Hey Soul family welcome back to the channel this is the white feather tarot and in today's reading we're taking a look at your biggest surprise this year um I can't wait to get into this reading I feel the energy of excitement already I feel something big so let's see how that turns out if you by the way prefer to pick your piles using your zodiac signs you will find a time stamp for that below but and also there's a new section guys it's called Spirit pick my pile for the days where you're really confused and
or the days where you just want Spirit to pick your pile it's there always um below and you can use that option whenever you want all right so let's see what cards we have for today's reading for pile number one you've got erosion o so sorry there we go beautiful colors okay for pile number two you've got soil and for pile number three you've got air interesting I tried not to say this but I feel strongly about saying what I'm about to say I don't like to share my opinions when it comes to picking the
piles disclaimer if this is something that you do not like um you know watch the cards see what you like until we place the crystals if this is your preferred method but I got to say this do you know that soil erosion is caused by factors such as air there's also other things like snow and other things of course um ice glasss water but one of the factors is air I have a strong weird like very strong feeling and I don't like to interfere um in picking the piles that's why again I gave a disclaimer
but there's something about the three piles being super connected today if you resonate with what I've said then yeah maybe you want to check them out if you don't that's okay uh I usually notice a lot of things I don't say them but I had to share this today I mean this was crazy okay so yeah if you prefer to pick your piles using crystals then let me add these right now there we go so for pile number one you've got the Carnelian lizard for oh I feel I haven't showed the two on the other
side as well this is what it looks like on the other side yeah for pile number two you've got the opal I really hope the color yeah the colors I think are picking up and for pile number three you've got the rose quartz point this is what it looks like so yeah take a look at which one of these three piles you're the most drawn to and this will be the pile for you here today in case you feel drawn to more than one pile maybe even all of the piles trust your intuition it's meant
to take you to the messages especially in today's reading to the surprises the big surprises that you can expect this year I know you're going to enjoy this reading and once you're ready you'll find the timestamps uh below click on your times and I will see you in your readings please note that there are two more sections of this introduction to help people pick their piles a section all about picking your piles with your zodiac signs um and so I will be placing zodiac signs in a moment under each pile and a section where Spirit
picks your pile and so if you do not prefer these please pause the video and take as much time as you need but if you prefer to uh pick your piles using these keep um tuning in and maybe you're open to um considering different ways of picking your pile and you might feel like hey I think I might enjoy H picking my piles using other ways you know you might be drawn to one pile then your zodiac sign shows you another one and then maybe Spirit can pick an a third one or maybe they agree
you know it uh it could be fun changing things around and uh opening up to different ways of picking the piles sometimes and see what they give you so yeah if you're open to that uh let's see what you got for pile sorry for pile let's shuffle your zodiac signs and see what size we've got for each pile right so for pile number one do I have four I think I have three I'm going to pull out one more I think there's one here for pile number two one two three and four and four pile
number three these are the signs all right let's see what we've got for pile number one the signs are Libra Aries Virgo as well as Scorpio for pile number two the signs are Aquarius taus cancer as well as Sagittarius and for pile number three the signs are Pisces Capricorn Gemini as well as Leo so my dear Soul family these are the signs and their Association to each of the piles in today's reading please feel free to pick your pile or piles using your sun moon or Rising I highly recommend you check out the three alternatively
if you prefer to pick your piles using other placements in your chart please feel free to do that and of course once you're ready you'll find the time stamps below click on your times and I will see you in your readings but if for today's reading you wish for Spirit to pick your pile let's see what we've got I forgot to tell you about this magician will be pile one high priestess will be pile two and Empress will present pile number three because of the numerology and we'll Shuffle around a little bit oh we see
which one sticks out and we already have one so we've got the magician uh your pick today if you prefer for Spirit to pick your pile for for today's reading it is pile number one I hope you enjoy your reading today as always the time stamps are below and I will see you in your readings hi pile number one welcome to reading today we're taking a look at the surprise o thanks wow one and I was meaning to take two cards actually it looks like it's that one right there oh you've got three uh so
today we're taking a look at the biggest surprise that you can expect to happen for you in uh 2025 or this is a Timeless reading we're going to say this year depending on uh what year it is for for you when you watch this okay so let's see what this biggest surprise is these are the Decks that I'll be using if you're interested in knowing the names oh two okay I'll take them the names of any of them you'll find that I list them below and very quickly let me introduce your pile to you your
crystal is the beautiful Carnelian lizard your significator card is the card of erosion and if you've picked your pile using your signs then in that case the signs for this pile are Libra Aries Virgo and Scorpio welcome to reading guys if these are not your signs please don't worry about it it's just another way for others to pick their piles as well okay I think we're all ready let's take a look at your oracle cards first so you've got Yu very nice okay all right you've got courage Ah that's yeah and you've got protection wow
that's nice I like that for you oh in that case erosion uh wait I I I think I'm starting to put the picture together but we will wait to see the full picture so that's the first card that popped out uh I mean face up and it is Venus and Capricorn with convention mhm you've got Venus again with cancer with birth wow what's going on here this you know this is a card of the right of passage um partly so there's something about a birth okay I'm I'm starting to read again hold up all right
and you've got Jupiter in Leo with publicity wow okay I think I'm starting to grasp the biggest surprise here actually uh let's take a look at your tarot cards you've got the Three of Swords mhm what a surprise I mean even I'm surprised for you this is really good you've got the page of Pentacles mhm you've got did we Shuffle this yes we did the three of Pentacles M the wow the T of Wands I say wow because it's in the background of the 10 of cups again emphasizing exactly what I'm seeing for you and
you've got the five of cups the moon card the nine of swords and in the background of the nine of Cups oh my God I do I have a surprise for you and you've got the Ace of Pentacles you finally get it okay so guys this is something really cool and I'm sure look you're I'm sure you're going to get many surprises uh in your year we're just looking at the biggest one that you're going to get and seeing here erosion I would say that there is something that's been eating up at you is it
all over your life is it last year is it when something happened in your life uh or maybe a specific trauma Dark Knight of the Soul something unfortunate happened I'm not going to like point out what it is it's not really clear but I do see that there is a situation that has been eating up at you for some of you it could be since childhood because that's a right of passage here with the um crossing over the fire um in um uh Slavic culture right so we'll get more into detail but what I am
seeing is a celebration celebration with youu here a celebration of a new year new you uh the the sun is rising the celebration of the sun being born again so you can see here with the three of Pentacles a lot of pain excruciating pain because you also have the nine of Swords here you've got the five of cups in the background of the five of Pentacles the fives they're hard they talk about struggles lack they there is heaviness right uh speaking of heaviness you've got the 10 of Wands like this what I'm seeing here is
the energy of the heaviest thing in your life uh and it talks about something that's been as I said eating up at you and perhaps since we've got publicity and someone like underground here maybe uh was something that was C cusing you not to be seen even like it has affected you up to a point of even how you are seen because this like being in the house is isolation underground uh it's really been isolating you so this could be isolating your work this could be isolating putting yourself out there this could be like total
isolation like could could be literal or maybe isolating you from doing something in specific right in any case you can see the a new birth birth right a new birth of you specifically um where you've been squared like you've been isolated what can I say you've been isolated you felt like the heaviness of the soil like being underground oh my God you know what this reminds me of you know what this reminds me of this reminds me of the saying they buried us not knowing we were seeds oh my God so there's something about a
situation in your life that buried you a person a situation but you're teaching life who you are it's like nobody can bury me I'm like a seed I Rise Baby I Love Your powerful energy so there's something about a a rebirth in your energy this year um turning transmuting all of the heavy energy into huge Bliss with the background of the 10 of Cups oh I love readings like that talk about courage my God so what is the surprise at least we know the topic now there's a great celebration of the sun rising again which
is you um how is this happening I see with the fire test here that uh this year you're going to surprise yourself first before everyone else but the outcome of your bold move is really what will surprise you so it starts out this year of you surprising yourself with stepping outside of your comfort zone or doing something bold and uncomfortable that you haven't done before which which is probably why you have the three of Pentacles and the background of the Three of Swords there's something about something um there's something about a a situation that was
beating you eating at you making you feel a lot of pain and there's something about giving into it not because you are um you have a victim mentality so to speak because that you your mentality is all about oh you bury me and I'm going to rise like a tree you know so you don't strike me as someone who's got a victim mentality I think it is more with the Mind here uh a limiting belief perhaps maybe you thinking that oh if I come near the fire it's going to burn me so that's a stupid
idea why should I come near this energy uh something like that so what changed then if this is protection maybe protecting your boundaries better is giving you the courage to do something let me figure this out because you've got the nine of Wands in the background here um we certainly have something about protecting your boundaries better is that internal boundaries is that external boundaries I'm not sure but this year you're certainly stepping up into your powerful energy you're becoming bold and courageous you're taking steps you haven't taken before and may I say I mean jumping
across fire this is bold moves you're really getting into that energy of um solar plexus sacral chakra root chakra there's a lot of power exuding from you this year maybe you're doing some rituals or you are yeah some form of rituals it doesn't have to be like spiritual rituals it could be like or it could be psychological practices uh mental practices um mind I mean practices or simply you just getting into your bold energy and taking major steps powerful steps that you have not taken before um because of the uh Guardians here the Bulgarian Guardians
in the protection card um and they chase away evil um beings evil entities by getting into rituals in case you are wondering why why I keep saying rituals that's where it's coming from there's something about you this year putting up a strong guard so if I'm to assess your cards I would say this year you figured out perhaps what's been that what's the cause of something that's been eating at you and you're like I'm not going to bury myself oh no I'm going to you're you're going through a rebirth for sure and instead of being
so isolated and burying yourself you're like I'm up here I'm not down there uh and this seems to happen by you Rising your um boundaries you're making your boundaries so high it's like you're using all of the ones that you're carrying to build these boundaries you're like I'm not going to carry this I'm going to use them to build strong boundaries I'm I'm not supposed to walk around with heavy energy like that and feeling the lack and the struggle uh-uh uhuh um this energy is not going to be eating at me anymore so you're this
year dealing with this erosion within so first you set these boundaries this year and you face your fears with a nine of Swords by stepping into the Bold energy that you um haven't stepped to be in before page of Pentacles you there's a new page of you you're growing up you know the pages you're growing right of passage you're growing as a person and you're putting your place in society because this is the three of Pentacles on the background of the three of Cups there's something about publicity so there's definitely something about your spot in
society or and the 10 of cups in the background also family so you're spot in society your spot in family your spot in your work your SP in the world Tera right something like that you you uh Force you no no not force you make decide make yourself to be seen like a star which means that you've had star qualities but you've been burying yourself that's the conclusion why you would think you don't bury me I'm a seed of course you think like that good for anyone deserves to think like that that's a beautiful mindset
but because you've got star qualities that you know about and you rise to your stardom this year publicity there's something about you mingling with others creating a community something about this boldness that you take and the um walls not walls I don't want to say walls but your boundaries your healthy boundaries that you place this year by facing your fears becoming bold and making sure you've got these strong boundaries not carrying them anymore uh it seems like uh the surprise here is your popularity this year amongst your Society so is this in your work then
you become popular in your work or that could be your business if this is your um personal struggle with others for example then this is obviously talking about your stardom in your in a community or your community uh is this about an activity that you wanted to do like a talent that you have but didn't use and once you're out there you become famous for that Talent OR skill for putting yourself out there so that's the kind of energy that I'm seeing here for you a great year of change this is and we can see
here that you're transmuting all of that heavy energy into huge Bliss with the T of Wands in the background of the 10 of cups um I see that this you've been loaded by sad energy and do you see this is the five of cups in the background of the five of Pentacles the sad energy with the Five of Cups was so heavy it was barely making you take a step you felt the pain of every step so the five of Wands is fighting it there's something about you fighting either your sadness or fighting your disappointment
fighting fighting the spilled milk is another energy fighting uh what you lost like perhaps by regaining it yourself so all of these are in the five of cups in the background of the five of Pentacles depends ending on of course how this resonates specifically for you but that's the energy here you there's a right of passage this you rediscovering yourself recreating yourself becoming more like your real self um with the page of Pentacles here and so you are learning this year how to better deal with your mind and with your emotions the moon card the
nine of Swords how is that this you are learning that the better boundaries you have the better you deal with your mind and your emotions the magician represents as within so without so this year you're focused on learning to deal with your emotions your mind your um stress or anxieties that's the nine of Swords by building better boundaries um by going after what you love enjoying what you love with the nine of cups as well that's the figure from the nine of Cups and there is an internal process going on to make this happen ah
which we saw here there's things like let me conquer my fears with courage let me put straight U Better boundaries with protection let me work on my internal self like um this is int int introspection introspection uh this is yeah introspection for sure working on the inside not being super focused on the outside but focusing on you and as you focus on you you know how they say energy flows where attention goes so you're so focused on you you glow on the outside side and so I would say that the biggest surprise this year has
to do with your rebirth has to do with how you transmute all of that painful energy that was eating up at you and turning it into very happy energy becoming very popular in your community you seeing yourself Rise Like The Shining sun and being able to deal better with all of the emotions that I believe here was eating up at you and wreaking havoc internally and you're like okay let's let's focus internally this uh year let's focus on the things that's been eating up at me uh no longer allowing it to eat at me anymore
Ace of Pentacles page of Pentacles there is a new page this year in how you experience life and how you experience erence yourself the results that you're getting the opportunities that you're getting because of this this is look page of Pentacles and Ace of Pentacles this talks about a new energy coming in giving you a new page at something so you know how sometimes when one thing in life changes let's say a simple thing in life changes how it has a huge effect um in your whole life that little thing that comes in let's say
I don't know someone I'm I'm just showing you how sometimes little things can have a huge difference in our lives like for example somebody found the right shade of blush let's let let's take a super simple example by finding the right Shades uh that suits this person's skin color this person feels so good their confidence level rises and they start surprising themselves by doing some things that they've never done before meeting thus new people putting themselves out there a and having a far different life so this person in this example their prior life before that
blush and their life afterwards is completely different and while you know we we shouldn't Focus absolutely well superficial things are of course beauty is important we can't cancel Beauty but you know in this example I'm just trying to show you how one little thing changes everything let's say someone buys a new pair of shoes and they have to commute every day so changing this one pair of shoes could save this person's career uh personal life how they feel their mental health and everything let's say the pair of shoes that they used every day they didn't
notice just how much it irritated them it was maybe it wasn't comfortable they didn't know that they're irritated tired stressed and they maybe other people would invite them out and they wouldn't go out because they're like H I can't go through this changing their pair of shoes into more comfortable ones they're like oh my God oh my God I feel like I can do I can run errands all day I go to work and I'm I'm not stressed like before I I I I'm I'm able to go out when people invite me because I'm not
so stressed who would have known that one pair of shoes could have had all of this effect in my life the chair that you sit in you changed the chair that you sit in it wasn't comfortable and you find yourself being able to work many more hours than you did before your study I could go on and on with examples the light bulb you name it sometimes it is little things that we Overlook that can really give us a whole new e experience in life so you can have the same people around you you could
be going to the same job you can be you can have the same amount of salary coming in whatever it is and you change one little thing within you proper boundaries um taking a bold move that you haven't taken before and the response of it that that new beginning gives you a new life altogether although every other factor is the same and that's kind of what I'm seeing here the DraStic change and the surprises isn't necessarily in the change of you know new home New Life new country new job new salary it's not like that
and who am I to say please don't take it literally I'm talking about the biggest change it it's your biggest change is seen as one is a small difference that you change in your energy that gives you a totally different experience in the same life you have and you know the best example to give is you know how when two siblings living the same life one loves it if you ask one sibling oh my God I love my life I love my parents I love my school I love all the fun activities that we do
with this town or city matches everything that they love I love my life and you ask this other sibling and they could be more critical or more even sarcastic about about it I don't know you know um yeah my parents are great but you know I kind of think other parents could be doing it better but who am I to tell my parents what to do school I don't know I don't like the school but okay I guess we have to go uh things that we do we go to the park I don't know if
I like that I'm more into this and this and that I guess it's fine don't know that's not the kind of life that I like at all and I'm sure when I grow up I'm going to like leave this whole city or town right same life same everything one is super EX e static about the happiness that it brings and one isn't so excited about it one sibling very popular one sibling doesn't want to make friends in that uh city right or that school or whatever and so in that same way what I'm predicting for
you at least not me personally I mean the cards is that this year um whether your life changes before that realization or that step or not is not what I'm saying but your experience of it is definitely going to change it's going to be something else and how you start seeing life the way life responds back to you because you know if you have the same energy yes sometimes uh changing coming out of the toxic Society coming out of a toxic job or improving um our income all of that of course makes a difference I
mean we were just talking about how a a blush could make a difference but also at the same time um you can have you can change all of these things but if you're doing the same things the same mistakes like let's say you have the big changes in life your U Money Changes let's say you become a multi-millionaire you your whole life changes and some people on the Other Extreme other than this blush situation would say you know everything is working out for me I've got the love of my life I've got the best house
I've got this I've got that everything is good and I'm so sad I'm so sad everything is the same despite it being absolutely different H you know they can have popularity they can have everything that wonderful that life can offer in case this is what they want in life and they're still not happy so at the end of the day yes one if you're into it like you really want to change your life and you have one thing that's going to assist you in your energy but if you uh are doing the same thing energetically
you're still going to have a lot of the times the same experience eventually that you have when you don't make a change and thus my conclusion about your reading H at least for this part is that it looks looks this year that you're making a major change in your energy you're not allowing something to eat at you anymore you're raising your boundaries your energy solar plexus sacral chakra root chakra are changing you're transmuting all of this heavy energy into happiness and thus it looks to me like the regular experiences of everyday life whether your life
changes or not you are going to experience your life better and I hope I was able to explain here what I'm seeing um for you in a better way I am seeing that you're able to deal with yourself better deal with your sadness stress whatever thought or Misfortune that's been eating up at you and you're like facing it you're to me you strike me this year as going this thing is never going to eat at me again forget it I'm chasing the evil energy away and you will be uh that is what I see specific
here affecting you in your Society how you stand out how you're like a star in your community Society family all of that and you're going to be surprised how high you rise this year uh and yeah you're not the sort of person my dear pile number one who can be buried whatever your story is you are buried and that place becomes your womb and you rise and you grow to the top it's like I'm back step to the side I'm back and my place is at the top yeah this is exactly what I see my
dear pile number one sending you a hug I love your energy I wish you the best of luck in this year it is the year of change after all uh this is exactly what I'm seeing and if you've enjoyed your reading please give me a thumbs up subscribe to the channel so that you never miss a reading that I upload and my dear pile number one I'll catch you in the next reading bye hi pile number two welcome to reading today we're taking a look at the biggest surprise of your year can't wait to get
into your reading I will be pulling I I thought two but I see another two here and so I'm just going to grab them uh welcome to your reading these are the Decks that I'll be using if you're interested in knowing the names of any of them you'll find that I always list them below for you guys but very quickly let me introduce your pile to you your crystal is the beautiful opal your significator card is the soil card and if you've picked your pile using your zodiac signs then in that case the signs for
this pile are Aquarius oh this one moved I'm going to take it Aquarius Taurus Cancer and Sagittarius welcome to your reading guys if these are not your signs please don't worry about it uh it's just another way for others to pick their piles as well look at the first two cards upright popping six of cups as well as the eight of Pentacles now that's interesting I'm actually going to leave them there speaking of surprise they did pop out just like a surprise and we're going to be building our cards around them to see what they're
trying to say before we pull out any uh tarot any more tarot cards so yeah let's take a look at uh the oracle cards how do I want to build this I want to do something interesting I want to place this one here this one there then I want to place these two here and these two there let's see what this gives us and then we'll always be pulling out some more cards so six of Cups eight of Pentacles seems to be the highlight here six of Cups has to do with growth eight of Pentacles
has to do with Mastery and speaking of soil look at the pottery here it is made out of soil uh we're getting somewhere right let's check out the rest of the cards so the six of Cups has that oracle card underneath and that is the card fight the eight of Pentacles has the card building trust right mhm that's a Libra card building trust right let's see the two oracle cards on the side we've got mercury in Pisces with inspiration oh inner child Talent something that has to do with your talent okay whether you know about
it or not but you're seem to be here super talented at something oh wow and then you've got yes Venus and Taurus with romance absolutely enjoying something like uh romance here and inspiration next to these two cards give me this notion of being so lost in something that you love and enjoy that you're so good at that you forget time and everything and I'm really seeing you I'm really seeing you enjoy something so much is it your work I don't know uh is it a talent that's coming out that's going to surprise you this year
again not sure maybe you're going to be working in the field of your talent and being so fortunate about it because this figure in the eight of Pentacles wears clothes that of an upper class in their times and so this seems more like a hobby rather than it is their work you see you can see someone here looking at them with admiration this could be others watching you do your talent in admiration uh let's see let's see initial I guess uh idea let's wait and see so on that side you've got Mercury and Virgo with
or absolutely you know the sixth house is your everyday routine your work and oo nice and you've whoa you've got Mercury and Capricorn with organization if I were to guess my dear pile number two this definitely seems to do with you this year getting in in touch with your biggest talent here this definitely talks about something your soul good at you enjoy you forget time this is a talent or a skill that you have that others love and enjoy watching you do um yeah they love your Mastery for it um there's something about you Los
getting lost in time doing it and there's something about you organizing yourself so well to tap into that energy and organization looks like you are going to even like register a company or get hired in a company I don't know but in either case like this is becoming serious 10th house the house of goals and career and work and you've got the Harvest here you've got the goddess Hera uh the goddess of harvest so you can see this is going to turn out into bringing you a lot of harvest or a lot of wealth this
year uh sorry theer the goddess theer not Hera I don't know why sometimes I say Hera instead of demer I've noticed that lately but in any case yeah that's exactly what I am seeing there is um another notion here see you've got soil de see how you got that in the underground right as you know with the story of deer deer's daughter panie that was stolen from her and was taken uh uh to the underground by the god Hades so there is something so strong about the underground here and I'll find out what it means
in your case does it mean that you've been you know how when they call talented people in the realm of the underground like underground bands underground musicians and things like that artists uh signifying that they are very well known amongst their Community but maybe not like uh known so maybe you were Underground and you're Rising this year like um it underground could signify really two things either you've been quietly working in this and then this is the year that you're bringing it out and creating your own business to bring this out or being hired officially
hired um by a an official company a big company to help you bring out out this Talent or like work so that you can work with this Talent they enjoy what you create they benefit from what you create and you benefit from working and creating obviously getting Harvest for it and getting a lot of wealth for it or for some of you you know it it depends it could mean that you were doing it for yourself you enjoyed it and this is the year where you're going to put your life in order it seems you're
going to organize this make it more official make it part of your everyday life and uh you're going to register your own company and start getting money for it that's exactly what I am seeing here for you my dear pile number two but what are you fighting maybe there's more to the story that I'm not seeing what are you fighting and thus building trust I saw initially building trust here especially that Libra um has to you know the seventh house has to do with your relationship with others so I'm seeing building trust here as when
you put yourself out there you're building trust and connection with the community that appreciates your talent uh so there's build of trust this year great build of trust um a community coming together that trusts each other also the six of cups is a card of you know children and Purity so I I see with the two Ravens here there's something about two sides coming together purely with Purity two sides coming together who have good intentions so uh things like oh so that okay okay I think I'm picking some things up so there's something about a
talented person with good intentions and customers or audience or a community also coming from a good place co-joined together tied together by the love of what you're creating here or or this talent and I say Good Intentions like for example some talented people um if you leave them on their own they're going to continue to do what they love they're not going to be pushed around by big corporations trying to own them trying to own their talent trying to own the beautiful things that they are doing and pushing them to do things that they're not
comfortable with you know the the whole story The Whole Nine Yards uh about this and so little by little um a person loses themselves and they lose everything that they love about this and they um they feel robbed then allegedly of course uh but in all Cas some people like some people feel like that right um that's our understanding of what could happen sometimes right so here this seems to be like uh a lack of all of that with the six of Cups it's like you purely doing your talent purely being paid for it properly
you know um nothing is Tainted here no bad intentions um are you making a lot of money yes but it's money that you deserve for putting your heart there not no stealing no cheating no lying uh same thing audience or Community or um customers whatever this is signifying for you with good intentions that admire appre appreciate your talent so I I I love this energy for you it's so beautiful um two likeminded communities coming together Tied by the love of whatever you're doing here and you are building trust together um uh day by day right
so that's happening and I think this is definitely going to surprise you I think this is like a whole shift in your routine your everyday life and your work sixth house SE 10th house so I think you're not seeing what life holds for you uh with soil here because you know we walk on the soil every day but there's a whole life down there there's a whole life down there um it looks like Earth is only at the zero ground up but really there's so much there's an equal life in the oceans and the soil
there's like a whole life much bigger than the one we know so it's kind of like a whole new World opens up its doors for you this year allowing you to go hey we can do this hey I can en I can absolutely enjoy to doing my work to the max and I can make a lot of profit for it there's a whole new world there um whether this is dancing for you art um romance is reminding me uh something along the lines of love songs or romantic movies ROM comes but these are just guesses
please take my suggestions uh um out of the reading if they don't resonate just things that I notice here architecture maybe you love maybe you love interior design or or exterior design or something like that oh I forgot to tell you we went on and on about uh the Purity and uh how you are outside of the Seas of for example things like big corporations or any uh big corporations it could be like an investor who is like where's the money where's the money where's the money you know you're more focused on quality here and
you're making money out of it so back to the opposition here with fight now it does look to me another surprise that is happening for you this year it seems like it has to to do with you making such a big bang such big profit whether this is like your company that's making a lot of money that's maybe talking about having a strong share and the market but I pause because this reminds me of shareholders as well so in any case it looks like um maybe ah yes shareholders guys maybe you're going to be so
big that you're going to have shareholders maybe you're going to be such a big deal that you're going to have shareholders in your company like different chairs that's going to be so organized it looks like a big deal to me like it's a whole new world for you here so I think uh you're going to have admiration of people who recognize that this is untainted how about we call it that that this is absolutely untainted so I am seeing something about a little fight going on um maybe you are threatening uh another big organization or
something here but I have great news for you uh you're going to have a lot of power and here you've got the fighters so so sorry the Slavic Fighters I think they're called the hazaz right the fighters the haaz who were able to regain your back in the 17th century when they were um occupied by the Ottomans I think in Vienna so they're they're the winged haaz they're so powerful so to me this is showing me that you've you're not alone you've got a lot of people obviously with power fighting uh you maybe these are
like great lawyers fighting you I don't see you being so what can I say um so bothered by it oh and you know what else building trust maybe you've got like uh everyone who believes in you fighting this off and thus preventing any sort of fight for you so you've got PE like maybe your community going ah go away we don't want to deal with your thing and so you win at the end of the day is all I'm saying you win I don't see that this is causing any um bad situation all I see
really is the energy of you being indulged and enjoying this you being supported by your the power that your organization has whether this is the organization that you will be working for or the organization that you will be creating in any case uh you will found you will find that this organization is very powerful and there will be an um a trial uh what is it called um um an attempt is the word I'm looking for to fight your great growth uh but it's not going to work at all in fact I really feel like
it's shut right away it's like you know it's like but go away so initially uh sorry shut right away kind of energy this is going to be a great year for you oh my God I love this energy so I believe this seems to be the biggest surprise that's happening for you this year let's now get more details how is this starting off when is this happening how all of the juicy details that we are meant to know about in your reading today so let's see what you've got you oh look at that do you
do you see the amount of admiration here hold on a knight in shining armor literally H you've got people swooning over this Shining Armor there is something about admiration love we love what you do I love this energy for you this is so nice Okay like there's something about many people many yeah like a huge Market not just loving you this is kind of like uh if you ask me this is kind of like a Kint to Elvis Presley love Michael Jackson love you know this um swooning over an idol kind of love and look
that's probably what this was talking about you doing what you love and you being so loved and admired for it like what you do instantly hits people's heart ah I love this energy okay uh because you are absolutely in touch with your uh inner child energy I'm so curious what it is that you do all right so you've got the four of Swords okay this is nice you know this four of Swords looks like she's wearing posh clothes and there's fur here I'm going to say faux fur cuz yeah but you know all I'm trying
to say is this uh real luxury and she's sleeping you know it's kind of like has a good life isn't worried much about anything uh relaxing in life sleeping has the luxury to sleep and enjoy life kind of energy that's a surprise wow okay H love this energy you also have uh you know what what this card reminds me of it's kind of like uh the energy of crying in a Mercedes so first of all let's check out why is there any crying here but this makes me feel like Posh crying like uh not to
take away from anybody's sadness of course I'm just joking but there's something pertaining to that here like even when there is uh what the Five of Cups a little bit of loss or a little bit of sadness you're like I'm good you know it's coming next to the fighting card so yeah part of the energy that I'm seeing this year uh the surprise here is I it's that fight and while you may not like it um with the spilled cups is kind of like maybe a little bit of a shock or a disappoint appointment like
why would you do that kind of thing like oh I don't like that kind of thing but you're good you're not like um what's the word stunned shocked crying feeling like it's the end of the world none of that you're like poised you're good you're feeling the luxury you're you're feeling the benefits two cups are clear here um in fact there a little bit of a level up you know one where is she one two like two steps ahead two steps up so it makes me feel like in fact this could be divine uh action
that will lead you to take more steps upwards so there is definitely a huge benefit to that and are you like really that sad no I think you are living a wonderful life and you're like I didn't like that so you're good um yeah you're good I think you're supported by something so big here that you're not that scared you're just annoyed how about we call it annoyed a little bit disappointed that this would happen but you're good you're in fact do you see the four of Swords you're like living in your luxurious life you're
comfortable do and I think you're comfortable by the fact that you know how much you're loved uh for what you do yeah and the soil gives me this feeling of you thinking my God where did this world come from who would have thought that this would be my year that my year would go in this way so let's go back to answering how is this uh all happening other than me just intuitively reading the cards I get lost in doing that sometimes let me put the cards here and answer the question so you've got the
queen of Cups the Star Card ooh you've got the queen here you suggest that you've got the big uh person super enamored by you so it's kind of like audience is enamored by you or your community is enamored by you whatever this means but then with the queen of Cups the big a big player and it could be feminine energy by the way because it's because of the queen of Cups and the goddess the meter could be a feminine energy that is like enamored by you the star card and the queen of Cups and she's
like wow what is pile number two doing oh my God and so it's like she's one of or they are one of the people that are enamored by your beautiful talent and so they are like Hey we're going to do this officially there's something about this here uh or maybe this is talking about you because there's the double energy you being so loved with the queen of cups that you feel the power again queen of cups look where the queen of cups is looking to create and make it official and organization and make it official
and rise to the Stars so it has these double meanings it depends on how this is going to uh play out for you this year and one more card the tower card this makes something fall this makes in my opinion a sacrifice fall you're finally not sacrificing yourself I would say because of the Cross so I think when this organization Begins for you when the S contract the whatever this these legal papers are this business thing is you're finally drop you sacrificing yourself is there someone else that is sacrificed with you not sure what that
could mean I don't know maybe it would mean something to you or maybe I will see it later but at least I know that you won't be so sacrificed anymore yeah you won't be sacrificed anymore maybe you and your family or something were sacrificed I don't know perhaps but let's start reading in terms of how this is playing out this year how is this happening um it seems like you're going to attune to that energy this year first and foremost you're going to start doing something and you will have many people see it maybe you're
going to be on social media maybe you are part of a community underground community and you are like exchanging your art or exchanging your work right and then you'll have more and more people in this underground community that sees your work and goes wow wow what is this I think that's what jump starts everything here people loving loving your work I just noticed something the wings the wings this means that yeah look at look at this situation being on the far right all of it um this means that the fight here is not like something
legal or anything this is like maybe a bigger organization or a leader in the market or anything like that tries tries having a hit or something or tries like the ottoman tries to take over a territory and you've got you've built trust with your community building trust see the fight the the the wings they uh there's something about them protecting you so it's like you're most of the Year enjoying what you're doing you've got um admiration you are from the very beginning rela calm uh in peace relax doing something that you love in luxury so
from the very beginning it seems like you're from this underground Community you're already making good money there is a little bit of a disappointment here that is quickly um what is it that is quickly fought back by your community that loves and believes in your honesty and integrity somehow you remember the level up here somehow it it creates a big bang for you a word of mouth because a big player is involved now so something about you being even more known from the underground to like maybe becoming uh a common name that everybody knows about
since there is this leader trying to take over your territory thus leading to someone in a big organization to want you to be part of this great thing they see you as a star um or this leads to you perhaps feeling like oh you know what I've learned so much from this I can have my own big organization with shareholders oh maybe this creates so much market for you that you your organization becomes bigger and you have bigger shareholders that now believe in you because you've become a big name you know all of these energies
are here depending on how this is going to play out in your year you become a star like look soil star you start off as being known in an underground situation to being like a star because of this fight it's a level up for sure everybody gets to know you everybody gets to hear about your integrity and how you're trusted because of that situation and and so like I said this could be translated as someone with big Power who admires what you have and takes you as part of their big organization maybe you even have
like huge sharehold a huge shares or uh your organization becomes bigger and you've got people that love you that want to invest or buy shares from your organization this is going to be big the star is not a joke now when this happens it looks like a sacrifice Falls I want to know what is this sacrifice something Falls here with the tower something Falls what Falls here please for pile number two what Falls here what Falls The Hermit oh for some of you this is restructuring of a company it hermit it could have been your
own small company now becomes a big organ ganization you've got a lot of shareholders since you're now becoming the star uh what else the lovers yeah that's why you've got two I was questioning what what are why do you have two it looks like bigger commitment more people involved yeah that's the same energy a bigger commitment and more people being involved you're no longer the soul owner and I think you're loving that you love that you're become you're becoming part of something bigger whether this is your company and other people who love look the admiration
it keeps coming it could have been anything like three of Pentacles it could have been presented by many cards talking about collaboration and and the sort but you keep getting cards of Love Queen of Cups Knight of Cups the lovers there's heart eyes all over your reading do notice so there's something about you no longer owning it solely anymore or you're opening up shares there's something about you love having others involved these are people that believe in you and you believe in them or you love like you there's Mutual trust for sure there's good int
itions uh it could be uh you making it uh I heard open source in my mind so this might be programming or something I don't know there's something about you becoming more powerful as you share whether this is shareholders or you make it open source or you um ah you you make the old ties go down that used to sacrifice this in industry or used to sacrifice the way business was done for example like we're not there's something revolutionary here if you ask me either about your company or about the industry itself there's like you
we're not going to sacrifice the industry like that again we're not going to sacrifice business like that again we're not going to sacrifice our relationship like that again for bigger organizations something like that we are going to bring this bad energy down all down with the old and rise to the new way and we're going to do this together with love with trust building trust and doing the right thing uh yeah so something about your organization becomes bigger there's more trust there's a lot of integrity and honesty here and yeah no wonder people love what
you've got to share you are really like a night and shining armor because you're coming here to to save this uh industry the B business side of this industry it looks like and it all is triggered by when this leader market leader maybe this other talented Mogul or something decides to take a hit at you and is absolutely humbled by others pushing them out they were trying to get into your territory you know this could even be something like taking the the territory and fighting like a big leader being intimidated by your skills and coming
up to say oh I saw this person's skills and it looks like they are stealing their work or something like that they're they're cheating they're lying they're this they're that and you've got other people who have seen you work and go no uh we've seen this person work we've seen that this is real talent and they're not stealing and you're trying to uh and this is not good work ethics and maybe they're reputation is hit because of what they try to do to you initially so yeah and then your integrity really shows and you've got
people who admire you here like real leaders who admire you here something big is happening for you as a progression of what you're about to do uh this year wow I love this energy what um what a surprise and yeah my dear pile number two this is the big surprise that I see happening in your year the biggest surprise I'm sure you're going to have many other surprises but this is the biggest one I wish you all the best of luck with that may you enjoy what's to come and if you've enjoyed your reading please
give me a thumbs up subscribe to the channel so that you never miss a reading that I upload and my dear pile number two I'll catch you in the next reading [Music] bye hi pile number three welcome to your reading today we're taking a look at the biggest surprise that is happening for you this year H these are the Decks that I'll be using as always if you're interested in knowing the names of any of them you'll find that I all there we go I always and this one as well okay list them below for
you guys so uh very quickly let me introduce your pile to you your crystal is the beautiful rose quartz Point your significator card is the air card uh and if you've picked your pile using your zodiac signs then in that case the signs for this pile are Gemini Leo uh Pisces and Capricorn welcome to your reading guys if these are not your signs please don't worry about it it's just another way for others to pick their piles as well all right so everything's pretty much ready we'll shuffle your Tarot deck in due time but let's
begin by uncovering your oracle cards so how can we do this we can place these two here and then we can place this one here right there can we place this one here yeah we can we can do that all right let's see what we've got so ah wow we've got dance and you know group dances in ancient times they've understood that it brought a lot of energy there are there were many rituals that were done in groups especially dances and they would bring a lot of energy speaking of energy I know that this card
talks about how just like air we don't really see it but it's full of intangible life molecules and um it's full of things we don't see but exists so it's just like energy or something with the dance here but anyways let's continue you've got mystery you see there's something about that here in your pile I don't know what yet but we'll find out oh maybe something that you're not expecting to see something moving big movements that you're not expecting to see I don't know you've got the ostara right yeah let's keep it here you've got
broaden your horizons and you've got it's an an Aquarius card okay o Aquarius is an air sign maybe talking about the Mind M okie dokie let's take a look at the rest of your cards you've got Venus and Aries with lust oh whoa okay Mercury and Gemini with excitement a lot of air signs here whoa okay I think I'm putting it together you've got Jupiter and Aries again and a lot of Aries obviously with Enterprise and finally you've got sun in Gemini with versatility I'm picking up a lot of energy but I will be disciplined
CLE hold the excitement in and wait and let's see what your tarot cards show O we've got a section right there that popped out I'm going to take it and then I'll keep this deck ready in case we want to draw out anymore right so what do you have you've got the Queen of Swords there's like a secret or maybe something that you're not expecting we'll find out Queen of Swords you've got the Five of Swords the bunny's ear is off is has been cut off okay you've got the Knight of Wands the page of
Swords you've got the hermit the Knight of Swords it makes me feel like someone looks like they can't see but they're really paying very good attention right or someone is looking in One Direction but then you might find out that they are actually looking in another Direction something like that oo and you've got the three of Cups guys a three of Cups and the dance I think this talks about how you're going to be greatly celebrated maybe even in Easter time there's an exciting event happening in Easter for you guys um it's a fated event
with Enterprise you know with a hands very specific but maybe somebody's going to ask for your hand uh in um in during Easter right during the springtime and there's a huge celebration around it so things like for example um an engagement marriage even uh things like maybe you're going to be celebrating um birth there's the eggs birth or maybe um you and your partner being pregnant uh celebration of success one thing or the other there's something about you being greatly celebrated during the Spring that's the first thing that I'm seeing I think this is a
great surprise even you're not expecting it and I don't know if your cards are really going to show you a lot about it seeing how the hermit is covered here I think you're meant to know in due time it's not like a secret or anything but I think the details will be shown to you H in due time but you do get with the page of Swords a peak you get to see uh again the satellite you get to see a little bit about the unknown in your reading here and you can see that this
is very exciting news for you guys during the Spring o you know all the mystery and the air it's kind of like from where is this going to happen and from the very beginning I noticed in you're reading something about you not seeing it but it exists the fact that you don't see it does not mean that it's not going to happen in fact it is absolutely fed for you to happen so can we at least get which area of Life funny as I was asking that I saw the Queen of Swords going sh I
don't know if this is pointing at me not to say or this is like telling us not like you're not going to know kind of thing it's a secret see the queen of sword SWS is Clarity you know it's truth it's um information plans things being clear uh I think here the Queen of Swords is showing us since this is a surprise you're not going to get all of the information that you're meant to get in this reading but you are meant to know a little bit of it to take a peak for sure with
this page of Swords Queen of Swords is the bigger energy like you're you're not going to know a lot about it but you can with the page of Swords dip your toes in a little bit and know that there is a lot of exciting events happening for you what I can tell you is that this event lies in the area of something that is currently hurting you a little bit with the Five of Swords um hurting you it's not a serious situation because it's a bunny and it's a toy but it means a lot to
you obviously so maybe there are games there's playing there are some sort of games that are hurting you at the moment yeah something like that maybe it's a birth of um oh I'm not going to say because I will say what I will say if you're drawn to pile number one I highly recommend it you might get more information maybe you're meant to know more information about it if if you're drawn to pile number one like if you're not drawn to it then it's not your pile but if you're drawn to it I highly recommend
it there is something about the Unseen there is something about you thinking something doesn't exists but it exists or maybe someone doesn't see you but they see you there we go or that you're not seen but you are seen it depends on how this will resonate with each one listening especially that there's a Hermit here like don't they see me oh they see you or am I not seen to everyone oh you're seen uh is um are they like is my are my accomplishments not seen oh they are seen so I don't know where this
lies or maybe you like someone do they not see me oh they they see you like they say oh they see you honey so yeah something like that there's a specific area of your life at the moment where you feel unseen or you're not seeing that it could happen for you but you will see or they will see you or both and you will be celebrated depends on how this resonates with you you don't see this coming look I will tell if you're confused I I will ask you a simple question is there a specific
area of your life where you feel like you're not seen this is where it falls if this is not the case then it seems like there is someone who you think doesn't see you that absolutely sees you so yeah this is this is a better way to organize what I'm trying to say cuz there's definitely an energy around mystery something being around you in your life that you think doesn't exist but it absolutely exists and if you think I'm speaking in mystery I'm so sorry the Queen of Swords here is coming to say yeah we're
here to show you a little bit of that exciting energy but we're not going to be a you're not meant yet to know what is fated to happen but oh boy is this going to be a Twist of events um it's going to be so much so that with versatility it looks like it will change your mind sun and Gemini it yeah the mind the air it will change your mind about your path specifically because look at where the legs are like Shifting the other way around uh they're like O Let's be flexible and go
there this [Music] way you're being flexible with something in your life because of this fated event because you obviously really like uh this fated event in your life and you're like okay well I am going to be a lot more flexible to accommodate for this great surprise in my life that I absolutely did not see coming you know the hermit card is a Virgo card and Virgo is details you see how it's covered again we get this idea that you get to see the excitement but the details you're not meant to know you see you're
going to take a peek but you're not going to see everything but you're meant to know in today's reading that you will be greatly celebrated around Easter time at least we get oh this one moved as well at least we get some details here about the specific timing of this excited fated event another thing I can tell you about this surprise in Easter is that with Venus and Aries this is something that you greatly deserve did you notice here how the tongue is held there's something about oh my God you're going to love this but
I got to bite my tongue can't tell you so it's kind of like your guy saying oh my God you're going to be so excited but we can't tell you before it's time you know that energy tends to be true about you getting to know something but like our guides or people or people or our connections from the other from the spiritual world is what I want to say um wanting to wanting us to know something is there but they can't say it because I personally had an experience with that a long long time ago
when my grandmother passed away um there was this time where I was thinking about quitting my job because I had a lot of like uh issues there recent issues there and you know how sometimes when there are a lot of issues and I had a lot of issues during that time when things get out of hand especially in your mind and you think um this has blown out of proportion and I was like like mentally in my mind thinking that's it I'm leaving this job that that's it I'm leaving this job and that night I
to the point where I was thinking like I was going to um talk to them in the morning and I was going to leave so like start the process of leaving so I on that day I dreamt of my grandmother who has passed on the other side and my grandmother she is she means a brought to me who has by then wasn't there anymore she passed away so I dreamt of my grandmother telling me to go to work and I cried and I told her I don't want to go to work I don't want to
go and she couldn't tell me why I should go to work she just held my hand just as she would when I was a little girl and she we had these little communication Secrets together like uh if my mother was like no you can't do that and she's not going to break any of my mom's rules obviously but sometimes she finds little kind things to do even though like my mom doesn't want me to do something and and obviously my M my mom was looking out for me and everything but my to be honest with
you my grandmother would loved spoiling me so my mom would say no uh she's not going to be doing that okay and my grandmother would say okay then I would say but that's not fair and then she would go she would she would hold me like this in my hands and I would understand that there is a better deal going on after my Mom leaves nothing totally out of the rules but yeah to be honest she did spoil me a little bit um nothing outside of the like totally outside of the rules but a little
bit so anyways this is what happened during the dream she couldn't tell me what was up and when she couldn't talk she would uh tap in my hands like that so in the dream I told her no I don't want to go to work I don't want to go and she said believe me and she held me like this believe me go to work right um and I understood from that dream that she she can't tell me why but she was like just go just go and I went to work and everything changed everything we
talked about it things were resolved and we started discussing a better position even for me things changed 180 degrees on that day and every like with all of the progression and how things changed in my work I would stop and like stand in awe in terms of what my grandmother told me in that dream she was like just go you know so um I understood there's that there's something about uh where we can know a little bit but we're not meant to know a lot and by the way I did have a dream like many
many years later I think it only happened twice another time she also came into my dream um during very difficult times and she said re come with me and I followed her down a corridor and then she stopped where like where no one was there kind of like a representation or symbolizing like this is a private talk in my dream and she told me listen things are going to happen I can't tell you what they are but I'm telling you things are going to happen and um I I wanted to know what it is and
why and she said I just can't tell you so and it did in fact at that time of my life the things that I were was going through and the difficulties I was going through and all of that that did change in the way she didn't tell me how it's going to change but it did change drastically so I do know that there is something in the spiritual World about I'm aware about were you're meant to know that great times are to come with the Knight of Wands but we can't tell you the details because
I personally had a twice a personal experience with that so in that way I can also tell you that there's something around Springtime is big is going to happen fated is going to happen and this is going to be great news and it has to do with a great desire that you have you can't see it now but broaden your hor Horizon is one of the biggest keywords or the biggest messages that you are meant to know in you're reading today look at that it's kind of like keep a very open mind if you're going
through something difficult with the Five of Swords you're feeling hurt uh maybe you feel like life is beating you down or a specific situation is beating you down you really want something and you don't know what's going to happen um it does seem like like you may not see it now but believe us there's major changes coming for you and it's going to be so exciting for you um you may not see how it's going to happen but maybe when you look in retrospect because that's looking back right when you look in retrospect you will
see that it was always kind of like shaping and forming for you and you will be able to see that energy better um you're going to go just like air ooh I felt this when that happened o I understand what that felt like when this was progressing you know like the wind blowing in our face I think you're going to go back and rethink how everything felt how everything happened and go I I intuitively understand how this was actually shaping for me happening for me if you look back in retrospect you're going to go oh
so that's why this happened and this was happening in order for that moment to come yeah something fated here is happening great change in your life is going to happen and it's going to um cause you to be very flexible in the way you live your life uh I'll try to understand more about that but let's now take a look at the three cards that have been glaring at us all along what are the extra details that you're meant to know here so you've got the queen of cups look at all of the presents here
many presents and gifts from the universe to come that you will really love and you've got the tower card it looks like something major is going to fall because of that beautiful energy here these great gifts that are coming something major is finally falling and ooh you've got the Knight of Cups you finally get to enjoy life when this Falls because look here with the Five of Swords it looks like something is causing pain in your life at the moment and that's falling it's going to try a little bit here and there to grasp H
at life like hold on and not fall but it's going to fall eventually so you will watch there with stand there with ease looking at this whole Foundation of what used to hurt you fall is going to try here and there to hold on to life and then eventually it's going to go reminds me of a horror movie so yeah it's like going to try to survive here and there but you're not going to be trying hard because you can watch it dying this was this must have been stubborn energy can are we allowed to
know oh and then with the Knight of Cups you can see that now you're free and you get to enjoy life fully are we allowed to know at least what the Five of Swords and the tower card is representing here are we allowed to know that first of all let's take a look at the yes or no and respect that energy yes or no Queen of Pentacles yes I guess yes so let's keep that one of the cards another queen a balance in your life uh the Page of Cups exciting times memories Six of Swords
transition a beautiful one just looking at your cards here it looks like a lot of memories are created you living a life that you enjoy it's solid you've transitioned from difficult times to easier times and the ace of cups A New Beginning so I would say these are saying how you could be living through going through something that's really causing you pain at the moment I'm telling you in Spring this Falls this Falls you're celebrated this Falls and I see you living a very beautiful life you're living life in Balance you're enjoying it uh you
have everything that you need by that time you know and understand and enjoy the new beginning that's coming with that you're really loving and nearly romanticizing how there is a transition in your life and you're creating new memories with the page of cups and uh whole new world whole new experience that you really love so yeah what's this energy trying to survive but Dying Three of Swords the pain some the very thing that's been causing pain like tries here and there but look at you emotionally balanced going yeah you can try good luck and it
falls yeah wow okay so that's what we're seeing here the down of something super difficult and the rise of your dream or a big wish here that you really desire and your guides are they want you to broaden your horizon why do they want you to open your mind up about that five of Pentacles because you see with the 50% here the feelings of lack towards this wish are greatly compromising currently in your energy of receiving this wish in the full capacity that you want so don't get into the energy of lack or feeling like
you can't have something it's okay to feel pain obviously but don't get into victim mentality without realizing and listen closely watch yourself closely when you find yourself getting into the energy oh will I ever get that oh will I ever be celebrated like that or whatever this is don't get into that energy it can compromise look it says 50% it can compromise the intensity of how beautiful this is is it fed for you to happen yes but you want to get it in its best capacity so yeah that's what's that's the thing that's trying here
and don't fall victim into like thinking oh will it happen especially when something starts to happen and you get these gifts sometimes this is when you're the most vulnerable because you already got it and when it's not set in stone yet yet you get to fear it fear losing it even more so be careful with that uh do know that it's fated don't get into that lack energy um open your mind into knowing and believing that things can happen there are things you can't see and so just because you can't see it doesn't mean it
doesn't exist at least energetically and um have that type of Faith let go of the feelings of lack and know that it's going to happen for you and when they rise here and there which is normal uh get back into your balanced energy emotionally in the energy of receiving that's the queen of Cups and you will be receiving what it is that you really desire this year uh my dear pile number three wow that's why I've been getting mystery and air from the very beginning yeah that's what I see well since this is your guidance
I wanted to ask any final messages regarding uh you know this winking I guess that you're getting any f messages regarding that and look it looks like an inverted triangle which is femininity receiving the receiving energy so you've got the eight of Swords again there's this idea of just because we keep getting that repeated just because you can't see it doesn't mean it can't happen uh sometimes things could be right in front of us and we don't see it so don't decide that for yourself it's right in front of you and you have no idea
so uh don't let your mind limit everything uh stay into the your energy of faith in the knowing that is going to happen because you're being told winked at for that specific reason to know that there is more than what you can see and it's happening um whoa Wheel of Fortune final message um yeah you don't see it but you are very fortunate and the wheels of Fai are turning to your favor you're doing something right or it's just fated for you it's going to happen it's meant to happen for you you're going to be
very fortunate and lucky and uh and celebrated yeah my dear pile number three this is exactly what I see in your reading I love your reading and I wish you the best of luck and if you've enjoyed it please give me a thumbs up oh my God I just noticed something 1 3 3 13 1313 keep the number 13 in your mind um you might just have something happen on the 13th yeah just keep that my that date in mind yeah so that's exactly what I see if you've enjoyed it please give me a thumbs
up subscribe to the channel so that you never miss a reading that I upload I want to say something else Queen of Swords is number 13 13 13 it's a secret but the secret shall be revealed in due time for you there's exciting news and you're going to know all about it in Easter maybe the 13th who knows and I'll catch you in the next oh look at that I'm so sorry guys I'm really sorry you did get the Queen of Pentacles in a while you if like previously in the cards she's 13 queen of
Cups 13 Queen of Swords 13 Queen the missing mysterious Queen 13 13 is the Queen of Wands and there's the Queen of Wands is charismatic she shines bright she is loved she is admired so there's something about how you're going to be loved admired celebrated seen as super Charming happening in Easter and that's what you're not seeing in terms of how you're going to be celebrated and and loved during that time yeah and my dear pile number three I'll catch you in the next reading bye