will say about me I want all of them to be one with each other just as I am one with you and you are one with me I also want them to be one with us then
the people of this world will believe that you sent me I have honored my followers in the same way that you honored me in order that they may be one with each other just as we are one I am one with them and you are one with me so that they may become completely one then this world's people will know that you sent me they will know that you love my followers as much as you love me Father I want everyone you have given me to be with me wherever I am then they will see
the glory that you have given me because you loved me before the world was created good father the people of this world don't know you but I know you and my followers know that you sent me I told them what you are like and I will tell them even more then the love that you have for me will become part of them and I will be one with them John 18 when Jesus had finished praying he and his disciples crossed the Kidron Valley and went into a garden Jesus had often met there with his disciples
and Judas knew where the place was Judas had promised to betray Jesus so he went to the garden with some Roman soldiers and temple police who had been sent by the chief priests and the Pharisees they carried torches lanterns and weapons Jesus already knew everything that was going to happen but he asked who are you looking for they answered we are looking for Jesus from Nazareth Jesus told them I am Jesus at once they all backed away and fell to the ground Jesus again asked who are you looking for we are looking for Jesus from
Nazareth they answered this time jesus replied I have already told you that I am Jesus if I am the one you are looking for let these others go then everything will happen just as the scriptures say I did not lose anyone you gave me Simon Peter had brought along a sword he now pulled it out and struck at the servant of the high priest the servants name was Malchus and Peter cut off his right ear Jesus told Peter put your sword away I must drink from the cup that the father has given me the Roman
officer and his men together with the temple police arrested Jesus and tied him up they took him first to Anna's who was the father-in-law of Caiaphas the high priest that year this was the same Caiaphas who had told the Jewish leaders it is better if one person dies for the people Simon Peter and another disciple followed Jesus that disciple knew the high priest and he followed Jesus into the courtyard of the high priest house Peter stayed outside near the gate but the other disciple came back out and spoke to the girl as the gate she
let's me to go in but asked him aren't you one of that man's followers no I am NOT Peter answered it was cold and the servants and temple police had made a charcoal fire they were warming themselves around it when Peter went over and stood near the fire to warm him the high priests questioned Jesus about his followers and his teaching but Jesus told him I have spoken freely in front of everyone and I have always taught in our meeting places and in the temple where all of our people come together I have not said
anything in secret why are you questioning me why don't you ask the people who heard me they know what I have said as soon as Jesus said this one of the temple police hit him and said that's no way to talk to the high priest jesus answered if I have done something wrong say so but if not why did you hit me Jesus was still tied up and Anna sent him to Caiaphas the high priest while Simon Peter was standing there warming himself someone asked him aren't you one of Jesus's followers again Peter denied it
and said no I am NOT one of the high priests servants was there he was a relative of the servant whose EFP dad got off and he asked didn't I see you in the garden with that man once more Peter denied it and right then a rooster crowed it was early in the morning when Jesus was taken from Caiaphas to the building where the Roman governor stayed but the Jewish crowd waited outside any of them who had gone inside would have become unclean and would not be allowed to eat the Passover meal Pilate came out
and asked what charges are you bringing against this man they answered he is a criminal that's why we brought him to you Pilate told him take him and judge him by her own laws the crowd replied we are not allowed to put anyone to death and so what Jesus said about his death would soon come true pilot then went back inside he called Jesus over and asked are you the King of the Jews jesus answered are you asking this on your own or did someone tell you about me you know I am NOT a Jew
Pilate said your own people and the chief priests brought you to me what have you done jesus answered my kingdom does not belong to this world if it did my followers would have fought to keep the Jewish leaders from handing me over to you no my kingdom does not belong to this world so you are a king Pilate replied you are saying that I am a king Jesus told him I was born into this world to tell about the truth and everyone who belongs to the truth knows my voice Pilate asked Jesus what is truth
Pilate went back out to the Jewish crowd and said I don't find this man guilty of anything and since I usually set a prisoner free for you at Passover would you like for me to set free the king of the Jews they all shouted now Barabbas was a terrorist John 19 Pilate gave orders for Jesus to be beaten with a whip the soldiers made a crown out of thorn branches and put it on Jesus then they put a purple robe on him they came up to him and said they also hit him with their fists
once again Pilate went out to the crowd this time he said I will have Jesus brought out to you again then you can see for yourselves that I have not found him guilty Jesus came out wearing the crown of thorns in the purple robe Pilate said when the chief priests in the temple police saw him they yelled [Applause] Pilate told him you take him and nail him to a cross I don't find him guilty of anything the crowd replied he claimed to be the son of God our Jewish law says that he must be put
to death when Pilate heard this he was terrified he went back inside and asked Jesus where are you from but Jesus did not answer why won't you answer my question Pilate asked don't you know that I have the power to let you go free or to nail you to a cross jesus replied if God had not given you the power you couldn't do anything at all to me but the one who handed me over to you did something even worse then Pilate wanted to set Jesus free but the Jewish crowd again yelled when Pilate heard
this he brought Jesus out then he sat down on the judges bench at the place known as the stone pavement in Aramaic this pavement is called gabbatha it was about noon on the day before Passover and Pilate said to the crowd [Applause] the chief priests replied then Pilate handed Jesus over to be nailed to a cross Jesus was taken away and he carried his cross to a place known as the skull in Aramaic this place is called Golgotha there Jesus was nailed to the cross and on each side of him a man was also nailed
to a cross Pilate ordered the charge against Jesus to be written on a board and put above the cross it read Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews the words were written in Hebrew Latin and Greek the place where Jesus was taken was not far from the city and many of the Jewish people read the charge against him so the chief priests went to Pilate and said why did you write that he is King of the Jews you should have written he claimed to be King of the Jews but Pilate told them what is written
will not be changed after the soldiers had nailed Jesus to the cross they divided up his clothes into four parts one for each of them but his outer garment was made from a single piece of cloth and it did not have any seams the soldiers said to each other let's not rip it apart we'll gamble to see who gets it this happened so that the scriptures would come true which say they divided up my clothes and gambled for my garments the soldiers then did what they had decided jesus' mother stood beside his cross with her
sister and Mary the wife of Clopas Mary Magdalene was standing there too when Jesus saw his mother and his favorite disciple with her he said to his mother this man is not your son then he said to the disciple she is now he were mother from then on that disciple took her into his own home jesus knew that he had now finished his work and in order to make the Scriptures come true he said I am thirsty a jar of cheap wine was there someone then soaked a sponge with the wine and held it up
to Jesus's mouth on the stem of erisa plant after Jesus strength the wine he said everything is done he bowed his head and died the next day would be both a Sabbath and the Passover it was a special day for the Jewish people and they did not want the bodies to stay on the crosses during that day so they asked Pilate to break the men's legs and take their bodies down the soldiers first broke the legs of the other two men who were nailed there but when they came to Jesus they saw that he was
already dead and they did not break his legs one of the soldiers stuck his spear into Jesus's side and blood and water came out we know this is true because it was told by someone who saw it happen now you can have faith too all this happened so that the scriptures would come true which say no bone of his body will be broken and they will see the one in whose side they stuck a spear Joseph from Arimathea was one of Jesus's disciples he had kept it secret though because he was afraid of the Jewish
leaders but now he asked Pilate to let him have Jesus's body Pilate gave him permission and Joseph took it down from the cross Nicodemus also came with about seventy-five pounds of spices made from myrrh and aloes this was the same Nicodemus who had visited Jesus one night the two men wrapped the body in a linen cloth together with the spices which was how the Jewish people buried their dead in the place where Jesus had been nailed to a cross there was a garden with a tomb that had never been used the tomb was nearby and
since it was the time to prepare for the Sabbath they were in a hurry to put Jesus's body there John 20 on Sunday morning while it was still dark Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been rolled away from the entrance she ran to Simon Peter and to Jesus's favorite disciple and said we don't know where they put him Peter and the other disciples started for the tomb they ran side by side until the other disciple ran faster than Peter and got there first he bent over and saw the strips
of linen cloth lying inside the tomb but he did not go in when Simon Peter got there he went into the tomb and saw the strips of cloth he also saw the piece of cloth that had been used to cover Jesus's face it was rolled up and in a place by itself the disciple who got there first then went into the tomb and when he sought it he believed at that time Peter and the other disciple did not know that the scripture said Jesus would rise to life so the two of them went back to
the other disciples Mary Magdalene stood crying outside the tomb she was still weeping when she stooped down and saw two angels inside they were dressed in white and was sitting where Jesus body had been one was at the head and the other was at the foot the Angels asked Mary why are you crying she answered as soon as Mary said this she turned around and saw Jesus standing there but she did not know who he was Jesus asked her why are you crying who are you looking for she thought he was the gardener and said
sir if you had taken his body away please tell me so I can go and get him then jesus said to her Mary she turned and said to him bone I the Aramaic word rabona means teacher jesus told her don't hold on to me I have not yet gone to the Father but tell my disciples that I am going to the one who is my father and my God as well as your father and your God Mary Magdalene then went and told the disciples that she had seen the Lord she also told them what he
had said to her the disciples were afraid of the Jewish leaders and on the evening of that same Sunday they locked themselves in a room suddenly Jesus appeared in the middle of the group he greeted them and showed them his hands and his side when the disciples saw the Lord they became very happy after Jesus had greeted them again he said I am sending you just as the father has sent me then he breathed on them and said receive the Holy Spirit if you forgive anyone's sins they will be forgiven but if you don't forgive
their sins they will not be forgiven although Thomas the twin was one of the twelve disciples he was not with the others when Jesus appeared to them so they told him but Thomas said first I must see the nail scars in his hands and touch them with my finger I must put my hand where the spear went into his side I won't believe unless I do this a week later the disciples were together again this time Thomas was with them Jesus came in while the doors were still locked and stood in the middle of the
group he greeted his disciples and said to Thomas put your finger here and look at my hands put your hand into my side stop doubting and have faith Thomas replied you are my Lord and my god jesus said Thomas do you have faith because you have seen me the people who have faith in me without seeing me are the ones who are really blessed Jesus worked many other miracles for his disciples and not all of them are written in this book but these are written so that you will put your faith in Jesus as the
Messiah and the son of God if you have faith in him you will have true life John 20:1 Jesus later appeared to his disciples along the shore of Lake Tiberias Simon Peter Thomas the twin Nathanael from Cana in Galilee and the two sons of Zebedee were there together with two other disciples Simon Peter said I'm going fishing the others said we'll go with you they went out in their boat but they didn't catch a thing that night early the next morning Jesus stood on the shore but the disciples did not realize who he was Jesus
shouted France have you caught anything no they answered so he told them let your net down on the right side of your boat and you will catch some fish they did and the net was so full of fish that they could not drag it up into the boat jesus' favorite disciple told Peter it's the Lord when Simon heard that it was the Lord he put on the clothes that he had taken off while he was working then he jumped into the water the vote was only about a hundred yards from shore so the other disciples
stayed in the boat and dragged in the net full of fish when the disciples got out of the boat they saw some bread and a charcoal fire with fish on it jesus told his disciples bring some of the fish you just caught Simon Peter got back into the boat and dragged the net to shore in it were 153 large fish but still the net did not rip jesus said come and eat but none of the disciples dad asked who he was they knew he was the Lord Jesus took the bread in his hands and gave
some of it to his disciples he did the same with the fish this was the third time that Jesus appeared to his disciples after he was raised from death when Jesus and His disciples had finished heating he asked Simon son of John do you love me more than the others do Simon Peter answered yes Lord you know I do then feed my lambs Jesus said he's just asked a second time Simon son of John do you love me Peter answered yes Lord you know I love you then take care of my sheep Jesus told him
Jesus asked a third time Simon son of John do you love me Peter was hurt because Jesus had asked him three times if he loved him so he told Jesus Lord you know everything you know I love you jesus replied feed my sheep I tell you for certain that when you were a young man you dressed yourself and went wherever you wanted to go but when you are old you will hold out your hands then others will wrap your belt around you and lead you where you don't want to go jesus said this to tell
how Peter would die and bring honor to God then he said to Peter follow me Peter turned and saw Jesus's favorite disciple following them he was the same one who had sat next to Jesus at the meal and had asked Lord who is going to betray you when Peter saw that disciple he asked Jesus Lord what about him jesus answered what is it to you if I want him to live until I return you must follow me so the rumors spread among the other disciples that this disciple would not die but Jesus did not say
he would not die he simply said what is it to you if I want him to live until I return this disciple is the one who told all of this he wrote it and we know he is telling the truth Jesus did many other things if they were all written in books I don't suppose there would be room enough in the whole world for all the books [Music]
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