How To Turn Your Yearly Income Into Your Monthly Income In 2024 - Bob Proctor

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Proctor Gallagher Institute
Bob Proctor teaches How Money is Earned, The Law of Compensation, and explains the difference betwee...
Video Transcript:
you know I think this lesson today has more to do with your financial future than probably any other lesson that we could teach it's on self-image it's on how you see you I um I used to think a million dollars was a lot of money I don't think it is anymore now a million has never changed its value it was never a lot or a little I made it whatever it was and if you think of millions a lot if you just shift your thinking you could make it a little see the truth is it's
neither a lot or a little it just is everything just is flip this the slide up for a second Scott this this is important I wasn't planning this but it's just it's probably why it's going to going to be good um Scots in Manchester so that in England so that took a second for the idea to go across you see here you are here now we'll say a million that's an idea that's going to come into our mind now is that a lot or a little the truth is it's neither one it's our thinking here
in our conscious mind that makes it's how we look at it the truth is it just it just is and we make a lot or a little in our thinking I used to think it was a lot now I I think it's a little now what happened thanks Scott I just changed my thinking about it and that's what I'm going to ask you to do now this has been over 60 years that I've thought this it didn't happen over night all right I want you you must begin to think differently if you want things to
happen differently it's just that simple it's in our own thinking thinking is the highest function that you and I are capable of and the truth is most people don't think I want to suggest that you listen to the average person that's talking it's either idle conversation that has no meaning at all it's not going to serve anybody one way or another or they're talking about why it can't work or why it won't be done the truth is most people are not thinking at all they're just voicing an opinion of something that they've heard from somebody
else possibly got on the television or the radio or something like that we must begin to think we really must now there's three essential questions we want to ask ourselves how does self-image impact my life how does it impact my life how is self-image formed how his self-image changed that's the vital one you see the other too they don't really matter that much we got to learn how to change it self image impacts your life in everything you do everything you do so let's look at it there's the conscious the subconscious and the body now
your self-image is in your subconscious mind and the self-image in the subconscious mind controls your behavior to an enormous degree and produces the results you're getting now if you don't like the results you've got to change that image of yourself that is all there is to it you know I knew absolutely nothing about this until I was 26 and then I knew Mighty little for the first couple of years but until I was 26 I knew nothing about self-image I all I looked back and I had a very low self-image I had a poor self
but you know as I as I stop and think of the way I was raised the environment I was raised in and everything they were good people they just didn't know they did not know they didn't know they didn't know either and so I grew up struggling um I was always very shy why would a person be shy because they have low self-esteem they feel inferior to almost everyone and everything that they come across now ask yourself how do you behave are you confident are you wealthy are you struggling you know how's your business is
it growing is it shrinking is it staying the way it is see the self-image controls everything do you know the crazy part about this a company has a self-image too a company it's the composite of the images that operate in the company that's what the company self-image is now there's a book that everyone should have psycho cybernetics that come out in 1960 and I don't have any regrets in the past but I have a few things I wish would have happened I never met Maxwell maltz and I had the opportunity to meet him but I
didn't meet him I don't malz died somewhere around 1969 um I was selling tickets I was working at n gonan and I was selling tickets for a seminar that he was going to do in Wisconsin I was going to go over but that seminar never happened because he passed on the spirit before it happened but he was a brilliant guy he was a cosmetic or a reconstructive surgeon and he would operate on people and literally change their lives um but sometimes you operated and didn't change their life at all changed their appearance but that was
it um I remember I worked with a woman in a factory oh long ago before I ever continue this she had a very distasteful scarf from her ear to the corner of her mouth how would happen I have absolutely no idea but I do know she would talk to you she would have her hand like this almost she always tried to hide it it was obvious that it was it was bothering her now molz would meet people like her and he would remove the scar I often thought after I got to know malz it's too
bad that her name was Lorraine she was a really a pretty girl but she had that one physical disfigurement I don't know how it happened but I know it bothered her well mults would operate on people and sometimes there would be an enormous change in their in their behavior and their appearance there would they not only removed the scar not only changed the physical appearance there was a psychological shift they changed how they saw themselves and totally different personality but sometimes he'd operate and the success the physical operation would be very successful but no change
in their uh in their appearance or in their thoughts about themselves there was no psychological change this led him to postulate that we have an inner and an Outer Image when you stand and look in the mirror you get a reflection back um that's an image of you and uh that's the physical that's the self image but you've got one inside and that's how you see you now that's what I want to talk about we want to talk about growth and if you want to grow if you want your income to grow we're talking about
money this week if you want your income to grow you have to change that's absolutely essential now think about that really strongly for a moment you've got to change change has to happen in your life and you've got to bring the change of vote no one else is going to do it now look at this for a moment blow that up SC please you get one life just one and I know you a lot of people telling you they've come back a second time well maybe they have but um I I've never heard anybody can
prove it yet I've got my own thoughts about that um but so far as we know you got one bite at the Apple and it's about your lifestyle it's about your contribution it's about how you spend your days well now here's the bottom line it's all dependent on how we see ourself our own self-image our own self-image how do you see you that's controlling your life to an enormous degree now let's take a look here again here you are that is going to represent you it'll represent me and there's our conscious or subconscious and our
body now our conscious mind is our thinking mind highest function we're capable of that's also our educated mind and that's where the intellect is resonant the subconscious is the emotional mind operates quite different from the conscious mind it has no power that the conscious mind has and yet has enormous power in the subconscious you see the conscious mind can choose it has the ability to to think um you can choose you have the ability to accept or reject you can accept or reject everything I'm saying I'm recommending you think about it don't necessarily accept it
and don't reject it but think about it then I think you'll adopt it you have the ability to reginate in your conscious mind now the subconscious doesn't have that it must accept everything we give to it because it has absolutely no ability to reject the subconscious mind is a moral it's like the Earth it has no choice about what you plant but it'll return what you plant it cannot determine the difference between what you imagine and what's real you can imagine something it's going to disturb you just the same as if it was happening in
real life now let's take a look at you from another perspective you're a mass of energy in you function on frequencies okay there you are there we'll talk about frequencies possibly a little later but there you are there a high just a high massive energy and you can see the energy leaving the body and you can literally train yourself to see that some people refer to that as the aura that's the energy leaving the body it can be measured okay now you have a paradigm and it's a mental program that has almost exclusive control over
your habitual behavior and almost all of your behavior is Habitual this program literally controls it's controlling your income no question about it it's controlling the amount of money you earn it's controlling how you look at things whether it's a lot or a little if you want to get your finances in good shape you got to get your head in good shape in so far as your self-image is concerned now let's take a look here cybernetics and paradigms two words they're almost they're synonymous they're both control systems and operate essentially on the same principle both maintain
a different course of AC or a definite course of action and will not deviate from the set course that has been established you must alter the Paradigm if you desire to achieve improved results both companies and individuals have operating paradigms you've got one you've got one in your subconscious mind that's controlling you okay now look it here's a baby all right a beautiful little baby let's put the graphic illustration how we look at a baby when we're putting this idea across there it is there okay now stay with me here I want you to think
of that baby that baby will grow up with a desire for certain kinds of food it'll dress in a certain way and that baby's going to um determine what kind of food it likes how much it's going to eat it determines um what they think about money it contrs it just it controls everything and that image that the baby holds what all these things has formed in their little life everything that is happening in the baby's environment is going directly into that baby's subconscious mind that's right there's images being planted in that baby's mind we
become a product of our environment to an enormous degree it's like um Jarvis used to say he say that you know that we're the product of the books we read and the uh and the people that we associate with and I believe he's correct you get a self-image they planted in your subconscious mind and that self-image is controlling your life to an enormous degree it's part of the Paradigm you see the Paradigm is a multitude of ideas self-image is one of them and that literally controls your life now let's take a look here at the
transformation that takes place at a certain point we start to hear see smell taste touch okay and the conscious mind is also the intellectual mind and we have certain intellectual factors we can you know call them out here we have a number of times perception will imagination memory intuition and reason now the problem is as children we weren't taught anything about these nothing we go to school we never learned anything about that in school okay so school will begin and the Paradigm continues to grow yeah now let's look here for a moment a paradigm and
cybernetic instruments operate essentially the same there's your a thermostat in a home that thermostat operates on what we call a cybernetic mechanism it's a cybernetic instrument and you set the temp temperature to stay at 70° in your home now that temperature stays at 70° let's suppose you're sitting and you notice there's a draft around your feet and you start to feel cold all right the temperature something's wrong the temperature has dropped and the thermostat picked it up it dropped to 65° now what do you have to do you have to do nothing now you may
get up and look what what's going on why is the temperature Dro and you notice somebody left the front door open cold airs blowing in but you didn't have to do anything to change the temperature you just close the door the temperature the change in temperature is measured by the cybernetic system the Paradigm in the system and it sends a message to the furnace turn the fire on raise the heat blow the fan get the fans going and so the temperature starts to rise and it goes from 65 66 67 68 69 and then Bingo
hits 70 the fire automatically turns off the goal has been reached the control system brought it right back to where it belonged this all happens automatically and the same with you the same with you let's take a look at another place cybernetic system operates it operates in airplanes we call them automatic Pilots they're actually cybernetic systems a flight pattern is programmed into the plane's computer system when the plane goes off course the cybernetic system measures the deviation from the set goal and corrects the flight pattern all right now let's look plane's leaving Chicago and it's
going to go to Paris that plane has in the system a cybernetic mechanism and when that plane goes off course I'm going to tell you the plane will change it so there's the plane going along it hits by turbulence and it gets knocked off course the second the plane leaves the flight pattern look at that the cybernetic systems activated puts the plane back on course and it reaches its goal now CL off course many many times in fact I think price priter put out one time that a rocket on its way to the Moon um
is off course 95% or 99% of the time it's correct correct correct correct and that's what this says that's what we've got we got to get the Paradigm the Paradigm says correct correct correct and it keeps us where we are could be in a bad spot and if we start to get in the good spot correct go back to the bad spot that's the way it works now look here the self-image is a cybernetic mechanism that's exactly what it is and let's take a look how it works okay you have a self-image here and it's
controlling your behavior now your self-image may say you're overweight I'm overweight I'm fat I'm too fat I'm too heavy and let me know and then they get person gets tired of looking ATS overweight so they say I'm going to go on a diet I'm going to lose weight now what they should be saying is I'm going to change myself IM but they don't even know that they think I'm going to go on a diet that's the trick Bo they go on the diet and look it they lose the weight they lose the weight but like
the room temperature you know hit back the goal and they think we better correct this thing well here the self-image is looking and this person's off course they're off course they're losing weight when a person who is overweight goes on a diet without altering their self-image any weight loss will be temporary the self-image being a cybernetic instrument measures the deviation from the set goal and immediately corrects course the weight that was lost is found I boom and they go back and they put it back on now they usually put on about five pounds more than
they took off but at any rate that was the self-image doing that you see they never changed the self-image now let's take a look at another situation okay here's another situation self-image okay this is a student in school and the child's marks are not good I mean they're failing and so when they bring the report card home the parent they um land on the kid and they um you know they he's grounded the child's grounded and made to study okay and because they're studying and they have tests every now and then in school the marks
go up and the parents tell the parents are told by the teacher the kids's doing okay things are changed but nobody ever suggested that the child change the image of himself the teacher didn't suggest it the parent didn't suggest it and the kid doesn't know now that self-image should have been changed when a person receiving poor grades in school it's an expression of the self-image that they're holding the person believes that they're not very bright they of course receive a report card that reflects their poor self-image now the parent makes the child give up recreational
activities and study the grades improve but the improvements temporary that child has never changed his self-image and so bing bing they're back on course and they get the same grades now I lived like that when I was a kid in school I don't know about you I was never overweight I was the other way I was too thin God I couldn't put on weight and it was the way I it was everything was the way I saw myself it was the way we operated now ask yourself how many people do you know that fall into
this trap there're just all kinds of them look here there's the person with the sensory factors they have a paradigm it's burned into their subconscious mind okay that Paradigm controls their vibration which controls their behavior and controls the results okay now they've got marvelous faculties here one of them is the imagination the imagination can build a beautiful new image and if they understand what they're doing they can plant that self-image in their subjective mind and if they do it repetitively they can get it to stick it's exactly what I did they get it to stick
and everything's going to change but you see most people don't know that now look we already have the knowledge and the power to accomplish most anything we want however we have not developed a clear understanding of how paradigms are formed or how those paradigms control our habitual Behavior now this is it's really pathetic when you stop and think about it therefore we frequently do not do what we already know how to do we have Superior knowledge inferior results that causes confusion and frustration now let's go back to our diagram here here we are a person's
got all the knowledge locked up there in the Consciousness but the results would indicate they don't know very much at all you can never go by the results to know what a person is like all your results will do tell you what they think they're like but it doesn't tell you what they're really like if they knew what they were really like every everything would change and change so dramatically you see if that person wants to enjoy a better life they've got to change the results and they not only have to change the results they've
got to make definite change in the Paradigm got to build a new paradigm now listen I honestly believe I am an excellent example of this and I often talk about Mikey Mikey is an excellent example of this when I first was given this book I was one sad sucker I'll tell you um I just never I never I never did anything very well I I was always broke I was a pretty unhappy guy and good things just weren't happening around me very often I had very low self-esteem and when Ray said you can do you
can have anything you want you can imagine where that resonated in my head see I didn't have any s of recognition for that I didn't believe that but you know something I was awake enough to realize he believed it when Mikey came around our company she was Mikey Oiler she was a nanny for a couple looking after their kids and she started to do work with somebody that was doing work for us and they treated her terribly and through a series of situations Mikey um ended up come to work with our company today she's our
chief operating officer she's also our marketing director she's the voice of us when you come on that's the Mikey and now she's Mikey Stellar she has a husband who's a pretty bright guy she has two little kids beautiful absolutely beautiful kids and she is an a very very very effective human being I um I can see myself in Mikey because I change like did and she's had an enormous change um when these things happen people usually notice it but they never say how did it happen and sometimes a person doesn't even know how it happened
I didn't know how it happened I didn't understand this when it was happening but you see I did make a decision and if you're going to change you're going to make it and it's got to be a committed decision if you don't make a committed decision it's not worth much then you have to apply dis discipline to your life now I didn't um I I never had much discipline I was in the Navy they talked about discipline their discipline was a form of punishment I mean they really really worked you over if you were a
bad boy I'll tell you well discipline is the ability to give yourself a command and then follow it okay here's how it happens we've used this quote so many places because it fits so many places he said you never change things by fighting existing reality to change something you got to build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete in other words you're you're the going to be the container of the model the model is an image in your mind and you're going to build a brand new picture of yourself that makes the old
picture go away okay I like the way hunt put it decide what you want decide what you're prepared to give up to get it set your mind to it and get on with the work God that is so good okay now look it there's the mind and the subconscious and the body there you are again your self-image it controls your actions which produces the results so let's take a look here here's our mind you cannot see this too often you got to burn it in when I look at you this is what I see conscious
subconscious in the body now you have all these sensory factors and to a Lous degree all the information we get that changes our life comes through those senses we um let the outside world control us to enormous degree now we know the conscious mind is also the intellectual mind mind let's take a look at those intellectual factors again okay because they are what you use to change what's going on in the emotional mind or the Paradigm you got perception you know the will imagination memory intuition and reason now these are what you use to change
the paradig to change the Paradigm but we know nothing about how to use them and it's unfortunate they're all sitting right in our conscious mind that is what separates us from all of the rest of the animal kingdom these higher faculties because we have these higher faculties we can change the image and change our life it's these higher faculties that tell that Paradigm get out of town and then enables you to build a new paradigm but you see most people don't know how to do that you see you could be hearing my voice and still
don't know how to do it okay let's take a look power thoughts you send those thoughts out into the universe and then we also turn them over to our subconscious mind and we send the feeling because that would that the vibration off into the universe and those feelings are expressed with and through the physical body so it causes the body to change in its vibration it causes the actions to change now most people I'm going to ask you check with some people today ask them what attitude is ask them if they can describe attitude most
people are at a loss to describe attitude now look here for a moment one two three that produces the results that's the attitude the attitude is your position or bearing as indicating thought feelings and actions it's not your thoughts it's not your feelings it's not your it's a composite of all three that's what attitude is and most people don't understand that when they have a bad attitude they're just going to get bad results it's common okay so let's keep going here's the vibration cus by the Paradigm now your imagination gives you the ability to build
a brand new idea create a new mindset and you can impress that new mindset upon the sub of mind and when you do if you do it and you keep doing it for about 30 days you're going to change your life because it changes the vibration the second you do it which changes the result okay so let's suppose we built this image I am so happy and grateful now that money comes to me in increasing quantities through multiple sources on continuous basis now look here for a minute look at this see this you going have
all you want oops I got a band on that okay this is more than one I held yesterday that's a fan you see I just hold that up because at one time I never I never even saw that much money you can have that and you can attract it to you get the idea I am so happy and grateful now that money comes to me in increasing quantities through multiple sources on a continuous basis okay now watch this really carefully you got to take that idea and plant it in your subconscious mind and you've got
to bury it over the Paradigm the Paradigm is going to try and stop it you you got to take that and plant it right in your subconscious mind and you've got to do it so that the Paradigm is not going to reject it you've got to mentally hold that idea in your mind that's what changes your vibration when your vibration changes a light Squan and everything seems to change you're living in a totally different world a totally different world everyone can do this now this seems so simp Le it seems well it just seems like
it's it's fantasy like it won't work understand everything starts in fantasy the building that you're sitting in it was that one time was nothing but a fantasy in somebody's mind we're capable of changing everything and changing anything do that for 30 days look it take this and do it for 30 days just keep planting that idea in your mind for 30 days do this over for 30 days I guarantee you money will start coming to you through multiple sources on a continuous basis it's beautiful how it happens it really is now you got to take
conscious control over yourself you've got to take control of what's going on in the subconscious mind you've got to change the vibration you're in when you do all these things everything starts to happen now let's take a look at how it happens it starts in the heart listen the heart is where everything starts with with you your spiritual DNA is perfect there's perfection in you it's why Solomon said in all your thinking get understanding start to understand he says it's as a person thinketh in their heart so are they the hearts in the subjective mind
now watch just keep your eye on this your heart is trying to tell you grow because the spirit within you wants to express itself in a greater way he that spirit is always saying grow that's why we're never satisfied see my grandma told me when I was a little boy you should be satisfied grandma was wrong now she was a angel of God but she was wrong you should never be satisfied see dissatisfaction is a creative state dissatisfaction comes from the spiritual essence of who we are spirit's always for expansion and Fuller expression it's forever
attempting to expr Express itself in a greater way so it's the want in the heart now look carefully it's the want inside seeking expression outside but it's got to go through it's got to the conscious has to take it so the imagination takes that idea and builds the want now here's the bizarre part you went to Spirit to get it okay and you built it now you turn it back over to Spirit and through the reciprocal law of spirit it gives it back to you in physical form you plant the want and it turns into
desire as you feed it and desire is the effort of the unexpressed possibility within seeking expression with through your action so its action causes a reaction and that changes the conditions the circumstance and environment in your life or you could add it all together and say that changes your results you see I keep telling you the same thing over and over again now let's look at it this way control the flow of thought energy let it flow freely to and through you improving everything with which it connects L you you're an instrument through which thought
energy is always flowing it never stops it's flowing to and through us it's the nature of our being is Flowing to and through us so watch carefully now and pay attention that thought energy is in you it is you you are a mass of energy you see the thought energy we talk about it's made you your body is nothing but a mass of energy that's what it is but it's got programs in it now let's take a look a frequency is a level of vibration okay that's what a frequency is it's a level of vibration
look here for a moment see this phone it operates on a frequency it has this phone is online right now this phone is hooked up to a phone in Manchester England there's no wires on this thing it's sitting here on my desk but Scott Edwards is in Manchester in England and he's here in everything I'm saying and he's controlling this entire Studio this studio is it's a television station we built our own television station we can broadcast all over the world you want to stay tuned into to us cuz we're going to send you phenomenal
information we encouraged you to get other people to tune in here our objective is to change everything in the world I believe we can do it a small group of people have always done it in the past why couldn't we do it now get your friends plug in get them to plug in they can listen to everything that's going on all week it's all recorded and we'll leave it up for them to hear so get on the phone tell them to get in here now look at this again watch that frequency that is a level
of vibration that's what it is this phone operates on a frequency now because Scott Edwards is on the same frequency as I'm on we can talk now look at there's an infinite number of frequencies there's no end to them break here for a second look at this phone when I was a kid we did did not have a phone we never had a phone in our house until I was probably around 15 and that was because for two reasons one we didn't have very much money and number two you couldn't get one anyway and when
we did get one it was a party line there was about a 100 people on the same frequency so when you started talk talk up fetting because people would pick up their phone and listen to you there's an infinite number of frequencies today there was then but we weren't aware of that yet because weren't aware we couldn't utilize it but as we D developed a greater awareness we realized that's all there is is energy and it operates in frequency energy operates on frequencies now look it every frequency is hooked up to the one above and
the one below every frequency is hooked up to the one above and the one below now if you study this long enough you're going to realize that means everything in this universe is connected I'm connected to the chairs here in this studio Studio that I'm in now it's all operates on frequency I operate this body that I'm in is a mass of energy it's my Consciousness that dictates what frequency I'm on when you're on the frequency of another person you communicate very well with them now come back here and look every frequency is hooked up
to the one above and the one below now this is where um Einstein put it very well he said the intuitive mind is a sacred gift the rational mind is a faithful servant we've created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift we don't use all these higher faculties why wouldn't we do that because we're not aware of it and if you're not aware you're not going to use it how much do you know about this stay with me look here keep looking now look at this very carefully let that X represent
where you are in your life now come back for a moment Scott let's take this here's this money where do you stand when it comes to money where do you stand ask yourself where do I stand now look at that X again come back that X represents where you are okay take an honest look at where you are in your life and you can see how you got there you can actually see how you got there you see there's frequencies each one of these frequencies is a level of vibration and we can go back and
we can go back to the time we were kids and I can see I was on a very low frequency I must have been on a low frequency I didn't have very much of anything now look at the X where you are now look at this we'll say that's really where I want to go that other X out there but it's out there and I don't even know how to get there it's a way out there that's the thoughts that we have you know the beautiful dreams and we let them go go and then we
just let them fade well I'm going to say don't let that sucker fade bring it back bring it back and look at it and let's understand that X represents a frequency when we go there we actually went to where that is this is real this is not this is not kids play you can mentally go there and when you do you're already there then stay there and you're attracted the moment your belief matches with any state you fuse with it see you go back there and you believe it you fuse with that the second your
belief matches with any state you fuse with this Union results in the activation and projection of its plots plans conditions and Circumstance this new state of conscious awareness becomes your home from which you view the world this is your Workshop if you you're observant you will see outer reality shaping itself upon the model of your imagination this is so powerful now take a look again there you are that's where you want to go but you let it fed because you don't know how get there look at this look what Steve Jobs said he said you
cannot connect the dots looking forward you can only connect them looking backwards so you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in the future when you look at your life you can see how you got to where you are but you cannot see how you're going to get there Hillary did not know how to get to the top of that mountain the right Brothers didn't know how to get the planes off the ground Edis didn't know how to make the incandescent light they didn't know but they believe believed if they worked at it
it would come to them it would come to them eventually they would have it and I don't care what it is you want you decide decide how much of this stuff you do want because you can have all you want there is no limit to it there is no limit it's a beautiful thing you see and the dots will connect when you lock in and when you get there you'll say damn I could have gone there isn't that interesting I could have gone there mhm that's just about the way it is progress of this nature
is an expression of higher levels of awareness see the right Brothers 1903 December 17th and here we are from Kittyhawk North Carolina to the Moon just 979 months beautiful thing to understand most people are exter in their own movie you are the director of your life change that what do you really want there's no end to what you want there's no end to you can have anything you want you just got to control the energy start to control it to move to a higher state or a higher frequency of thought you have to consent it's
got to be your decision I can't do it for you no one can do it for you you've got to do it the parent can't even do it for the child then you have to adapt to the ideas and feelings the new frequency represents as the suggestion of a move uh to your Paradigm at the suggestion of your Paradigm is going to put up an instant battle it does not want you to change and it'll continually fight you you got to change it now look here this is in my book thinking Grow Rich says there's
a difference between wishing for a thing being ready to receive it nobody's ready for a thing until they believe that they can acquire it the State of Mind must be belief Not Mere hope or wish open-mindedness is essential to belief closed minds will not Inspire Faith courage or belief you got to be ready you're ready when you believe you can do it and listen trust me just trust me that's what I did I trusted Rey I'll show you how to get there hope and wish doesn't do it you got to believe you really got to
believe and then you're on your way when you believe now remember no more effort is required in order to aim high in life to demand abundance and prosperity than is required to accept misery and poverty pick a Target that you'll reach in the next 30 days saying that's where I'm going there's a quote that I I just love because I feel the same way Alfred Adler he said I am grateful to the idea that has used me well I'm going to tell you I'm grateful for the ideas that he use me we are instruments through
which ideas Express themselves that's really what we are we got to understand that now let's look we'll bring it in for a landing with the balloon here there's the mind you got to want something when you really want it and get emotionally involved it becomes a desire desire is the effort of the unexpressed possibility within seeking expression without through your action yes the results that you really want to change that's what the Proctor Gallagher Institute is all about Sandy Gallagher and I decided we want to build this company and we couldn't do it alone we've
got some phenomenal people working with us absolutely incredible I was talking about Mikey here a minute ago Mikey Stellar we've got Tommy Collier we got Arash ragi we got a lot of people in this company who are quite incredible I have an assistant Gina Hayden Gina started work for me it'll be 35 years ago in July imagine 35 years ago we had an office we had a number of people in it I'm not good at typing you know so it take me a long time to plunk out a letter and I would going get one
of the one of the girls in the office to help me I kept going back back to Gina because she did it faster and better than anybody and I thought I I'm going to just get Gina to work with me Gina became my personal assistant she's absolutely incredible she anticipates what I want to do she gets it done before I even think of it she's quite an extraordinary person we have a lot of Gina in this company we got a lot of mikeys and tomies I mean just phenomenal people so I'm going to um just
say a prayer I want everybody here to get what I taught I want you to get other people into this get get some of your friends you know I'd like everybody that can hear my voice to phone one person just one and say you've got to go and register in this thing this information is too good to be missed and it is I spent my entire life I have 60 years of studying this and I'm going on another 60 I I know
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