100M Marketing Genius Explains How to Make People Buy Effortlessly

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Neel Dhingra
Discover the secrets to transform your personal brand and business with Sharran Srivatsaa’s marketin...
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if you don't think of yourself as a marketer think of yourself as marketing actually accelerating the sales conversion process why is that when a Gary vaynerchuck or Alex rosi walks into an appointment why have they already pre-sold the product the service the opportunity because of all the the marketing beforehand if you just think of everything as marketing the sale becom so much easier this is the thing that changed the game for me the best marketers are not looking for sales they're looking for Signal all I want is a signal that you could be interested in
something I would be underestimating the amount of money made in the millions of dollars straight from the podcast straight from a YouTube show I had a guy actually wire me money without actually even talking to me we were going back and forth that email and he's like and I thought he was a joke and he's like hey I want to do XYZ and I said hey here's what it is and he literally said done wired how much would you say if you had to put a dollar on it your email list is worth to you
it is the most valuable asset in my business what is a sales email can we give them a tactical email that they can send to those 2,000 people to move forward the one email that I think every single agent should send every single week and the idea is that when marketing has changed my entire business and changed my life honestly when I figured out how to become a marketer I didn't have to sell as much and I got this crazy growth and it caused me to go to new levels in business have more fun with
what I'm doing then also make a lot more money right and I think that's what so many of you want to do so today I brought on a very special guest who I believe is one of the best marketers one of the most underrated marketers I would say and if you don't know him already you're going to learn a lot today but my guest today is the president of the largest publicly traded real estate Brokerage in the world he's a Serial entrepreneur investment banker he's had five exits uh what did you say nine what was
it five out of five in the last 20 years yeah five exits in the last 20 years he's made a ton of you know had a ton of financial success and business success but he just loves the game he's he's constantly doing new things and so today's guest is shvan shasa thank you so much for being here man thanks Neil excited to be here man yeah man uh one of the biggest I just told you this right before the episode I love this this story about like uh how you you said hey man um my
parents sold everything they had just to get me into this country yeah and so it almost puts you in like a position where you had to succeed man yeah I think a lot of times you somebody needs a seat of responsibility right so someone's like hey someone's making this big a sacrifice for you you got to go do something good yeah and it started off like that but now I just realized that that sacrifice was a big celebration and my parents don't want our parents don't want us to feel like hey Neil and Chiron just
said oh I Gotta Have This Cloud of sacrifice but they for them they wanted to be a celebration they wanted to do this you and I would do this for our children for sure and but but having having the little chip on your shoulder is a good thing I think yeah 100% man so I don't know if it's just immigrants but you know how it is uh we kind of just it's it's just a different hunger to succeed and then also I think I can just tell uh you love the game like of Business and
Entrepreneurship and marketing and even you've even said this recently said hey man even though I've had a ton of financial success and I've built and sold companies and done all these cool things the current role you're in now wasn't about the money it's about just wanting to do something cool and and bring in success for everybody else yeah and so this is really cool like today what I wanted to get into is our audience on they all want to become better marketers they want to make more money and they want to make a bigger impact
right so I think what we can really you know get into your Genius today I think your zone of Genius uh is marketing you know like you talk a lot about so many different things in business but when it comes down to it you're a really good marketer yeah well I think you said it when you started off it um selling is really hard when you don't do any marketing because there's no pre-frame for anything going into the process right yes so why does why why is that when a a Gary vaynerchuk or a or
Alex rosi walks into an appointment why have they already pre-sold the product the service the opportunity because of all the the marketing beforehand and so if you don't think of yourself as a marketer think of yourself as marketing actually accelerating the sales conversion process and so when you separate the two things you're like oh marketing is just to get me an appointment and then I'm just going to sell well no if you just think of everything as marketing the sale becomes so much easier yeah and so real quick before we get into marketing tactics which
we're about to do um can you just quickly Define framing because I think a lot we talk about pre- framing framing our offers our our brand all that stuff and I don't think people understand what framing is yeah framing is the the the definition for framing that I use it's a container of context if you think about it uh let's say we had you and I bought the Mona Lisa and you and I could put the Mona Lisa on this wall take it du duct tape it to the wall and you'd be like hey look
at this Mona Lisa and it would be okay I guess however if you put it on a frame in the Lou with the lights and you're actually framing the experience you're giving it context then it brings out the the twinkle in our eyes right and so our job is to say all right I've got this Mona Lisa how do I put the framing around it the lighting around it how do I put it in the Lou and so I always think about framing as you can't actually walk into anything without just saying I got the
Mona Lisa you need to put it in the frame first yeah and so this is all your conversations yeah phone calls everything content whatever yeah everything because um the mo the most important thing let's let's actually do a tactical part of framing right if you and I write email a lot yeah and if and the easiest way to frame an email is the opening sentence yes right and I I like to use this thing called the dog whistle and if you have a dog you know that the dog whistle is only the dog can dogs
can hear a certain frequency and instead of just starting the email by saying hey you should buy my stuff you can start it with hey if you are a real estate agent in North America and want to grow your business then read this email right all that it says is I'm calling out to the real estate at that point now the mortgage brokers can can tune out the entrepreneurs can tune out you're talking very specifically to the agent and what it also gives you right after that is full permission based context of saying whatever you
want cuz now you have assumed Rapport right because the person that is reading is actually an agent saying oh my gosh I am a roll agent I am in North America and I want to grow my business so simplest frame that you can use um agents talking to Consumers can say hey if you're looking to buy a home in Las Vegas then this message is for you yeah so you're setting the table for what's coming exactly right and then I think people just get into the context right away without setting the table right which is
why the message Falls flat yeah and then so the two things that most people uh do poorly is they have no Framing and they use jargon yeah so if you say if a real estate agent says hey this home is not on the MLS no one knows what that means because in in our industry colloquialism we know what the MLS is but the average consumer Whitney's not waking up in the morning saying I hey I wish someone would send me something off the MLS yeah right but he thinks it's like Zillow or she doesn't know
the difference but you said that you said it right so now you should say not on Zillow yes is significantly better than not on the MLS so small things that allow you to to remove jargon allow you to frame the overall context so the communication and marketing becomes significantly easier if you can remove jargon and frame correctly yeah so I noticed you do this a lot in your presentations and in your emails and all this it's uh it's easy to read easy to understand so can you talk about like did you intentionally dumb it down
and I think a lot of people think that that makes you sound dumb but I think it's the opposite yeah think about it uh so I I I hired a copywriting coach early on and he said to me think of somebody sitting in the back of a car reading your email and assume they're drunk that's who you should be writing to because you want to be able to influence the the subconscious and they're only skimming so you want your sentences to be short you want you know easy punctuation you don't want long paragraphs because you're
trying to get the communication there and as soon as someone sees an email or sees a piece of text if it feels like it's you know larger paragraphs it feels unapproachable they're like I'll just read this later because they want more time to read things that are dense but instead if you take that same paragraph and say wo and that was the only word you used then I know what's coming next is something interesting something that's difficult so I'm like woof I just lost I lost $14,000 now if you just do that they're like I
want to read more so the the job of every sentence becomes the the role to sell the next sentence as opposed to selling each paragraph So you make it really easy readability I love that so in emails it's like we talk about different types of marketing but we're talking about email right now now subject Line's goal is just to get them to open the email correct the first line of the email is to get you to read the next line correct so you're you're just doing things one thing at a time right and you kind
of view it in content the same way I noticed a lot of your content is cut from a talk or a presentation but the way it's damed together it's the most like the beginning part it's either done with the visual hook or what you said right is the purpose is to get you to continue going I feel like people skip that step totally and and I think the interesting part is we have no idea what's going to work so what my team does they love longer form content like this so they can say hey let
me go look at Neil and Chiron talking and maybe I can slice a couple of things to get the right hook um we had a video that my team thought would perform really well and it said that the theme of the video was 80% equals 100% which is a unique theme yeah and it totally flopped and so uh one of the deals that I have with my production team is we don't care about views we care more about shares and saves and so if we don't get you know X number of shares they have to
recut the video to get more shares and so he was like wait I don't know why this didn't perform he took the same exact video changed the first three seconds and publish the same video and it got 10x the views so what did you change the the hook was instead of it being 80% equals 100% the hook was here's how I do four day work weeks yeah and the four- day work week thing performed really better you can go watch that on my on my content right on the way we figured that's easier to understand
exactly because 80% 100% was was too complex it had jargon to it right and how he figured fig it out was right now what he started to do was take the three Clips with the same clip with three different hooks post all three of them a few hours apart on Tik Tok see which one performed the best and post that on Instagram because Tik Tok is a lot more meritocracy related to the virality of that particular video and so we don't we use just Tik Tok as a training around right now to figure out which
one's performing on a hook hook perspective love that and so for a lot of the people that watch and listen to this like we're trying to do better marketing on social for example or on you know YouTube or whatever you're doing online now there's two types of content I would say that people do and even myself included there's certain types of content where I'm just teaching giving value and I feel like that helps my brand long term and then there's other types of content where it's like more direct response and so I think like there's
people I talk to Shan that are like man I need to get I need to get more sales right now and so they start doing like long-term brand content and then they're like it's not working right but that takes years yeah and I would still I would didn't shy away from doing that because that's how I built my whole brand over the last several years and same with you but um when should you do like what's the mixture what's your ideal mixture and then if you're broke for example should you just do direct response yeah
well think about it this way um I like direct response embedded into everything okay and here even in your long-term brand content everything so so I'll give you an example you do this really well you will say hey I want to tell you about what consumers need to know about the mortgage environment right now and you'll talk about the mortgage environment and there's two ways to actually do a call to action right one you may not do a call to action at all that may just be a brand teaching play but in the caption you
may say hey if you want the four ways to actually benefit from know the right mortgage products you know message the word mortgage below and I'll send it to you so now you're generating the comments and then the many chat DMS and all of that associated with it without doing any call to action in the video which I think is super powerful but if there is a call to action in the video you do the same exact thing so I really like that component of it I'll give you the best hack that I learned um
I'll take it on email but you can land and expand to the other uh platforms is this I learned it from Dean Jackson and if you I don't know if if you know Dean he's a marketing Buddha one of the smartest email marketers that I know and Dean said to me Shon your job is to write email to only deliver your super signature and so let me frame what a super signature is most of us know a signature and an email but what Dean suggests is below the email he has a direct response signature and
how he how he writes it is uh whenever you're ready here are four ways I can help you way number one join my free Facebook group way number two download this PDF way number three uh join my course way number four just reply if you want to schedule a one-on-one right so that you have this some version of that so you have this all call to action signature that is below your signature yeah I love that I seen that in your email so you give value yeah at the bottom you even say I have nothing
to sell you right and then you give four things they you sell them yeah I mean it's not selling it's just like here some resources you're inviting them to do something right but the best part then is is your emails now become a delivery system for your super signature okay that was the big switch for me so now I don't worry about selling anything in email I know that I can write any email on the top and if they like it or not doesn't matter they're still going to scroll to the bottom and I'll get
something that they click on and work through in the super signature and what what Dean told me was the entire job of the email is to deliver your super signature he goes and the craziest thing he told me Neil was she said on if I could I would send three emails three blank emails a week with just my super signature that's when I it actually kicked it off for me I can put anything up top I can do a sale I can do a teaching I can do a gratitude post I can do whatever and
then people will scroll down and it's always there for them to connect with so now you have that's when I realized the direct response play of email was to my the entire job of my email was to deliver the super signature so that signature at the bottom I'm sure you guys track the clicks and in emails do a lot of people click on those links yeah it's the highest clicked links period wow and it's buried at the bottom yes it's just the bottom of the email and says hey here are four ways that I can
help you and it gives you the four ways and that's your standard you know ways in which people you want every single thing it's in every single bottom of every single applied to video essentially that would be the called to action either in your caption correct or in your video so I've been kind of leaning this way and tell me what your thoughts are I think there should not be a piece of content that you post without some soft call to action it because otherwise you're literally robbing the audience of how they could continue working
with you or get more info or get into your funnel yeah so no like I think at a bare minimum every single post even if it's just a brand play in the caption you should have some way for them to opt in 100% and here's the interesting part I I've start I told my team to stop thinking about it as a call to action because now we're you know with language we're forcing somebody to do something right I started telling my sounds salesy yeah I want to tell my team I need to incentivize them to
action so what is the incentive to action so it's IA yeah I want to incentive them to action and so in most of my videos my team will just say hey if you want to uh if you want chiron's gift on the top things that you know the top training se's done for free just comment the word gift so the standard response is on everything if they don't know the caption they'll do a little caption and they say comment the word gift and the crazy part is we still get hundreds of people commenting the word
gift even though I I thought that it's been used and reused for like over a couple years now yeah hey quick question for you how much have you been loving these podcast episodes I've been getting so much great feedback from you guys and right here is where I would typically put in an ad read for these episodes but you know what I was thinking about it the only thing I really want to promote right now the only thing I want you to do is just hit that subscribe button trying to grow this thing out and
so many of you are watching and listening and sharing but you're not subscribed to the channel so whether you're watching or listening hit the follow button hit subscribe and that's going to allow me to grow this thing let's get back to the episode that's crazy man so this is really good I love that um and we'll get into a few more things with marketing I think one of the big things that we need to talk about today is uh your value proposition you've talked a lot about this so we'll we'll come back to that but
before I do that one thing that uh came up on a podcast I did with Grant Cardone was he said something and it was the most viral clip from the podcast and I I kind of sounded dumb to me in the moment but then afterwards I kind of understand it now and I've and you talked about this too he said basically like it's easier to make um I think he said like 100 million or or he said it's easier to make 20 million than it is 2 million yeah and I was like what do you
mean bro it's not easy and then you know even when the clip went viral all these people are like dude he's crazy um this is just he just loves to hear himself say these crazy things but there's there's some truth to it and I and I saw a podcast that you did or a piece of content you did re a long time ago actually about how you scaled Tellis and you said that you were making a financial model or spreadsheet and you accidentally put an extra zero like you up on the sheet and then all
a sudden you're like why do the numbers look crazy but then you stuck with it yeah so can you talk like about guess setting like bigger targets because I feel like so many people set their bar so low right so um I'll give you an interesting story when I was in college uh my college roommate when he graduated he said to me he's like Sean I want to get this job and I want to have this great life living in Chicago and I said that's awesome and he goes but for me to live in Chicago
live downtown Chicago in a building drive a Honda Accord I need to make 50 to $60,000 so at that time and lo and behold what do you think happened he graduated he got a job paying like $55,000 he was able to buy his Honda Accord he got a doorman building and that's where he lived and he was super happy yeah and that is a minimum standard what happened was a few months after him doing that he was really happy his sister got sick and she lost her job she had to move in with him and
he suddenly had to Bear her expenses and now his her expenses were starting to kind of ramp up and I remember him telling me hey man I need to start making like 110 to $20,000 to take care of my sister and in three months he got a new job for $120,000 in three months wow he just had a65 $55,000 job D inome yeah and and a lot of that is just he just changed his minimum standard and when you change your minimum standard you completely change the way you look at the world and so if
you and I were operating a business right now and we wanted to double the business we would say okay what can we do to double this business let's tweak the sales funnel on the front end let's optimize the operation at the back end NE and Sh are going to go on a road show hey we got to to double like we would Brute Force double the business that we had but if you and I were given the challenge that we had to 10x our business you'd be like whoa whoa whoa hold on we need to
redraw what this even looks like so what it forces us to do is it forces us to drop our baggage and saying hey I may have to throw away something that is not excellent to actually build a thing that is bigger and that is a really difficult exercise to do but once you do it you start to realize that there's no way you're going to hit that 10x growth there no way you're going to hit 20 million versus too unless you give away or or break up what what you have already built and that's why
10x is easier than 2x because we can Brute Force the 2x we can't Brute Force the 10x yeah I see what you're saying okay so when you did this with the agents at soel so uh if you guys back quick backstory you'd come into the company they they' gone through a scandal and you they weren't making netting very much money they were at 300 million or something in in uh in Top Line and not not really that profitable and then over over 5 years is what was the result of what you did so we took
the bill uh the business from one office and roughly 30 agents doing in in Beverly Hills and the overall grow sales was 300 million we were not profitable the then founder was embezzling from the business uh took the business from that one office and roughly 30 agents to 22 offices and 700 agents we were doing roughly five billion is in sales and then we sold the business to Doug San wow okay so that business uh that was like was that your biggest exit uh no it was the it was the biggest side but not the
biggest on the economics got it okay so that uh business in terms of um how you grew it to that scale in terms of how you did it okay and so this is this similar to how you view how you're going to grow real as well yeah the so uh the way we grew that business it was a traditional brokerage business model and uh my my Approach was I didn't know any different because I was a banker at Goldman Sachs and I realized that I was like all right the only way we're going to grow
this is to make have really great sales professionals so instead of saying we're going to give people more marketing we're going to give people more resources we're going to do all of that my Approach was can I just bolt a training arm onto our business what if every single person in our business did two things one they were phenomenal at their craft which means in every sales meeting we didn't have Cutco knives we didn't have uh you know talk people talking about home warranty we didn't have uh you know talking about the rule changes we
didn't have any of that we did roleplay in every single sales meeting so I would drive to one of our 22 sales meetings every every single week and I would just role play and every single person got so good at their at their skill and you'd be shocked as to how good they are when you have to role play in public and the second is we establish a minimum production standard so if you're not actually if each person didn't actually sell $10 million in production every single single year they were automatically fired those two things
ensured that you had high skill level and you had good production and you didn't need 7,000 people to hit that number you had 700 people to hit that number and that was really cool because that was the model of how do I get to 10x without without with knowing only what I know right that was the main part of it Real's a little different because we uh we're in all 50 states and in Canada it's a national model and my thought process around this was how do we do it better I took the best of
what worked at T us putting a training based uh focus on the business if we have better more skilled agents we will do better that's number one but the second is the problem most people don't realize is we need to operationalize generosity and I I'll tell you my thought around this I I recently wrote that a a leader without a platform is like a samurai without a sword what are you going to do like you need a platform and people say well you need a platform because you talk about yourself I'm like Neil doesn't talk
about himself he's he's instantly giving value all the time but there are people right now leaders in our space who are brilliant thinkers who are kind people who want to help others but because they don't have a platform they can't actually share their message and what it's done for us is I just said all right I'm fortunate to have a platform that we built over the last 10 years I get to operationalize generosity I get to say man I have this idea I have this tactic I have this technique how can I give it away
to everybody and that deploys a ton of Goodwill in the marketplace when you and I with Gary that's that was his entire message deploy more Goodwill in the marketplace and so operationalizing generosity is literally the uh business plan for growing real and it has been how do I get in front of more people how do I share the message how do I not sell anything and that allows them to discover what a new model could be and if they like it great if they don't like it they still got some value in the process yeah
and because there's so many people top of funnel you get these 20,000 people at the bottom of the phone exactly that's awesome so and you disseminate the information through when you say platform you mean email content social YouTube podcast I see people events I see people talk about your podcast every day you know you get a dozen people or more tagging that they got value from today's podcast so this is really cool like in terms of um when you think about how you could really not just grow a business but really like explode the business
right and the it would come through spreading the message yeah I actually want to ask yeah I want to ask you this um I've been thinking a lot about this on the team and this one concept that we're tracking people were talking a lot about how many pieces of content output do I put out I'm making 10 pieces 20 pieces 30 pieces 300 pieces of content a week what what have you and we've changed the thinking from that to not number of pieces of content but we call this time on brand yeah how much time
does a person spend with you on your brand and that's a super interesting number if you think about it right so on social it's 30 to 60 seconds with short form on email they're probably spending a minute reading your email on podcast they're spending 20 to 30 minutes listening to your podcast on YouTube videos they're not only spending time listening they're spending time watching they're reading the captions they're actually doing something with it they're it's a very uh focused way of seeing it so I get more time on brand and then we've realized that uh
over the last two years the team's in tracking it we see engagement scores on our on our on our subscriber base 37 minutes when someone hits the 37 minute Mark of the time on brand that they've spent with us they are a whole new subscriber yeah but the crazy part for 37 minutes is someone has to watch 37 of your videos or someone has to watch read 37 of your emails but if someone listens to one 27 Minute Podcast I am 80% of the way there so I'm curious about your thoughts on what do you
think about time on brand or do you think that's that should be tweaked in some way yeah so I looked at a 100 videos that I put posted on social and these are average of like 45 second videos of those videos the average watch time was 16 seconds right so even though they're 45 seconds not everyone's making it to the end now some people do many people do but on average 16 seconds well if we need to get to what is it 37 minutes yep it's a lot of 16sec views right so I love short
form because it's just a way to keep connecting with people just you you can't miss us like you'll see us every day there right it's cardio yeah it's a cardio but like getting them to the long form is the goal right right so podcast YouTube that's why I love YouTube uh in terms of like I would much rather have 10,000 views on an hourong podcast than you know a million views on a 20 second video it's just a totally different experience so how could we get more people to the long form and so that's been
the goal and then also get them into your ecosystem get them off the platform because the algorithms always changing right yes so I think of like I don't think of and then the other part with qu with quantity versus quality I think the game of just posting clips for the sake of posting is dead right like you know people would just typically give this podcast to some guy in Philippines and be like hey find 20 clips and let's get them posted what if the podcast only has seven fire Clips or what if you get 20
and then you pick the next the best six right I think that's the game is like better like you need you need more content but you need it to be good right I think you know it's I don't want to just post for the a posting I I think you're I think you're spot on and the the power in what you just said is the quantity versus quality thing is super important um but also the only way you get the quality is to do is to do the quantity and I I I'll tell you this
I never I never believed like 10 eight 10 years ago I was like what is this YouTube thing it's fine I'm not a YouTube kind of guy no one's going to sit and watch long form stuff and um I've had more time on brand on on other people's shows like yours like Omars like a lot of other people's shows and um I would be I would be underestimating the amount of money made in the millions of dollars from direct inbound requests straight from the podcast straight from a YouTube show literally email saying hey shiron I
watched this show with you and Neil then I listened to seven of your episodes on Business School um I am you know could you invest in my company could you Mentor me could you I money is No Object yeah and that has probably happened I don't know dozens of times I had a guy actually wire me money without actually even talking to me how do you get the wire instructions well he we were going back and forth on email and he's like and I thought he was a joke and he's like hey I want to
do XYZ and I said hey here's what it is and he literally said done wired wow and so it is amazing for time on brand when someone actually spends time watching your stuff how much of impression you can make because they're wanting they're thirsting for that yeah and so this is the part where I was just focused on short form and I was still getting the effects of this is the way I've done it is by getting them in through the content but then creating that connection and and time on brand through Instagram stories yeah
so really showing behind the scenes of what's going on so I view it as you know if you're going to get people to hit that follow button instead of just letting them wait for the next piece of content the most engaged people who hit the follow button watch stories so like I I try and share as much as I can you know even before the podcast just quickly behind the scenes uh what are we doing today yeah what's going on oh I just walked out of this meeting and I love this thing of like you
know a lot of times we have a an important meeting or podcast or session and you have something that's kind of just on your mind right now right if you can get it into this device right away it's it's the most like the be the most uh emphasis you'll have you know like the most impact you'll have because it's fresh right so I don't like I like to um try and get the content out as quick as possible now even if that turns into something that you're going to produce later right but you can get
it done right now and post it in story so I use it as testing because um you can just say it really quick and see what works and you can see the responses from a small segment of your audience right and you could turn that into a bigger piece of content so the thing that you said there the learning that I got from that was my friend Mario went who's an amazing content creator she said to me hey I thought of myself originally as an entrepreneur but my business completely changed when I accepted the identity
of being a content creator yeah and I said what does that even mean she's like I never go a day without thinking about the most important part of my business which is my content no one will no one will interrupt my content creation time I have to have it every single day it's kind of like my cognitive delivery that I have to do so she took on this identity of creating content not a oh my gosh I I should really post something today no she was like if I don't this is the heartbeat of my
business and really taking into account that being the the engine that drives your business is an insane way to look at it like when we wake up we're like man I what is the difference between us saying I need to get a workout in today or I'm an athlete it's just an identity switch but her saying she's a content creator completely switched her identity and so it took away the pressure of um I I could do this marketing thing tomorrow I could do the sales thing tomorrow I could do this process thing tomorrow but I
need to spend time making the content today and whatever that May mean I have the focus on that and that she tripled her income by just switching the fact that she she went from being an entrepreneurial content creator yeah I think this is the problem that most people face is like they need something today you know you need something right now and the problem is like if you're always doing things that would only benefit you this week this month this month's numbers it works you'll make money but at the end of the day like what's
the what's the exit like what's the long-term strategy right so I always tell people in this industry like dude what's what's the plan to get out of here yeah like are we just going to keep selling more houses or or loans or insurance policies or what like what's our plan and some of them it's like dude make more money put it into these uh commercial real estate or put it into the market and then I'll retire that's cool but like from a brand perspective I would like to have some value to all this work I've
done and so I think of like like I want to do things that would benefit Neil this month right but then I also want to do something that would benefit the Neil 10 years from now right and that's why we work out and that's the exact reason why I think I need to post something on Instagram stories today it's not because I'm going to get a sale today I think people like they just don't get that yeah and so that's why they won't do it you know and I feel like I feel bad for them
so I will share something that you and I would talk about off camera but never on camera and that is most people think about marketing lead generation uh you know social media tactics Etc as a as a vehicle for creating new clients growing your business generating leads G getting attention but I think the way even how you and I met and connected was I look at content and marketing as a gateway to new relationships yeah because if no one knew me and if I was not making any content and you you're like okay who is
this guy oh I'll just and you just move on right and so I think the I I see and you see content as a opportunity to stack great relationships at the end of the day how do you build and grow your business you build and grow your business and you build and grow your life by having great people around you who endorse you who support you who lift you up who bring you into their worlds who create great opportunities for you that is way more important way more powerful way more profitable way more long- lasting
way more uh moot oriented than I found this hack using a trend to get me 17 more views yeah and I think that that was the big shift for me is like not looking at the views by saying all right I'm I'm doing this content to get to tag and collaborate with people then then I I endorse people I support them I share their stuff and now they're like wait why did Chiron share my stuff and that really is a gateway to new relationships and that as soon as I learned that so my content became
in service of supporting others and fostering new relationships and that's what um I think Alex said this too at the Pod podcast we did was somebody asked him like what's your goal your Five-Year Plan and he's like I don't know but I just know if I keep doing and building my brand right in 5 years I'll have so many options I can't see right and that was like man that that really hit home for me because it's like look there's a lot of cool things that happen along the way that you don't even know are
going to happen there's opportunities coming your way if you look at anybody who's made a a ridiculous amount of money or had crazy growth the thing that happened many times was not on the road map it was something that accidentally came in through Serendipity through these relationships that you're talking about like I was I made a whole talk around like hey me and Chiron connected through content and then we ran into each other at the Super Bowl right the only reason we ran into each other at the Super Bowl is because I made a post
at the Super Bowl and the first comment was bro I'm right behind you yeah yeah like how the would that happen if I didn't hit post exactly right you know and so many people go to that game and they don't post anything so I'm like man this is like you know so many opportunities you're leaving on the table if you just do things it leads to Discovery leads to relationships yeah and so that's kind of the Long play now getting back to the short play I think it's it's like the answer is always both right
so we say people are in our sphere are always interested like what's the hack Neil what's the TTA that gets me the most leads what's your lead magnet look like what's your email followup can you tell me all the tactics and I'm like I love that part too because you got to you got to uh you got to get paid you got to close deals and then this needs to happen as well so the answer is not or always it's both like you said earlier like should I do brand or direct response he's like both
yeah mix them together well you talked about you hit on two things there and so let's let's dive into two tactics that will help people so you talked about hey what do I do in this funnel which the right email response sequence that will get me the best open R to Etc so I have found uh this one tactic that I believe will probably three to 4X your email response rate when someone lead opt-ins and the issue is let's say somebody opts in through a form your email Marketing System called it HubSpot or kajabi or
active campaign sends a autoresponder email to it the issue with that is every email marketing software knows that it's an autoresponder so what I've done instead now is anybody that opts into our list up front they don't get an autoresponder email right away we set up a zap your integration directly from Gmail ah okay so essentially says lead comes in great don't send an autoresponder email go to zappier you can you can send a native email from Gmail and I say hey Neil just got your you know just got your request for this PDF here's
a link to this PDF can you just hit reply that you got this love that and all it does is one it's a direct Gmail email so it directly gets you deliverability in their inbox second when they get that and you ask for the reply and they reply it whitelists you yes so no one actually is going going to take your email and go and start whitelisting it like they're not going through the mechanical aspect of doing it if you just did that one thing you instantly like triple your opens and your reply rates which
which warms up the inbox better that's why we're starting to get 60 to 80% open rates on our on emails on a ongoing basis because that first email that they got was this direct email hack Gmail and so this is the takeaway guys everybody who's watching listening to this you're creating content or you're trying to create content you must get these people onto an email list if you don't have an email list you're leaving so much money on the table so much that's like when I talk about filling events when I talk about how we
fill our webinars which lead to more business right it's all through email like I post on and I get some stuff from social but it's mostly through email how I built the list is through social right but that first email that they get so when whenever what shon's talking about is when somebody Ops into your list you can even when I sh I don't know if you do this even when I do webinars for example once they opt into the webinar yeah they get an email saying hey congrats you're register can't wait to see you
um you're not done yet right like reply I'm you know those who are committed uh reply I'm in if you're going to flake that's fine but if you're in and you really want to goow your businesses here just do me a favor reply I'm in yeah and bro it's like 100 200 people of this th that register reply I'm in right now we're in communication in the inbox so that one's just a Cheesy one that I've done but many times it's like what's something you need help with like do me a favor just reply to
this email whatever you can do to get them to just hit reply yeah I'll tell you um this is something you and I should do and a lot of people will say well Sean and Neil it's easy for you because you guys have large lists and you can hit one email and fill in the EV one email get people on a webinar how do I actually this just building this list idea is super daunting how do I get a jump start in doing this yeah and I'll tell you the fastest way for you to build
a list is to do something called what I call a list swap so how this happen is but let's say Neil I know that you have a crunchy resource on how uh agents in Loos can grow their business let's say you have that right yeah and let's say I have a um tactical webinar on how you get email working better what you would say is you would write an email to your list and say hey I was just chatting with my friend shiron and he showed me uh his way on how he's getting 3x the
open rate by with one hack from zapier set it up once and you never have to touch it again it's 100% free he won't charge you anything for it and as my gift he set up a separate link so you can go get it yourself so you send your entire list to my to my to my optin and so now I get and then I do the same thing where I send my entire list to your optin yes the cool part there is those are the best subscribers because one they actually read email they read
the email number two it's endorsed you endorsed me so they already trust you and they're on your list you they you endorsed me so they automatically trust me third they went to my site they read what I was offering they chose whether they want to actually optt in and they opted in so now I have three levels of of intent one they actually read two they actually like you so they now they trust me and three they want what I'm actually giving them so now when they opt into my list they're the best subscriber you
can get yes so if if you and I did that we actually cross-pollinate our list with only the people that want to do something and that is the fastest way to to grow your grow yeah and those are the most engaged people that read and subcribe and click on links so a lot of times we you can run a Facebook ad with a lead ad and get optins from Facebook but you know you're getting Facebook ad clickers you don't know if you're getting email readers and clickers and that's why doing a list swap is insanely
powerful yeah that's huge you can help each other grow and so this is the thing of like it starts with you know people said you know how I there's this Boulder and it's called building an email list well it's much easier to get the thing going once it's going but the hardest part is just getting it going right and so that is like pick a service convert kit freaking uh MailChimp Constant Contact whatever you said active campaign pick something literally what's the best one bro the best one is the one you freaking pick just pick
one bro I don't care what it is and then all of a sudden you just now your goal is to do this and so this is the thing that changed the game for me Sean and I know you understand this as well is I feel like the best marketers switch you know the best marketers are not looking for sales they're looking for Signal that's it that's it so all I want is a signal that you could be interested in something because I know like how much would you say if you had to put a dollar
on it your email list is worth to you um what would you sell it for if you could never email it again and you just had to sell it to me right now so I'll answer it differently it is the most valuable asset in my business I back up my list on autopilot daily I if I lost my list it that would be like losing my third child and I have two children like it is a it is that important because if the world goes to the hand basket I can write one email and reboot
my entire life oh it's Priceless it's Priceless yes so this is what it comes when it gets this big and so how you would get it there is the first 100 the first thousand and you go from there but you're not looking for sales in it you're looking to just grow the thing right so if everybody could just do this and you'll become a better marketer whatever you're looking for the end result which is a closed deal a client or a recruit or you know a Payday just back the truck up okay to the middle
what's something we could do in the middle and I call this the step in the middle it just changed my changed everything for me you're here Clos deal deal with the cashes here what's one step we could put in the middle right that's a email that's a webinar that's a video that's a podcast whatever that thing is right get the whole goal of your day should be to just get people there right and then from there you'll have so many people there that you can then do sales activity here right the problem is people are
just running sales activity to get them to make the whole journey on their own and there's not that many people that are interested that can do that right now yeah especially in today's market I'll tell you um this one thing from a sales perspective will be super helpful to people uh a lot of times we think about exactly like what you said hey I'm going to go run an ad to get a sale instead think about what's the what is the baby step that I can get them to take mic conversion right the step that
is so easy they click on something they open something they're delightful something they share something what is this the easiest thing that they can do and so a lot of times I'll talk to uh real estate agents around the country and I'll say hey use uh are you he's like well I I call I'm like great you're calling I've been calling all these leads I've been getting these inbounds but Tron you know none of them want to do anything right now everyone is like later and I go okay give me an example they're like well
I talked to Neil and Neil is if if if it's March right now Neil's a November buyer I'm like great well I talked to Whitney and she's a October buyer uh I talked to you know I talked to uh uh Arjun and he's a a June seller he's like but I need I need money right now and what they don't realize is that as soon as they think it's a not now thing they instantly shut down and they're like this is a not now thing this lead doesn't work etc so if anyone is in this
mode I'll give you a piece of advice I recommend people to put a little chart on their wall and the chart has all the months okay Jan Fe March April May June all the way to the December right and anytime you talk to somebody and they say I'm a June Prospect put our June in June they say well I'm an October thing you put Neil in October so you do this for three days suddenly you're going to look at your wall and you're going to have a pipeline that you're so insanely proud of the issue
that most people have is oh they they think about it as now and not now business and the not now is this is this weird bucket for the future that has no sense of profit or momentum or progress or anything and they feel like all the activity associated with creating the not now business was useless but when you can map the not now into the different months you're like wait a minute I made for the last three weeks I made all these calls I only got two now buyers but the next six months is stacked
I feel really good about it so now you actually monetize the knot now both in your head and on the board and it dramatically reduces Stress and Anxiety in people because they realize that the the day-to-day the work is actually building the pipeline huge man so let's just say somebody has built their list it's not huge they got a couple thousand people on there engaged and let's use the example of buyers in real estate yeah for mortgage and real estate they've got people who are interested in someday buying a home right I don't know if
it's today they they opted in for a guide right a lead magnet even though you don't like big guides but like some sort of good lead magnet okay now what is a sales email can we give them a tactical email that they can send to those 2,000 people to get them off the fence to move forward absolutely so the one email that I think every single agent should send every single week once a week and I call this the deal of the week and the idea is that when when you write a deal of the
week it needs to have a few things I've been talking about this for the last 10 years and I'll actually break the whole process down the deal of the week is one email sent to your entire list so no segmenting nothing sent into your entire list once a week but it's all text only and it goes like this the subject should say whatever City and deal the week so you say Las Vegas deal the week Henderson deal the week Lona Beach deal of the week and it's um the first sentence says this week's deal of
the week is a cottage in lagona and it's a couple bullet points about the house couple bullet points about the neighborhood and a couple bullet points about why you like it so three to five bullet points total and the price in bold now when someone is reading and scanning they're like wait there's a lagona deal of the week I'm scanning it it's 1.4 million I'm super interested but the most important part is the called action which is if you're interested just reply and I'll get you all the details now here's the magic around this email
there there is no address there's no links and there are no pictures what this does is it forces them to hit reply yeah because we know that all conversion happens in conversation all I'm trying to do is every week shiran is sending out a deal of the week so one deal of the week is 1.3 million one deal trying get them to raise their hand yes one week one deal of the week is a condo one deal of the week is a high-end property one deal of the week is like a short sale and but
they don't know the address they don't know any links and they don't know any pictures because as soon as they see an address they'll Google it themselves or figure out where it is if they see a link they've gone down this this chain that they're never coming back and as you see a picture they make a snap judgment and they don't want to respond but instead if I only give them that info and they need more info they can only get it from me they hit reply and now I'm in conversation but this is uh
vague on purpose 100% okay right and if you do this every single week but most agents cannot deal with the fact that they're not giving them an address or a link or a picture and if so all you're trying to do is you're you're getting them to say hey hey I want to know more about that and if you can just do that and you do it every single week what it does it's actually better than a just listed or a just sold because it makes the consumer feel like Neil has every deal every week
and it's constant well I'm thinking about selling my house maybe I should ask him if there are other deals like maybe I'm thinking about buying so I should ask him if they other deal maybe I'm thinking about investing maybe I should ask him if he has a deal for me you become like the vendor of opportunities constantly as opposed to all the things that we sell are like only when we have a listing or when we have when we finished the sale do we actually promote it um if it's an Lo if it's a mortgage
loan officer they should be saying product of the week or a client of the week hey this this this week's you know product is related to uh XYZ it has this term this term this term if you want to know more about this just reply and I'll get you all the details yeah we have a product of the week that helps you buy a home without selling your current home you want to learn more about it reply to this email exactly right and and then they reply and then you get in conversation yeah right and
so that conversation can go in but now that person replied so they have intent and now they're actually discussing because the inbound inquiry is significantly better than the outbound cold call 100% so if and as the list gets bigger the more inbound you can get and then you can get out of the cold sales game which is what everybody hates so I'll tell you uh the um my friend his name is Shane Todd Shane Todd is in Vancouver Washington and I we shared this idea of the dealer week with him 10 years ago and he
said something to me like a a few years ago during Co he goes Shan I get it now and I go what he goes I know why I don't have a big list because I've been trying to Cobble this list together and I said I I don't understand he said what I'm going to do is I'm going to assume that every single deal that I got I had to pay a referral fee and a referral fee to myself so he takes 25% of all this commissions and he run on every listing and he runs ads
to it and he calls it the Thousand lead system he wants to generate 1,000 inquiries for every single listing he brings on so he actually tells you he's like hey nean with me what I'm going to do is I'm going to generate 1,000 inquiries on our listing do you think that that would actually give us a lot of inquiries and eyeballs to do and you're like wait a minute Chan's going to generate 1,000 inquiries but each of those 10,000 inquiries become 1,000 particular buyer leads on the property yes and so he's done this he's had
like 25 or 26 listings in the last kind of you know two years he has 26,000 leads literally what he told me was he goes I can just turn it off and just do deal of the weeks every week and never have to change anything never have to generate one more new lead in my career that's huge but just by the fact that he said I'm going to generate this 10,000 lead system that's awesome man and then it blows up his list as well right so just the the the pot that he's pulling from gets
bigger and bigger and bigger but the focus of him saying that and that was his idea he came up with the 1,000 lead system he runs ads directly to the property and then now him running the ads has made it a value prop in the living room because no one else can everyone else says Oh Mr Mr seller when you list with me I do all these things he says hey hey nean Whitney when you list with us we generate 1,000 inquiries on your property because we believe that getting more inquiries gets to more showings
and more showings gets some more offers yeah and you're like you're going to generate one th and he can show proof because he's going to continue to run his ads until he gets 1,000 leads yeah that's huge man the other cool thing I noticed when you said uh bringing in the mortgage people or you know for other people in other Industries is like if you don't have the thing to share for your like loan products or you want to talk about this you could just simply share the end thing which is the properties the Lo
can do freaking deal of the week on at the end of the day that's what we're selling anyways right nobody likes debt they like the house so you can sell the deal the house the property the end result well think about this think about a mortgage loan officer wanting to have a great Business Partnership with the real estate agent they're just like hey when you get an inquiry for a buyer flip it to me now you're saying hey Neil you have a listing as an agent I Shan I'm the loan officer I'm like hey do
you mind if I promote your listing I as a mortgage loan officer to all my pre-approved clients that I've done I could do a deal of the week of your listing and when you reply I forward it to you so now you the agent are like chiron's insane he's marketing for me not just taking an order later yes and so for everybody here who's who's watching listening you guys we could do six more episodes and we wouldn't be even close to finish you know so if you guys want to hear more from shiron if you
want to get more tactical information just do me a favor comment below this video that you want me to bring it back on if we get enough comments we'll do another episode okay so make sure if you're watching this leave a comment below if you want to have shiron back on the on the episode uh or if you're listening shoot me a message DM me whatever so as I want to wrap up with this today because we're almost to an hour here this is the thing uh that really changed the game for me was obviously
watching and listening and learning about this opened my mind to becoming a marketer that's what changed everything for me as I said in the beginning but when I actually hired a coach MH uh it really changed I don't think I've ever even said this on uh publicly but I've you know I've been in masterminds and things like that but one time I saw a guy who I follow who was a great marketer on social um and I followed all and he was a good Advertiser and all these things and I didn't know anything about it
and he posted one day like hey I'm look I'm going to bring on a couple onetoone clients and I was like okay you know I want to I responded I was like what would it what would it what would that look like yeah and um he messaged me back later and he was like all right uh looked at your stuff like I think I could help you it would be $100,000 M and I was like holy you know that's like a condo at the time right like $100,000 just for business coaching yeah and you know
there was it was over a length of time and there was some deliverables and I remember just second guessing like should I do it should I not do it and even when I said I would even just typing in the wire and then just before I could hit the enter button being like I don't know man that's a lot of money it's so risky but at the end what I got around to doing was like dude this is a bet on me like cuz I know I'm going to do the thing and uh and I
know this person can help me get there so I hit send that single investment changed my entire life yeah bro I'm telling you right now like and you know the individual is Billy Jean yeah he taught me everything uh in terms of like marketing and sales and even how to grow a team and and then from there I could take the ball and run with it yeah but that first investment in coaching is just trans transformational for me so I know you're a big believer in coaching and I am too still to this day I
have other business coaches and I still am in masterminds and I join communities paid communities why do you uh still after all this success still have so many coaches I'll tell you so I have seven paid coaches right now yeah and um I've have realized that you know all of us we look at some people want to be Neil people want to be Steve Jobs people want to be Tiger Woods people want to be uh Elon Musk people and and I'm sorry like yeah like you can't be Neil you can't be Elon they have completely
different skill sets and and life experiences than you but how can I bring out the Neil dingra and me how can I bring out the Tony Robbins and me how can I bring out the Elon and me and I've realized that instead of looking and emulating Neil andad looking and emulating Elon I'm trying to figure out who's their support system because if I can get Elon support system for me if I can get Neil's support system for me if I can get Steve jobs' support system for me then they can bring out the jobs in
me yeah so from a speaking perspective I hired Tony Robbins to speaking coach Richard green and I was like Tony is the to me Tony is the goat and I paid $50,000 for 3 hours with Richard green wow and he changed my life like I am I I would tell you from a speaking career it was everything up until the time I met Richard green and everything after in three hours he completely changed how I think about the world was this one session or one session for three hours one one three- hour session and it
was the best it was the best investment I ever made and so now what I do is every time I see somebody that I think could be amazing I think of myself as Rocky baloa and I want everybody in my corner I want to look back in my corner of the ring and see a Mount Rushmore of people saying I'm cheering this guy to win yeah and I've realized that paying coaches and Consultants is the greatest karmic balance a lot of people say hey Neil I want to take you to lunch and pick your brain
I'm like I've got 30 years of experience paid $100,000 to Billy and all of this stuff and you want me to just give everything to you I can but you are not going to implement it you're not not going to take it serious you're not going to understand that and the world it's an unfair trade now I'm not saying money is the only trade but I've just realized that I I want the world to be in karmic balance every time so if I can find somebody that is phenomenal that I resonate with that I have
the right DNA and I know that they can be in my Mount Rushmore in my corner as Rocky I want to pay them put them in my corner and I will do anything that they say I I want to be a great client because when you're a great client they will do anything for you yeah so it's it's it's less about for me is less about the investment and more about thinking man when I get stuck can I look back and say who's in my corner that makes me safer that makes me want to take
the 10x bet and not the 2x bet and that makes me gives me more courage to do things that I never thought I could do that's huge man so it's an investment it has a huge Roi with the right coach and for the right individual and so you think about it like in the bad sense people just trying to make money off coaching which there's plenty of that and you can kind of tell the bad players versus the good ones but for the good people that are true experts at what they do it's not even
about the money no it's just like there's got to be a barrier it symbol of seriousness it's a symbol of serious and it's got to be like they don't need the money bro like they're doing just fine but it's just a a symbol of like what you know somebody with $100 million net worth and I paid 50k to have an hour with recently it wasn't about the 50k to that individual I don't think they I don't even think they noticed the 50k right but there's still that toll booth there's still that barrier and so I
think of it that way rather than oh these guys are trying to make money off me so and I say this I I'm I'm pretty sure it's it's okay to say because Alex and Lea Alex and L have said this in public is Alex and Leila hired me to support them with a few things that they were doing and it just so happens that we became friends so quickly and I'm you know they're my best some of my best friends in the world but they have publicly stated that I don't state but they've stated it
and that's why it's insane someone like them would write a check to someone like me that's wild if you think about that right but uh that shows their symbol of seriousness and if they're going to do it if you're going to do it if I'm going to do it then it's worth considering who's in your Mount Rushmore yeah 100% man so thank you so much for being here man I really appreciate the just the spirit of like giving this uh coming from a place of service always I know you have crazy growth in business because
of how much you give in your content every day the podcast to speaking I know from here you're rushing over to speak somewhere and then you're going to another thing and so you're probably one of the uh the busiest people I know but in terms of just giving it's it's awesome to see what you're doing and every time we talk like this it makes me want to do more yeah and so that's a good feeling thank you man yeah man thank you for having me
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