FULL STORY: I made my dad choose between me and his new family

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I made my dad choose between me and his new family, after they tried taking over my late mother's ho...
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I made my dad choose between me and his new family after they tried taking over my late mother's house my father 52 and I 25 along with my three-year-old cocker spaniel Moxy live in my mom's ancestral house that I inherited along with other assets when she died when I was 16 due to cancer my father got married to his high school sweetheart a few months ago while he was on a trip with his friends apparently they'd been in contact for almost 2 years now I was shocked but it is his life and if he's happy
then I'm okay with it they moved in a week after the small wedding that I wasn't even invited to since I had no idea that they were even dating or that he was dating she my dad's wife that will call Steph 51 came with a baggage I mean twin stepsisters 20 females Lizzy and Lexi and their two Chihuahua Gucci and Hermes they go to the State College nearby and thought that it would save them money if they live here instead of paying rent Etc my dad asked if it was okay and he also stated that
the house is big enough for us seven bedrooms eight and a half baths a basement and a huge yard with a pool to make my dad happy I said yes big mistake first issue was the argument of me moving to into a smaller room since my room has the second biggest closet out of all the rooms in the house she needed it to store all her luxury bags and clothes Etc I said no I told her it's been my room since I can remember and she's not making me move when it's my house my dad
compromised with her that he'll give his side of the closet to her while his things are in the other room second issue the twins have this habit of barging into people's rooms without knocking and that includes my office currently working from home due to co Lexi walked in one time wearing a bikini looking for something while I was in the middle of a business meeting she literally walked behind me where everyone could see her I was pissed off and so embarrassed third their dogs are not potty trained and would leave poops and pee around the
house and the twins wouldn't even clean up after them they're also very aggressive towards Moxy I found Moxy one time with a scratch on her left B where the other two dogs would usually nip it when they get the chance fourth all the family photos in the house were removed and put in the Attic without my approval that includes my grandparents my great-grandparents my mother's family photo my family photo my baby pictures Etc I took my time to put them all back to where they belonged this happened a few times 2 days ago Steph did
it again but this time she replaced them with her pictures the Twins and her family Etc Steph and I had a heated argument about it I told her that she can't do anything regarding the decorations in my house without my approval and that her daughter should also learn how to knock on doors and have their dogs potty trained she said that they can do whatever they want in her house and that she will be making up house rules that we will all follow since she thinks I'm such a wild animal doing whatever I want and
that I was not raised properly due to having a bad useless mother I was livid that's an understatement I told her that she can pack her things along with her twins because I'm kicking her out she said that I have no right to kick them out of her house I told her and I quote lady you are living under my roof this is my house I inherited it from my mother and right now you you're Twins and your dogs are trespassing get out before I call the cops my dad got home early that day after
Steph told him what happened I told him my side of the story he said that they're still getting used to the house and the move here was difficult for them I told him about all the issues surround in them but he keeps insisting that it's going to get better and to just give them some time I told him that I put up with all their and I've had enough enough is enough he was defending them more taking their side so I told him that he can either move out with them or stay and that he
has until the end of the week did I do the right thing here making my dad choose between me and his new family I literally gave them a chance and I've put up with so much of their crap for the past few months what she said about my mother was my Breaking Point there's no way that she will disrespect her in the house where she grew up in where I grew up in quick update I called the same lawyer that handled my mom's will to review if there's any loophole or any chance that my dad
can contest it I will be seeing her in a couple of hours regarding my dad HEK a good man and he's worked hard to provide for me in my needs when my mom died he's never asked me to tap on my money to help with a living expenses Etc he makes a decent amount of money as an engineer like six figures so I don't think he's after my money I could be wrong though I just think that he's blinded that someone still finds him attractive at his age also it didn't help how it was his
high school sweetheart I've also talked to him about his impromptu wedding and how he kept things from me he just said that he didn't know how I was going to react if I knew that he was dating the ex-girlfriend before he met and married my mom I was pissed off but I got over it since he seemed happy having her around I don't know what their whole history is or if there's a bad blood between her and my mom to make her lash out like that and disrespect her Stephan her evil spawns are staying somewhere
in town no idea where I don't care or want to find out they have the money to take care of themselves and if they run out they always have their luxury bags to sell honestly who needs some many bags that they require a whole closet just to store them if anyone's wondering where my relatives are well my mom was an only child and grandparents left her everything when my mom died I got most of what she inherited she left some to my dad as well my grandparents on my dad's side live about 6 hours away
with my uncles and aunts it's literally just me and my dad here and Moxy Moxy is doing well she's happier and seems to enjoy the quietness around the house update I spoke with my mother's previous lawyer Amy about the issue on Saturday and asked if if there's a way to contest the will she showed me the documents and Ma and I both signed an agreement in summary that we agree on what was left to us and that we will not be contesting it in the future mom for the win she also advised to give them
at least 30 days to find a place and move out to avoid any legal troubles Etc so inheritance issue is solved Saturday night I was supposed to have dinner with just my dad apparently a private discussion between father and daughter as a whole family affair Stephan Twins were there to make it quick and to end the misery I stated that I spoke with Amy regarding the house and other legal issues I also added that they have 30 days to find a place and move out Steph tried to object but Dad shut her down by saying
that we can fix the issue and that we can all go to family therapy and that we just need time to get to know each other CU my eyes rolling I informed him that it's been months since they moved in and not once did they try to be family unless they need something I put my foot down enough is enough so I asked him if he's going with them or staying so I'll know which items he'll be taking he asked if I'm kicking him out which I told him I'm not that he's free to choose
to go wherever he he goes but I told him that he should not expect me to keep in contact with him if he decides to leave Steph asked why I'm kicking him out of his house I told her that I inherited my house from my mother she said that he told her that I live him I guess she thought that I live with my dad in his house big misunderstanding on their part Lexi argued that it's going to be hard to move since they're finishing up spring semester and that finals are in a couple of
weeks I just smiled and said to better hurry and find a place I left after that yesterday Easter Sunday I invited my boyfriend and his family and my two best friends over to celebrate Easter Sunday my dad has been calling me and I didn't bother answering the call he tried to invite me to spend the day with them as far as I'm concerned the only family I have right now are my two best friends my boyfriend and his family it was a good Sunday we did some egg hunting in a few games and had a
big dinner which I haven't had in a long time I felt right anyway right now I'm finishing up on documenting everything that's worth over $500 in the house I had a few people over to help document them all locks have been changed I only gave a copy to my boyfriend don't worry about my dad asking him about the key he doesn't approve of him since he's middle class I also hired professionals to install a security system around the house and property and I am scheduled to meet with someone regarding the fences and gate I have
not tapped into the fund that my mom left since I started college to help with tuition dorm and other expenses but this is an emergency and it calls for it all the family pictures portraits Etc are currently in a storage all other valuables that are smaller in a safety deposit box all documents are in a water and fireproof safe requires a key and pin to open currently in my room I'm trying to take all the precautions and advice that you guys wrote on the comment section in my previous post thank you for that so that's
about it for now not really sure why dad is choosing to be with them than me his own flesh and blood I'll update this if there's any news or something stupid happens but I've come to accept that for some unknown or unexplainable reason they're more important to him than me it's hard since he's the only family I have left here and I'm really not that close with his side of the family so once they move out I'm cutting contact with them he's a grown man and he can decide whatever for the hell he wants to
do with his life update one of my high school friends is a real estate agent and I had her help find them a house nearby about 15 minutes away after thinking through my decisions I helped with the down payment just to get them started just so that they don't feel like I didn't help them etc etc regarding my dad we had long discussion about the issue he moved in with them but we decided that we would have dinner every Sunday night just us two and to celebrate any special occasions together I did remind him that
I can't have him or any of his new family in the house after his wife disrespected my mom I don't know about their history and I really don't want to find out but as far as I know and as far as I can remember my mother was nothing but kind of everyone she raised me to be that way but I guess shek be disappointed in me after kicking them out oh well he changed his will and added them in but I advised him not to tell them I've been watching too much crime stories for the
months and I'm just looking out for him he did say he was proud of my decisions and that I've grown up well and strong and that my mom would be proud of me and what I have accomplished in life so far after that whole ordeal and after making sure that the house is secure Etc I went on a vacation with my boyfriend well now fiance to unwind and relax the whole issue took a toll on my mental health and it was a struggle getting back to I guess being normal being my usual self also no
Wedding Bells anytime soon he's focused on his intern year up in New York pursuing his career in medicine he wants to be a pediatrician for all those wondering he did sign a prup he was more than willing to sign it also my mom's side of the family had a big military and finance background lots of Investments and such I could have followed their footsteps and joined the military but my hand eye coordination is a business small so that's why I work in finance I try to not depend on my family's money and learn on how
to make my own money through Investments stocks Etc I did take out a little bit to do some remodeling in and around the house I think that's about it my dad and I aren't exactly back to our old relationship I don't think we'll ever get back to it but we hm civil about the situation I've seen Steph and her daughters around town a few times but I don't acknowledge them why would I when they took my dad from me thank you all for your support and well wishes it's been hard these past few months but
I am managing happy holidays
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