ChatGpt Canvas - You Just Got A $150K Job Free - No Skills Required!

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chatgpt canvas is the most under used tool ever... this is taking on a TRILLION dollar a year indust...
Video Transcript:
Can the new Chat GPT-4 with Canvas make you $150,000 a year as a programmer without having any programming skills? The answer is an emphatic yes! In today's video, I'm going to prove it to you and show you exactly what you need to do to be able to make tons of money online using this brand new tool.
And yes, for those of you who want to use this as a job-type thing, you can do that. For those who want to be a little bit more entrepreneurial and make even more money, I'm going to show you that as well. This video is going to have it all—no frills, no fluff, just real data that you can use to make money.
Because let's face it: If America runs on Dunkin', then the internet runs on programming. Millions of people are making as much as $100,000 a year or more with simple little programming skills. And yeah, now thanks to Chat GPT-4 and Canvas, any old Joe like you and me can do all of that stuff without even having a programming degree.
That's right! Not only is the global software market and developer market a trillion-dollar industry, but many sites for freelancers with little programming skills are raking in as much as $689 million a year, like Upwork, and $361 million a year, like Fiverr, along with countless others. So it goes without saying that you can make a lot of money if you learn how to use AI to develop programming skills that are in high demand.
And funny enough, the ones that are in high demand are actually very simple. Take malware removal, for example. Millions of WordPress sites are hacked with malware each and every year!
In fact, one of mine just underwent a brute force attack on Saturday night. Yep, I was locked out of everything, and I didn't know what to do. I could have gone and paid a programmer hundreds or thousands of dollars to fix this, but instead, I fired up Chat GPT-4 Canvas, asked it a few questions about some files, and bada bing, bada boom, in about 10 minutes, the malware was gone and the site was restored.
Or, earlier this year, when I was struggling with an email issue, I had paid a company $33,000 to fix it only to find out that the issue takes like 10 minutes to fix. Anyone can do it if they have the instructions—it's literally copy and paste! Yet, people are paying for that service day in and day out.
So pay close attention, because what I'm about to show you can and will put money in your pocket when used correctly. Using Chat GPT's OpenAI GPT-4 Canvas, I'm going to show you how this is easier than ever before. It's almost like having a programmer there answering questions specifically about your files, your code, and your web servers.
Since the entire internet—yes, including this video—runs on programming, you're about to learn a skill that is in super high demand. I'm also going to show you how to use it as an entrepreneur to build something once and get paid over and over again through passive income. So if you're excited and you're ready to finally make money online, smash that like button!
Let's dive into Chat GPT Canvas and show you exactly how this whole thing works and how you can learn a skill that can pay you for years to come. Alright, so let's go ahead and dive in and talk about how to get to $150,000 a year with the new Chat GPT Canvas tool and programming. It's actually very simple!
You can see right here you can toggle down to the Chat GPT-4 with Canvas. Now what's going to happen is, when you start to code, if I were to say, "Let's make a simple WordPress plugin that downloads the sitemap and pages, posts with titles and URL slugs," if I want to type something like this in here, it's actually going to change the format and it's going to open up in this wide screen, which makes it a lot easier to program and code. So rather than saying, "Hey, give me this," and then it gives you a code, we're actually talking to it over here in the sidebar, and it can change the code in real-time.
This is super important because I can actually go onto a website, get a code, paste it in here, ask it a question about what's wrong with the code, how to fix the code, or how to add to the code, and like magic, it's going to edit the code right over here. If I were to say, "Now, please add a dropdown for file format," it will go through and say, "You know, do you want a CSV or whatever it is? " and it's going to make a pass and actually change the code in real-time so that we can get a new version of the plugin.
Now if you're starting to see how powerful this is, type "powerful programming" as a comment below because I think this is an absolute game-changer compared to the things that we've seen in the past. What’s actually happening is we can, in real-time, use this with our website. So what I want to do is show you how this works in a super easy way and also how to understand programming at a basic level so that you can start doing this stuff without going out and getting a giant programming degree or something like that.
You can actually test this out on websites that you own or clients own; just make sure that you do a demo and always keep track of what your changes are so that you can always revert back. If anything changes, so what? What we're going to look at is the basics of how it works in just a second.
First of all, I want to show you the software market size and growth. Now, the global market value of the software industry is projected to reach around $700 billion this year, with expectations to be around $850 billion, and then eventually around $1. 5 trillion, which is insane—that's a lot of money!
I don't care who you are; it could spread around to a lot of people. So, making $150,000 a year as a programmer without learning programming and using this new AI tool—I don't think is so far-fetched. In fact, if you were to take a look at the jobs here on talent.
com, they say that a computer programmer can make between $39,000 and $140,000 a year. Down here on Glassdoor, they say $86,000 to $200,000 a year, and over here, $49,000 to $110,000 a year. Now, we want to keep in mind the fact that there’s a job versus a business.
When we're looking at a job, depending on how much you like to work, you can time out at about 260 days per year, which means you need to average about $575 per day to be able to make $150,000 a year. Now, if you're doing the entrepreneur method, which I'll show you in a minute, working 365 days allows you to make less per day and actually work less because, even though we're going to make money every day, we're not going to work every day. We're going to set systems up using these tools that are going to get us money every day, even when we're not working.
This is something amazing. Using passive income is the thing that helped me on a trip where my dad was really sick; it was the last trip he took. I was able to go on that trip and make more money while on that trip than it actually cost to be on the trip with my dad.
So, I was able to make memories and make money, and everything was really good. That is the power of passive income. It's about what it's going to do in your life, not so much the dollars in the bank account and the Lamborghinis and whatever else it is—unless that's what you're into.
You can go that route if you want, but making $575 or $410 a day is not that far-fetched, and I'm going to show you exactly how. First of all, what we want to do is look at how ChatGPT-4 with Canvas is going to virtually replace coders. When we look at coding, let me give you a little overview of how coding works.
Now, if you're new to internet stuff and how files work, coding, and different things like that, I want you to remember this one thing: everything is a file. All right, this is my little file folder; I tried to draw it well. Now, everything online is a file and everything is a folder, much like on your computer.
If you were to go to your computer and look at files and folders, it looks like this: you just go here and you're like, "Okay, here we go. " Let's go to "AI Profit Scoop," and I can see all the files that are in "AI Profit Scoop. " If I were to make a new folder, then it goes to a new folder.
What you have is you have hierarchies and trees, so if I have "File Folder 1," and then in that one I have "A," now I can go and do "1A. " That's where the folder is going to be. Much like online, you're going to see if you go to any web server and you click on CPanel, right down here, and click on File Manager, you're going to see the same thing.
Here's a bunch of folders; all of these folders lead to different things on my sites. Now, if I were to go to the main site right like this and I were to go right over here, let's say we wanted to go to "Public HTML. " Now I'm in the HTML—the folders and the files for this one website.
Okay, so a domain is like a folder; that's all it is. It's very easy. When I go into those folders, I could say, "Hey, check this out.
Let's go and look at WordPress content," which is the content on WordPress (WP Content). Very easy. If I were to go in here and look at themes or something like that, let's say on this theme I wanted to go through and change the font on my website, I can actually go in very simply, go to "Style.
css," click on edit, right like this, and then I can copy this right here and paste all of this into our coding tool, right like this. Let's open a new canvas right here; we'll open a new one. Make sure we're in this toggle, and we could say, "Tell me about this file," and it should be able to hold the whole thing.
I hope—I believe so. It’ll actually tell me everything about this file, and then I could say, "Hey, what if I want the font to be red or something like that? " It's going to go through and dissect it in a very simple way.
And we notice it did time out on that; this is still in beta, but it is going to get much more robust, which is why you need to learn this stuff right now. So, if you're in it to win it and ready to learn, type "ready to learn" in the box below, and let’s do a shorter version. We can show you how it works, so here we can see that it has the tables and different things like that.
It'll actually tell us about this; here, it gives us an overview, which is cool because whether you like it or not, if you mess around with this tool, you're going to learn programming at some level. Then I can go through and say, “Now let's make the code where all the fonts are Arial and red,” and it'll go through and start making that code for me. Again, once it starts running the code, it's going to open up in this format, which is going to allow me to change things at the drop of a hat.
Now I can say, “Now make the headlines Arial Black or something like that,” and it'll go through and do the work for us. It'll pass through the code and make all the necessary changes for us. Now, when it gets into other stuff, like actually fixing things on a server, we could go in like this, take a look at some of the plugins, and then we could say something like, “Hey, with this export Pages or classic widgets, is there anything weird in this file?
” And it'll go through. We can take the file right like this, hit edit, and have this open in one tab right here, right alongside our ChatGPT. Now, if I open a new one right like this and say, “Tell me about this file,” and then we copy and paste the info from that file.
Notice how toggling back and forth from this is going to allow me to change this stuff right at the drop of a hat, which once I hit save changes or update, it's going to be live on the web. So I can test it, get an error, say, “Hey, what's this error? Please fix it,” and I can actually troubleshoot and remedy right here without knowing coding.
This is amazing; this is giving you the ability to make money, help people out, and actually do this in a very easy, inexpensive way because this is still ChatGPT, which is like $20 a month. It all has to do with knowing how to use it, which is going to put the money in your pocket. So now, it's going to go through and tell us about the file right like this.
Then I can say, “Now edit the file to have options,” and it'll go through and edit options. You could tell it what options we want; maybe we could say, “Okay, let's say maybe a dropdown for file type or something like that. ” It's very simple, and it's going to go through and do all this work for us, again opening it in the tab.
All I would need to do is copy this, paste it here, save, check it on the web, and bada bing, bada bang, we're ready to go. Or let's say you wanted to duplicate this; now change the URL of everything to airofitscoop. com.
It's going to go through and change all the URLs. Boom! Look at it; there it goes, super, super fast, super easy.
This allows us to do real-time testing, which up until now I've only been able to do with programmers that I hire and people who understand coding at a big level, and those are expensive for most people. You're priced out. Now we are not priced out, and understanding the basics of programming means that all we're doing is editing files on the web.
Very easy, very basic, as long as we don't mess with anything, and as long as we always have something to revert back to. We can do this with AI in a super simple way. Now, let's talk about the proof of the earnings.
As I mentioned earlier, Fiverr makes like $361 million a year, and you could see that if you type in something like API. There are lots of people, like this one here, who’s asking for $1,500 to make an API developer. Here's one where they adapt the Go High Level API, and here's a WooCommerce integration and different things like that.
For this tool, it's actually super easy. What I would recommend is to learn a little bit about web files and things like that, and then test this stuff out. Maybe go get a host, maybe get a server, test it out and learn as you go.
It's actually not that hard. We teach some of it in our Simple Sites, Big Profits course, but going through, we can look at this and see there is a lot of money here, and there are a lot of resources and things that people are doing that could make a lot. Understanding that all they're doing is integrating an API, which my programmer and I did yesterday for an update that's happening on one of our servers, and it was actually not that hard to do.
We finished it in a couple of days, and I'm sure if I understood a little bit more about it, I could probably do this on my own with 4. 0 with Canvas. It's actually super simple.
We can also see here all different types of things where they are looking at WordPress security issues, remedying malware, which again is really easy. All I would need to do is utilize the AI and ask it if there is anything weird in the script. So I could go through and say, “Are there any vulnerabilities in this script?
” and it'll go through and check for vulnerabilities. It'll figure out if there's any exploits or anything like that where hackers could get in or different things like that. Now, when I used this on one of my other sites, I.
. . Actually, I went through, and I noticed that there were some weird files.
And when I say weird files, yeah, they looked weird. The folder was like a1602. exe.
It's like, yeah, I know I didn't make that folder, and it doesn't fit with everything else. So I actually asked ChatGPT 4. 0 with Canvas to scan it, and it found it.
I deleted them, and within minutes, it worked really well. So, understanding coding, and understanding that yes, this stuff is in super demand, here's a guy that fixes hacked WordPress malware removal, and it looks like it takes him two days. $90 probably doesn't take him two days; it's probably because he's got other orders in the queue.
But the dude's done like 2,200 orders, or at least that's how many people have reviewed his work, which means he's probably made a lot of money with this stuff. If you do some simple math, you can figure out that this is not a tiny amount of money. Now we can also look at things like Upwork and different sites like that and understand that yes, programming and understanding that these different skills make money right now.
It's not something you need to wait for; it's not something you need to wonder if it works or anything like that—this is making money now. In fact, PeoplePerHour, where you can hire programmers by the hour, has an average annual revenue of like $177 million. The top total is like $267 million, and you can see other programs and tools like this as well.
Infusionsoft, ClickFunnels, and WordPress are what's known as CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software. I think that's what it stands for. This is an industry that is worth hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars.
Same with WordPress—lots of tools and different things made on WordPress that make a ton of money. Now, when we're talking about the entrepreneur way of doing this, I want to show you some cool things here because actually, if you were to look at AppSumo, who is another popular money YouTuber, we could see that the AppSumo platform, which according to him he's making like $100 million or something like that, has lots and lots of different tools that are created on AppSumo that you can actually buy. So, here's an all-in-one web tool for recording and creating videos—very simple software, not too hard at all.
We can also see maybe something like Long Tail Pro, which is probably related to keywords. It turns out you need more than a keyword-stuffed homepage, so it looks like this one's actually helping you with your on-page SEO. We could see something like Browse AI, Cast Magic, where it turns long-form audio into evergreen content and different things like that.
Now, looking at this, you can see that they are selling a lot of different tools from different things that maybe hook into Zoom or an API or whatever it is, which again sounds very difficult, but it's actually not. Using this, you could literally go over here and say, "Okay, what if I wanted to tap into the Keywords API on Ahrefs? " Right?
I could just go and tap into that, and bada bing, bada boom, it would actually do the work and help me understand how to do it. The cool thing about this is it's actually going to change it and give you instructions on how to use it, so it's like you just got a programmer for $20 a month that’ll answer any question 24 hours a day, with no limit, and actually help you code. I mean, are you seeing the power of how this is going to help you make money?
If not, I don't know if I can help you because this is a doozy. If you see the power, type "Powerful new tool" as a comment below, and let's continue on. So, we can see here that freelance services and different things like that can pay really well.
The first way you can make money with this is by offering services. You could do website development—you could see here it pays $5 to $5,000. I actually made like a little score here for AI, so you could see 100% means you don't need any human interaction; it'll do it all for you.
50% means, yeah, you kind of need to know your way around asking it questions and being able to test—which I would highly recommend having a test site that you duplicate things on. Test it before you actually deploy it and focus on very simple tasks. I mean, this guy here removing malware—it's not that hard to do.
You become an expert in it, you can do it, and make a living over and over again. It's a multibillion-dollar industry. So, understanding that if we can do something simple, that's key—like maybe an API integration—those can actually be very simple if you're asking the tool, "Here's the API.
How does it work? " It'll actually go out there and read the page and do the work for you, much like a programmer would do, only you don't have to shell out $100,000 a year for your own programmer to answer your questions. We can also see game development.
We've done this many times in videos here where we set up an actual game site. I'll link to that video in the description. UX and prototyping, CMS customization, different forms, different setups, and things like that.
Now, when you look at this, if we were to take the top 100 keywords for different types of things people want to do, like add a countdown timer, SEO optimization, custom fonts, add. . .
A contact form, remove malware. There was one I even saw where they wanted to add a restaurant recipe to their WordPress theme, or even remove different things, or upload and embed redirection, like this: redirect HTTP to HTTPS. That's something that is very, very simple, and I guarantee someone over here is doing that.
All it is is a simple what's called an . htaccess file, and you'll see here every folder is going to have what's known as an . htaccess file, right?
Like this right here. I could simply edit this, and whatever I include in my . htaccess will automatically take it from HTTP to HTTPS.
Now, you might be asking yourself at this point, "Well, Marcus, if this tool is so great, why doesn't everyone just use it, and why would they need me? " Well, the answer is time and understanding. What you're going to do is take the time to understand this so that you can do it very quickly, over and over again.
Business owners that run a restaurant, or run a WordPress site, or have a blog, or do YouTube, are not going to want to sit there and do this and hope they do it right. They would rather pay someone—much like the example earlier this year where I paid someone $3,000 to fix my email issue—where, you know, I probably could have done it myself, but I knew it was going to take a couple of days to figure it out and then I might mess things up. For me, it was a no-brainer.
So, thinking that no one will do this because it's free is the wrong way of thinking; that's going to get you nowhere in business because there are tons of things that are free that people pay for. So, pay close attention because this could put a lot of money in your pocket. That brings us to option number one.
In option number one, you can make money by learning these skills. Again, my advice is to learn one simple skill, do it really well, do it over and over again, and make sure that skill has enough demand. Like, obviously, SEO optimization has a ton of demand; we can do that.
And using the codes, you can have it fix their meta tags and descriptions and all kinds of crazy things like that. Over at airofitscoop. com, I'll actually include a list of all of these different skills and a bunch of different keywords related to different things that you can fix on WordPress.
I'll also include the search volume and different things like that as well. So, option one would be to learn the stuff, sell it on Fiverr, Upwork, People Per Hour, or go directly contact people who have errors on their websites and offer to fix it. It's very simple.
Again, stick to one. Option two is to learn more and then sell yourself as a consultant or to one business. Maybe you find a business that needs help.
For me, I have a programmer that is full-time on staff here. I need the help. He knows the stuff; bada bing, bada boom.
He makes money year-over-year. He’s been with us since 2011, so you do the math; it's a really good secure job, and it pays really well. What I would recommend doing is find someone who's doing something with like ClickFunnels or some other software that you can utilize, and help them integrate things.
I mean, just yesterday we were building different order forms because the API changed on our software, and we needed to fix these up. He was able to help me out with that, and now using AI, that's something you can do if you understand enough of the web to be able to do that. With a little bit of work, I think most of us can understand that.
Maybe just go take a basic programming or web development type class, learn the basics, or even just try it out on your own with ChatGPT. Try to upload something, see how it works. My students are doing this all the time; it's not as hard as you might think.
It's actually very easy. Now, option three is my favorite option, which is kind of like the option where we talked about the App Sumo, Code Canyon, and maybe even WordPress plugins. We're looking at something that we can build that's simple.
This is where I found the WordPress restaurant menu plugin where they are looking through and they want a restaurant menu for their WordPress site. Very simple, very easy. You can see there are actual businesses that are supplying this because there are enough restaurants out there, and a lot of them use WordPress because, like, 40% of the internet uses WordPress.
They make a simple plugin; bada bing, bada bang. They get all the restaurants, and you can upcharge for a more robust plugin, or you can even offer services to help them and have multiple clients from that plugin. Very simple.
There are booking plugins, email marketing landing page plugins, and on and on we go. If we were to look at something like CodeCanyon, we could see all different types of things here, from PHP scripts like this. You can take a look at what actually sells really well.
Let's say we have a PHP script for forms. All right, here's one for a simple contact form: they’ve sold $8,000 at $9. That's like a hundred grand!
And then, of course, he's building a list and upselling, making even more money. Here's one: $5,000 sales at $25—Easy Forms Advanced Form Builder, $5,000 sales at $30, and on and on we go. Now again, these are not that hard to build, especially if you know how this works.
So if I… Go through, and I say, "Hey, you know what? Let's go in here, open up a new version, and say, 'Let's make a PHP form builder for my website. '" It'll go through, and it will make a PHP form builder for the website.
You can add to it; you can test it out—everything! This is much like the example I did where I created iframe generators, PayPal button creators, and the whole nine yards over at AIProfitsScoop. com.
There are actually a ton of different tools that you can see down here where they do all this stuff for you, like our Google Index Checker, GoDaddy Domain Appraisal, QR Code Generator, and a lot of these were made with AI. Some were made before, but most of them were actually made by me with AI. I would say that my skills as a programmer are like 2 on a level of 1 to 100, so I don't think this is too difficult at all.
If we look at some examples here, you can see WordPress has tons and tons of different plugins that get all kinds of different downloads and things like that. You can do this by popularity, and you can see that some of them charge money per month. It looks like they actually charge right here on the WordPress site, which is pretty cool.
You could upload it here and make money each and every month—passive income like that—or you could sell it on your own website or whatever it is. Now, this is something that I've actually been doing for years. I opened up Blog Profit Network back in 2011, I think it was, and we started creating little plugins.
That's how the Voodoo plugins work. You could see here, having these simple little plugins like the Button Voodoo that puts buttons on your sites, or link trackers, or even my custom Affiliate Marketing Dude tracker that is like a TinyURL type thing, only it works on your own site. Instead of having TinyURL.
whatever/SL1234, I have AffiliateMarketingDude. com/SLX or Y or Z. It's very simple.
I can go here and see AffiliateMarketingDude. com/Aweber; it leads me to Aweber, and it actually goes through and tracks it for me. So, I can see that 10,741 people clicked on my Aweber affiliate link, and I didn't have to have the big ugly link like this.
I simply say AffiliateMarketingDude. com/Aweber. Now, if you think this is a cool tool and you think it would actually get a lot of downloads, you're right.
This one has actually made me quite a bit of money. You can go through here and see that over 69,000 people a month are looking for a URL shortener. So, if you had a simple plugin and you told them why they need their domain name, you could give the plugin away, lead them to web hosting, and get paid like $100 or more when they sign up for web hosting—which they should have anyway because nobody should be using a URL shortener; they should be using their own website.
There's a lot of money to be made even if you give these away for free. We also have different snagging tools, Funnel Voodoo, Polls Voodoo, and all different kinds of tools that we include in Blog Profit Network. It's actually very cool, very easy, and a lot of these can be made with AI.
It's actually very simple over at AIProfitsScoop. com. I invite you to join the AI challenge where I'm going to be going through and teaching all different kinds of skills, like basic programming skills, how to use AI to make things that will put money in your pocket, how to build websites with AI, get traffic, and profit with affiliate offers, and all kinds of training to show you exactly how to make money with AI.
This is unlike anything you've ever seen before, and we're going to have new lessons every week that are going to show you a new skill that's going to help you put money in your pocket in a way that's easier than you ever thought possible. So, if you enjoyed this video, make sure you smash that like button and check out the videos in the description. If you're ready to join the challenge, hop on over to AIProfitsScoop.
com, where day one is already loaded. Thanks again for watching, and I'll see you in the challenge!
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