As pessoas ao seu redor só te atrasam | Olavo de Carvalho

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Olavo de Carvalho
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conversations are also extremely important for this if in your immediate circle You don't have anyone to talk to about weapon lyrics and formidable genres you don't talk about anything this thing about the songs I'm talking about works very well very well for what it means for you turn on or off, right from the environment, depending on whether you feel that the stimuli are useful or useless, that is, you have to put yourself there not as a poor victim who is being taken from here to there by the environmental stimuli, but as the president of a multinational who is not receives anyone in his office so you want to talk to me you have to go through the secretary through public relations so I don't know what to do then I'll see if I pay attention to you, I mean I know you're there I know you're asking for my attention but I'm not going to receive you in this without without a serious reason, I find the requests for attention, this is something that can completely destroy your intellectual life Hum What if you feel like a cornered animal and try to escape into the depths of your dreams That's when she's going to persecute Okay, so you have to have some kind of sovereignty over this thing, right? Don't be afraid, if you're able to do this without hurting people, then you're an artist, um, in general, few people are, right? reading, for example, a biography of es pound and es pound couldn't do that, he could only defend his entire world by being rude Okay, and you see, he was a genius, not just anyone, so, but he didn't have this ability, you know, to refuse attention without that people don't even notice I have it, I'm super in this regard, I'm superior to you, you know, and I can be with someone for two hours, I don't pay attention to a single word they're saying, the person doesn't understand me, they think I'm really interested.
right, so, but I developed this when I started going to school that my mother would wake me up, right? So I was in bed, I pretended I was awake and I was talking to her but I was sleeping and she believed that I had already woken up, I was on my last legs. So, sleep means everyone invents the resources they can, that's right, but they always look for the continuity of their inner melody, that's it, without without.
This, you won't be able to defend yourself, but still, as you saw in Brazil and the Brazilian environment, it's just banality. Just say, it's a blood suck thing, right? Everyone is a blood sucker in Brazil for any petty thing, right?
For example, I know people who love to talk about illnesses, right? Ah, I have so many saphenous veins that I suffered a stroke, I don't know. What do I hope you do?
They expect us to pay attention to this rubbish, that's not it, right, others come and tell us about their achievements in the erotic field, right, something like that, right? So you just turn on the television in Brazil and that's it, you get a flood one of these things, right ? worked on the film, I even forgot the name of the film, it's one against one, something 1000 against one, based on the book by William Lima da Silva, who was the head of the vermeir command, right?
Then an actress appears there giving an interview saying no, because here we live in the world of the Rio middle class, but then I read so-and-so's books, which show, you know, this whole thing about banditry and so on, it was another world that I, so she thinks she discovered drug trafficking, right, she had an absolutely formidable cultural expansion, right, and I I remember that since the 40s, more or less, there have been people who have gone through this experience and discovered that there is banditry around, right and but, and they don't realize that banditry is also part of the banality itself around, right, you had an expansion of your sociological horizon acquiring information that in the end has no importance at all, that's it if you think about what those 50,000 Brazilians who die every year are, right? They are the banal repetition of a macabre reality, I mean the macabre has become banal too, right? let this penetration into social miseries be effectively an expansion of Intelligence a growth of Intelligence because because it is just constituted, let's say homogeneous data, that doesn't mean that millions of marijuana cigarettes, right, millions of packets of cocaine do not contain any additional information beyond the first marijuana cigarette or the first packet of cocaine Okay, so here we go to say, it's this kind of information that you have access to in universities, I mean, they're going to give you a penetration into banality, an absorption of banality disguised as awareness, some call it a cé, call this crap awareness n So since there's no change in one qualitative addition but it is not expansion None you are just taking note of more banal facts that don't mean much, right now this doesn't happen for example when you read a dialogue by Plato because it will open up cognitive possibilities that you didn't have before it isn't just giving you new facts of the same order on the same plane but it is elevating you to another plane where all the facts appear transfigured And this is the experience you have to have, right?
But at the Brazilian University you would even transform a text by Plato In an investigation of banality, right, you can see that, for example, in the last 30 or 40 years, thousands of books began to appear where the work of Poets, Philosophers, etc. , is directly associated, let's say, with their real or supposed sexual life, right, because I think that's how any investigation of sexual life there is always supposed to be one thing that no one really knows is this, but you can hear about something specular and the most incredible thing is that people think that sexual life is the center of personality construction. it's a really impossible thing if it's an impossible thing that's it but people appeal to DrFreud and the thing I can say with DrFreud is that he was an idiotic unconscious suit, a guy who no longer had the slightest self-awareness and that he invented things to justify a personal mythology within which he lived in a certain way to justify eating his sister-in-law, right ?
In terms of knowledge of the human soul, Dr Freud is not an authority, right, although some facts that he observed in in fact they exist but it doesn't mean anything very well either Because of the same problem and since I was talking about Pound's biography, they asked Paulo what bread and in jail for 12 years, right, without any formal accusation, without any process To this day, we don't know exactly what he was doing there , but he asked questions and every day he received visitors, so what did he talk to the visitors about? I'm sure, right? He responded about them with arms, Perst in, meaning letters with weapons, right, and with formidable geniuses, and then he said that they are the only things that intelligent people should talk about, so conversations are also extremely important for that, I mean, in your immediate circle You don't have anyone to talk to about weapon lyrics and formidable genres, that's right, I don't talk about anything, that's right, you go to the internet and talk to your companions from the philosophy seminar and something worthwhile, although in the forum itself philosophy seminar I saw people lowering the level of conversation, lowering the level of conversation, it doesn't mean that they say bad words, it doesn't mean that they say bad things, that's not what I'm talking about, right, I'm not talking about point of view, saying banal morals is not what I'm talking about.
I'm talking about what in Brazil is also called level, it's another thing, high level in Brazil means a pretense of politeness, but that's not what I'm talking about, I'm talking about the substance of the subjects being discussed, right? I mean the individual who enters the outside the seminar to come with a small Talk, say for the love of God what this is, right, small , like you can have with the man at the gas station, right? serious for you but very serious Very serious small Talk is prohibited a person who studies a man of study is never SM never So whatever you say, even if it seems small Talk, it has to be loaded a second a third layer felt has to be something that is really enriching coexistence Okay, so unfortunately in Brazil there hasn't been this type of dialogue for a long time, I mean either you just have nail polish or you have a pretense of intellectual life at the purely professional university level and it's exactly what you can find people from USP but I don't Honestly I don't know in this Brazilian university environment I've never met a single person capable of holding conversations for example like I had with Bruno talentino Hmm that was exactly that de lites de armes prestante I'm looking for in Genis, that's all we said all the time, even when I was making jokes, that was it, so I was fortunate enough to have this interaction with Brun, albeit for a short time, and to be able to know what a truly civilized conversation between people is.
of study but this is not seen in Brazil because the fundamental element in this conversation is to base sincerity and that it be an effective testimony about what is going on in the soul and it is necessary that all the culturally assimilated elements of history literature etc etc have been transformed into interior experiences, it can't just be a matter of how do you say external eh, right, we were Bruno, Bruno, he memorized thousands of poems, thousands just like me, so you can listen to these songs, he had entire European poetry, right, and I think he read everything that was interesting, he said everything he read, he kept it at least and it takes at least 20%, right ? They were Eugênio Montali who were the anointing, this was the internal dimension of his soul, and then these, through these poems, he himself said, he showed himself to me through memorized poems, when not through his own poems, it is true, so Note that this is talk of intellectual and without this you can't do anything, are you capable of imagining, for example, Eh, I don't know, Santo Santo Tomá Aqui, Saint Albert the Great, talking about banal nonsense , Hmm, I'm going to sit there and complain about life, Ah, gasoline is expensive, right? There wasn't any gasoline, right ?
something else and wasting time on it is impossible to imagine Okay, so small talk is a form of parasitism, it's a really vampire thing, right? And sometimes people keep it up just because they think others expect them to do it. Exactly this, right?
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