Ancient Aliens: Civilization Buried Under Antarctica's Ice?! (S14, E1) | Full Episode

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Has Antarctica served as a home base for extraterrestrial visitors to Earth for thousands of years? ...
Video Transcript:
NARRATOR: In the most remote place on Earth, recent discoveries have left scientists stunned. GIORGIO TSOUKALOS: Something is going on there, and the question is: what? There were shockwaves in 2018 when we realized radiation was coming from the South Pole.
NARRATOR: After thousands of years hidden by thick ice and protected by deadly temperatures, the truth about Antarctica may finally be revealed. This is a legitimate satellite image of a very large hole in the mountain range. NARRATOR: What secret lies beneath the Earth's most unexplored continent?
Here we have a huge underground world beneath Antarctica. NARRATOR: And what will we find out about mankind's true origins? WILLIAM HENRY: Buried underneath the ice in Antarctica could well be the greatest reveal in all of human history.
NARRATOR: There is a doorway in the universe. Beyond it is the promise of truth. It demands we question everything we have ever been taught.
The evidence is all around us. The future is right before our eyes. We are not alone.
We have never been alone. NARRATOR: Ross Island, Antarctica. This volcanic landmass at the bottom of the world is the site of one of the greatest mysteries of modern physics.
It is here that in May of 2018, NASA scientists working on the Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna, otherwise known as ANITA, detected an anomaly that defies the laws of physics. Cosmic rays, which normally rain down on Earth from space, were instead erupting out of the ground. Among physicists, there were shockwaves in 2018 when we realized that a strange form of radiation was coming from the South Pole.
We physicists said, "What kind of particle could this be? " This is new. JOHN BRANDENBURG: You would expect high-energy neutrinos would be raining down from the sky, but not coming up from the Earth, but that's exactly what they found.
The fact that cosmic rays were measured coming out of the Earth begs the question: how is such a thing possible? Antarctica, to this day, remains one of the last unexplored geographical regions of our planet. It is still one of the greatest mysteries with which we are faced today.
NARRATOR: Antarctica is a land of extremes. Nearly 98% of the ground is covered by an ice sheet up to three miles thick. A mountain as towering as Japan's Mount Fuji, at 12,400 feet, would not even break the surface.
Temperatures regularly fall below minus-50 degrees Fahrenheit with winds of up to 200 miles an hour. During its peak season, it is home to only 4,000 scientists and military personnel. Antarctica is the last frontier.
It holds our imagination. Old maps that said, "Here be monsters. " The last remaining territory on the planet that could have such a designation is Antarctica.
NARRATOR: Although it was discovered nearly 250 years ago, scientists have more questions than answers when it comes to this frozen continent. Due to the sheer depth of the ice covering its landmass, the surface of Antarctica is unable to be seen with the naked eye. And ancient astronaut theorists propose that it is not just the geology that is hidden from us.
They suggest there is far more human, and perhaps non-human, activity happening in Antarctica than we've been told. Something seems to be going on on this mysterious continent at the South Pole. And it has been theorized by a number of people that Antarctica is some kind of alien base.
NARRATOR: Rumors of extraterrestrial activity in Antarctica have circulated for years. And now, at long last, military personnel who have been stationed on the frozen continent are willing to speak to these claims. Scottsdale, Arizona.
February 2019. Investigative journalist Linda Moulton Howe arrives to conduct an interview with a former Navy flight engineer who has come forward with information about strange events he witnessed during his time in Antarctica. This is where one of the most important whistleblowers in my career lives, and he has decided that he is willing to work with me to tell the truth about what happened with him in Antarctica.
This is the kind of breakthrough I have been hoping that people with real, solid military information would start coming forward, and we would start learning the facts and the truth, in spite of government policies of denial. (distorted): I knew things that I-I felt needed to be put out in the mainstream. NARRATOR: "Brian," as he prefers to be called, requested that his face and voice be obscured to protect his identity.
His unit was based on the southern tip of Ross Island at the U. S. McMurdo Station, the main logistics hub that services nearly all of the scientific outposts on the continent.
Brian, when did you get into the Navy and wh-- how did you get to Antarctica? I enlisted in July of 1976. In order to go to Antarctica, you have to volunteer.
It's not a, uh, duty station where you are ordered to go. I was able to get orders to, um, Antarctica Development Squadron Six, which was referred to as VXE-6. And its mission would be described as what, generally?
The mission basically was supplying to outcamps, uh, science parties from McMurdo Station to South Pole, back and forth. Talk about sort of the route, and what you guys began to see on a repeated basis. During our '95, '96 season, my crew was doing a lot of back and forth to Pole.
Mainly it was cargo resupply, personnel exchanges. That season, prior to us doing missions, we were told by some of our officers that if we saw something flying, that we weren't supposed to say anything. -Okay.
-Oh, so you knew that. . .
-BRIAN: Well. . .
-. . .
people had-- -were already warning about, but you had not seen it. -Yeah. Right, so, somewhere around December, uh, we were flying a mission from McMurdo, and my loadmaster in the back, he gets on the intercom on the ICS and he says, "Hey, there's something off to the left here kind of shimmering.
" So I went up to the flight deck, and I'm looking out the big windows and I see these little disc-shaped objects. There was probably four or five of them, and they were, at first, when I first saw them, they were just stationary over one mountain peak. And then, all of a sudden, I'm looking at them and one of them takes off by itself and flies at incredible speed to the next mountaintop and stops.
And then another one in the group takes off and heads toward where the first one went. What did the pilot say? (laughs) That was kind of funny.
My pilot gets on the intercom and he-he kind of jokingly goes, "Well, all I can tell you is they're not ours. " Not ours, what are you talking about? And it kept happening?
Yes, it happened at least two other times. HOWE: Brian feels that it is really important that the world know that there is something that is going on in Antarctica. NARRATOR: Is it possible that Brian's sighting of unidentified flying objects may be somehow connected to the discovery that cosmic rays are emanating from the frozen continent?
As far as ancient astronaut theorists are concerned, Antarctica is not only hiding secrets about current extraterrestrial activities, they believe there is much more to be learned by examining incredible new discoveries deep underground. NARRATOR: In the 21st century, satellite photography has allowed anyone with an Internet connection to access images of Antarctica. In 2016, a striking image was discovered of a seemingly man-made entrance carved into an Antarctic mountain range.
This is a legitimate satellite image of a very large, proportionate hole in the ground, or the mountain range. This looks intelligently designed to suit a specific craft that flies through this particular opening. NARRATOR: Similarly, in 2018, Internet researchers released the coordinates for what they describe as a UFO crash-landed on the Antarctic island of South Georgia.
The photographs are really compelling. Because this is not somebody making believe something is there. You can actually see the skid marks.
It actually looks as though an object is moving along that ice. But the thing that so intrigued people looking at those images, were that the skid marks were straight. NARRATOR: Some ancient astronaut theorists have noted that the shape of the alleged craft is very similar to a mysterious celestial object that was detected entering our solar system in October 2017.
Called "Oumuamua," the object was initially identified as an asteroid. But its shape, trajectory and acceleration were so unexpected that the chair of Harvard's Astronomy Department, Avi Loeb, suggested that Oumuamua might be an alien probe. CHILDRESS: It's a very curious image of this.
. . large, oblong, tubular-shaped craft that seems to have crashed into the ice and then skidded along.
And it really looks like this interstellar asteroid, Oumuamua, that could easily be a spacecraft. The actual craft itself is right around 50 yards, uh, in length. This is the wider view of this object that quite possibly came in at an angle, ricocheted off of the base of this mountain and that's what gave it the momentum to skid several thousands of feet.
You can definitely see the mountain, there's some disturbance here, where this track leads back to, from this unidentified object. This very well could be a crash landing based off of what we're seeing at the bottom of the mountain, yeah. NARRATOR: Is it possible that online researchers using satellite technology actually located the crashed remnants of an extraterrestrial vehicle and the opening to an underground alien base?
Ancient astronaut theorists say yes, and point to shocking disclosures from those on the ground that validate these claims. When investigative journalist Linda Moulton Howe interviewed a former Navy flight engineer going by the name of Brian in 2019, he revealed a very curious no-fly zone he came upon during his service in Antarctica. According to Brian, sometime around October 1985, an emergency call had come into McMurdo dispatch.
(indistinct radio chatter) They got a medevac call and it was from the Davis camp, which was Australia, on the far side of East Antarctica. It was a real emergency and they had a long flight. NARRATOR: A scientist at Davis camp was gravely injured by a boiler explosion and needed immediate medical attention.
Including a fuel pit stop at the South Pole, Brian's evacuation crew was six hours away from the critically injured patient. But they had standing orders to avoid flying over a so-called "air sampling station" that was on the most direct route. (distorted): So we were given orders to deviate, I believe it was 30-mile deviation away from the air sampling station.
The. . .
officers on board suggested that we fly straight over the air sampling station and not deviate and that would save us 30 minutes. -It was a no-fly zone. -BRIAN: It was a no-fly zone for that specific region, um, around the Pole.
NARRATOR: But where the air sampling station was supposed to be, the crew faced something none of them had ever seen. BRIAN: There was this giant indentation that looked like a hole in the ice that looked like a snow ramp that went down into it. The Polar Plateau at South Pole is completely flat; there are no holes there.
Now there's this big large hole in the ice that stood out like a sore thumb, it should not have been there. NARRATOR: Brian estimated the hole to be at least 300 feet in diameter. The size of a football field.
Confounded by what they had seen, the crew continued on their route to Davis. They picked up the injured scientist and headed back to the McMurdo Station. As we were getting back, and basically taking the same route, we were called back and told, "You must deviate from "your course that you took from Pole to Davis.
You've got to deviate 30 degrees to do this. " We weren't given an explanation, but we complied with the request and on the way back, the patient died from his burns. NARRATOR: When the aircraft landed at McMurdo Station, the entire crew was escorted to the senior commander's office.
There, they were ordered to never speak of the restricted area they had flown over. Immediately after, I thought to myself, "Well, what was it we weren't supposed to see? All we saw was a hole in, in the ice.
" NARRATOR: If the hole was, in fact, a natural feature, why did the crew's flyover elicit such attention from high-rank officials? There's been a lot of talk about underground bases in Antarctica and certain satellite photos show mountain areas that have unusual caverns in them, literal windows that are the shape of a flying saucer. NARRATOR: Is it possible that secret, perhaps extraterrestrial bases, are hidden beneath the ice on Antarctica?
Curiously, the idea of habitable space beneath the ice has been recently backed up by mainstream science. Mount Erebus. Ross Island, Antarctica.
2017. Researchers from the Australian National University discover the existence of vast ice caverns directly adjacent to this active volcano. Due to their location, these glacial caves under the ice offer something incredibly unique on the otherwise frigid continent-- large heated spaces with temperatures warm enough to sustain life.
MICHAEL SALLA: Australian scientists were able to find enormous caverns that were hollowed out, that were places where you could actually have life flourish, that they were able to determine that some of these caverns were thermally heated to a balmy 70, 72 degrees. NARRATOR: 72 degrees? In Antarctica?
Mount Erebus is just one of more than 90 volcanoes on Antarctica. Modern technology has enabled scientists to discover additional caverns near these features. And some are reportedly as large as the entire island of Manhattan.
CHILDRESS: Here we have a huge, apparently, underground world beneath Antarctica. And this could be used by extraterrestrials as these ready-made bases that are underground and are hidden. NARRATOR: Could these naturally heated caverns and tunnels really be inhabited by extraterrestrials?
The ideas of both passageways deep under the Antarctic ice sheets and also an alien presence on the icy continent are not new. Some say they trace back to the beginning of World War II and a secret Nazi expedition. NARRATOR: Hamburg, Germany.
December 1938. On the brink of World War II, Adolf Hitler is secretly searching for ancient relics that he believes could hold incredible powers. As part of this effort, on December 17, he sends the German freighter MS <i> Schwabenland</i> on a top secret mission to establish a permanent base on Antarctica.
But why is Hitler sacrificing crucial resources and personnel for a mission to Antarctica when he is simultaneously preparing to go to war? SALLA: The Thule Society was very important in understanding, uh, what happened in Nazi Germany. They actually believed that there were mystics who could communicate with beings who claimed to be extraterrestrial in origin.
Hitler's Nazi Party got information through these psychic mediums who told them that in Antarctica there is this ancient civilization or bases where they could find advanced technologies. The Nazis found some of these caverns beneath the ice. And some of them can be reached by submarines, apparently.
(sonar pings) SALLA: The story goes that the German Navy were able to find passages under the Antarctic ice sheets to these enormous caverns. And so, they were then able to establish these bases under the Antarctic ice sheet. NARRATOR: Does the recent discovery of interconnected caverns beneath the ice of Antarctica validate rumors about the Nazis that many mainstream historians had deemed a complete fantasy?
And if so, might the Nazis have discovered something truly incredible on the frozen continent? (wind whooshing) BIRNES: One theory is that the Germans discovered, when they were exploring the South Pole, that there was actually another presence at the South Pole that was not human. And together with that presence, the Germans established a base on Antarctica.
NARRATOR: After the Nazis were defeated in 1945, the United States and the Soviet Union recruited the top Nazi scientists, many who later embarked on their own secret missions to Antarctica. Is it possible that these two emerging world powers had knowledge that the Nazis did, in fact, come into contact with extraterrestrials at the South Pole? August 26, 1946.
A U. S. scientific expedition called Operation Highjump departs for the South Pole.
It is led by esteemed Naval officer and explorer Admiral Richard Byrd. BIRNES: Admiral Richard Byrd was a very important admiral in the United States Navy. He graduated the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, he fought in World War I, and after the war, he became an explorer.
NARRATOR: In 1926, Byrd made worldwide headlines when he and Navy Chief Aviation Pilot Floyd Bennett, became the first people to ever fly over the North Pole. For their efforts, both men received the Congressional Medal of Honor. Later, when Byrd, at the age of 41, made the first solo flight over the South Pole, he became the youngest person ever promoted to the rank of admiral in the history of the United States Navy.
In 1946, Byrd oversaw Operation Highjump, the largest Antarctic expedition to date. The massive military convoy included 13 ships, 33 aircraft and 4,700 troops. The U.
S. Navy sent down a flotilla of ships under the command of Admiral Byrd. And they came back after about nine months in Antarctica.
Apparently, they actually fought a battle in Antarctica, probably between remnants of the Third Reich, and perhaps extraterrestrials, as well. There were stories of craft coming up out of the water and attacking them. Flying saucers dealt a very heavy defeat to Byrd's Operation Highjump.
He gave a report in March of 1947 that said a new enemy had been discovered that could fly from Pole to Pole in an instant. NARRATOR: Is it possible that this incredible story of a naval battle with extraterrestrials and encounters with craft capable of flying from the South to the North Pole in an instant could actually be true? (beeping) In 2018, more than 70 years after Byrd's astounding claim, a satellite image captured what appeared to be a condensed water trail from an aircraft, or contrail, that could only have been produced by something traveling at incredibly high speeds.
BRADBURY: It extended the entire length of the Earth, longitudinally, from the North Pole to the South Pole, which is 12,000 miles. NARRATOR: The maximum length of time that a contrail can maintain its shape is 30 minutes, but most dissipate in less than 15. Only a craft capable of traveling faster than 50,000 miles per hour, or ten times the speed of the fastest aircraft in existence today, could leave a contrail that would stretch the entire length of the Earth without breaking up.
It's a seeming impossibility, 'cause it meant that some object was able to traverse the entire planet from Pole to Pole in a matter of minutes before the contrail disappeared. BRADBURY: Whatever created that was going beyond Mach 10. Mach 10 is over seven, eight thousand miles per hour.
This was probably going much, much faster than that. So whatever it was, was something that, more than likely, we've never seen before. NARRATOR: After sharing the image online, Michael Bradbury received replies of confirmed sightings and even photographic corroboration looking up at what appeared to be the same incredible contrail from below.
People had seen from below, on the ground, looking up the same thing. When I saw this, I thought of Admiral Byrd and what he said. Admiral Byrd did tell us that we had a very good chance of being invaded by a very fast-moving object that would be able to travel from Pole to Pole at a very incredible speed.
NARRATOR: Is it possible that Admiral Byrd and the U. S. Navy really did encounter alien technology in Antarctica?
Technology that was first discovered by the Nazis at the start of World War II? And could they even be developing it with extraterrestrials still living there today, hidden beneath the ice? Ancient astronaut theorists say yes, and suggest further evidence of a long-standing alien presence in Antarctica can be found by investigating a controversial theory.
NARRATOR: Istanbul, Turkey. Locked away in the archives at the Topkapi Palace Museum is a piece of gazelle skin with a fragment of an intricately drawn world map on it. This highly accurate representation of the globe is the work of an Ottoman cartographer, Admiral Piri Reis, and dates back to 1513 AD.
Incredibly, the map depicts Antarctica, which was not officially discovered until 260 years later by British explorer Captain James Cook. And even more startling, it depicts the continent as it would look without any ice. TSOUKALOS: Piri Reis claimed that the map that he had was a finished product of other maps that he collected, and all of this information from the other maps was transferred into this one Piri Reis map.
What's so fascinating about this map is that it shows Antarctica without the ice. The question that naturally arises: well, who made these maps, if they show the Antarctic coastline prior to it being under the ice? Piri Reis was able to get access to ancient records.
And we're not clear exactly where they were, but possibly the Vatican. The Vatican Library has extensive ancient records, and I would imagine that Admiral Piri Reis had access to some of these maps. So this supports that Antarctica was known to the ancient world, prior to it being in its present location under two miles of ice.
TSOUKALOS: It shows the actual landmass of Antarctica exactly as it is under ice. And so, you have to ask the question: how was that done? You have two options: these maps were gleaned from people who had access to radar technology, and if that is the case, then one has to argue it is extraterrestrials, because who else would have satellite technology 1,000 or 2,000 years ago?
Another option is what if this map was drawn during a time when the Antarctic was not under ice, implying that Antarctica was not at the South Pole at the time when that map was drawn. NARRATOR: The main proponent of this theory was Charles Hapgood, a history professor at Springfield College in Massachusetts, when he first heard about the paradox of the Piri Reis map. In his 1958 book,<i> The Earth's Shifting Crust,</i> Hapgood argued that Antarctica was ice-free prior to a catastrophic crustal displacement that occurred at the end of the last ice age, approximately 12,000 years ago.
Hapgood's idea of crustal displacement was that in the relatively recent past, Antarctica was in a much more temperate zone, and that it just shifted and moved very suddenly into the frozen area. NARRATOR: Mainstream scientists agree that continents do drift, and that Antarctica was once in a warmer latitude. But they insist it took millions of years to reach the South Pole.
Hapgood said it took days, even hours. CHILDRESS: Hapgood was saying that the thin crust of the Earth is able to slip forward on the mantle and this causes huge cataclysmic changes. There are tidal waves, earthquakes.
And suddenly, landmasses that aren't at, say, the North Pole or the South Pole find themselves there. NARRATOR: If Hapgood's theory is correct, could an ancient alien civilization that once flourished in a warm Antarctica have been destroyed by a catastrophe? And if so, is evidence finally coming to light in the form of mysterious structures emerging from the ice?
NARRATOR: During her conversation with former Navy flight engineer "Brian," investigative journalist Linda Moulton Howe learned of a strange incident that occurred in November 1995, after he had dropped off a team of scientists at a new research site in Marie Byrd Land. Three, maybe four weeks into them being out there, McMurdo lost communication. They had missed a couple of their communication windows that they were supposed to make a call every day.
Our crew was told to go out and find out if everything was okay at the camp. So we went out, and we orbited the camp, and there was no sign of anybody. Right.
So, we landed, and, uh, our navigator got out, and he went out to try and find the, the camp manager. He comes back and says there's nobody here. So we got orders to fly back to McMurdo, so we closed up the airplane, took off, came back to McMurdo.
NARRATOR: The scientists remained missing for more than a week-- an impossible amount of time to survive out in the harsh Antarctic conditions without shelter or food. Yet one week later, McMurdo dispatch was stunned when they received radio communication from the team. Somehow, they had all returned to their camp unharmed.
Brian's squadron was once again given orders to pick them up. We landed, opened the back end of the aircraft up, and the people, they didn't even grab their gear, they just ran up to the back of the airplane and jumped in. And basically, we had to go out and get their gear and put it in the airplane for them, because they weren't gonna get out of the aircraft.
What were you seeing on their faces of these scientists running into the C-130? They looked scared. I mean, I can't say it any plainer than that.
They looked scared. These people aren't talking to us, they're not saying anything. And I even asked one of the guys, "Hey, where were you guys, you know, for a whole week?
" And he just looked at me, and he had this blank stare on his face, and he looked right at my face, and-and didn't say a word. Not anything. Would you say, based on your military life and work, -were these people in shock?
-Yes. That's a, that's a very good explanation, that they were in shock. Somebody that had just experienced something that terrified them, from what I can visualize, the look they had, yes, they were in shock.
NARRATOR: Curiously, as the aircraft taxied into the runway at McMurdo Station, they were met with a special transport vehicle. The scientists were immediately flown on a private flight back to Christchurch, New Zealand. Brian and his team were never given any explanation for why the scientists had gone missing, or why they were flown out of Antarctica in such a hurry.
HOWE: What was the scuttlebutt, where you guys ate, around this whole operation of the scientists, the hole, the silver discs? What was the scuttlebutt? In town, people were talking about maybe they were abducted by aliens or something like that.
Kind of started off as a joke. There were scientists that were saying that they had run into some entities at Marie Byrd Land, -and that's why they went missing. -Right.
Right. NARRATOR: If Brian's accounts are true, and there is, in fact, an extraterrestrial presence in Antarctica today, could it have been there for hundreds, or even thousands of years? In July 2018, Linda Moulton Howe interviewed another whistleblower who offered to provide her with classified information regarding Antarctica on the condition that she not reveal his identity.
Her source, a retired Navy SEAL who she identifies as "Spartan 1," provided her with details of an ancient structure he claims to have visited during his time at the South Pole. At that time, my rank was first lieutenant commander, Naval Special Operations. We were inbound the southeast coast of Antarctica.
We were dispatched for, unofficially, it was a research/reconnaissance mission. Officially, it was to find a certain individual, obtain any information, and bring it back. HOWE: What was the date?
August 2003. NARRATOR: According to Spartan 1, when he and his team reached their destination, they encountered a large octagonal structure protruding from the ice. Cautiously, they proceeded to enter it.
SPARTAN 1: The very top of the first structure we entered, there was almost 18 feet poking from the ice. The rest of it was hidden under the ice. Each door was the same.
Uh, anywhere from 18 feet thick to around 30 feet thick. And even though these doors were that thick and that heavy, you could take one finger and push them, and they would open. There was no resistance whatsoever.
The outside temperature was at least 40 degrees below zero. Once you stepped inside these structures, the temperature was an ambient 68 to 72 degrees. SPARTAN 1: It was lighted from the inside, but we could not find the source of light.
It was a lime green in color. The walls were lined with what I call hieroglyphics. But nothing of hieroglyphics that I've ever seen in my life.
NARRATOR: Could there really be mysterious structures buried at the South Pole? Structures built by an advanced extraterrestrial civilization in our remote past? With all of the recently reported UFO activity on the continent, is it possible that whoever or whatever was behind the construction is still around today?
Perhaps further clues can be found hidden in plain sight in the Holy Bible. NARRATOR: The Bible's Book of Genesis. In chapter six, verse nine, begins the story of Noah and the flood, in which God sends a great deluge to rid the Earth of sinners and start anew.
Different versions of this same story exist in nearly every ancient tradition around the world. Going back 5,000 years, we have sacred texts that tell us there was an antediluvian civilization. .
. . .
. there was a great flood and that there were survivors. The Mesopotamians speak of this in<i> The Epic of Gilgamesh.
</i> The Egyptians speak of this in the Edfu Creation text. Plato learned from the Egyptians that there was once a civilization called Atlantis that existed 9,000 years before his time. NARRATOR: Plato wrote about the lost continent of Atlantis in two of his dialogues, <i> Timaeus</i> and<i> Critias,</i> around 360 BC.
Historians and researchers have long debated whether this pre-flood civilization was purely mythological or actually existed. Arguments have been made suggesting remnants of Plato's destroyed civilization could be found at the South Pole. SALLA: I think what happened in Antarctica was that approximately 13,000 years ago, that flourishing civilization.
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. . that originally came from space, and establishing its presence in Antarctica, was flash-frozen.
We actually have ancient evidence of this in the form of Plato's dialogues where he talks about the last days of Atlantis. That basically is informing us that Atlantis was an extraterrestrial colony that had established itself on Earth, and that after a Pole shift, Atlantis was moved under the ice where the South Pole currently is. NARRATOR: Scientific anomalies.
Radar and satellite images. Eyewitness accounts. As more and more pieces of the puzzle start to come together, might we soon be able to solve the mystery of the Antarctic continent?
And if so, just what might we discover? Modern whistleblowers still argue that there is more about Antarctica that is being covered up than we think. There are entire bases down there, entire civilizations, that the world's governments are working with aliens.
SALLA: They know about the buried artifacts, they know about the ancient civilizations down there. And they know about the extraterrestrial civilizations that continue to operate in Antarctica at the very moment. CHILDRESS: It's totally possible that Antarctica contains extraterrestrial home base on Earth.
It's a totally isolated part of the planet. It's completely uninhabited, or was until recently. It's ideal.
HENRY: Buried underneath the ice in Antarctica could well be stone temple constructions. There could be biological material, remains of beings that lived there, and could still be there. It could be the greatest reveal in all of human history.
NARRATOR: Are we getting glimpses of Earth's true history very deep under the ice sheets of Antarctica? And if so, will we soon be confronted with proof of an extraterrestrial presence at the South Pole? (whooshes) Perhaps when the icy curtain is finally lifted and we are ready to learn the truth, we will find ourselves face-to-face with our alien ancestors.
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