all right all right all right all right let me just fix that all right here we go hey hey hey Legends frer Brooks here coming to you live today from Dubai hope you are doing good if you are joining in on the replay do let me know comment the word summit actually and I'll be able to give you a gift we are currently streaming live on Facebook and YouTube but also on Instagram so I apologize in advance for my Instagram friends uh my friends in general who are on Instagram uh who are tuning in and
watching this because it's a little bit I'm going to be kind of talking here but I am going to be kind of looking down here as well so apologize to you guys as well cuz it might be a little bit awkward so whatever platform you are on give us a love heart give us a thumbs up smash subscribe smash follow whatever it might be and we are going to get into this so today I've got something really really exciting I want to share with you because I want to talk to you about how you can
make more selling on your Instagram stories or your Facebook Stories for those of you who are watching on YouTube then you're probably thinking like YouTube don't have stories uh they did at one point I don't think they do now but anyway here we go um an inner circle member man uh real good friend she's amazing crushing it she asked like hey I want to be able to sell more of my stories what do I do now I could have answered it and given her like a strategy like right here we go what you want to
do is you on on your stories you want to kind of be able to start with a hook and then tell some stories and then give the offer right that's what I could have kind of said that's the the basic that's the obvious like you hook someone in so you like make sure that they kind of excited to want to actually see what it is that you're you're talking about some drama some curiosity and then you share the story the tips the points the lessons and then you go in for what you want to sell
however what if if you had a 100 people view your story right and five people vot right not $5 but five people bought right you got 5% what if you could double the number of people who view your story right you could double the number of people you story so I know it's not going to be exactly this but if it was 200 stories 10 sales so instead of having to perfect the strategy instead of having to become an absolute worldclass strategist who just crushes social media let's just understand a little bit about how the
algorithm works right now on Instagram on Instagram or on Facebook let me know in the comments if you know how the algorithm works because the algorithm there there's two things right well one thing really but when you make when you go on to Instagram what you'll find is it will look something like this blown up right your story here let's do this and then anyone who's live and then everyone else right your goal like if there was a vertical feed right with the news feed we got vertical feed right you want to be as close
to the top as possible okay on the stories feed you want to be as close to the left hand side as possible so hack number one go live on Instagram more because it gets you to the front of the feed right it's a kind of obvious way to be able to get viewed more but if you want to get more story views you've got to be as close to here if these are the lives right this is lives this is you these are the stories you've got to be here here here you you can't be
down here somewhere and the majority of you I'm sorry to say it you are you're all the way down here so you're thinking whoa whoa whoa why is no one watching my stories well think about it let's say let's say that on average people po follow three of their favorite football players they follow 10 of their favorite actors or actresses they follow their five favorite music artists they follow five business people they fall out boom boom boom you're now 30 people 40 people deep before they've even got got to you now you've got their 10
best friends or family members maybe even more oh and now they follow you because they get some they get some entertainment or value from you right now you're like number 50 down here in terms of their connection so when they open their their Instagram and they see that their best friend has posted or updated on Instagram they're like I want to go see what she's up to I want to go see what he's up to then their favorite actor football player singer songwriter whatever influencer comes on oh I want to see what they're up to
and then there's little old you and they're only ever going to see your posts your stories if they decide to click on the story because they're like oh and it's not the first right click or they for some reason have viewed your story a lot recently so here's what you need to know number one this is the most important metric to be able to trick the algorithm to move yourself from here in the algorithm feed to here that's the goal our goal is to be as close to the left as possible you guys follow in
so far smash some love hearts if you're following me following me so far right so our goal is what's known as percentage viewed percentage viewed now it's not GNA if you if you go onto your stories and you scroll up it will show you the number of uh the number of views who the views are how many people have liked it it will show you stuff like that but it's not going to show you the percentage of that story that's viewed unless you go deep into the metrics and so how do we improve the percentage
viewed this is super super super important number one we get people to go back right meaning let me kind of demonstrate this meaning if we have stories right we have three stories and this one is the one that kind of people wanted to go back to right so they've watched it then they go to this one if they click this side of the screen it goes back if they click this side of the screen it goes forward so if they go back they've watched it once they go back they watch it twice it go back
they watch it three times that's now going to be counted as 300% that's going to be counted as 300% viewed so getting someone to go back so it's got to be good enough there's got to be a mistake there's got to like a by the way a purpose mistake is like super important it's like me go it's like me writing on here saying like all right so we've got Mary Steve Samantha and Derek so we have five people on our list right now you know there's four it's obvious that there's four but you're like whoa
whoa whoa whoa go back it did that was that right so making mistakes on purpose there could be something highly dramatic there could be a lot of screen on the text there could be something going on in the background there could be something going on in the foreground the dog could be humping a pillow behind you whatever it is what's the reason you could hey you could be somewhere really flipping nice and the person wants to see where is that I know where that is right so it could be like hey guess where I am
and he guesses where I am now if it's obvious people are just going to go Paris Rome obviously the obviously he's in London then right whatever right but if you get people to rewind that's number one so way number one is rewind okay the second way is if someone presses on the screen and holds it the timer across the top of the Instagram story stops but the algorithm timer doesn't because they know every single page and how much time and where you click it's basic analytics for for a lot of tech companies but for you
and I it's like what they know what page we're on where we're clicking where we're looking there's a camera this way and that way on a phone for a reason these days right so there's so many different pieces of of of points here right so if you press and hold the timer on the the the video the the story won't move to the next one until it hit the bar hits the end but it won't because you press and hold so it pauses it however the algorithm keep keep you know knows that so this is
an empty phone case just so you know right but I'm going to use this phone case for example I've taken off my phone so that I have like this is a demonstration but I press and hold right now let's say that the story is 7 Seconds long and I've pressed on hold and read what's on the screen or I'm looking in the background or I'm I'm going no okay so she's got that hat that hat I've basically I put a story saying how many clothes how many pieces of clothing am I wearing one two three
S8 N9 10 11 12 13 right now let's say that's been on for 7 seconds but they've held it down for 21 seconds well now again it's 300% are Instagram going to show you stories at the front on people you skip more or on people you stay more are you sticking or sorry are you skipping or are you staying are you skipping or are you staying the people who they stay on are the ones who are going to win the ones who are going to win so two things number one if you're getting value from
this please do feel free to tag a friend share it I am going to leave this on my Instagram feed on my Facebook feed on the YouTube feed all that fun stuff second thing second thing if you haven't already done so behind me here you can see the word comment Summit if you comment Summit or when you comment Summit you will get information to get your free ticket to the upcoming success Summit online 5 which this year is free there is a VIP option which is super valuable no brainer to be honest but 10th 11th
12th of November we are going to be do success Sumit online for free so comment Summit follow instructions in your messenger once we're done here right so that's way number one percentage viewed way number two is actually like okay there's something known as Instagram stickers right so when you're on Instagram and you're about to do a story there's a sticker button it's like a face in like a sticker with the f Edge folded over right so when you click on that you can then do polls question boxes quizzes countdown timers uh you can add like
emojis on there gifs on there or gifs on there whatever you want to call it still don't know if it's GIF or GIF to be honest all right but the most important engagement piece outside of percent outside of percentage view this is the most important is what's the most important on a real what's the most important on a Tik Tok what's the most important on a Facebook what's the most important on YouTube what's the most important outside of percentage viewed on a Facebook group think about it think about it for a moment and so many
people neglect it now I say comments right because don't forget don't forget this this this is the theory on this is the most important thing you'll ever know on social media why do we post on social media why do we create so why do we create content on social media to get liked accepted to start a conversation woohoo we're pregnant comment comment comment comment comment oh yeah hey we've got 82 love we've got 82 comments the biggest post I've ever done yeah let's get pregnant again next week so I can do it again no right
it's the we create content to get comments so if for one if for someday we stopped getting comments would you keep posting I'm going to have it a guess and say probably not and if you are it's because you're journaling your life you're taking photos so you you and your kids can look back at it in the future right so comments make social media go around comments feed the content and the content help us create comments so you will see if you're live on Facebook you can comment down below do it prove to me that
you're able to do it if you're on a YouTube live you can use the comments down below use it prove to me that you can do it if you're on Instagram live again you'll see the button it says comment now on Instagram stories it's slightly different when you go on to someone's Instagram story there will be three things across the bottom three things across the the bottom number one a bar where you can type something in to send message that in my opinion is a comment right you're making a comment on the story okay you're
not sending a message saying like hey Fraser how are you doing that's sending a message in my opinion it's a comment love this where's this your dog's so cute wow what a great view whatever it might be the the second thing is the love heart so people can click on that again if people click on that it is going to be good right if you get hundreds of people clicking on the love heart great the third thing is you will see down here if you're watching on Instagram is a paper paper airplane I'm not going
to draw the paper airplane whatever right that is to then share it so if you're seeing someone's story you can comment slash send a message love heart or send the story to someone else the more people who comment or hit the send the send message it's the same thing and obviously actually write you a message the more likely you are to go from here on the on the on the stories feed right to the front excluding lives and obviously your own your own story okay so in order for you to sell more on social media
with Instagram stories and Facebook Stories you've got to really start thinking am I just posting this story for the sake of it or do I believe someone is going to hold and read or hold and to pause it or are they going to go back or are they going to comment on this or not if the answer is no I would reconsider actually posting it now in the beginning you're going to get tactical the first post that you do right so you're going to have you should always have a story reset I'm going into it
a little bit deeper now but you should always have a story reset meaning 24 Hours by not posting on your stories I usually do Saturday like so Saturday morning till Sunday morning no um no no post it's kind of my my guilt-free zone of uh of social media so I don't feel like I've got to be posting all the time right so the first one should be highly engaged so you do a story reset bang you should do something that is dramatic creates curiosity uh gives enough value that that people actually want to read so
that they press and hold something that people go oh my God that was absolutely hilarious I want to watch it again and then the rest could be fine eventually naturally you will know exactly what works because you will see your story views Skyrocket and when you see your whoa I've had a massive spike in my story views yes because you've either done something that people have rewinded and watched a bunch of times or people are um pressing and holding and reading or seeing what you've done or you they've messaged you like crazy okay so just
pay very close attention whenever you have a big big rocket in your story views or your Spike spike in your story views whether that's from I usually get three or four to bang and I got 50 or if it's I usually get 100 to 200 bang now I get a thousand right understand understand and appreciate what's making that happen now last thing before I go right and before I go before I do share that last thing if you haven't already done so you got a few more moments here to comment Summit in the comments down
below if you're on Facebook and Instagram if you are on YouTube you can go to the link that I will put in the description once this has been posted up but it's success summit. info go there to claim your free ticket to this year's uh success Summit online now what is a good number I see someone's put here Dave says says Dave isn't cool I'd say you are cool Dave right um what is a good percentage of people who watch your stories if you can get 5% you've done very well right but obviously the higher
the number of followers the low lower the number will be so for example I would say that if you have a thousand people who follow you and you haven't paid for them or anything like that 15 to 20% so if you got a th followers then you should probably get 100 to 150 people when you get to 10,000 followers I would say if if you can get like 8 to 10% you've smashed it and once you get over 100,000 I would say 5% % maybe 4% crushed it all right so focus on growing your following
and focus on growing the story views more than the actual strategy inside of the Instagram stories because I promise you you won't do it long enough to get the Rewards or you'll have this amazing strategy absolutely nailed and only three people will say it and it'll drive you nuts but when you start seeing that number grow I was getting three people last week now I'm getting 20 now I'm getting 50 now I'm getting 100 people it's just going to turn you on in a different way it's going to make you feel good all right so
I appreciate you big big love yeah go on a trip it triples exactly because people are watching the average time goes up and up and up they want to see what you're doing all right I appreciate you guys big love to those of you who watched on Facebook and YouTube big love to you guys who watched on Instagram and I will see you next time all right Big Love CIA