This Is Why The Demons Asked Jesus For The Pigs (Biblical Stories Explained)

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this is why the demons asked Jesus for the pigs demons are Spirit creatures that can take control of a physical body and use it for their own purposes when a person's body is entirely possessed by a demon this condition is known as demonic possession during his time on Earth Jesus had a number of encounters with various Demons of of course none of them were a match for the power of Christ when evening came they brought to him many who were under the power of demons and he cast out the evil spirits with a word and
restored to health all who were sick exhibiting his authority as Messiah Matthew 8:1 16 the city of GAD served as the setting for the encounter between Jesus and the demoniac they came across a certain individual there who was possessed by demons the region was referred to as the country of the Garris by Mark and Luke although Matthew referred to it as the country of the Gatherings gergesa also known as GZA kersa and kza was a small settlement located approximately in the center of the eastern shore of the lake gatara one of the deapa Cities was
a larger Town 6 mies Southeast of the lake southern end it appears that this incident took place someplace close to both towns according to Luke's account of the events the demon-possessed man greeted Jesus and his disciples when they arrived at the shore Luke and Mark only mentioned one of the two people who were possessed by by demons although he was one of the two Luke 8: 27-28 and when he went forth to land there met him out of the city a certain man which had Devils long time and wear no clothes neither AB Boe in
any house but in the tombs when he saw Jesus he cried out and fell down before him and with a loud voice said what have I to do with thee Jesus thou Son of God most high I beseech thee torment me not the good Dr Luke described a few of the signs that this individual was possessed by a demon these included a disregard for his own dignity he was wearing nothing social isolation retreating to an unclean shelter w recognizing Jesus as the Messiah maintaining control of his tongue screaming and possessing enormous strength this man was
under the authority of spiritual forces that were in direct opposition to the will of Jesus and of God the Demonic entities that were inside the man confessed that Jesus was God they were not worshiping Jesus in the capacity of God rather they were pleading for compassion before him in the role of Judge they desired to avoid the agony of being cast into the abyss prematurely this Wretched Man was kept among the graves by an unclean spirit that he might have an opportunity to disturb him continually with a mournful spectacle of death as if he were
cut off from the Society of men and already dwelt among the Dead said this is not the first time Jesus dealt with demons there was Mary called Magdalene Luke 8:1 and it came to pass afterward that he went throughout every city and Village preaching and Sh the Glad Tidings of the kingdom of God and the twel were with him this Mary had been possessed by a until Jesus set her free in addition a lot of people think that she was given over to immorality but the Bible never actually says that Luke 8: 29-32 for he
had commanded the unclean Spirit to come out of the man for often times it had caught him and he was kept bound with chains and in feds and he break the Bands and was driven of the devil Into the Wilderness and Jesus asked him saying what is thy name and he said Legion because many Devils were entered into him and they besought him that he would not commanded them to go out into the deep and there was there an herd of many swine feeding on the mountain and they besought him that he would suffer them
to enter into them and he suffered them in the scriptures there are four locations that are described as being inhabited by Wicked people after death along with disobedient angels and Spirits these locations are described as being places of Torment there is a location known as Tartarus and inside of it are chains that hold certain angels in place while they wait for the day of judgment if in the entirety of the New Testament the word Tartarus is only mentioned one time in its Greek form second Peter 2:4 says God did not spare Angels when they sinned
but sent them to Tartarus putting them in Chains of Darkness to be held for judgment in most translations into English the word Tartarus is rendered as hell or L hell another place in the Bible that talks about Fallen Angels is Genesis 6: 1-4 according to Jude 1:6 some angels abandoned their proper dwelling in the heavens as punishment for this heinous act God casted them into Tartarus where they are being kept in pits of Gloom until the time when they will be judged according to Luke Luke 8:31 the Demon's greatest concern was being cast into Tartarus
Peter's mention of Tartarus is in the context of condemning false teachers those who intentionally spread heresy within the church will one day find themselves in Tartarus just like the Fallen Angels who were responsible for spreading sin and while they wait for the day of judgment the they are held captive in the chains of Tartarus in the sacred texts there is a location referred to as Hades in Hebrew this place is referred to as shol it is frequently translated as hell and it is also frequently translated as Grave so it came to pass that after jesus'
death he went down into Hades and Peter claims that while he was there he preached to those Souls that were being held captive according to the letter that Paul wrote to the Ephesians when Christ ascended into heaven he led these captives out of their captivity thus fulfilling the prophecy of the 61st chapter of Isaiah which said that he would set at Liberty those who were bound and open the prison doors to those that were captive the word translated deep is the Greek word abuso which in other places in the New Testament is translated as the
bottomless pit take note of the fact that they are pleading with Jesus asking that they not be commanded at this time to go to the abuso they are aware that their time will come to be thrown into the abuso at some point in the near future they are now pleading for even greater freedoms which if you ask me is an interesting fact considering that Jesus gave it to them he did not at that time command them torment us not don't send us to the abuso and Jesus at that time did not send them to the
abuso however they will have their time when Satan is bound now they will be set free and they will incite a rebellion against God and against the reign of Jesus Christ in the hearts of wicked men after that they will be cast into gehenna the place where the Beast and the false prophet are in gadar the majority of the population was comprised of non-jews Jesus instructed the demons that were possessing the man to leave so that he could be freed from his Agony Jesus commanded the man to tell him his name so that the man
might see how great a power of evil had possessed him the demons would much rather be imprisoned in the bodies of living things than go to the location where they would be punished because of this if they were not permitted to continue residing in the body of the man they would prefer to enter the bodies of other animals including pigs Jesus granted their request but in the end they were still held accountable for their actions since the pigs lost their minds and drowned in the sea Jesus presented a dramatic and visual confirmation of his power
over Demons by sending them into the pigs Luke 8:33 then went the Devils out of the men and entered into the swine and the herd ran violently down a steep place into the lake and were choked Jesus placed a much higher value on the life of a single human being than he did the lives of 2,000 pigs the local people were more concerned about their fields and they urged Jesus to leave the area out of fear of what would occur if he remained there any longer on the mountain there was also a herd of numerous
pigs and they were were feeding this is a violation of the law these men participated in unlawful trade and trafficking it's the equivalent of cultivating cocaine or poppies Luke 8: 35-37 then they went out to see what was done and came to Jesus and found the man out of whom the Devils were departed sitting at the feet of Jesus clothed and in his right mind and they were afraid they also which saw it told them by what means he that was possessed of the Devils was healed then the whole multitude of the country of the
gatherin round about besought him to depart from them for they were taken with great fear and he went up into the ship and returned back again isn't that a sad situation the people were more concerned with the welfare of those pigs than they were with the liberation of this man they were more concerned about the loss of their pigs than they were about the health of a man they pleaded with Jesus to leave them alone but the man who had been possessed by demons and had them cast out begged Jesus to let him be with
him but Jesus drove him away telling him to go back to his own house and only demonstrate how much God had done for him as he went about his business he spread the news throughout the entire city about the wonderful things that Jesus had done for him it came to pass however that when Jesus came back that is back over the other side of the lake to Capernaum the people cheerfully received him for they had all been waiting for him what a contrast on the one side they were saying would you please get out of
here and on the other side the crowd is waiting it is conjectured that he was not a native of Gad this is due to the fact that when he was commanded to go home and announce among his friends the mercy of God Mark writes that he did this in decapolis Satan and his demons now look to disrupt the work of God and deceive anyone they can 2 Corinthians 11: 14-15 and no wonder since Satan himself masquerades as an angel of Light so it is no great surprise if his servants also masquerade as Servants of righteousness
but there end will correspond with their deeds be sober well balanced and self-disciplined be alert and cautious at all times that enemy of yours the devil prowls around like a roaring lion fiercely hungry seeking someone to devour 1 Peter 5 verse 8 the demons are described as evil spirits unclean Spirits mark 1: 27 lying spirits and angels of Satan and the Great Dragon was thrown down the age-old serpent who was called The Devil and Satan he who continually deceives and seduces the entire inhabited world he was thrown down to the Earth and his angels were
thrown down with him Revelation 12:9 attacking Christians and engaging in conflict with holy angels are just some of the activities that are associated with Satan and his demonic followers since Jesus has already cast out demons in this gospel the question arises as to why Luke chooses to recount yet another exorcism at this point this one has unique characteristics that make it worthy of mention first this exorcism is significant since it is the first one to take place in Gentile territory gasa is located east of the Jordan River it demonstrates how jesus' Ministry is growing in
terms of its scope second this exorcism involves more than one Possession It is a more intense experience than others that have come before third this account deals more fully with an array of responses to jesus' miracles from the request of the locals for Jesus to depart to the transformation of the demon-possessed man into a witness for the Lord this miracle is the third in a series of four Miracles that occur between verses 22 to 56 where each one represents a different sphere of activity nature to Demons to disease to death finally this miracle is the
only one where Earthly creatures other than humans are involved the slaughter of the pigs serves a significant purpose because it illustrates the kind of utter destruction that is characteristic of demonic activity although demons themselves are invisible their presence in the pigs demonstrates the danger they pose the demoniacs detailed description highlights the destructive power of demons he lives alone without clothing in tombs and is isolated from society we are told how he has been seized many times and bound with ropes chains or both but he shattered them and could not be restrained in the Roman World
a legion was a company of thousands of soldiers Jesus is engaged in a major battle here outnumbered but not overmatched the story of Jesus performing a miracle In this passage showcases various responses to him it includes the reactions of the Demons the local people and the man who receives healing from Jesus well the demons acknowledge jesus' power they still try to create chaos among the people even if they know they are going to lose the war armies can nevertheless Endeavor to inflict as much damage as they can before they are defeated the healed man indicates
how helpless one can be without Jesus especially when one is Shackled by forces that are more powerful than they themselves but his turnaround is illustrative of the stunning contrast that appears in one's life after being liberated from such subservience this miracle is not merely about casting out demons more importantly it is about delivering a soul from captivity it is important to take the presence of evil and the Demonic with extreme seriousness it seems likely that Jesus chooses to carry out this event in order to illustrate in a manner that is bold harrowing and graphic how
the existence of evil ultimately results in death this serves as a reminder that the presence of sin in the human race required his own death as payment our world plays with spiritual forces rather than taking them seriously many people living in the modern world find it challenging to read texts about demons because these texts challenge us to cope with Concepts that do not entail seeing or hearing it is difficult to deny the existence of a malevolent force in our society when we are confronted with a horrifying destructive nature of our culture and the terrible ways
in which we are capable of treating one another our efforts are as successful as the attempts by the locals to chain the demoniac in order to restrain him the power of Jesus is needed the delivered man provides a concluding point of application for consideration not everyone is called to serve in a Ministry that requires them to travel to spread the Gospel of Jesus that is not everyone is called to a mission field far from home sometimes Jesus wants those who have experienced his goodness to tell those in their own Hometown about him the man who
was healed and transformed did not have to raise any funds to find his mission field all he had to do was start sharing his story which he did when he spoke about the work of God in his life he could not leave out the mention of Jesus
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