my family laughed at me saying I was worth nothing until I bought a $200 pile of junk from a farmer Eddie Crow never really had a shot that's what my family loved reminded me every Thanksgiving every Christmas every single time we gathered around a dinner table I was a screw up the one who never lived up to his potential my younger brother Kyle oh KY was a golden child the walking success story he had some fancy corporate job in Detroit the kind that involved a lot of meetings and not a lot of actual work he
had a Tesla a Sleek condo and a wife who looked like she came straight out of designer catalog me I had grease under my nails a trailer that rattled like an old shopping cart when a wind picked up and a business that kept the lights on most of the time at 39 I had learned to stop caring mostly but some mornings hit harder than others like today I woke up to the familiar sound of my trailers heater rattling against the Michigan cold that thing had two settings arctic tundra and surface of the Sun but it
was all I could afford I rubbed a hand over my face feeling the stubble and exhaustion from another late shift of the garage breakfast a gas station coffee straight from the tin and a slightly stale Pop-Tart I found in the glove compartment of my truck five-star dining I stepped outside and took into usual sights my rusted out sh leaning like it was contemplating retirement an old Tire propped against a trailer and my neighbor Gary standing on his porch in a bathrobe sipping something that definitely wasn't just coffee still running that high-end repair business of yours
Gary smirked nodding toward my makeshift garage it was really just a cluttered shed with a half broken neon sign that occasionally flickered Crow Auto when it felt like working I sigh watching my breath fog in the air living the dream Gary chuckled saw Kyle on TV last night some business panel thing guy's got a nice suit I didn't respond just took another sip of coffee resisting the urge to throw the hole can into the snow it wasn't jealousy I didn't want Kyle's life but it sure would have been nice if our parents looked at me
like I was something other than an afterthought the morning dragged I replace a radiator in a 94 F-150 earning just enough to knock a little off my overdue electric bill same grind different day the Highlight was an old lady who came in for an oil change and tipped me with a homemade pie honestly best pay I got all week then my phone buzzed unnown number I almost ignored it scam calls were basically part of my daily routine but something made me pick up Eddie that's you the voice was old familiar yeah who's this Joe Joe
Garrison you used to help me out on the farm when you were a kid I remember Joe old school farmer the kind of guy who thought duct tape and determination could fix anything his farm was on the edge of town filled with rusting equipment and projects he'd probably started in the 80s and never finished I need a favor Joe continued got an old heap of metal sitting in my barn been collecting dust for decades figured you might want it before I haul to the scrapyard I frowned what kind of Heap Joel let out a low
chuckle come see for yourself normally I didn't have time for wild goose chases but something in Joe's voice made my gut tighten I glanced around my garage half fixed cars over du invoices the same dead-end routine maybe just maybe this was worth checking out the drive to Joe's Farm was exactly as I remembered long stretches of empty road lined with telephone poles and the occasional faded billboard advertising a diner that probably hadn't served a decent burger since Reagan was in office the air smelled like damp Earth and something vaguely burnt the way it always did
out here after harvest season my truck rattled over potholes each one a reminder that my suspension was hanging on for dear life I wasn't expecting much when an old farmer says they got a heap of metal in their Barn it's usually a rusted out tractor or some heap of scrap that's been sitting there since disco was was popular but something about Joe's tone had stuck with me that little chuckle like he was letting me in on some private joke Joe's Place hadn't changed much the barn looked about ready to collapse faded red paint curling off
the walls the roof sagging the middle and birds nesting in every available crevice Joe himself was waiting outside leaning against the door frame like he had all the time in the world overall stained with grease a cigarette barely hanging onto his lip he nodded toward the barn in there inside a smell hit me first dust oldwood motor oil and something vaguely animal likee sunlight streamed through cracks in the walls casting long beams across piles of rusted out tools forgotten projects and then I saw it tucked against the back wall covered in what had to be
Decades of grime was the unmistakable outline of a Fastback Mustang I didn't even need to see the badging the long Hood the sloping roof line it was burned into my brain from years of drooling over cars I could never afford my heartbeat kicked up a notch I ran a hand over the dust covered Hood brushing off years of neglect beneath the grime there were hints of blue paint faded but still there the windshield was intact but the roof had seen better days rust had eaten through in a few places the car wasn't perfect but it
wasn't Beyond saving either Shelby GT500 CR 1967 I crouched near the front bumper wiping away another thick layer of dust until I found what I was looking for the VIN plate pulling out my phone I typed it in my fingers shaking slightly a quick search confirmed it this wasn't some knockoff with a slapped on badge this was a real deal Joe watched me with mild Amusement so you interested I forced myself to stay calm what are you looking to get for it he scratched his chin taking a slow drag from a cigarette eh was going
to haul it off to the scrapyard next week they offer me 200 bucks for the weight you want it it's yours for the same I nearly choked $200 200 for a car that even in this condition was worth more than everything I own combined I did some quick math in my head even if I sold half my tools skipped rent and lived on instant Ramen for a month I'd still be coming out ahead I kept my face neutral that seems fair Joe nodded like we were sealing a deal over a couple of beers I reached
into my pocket pulled out a wad of crumpled 20s and handed it over he pocketed the cash without a second thought no idea he had just let go of something worth more than his entire Barn need help getting it loaded he asked not even looking back at the car I shook my head I got it we rolled it out into the sunlight and for the first time I got a full look at it faded paint rough spots a couple of dents but the bones were solid the original engine was still there it was going to
take work time and money I didn't exactly have but standing there looking at it I knew this wasn't just another car this was my shot at something bigger hooking it up to my truck I could feel my pulse and my ears the entire drive back the weight of what I had just done settled in this wasn't just another job another repair this was my one chance to turn everything around dragging that Shelby gt500cr into my driveway should have felt like a victory instead it felt like I had just spray painted a Target on my back
the second I unhooked the toe straps I heard it laughter first a chuckle then fullon wheezing I didn't even have to turn around and know who it was Gary my ever observant neighbor was leaning against his beat up Ford already nursing a cold beer like he had nothing better to do you serious Crow he hollered barely containing his Amusement that thing got a gas tank or a beehive in the trunk I ignored him the sun hit the Shelby just right making every rust spot dent and insult time had thrown at it stand out like a
neon sign to the untrained I yeah it looked like I'd lost my mind peeling paint a roof that seen better days and an interior that smelled like a mouse retirement home but I saw what it could be didn't matter though Gary wasn't the only one getting a free comedy show word spreads fast in the town this SI by the time I grabbed a rag and wipe the dust from the windshield a small crowd had formed neighbors leaning over fences a couple of teenagers on bikes even old man Jenkins who I was pretty sure only came
outside when free entertainment was involved hey man one of the kids called out grinning you building a parade float more laughter I clenched my jaw and focus on the car the way I saw it their opinions weren't paying my bills then my phone buzzed I pulled it from my pocket already knowing who it was before I even looked Kyle because of course I considered ignoring it but I already knew how that would go he'd call again then Mom would call then I get a text about how I was worrying everyone easier to get over with
so Kyle's voice came to the speaker already smug dad says you bought yourself a classic I could practically hear the air quotes if by classic you mean the best car ever made then yeah I replied leaning against a hood best car ever made Kyle snorted you mean that hunk of metal currently lowering your property value in the background I heard my parents chiming in my dad muttered something about another bad decision and my mom sigh like i' person failed her in ways she hadn't even imagined yet look KY continued his voice switching to his signature
I know better than you tone I get it you like cars but maybe just maybe you could have put that money towards something useful like I don't know an actual working vehicle or I don't know a down payment on something that doesn't have squirrels living in it I didn't answer I knew the drill the more I argued the more they dig in and instead I hung up shoved my phone in my pocket and took another look at the Shelby to everyone else it was a joke to me it was my way out then reality set
in I had 12 Grand to my name that was it just enough to keep the lights on by groceries and maybe maybe start working on the car but restoration wasn't just about elbow grease it was about cash and unless I suddenly found a way to turn my garage into a money printing operation I was in trouble the smart thing would have been to sell it cut my losses take the cash and move on but I knew myself if I let go of the one thing that made me feel like I could be more than just
a Town's resident failure I'd regret it forever I had made my decision no compromises no shortcuts I was going to restore this car no matter what it took and I was going to prove every last one of them wrong working nights on the Shelby became my new normal after my day job at the garage I come home grab a gas station sandwich that was probably older than my dignity and get straight to work my neighbors must have loved it the sound of me drilling grinding and cursing under my breath at 2: in the morning but
hey passion doesn't clock out I spent my break scouring eBay for parts sifting through listings that all seem to have rare and last one available in the title translation overprice junk some guy in Texas wanted $1,200 for a steering column that looked like it had been fished out of a swamp hard pass another seller claimed he had OEM inition Mustang seats they arrived looking like they'd spent the last two decades hosting a family raccoons when I wasn't online hunting Parts I was on Reddit scrolling through our SL classic Mustangs like my life depended on it
the guys were a mixed bag some genuinely helpful others ready to roast anyone who and already own a fully restored 67 Shelby I post about my project and within minutes someone commented might as well sit on fire now and save yourself the trouble encouraging then came the first real setback I was under the hood double checking the cooling system when I saw something weird with the radiator hose closer inspection revealed tiny teeth marks I followed the trail to a nest of shredded insulation tucked near the firewall mice not just visiting these little squatters had set
up a full-blown condo one even had the audacity to poke its head out while I was assessing the damage like it was charging me rent if that wasn't enough my first attempt at painting the car was a disaster uneven streaky and somehow highlighting every flaw instead of covering them I had watched a million YouTube tutorials but apparently skill doesn't transfer through Wi-Fi so I had to sand it down and start over which meant more time and money I didn't have at that point I had about $112,000 left not exactly as Shelby size budget I swallowed
my pride and went to the people who should have had my back my family Kyle laughed the second I brought it up you you need a loan for what another bad investment I kept my voice steady it's not a bad investment this car oh right the rust bucket yeah sure let me just empty my retirement fund for you I turn to my parents they exchanged a look the kind parents give when they're trying to let you down gently sweetheart maybe you should focus on something more practical mom said sipping her tea like we were discussing
the weather that was it the moment I knew I was on my own so I did what any stubborn idiot with a dream does I walked into a bank and bet everything I had 50 Grand secured by my trailer and garage if I failed I wouldn't just lose a car I'd lose my home as I signed the papers the weight of it all hit me no safety net no doover it was Now or Never back in the garage I went at it harder than ever stripping down the interior redoing the wiring trying to breathe life
back into something everyone else had written off including my own family then one night while tearing apart the glove box I found something wedged in inside a crumpled pack of cigarettes Marl Burrows the old school kind and behind it a folded note yellowed with age I smooth it out reading the shaky handwriting Joe take care of her she's out more heart than most people I know 1968 I sat back the notes still in my hands staring at the car like I was seeing for the first time whoever wrote this didn't just own a Mustang they
loved it they saw it as more than just metal and horsepower and in that moment I realized I wasn't just fixing up a car I was bringing her back to life progress on the Shelby had slowed to a crawl no matter how much time I put in it felt like I was barely making a dent the rust seemed to multiply overnight Parts one needed were either too expensive or impossible to find and my bank account was draining faster than my patients the excitement was wearing off my my hands were covered in cuts my back ACH
from working under the car for hours and my motivation was hanging by a thread maybe Kyle had been right maybe I was just throwing money into a bottomless pit then one afternoon while I was wedged under the car wrestling a bolt that refused to budge I heard a voice behind me that's a 67 Shelby GT500 isn't it I jerked up so fast I smacked my forehead on the undercarriage perfect now I had a headache to go with my bruised ego crawling out rubbing my skull I saw her she had a camera slung around her neck
a notebook tucked under her arm and the kind of confident smirk that said she knew exactly what she was talking about her name was Claire she was a photographer working on a project about American craftsmanship she had been driving through town spotted the Shelby from a road and decided she had to see it up close I expected the usual reaction the raised eyebrow the smirk the you really think you can fix this thing instead she looked at the car like it was something worth saving you know she said snapping a few photos people love this
kind of stuff a guy restoring a classic in his old garage that's a story I Shrugged wiping my hands on already filthy rag yeah well it's mostly just a headache so far she laughed flipping through her camera roll mind if I write about it I run a Blog people might be into it at that point I figured why not maybe someone out there would at least appreciate the effort I was putting in maybe they'd even have leads on where to find parts that didn't cost a fortune a few days later Claire came back with a
full setup tripod lighting The Works she snapped pictures of the car my grease cover hands the cluttered chaos in my garage making it all look way more impressive than it actually was she even fillmed me fighting with another Rusty bolt laughing as I muttered something about Ford's idea of engineering we started spending more time together she had a way of making even the most frustrating days feel less awful when I was about ready to throw in the towel she'd be the one digging through forums tracking down Parts messaging collectors one night she found some guy
in a Braska with an original carburetor another time she scored a set of vintage wheels for a fra action of what I expected to pay she made the work feel less like an uphill battle and more like something I might actually win then about a month later everything changed her blog post the guy in the garage restoring a legend took off like wildfire 700,000 views 700,000 people flooded the comments with their own restoration stories offering tips links to parts and encouragement from guys who had been in my shoes someone even messaged me offering an original
Shelby emblem for free said I've been sitting in his garage for years just waiting for the right car overnight I went from that guy wasting his money on an old Mustang to the dude bringing a classic back to life local news stations picked up the story car Enthusiast started reaching out some guy with a YouTube channel wanted to interview me it was surreal and for the first time in a long time I actually believed I could do this I wasn't alone anymore the moment my story started picking up traction my phone went from a useless
brick to a Non-Stop Buzz machine at first it was strangers Car Guys restoration enthusiasts a couple of journalists asking if I had time for an interview then as if on Q my family suddenly remembered I existed mom called first sweetheart I saw the article it's nice but don't you think it's time to start thinking about something more stable maybe even dare I say it something with Benefits classic mom not a word when I was strugling to keep my lights on but the second she thought I had something worth meddling in here she was acting like
she'd been my biggest supporter all along I grunted some vague response and got off the phone before she started trying to set me up with a job at my uncle's accounting firm again then Kyle showed up I was out in the garage wrestling with the carburetor when I heard tires crunching on the gravel driveway I wiped my hands on my jeans and turned just in time to see his Tesla roll to a stop in front of my garage he stepped out adjusting the cuff of his tailor Blazer like he was about to walk into a
board meeting KY gave his Shelia once over and smirked so this is your big project huh your ticket to success I stayed quiet he circled the car like a shark stopping at the rust spots in chip paint shaking his head like he was personally offended look I get it you got a little internet Fame but let's be real what's your plan fix this up flip it and then what hope some rich collector takes pity on you I clench my jaw Kyle leaned against the Tesla the contrast between his pristine ride and I shellby almost comical
you know if you were smart you'd sell it now while people actually care get something practical maybe even invest in a I'm not selling it he raised an eyebrow come on on man do you know how much you could get for it with the right buyer not selling it he scoff pushing off the car fine do whatever you want just don't come crying to me when this whole thing falls apart with that he climbed back into his Tesla and sped off probably back to his perfect condo his perfect life where cars came brand new and
free of rust I thought that was the end of it but later that evening my parents showed up dad walked into the garage like he owned the place arms crossed eyes scanning every inch of the Shelby mom followed close behind wearing the same concerned expression she always did when I did something she didn't understand we just don't want you wasting your time dad started think about what you could do with the money if you sold it now a house a real shop something that actually makes sense mom nodded her voice softer almost pleading we're just
worried sweetheart you've been struggling for so long isn't it time to think about your future I took a deep breath rubbing the back of my neck I am thinking about my future this car is my future dad shook his head muttering something under his breath about stubborn kids mom sighed dramatically like I just announced I was running off to live in the woods then came the kicker we could help you dad said if you sell it we could put something together help you invest it properly you wouldn't have a scrape by anymore I almost laughed
now they wanted to help now when the car was suddenly worth something I wiped my hands on a rag and leaned against the workbench you know what when I needed help before no one cared now that this car might actually pay off suddenly everyone's interested I'm not selling it not to you not to some collector not to anyone Dad's face tightened don't be stupid no I said meeting his eyes for once I'm being smart mom side shaking her head like she couldn't believe how difficult I was being dad muttered something about me throwing my life
away as they walked out I listened to their car pull away then turned back to the Shelby running my hand along the hood for the first time in a long time I wasn't just fixing up a car I was proving a point and I wasn't backing down the day had finally come after months of busted Knuckles sleepless nights and more gas station coffee than any human should consume the Shelby was finished I stood in my garage staring at the gleaming blue and white Masterpiece that had once been a rusted out shell it wasn't just a
car anymore it was proof proof that I hadn't wasted my time proof that I wasn't just some guy chasing a pipe dream I slid into the driver's seat took a deep breath and twisted the key the V8 roared to life like a cage Beast finally let loose the deep throaty growl of the engine sent a vibration through my bones it wasn't just noise it was music a symphony of raw power and precision something only a classic American muscle car could deliver for the first time in my life I felt like I had actually won Claire
showed up right as I pulled out the driveway Cameron hand already snapping photos you look like a guy who just hit the jackpot feels like it I admitted I think she's ready for the big leagues that's when I told her my plan meum auctions Chicago one of the biggest classic car auctions in the country if there was anywhere I could get top dollar for this Beast it was there the next few days were a blur of last minute detailing double-checking every bolt and making sure she looked as perfect as she felt Claire handled the photos
the listing and even helped me put together the auction packet honestly she was better at this part than me then came the Moment of Truth we loaded the Shelby onto a trailer and hit the road walking into the auction was like stepping into another world million dooll cars everywhere Ferraris vintage Corvettes muscle cars that looked like they had never seen a single drop of rain my Shelby my sweat my work my everything sat in the middle of it all looking just as worthy the starting bid was set at $200,000 a number I never thought I'd
hear in the same sentence as my name then the bidding started 210 220 250 the numbers kept climbing my heart pounded with each new bid Claire squeeze my arm as we watched the numbers tick higher and higher 300 350 400 I had to remind myself to Breathe by the time the gavel finally dropped the final price stood at $500,000 half a million dollars I stood there in stunned silence as the auctioneer called it the room erupted in Applause but it felt distant like I was watching happen to someone else after taxes and auction fees I
walked away with a check for $400,000 more money than I had ever seen in my life more money than I had ever thought I'd have I looked over at Claire still trying to process everything you ever celebrate a Payday as big she grinned no but I think we should find out how that night we found ourselves at a rooftop bar overlooking the Chicago skyline expensive drinks highend State the whole deal I let myself enjoy it for once I wasn't thinking about overdue bills broken down trucks or scraping by for once I wasn't a guy just
barely keeping his head above water Claire clinked her glass against mine to the guy in the garage I merked to New Beginnings and for the first time in a long long time I believed in them the money hadn't even settled in my account before my phone started blowing up not from Claire not from Friends congratulating me no it was my family the same people who had laughed at me doubted me told me to get a real job and now now they suddenly wanted to talk first it was Mom sweetheart we need to talk your father
and I we put everything into raising you we sacrificed so much and now that you have this blessing don't you think it's time to give back I could hear the carefully measured Guilt Trip in her voice like she'd been rehearsing the speech for years just waiting for the day I might actually a money worth chasing I could practically see her sitting in the kitchen sipping tea pretending this wasn't Shakedown then came Kyle the guy who pulled up in his Tesla to mock me now sounded like my best friend look man I've been thinking you did
good with the car but if you really want to grow your money you should invest in something solid I've got a business idea I hung up before he could finish didn't even feel bad about it then the group text started rolling in Aunts Uncles cousins I hadn't heard from in years some were subtle hey we should catch up others not so much hey I've got this thing I need a little help with even Uncle Rick the guy who always had a sure thing that somehow never panned out chimed in kid I got this real estate
deal you're going to love small investment big return yeah right I sat there staring at my phone realizing just how predictable this all was when I had nothing I was a joke the second I had something they were lining up at the door Claire walked into the room raising an eyebrow at my expression let me guess family I toss my phone onto the table they want their cut apparently I owe them for raising me K's got some business idea he wants me a fund Uncle Rick's trying to sell me a dream she laughed shaking her
head classic you're thinking about giving in I grabbed my drink took a slow Sip and thought about it for exactly half a second not a chance I picked up my phone scrolled through the messages and took a deep breath then one by one I started typing to Mom I appreciate everything you did but I don't owe you for raising me that was your job love you but this money isn't yours to Kyle buy yourself a set of screwdrivers build something on your own to Uncle Rick I'll pass good luck though to the rest silence I
turn my phone off and lean back exhaling it felt good CLE clinked her drink against mine to cutting the dead weight I smirked to finally moving forward and just like that I left in the rear view mirror right where they belonged for the first time in my life I wasn't looking back the money wasn't just sitting in my account it was fuel not for another car not for some flashy spinning spree but for something bigger something that actually mattered Claire and I sat at the diner one night Burgers had half eaten a pile of napkins
covered in notes between us we had been talking about it ever since the auction tossing around ideas but now it was real we could actually do this she said scrolling through listings on her laptop there's a shop for rent just outside of town big enough for a real operation it was a no-brainer the next day we drove out to see it a massive garage with enough space to fit at least 10 cars a couple lifts and office that with some work wouldn't feel like a crime scene from the 80s by the time we left the
lease was signed Crow's Muscle Works was officially in business the first few months were chaos between sourcing cars ordering part and hiring mechanics I barely had time to breathe Claire took over to bookkeeping marketing and somehow managed to track down rare Classics that have been sitting in barn for decades I handled the wrenches our first big project was a 1969 Dodge Charger found it rotting in some guys backyard covering weeds and home to a family of raccoons the engine was shot the interior was a disaster and the frame had more rust than paint but I
saw what it could be 6 months of sweat late nights and more than a few setbacks later the charger rolled out of the shop looking like it had just come off the assembly line we put up for sale and within a week it sold for $150,000 that was the moment I knew we had something real after that business exploded word spread fast if you had a classic that needed saving Crow's Muscle Works was a place to go the orders kept coming The Client List grew and before we knew it we had 10 employees a weightless
6 months long and a firste revenue of $1.2 million one night after locking up the shop I took CLA out to the spot where we had first talk about all this the rooftop bar in Chicago she had no idea what was coming as we looked out over the skyline I pulled a small box from my pocket flipped it open and let the words come naturally you were there before all of this before the money before the success you believed in me when no one else did I can't imagine doing any of this without you so
how about we make it official she didn't even let me finish before saying yes with the business booming we decided to finally settle down I bought a house near Lake on a place with a long driveway a big garage and a view that made you forget the world the kind of place I never thought I'd be able to afford much less call home we got a boat spent weekends on the water and let ourselves enjoy the kind of life we had built from the ground up no more worrying about the next bill no more proving
anything to anyone I kept working on cars but now it wasn't about survival it was about passion restoring Classics bringing bringing history back to life and for the first time I wasn't just fixing up cars I was building a future my future and this time I wasn't doing it alone Kyle showed up again like clockwork this time he didn't roll up in his Tesla with that smug look on his face no this time he played it different casual friendly like we were just two brothers catching up over a beer instead of him being the same
guy who had written me off look man he started hands in his pockets I scan in my garage like he was actually impressed now I was thinking maybe we should talk I leaned against my workbench arms crossed talk about what you did good he said giving the Shelby's replacement a freshly restored 70 chevel and Nod I mean I would have done better probably flipped that car for double but hey good for you I almost laughed of course he had to make it about it you ever think about expanding he continued bringing in investors someone would
experience in let me stop you right there I cut in I'm good business is good life is good but if you ever need a fresh coat of paint on that Tesla bring it by I'll give you the family discount let's say 500 bucks Kyle blinked he opened his mouth then shut it for the first time he had nothing to say you know what I added enjoying the moment make it 600 you look like you got money to burn he left without another word didn't watch him drive away didn't need to I had more important things
to do Claire and I hit the road later that afternoon not to fancy Resort not some business meeting no we were heading back to where it all started Joe's Farm the old man was sitting on his porch sipping iced tea same way he probably had for the last 40 years he squinted when he saw my truck pull up then gave a slow nod when I stepped out didn't think I'd see you back here he said setting his glass down figured it was overdue I said pulling out an envelope for you he frowned shaking his head
before he even looked inside now what's this nonsense it's 25 Grand I said holding it out for that shall be you let go for 200 Joe gave me a look like I had lost my mind boy you paid what I asked that's the deal you owe me a damn thing I know I don't but I wouldn't be here without that car and I wouldn't feel right keeping all this without making sure the guy who set me on this path got his due he stared at the envelope then at me then back at the envelope finally
he grumbled something under his breath and snatched it away you always is stubborn Claire laughed you have no idea Joe shook his head but there was a small smile there guess that car ended up in the right hands after all that night I sat on my back porch cold beer in one hand CLA curled up next to me the lake stretched out in front of us still and quiet my garage stood just beyond the driveway doors closed but ready for the next project Sweet Home Alabama played on the radio the kind of song that just
felt Right In A Moment Like This I took a slow sip let the moment settle in and exhaled I wasn't a screw up wasn't a waste of potential wasn't the guy scraping by waiting for a break that was never coming no I was exactly where I was meant to be and I was king of this road