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I don't support genocide I don't support ethnic cleansing and I don't support the country of Israel's invasion of the Gaza Strip people in my comments are saying I support these things because I made a video about Starbucks and I did not mention people's ongoing efforts to boycott Starbucks as a show of solidarity for Palestine whenever I outline a video I frame my research through finding a main point this time my main point was seeing how recent backlash against Starbucks and its CEO illustrate larger problems within the fast food industry specifically the increase in prices and
the mobile order first mentality that's negatively affecting the atmosphere of these establishments both these prices and the atmosphere are real issues that are having an impact on sales and that is what I set out to explore in my video people boycotting Starbucks to support Palestine is also having an effect on sales but that was not the main point I was trying to make and I wasn't going to use that boycott as a supporting argument for my very light-hearted video about people's frustration with fast food trends that did not feel appropriate to me at the time
please don't ascribe such extreme intentions to something that I ultimately did to try to keep the video focused but I did make that decision and the consequences appear to be confusion or curiosity over my belief so it is very important to me to reiterate them I don't support genocide I don't support ethnic cleansing I don't support the country of Israel's invasion of the Gaza Strip these are the main things I see people accusing me of and so I hope this could provide some clarity this clarification isn't something I owe everyone anytime I don't mention something
deeply serious in a video my decision to talk about unserious things on my platform sometimes doesn't really say anything about my views about very serious things or my tendency to talk about them should I choose to do so it's very jarring to be called a disgusting disappointing terrible human being because I made the decision to leave something out of a video but that jarring feeling is nothing compared to the discomfort of being displaced from your own home so I appreciate the Privileges I have and I appreciate you for giving me your time and there is
truly no simpler way to sum up my real beliefs than to just say free Palestine that is all
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