HONRA E VIRTUDE | O Código Do Cavaleiro Medieval | ep.42

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Produzi esse vídeo baseado nos 20 princípios dos cavaleiros medievais (O Código dos cavaleiros), com...
Video Transcript:
Guy, in one of lastets videos we talked about "man don't cry" the meaning to be a man and when we talk about it one word comes to my mind, that's honour honour for me are fully linked in this meaning implicit of be man exist one thing to become more simples to explain what is the honour that's arethe code of knights the 20 principles of Knights i already made a video about it on Alphalife, but i decided redo this video because i think that i have more things to speak and like i have been said are
in medieval times was not any man that's becomes a knight and when him becomes the life of knight was a very difficult life, was a lonely life, a life that expect courage so, him needed go through not just for the training but for a moral, know have an sequence of principles that conducted his life, otherwise him didn't becomes a knight be a knight in that time was an coveted position, know the first principle of code of knights are the LONELINESS, and when we talk about loneliness we are not talking that's the knight will be a
lonely man but rather him work the aloneness exists a lot of things behind of this code of knights that was like one thing that conducted all self-knowledge of an man in that time work the aloneness is more than necessary, we already have been talking of aloneness and the meaning of aloneness is you feel good with yourself even, when you work the aloneness, alone with anyone arround you, without anyone to know your opinion for you approve yourself for this person you start to build up clarity, start to build up a intelligence you start to working out
self-love for love to be living with your own companion the second principle PRINCIPLE OF HUMILITY when i will talk about the HUMILITY, i will not say the obvious, say that you need to be humble , but say for you that humility means you be humble for upward, as much as downward you will look one person downward of you , on equal terms as well as you will look one person upward you, on equal terms overlooking every social value and all power that this person can have, or not this means humility, you see an reality in
persons and yourself principle number 3, is the PRINCIPLE OF GRATITUDE nothing less than you be grateful for what you have, obvious and gratitude in the life of an person means, don't be slave of desires, desires of things that you still don't have, desire these things but don't be slave of it the 4º principle, is the PRIDE in this context is an pride to be who you are you are a man and have pride to be a man, you are a woman and have pride to be woman not the pride to be better than the other
person than other gender, than an person of other class, but the pride to be who you are is kind of an different way to talk about self-love 5º and 6º principle, fifth COOPERATION 6º, FRIENDSHIP, we can talk about these two together because means you see the world like don't look for the persons, as if you had to compete with the persons as if everyone was you enemy and you had to be always competing i already told in other videos that the way of release, is an selfish way is an individualist way, but is an positive
selfishness is an selfishness where you look for the other persons and don't them like enemies but like friends and comes the cooperation and the friendship principle number 7, the FORGIVENESS, forgiveness know i don't will say the obvious point of view, but the wise point of view that's when you forgive an person, an person hurts you, when you stay working above of that hurt, reminded, thinking about that you are arrested in this, arrested in a bullshit that other person did with you the forgiveness is not for you be a good kid, is for you get rid
of an resentment when you have an resentment above of any bullshit that other person did for you and this is bad for you is your energy that are spent the forgiveness is like,severing ties and send that person away this feeling away, forgive and fuck-it the principle the number 8, HONESTY, and seem very obvious talk abou honesty, but an can't have honour without have honesty for me honesty means be 100% transparent and committed with the truth no matter the circumstance, with one amigo, with a girlfriend, with family here spoken for a millions of persons always focusing
the honesty, even something that i said will not attract everyone the principle the number 9, COURAGE very simple, the world is dual, and this duality in the question of courage, one side is fear, and the other side is the desire to overcome the fear and the courage is not absence of fear but an energy intended to overcome the fear knights needed of courage in the battles number 10, the VIRTUE virtue for me in the modern context is an self-improvement personal development we know the meaning and nowaday we can categorize the persons in the world, in
the persons that evolve, and the persons that don't evolve 80% of persons don't evolve 20% of persons evolve 20% of these persons control the others 80% this is virtue virtue for an knight is one thing, virtue for us in today's world, in the actual context, is personal development principle number 11 is JUSTICE justice guy, not in obvious meaning, but is more an sense of justice, to compose your honour i think that the principal is sense of justice and the sense of justice is already rooted our genetics, for example are an a group in this group
instinctively you will calculate who is the strongest who is weaker the stongest take care of the weaker it's always the same, is an exemple of sense of justice usual hang down for the fair side not of what is good, not of is wrong, because this is totally relative but of what iss fair the number 13, GENEROSITY, could say the obvious of this principle as well as from all what is not obvious about generosity, for me is know that the world have a millions of possibilities of growth material, financial, you can growth e become a richest
person, you can live of luxury and have to enjoy it but with generosity, generosity without the obvious here means the not attachment of these material things, in other words, you accomplishment the material things but after you lose it and fuck-it, it's okay are just material things any friend yours need help, someone need help with money, with something, the generosity is on you help, but help not against the truth, but in on detached way for these material things, these riches, is like the riches but not cling to for them, the same is valid for womans is
you like them, but not cling to with you don't have to be slave of womans as well as you don't have to be slave of material things of material possessions and of wealth this, are to GENEROSITY Number 14 is the DISCIPLINE discipline, the act of you modify your self-improvement, is the second stage when you make a change, for example decided to start an physical exercise when you are idle for a long time, this decision is the firts most harder step but is Harder still if you continue doing it long-term, this is discipline you live an
life with discipline, you dictate for yourself something that brings benefits and growth, and follow this rule the fact of follow this rule called discipline and to accompany the discipline comes the principle number 15 that are the DEDICATION dedication comes above the discipline because is when you are enjoying and dedicate oneself to follow this discipline, in other words let's come back, give the first step, this is the power of act give the second step, that's are the consistence, get the third step that are the love for what you are doing the dedication that will bring for
you the search for the constant improvement the improvement, the Kaizen method, this is the dedication the principle number 16 it's very interesting, because is called SPEECH but it's not about the speech, but not speech, the silence silence means you hushed not just the mind, but the body, you speech, the verbal part, everything without any expression with objective of be sure of, the silence is what gives clarity, there in the first principle we talked about loneliness and aloneness of loneliness that's not are V, is the loneliness that's are aloneness, that bring pleasure here is speech, that
is not speech, is the silence and what brings pleasure to stay in silence and brings benefits calm in your mind and mental clarity and stay in silence principle number 17, called FAITH faith not in the religious sense but in an sense, faith in something big, and it can be god, can be the universe can be a belief, can be an objective faith in one objective, believe that will work out, because in this objective consist in power of action, and the power of action is an universal energy that you use, that flow throughout you, the faith
are in this, if you take the faith word and ramify it study it in every levels you will see that inside it have the confidence have the sel-love, have an sense of responsibility have an sense of capability and all this in a big core, this core called faith, faith compose all this number 18, EQUALITY very interesting for the modern world, that we live where exist something more greater than us, not so positive like the search put in our mind that exist an inequality, that pursuit makes a team where the team a fight against the team
b where you have to choose an team and fight in one of them is like one side throw you against the other e who are between are laughing of bouth sides equality is not that you have to fell equal know that exist an equality amoung genres, amoung sexs, amoung isomething, i don't know bur know that don't worry the differences, and that thou don't will fight for one side, doesn't make sense fight for some side make sense you fight or for everything, or for yourself the way of personnel evolution is selfish, and when selfish, guy, it's
you give importance just with respect to yourself, and when do this every way of prejudice end every way of disrespect of other persons, so this is the right side of selfish the last principle, is the principle of LOVE and like i said in other video nowadays we have an dissatisfaction in the relationships and we say that we don't believe in love, because exist a lot of things that makes the relationship lost the love, lost the value, the woman lost her value, the man lost value and the love lost value but guy, who say that the
love him are just in love between the man and the woman, the fraternal love the romantic love Eros, Agapes, and everything is related i believe that the love, he are conected in yourself, is the only way to feel and understand the love, is understand first the self-love and after you start take an entire life, shit after shit, to understand what is the meaning fd love in relation of relationship, in relation of family and you will just understand this, when understand that thou get so much conquer the love, keep the love and handle with the lost
of love and it brings the last principle most important that will make a linj for the next video, the DEATH the knight need to have very clear for him qhat is the death have you heard about a expression in Latin that means die moment, that are an memory that persons whisper in the heard each other to say that the life are finishing, you are a mere mortal that is better you destroy all your ego all your pride and comeback of real world to live the real world and i don't will finish this video, because death
moment is something so interesting that can be used to make the nest video, e i will let to talk about this principle of death in itself, in the next video so guy the next video will be about death and like the understanding about death can make feel more alive let you like in the video let you, "hey Copini i'm here" this video here was a little differente of what your are used i have been recorded this video of knights of principle of knights a long time ago in Alphafile, and i solve rewrite, redo, in modern
version tell me if you liked ans say if thisform is interesting for you bring video about different cultures, ancient cultures, for the personal development tell me you opinion and i will go and i do more things od this genere that hug
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