GraphRAG: The Marriage of Knowledge Graphs and RAG: Emil Eifrem

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AI Engineer
A famous poet once said "Natural language is most powerful when it can draw from a rich context." Ok...
Video Transcript:
[Music] I basically dedicated my professional life towards getting developers to be able to build better applications and build applications better by leveraging not just individual data points kind of retrieved at once like one at a time or summed up or grouped calculated averages but individual data points connected by relationships right and today I'm going to talk about that applied in the world of llms and gen so before I do that though I'm going to take a little bit of a detour I'm going to talk about search the evolution of search everyone here in this room
knows that the vast majority of web searches today are handled with Google but some of you know that it didn't start that way it started this way who here recognizes this web page right yeah who here recognizes alav Vista as a name like a a few people right um back in the mid90s there was dozens of web search company dozens plural like 30 40 50 web search companies and they all used basically the same technology they lo used keyword-based text search inverted index type search bm25 like for those of you who know what that means
and it worked really really well until it didn't and the Ala Vista effect kicked in which was the not that you search for something you got a thousand or thousands of hits back and you had to look through Page after page until you found the result that was relevant to you the alav Vista effect you got too much back from the internet that wasn't a problem in the beginning because most of the things you searched for when I went on onto the internet in the beginning got zero results back because there was no content about
that on the internet right but the Ala fist effect too many search results was solved by Google this is Google's press release mid you know mid 2000 they talk about a billion URLs they've indexed right but they also talk about the the technology that they use behind the scenes the technology called page rank that delivers the most important search results really early on in fact the first the top 10 Blue Links on that first page right that technology page rank is actually a graph algorithm which is actually it's called igen vector centrality and the innovation
that Google did was applying that to the scale of the internet and the scale of the web right page rank that ushered in and created honestly the most valuable company on the planet for quite quite some while the page rank era right that lasted for about a decade about a dozen years until in 2012 Google wrote this blog post which is an amazing blog post introducing the knowledge graph things not strings where this they said you know what guys we've done an upgrade on the back end of our search technology the biggest one since we
invented page rank where we're move moving away from not just storing the text and the links between the documents but also the concepts embedded in those documents things not just strings and we all know what the knowledge graft looks like visually when you search for something on on on Google today Moscone Center just around the the corner from here you're going to get this little panel right on the right hand side if you look at that panel it has a combination of unstructured text in this case from Wikipedia with structure text it has the address
the owner of the mcone building you know that kind of stuff this thing is backed on the back end by the data structure looking like this right it has these concept the rings that we call nodes that are connected to other nodes through relationships and the both the nodes and the Rel relationships have key value properties you can attach two three a th000 10,000 on both the nodes and very importantly also on the relationships this is a Knowledge Graph and that was the next decade or so 12 years of Google's dominance until a few months
ago a few months ago at Google IO they took the next step ushered in by the AI Engineers conference a year ago well not quite but of course the entire C around gen and this is one of the example that they did the classic travel itinerary they helped me plan out this this travel everyone here is in this room knows that this is backed by an llm and it is backed by an llm in combination with this knowledge graph data structure graph rag this is usering in the next era of web search the graph rag
era what I'm going to talk to you about today is how can you use well first of all should you and if so how can you use graph rag for your own rag based applications so what is graph rag right it is very very simple graph rag is rag where on the retrieval path you use a Knowledge Graph very very simple it doesn't say you only use a Knowledge Graph but you use a Knowledge Graph maybe in combination with other Technologies like vector search so let's take the classic example of a customer service bot right
and let's say that you are working at a company that is building Wi-Fi routers for example right and you have a bunch of support articles right and they've been stored in text files right and then you are tasked with building a bot that either is gives direct end users access to it or your own customer service agent employees like access to this information and you know how to do this because you live in the llm world and the Gen world so you're going to use rag for this right and so you have that data it's
text documents you've added that text onto the properties of particular nodes right so have a node per article but then you've also said that you know what this article is about this particular Wi-Fi product right you have a relationship to that Wi-Fi product and that Wi-Fi product sits in a hierarchy of other Wi-Fi products and it's written by this particular customer service engineer you know that kind of stuff and then the end user has a question hey my wife Wii lights are flashing yellow and my connection drops like what should I do something like that
I think we all know how we do this we vectorize the search right we get a some kind of vector embedding back we use Vector search to get the core documents but here's where the graph rag part kicks in you get those core articles back which are linked to the noes actually the text is on the nodes but then you use the graph to Traverse from there and retrieve more context around it maybe it's not just that particular article for that particular Wi-Fi but something else in that family maybe you use the fact that this
particular engineer has very highly ranked content and then you rank that higher right you retrieve more context than what you get out of the a&n based search from your from your vector store and you pass that on to the llm along with the question you get an answer back and you hand it to the user so the core pattern is actually really really simple but really really powerful right you start with doing a vector search I think of this almost as a primary key it's of course not a primary but almost like a primary key
lookup into the graph you use that Vector search you get a an initial set of nodes then you walk the graph and you expand that and find relevant content based on the structure of the graph then you take that and you return it to the LM or optionally maybe that gives you a th000 or 10,000 nodes back and then you do what Google did you rank that you get the top K based on the structure of the graph maybe you even use page rank right you get that you pass it on to the llm really
really simple but really really powerful and then there's a number more advanced patterns but that's kind of the next the next talk I'll do in a year the like more sophisticated graph retrieval patterns right but the core one very very simple okay so if that's what graph rag is what are the benefits of graph rag when should you use it when should you not use it the first and most Stark benefit is accuracy it's directly correlated to the quality of the answer there's been a ton of research articles about this in the last six months
or something like that I believe the first one was this one by data. world I just picked out three out at random here that I that I that I like this is the first one that I know of by dataworld which is a data cataloging company based on a knowledge Gra graph and they proved out across I think 43 different questions that on average the response quality the accuracy was three times higher if they use a knowledge graph in combination with with Vector search I love this paper by LinkedIn uh it's a shows a very
similar type I think it's like 75% or 77% increase in in accuracy um but it also has a great architecture view so you can take a the QR code right there look at that paper which combines various components and also the flow through that that I thought was just really pedagogical um but by and large it's showing the same thing a little bit of different numbers but significantly higher accuracy when it used graph in combination with Vector search and then Microsoft had a fantastic blog post and subsequently I think two academic papers the blog post
was in February of this year where they also talk about the increased quality of respon bonds but also beyond that hey you know what graph rag enables us to answer another important class of of questions that we couldn't even do with Vector search alone or Baseline Vector search that's what they or Baseline rag alone so first benefit higher quality response back the second one is easier development and this one is a little bit interesting because there's an asterisk in there because what we hear very clearly from our user is that it's easier to build rag
applications with graph rag compared to Baseline rag but we also hear it's like it's actually hard and what's the Nuance there well the Nuance is if you already have a Knowledge Graph up and running so there's a learning curve where people need to learn how do I create the knowledge graph in the first place once you have that it's a lot easier but how do you create that Knowledge Graph right so let's put a little pin in that if I rush through the next few slides quickly enough I'm going to show you hopefully a demo
on on on on that but let's put a little pin in that so this is an example this is from a um a very high growth stage fintech company that is very Cutting Edge in Ai and they started playing around with graph rag a few about six months ago and they took an existing application and they said you know what we're going to Port this from a vector database to Neo and most of the operations yield a better result they can calculate the embeddings on a database level getting related actions is as simple as following
the relationships between nodes and this one I love the cache and the cach here is their application they call it the Cache can be visualized this is an extremely valuable debugging tool and in the parenthesis I actually already fixed a couple of bugs just thanks to this right amazing like once you've been able to create that graph it's a lot easier to build your rag application and why is that right right so let's talk a little bit about representation let's say we have the phrase in there apples and oranges are both fruit and we want
to represent that in Vector space and in graph space in graph space we already talked about this apple is a fruit orange is a fruit pretty easy that's the representation in graph space in Vector space it looks like this maybe or maybe this is something else like we actually don't know two different ways of representing that phrase and then we can run similarity calculations in different ways using these both both representations that I'm not going to go through right now we can search in different ways these are not competing ways of doing it they're complimentary
ways of doing it right one is not better than the other except I will make one statement which is when you sit down and you write your application when you build your application I'm actually going to make the statement that one of them is superior this Vector space representation is completely opaque to a human being but the graph representation is very very clear it is explicit it's deterministic it's visual you can see it you can touch it as you build our applications this is the I already fixed a couple of bugs thanks to this just
by porting it from a vector only store to graph rag they were able to see and work with the data and that is really freaking powerful that shows up in development time as you're building your applications it's also showing up for our friends in it who worry about things maybe that is not directly related to building the application which is explainability which is auditability which is governance That explicit data structure has knock on effects over there that are really really powerful once you're up and running in production and You' to be able to explain why
something happen happened so higher accuracy better answers easier to build once you're through the hump of creating the knowledge graph and then increased explainability and governance for it and the business right those are the three things so how do you get started with with graph raging well I've talked a lot about this already like how do you create the knowledge graph in the first place so a little bit of nuance here so basically there are three types of data out in the world that I care about when I think about knowledge graph creation the first
one is structure data so this is your data in your snowflake or something like that or postgress right the other one is unstructured data PDF files raw text from a web page and the other one the third one is mixed people tend to call this semi-structured but it's not hit me up afterwards and I'll tell you why it's not but basically what this one is is structure data where some of the fields are long form text right B basically we're great in the first bucket in the graph world it's very easy to go from Snowflake
or postgress or MySQL or Oracle into a property graph model the unstructured one is really freaking hard right it's hard to do in theory it's also had immature tooling for a long run the middle one is actually where the majority of at least Enterprise production use cases are in the real world so man two and a half minutes this is rough um there are two types of graphs and I'm not going to talk about them I want to talk about them lexical graphs and domain graphs is actually really relevant but I really want to get
to this demo so I've talked about creating graphs with unstructured information so we just built this new tool that we launched just a few weeks ago called the knowledge graph Builder and you see it here I can can you see the screen okay so basically here you can drag and drop your PDF files you can put in YouTube links Wikipedia links you can point it to your kind of cloud service bucket right and it's can extract the data from there and create the graph so here I added a few things I added um a PDF
of Andrew ning's newsletter the batch I added the Wikipedia page for open Ai and I added the YouTube from swix and alesio you know the four Wars lat and space podcast so I added all that and I uploaded it into this knowledge graph Builder and when I do that it creates if let's see here I knew the ethernet connection was going to do it it automatically created a little Knowledge Graph if it renders wait for it it says one minute here so it better render pretty soon all right let me do this again please work
oh no yeah oh my my why isn't oh oh crap oh no and it's ticking down all right wait for it wait for it all right you can do it can do it and I was like trying to keep it alive in the in the thing too all right okay let's see I think we are here and then it says show me a graph and it's not going to show me the graph oh yeah it will come on you can do it all right yes so what we have here check this out I would love
to sit here and just drink in your applause but we need to look at this data so check this out this is the document the four Wars document here are the various chunks and then you can take a chunk and you can expand that this I put in the the the embedding and you can I'll zoom out here and you can see that it takes the The Logical concept elements out of that chunk like machine learning they talk about something that is developed in a similar fashion I don't even know there's some company there right
and you get that entire graph of all this information on top of that I really don't have time to show it but there's also I really don't have time to show it there's a chat but in here that you can use and you can introspect the result that gets back I'll one more second take up your phones if you think this looks cool take a photo of this QR code and you're going to have an amazing landing page where you have access to all of this information you can get up and running yourself thank you
for the additional minute thank you thanks everyone for paying attention [Music]
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