kill the boy John Snow winter is almost Upon Us kill the boy and let the man be born there's a moment when every boy realizes no one's coming to save him and that's when he becomes a man and some boys never get there and stay children forever the bottom line is no one's coming no one no one no one's coming to push you no one's coming to tell you to turn the TV off no one's coming to tell you to get out the door and exercise nobody's coming to tell you to apply for that job
that you've always dreamt about nobody's coming to write the business plan for you it's up to you one of the best days of my life was the day that I realized that nobody was com to save me and it sounds scary but you can get to a point where you can know this and kind of be excited about it when you can know that nobody is coming to save you and that it doesn't matter whether you have help or not that you trust yourself in such a way here that you know you want control of
your situation it's a freedom like nothing that I can describe to you it means you're competent it means you trust yourself it means you have discipline it means that you can truly count on yourself to show up for yourself every day and that is one of the most powerful things a man can ever having his Hard Times create Hard Men Hard Men create soft times soft times create soft men soft men create hard times we are now around soft men and hard times and because you're only ever going to do the things that you feel
like doing right now or that feel good right now unless you understand that you've got to parent yourself you got to push yourself you're not going to make your dreams come true you're just not we're not wired that way you weren't born that way you weren't that way when you were growing up and you're certainly not that way as an adult I'm one of those old school guys you know when you talk about men's mental health and that men have to carry this burden and men have yeah that's what we do guess what somebody's got
to get up I I have a family right I have children I got to get up every day and go to work and I have to you know do what I have to do and no I I don't I mean give a about my feeling you see These Guys these days on social media like hey you know talking about their bad day and this happened and I'm and shut the up oh I know get up oh I get work and do what you got to do and and and be a man be a man you're
a man you are a man stand up and be a man make the hard decisions make the sacrifices make the unpopular decisions and become comfortable in your own skin it's so crazy when you say the word man when you're 18 you think you're a man but you walk around telling I'm a man and and I didn't become a man till I got off cocaine when I was 44 years old 45 years old I became a man I know for a fact there's a definition to a man and that's to just be an all around good
guy support his wife yeah provide be a good husband to your wife uh listen we're all s is and we're all going to make mistakes I'm not going to tell you a bunch of I'm not but the difference between this marriage and my first marriage and day being a man is just a certain quality it's a certain thing and I just became a man and since the 45 I'm 56 now I've been a man for 11 years men look at things that need to be done and they do it get need to be done this
is not tomorrow this is not today this is not this right now life created this person me life life created me to be this person I was back in the day and I had to realize man that's okay man it's not my fault now I got to go back and fix this though mhm so a lot of this isn't your fault why you do some things you do why you feel the way you feel but no one's coming back to save your ass you have to go back to where the started wherever that place is
for everybody and have the courage to go back there and start fixing what broke you mhm and that's and that's why I was like hey I'm up I'm going go back and fix this you have to take full responsibility for everything that you do why be subservient you must be the master of your own kingdom that you can't just walk into things with your eyes half open you got walk into things with your eyes fully open you got to know what you're getting into you have to take possession of your life there needs to be
some period in your day where you remember that there's a world out there trying to tell you who you are and there's a world in here that's trying to tell you who you are now where do you want to put your EXs because the world outside is very noisy and very tempting and it has all the rasat as it has all the tinsel and all the glitter so the world will try and tell you who you are and you have to tell yourself who you are and there's this ongoing battle and somehow that there needs
to be a Reconciliation between the two but in the end you've got to have all the eggs in your basket it's not the critic who count it's not the one that points out how the strong man stumbled but where the doer of Deeds could have done better the credit goes to the man who is actually in the arena whose face is marked by dust and sweat and blood whose stries Bently who airs and comes up short again and again who knows the Great enthusiasm the great devotions who spends himself in a worthy cause at best
he knows in the end the Triumph of high achievement and at the worst if he fails at least he fails while daring greatly so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid Souls who knew neither Victory nor defeat the critics the bullshitters all they can do is talk listen to them you'll see exactly and hear exactly what not to do you should be a monster you know cuz everyone says well you should be harmless virtuous you shouldn't do anyone any harm you should sheath your competitive Instinct you shouldn't try to win you
know you you don't want to be too aggressive you don't want to be too assertive you want to take a back seat and all of that it's like no wrong you should be a monster an absolute monster and then you should learn how to control it you know having the ility and and understand you have the responsibility to keep your family safe is is is absolutely essential in in in being a man and in in in providing uh I I think having a healthy relationship with violence having an understanding of it I think um you
know teaching your kids to to to have a relationship with violence where where where you know they're not being ruled by fear or shame but they can have some sort of understanding some sort of um they can touch it they understand it a little bit they know what they're doing I think it's essential you have to be comfortable with with who you are and with your masculinity you got this testosterone that's roaring through you you're competitive you're ambitious you have goals you have this energy you want to assert yourself my idea of masculinity growing up
was a man who was in control of himself who wasn't mean wasn't pushing people around who was decent who treated women well your aggression your assertiveness your testosterone is a good thing it's how things get done it's what energizes you what's puts you in the world that makes what's makes you ambitious it makes you assert yourself and and motivate yourself it has to be channeled it has to be disciplined but you have to see you know we were talking about our people pleasing things and how you reframe it you have to see who you are
and see The Virtue and it see the power in that and it's a cultural problem because men are very confused I didn't have that confusion when I was growing up um you know so now it's very difficult because you're being told that all these things that you feel naturally are negative they're only negative if you can't control them so self-control is a very masculine quality you're able to control yourself you're able to control your passions you're able to not talk too much if you don't need to talk too much I'm not saying that women don't
have that the opposite is wrong these are things that men naturally have because of their biology and I'm sorry I do believe in these things um but they're good they're just how you use them that can be bad you really can solve a lot of male Problems by getting in shape and making money you still have problems they're just smaller and you have more resources to handle them the world is there for the taking for anyone who can learn from their mistakes do what they say they were going to do and stick with it even
if it's not sexy what used to make a man acceptable now makes you extraordinary the baa winning has never been so low most people are overweight they're distracted they're poor they have so few skills because it has never been easier to start a business to make money to get in shape it's just also never been easier to do nothing and so in a world where it's never been easier to do nothing doing something becomes extraordinary idea of the Lonely chapter resonates so much with people because it it literally is like taking the red pill if
you see this version of the world where you go I can impact my outcomes I can learn a thing apply a thing and then I change as a byproduct of doing that as soon as you take those steps you realize realize almost all of the people around you who have parts of their life that they're not happy about are kind of making a choice for it to be that way now it may be an uninformed or an ignorant choice because they haven't taken said pill and then you go oh that means that all of the
things I don't like about me and I don't like about my life are my responsibility because I can change it I was growing up with sports and stuff my dad was a huge huge athlete and I was always playing comp pet Sports every you know since I was 3 years old um I remember you know wrestling and stuff uh before the MK and stuff he come and talk to me and stuff you ready you ready you know and it's like the state championship or something you know everything's rotting on it and everything else and he's
like how you feel how you feel I'm like a little nervous a little nervous and he just chew me out said nervous for me because I don't know I was nervous he goes to explain this I don't understand that I I don't know Dam nervous man what are you nervous for I'm nervous maybe of course I lose there you go he goes you won't lose I go okay whatever man get away I don't have time for this right now he goes shut up and he goes this is the reward right now this is where you
get to show it all off like what are you talking about he goes hours and hours to the late hours of the night thousands of them been on that mat wrestling in the waight rooms lifting running training and training and training and you get to take all those hours put them all together and explode them on the mother on the other side of M tonight this is where you get to show them all off it ain't time to be nervous it's time to be excited time to be pumped up and you get to grab all
that ability you've been trained so hard and you get to show it off [Music] if you're nervous right now it's because you didn't put the time in in the past to make the moment today the present forever that's the only time you can be nervous right now it's when you didn't do the work you have an untrained ability colliding with an opportunity and you're nervous cuz you might fail cuz you didn't put the work in okay fellas life is hard it's always been hard from the beginning and it will always be hard we don't need
men's mental awareness men's mental health awareness month is that what they call it we need men's grow asset month we need men stop whining month now I know things are hard for some of you I know things are extremely difficult for some of it things have been hard for me around here I don't get on there and post it not going to now listen man man we all go through it we all go through it I've had folks get on here and comment Dwayne you look if you don't look good man you look tired you
look sad you look this you look that look I I go through life just like you do okay I have battles just like you do I stand between my family and the world just like you do and I take the beatings so they don't have to the difference is how do you look at it how do you approach it how do you deal with it how do you admit it and see it for what it is you cry about it you mope about it you drink about it you sleep around about it you get mad
and getting fights about it you just hang around just turn the world out just zombie about it you fry yourself a marijuana about it you say Dwayne I'm sad dude that's a part of life you think you're the only man on this planet that's sad say Dwayne I'm going through depression well welcome to the world welcome to the rest of us you think I don't go through depression sometimes you think I don't get sad sometimes you think I don't just feel wor out and burnt Plum down to the bottom of my soul we all do
we we all do that's what sets us apart that's what makes us different that's what makes us men it was funny about it is that as you're trying to fix yourself and dig yourself out of this deep hole that life society and you helped you helped also those people who you saw down there in that hole who were there with you who were your friends and people who you counted on because you meet the people in the same situation that you're in in life those people become your friends and second you try to get out
of that situation become better those people are in that in that grave in that dungeon is yanking at your heels man saying get the back oh no get oh come on back here yeah you ain't going to make me feel like by you getting out this hole who the do you think you are so I get that all the time now people were constantly remind me of who I used to be back in the day and they always come out of the Woodworks man you know what when you come from a small small town and
you come from a place that a lot of people don't want to come out of it and get out of it and all you want to do is become somebody when you have small town mentality is a real mentality you've got to be able to get out and let your mind see open-mindedness cuz a small town what it does to you is it closes your mind completely closes your mind not everybody this isn't everybody a lot of people you have to be able to go out there and create open-mindedness you need space you need space
to see the world like a lot of racism a lot of a lot of ignorance in the world it comes from people not being out and seeing other things seeing other people seeing all kind of that's why we judge so harshly CU our minds are so closed to the reality of of life if your fat is acceptable period unacceptable especially as a man you don't get the privilege having someone take care of you like I always say men live in a fact Bab reality which means performance is on you okay so the easiest way to
give yourself a oneup is Fitness cuz let me tell you guys something no one can give it to you and no one can take it away from you okay and when you do build your body up it creates this Foundation of confidence that I can't even explain you're going to walk different you're going to move different you're going to talk different you're going to be able to convey this certain sense of confidence that can't be replicated man because when you've worked on yourself when you've went to the gym you've put 225 on your back and
you go you know 10 20 reps as the grass not stopping or you've felt that lactic acid burn of doing curls until you can no longer breathe you know you're doing tricep extensions dying you know you're doing legs never no I'm just kidding but uh but in general when you're going to the gym and you're putting yourself through that pain you are not going to tolerate from some 21-year old bimbo at a club bro you will not the more you work on yourself the more you increase your level of not give a itude all of
us are men in here right what have we've been taught since the day we were young get a job make money become successful work hard and you'll get something back on that on on that return on investment right that you'll get an Roi on your hard work that applies to everything in life with men the gym working putting more hours in ETC you have to earn your abundance mindset by working on yourself and knowing that you are worthy of something so my secret is this guys I use people that hate or people that might have
turned me down in the past or people that wrote me off or whatever it is I get this burning desire to make them look stupid with success it's like a ridiculous I can't explain it it's like almost it's a it's a hatred of that person to a degree where I take that hatred and I funnel it into energy to go in and become even more successful you know there some content creators out there that might have said some things about us some content creators that might have rode us off people that said oh you guys
are never going to make it your boy fresh stutters you're skinny you don't even lift you guys are losers out of Miami you guys are simps B ba right and I said cool bet I'm going to take this money that we make every dollar I'm going to invest it make sure we get better cameras I'm going to get an audio engineer I'm going to get Chris better equipment so that he can switch the cameras going to get better uh wires for the microphon so the microphones sound better I'm going to make sure that the lighting
is good you know uh we're going to make the studio lit to the point where when we tell a guest sayy come on the show they're like damn you guys are professional and they're going to want to come me staying up late at night you know 6 7:00 in the morning not even sleeping sometimes rewiring everything making the studio look as aesthetic as possible talking to chicks hey we need you to come on the show whatever it may be cuz we used to Source all our girls in the beginning guys it was a pain in
the ass though I ain't going to lie thank God we're able to Outsource that but um that the drive to do all that was to literally take my opponent I know this is going to be for me to say but I'm going to say it anyway just so you guys kind of know what's in the back of my's mind take my opponent push their face to the ground and put my boot over it like that and I know that if I work hard as hell that I'm going to make sure that that boot is so
strongly imprinted in the back of their head it's going to say Thursday boot that's how bad I want to win and destroy my opposition oh you roll me off cool I ain't going to forget that I'm going make sure I surpass you we're going to you up too in the process that's how I look at all my opponents and that's what keeps me motivated to go to the gym and everything else like that and that's why the gym is so important I go to the gym right before this this um this show guy this show
this speech I was in a gym listening to 22gs you know what I'm saying all that crazy rap right and I was like it just gets me focused and then I was able to like take that you know that motivation translate it over into the speech into everything else I do the gym is just an your body is the outward manifestation of your efforts okay when you get that discipline to go to the gym to eat correctly to sleep enough right to to drink enough water to abstain from alcohol to not do drugs to not
do all the stupid that all these losers in Vegas are doing right now right when you have all that in place in Fitness it's very easy to translate that over into your business over into uh you know networking over into dealing with girls over into whatever Endeavor you want because the the fundamental require ments of being successful in the gym are easily translatable over to other endeavors Champion become when you can handle all this pressure and you can take all this pressure and uh send them from to the right way you know you can use
this pressure you know this is between the difference between Fighters just Fighters and champions you know I but I handle this and I control this and uh I use this pressure for My Success you know and uh a lot of guys when they go to the oan when they have all this pressure like when they know like Millions people around the world watching on the on him you know they cannot control the self you know but when you have this uh when you have this uh feeling like you can control and use this pressure versus
your opponent like you're going to win well life took me somewhere unexpected I'm unprepared um it's about 6° out here and I'm underdressed but guess what no one gives a you got to get the mother in sometimes life can really hijack your mind when that happens to you you're all up your goals your Ambitions everything is out the window in life we all go through different things sometimes your girlfriend or boyfriend breaks up with you guess what get the over it they no longer want you maybe you fell a test in school you worked your
ass off guess what you failed the test get over it move past it learn to not let life hijack your brain at work you've been working your ass off that new promotion you don't get it someone else does maybe they kiss better ass than you do guess what get over it life will hijack your mind if you let it don't allow all these things to make you a lesser person you must own your mind don't let life own yours get after and stay hard going on a road trip with my kids were little and they
would be asking how much longer how much longer cuz you know they're in the sick of being in the car they want to know how much longer we got to keep driving for well as people get a little bit older that question has a different meaning how much longer how much longer how much longer do we got well the answer is I don't know how much longer we've got but I'm not going to complain I'm going to take advantage of it it's Monday don't know how much longer we've got go get some y'all like you
cannot miss evenly like this very very small things like some people think oh I'm travel I'm today tired tomorrow I'm going to train but you have to understand somewhere around the world maybe in like different part part of world someone going to train today to meet with you after a couple years and uh he follows same goal like you you know you have to know one day he going to come and you're going to take everything what you want that's why you have to stay focused every single moment if a professional oped or leave this
alone or leave this alone don't come like 50/50 this doesn't work on this game I'm up to F with my past my past has taught me who I am to be able to evaluate the situation present and imply what I've learned to make the best choice and that choice is based on character it's based on morality Integrity never about financial return never about monetary value were tangible items it's always been about the character the intangible items and I walk because in Vegas I can't pick up BCE called character and rle hoping it goes my way
I just is too much to him don't get twisted it's not about flipping tires I'm in Las Vegas right now and it's hot as it's not about any of that but what it is about is a lot of us give total control to life we don't have any control of it we just give all control to life I do this every morning to prepare my mind for what life's going to throw at me a healthy body gives you a healthy mind that's what it's about so if you go into battle you want go into battle
the right mindset the right gear in combat you wear body armor but what we do wrong is we don't strengthen our minds you got to strengthen your mind take control of that so then when you get out in the real world and they you up you got protection so in basic SEAL training they have something called called a training time out and what this is is if you're going through some kind of an evolution and it's too challenging for you or the evolution is overwhelming then you can raise your hand and you can call it
training timeout and they'll give you a break and assess the situation and make sure everything is safe and it's a good thing to have in a training environment I get it but in combat there's no training timeout and in life there's no training timeout you can't raise your hand and stop the clock it doesn't happen so instead I recommend you learn how to flip that switch when You Face something that is overwhelming or challenging you flip that switch that says go time have a good Monday y'all go get some out how do you know you
on the right path when the small things mean as much as the big things and lifting those last couple reps mean as much to you as look in the mirror and flexing or winning the competition because you know those small things add up to that if you half f it here you can't expect anything but the half ass accomplishment later coporations Community like these are healthy great men that love their wives and they love their children and they love America and they and like the the warrior society and the warrior culture um is like this
nice balance of you they're they're fit they they get great night sleep they are very good at violence I mean Jordan Peterson you know himself said the uh like a good man isn't a useless man A Good Man is one that is capable and strong and powerful but knows how to control it yeah and I couldn't agree more and when you look at these these young broken men you see the same Trend over and over again and they are missing these important moments that shape them as men and then they have testosterone and they have
strength and they have violence and they've never known how to channel it you had martial arts I had martial arts I had the military we had really healthy ways to burn that kind of growth and learn you know getting our asses beat on the mats I was in Ukraine a week ago and the men there have been hammered for resistance you know being on the border of Russia obviously they've they've known what was coming for for a generation and um they have been training relentlessly for the past 20 years and the young men that you
can walk down the streets of keev and marol Neo and there is not a fat human in sight you know there is not a um comp just a complacent human anywhere to be seen every single person there has is has been hardened not just in body but also in mind and then you know I flew from there to Amsterdam Amsterdam direct back to LA or back to Austin which is cool that we have a direct to Amsterdam now and uh i l the moment the plane lands I get off I take five steps out of
the the gate and I'm like ah I'm back in America there's just like weak soft people everywhere so did I feel like doing dead lifs and cleans this morning no negative I did not did I feel like doing deadlifts and cleans while I was doing deadlifts and cleans no I did not am I glad I did dead lifts and cleans hell yes I am you're not always going to feel like doing what you're supposed to [Music] do that's when you got to do it anyways have a good Monday y'all go get some out