A Young Millionaire Married a Poor Waitress, But She Revealed Her Secret at the Wedding...

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Stories For The Soul
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a young millionaire married a poor waitress but she revealed her Secret at the wedding and everyone guessed Adrien was born into an ordinary family that lived in a small town from Early Childhood the boy dreamed of becoming rich and famous one day his parents and older brothers laughed at him the soell family has never been wealthy his father said we are used to working hard not deceiving people to make money but being rich doesn't mean exploiting others and earning money dishonestly protested the boy you're too naive son his mother replied you don't know life yet
Adrien didn't know how to respond he was hurt that his parents didn't support him but he didn't give up his dream continued to burn brightly in his heart in the evenings when Adrien went to bed he closed his eyes and imagined a large spacious house with a pool and a shady Garden where he would one day live the boy dreamed of the travels he could afford when he started making a lot of money in school Adrien was always one of the top students because he had a goal and ambition he diligently completed his homework and
always tried to learn more than what was covered in the school curriculum he often stayed up late studying instead of going out to play soccer with his peers his parents were always surprised by their son's Zeal and when he announced that he was going to apply to a university in the capital they couldn't believe their ears are you serious Adrien do you think you can handle it his mother asked anxiously I have no doubt I will succeed Adrienne replied firmly his mother just shook her head when she heard this everything happened just as Adrian had
said after finishing school he enrolled in a prestigious University to study business technology during his studies Adrien actively participated in various team projects competitions and startups studies which allowed him to gain valuable experience and knowledge he was never shy about approaching well-known businessmen who came to the university to give lectures and asking them questions this helped him gain expert opinions and understand various nuances of doing business additionally he made useful connections and acquaintances many company owners were attracted to his ambition youthful energy and potential so they invited him to join their firms in advance adrianne's
father mother and older brothers were surprised when the young man told them about this and advised him to accept one of the offers however as usual Adrien had his own view of the situation after graduating from University he decided not to follow the traditional path he didn't join any of the companies that invited him instead he chose to take certain risks and start his own business to do this he immersed himself in studying computer technology Tech ology and chose to create an online school for programming website creation and financial management during his studies Adrien often
received cash prizes when he took first place in competitions and contests he gave part of the money to his parents and saved the rest for the future now the young man involved several University friends in the project and invested all his savings into developing the online school the team worked day and night perfecting the product and preparing for launch when everything was ready Adrien launched virtual advertisements initially his offer did not attract much interest but thanks to the marketing strategy he studied at the University his startup began to gain popularity many people liked the idea
of learning technology at any convenient time without leaving home so the number of students at the school grew daily a year after the launch adrianne's online school became one of the most popular virtual platforms on the market this attracted active attention from major investors who offered the young man significant Investments for further development of the project with new opportunities Adrien was able to expand the team and start developing additional courses which were launched within a few months furthermore he managed to attract collaboration from leading World experts greatly increasing the platform's popularity soon the young man
earned his first million thanks to these achievements a Adrien gained recognition from the business Community he was invited as a speaker to various prestigious conferences and forums where he shared his experience and inspired other entrepreneurs after one such meeting Adrien felt hungry and decided to have lunch at a cozy restaurant next to the business center when he entered the restaurant he was greeted by a pleasant atmosphere soft lighting paintings on the walls quiet music and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee at that hour he was the only customer in the restaurant Adrien chose a table
by a large stained glass window sat down and began to browse the menu a few minutes later a waitress approached him a beautiful young woman with big brown eyes and a friendly smile she had a pleasant scent of delicate floral perfume the badge on her white shirt read that her name was Angela Ramirez good afternoon the girl greeted the guest have you decided what to order Adrien unexpectedly felt his heart beat a little faster the girl standing before him had an inexplicable charm and he wanted to learn more about her good afternoon Angela I would
like a cup of cappuccino and to try your signature seafood pasta sure your dish will be ready shortly the girl nodded and walked away from the businessman's table 10 minutes later Angela brought Adrienne's order and placed it in front of the young man your Seafood p and cappuccino enjoy your meal she said cheerfully Adrien thanked Angela and started his lunch when he finished he noticed that the girl was standing at the bar with a book in her hands sensing his gaze Angela quickly closed the book and putting it aside hurried over to him did you
enjoy everything she asked Adrien nodded with a smile yes if you could please bring me the bill he asked politely Angela returned with a small leather folder in her hands placed it in front of the young man and walked away Adrian paid the bill leaving a large tip for the girl rising from the table he walked towards the exit trying to catch Angela's again she was once again standing at the bar with the book lifting her head she smiled at Adrien thank you for choosing us Angela said we look forward to seeing you again Adrien
slowed his pace and nodding dared to ask pardon my curiosity but what are you reading it's a documentary novel about travels based on the author's true story he writes about places customs and cultures that are new to me Angela's response piqued Adrienne's interest that's great I love traveling too he hesitated for a moment thinking that due to her job and relatively young age Angela had probably never traveled anywhere and only read about distant Journeys Adrien also wondered if the girl recognized him his face often appeared on the covers of Business magazines but she might not
be interested in the business World Adrien reasoned he wanted to remain unrecognized deep down he always feared that girls would approach him because of his money what countries would you like to visit Adrien finally asked as casually as possible oh I've long dreamed of VIs visiting New Zealand my father told me a lot about this country Angela replied and her gaze suddenly became very sad Adrien thought that with her salary she would probably have to save for such a trip for a long time he had once been to New Zealand and was enchanted by the
Green Country however he didn't mention this that's a wonderful dream Adrienne said instead Angela nodded they filmed The Hobbit there it was one of my favorite books as a child so you loved reading even when you were a child Angela nodded strangely enough it was my father who instilled the love of reading in me he always worked a lot but when he came home early he would always read to me before bed he introduced me to the most famous stories and fairy tales in the world Adrienne smiled what the girl had told him seemed very
sweet he wanted to continue the conversation but he didn't want to be intrusive Adrien politely said goodbye and left the restaurant carrying with him the image of Angela he thought about her all evening and firmly decided to return to the same restaurant the next day specifically to see her again however to his great disappointment Angela had a day off Adrien had dinner and went home deciding to try his luck the next day this time he was lucky when he entered the restaurant and Ang greeted him with a sweet smile Adrien chose a daytime visit to
ensure there would be fewer people in The Establishment his calculation was correct all the tables were empty and Angelo was once again sitting with a book Adrien went to the same spot as before and the girl approached him to take his order this time the young man asked her to recommend a tasty dish and Angela suggested spinach pie I fully trust your taste Adrienne smiled and please bring me a cup of cappuccino like last time Angela nodded and walked away from his table Adrien took several deep breaths to calm his heartbeat and pretended to be
intently observing what was happening outside in reality the young man was desperately trying to come up with a topic for further conversation with Angela when the waitress returned with his order he couldn't think of anything better than to ask if she had finished reading the travel book Angela nodded saying that she had read the novel in one go what are you reading now Adrien asked adjusting a napkin on the table oh it's a very interesting travel log about a trip to Japan I didn't know before that the Japanese are so clean they watch the streets
with shampoo Adrien laughed Angela's face suddenly took on a worried expression your food will get cold if we continue our lovely conversation she remarked I don't want to disturb you Adrien nodded then promise me you'll give me your phone number so we can meet and talk when you're free from work Angela smiled and nodded sure she agreed and pulling a pencil and notebook from her pocket quickly wrote down her number on a blank sheet of paper tearing it out she handed the note to Adrien he nodded and put it in his pocket after lunch the
young man paid again leaving Angela a large tip and politely said goodbye before leaving that evening he sent her a message suggesting they meet somewhere over the weekend Angela mentioned she hadn't been in nature for a long time so Adrien invited her to the central city park which resembled a real Forest tall trees grew there and in the center was a fairly large pond where swans and Ducks swam Angela said it was her favorite Park and happily agreed to adrianne's invitation on Sunday towards evening the young people met at the park entrance and strolled along
the Cozy paths they gradually found more and more topics for conversation getting to know each other better Angela turned out to be not only a sweet and beautiful girl but also an intelligent well- read and determined person with Big Dreams Adrien found himself enjoying every moment spent with her do you believe in happy coincidences Angela Adrien suddenly asked it depends on what you mean the girl replied Evas ly I mean our meeting I'm so glad that the first time we met I chose to have lunch at your restaurant Angela blushed and nodded yes this coincidence
led to a pleasant acquaintance and engaging conversations I really enjoy talking with you me too admitted Adrien and I would like to see you again Angela smiled upon hearing these words why not she Shrugged her response encouraged and inspired Adrien they continued walking in the park for a long time and Angela asked what Adrien did for a living the young man realized that she still didn't know he was a famous businessman and millionaire I run my own business was all he said Adrien didn't want to talk about work he wished that in his and Angela's
Little World there would be only Pleasant conversations about travels books movies and other things they both found interesting the next time the young man decided to take Angela to a special place she had never been he spent a long time studying recommendations online and even asked several friends and acquaintances for advice he was recommended to visit a retro Cinema called clouds located in an old but very atmospheric building Adrien liked this idea and decided to invite Angela there the young man didn't tell the girl where they were going only saying it was a surprise do
you trust me Angela he asked with a smile over the phone to which the girl replied affirmatively I'm sure this evening will be memorable for you added Adrien in the evening he picked Angela up from work he had to wait a few minutes for her to come out of the restaurant Adrien didn't recognize Angela immediately she wore a long silver dress adorned with sparkling sequins her hair was curled and styled to one side decorated with a glittering hair pin long earrings with butterfly Silhouettes dangled from her ears the girl looked stunning most captivating were her
eyes which shown like two stars framed by long lashes Adrien caught his breath and didn't know what to say at first the young man helped Angela into the car returned to his seat and finally exhaled you look exceptionally beautiful tonight like an angel descended from Heaven Angela blessed and thanked Adrien so where are we going she asked playfully I hope it's not a football match Adrienne laughed No not tonight we're hit it somewhere special and magical worthy of your outfit with that he started the car and drove Angela to the planned destination he had heard
that the cloud Cinema was a unique space where each visitor could experience an unforgettable Journey Through Time Adrian had booked tickets in advance and AR Ed a small surprise for Angelo with the theater's Administration he was looking forward to a special and pleasant evening with her the cinema building was located in the Heart of the City and attracted attention with its Whimsical architecture tall arched windows and marble columns added charm and sophistication when they entered Angelo was struck by the theater's atmosphere neon signs glowed everywhere old movie posters hung on the walls and cozy vintage
seats da visitors the feeling they had stepped into the mid 20th century the theater's Lobby was spacious and slightly mysterious thanks to the dim pinkish lighting the floors were laid with black and white Mosaic tiles and the walls were adorned with mirrors and ornate frames portraits of famous actors and photographs from classic films one wall featured a huge handwritten schedule of showings nearby stood antique ticket vending machines adding a special flare to the cinema this is incredible I've always dreamed of visiting a place like this Angela said to Adrien I'm glad you like it the
young man replied while Angela admired everything around her Adrien gently reminded her that the film would start soon they went into the hall and sat in plush seats in front of a large screen the lights dimmed and the credits rolled the film was black and white very funny and romantic during the viewing Adrien gently took Angela's hand and intertwined his fingers with hers she smiled at him in the dark everything seemed magical and the young couple didn't want the film to end the love story that unfolded on the screen deeply moved Angela when the film
ended and the lights came back on Adrien suggested they explore the cinema shall we check out the other halls I heard there's a small museum with interesting exhibits about the history of C Angela eagerly agreed the cloud Cinema had several Halls each decorated in its Unique Style reflecting a different decade in cinema history the hall housing the cinema Museum was adorned with vintage lamps and golden patterns on the walls while the ceiling was designed like a Starry Sky with clouds made of cotton hanging on thin strings as they strolled through the cinema Angela suddenly saw
a poster with her own image in one of the Halls it was black and white and she looked like a retro actress in it Angela froze unable to believe her eyes but how is this possible she wondered this was my surprise for you Adrien admitted I took one of your photos from social media generated a retro image and then arranged with the administration to hang this poster in the hall I hope you like it the young man felt a bit embarrassed anxious about Angela's reaction it's amazing Angela exclaimed and kissed Adrien on the cheek he
blushed and smiled feeling very happy then they went up to the rooftop where they could sit in the fresh air and admire the Stars holding hands they gazed at the city's evening lights for a long time the evening at the cinema was remembered by both as something magical and Atmospheric Adrien and Angela continued to see each other and their relationship grew stronger and deeper they spent a lot of time together talking about various topics visiting interesting places and enjoying each other's company Adrien gradually realized that Angela had become not just a friend but someone he
wanted to spend the rest of his life with one evening as they were walking through the park with the stars shining brightly above Adrien suddenly felt it was time to confess his feelings to Angela he gently stopped her and sat her down on a bench by the fountain then sat down beside her Angela you know over the time we've known each other I've come to realize something the young man paused for a moment and the girl looked at him intently waiting for him to continue the fountain softly whispered and the water droplets sparkled in the
light of the lanterns you've become a very important part of my life I've never met anyone like you you're like a ray of light beautiful kind and sincere I love you upon hearing this Angela couldn't hold back her tears Adrien I love you too you've made my life brighter and happier the young couple embraced feeling warmth and Joy from their mutual feelings they sat on the bench for a long time breathing in each other's scent and then Adrien leaned in and kissed Angela their kiss lasted a long time and the young man realized he wanted
it to never end afterward Adrienne walked Angela home and promised to text her the next day when he got got home the young man was so excited from the meeting that he couldn't sleep for a long time when Dawn broke outside the window Adrian firmly decided that he wanted to propose to Angela but this moment must be special and Unforgettable he muttered to himself before falling asleep the next day Adrien began planning the details he needed to think of a place where he would say the cherished words to Angela and choose a ring for her
after much deliberation Adrien decided to propose an in the very Park where they had first walked together it was a favorite place for the young couple symbolizing their relationship the young man knew that Angela loved traveling so he decided to give her a small miracle he arranged for a hot air balloon ride so they could rise into the air together and he would propose to her among the clouds this idea excited him so much that Adrien could hardly believe it was really happening the next day the young man went to the jeweler and ordered an
Exquisite ring with a pink gemstone in the shape of a heart the Craftsman said it would be ready in a week Adrien went home and with baited breath began to wait he was very anxious and hoped that everything would go perfectly finally the day arrived when Adrien invited Angela for a walk telling her he wanted to spend a special evening with her when he brought Angela to their favorite Park she noticed a bright red hot air blown in the distance and suggested they walk over to admire it up close as they approached the mustached older
man in the basket waved them over warmly and invited them to join him Angela couldn't believe her eyes is he really going to take us for a ride she asked in amazement Adrien just smiled and nodded he took her hand and led her to the balloon as they climbed into the basket it began to slowly Ascend Angela watched in awe as the ground gradually receded beneath them Adrien however was focused only on the Velvet box containing the ring in his pocket when they reached a sufficient height he gently turned her towards him Angela there's something
I'd like to tell you he confessed then tell me she smiled gazing into her beloved's eyes waiting for his words you know how much you mean to me you've changed my life making it better and filling it with new meaning I realized that I want to be with you forever with that Adrienne pulled the box from his pocket and opened it Angela will you marry me Angela was taken by surprise and tears of joy welled up in her eyes yes Adrien of course she answered with a trembling Voice without a moment's hesitation the young man
slipped the ring onto her finger and hugged her tightly the couple was on Cloud9 both literally and figuratively the very next day Adrienne and Angela began preparing for the wedding they both wanted the day to be special and memorable forever together they planned every detail to create the perfect celebration the first task was choosing a venue Angela and Adrien decided the ceremony should be held Outdoors surrounded by Nature they found a beautiful restaurant with a large Veranda overlooking a lake it was the perfect setting for the Romantic atmosphere they wanted to create Angela decided to
make the invitations by hand she chose pastel colored paper and decorated it with floral patterns she attached dried Lily of the Valley flowers to each card symbolizing love and devotion dear friends we would be delighted to see you at our wedding Angela wrote in her beautiful handwriting how lovely Adrien marveled when he saw her work Angela blushed and hubbed him I want everything to be special she replied Angela had few friends in the city so most of the guests would be adrianne's friends finally I'll get to meet your parents Adrien said and I'll meet yours
Angela smiled they had talked about this for a long time but both of their parents lived far away the wedding would be the occasion for them to come together on the weekend Angela took her best friends to choose a wedding dress they visited several boutiques and finally chose a stunning silk dress with a lace back and a long train Angela also bought long white gloves Adrien also found his outfit opting for a classic black tuxedo with a white shirt and a bow tie he looked stylish and festive in it for decorating the restaurant's Veranda where
the ceremony would take place Angela and Adrien chose delicate pastel tones pink white and green floral arches and garlands of pink and gold lights created a truly magical atmosphere the menu for the Wedding Banquet included a variety of Exquisite dishes the highlight of the evening was to be the large wedding cake consisting of several tear with figurines of the bride and groom on top Adrienne paid special attention to the music that would accompany the celebration he hired a band to play beautiful romantic ballads and later in the night a DJ will come Adrien told Angela
the younger crowd will be able to dance to their hearts content on the wedding day everything went perfectly the bride looked stunning in her white dress with a veil and beautifully styled hair the groom was nervous but happy at the altar Adrien and Angela said I do and the priest pronounced them husband and wife as soon as this happened the young man kissed his wife and his parents approached them to congratulate them unfortunately Angela's parents missed this part of the celebration their plane was delayed due to bad weather her mother called almost in tears to
inform her Angela tried to console her saying that she and Adrienne were eagerly awaiting their arrival guests gathered on The Veranda enjoying the beautiful weather the stunning view the drinks and the pleasant conversation the newly Woods received congratulations and chatted with old friends and close relatives everyone was happy for the newly Woods who seemed like the perfect couple the celebration was in full swing when Angela's father and and mother appeared on The Veranda the young wife hurried to them she hugged her mom and dad and quickly started telling them about the ring exchange ceremony they
were very happy for their daughter and her mother even cried from the overwhelming emotions I want to introduce you to Adrien said Angela and led her parents to the group of adrianne's friends he was chatting with at that moment as they approached Adrienne noticed Angela and smiled warmly at her he excused himself from his friends and walked over to his young wife Adrien my parents finally made it Angela said joyfully and introduced her father and mother Adrien greeted them politely it's very nice to meet you he added however Angela's parents didn't respond the girl looked
at them in astonishment and noticed they had gone very pale her father even clutched his heart Adrien didn't understand what was happening Angela apologized and led her parents to a table with drinks and snacks after seating them in comfortable chairs she sat down next to them feeling the anxiety and fear in the air dad mom what's wrong Angela asked why did you change your Expressions when you saw Adrien her father and mother exchanged glances sweetheart you see her father began resolutely after clearing his throat this man is not right for you Angela couldn't believe what
she was hearing what she resed but why what's wrong with him we don't know what kind of person he is but we can tell you one thing her mother said with a heavy sigh you need to stay away from him Angela felt dizzy but he's my husband she exclaimed and I love him she helplessly looked from her father to her mother and back again but they avoided her gaze please explain something Angela couldn't hold back anymore this man destroyed our lives her father suddenly blurted out his face changed now he was looking directly into his
daughter's eyes and his voice was filled with Fury but how the girl barely manage to utter Angela's father told her the whole truth about Adrien the girl turned pale and tears welled up in her eyes as at that very moment the Master of Ceremonies picked up the microphone and invited the newly Woods to the stage to give a speech Adrien approached the table where Angela and her parents were sitting and took her hand shall we go he asked looking at his wife with concern Adrien could see that something had happened but had no idea what
it was yes of course Angela replied in a weak Voice hand in hand the couple walked onto the stage to warm Applause from the guest s Adrien took the microphone first and began talking about how he first saw Angela in a restaurant this girl made my hard race in an instant he said looking at his wife with love and tenderness however Angela was lost in her own thoughts and seemed not to notice Adrien grew worried but continued to speak when he finished he handed the microphone to Angela she took it without looking at her husband
and her hand was as cold as ice first of all I want to thank each of you for coming to our wedding Angela began Her speech the guests responded with Applause despite everything the young husband looked at Angela with love and support unaware of what she was about to say what Adrienne said is true when he first saw me I was working as a waitress in a restaurant she continued but it wasn't always like that the groom's guests began to murmur in surprise in fact until I was was 22 I never work because Angela paused
for a moment to catch her breath and finally said I was the daughter of a millionaire the room gasped Adrien looked at his wife in disbelief the guests froze in anticipation yes it's true Angela nodded my father owned a chain of computer technology schools that successfully educated children and adults in different parts of the capital I always had everything I wanted the best clothes the opportunity to visit fashionable places in the city and travel I didn't need to work and spend my time as I pleased but one day a young businessman appeared opening an online
school where you could learn the same things as in my father's schools but without having to go anywhere his platform became so popular that my father went bankrupt he closed his business left in debt and I I went to work as a waitress to earn a living that's my story which I wanted to share with you with these words Angela handed the microphone back to the host and apologizing to the room walked to the exit brushing away her tears Adrien was stunned by what he heard he wanted to follow his wife but it was as
if he was glued to the spot the guests felt extremely awkward everything that had seemed so perfect had collapsed in an instant Adrien finally snapped out of it and without looking at anyone rushed to the exit he found Angela by the lake she was sitting on a bench crying bitterly Adrien approached and sitting down beside her took her hand why didn't you ever tell me about this he asked quietly Angela didn't pull her hand away but it remained cold I didn't even realize it was you my parents recognized you today they saw your face in
magazines and told me I always considered you an enemy and now it turns out you're my husband Adrien didn't know what to say he felt dizzy and was terrified of losing Angela I'm so sorry I had no idea my business ruined anyone's life of course you didn't know Angela replied through her tears in a flat voice but can this really come between us Adrienne asked trying to look into her eyes I love you and want to be with you darling Angela sobbed I I don't know Adrien I need to be alone and think about everything
the young man just nodded in response he understood that a profound transformation was happening in his wife's heart and she needed to be left alone Angela and her parents called a taxi and left Adrien stayed to see off the guests he looked lost and shattered the guests looked at him with sympathy but could do nothing before leaving each wished him a peaceful resolution to the situation Adrien somehow made it through to the end everything felt like a blur returning home he collapsed on the bed and fell asleep the next morning his first thought was to
write to Angela but he remembered her words and decided not to disturb her however Adrien was deeply unsettled he couldn't find peace not knowing what to do we should be on the plane now a whole month in New New Zealand awaited us Adrien thought bitterly he couldn't understand why everything had turned out this way is our story DED to a sad end he thought in despair Angela neither wrote nor called him that day or the next Adrien also took no steps after a week of mutual silence the young man couldn't stand it any longer and
sent her a bouquet of flowers in the note he wrote that he loved and awaited her Angela didn't respond a month passed Adrien still couldn't find Solace from his sadness and longing for Angela he tried to return to his usual life but it was difficult each day was filled with Nostalgia for the Lost happiness Adrien was ready to give anything to relive those joyful moments he had spent with Angela Angela didn't reach out Adrien immersed himself in work trying to lose himself in tasks and projects He often stayed late at his computer but thoughts of
Angela never left him how is she does she miss me as much as I miss her he wondered another couple of months passed despite his attempts to return to normal life Adrien felt emptiness and loneliness he realized that his love for Angela was too strong to Simply forget her every morning and every evening Adrienne prayed for another chance and fate heard him one evening Adrien decided to take a walk in the park where he and Angela often spent time together he walked along familiar paths recalling happy moments alone with his beloved when suddenly he saw
her Angela was sitting on the very bench where they had first kissed lost in her thoughts hello Adrien said softly approaching Angela startled and looked up her heart ACH with tenderness and pain hello she whispered her eyes filling with tears may I sit down Adrien asked of course Angela nodded the young man sat down beside her and they gazed at each other for a long time realizing how much they had missed one another I didn't expect to see you here Angela broke the silence did you wish you had Adrien asked hopefully Angela nodded again they
sat together and talked for a long time initially their conversation was cautious and tense but gradually they began to open up to each other I can't stop thinking about you Adrien confessed I missed you every single day we were apart Angela sniffled I missed you too Adrien she whispered quietly the young man took her hand let's try again we can overcome all the difficulties together I'm ready to fight for our love Angela looked into his eyes I'm ready to try again too we can start with a clean slate and leave the past behind they embraced
tightly and Adrienne kissed Angela for a moment it felt like they had returned to the past this time I won't let circumstances come between us Adrien thought firmly to himself this moment marked the beginning of a new chapter in their lives Adrien understood that if he wanted to achieve full understanding with Angela he needed to speak with her father and resolve the issues between them he asked Angela for her father's number and suggested they meet to talk that weekend Adrienne and Angela traveled to the town where her parents now lived the train sped past fields
of blooming sunflowers and Adrienne felt a sense of Peace almost all worries were behind them and beside him was his Angela who once again looked at him with love and tenderness Adrian took her hand and closed his eyes I wish it could always be like this he thought Angela rested her head on his shoulder and they both dozed off lulled by the rhythmic clacking of the wheels by evening the train arrived at its destination and Adrien and Angela disembarked her parents were already waiting for them they rushed to their daughter whom they hadn't seen for
several months and embraced her they still looked at Adrien with caution and mistrust this didn't bother him as he was determined to show Angela's parents that he was a decent worthy and honest man they reached her parents home in the old family car the Mansion where Angela's parents lived was not new but it was quite large it had two floors and the young couple settled into a spacious room with a wide balcony on the Upper Floor after unpacking their things they went downstairs to the bright living room and sat at the table which Angela's parents
had already set for lunch mom loves to cook Angela confessed to Adrien and she does it like a true professional I don't doubt that for a moment Adrienne replied and Angela's mother blushed alfor enjoyed a pleasant lunch after which the ladies went to the kitchen to bring out chocolate cake and coffee Adrien realized it was time to have an important conversation with Angela's father Mr Ramirez I'd like to talk to you about what happened the elderly man nodded fully understanding the topic of their conversation and suggested that Adrien step into the garden there he led
him to a beautiful white gazebo and pointed to one of the wooden benches he himself sat down opposite Adrian and prepared to listen attentively the young businessman gathered his thoughts and began Mr Ramirez I understand that my actions created competition between our companies what happened afterward caused you pain and disrupted the order of your life but I truly had no idea if I had known that my actions would harm someone someone I would have handled the situation differently unfortunately no one can go back in time to fix things however I asked you not to judge
me for what happened yes my actions affected not just you but your family and most importantly your daughter but I love her more than anything my only wish is to make her happy I ask you to trust me and not hold any grudges against me give me a chance to show you who I really am Mr Ramirez listened to Adrien but did not respond immediately he remained silent for quite a while then finally said if you truly love each other then I will not stand in the way of your relationship moreover when it comes to
business you are not at fault you did what you thought was right you pursued your dream and advanced your business that is commendable Adrien nodded gratefully thank you for being so understanding Mr Ramirez extended his hand to Adrien let's put the past behind us and see how our relationship develops in the future Adrienne shook Angela's father's hand and smiled agreed he replied they returned to the living room where the ladies were already waiting the table was adorned with chocolate cake and other desserts Adrian took his place next to Angela and felt very good everything seemed
to fall into place and he had no more worries Angela and adrianne's arrival marked an important step toward reconciliation and the restoration of friendly and respectful relations between their families this was felt by everyone when Angela and Adrien went out into the garden after lunch the young woman leaned against her husband and thanked him for everything he had done for her Adrienne smiled in response and kissed Angela they walked through the garden for a long time feeling a sense of Harmony and joy from then on the young couple began a new happy chapter of their
life together they decided to support each other in all their endeav and build the future together their love grew even stronger because of the trials they had faced each day was filled with joy and happiness from being together again Adrien and Angela's story is an example of how powerful true feelings can be capable of overcoming any obstacles dear viewers if you en enjoyed the story please support the video by liking it and leaving a comment thank you very much
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【ENG SUB】After betrayed, she returned to h...
Charm Drama
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