How You Can Actually OUTWORK Everyone (No B.S. Guide)

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How You Can Actually OUTWORK Everyone (No B.S. Guide) The Secret to Flow State:
Video Transcript:
so you want to outwork everyone great you want to make it big in this world chase your dreams work your ass off and you take on the challenge I see so many of us are just puppets trapped in their own little cycle daydreaming about a life without purpose and Living Way below their means let me tell you I was there before and there's simply no other option than turning things around and attacking life so listen brother because you're going to have to Master Three simple things that I'm about to lay out in this video trust me there's an easy fix to this and if you you make it to the end of this video I will have a secret bonus tip for you so stick with me until the end because the next 10 minutes will change everything for you you see from personal experience I have learned that outworking others isn't as impossible as I thought it would be in fact the idea that I was in a race helped me more than listening to 100 productivity podcasts I know the idea of outworking people might be confusing you're wondering is it just a matter of working hard or is there something else that you should be doing what I'm trying to tell you is that when it comes to accomplishing bigger and better dreams you really need to have a clear path and that's what I want to talk to you about today the first crucial thing is equipping yourself with the virtue of consistency let me tell you most people fail right here it's not because they don't try or because they don't try hard enough no the real answer is that they fail to persist not sure if you already noticed but for some reason no one seems to understand that to truly succeed you need to change the way you interpret and interact with the world think about it if you look at your life right now and feel like you aren't successful and disciplined there's going to be a clear reason for that it's not that you haven't tried before right I know you have I know that you have been watching videos like these and trying to get your life in order but it never seems to work this time rather than falling into an endless cycle of success and failure I'd like you to identify that moment your efforts start to crumble I'll tell you mine you see whenever I got serious about something I threw myself at the goal and it worked super intense for a while I felt like I was living exactly like one of those cool productivity influencers I got super organized cleaned my desk woke up early and completed tasks in a fraction of the time it normally took me these moments felt like everything that I ever wanted in life you get my point how could I ever backslide however I kept failing for me it took a few cycles of relapsing until I decided to sit down and figure out what the was going wrong and I know that for you it might be different but in my situation it happen happened because I began to ignore extremely tiny lapses in my routine for example I would have built up a good habit like going to sleep at 10 p. m. and waking up at 6:00 a.
m. however there would come one day when I was particularly productive and my brain would tell me that I could treat myself to some relaxation that meant booting up a game like hell divers 2 and slaughtering space bugs I would look at the time and realize it was getting close to my new bedtime but a voice in my head would go ah it's fine I'll still wake up at 6:30 let me play for a little longer that was it that was the moment for me that was my flawed self winning over the new me that I had been trying to build look familiar of course I wouldn't have realized this in real time I would continue to enjoy my game until it was 11:30 and then go to bed the next day a butterfly effect would begin even if I woke up at 6:30 as usual the backsliding from last night would start showing up in other areas so rather than completing all my work by 400 p. m.
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