KEEP GOD FIRST | 5 Minutes to Start Your Day Right - Morning Inspiration to Motivate Your Day

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Everyday make it your goal to keep God first and have a relationship with Him. Let Him into every ar...
Video Transcript:
I will not put my feet on the floor in the morning until I talk to God Can you say without hesitation That God is first in your life It's silly to say that we don't have time for God And if we don't have time for him then he's not first in our lives Do you think about God in His goodnesss in your life Do you take time to thank God for you blessings even little ones Live to please the Lord Make decisions that are pleasing to God How many times do we decide to put God first But then the keeping Him first Becomes an issue because in case you haven't noticed the world is full of things to distract us I'm sure you have experienced you make a decision that your going to pray every morning and study the word before you do anything else and then all of a sudden it's night time and you don't even know what happened but that plan you made didn't work out And so more then anything I want you to listen to me. More then anything the devil will fight you about keeping God first in your time in your finances and many many many different ways You see here's the thing you don't want to do I found myself many years ago Trying so hard to work God into my schedule And finally one day the Lord said why don't you just work your schedule around me So are you trying to find a place to put God into your schedule. Or would you be willing today to say God from now on your going to be first and I don't care what else has to go Or what I have to change what I have to make an adjustment in I want to keep you first in my life in everything.
Let me tell you being a Christian just does not work out right if God is a sideline in your life He doesn't just want to be part of your Sunday morning He wants to be welcomed into and be a vital part of everything that you do. Millions of people believe in Jesus and go to church on Sunday But God is not first in there life He puts your first in his life, do you know that Every single one of you is first in God's thoughts And I want you to understand this today. You are on God's mind all the time He's always thinking about you We could not even count the thoughts that God has towards us.
They would be like little grains of sand on the beach Before you ever arrived on planet earth God made a plan for every single day of your life. He won't force you to walk in it But he would like you to walk in it He would like to guide you and lead you through life and literally let me say it again be involved in everything you do in every decision you make God wants to be part of it That's what Jesus died for us to have Boy we sure need God when we're desperate Well you know we just can't go to God when were desperate that's not a walk with God You say you mean to tell me I need to spend time with God everyday How about like every five minutes God is not for the emergencies in our life He is our life Well so we can just keep trying to do a bunch of stuff without him and just fail time after time and hopefully we'll finally get it that's what happened to me Now some of you are still young enough that you think oh man I got to get married, I got to have kids I got to climb the latter of success Well that's good, do all that But if you do all that without God you'll come to the end of it and you'll still be very dissatisfied You're going to be like a person roaming around in the wilderness Seeing one mirage after another that you think has got the water that you need Well this will make me happy well this will make me happy Nothing is going to make you happy content and satisfied, you may you may go and enjoy a vacation and your happy while your there But who wants to just enjoy certain events and days in there life I want to enjoy every single ordinary day of my life.
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