How 15 Push Ups Every Day Will Completely Transform Your Body

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Big Muscles
Push-up is one of the best exercises for pumping up chest, shoulders and arms. How to do push-ups pr...
Video Transcript:
Push-ups are considered one of the best exercises for developing upper body strength. In addition, they can be done anywhere without additional equipment. In this video, I ll tell you what happens if you do push-ups every day.
So, watch the video till the end, it will be interesting. Let's go! Push-ups work the triceps, pecs, and delts.
Major pectoral muscle. Its main functions are flexion, adduction and internal rotation of the shoulder. The major pectoral muscle is the largest and most important muscle in the chest area.
The triceps is responsible for extending the arm and also helps the biceps to manipulate the arm in flexion. The anterior delt is involved in the exercise indirectly, but it has an important function during push-ups. It is involved in fixing the hands in front of the shoulder.
Also, each athlete can change the degree of load on a particular muscle, depending on the type of push-ups. In fact, many muscles are trained isometrically during push-ups. That is, the muscle is loaded, but doesn t expand or contract.
Such muscles hold and balance the body in the correct position during movements, therefore, the latissimus, internal muscles of the chest, abdominal muscles, thighs and buttocks are additionally loaded. When performed correctly, push-ups have a strengthening effect on the joints and tendons. Some push-up modifications, such as uneven push-ups where the arms are at different heights, are effective in strengthening the rotator cuff, a commonly deformed area in athletes.
Let's talk about the benefits of push-ups. First, you ll become stronger. When you do push-ups, the triceps, pectoral muscles and shoulders are included in the work.
Proper push-up technique also works the muscles of the back, abdomen, and legs. Thus, just one exercise can strengthen your entire body. Second.
Your cardiovascular system will become stronger. Scientists have associated muscle fitness with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. For example, a relation has been found between the number of push-ups a person can perform and their heart health.
Men who can do 40 or more push-ups in one set have a 96% lower risk of cardiovascular disease than those who can't do 10 push-ups in a row. This is explained by the fact that the load of large muscles requires the delivery of oxygen to them, which makes the heart work. So, push-ups are a great exercise to improve the work of your heart.
Third. You ll protect your shoulders from injury. Shoulder injuries often occur in unforeseen circumstances.
For example, during a fall. Regular push-ups engage the stabilizing muscles of the shoulder girdle and therefore serve as one of the best exercises to protect the joints and ligaments of the shoulder from injuries. Fourth.
You ll strengthen your lower back. This part of the body is involved in every movement. Low back pain is a fairly common problem, and overworking or injuring this area can be a real torment.
Push-ups involve the entire body, which allows you to strengthen this vulnerable part of the body. Fifth. You ll have a beautiful posture.
As you know, one of the causes of poor posture is weak core muscles. To keep your spine in the right position throughout the day, when you work on computer or just walk, you need strong abs and back. Proper push-ups make these muscles work.
If you do push-ups every day, the body will get used to the desired position. What happens if you do 15 push-ups every day? If you are a beginner, then it s highly likely that in the early days it will be difficult for you to do 15 reps.
But at the end of the second week, you ll easily do it. With proper and regular exercises, at the end of 2 or 3 weeks you can already see a slight change in the volume of the pectoral muscles, delts and triceps. However, it is still recommended to perform this exercise every other day.
If your fitness level is high enough, you can perform push-ups using its various types like incline or decline push-ups. One of the most difficult types is push-ups while standing on your hands vertically up without support for your legs. By the way, friends, be sure to watch other videos on this channel, links are on the screen right now.
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