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all right let's see we got here pull up the chat hopefully everyone is doing all right I am Drew Badger the founder of Englishanyone.com and the English fluency guide and we'll give people a minute to file in and today we're going to talk about uh how to keep talking in English so I get this question actually quite frequently see if anybody's coming in a chat over here all right I think we should be live we'll see all right can't tell but hopefully post something in the chat let me know what you're watching over there all
right but I think we are live so this video is going to be a little bit different than what I usually do because I don't have a specific plan other than answering your questions and talking specifically about this idea so usually I have you know like a specific topic or things I want to talk about but this one I really want to talk uh specifically with the uh we're kind of talking about the problems that you have and I thought it would be interesting to not have anything uh like planned just so you can see
what I do when I don't know what like to talk about so I like to do this in live videos anyway because part of being able to have a conversation is to continue speaking and so you can keep a conversation going uh or continue to ask questions or to continue uh you know talking about whatever the topic is so in this video what I'd like uh help with you or from you in the chat is think about specific times it could be topics you have trouble talking about or specific times where you're in a conversation
and you get stuck so I really want to focus on the moment you get stuck and then give you specific help about why so in the chat let me know just tell me about a specific time I can kind of tell you some stories just to get this started a little bit but I'd like to know specifically because if you get in a conversation and you become stuck for whatever reason they're usually like a few Main causes of this it could be just a lack of confidence generally but usually there's a lack of confidence about
a particular issue so you might not maybe you don't know like a specific word you want to use or a grammar point or something like that but I'd like to know specifically that's part of the reason I can do these live videos and I can actually talk with you so let me know in the chat good morning nice to see everybody over there yes I'm live right now nice to see you all there so this is your chance your opportunity let's say hi you look smart well I'm glad to hear it I guess it's better
better than looking dumb I suppose but so I can I can go into a few specific things anyway but usually when people have a problem they should know at like as best as possible what the reason for that is all right so each person it might be a little bit different so what I'd like to do again is to get specific advice or not like specific advice but tell me specific situations uh where you have trouble so me when I was uh learning Japanese and just beginning to learn it and still having trouble expressing myself
um I mean even now I don't know the entire language there's again lots of things I don't know about being able to speak Japanese it could be some vocabulary I don't know or something but I'm able to speak fluently and I can maintain speech so I can continue talking about things just because I have different ways of expressing myself I don't I don't like kind of mentally get stuck anywhere but when I was first getting started I remember I would really be like usually the problems and you can let me know if you guys are
having some of these as well so number one is like I just I just didn't have like any vocabulary at all so like no words to express something and this is an issue a maybe a tricky issue for people who watch my videos because you are not a beginner in the language or I'm guessing you are not a beginner in the language you've been learning English for a while so you probably know a lot of vocabulary already you've been studying for a while but maybe in conversations you lose that vocabulary so so what again one
thing I experienced uh let me I'll check chat in just a moment um but I would just I would find like I didn't I didn't know anything about the topic and so if I have no vocabulary just like now in English if I have to speak with a bunch of doctors about some Advanced Medical thing I don't I can't really speak much about that all right so that's a problem of like not actually having any vocabulary at all and in that case really we want to solve that by just building the vocabulary up so there's
some ways we can do that uh second one is like uncertainty yeah or you can say like you're unsure about something or worries of some kind foreign or grammar or pronunciation or something else or maybe you're worried about saying the wrong thing I remember one time this is a good example just from my own history for language learning I remember talking to a like a mother in in Japanese and my Japanese was not very good and I was talking about her child and I was saying like I was trying to say she's so smart but
I like said I said I thought I said the wrong thing I actually said the right word but I thought I said the wrong word so in in the middle of my just in my mind in the middle of the conversation I'm sitting there worried like oh no I just insulted this woman but I actually didn't so I was happy about that so you could have worries about words and even with this it could be like are you using the correct word or maybe you don't know how to say the word itself like how to
say it foreign like the intonation or the pronunciation or something I gave an example of this uh in maybe two videos back so two videos ago previously where I was talking about the uh inventory versus inventory inventory so maybe you learn a British English pronunciation and then you talk to an American English speaker and they pronounce things differently so they're not anticipating what you're saying and then of course you have like worries about grammar as well and this could be worries about like I I want to I want to express something but I just don't
know that grammar point or maybe you're thinking uh like I know that grammar point but I'm not very confident about it so I'll say something else a related example of this is native speakers and spelling so often native speakers will want to write a word but if they don't remember how to spell it they'll just use a different word so this happens often in grammar and what's nice is they're usually different ways of expressing something so if I for example like I can't remember how to say like I have to do something I could say
maybe I need to do something and even if the meaning is a little bit different people still understand generally what I'm talking about and then of course we got pronunciation I'll just put Pro over here for pronunciation so you could have uh it could be errors of things like this and and this is only like uncertainty about your own vocabulary excuse me so of course you have maybe issues with what the other person is saying so you don't understand something they say and you're worried about that these are I'm trying to just give you some
examples but I'd love to hear more about maybe the last time you were in a conversation and what happened with that because we want to get you unstuck so that you don't you know you're you want to continue have a nice smooth conversation I have a bunch of worries in your head while you're speaking all right uh let's check here we've got uh Vida I'm Brazilian teacher of English I love your method but I struggle with stuff like the past tense mostly the irregular verbs any tips okay all right well glad to hear it uh
so that's related to grammar uh when you you mean just like the simple past like any any kind of past tenses uh and especially irregular verbs so if you mean like go and went so these are things where uh part part of the way we want to teach and actually solve a lot of these problems at the same time is the review that we get of the vocabulary and so just like one thing like I I go back and I actually review a lot of basic Japanese grammar uh just because I want to get lots
of examples and when I say I review it I mean naturally varied review where I get many many different examples of it and so one example like uh and this is another again I give a lot of Japanese examples because that's the other language that I'm learning in my own life other than English but I was reading and just going back over like the difference between like something looks good uh or I hear something is good so they're very similar grammar points in Japanese uh and and like I'll use them but I'm still not like
100 confident about it like I will hesitate just a little bit and so when I have a situation like that I know I need to go back and get a lot more examples so usually what people do is they will try to like if they have a grammar like a tricky grammar point or something especially uh like Vito is saying uh with irregular verbs you don't become a better speaker or a better user of these grammar points uh by just understanding it logically or intellectually most people know the rules so if I have like a
regular verb I add Ed or something else to the end of it but in general we just want to get lots of review it's the review all of the different and varied examples of something that get us fluent so in my case last ho last night I came back home and I had taken a shower and after I finished my shower I noticed there was a mosquito in the bathroom so right now it's hot summer time you might even hear some cicadas outside I'm trying to keep them quiet but they don't listen to me very
much so last I'm taking this shower and it's mosquito time I got I saw just kind of something flying around and I can't stand it I hate having a mosquito in the house my whole family does because you know you go to sleep at night and then someone's gonna get bit and the kids are all itchy you know mosquitoes not going to kill us or anything but it's just really annoying and so I'm sitting there I just took a shower I was all hot and I see this little mosquito and my mother-in-law is like coming
out in the hallway and I say go back in the room go back in the room there's a mosquito so I'm trying to trap this mosquito in like the smallest part of the house and it took me about five minutes but I got hot again after I took the shower and what I heard is like so my mother-in-law used the specific grammar point that I had been reviewing earlier that day now this is an interesting thing about like she was like I like kagai you do so this so it's like the difference between like ah
like I see one versus like I hear there's like something happening and so what you'll notice from this is as you get more review of these things rather than trying to understand this like the biggest tip I can give you is to get 100 examples I mean you don't need that many but try to get as many examples as you can because usually a textbook uh like a regular grammar textbook might give you one or two examples of something so it's mostly an explanation of the grammar point with one or two examples and then they
move on to the next thing so what you should be doing and this is why in fluent for life we spend so much time giving you lots and lots and lots of examples because you don't really get fluent by understanding it logically you get fluent by just absorbing the grammar in different ways so it's much more interesting for you and it really helps you understand how to use it because you're getting so many different grammar points all right so that was kind of a long answer to your question Vita but as far as a specific
tip goes anything like a specific grammar point that you have trouble with stop and focus on that get a whole bunch of examples you can do this in Google or chat GPT or whatever but like I need a bunch of examples of this and so you want varied examples and what's nice obviously is not just having a text example but also being able to hear it and so here I am when I come back home and I hear that specific grammar point and maybe you've noticed this too I forget the like the psychology term for
this but usually what happens is if you were like if you're looking to buy a new car then you will maybe have a specific kind of car like a specific model you're interested in and then you will start seeing that car all over the place like your brain just now you're thinking about it so much you recognize that the car was always there but you just recognize it more now and so that recognition the same thing comes as you review grammar point so you want to be able to review them but this is the kind
of fun example where you're getting lots of varied review not just trying to understand it logically or repeat the same example again and again all right hopefully that helps all right uh uh let's see here all right ambo beats that said hello I'm from Indonesia nice to see there can you speak British accent can I speak with a British accent it uh well I think there there are quite a few different British accents I'm no expert in the British accent I can kind of pretend like I speak with a British accent but I usually I
do the kind of American version of the bad British accent like Shine Your Boots Governor yeah like that's the kind of thing we we say in America about I like the British accent even though they're you know quite a few different ones I think that's more like the Cockney accent but yeah if I if I had to go to England when I I lived in England I lived in England uh I lived in London actually uh and I would try to just listen to the people over there and copy their accent a little bit but
no I'm not not the best at having a British accent all right when uh to use can and could okay all right well that's a specific grammar point question we can we can tackle that so can versus could now before I answer this question I want to make it clear that it's important to to understand like we we want you and when I say we I mean me like I want you and you should want this for yourself but I want you to understand these things like a native and so when we have something like
like a student will ask me like what does this word mean or tell me the difference between two words or something like that the answer is usually it depends on the situation and so I might have uh like a time where I say I can do something or I could do something so if a friend of mine asks me hey can you come to my house for dinner I say yeah I can do that so I'm able to do that I'm able to do that yeah I could do that so I can answer his question
with both of these words and it would mean the same thing so in this situation it would mean the same thing um but it's it becomes like a little bit different like maybe if I'm asking someone uh can you let's see so can you like can you clean my house and I'm like he's asking me if it's possible for me to do that so can I uh clean his house yes it's possible for me to do that and he's asking could you that's basically the same question but here the slight difference is it sounds a
little bit more polite could you could you do something rather than can you all right so can is it's really the most basic of of like asking about ability rather than uh like do you want to do something or or but it's true that natives actually I mean they will use it that way so if I say like yeah can you can you come over to my house it's like you know asking is it possible for you to do that and also do you want to do that thing but if I say could again it's
a little bit more polite so this is one example uh where we're not we're not just trying to get like every definition of all these things we're looking at a specific situation and understanding how they're different so I had um let's see we got a question so we get questions every day from from people we've got like I don't know 40 000 students in like programs like fluent for Life native fluency blueprint uh and we get lots of questions and one of them was talking about the word of recently so I was looking looking back
through comments and I noticed like this uh this learner was a little bit disappointed because like he knew one meaning of of but then he encountered a different meaning and was like hey what happened to the word of like I thought it meant this but now I'm learning it means this thing over here so this is another thing like that if we go back to the root of a lot of the problems people have with language learning it's because they will usually start with a translation and then go to the English word like that so
they will learn okay like here's like of and then you have maybe one example and then you learn whatever this word is in your native language and then you learn the English word of over here but the way native speakers do this is they actually begin with a situation and you've probably seen me talk about this before if you've watched my videos so we begin with a situation and it's like oh in this situation we use can but in this situation we use could all right so like if I'm talking about the past like yeah
I could I could do that when I was younger so in that situation it's a different situation all right so if I'm talking about like asking someone right now the situation asking someone right now if they are able to do something I can use either one of these words all right so can you come to my house or could you come to my house for this situation and this is how little kids learn the language it's like oh okay here's one example of can and one example of could and then they will remember that and
then maybe the next time they hear something different then they're understanding expands all right but they're not they don't begin with the word and try to try to think like what are all of the meanings of that okay so here if we're talking about the situation is something in the past I can only use could for that so if I'm asking like were you able to do something so were you able so in the past were whoops were you able so were you able to do something uh and I can say yes yes I was
able or I could do that so were you able to to clean your house did you have time to do that so I'm asking about something in the past yes I could I could do that I was able to do that we don't use can for the past in that way okay so hopefully this makes sense I don't I don't it's it's really important that you try to focus on one thing and then get lots of examples of this situation so you want the naturally varied review I try to do this I don't want to
spend too much time on just like a single thing but that's how you should be doing it we do this in fluent for life but I'm trying to cover a couple of different things in these videos here but hopefully this makes sense all right does it does it is it let me know if this makes sense all right because we've got the same words but it's a different meaning depending on the situation okay so try not to think about like what the word means and like we know can means this like it's got one meaning
that's not true okay it has a meaning for the situation I think I gave an example of this like many many videos ago I forget what video it was but I was talking about how words have no meaning it's a it's like a funny idea about vocabulary but you've got it's almost like two sticks that are supporting each other like this so if you just have the word it falls down it doesn't the word doesn't mean anything you have to have the situation to hold it together okay so it's the word with this the situation
that means something and then you have maybe the same word with a different situation that means something else all right ill fresh good uh good comment over there all right let's see here uh we'll go back so Hi how are you says if she have I'm doing well hello sup Drewes is ildar nice to see you there perfect thanks says Vita glad to hear it it's Serendipity I guess well there you go I'm happy to help all right uh let's see how can I teach reading says uh Ian if I'm pronouncing that correctly if you
want to teach young kids or really anybody how to read English click on the link in the description below this video for Frederick this is a system that I took many many years to build with my team I don't know anything about coding but I knew how to like design a good system because I spent many years teaching young kids how to read and I wanted a system they could use to teach themselves so if you want to teach someone how to do that it goes through all of the steps for learning the same way
natives learn but the real really main thing that's different about Frederick versus every other system is that it allows kids to teach themselves so the kids can actually discover what things mean rather than a teacher just saying look this letter means this or this letter has this sound they actually get to discover that for themselves so you can click on the link for Frederick in the description below this video uh let's see uh and simmer and says hi from India I found you you the real instructor glad to hear it I'm here to help all
right let's see here good morning from China good morning good morning from Uganda sometimes I know words but when I was talking I forget the word yes I want you to go deeper so anybody we're talking about like the general topic of getting stuck in conversations and I want you to think about that why do you forget the word do you think all right so there's a few different a few different things we can do with this one the first one if if we forget a word we can transition to something else so if I
can't remember the word cat maybe I remember the word feline have you ever heard that word before there's another word for like kinds of cats new word for probably many people maybe all of you feline so I've got a pet fee line that's a cat or some kind of cat so like a feline you might also have like a tiger or a lion or something like that they're in that same group a few but the point is there are different ways of describing something so that if I forget one I've learned another and the reason
natives are able to do this again is because they're not starting with a word they're starting with a situation all right so a native speaker let me clear up some space here so the way a native speaker learns English and this is the same way you learned your native language is you have a situation first and so the situation might be I'm going to draw very bad cat here oh my goodness uh I'm I'm actually a pretty good drawer but I'm trying to do something uh quick over here here's a cat so a child sees
a cat and uh one adult might say like oh like it's a cat another another person might say oh like it's uh that's lucky and the child doesn't really understand like are you talking about what the thing is are you talking about the name of that and so they're getting this naturally varied review so they're naturally getting different examples maybe someone says a feline all right so this isn't it's not so common most native speakers know what this word means but maybe you don't hear it so often in your conversations uh but anyway the point
is that they're hearing different ways of describing that thing and that way when they get into a conversation and they have to talk about something like they could say cat they could say feline they could say lucky all right so if I'm talking about my cat and I'm talking with my mom I can say yeah there's a problem with the cat I think the cat is sick or I could say I think lucky is sick I think our feline is sick so when you learn as a native learns when you're coming from situations rather than
coming from vocabulary and translations this is how you learn to speak and then you can move from one thing to another and speak like me I call this moving like water but the point is you're not getting stuck on a particular word because you can easily transition to something else all right so if you get if you get stuck thinking about a word usually there's at least another way to say it like if you don't know all of these maybe you think about like what's that little animal we have like I forget the word of
that thing so you can explain a little bit about someone ah you're talking about the cat you're talking about lucky so that's the name of the cat are you talking about like that feline in the house okay all right uh let's see so hi Drew Badger I'm Mohammed Muhammad Ali nice to see you there I would really appreciate your time uh uh and you again good job we owe you a lot ah it's my pleasure now be careful when you're saying like I would appreciate your talking about it's like I'm thinking okay you're going to
ask me for a favor so like I would appreciate if you're going to do something like I would appreciate it if you bring me to the airport later so like I'm not I don't appreciate now I would appreciate in the future so if you do something I will appreciate that so if you want to say to someone like right now like thank you to someone right now or you know like you've already done something and I'm thanking you for that you can say I appreciate you so I thank you I appreciate you but in the
future I would appreciate all right so that's another reason where we have a word like would and we're going to think about like when are the situations we would use that because the native is thinking they're not thinking about the word they're thinking when do we use something all right so I would appreciate that all right uh or would you would you yes if you're talking about like would you do something in the same way all right I have an aha moment about this says Nils glad to hear it let me know what specifically you
had an aha moment about what like the way of learning or some specific vocabulary let me know the more you think about that the more you can you can apply that same like I I had an aha moment when when like when I learned like this or I did something so you should do more of that all right and then you will get more of that that nice feeling all right L fresh says thanks Sensei yes it's my pleasure uh Jay Wu says hello Drew good morning this is my first time in your live stream
today is a lucky day look at that lucky lucky day indeed well it's my pleasure thank you I appreciate all of you being here with me I appreciate you all right so what about wood what about wood okay I think people are asking about like like we talked about could and wood so remember I know you like the the natural reaction of the learner is like just give me the definition of the word and the best I can do really and and this will help you the whole point of these videos is to help you
build fluency by understanding English like a native so a non-native a non-native will think about a word like would and they will just get a definition or they will try to translate that in their native language but would or any other word if you're learning it as an English speaker like a native English speaker you're thinking when do I use that so if we're talking about now let's just say here's now and then sometime in the future like so would you like and again I could use I used the example before like so can you
uh or could you or would I can use all three of these to talk about asking for something in the future like that all right so remember the point don't don't try to remember like memorize a definition it's just can you use this in this situation so in this situation if I go to my friend's house like I might ask him like hey can you come over to my house for dinner can you come for dinner or could you come for dinner or I could say hey would you come for dinner I'm asking all of
these mean really the same thing I'm asking them about sometime in the future all right but I wouldn't use that in the past or if I'm talking about something else like they have again different meanings but in this situation in this situation you would hear all of these and that's why like a native again is getting this naturally varied review so they begin with a situation like asking someone to do something in the future and then they will hear people using all of these so they will learn ah I can use could or can or
would for all of these things okay so when you're hearing these in a situation if you pay attention think first about the situation and then what is the vocabulary that you hear for that because you will often be surprised like oh I didn't know we could use this vocabulary for that situation but you will hear natives talking like that okay hopefully that makes sense so try not to try to memorize like the meaning of wood and can and it's more like in this situation what do people say and you learn that by getting lots of
examples of that situation and that's why I call it naturally varied review because you're going to hear different people say it they're going to say it in a different way just like ordering food at a restaurant so uh I might go to a restaurant and my waiter says like what would you like what would you like all right so they're probably not going to say like can like can you eat this that would be kind of like a little maybe impolite all right or could you do something man they might ask me to do that
but typically like what would you like what would you like like if you had this food would you like that what would you like that's what they're asking me okay so always connect the vocabulary with the situation the situation is the most important part and this will also train you to stop translating and thinking in your native language because you're not trying to connect vocabulary in your native language with vocabulary in English you're just seeing Oh natives say this in this situation okay so it's only vocabulary with with an ID or situation and that situation
could be a thing like a cat or something like that so if I have a marker here the marker is the situation the marker is the thing we're talking about and the name we give to that is marker so when you hear it's like a red marker a black marker a blue marker do you have a marker do you have another marker would you like a marker so you ask different questions and and pay attention to what natives say in those situations and that's how you learn the vocabulary all right uh Nixon says I get
confused when it comes to using get used to uh using get used to can be similar with be used to okay I think someone else was answer or asking me this question before so let me cover the difference in this situation okay pay attention pay attention to the situation let's do some magic here all right so what is the situation here we got can let's see uh so get used to and be used to all right now watch this so we notice the difference between B can can and actually we'll just say here we'll do
BN and get s [Music] all right now when you hear just these words by themselves when we hear the word be usually the situation means like something exists right now like it is hot all right so this is like I am you are easy it is okay for B so it is hot or I'm like like the my being like how I am right now like I am doing something I'm being it right now but when we talk about get get usually means there's there's some kind of movement all right so B just is it's
right here but get is more like you're becoming something it's like moving from here over to here so right now I'm at work I need to get home I'm sorry I need to get going okay I'm taking a position I'm moving from one place to another okay so to be used to all right so to be used to means like I am like understanding something or I am like in this position already so I am used to uh doing these videos on YouTube all right so I'm already I'm like feel good about doing it it's
very easy very fun I am used to it okay so right now so you can think about someone who's like already uh like you know they've been working at a job for a long time they do it well they do it easily they are used to that thing okay so they've already had that experience they're already here but if you're getting used to it you're thinking about like moving into that so maybe this is my first YouTube video uh I don't really know how to do anything I feel a little bit uncertain I'm not used
to it yet all right so I'm not if you if you think about like we have time and at this point like right here I'm used to it it just means I have like that experience okay but over here not yet I am not yet used to so used to something so maybe my first time I tried doing something oh I didn't do that very good uh or did I didn't do that very well uh maybe I made a mistake I don't feel very confident about something but over time oh look at that we can
talk about improving now I am getting okay getting getting used to something so I'm moving towards feeling good about that thing I'm getting used to it all right so I made my first video I didn't feel very good my second video I felt a bit more confident in my third video fourth video now I've made 500 some videos on the channel I am very used to doing this okay so it's nice and easy I understand how to do I've got lots of experience same thing okay so the again the difference here we're talking about like
there's kind of two different ideas here so there's used to like to be used to it just means like you you understand something you feel good about that thing you feel confident and comfortable all right and then it's either are you already or are you becoming okay so remember get is move it's it's motion it's movement from one thing to another like if you get a present the present is moving from one person to you you got something if you understand something like I'm telling you like hey did you get it did you get what
I'm saying did you understand what I'm saying it's moving from me to you did you get it so we have two different ideas here we have B versus get and then we have used to but hopefully that makes sense let me know uh in the chat if you have any questions more about that but again when you're understanding these things like to be used to it just means like you feel confident uh you feel good about something you feel used to that thing okay I'm used to it so hopefully uh some people who have been
watching my videos for a while they are used to my way of speaking and so they understand my English very well they are used to me they are used to me but notice also that the pronunciation changes slightly so the D disappears and this is more like Houston it's like you say use them yeah I'm used to it used to it used to it all right so you stew or used all right now this is different this is different from I used like I used to do something all right like I used it to do
something like I did it before I don't do it anymore all right so slightly different different meaning of that so like I use it to uh play um I used to play chess so I used to do that I did that before but now I don't all right that's why we have this be or get so be used to means like oh now I'm like I'm feeling confident about it or getting used to it means I'm becoming confident about it but when you just talk about like I used to do something it's something you did
in the past I did it before I don't do it now I used to do something I don't do it anymore all right and this is why it's important like you kind of learn one thing I want to focus on one thing at a time then introduce something else and talk about a slightly different situation I'm talking about this for a while but this is a very common grammar construction and hopefully this makes it a bit easier to understand let me know in the chat if I'm correct all right but the basic idea like used
to for this situation say look it's the same thing we got used to up here and used to down here so if you ask a native speaker what does used to mean and they will think huh when do I use that when do we say used to well we could say like yeah I used to do something back many years ago I used to play soccer now I don't I used to but I don't anymore or we could talk about like if you're feeling like more comfortable you're getting used to something or you are used
to it okay so always focus on the situation the vocabulary comes from the situation it's not the other way around all right uh uh let's see hopefully all right I think we got that all right um oh no I really the chat really like skip me down man damn you Google always with this chat over here I do appreciate having a chat but it's you know be nice if it didn't just like skip me down about that all right uh and one uh and listen if I'm pronouncing the Antoine yeah I think so Antoine maybe
hello teacher I'm from Haiti uh when can we use the past perfect the past perfect so remember think of an example I want I want you to try this now like think about when we use something remember like past perfect like think about it being complete it's finished like I have done something it's already finished think about a specific situation when you would do it don't think about the grammar point or the grammar Point name think about when you would use something give me an example sentence and then I'll give you some more all right
give that a try oh no we just like did a whole example about this so I want to make sure people get it but don't think about it like a linguist or a teacher think about when you want to say something what is the situation try to think about that so like I'm trying to talk about something I I did before or like I was doing something and now I've finished it or I used to do something and now I don't do it anymore okay see these are all situations and you're not thinking about it
like a grammar student you're thinking about it like a native speaker so think about that Lucia let's see what about wood okay we answered that one already uh what do you say you should be doing instead of you should do oh well this is if you were if if you're all right here's here's like a good example for some naturally varied reviews and make sure I understand the question uh uh why do you say you should be doing instead of you should do ah okay remember that there are often multiple ways to express something so
natives will hear different native speakers like my maybe my kids they will hear me and like some teachers or some friends or other parents or whatever talking about things and they will get different examples of something so they will hear maybe like but I will use uh you try to use that exact example so you should uh let's say you should eat all right so you should eat like I recommend you eat like it's a good idea if you're doing something I'm giving you some advice here or you should be you should be eating all
right in this situation I'm going to continue using this because I really want to get this deep into your head in this situation these mean the same thing all right they both mean in general in this situation so you should eat I'm not talking about just one time if I say you should eat vegetables I'm talking about like your whole life like from now like uh you know until you die I guess like it's a good idea if you eat vegetables that's my advice my advice I recommend all right so you should eat this can
mean generally or you should be eating it's it's still talking about the same thing but using the continuous I don't even like using the grammar term here but using the ing here this is just so you understand it's it's like I want you to keep doing that thing but both of these mean the same in this situation okay so both of them mean the same thing so you should eat or you should be eating you know it's it's basically the same thing all right so it's not just like one activity um if I'm if I'm
trying to give you advice for like life in general okay now if I if I want to say like you should go like if if someone is is asking me for like directions or something or if they're saying like should I go to the party I said yeah like you should go I wouldn't really say like you should be going because it's just one event it's like the party party is like it's happening at one time so I wouldn't say like you should be going to the party like you might hear something like that but
it's it's less common so the your understanding of of situations becomes more fine like you understand slight differences in Nuance as you learn it like a native speaker rather than trying to learn it and translate it through your native language so that's like a horrible a horrible way to confuse your brain if you're like okay like is it eat or being eating or something like that it's better to understand it as a situation so if I'm giving you advice for life like you should be learning every day you should be learning every day okay or
I could say you should learn every day it's the same idea I'm talking about generally or yeah like we're going to do this thing repeatedly it will continue that kind of thing all right that's the way natives are thinking about it I'm giving you these long answers because I really want people to understand these but let me know if this makes sense all right thanks Sensei it does make sense all right good to hear it Keiko says Hi teacher nice to see you there let's see Marco says Frederick is a really great app awesome if
you do have Frederick and you have not given us a review please review the app it will help us reach more people so please go to the Google Play store or the App Store give us hopefully give us a five star review but please review the app leave us a great comment and also if you have feedback to improve it one of the things I'd like to do the the next little thing I want to improve with it is a little slider on the level select screen that way you don't have to like tap on
all the levels to move them you can just like slide your finger just a little bit and go through all the levels hopefully that will be a cool thing for people all right if I read my holy book in English does it help yes I mean if you can read anything in English if you understand that information sure but remember like a holy book is probably like a pretty thick book of most of the Holy books I know are like pretty thick and I usually don't recommend people like try to read one thick thing I
recommend you read like a few thin things because that's giving you naturally varied review so just like trying to watch a two-hour movie it's much better to watch like a 20-minute cartoon and then you can watch a few different cartoons about that topic all right it's much better you want to give your brain like review much more frequently all right it's much less likely so people are not they don't usually review information like they will read a book and then they don't review that information at all so they get a passive understanding a passive vocabulary
but they're not building an active vocabulary that they feel confident about using all right that's the key for fluency uh all right because it's difficult for me but I'm listening hard to date we can do it all right people like it let's see I hope I'm pronouncing that correctly yes give me give me like a like if you're enjoying this video like the video so Google and YouTube will say yes we need to send more of Drew's videos out to more people all right Dania says how can we create a situation without having a partner
very easy the same way you get review of anything so I made a video on my YouTube channel you can go see it right after this one is finished it's how to make espresso in English and it's just four different videos in the same video where I'm giving you examples and and you're getting naturally varied review where you would have lots of different you only get four in the video but you can get many more even on YouTube and so this just means like you're getting review uh from it could be reading something like a
blog post or an article online or it could be a newspaper or like a physical book anything like that but you want to get information again and again and again in different ways you don't want to repeat I know people like like repetition like repetition is important but it gets boring very quickly because your mind hates repeating stuff if you think you know some information already your mind doesn't want to do it again that's why it's so difficult for people you know like doing you know karate practice or something like that where people are like
we have to do the same punch over and over again or or language students trying to read the same text over and over and over again it gets very boring so instead you need naturally varied review this is where you get lots of different examples in different ways from different people from you know it could be different like media like I talked about like reading something listening to it watching it uh or you can also get it from different people so you can get like me talking about something or someone else talking about something else
but that's how you get the review you need the Improvement comes from understanding the vocabulary well not from you trying to practice what you say all right so what I'm doing here like as you get this you're like ah like I understand this better and now I feel more confident about it I feel more confident about using I'm what what did we learn I'm getting I'm getting used to it all right you're feeling better over time I'm getting used to it so you might have some grammar at the beginning you start learning you're like I
don't really know about this I don't feel very confident about it but as you review it you get one example another example another another another another another many many examples and after that time wow you're really getting used to it and then you are used to it and that's how fluency develops you can actually feel your fluency developing as you get these different examples and this is why naturally varied review is so much better than repetition and so people talk a lot about repetition I should make a whole video about why repetition is incomplete uh
like the better thing is naturally varied review and you will see like charts of this like it's like yeah repetition gets boring over time so we need spaced repetition no no no no no we don't want to like space out the boring repetition we want to get lots and lots of repetition but in different ways so we keep it in entertaining and enjoyable for yourself so you get fluent much faster so the the typical way even spaced repetition is quite boring and it's difficult to do it's trying to trick your brain into doing something it
doesn't want but your brain does enjoy naturally varied review because your brain can feel ah you're getting used to it okay you're becoming used to that thing all right so yes go people uh go like the app if you've not liked it already all right uh simran says you won't believe but I learned English in a better way after watching your playlist videos uh thank you last sir but I have a question how can we approve English through Reading yep it's the same thing so just like you're watching my videos like if you watch a
video of mine about you know whatever that topic is uh you should read about that same thing all right it's the same same thing like I do this in Japanese as well so I might like hear about something if I'm learning about gardening or whatever I should read a little bit about that or if I'm watching a TV show about something I should read the transcript of that or try to read like another story about that same thing I think I gave a uh like my email subscribers a while back I told them the story
of how I was watching just some Japanese cartoons in the morning and I saw two different shows were telling the same like common story and I said wow that's amazing look at that like here's the story of this thing and here's the story of that and another time it was about it was like a game where you're standing in a circle and you try to push people out of the circle and that was in two different shows on the same day and I said wow look at that you know it's it's again it's it's different
it's not exactly watching the same thing again I'm getting naturally varied review so I want to hear that and remember this is the same way you learned your your native language so you didn't have just one robot like tell you something nice and easily like you had like maybe your mother said something clearly to you but then your grandfather is like you can't understand what he's saying very well but you you kind of get the idea come here come here like uh he's saying come here okay yeah come here come here you know but that's
how you learn you're getting lots of these different examples that's how you can use it and that's how you can understand it when you hear it from other people all right uh uh let's see so Nils had an old uh a old cat yes you would say and old cat and old cat an old cat all right uh David says uh are speaking slowly or you always speak like this I'm from Colombia keep going yes for these videos I have a range of people who watch so it could be people who maybe can't understand a
lot of of English some people understand quite well so I try to keep my speed about here but the more important thing is I'm not using a lot of difficult vocabulary most people and when I say difficult it's more like vocabulary that you are not used to so you have not heard it a lot so these are idioms slang phrasal verbs Proverbs movie quotes things like that like references from TV shows so yes this is this is not how I normally speak but again this is why we do this like in these videos this is
just helping you learn tips about how to build fluency and so if you're looking for like actual step-by-step lessons where you hear me like taking you from this to like faster speech of me actually speaking with with regular natives that's what we do in fluent for life so you can click on the link in the description below this video if you'd like to learn more about that all right uh and let's see a cat means lucky no I was I was giving an example of like uh I'll give another example of this often like a
teacher when a teacher is teaching something the teacher understands what they mean but the student does not so the goal of the teacher is to make the lesson understandable so you understand what I'm saying so if I'm trying to teach you this is not English this is not a real language I'm just making this up uh but I think it's it's a good example for helping people understand how your brain works when it's learning so if I draw something like this I'll try do like try to draw a good oh no that's pretty bad that's
a really bad picture I'm gonna I'm gonna do my maybe my problem is I'm like drawing from a bad angle I'll try this again okay so if I if I draw a picture like this and I and I'll just I'll use the word uh I'm just making this up Khan so I if imagine I am like an alien trying to teach you my alien language and I call this Khan over here now at first you don't really know what I mean you have a you have a general idea maybe like you know you can try
to guess what I'm talking about but if I say Khan you're not really you're not 100 sure so you wouldn't feel confident using it in a conversation I mean only if like you saw another one of these you would say con but you don't know what I'm talking about 100 I could be talking about the color the shape am I talking about this item by itself or is it like a group of them it's only as you get more examples that you really start to understand the vocabulary so repetition is not going to help you
all right repetition if I just repeat like Kong Kong Kong that's not helping you learn anything this is why you need naturally varied reviews so I need to give you a slightly different example of something and then help you understand like what that means now if I draw this thing over here let's see do do do do do do do that's a bad that's a bad picture too oh my goodness let me draw why can't I here okay and then I call this Khan also so now your brain is thinking like oh what is connecting
these things because I'm using the same word so I wonder what that means so this is a calm and this is a con also let me draw something else and as you get these different examples then it's like ah okay he's probably talking about tool okay and so this is why like when when you're when you looked at the example before about about the cat so I gave you the picture of a cat here can I say oh cat or lucky or feline now one of these is is talking about what the animal is actually
two of these words are doing that if you understand what that means and then you know like lucky if you understand what that means that's the name of this particular cat okay but if you think about a small child when they're learning this in their native language like they hear cat they hear lucky they might hear even feline but they don't really know what that means they need to get more examples of something so if they see like other cats like here's another cat over here like both this is a cat and this is a
cat but only lucky is this one huh that's interesting this one is lucky and this one is not so maybe that means the color it could mean the name of the cat it could mean something else but the whole point is that you're not just repeating that you're getting this uh different examples of this so when you learn like a native speaker this is what I talk about learning English as a first language you're getting all these different examples and that's what helps you understand it like a native so you don't get one example and
then translate that you know you're just like oh okay now I understand what this means like this is a tool that's a tool that's a tool over there I really want to make sure this is clear because if you understand English as a first language then you speak English as a first language that's the whole point of this that's where fluency comes from all right okay the cat needs help as true and yes the name of the cat is lucky actually I don't have a cat actually but just for the example here so is that
good evening teacher could you tell me what time and what day you are on live please let me know so I enjoy my freedom so I don't have a schedule for these live videos but if you look at when they are you can probably guess uh they are often on Like Mondays and Thursdays Japan time in the morning but today is a Friday actually so this is a little bit different than the usual one but if you miss the live I still make the videos available so don't feel bad if you if you don't go
to the live video the information will still help you even if it's not a lot I'm so happy to see you teaching live I would like to know any suggestions understand Afro-American people please I can't follow them yes any kind of people you want to understand like spend more time with those people that's the best thing you can do like watch and if you don't like know any physically like you don't have some friends or whatever then watch people online you know or like television shows or something like that but it's the naturally varied review
like over enough time you will hear like ah like this kind of person like sounds like this or they have this kind of voice but you will get used to you will get used to that and then you will be used to that okay all right uh let's see here kite Kitty says I love your drawing yes all right Neil says can and could glad glad to hear it okay can you start a foot cam what does that mean a foot cam like a foot cam like be like a like a what do you mean
a foot cam what does that mean uh can you can uh can I take you out for dinner can I take you out for dinner yes so if you're gonna ask someone I don't know if you're asking me or just practicing the grammar but yes you can take someone out so you could also say kudai so could I take you out for dinner if you're asking someone like that Mary says I have a moment about the expression something works for someone I use it a lot uh wasn't in the books yes yeah when anything like
works for something you're talking about like it's appropriate for something or like it allows you to do something like video works for me as a way of teaching software also works for me which is why I created Frederick and that's also like a good way for you to learn so video if you can learn with video then video works for you same thing so something might help you or it's enabling you in some way all right thanks Drew let's see I love your drawing Gladiator your drawing is very POG champ I don't know what that
means but that's hopefully that's good it's a very interesting lesson says Manana glad to hear it I wish I could draw like that I need to go pee oh no you better go don't do anything important teach us about dogs when I come back it's my first time to watch you live stream as well well hello and welcome go tell your friends say hey Drew is on right now uh this is an an atypical time atypical so I usually I'm on on Thursdays but today happens to be Friday and here I am says Lucia Alice
says I know all the words that I want to express but I can't organize it into a sentence at once ah yes how to organize sentences in your head that's another interesting topic so yes people often get confused about things and usually usually often often almost always in fact it's because again people are learning English as a second language rather than learning English has a first language all right so when you learn English as a second language you kind of learn all this random vocabulary like here's a word and a word and a word and
you translated it through your native language and now you're thinking like well how do these puzzle pieces go together okay so it's almost like like a better way to draw this uh would be like just some uh some puzzle pieces kind of like that I just imagine these are puzzle pieces I'm not going to take time to draw all these very well but you get the idea all right so these are kind of random puzzle pieces but what happens usually when you're learning English as a first language is you'll get these puzzle pieces connected together
so you'll have like a few pieces stuck together kind of like as a phrase something like that or if it's just one piece by itself like the word cat you've probably understood what that means okay so like like I go to the and you will hear this as a phrase all the time like I go to the gym I go to the bank I go to the party I go to something like that and as you hear these you will hear like oh I went so ah the person is talking about a different situation they're
talking about the past like I went to something I went to the bank yesterday I went to the party I went to the beach or whatever and so the pieces over here uh you don't really learn how to connect them because you're learning each piece individually the the connection is through like a translation in your native language thank you all right this is a little bit confusing but the basic idea is if you're learning English as a native speaker if you get one piece like you learn the meaning of it as the situation or the
thing uh or you're learning like phrases like this and you're connecting all the words together in English so it makes it much easier to take this piece and connect it with this one or some other pieces like that and that's how you can speak fluently without having to organize sentences in your head so you see the English as a second language way it's a lot more mental work you have to think like first you have to think like I want to say something and often people will think in their native language first I want to
say this and then I have to translate that but now I have to translate this and connect these pieces and I I don't know what to do and that's what creates a lot of the problems when people have to speak usually like you can probably write well or you could read or understand things but it's the actual quick communication it's much more difficult to do this when you're learning English as a second language but don't feel bad this is just the way everybody is taught all right I'm just showing you a better way to do
this all right and we know this works because this is how you learned your native language and the nice thing is that you can just do the same thing with English Isn't that cool all right let's keep it moving how long we've been going for about about an hour okay A little over an hour all right uh people see let's see it's my first time have you seen the movie The Sound of Freedom no I have not good question get used to used to be used to or tricky for non-native speakers yes depending on how
you learn them but if you watched my little lesson my quick lesson that's the same way I would teach that to my daughter so I'm not trying to talk about grammar Point names or linguistic names anything like that I just want to help when do you use it so help people understand when do you use something so if you think about like like at this point like I feel good over here but like not yet so like I'm feeling good all right and usually it's like a kind of almost like a like a ramp like
you start from zero and you get up to I don't know wherever you feel let's just say this is 100 over here so you start at zero you're not feeling good but you're getting used to it you're getting used to something and what ding now I am used to it so I've had enough experience up here now I feel used to it you don't really get like more you I mean you could like you get more used to something but uh in in the very basic understanding of like to get used to something and be
used to something so now I am used to it or you are used to it or she is used to it all right uh uh okay uh uh [Music] from Chile nice to see you there I have a friend in Chile Muhammad Ali it takes me four years to find the right place to learn English but remember English is only on your lips so try the best version of yourself that's some nice advice oh no chat skip me down again oh no well I really like okay you guys have a bunch of confidence all right
now I think I got that one yes yes ask me about the past perfect again give me an example so look at the examples I'm giving up here give me a like a sentence example what do you mean by the past perfect I'm trying to get you to think like a native so give me an example all right people please hit the like button yes all right uh yes it means I was accustomed to doing that yes so again we can talk about getting accustomed or being accustomed like I am a custom I do like
something hello teacher Drew Eunice is back uh I used to do sport every day like some kind of sport but I'm used to sleeping instead nowadays is this sentence correct well you would say I used to do like you would pick like a particular sport like I used to play tennis or I used to in general you can say do sports but that usually means you're talking about different things like you play tennis and you were running or something so yes I used to do that but I'm used to sleeping instead nowadays yes yeah you
can say that like I'm I'm used to doing it now like it's it's kind of what you what you do currently all right great teaching thank yous Anne it's my pleasure houses good morning I'm getting used to cooking and eating vegetables glad to hear what's the difference between fun and funny well fun it just means it's enjoyable in some way like maybe I'm watching a drama maybe uh it's like it makes me feel good I can think oh that's like it's it's a fun movie but maybe I'm not laughing about that which is what funny
means so I can I can have like wow this is like a really like maybe this is a fun lesson if you are learning so if you feel you have that aha moment like ah now I understand something this lesson is fun but I'm not I don't know maybe I'm funny if I'm if I say something funny or something funny happens then that's a different thing but there's there's a difference between enjoying something and laughing about it so remember pay attention to when people do something when people are like oh wow that that roller coaster
was a lot of fun they probably weren't laughing about that but they enjoyed it okay so the thing that always think about when uh is written English must be strict in using uh perfect grammar yes especially if you're if you're writing professionally if you're texting your friend then maybe people don't care but if you're going to write a resume or some professional communication then it should be correct all right I remember when I worked I was a manager at a hotel and I would look at resumes for people and if I saw lots of grammar
mistakes I would just be like no I'm not hiring you all right so even native speakers will have issues with that all right uh let's see perfect explanation says Marlene glad to hear it just like I've wanted all of your videos just like I've wanted all of your videos yesterday I'm glad to hear it remember if you enjoy what we do uh this is only one piece of that so really with these YouTube videos I'm trying to answer questions people have about how to learn but if you'd like me to show you kind of Step
by Step taking you through the process giving you the naturally varied review organizing all the information that's what we get in fluent for life so you can click on the link in the description below to learn more about that all right uh hi says Yamin and nice to see you there Yale says I should continue making exercises is that okay uh if you're talking about like if you say I should continue making exercises that would mean like if I'm making exercises for like for homework assignments or something but if you mean like to exercise like
to to work out you would say I continue exercising to keep exercising or continue exercising but like an exercise so and that's another like again the English it depends on the situation so the word exercise could mean like physical exercise like I'm stretching or something like that uh but it can also mean like a military exercise where we're trying we're moving our battleships or something or it could mean exercising like I'm practicing something so some homework sheet that I have to do I'm like writing some Japanese or something that's exercise as well all right English
people's contacts just hard to understand water bottle things like that ah you're talking about British English yeah and there's even like different kinds of British English too so it sounds like they don't use the r the way we do so an American like me I would say water water uh but a British like kind of more like higher uh kind of classier British English it's like it's like water water water it's like water water and there it's similar to like Australian English like like water water or you might also hear like water water you got
a license for them what give me some water some water you know so there are different ways of pronouncing it even within England uh I should take my time watching your video every day yes it is a good idea Nixon hey Drew this is uh Suresh nice to see you there how can someone learn English perfectly perfect English in six months all right so anyone who's trying to learn like as I just gave you some examples today you get fluent word by word as you understand something so you can think just like these puzzle pieces
over here okay I understand what the word cat means I know what it means I can use it confidently you are fluent in this word or maybe you're fluent in some phrases so it's not that you take six months to get fluent in like the language you can actually get fluent in each of these pieces very quickly it could be one minute it could be like a day or something if you need some more review or it could be a week maybe some grammar points are a little bit trickier especially if your native language the
grammar functions a little bit differently but you don't take a long time to do it so this is why like in fluent for life we get people fluent in 30 days in each lesson set so you're not going to know like everything and and be able to use everything perfectly but it's not really the point it's like it's the continual Improvement every day as you get fluent in more and more things individually okay so so stop thinking about like about like how long it takes you to get fluent because it's not six months or a
year it's like it could be one minute or two minutes or a week or something it just depends on the like how difficult the grammar point is for you or the vocabulary and how good of a teacher you have you have or if you're teaching yourself all right so it doesn't take that long to learn but just remember you get fluent in each of these pieces so if now you understand like ah like get used to and be used to like now I get it I understand and I can I feel confident using that now
you're fluent in this so you move on to the next thing and get fluent in that and that's how the process works uh from where should I get a buddy uh well you can find people online go to YouTube videos about topics you enjoy and comment under them that's one way to meet people but remember that you don't need a buddy to to get fluent like I'm just showing you right now you're not practicing speaking with anybody your your mouth is shut probably maybe you're repeating after me or something but you don't have to do
that the point is to understand the language very well remember my my Iceberg example over here so here's the water this is like the speaking part up here the rest of this all this under here this is all understanding the vocabulary when you understand perfectly then speeches super easy you just open your mouth and the word words come out because you know how to use it right you feel confident about that yeah uh learn the lyrics of uh music so you would say learn the lyrics of music or you can talk about a song but
music is uncountable the way to say music and keep singing throughout the day but yes you can sing that's another good way to to review it's a different kind of review only songs can't help me uh I think yes well again maybe you have some songs that you like for your native language and that's how you got fluent in your native language as well so you might hear uh like somebody in their native language say something or like whatever your native language is you might hear it in a song or see it on TV or
something so it's just Again Naturally varied review all right uh uh Amadou says good morning my teacher please keep up Good Wonderful teachings you are amazing glad to hear it uh like uh I'll See You Again says I always begin learning a language looking for songs and trying to sing along Sheehan says I've played online games for foreign British people it was my point to speak English faster yep there's lots of good ways you can get out and use the language and also to learn uh let's see some tips about when to use punctuation marks
so when I have uh if I'm teaching something like this they're not many of them uh if I'm just giving my my daughter's like an explanation of this or if you're trying to teach this to somebody else so we have something very simple hello hello and I try not to give like a long explanation about it I just want to compare these two different things hello hello and your brain is like oh what's different about this one this one is no huh so this means I get a little bit louder or more excited and then
maybe you hear more examples of that like hey hey hey okay hello hello hello you got it so your brain learns best when it can compare these different things I'm not trying to explain what it is I want to help your brain understand this naturally naturally varied review Isn't that cool naturally very revealed okay um let's see good morning from my side you're a great teacher glad to hear it clearly let's say let's say I would like to improve my spoken English well this is how you do it keep watching I arrived late says Tom
good morning let's see black beard uh what was that sir the best teacher in the world coffee or coffee coffee Monterosa let's see her wrench oh you're like wait like yeah yeah that was like a while ago if you're going back and watching the watching the video BS that's a good lesson where if I just draw a picture and show you one thing you don't quite know what it means this is why in Frederick we actually give you a bunch of these different examples because I want you to really understand what that means so most
most lessons will only give you one picture but we wanted to give four so I had to make like thousands of these images it really took us a long time because we had to individually make these or find the specific ones we wanted we had to make a lot though all right Neil says I love your examples glad to hear it Tom again teacher Drew really knows how to teach yes remember I'm just doing the things that you would normally do in your like everyday life as you discover these things for yourself but I'm trying
to make it like obvious in a way that I'm not telling you the answer you get to discover the answer because the lesson is good okay so the lesson like we can we can know if something is a good lesson or not because either you understand it or you do not all right so I'm always trying to make the lessons better and make them more understandable all right and Antoine says uh why is it already been Friday in your country are you not in America if so where I'm in uh Japan so I'm I'm in
the I'm in the future look at that what would you like would you like some stock information to tell you what's happening in the future about uh some currencies or gold or something all right uh a says you should replicate yourself using Ai and sci-fi technology to spread your ideas more deep uh and keep them alive in all ages and change the way people think well I did that already that's what this is everything you're watching right now on YouTube so I can make this video instead of doing a lesson for a few people in
a classroom I can do a lesson for thousands of people and then over time millions of people can watch these and then I replicated myself using Frederick as well so the same thing so you can actually listen to me pronounce a bunch of words so you could like meet me personally and say drew could you say the word water or dog or truck or whatever but instead of doing that like you can push a button and just hear me say that word it's like truck truck truck truck truck and you can hear that right in
the app so yes that's all like when I when I began doing this the reason I make these videos is because I want to help people outside of just a classroom in Japan where I started um uh okay now Google Skip me down again all right you are a good man says I'm at well thank you very much all right uh see Swan says a why and how is do use it before any verb example they do read that book oh okay yeah I think I answered this question for someone a while ago so remember
the situation here all right so like if I'm if I'm talking with someone like so I uh I clean my room so this is let's just say this is me so I clean my room every day uh and my mom says no you wait let me make this a regular cat but I know you don't here's our exclamation point again no you don't and I say like and then me again no I do clean my room every day so in this example in this situation I'm making it I'm emphasizing it it's for emphasis so I
do do something all right that's why we would add something like that so if someone says like oh uh what sport do you play like oh I play baseball uh I'm just answering that question normally but if someone is like really you play baseball or like you go to the park or something yeah I do I do play baseball I do do that thing all right you might even have the word do twice so I do do the dishes so if I'm just talking with my wife like uh yeah let me clean this up me
so the same thing so if I'm talking with my wife she says you know you never do the dishes I say no no I do I do do the dishes all right I was like yes like I do do the dishes okay so remember it's it's the situation in this situation I'm emphasizing that thing I do all right uh hello awesome teachers is Madison I love listening and practice with yours you mean your English studies greetings from Brazil my darling wow my darling see I hear that like it's like a lovely word my darling wow
all right and uh Sirius says I love you teacher wow you guys so it's like I've got some real some real love coming from the chat thank you very much all right amazing explanation says Tom glad to hear it since none of my relatives friends speak English would reading aloud help me to improve my spoken fluency uh yes Eric it would but remember you don't need to you don't get fluent by repeating or speaking yourself you get fluent by understanding the language well so if I'm like I gave the example before with the tools up
here if I do that again and I just teach you the word com and then you repeat that to yourself even if you were speaking to yourself if you don't really understand what it means you're wasting your time so just repeating words doesn't help you build fluency repetition doesn't build fluency by itself understanding builds fluency and after you understand something that's where you can try speaking so you don't have to worry about having friends or relatives or anything like I can get people fluent like what I tell people in fluent for life like I could
put tape over your mouth and still get you fluent all right because I'm helping you that really is the teacher that does the hard work of getting someone fluent by organizing the information well and making sure the lessons are understandable okay so don't worry about finding people to practice with just get lots of input lots of understandable messages make sure you're learning the real vocabulary natives are using and you're getting lots of naturally varied review so not just repeating things to yourself or other people you certainly can read and the the input will come from
the book but you can also watch a movie about something or listen to other people talking about that same thing too just don't worry about speaking the speech isn't what's it isn't what gets you fluent speech is something you do after you're you're really understanding the vocabulary all right uh uh let's see so what's the time when this live stream comes to an end well it's usually when I just either I run out of time so it's 11 18 a.m here in Japan and we've gone for 90 minutes almost uh so either my voice gets
bad like I lost my voice a couple weeks ago or I run out of time like I'm just like I got no energy left it's like okay I'm hungry now I want to go get some food do I need some water uh or or we just like finish I clear the chat but some videos are more popular we get more people coming to the videos and I spend a little bit more time so all right uh let's see Pinelli says good morning from the Philippines what can I get started for you or what can I
start for you are both correct uh yes like what if you're talking about like working in a cafe or if you're if like someone is maybe requesting you to do some other work like I don't know your boss or something you can say what can I start or what can I get started for you both of those are correct uh let's see knows again hope I reached the level of understanding everything well if you if you understand each thing individually Nils then you understand it all that's how it works so you start understanding each little
thing but remember some things will come very easily and quickly others might take a little bit more time and those things are really important like it could be a grammar point that maybe is a bit trickier for you something but spend the time just getting more examples of that until you really understand it you will feel very good when you're like ah now I got it okay we're looking for the aha moment hey Drew from Saudi Arabia uh Michelle nice to see you there Mary again I am getting used to practicing so in this in
this example here you would say I'm getting used to and because you're talking about like doing something like I'm getting used to practicing my English or I'm getting used to playing I'm getting used to speaking I'm getting used to going to work all right so you're talking about the activity like that Eric again I scored C2 on my University's localization test but I feel like a B1 well you are you are an A plus in my in my book I know like the the numbers are like where the letters are backwards or whatever but don't
feel bad about that remember tests aren't you know necessarily accurate reflections of how real life is but keep taking like a little step every day you'll feel better about that Melissa says what kind of grammar mistakes uh or you can say what kind of grammar mistakes do natives do or do natives make um there there will be like grammar mistakes where you're saying something you just use the wrong word uh but it's not because you don't know it you just maybe you're talking about one thing and then make a mistake and say something else you
know not everybody is like a really good speaker that happens and also they're intentional grammar errors that native make natives make so right there I just I made like an error so I said natives make no wait what did I say I said native I said native make when I should have said natives make and that was not because I don't know the grammar it's just like my you know tongue stopped working or something so remember not to get too worried about the grammar mistakes when you make them assuming you understand the grammar all right
but I'll just give you one example here of of something very common that natives will use incorrectly thank you I'll write this make sure I write the incorrect English correctly here there's two cats over there there's two cats over there this is incorrect English Can you spot the error what should it be what should it be all right I don't want to wait for the chat but if you didn't catch it already it should be there there are there are two cats over there there are two cats over there all right but we say theirs
because it's just faster and easier and everybody knows what we're talking about no one is going to say hey you didn't you didn't say R now we would not write this we would write it correctly there are two cats over there but when we're speaking there's two cats over there it's much faster and easier to say that if I try to say this quickly it's like they're they're two cats over there it's much slower even even by a little bit people just want to express themselves more smoothly and quickly and easily and again this is
another reason why like young children so native children will be learning from the sound of the language first they're not learning from the writing and in my last video I talked about again and in this video also actually uh used to so when children hear this they don't hear it they don't hear the Deep because people don't say it so they just hear like yeah you used to do something so if they try to write something in a in a text in like a I don't know like a text homework thing at school they will
they will forget to put the D all right because they're learning from the sound of the language not from the writing or the written letters all right so when we're looking for things like this again we pay attention to the situation and then think about what natives say in this situation so here there's two cats over there there's two cats over there so you can say this too and if you feel confident about it and you just say like yeah there's two cats over there yeah there's uh you know there's there's uh there's three schools
on this street there's three schools on this street but if you if you feel unconfident about it if I say there is there you don't want to say there is you wouldn't say there is but you'd say theirs and people will be like ah okay you understand it like a native you're saying it like a native okay uh saw post Skye says oh no where okay here we go I'm new here I'm working and listening your tea or C working and listening to your teaching right now it's awesome I'm going to watch more of your
videos or more videos of yours or more videos all right Duran says no I just tuned in it's okay you can watch the replay when it when it's up on YouTube again so if someone understands what you say what is his level uh well I mean again as I've talked about I'm covering many different things in this video uh remember that fluency is a it's a it's a bunch of different skills I'm not going to draw this very uh clearly here uh but this is a very simple explanation or a simple drawing of an English
fluency profile and it's just all the different skills that you need to communicate fluently so one of them for example is like the size of your vocabulary and often what happens is native speakers like they will or English Learners they will know a lot of words but their confidence will be very low all right or so your listening might be higher uh but maybe your grammar is is not very good so your level of fluency is actually it's it's controlled by your weakest skill and this is why you can know a lot of words but
not communicate fluently uh if you if you lack confidence so if I know a lot and maybe my grammar is perfect but I feel really shy then I won't be able to speak well with people and so when people ask me like hey if I understand what you're saying what does that mean like it doesn't really mean much it's hard to to decide anything about that it just means you're able to understand me and remember that understanding a teacher or the way I'm speaking as a teacher is different than how Native speak so maybe you're
good at understanding like teachers but maybe you struggle to understand natives all right so these are all different skills and you can focus on these things but I usually explain to people the fastest way to build fluency is working on your weakest skill because that's the thing that's actually stopping you from speaking all right so if you can improve your confidence it's a little bit you will feel much more confident about speaking without learning more words Isn't that cool this is what we teach in the native fluency blueprint okay uh let's see okay Jose again
I love your videos really awesome glad to hear it love your teaching meth it says Carol glad to hear it time again guys share your questions here in the chat so that Drew can answer them yes and that's why I'm here all right Duran which is correct do I or did I what do you mean like what what time are you talking about what's the situation so if you're talking about in the past did I do something yesterday or if you're talking about now or in general like do I you know like what should I
do today like do I or if you mean like in general about yourself like do I do I like eggs you're just asking a question about yourself do I like eggs yes I do you know in general or maybe in the past like did I go to the park yes I do I do so remember it's not about the vocabulary you have to ask about the situation so when are you talking about what is the situation don't think about words don't think about specific grammar points just try to imagine like like if you're asking me
Drew like how do I talk about something like I wanted to do something but I couldn't do that thing or something like that if you try to explain it then that it's much easier actually to understand the grammar all right Eunice again I'm almost getting fluency thanks to your approach teacher I really appreciate it glad to hear I listened to your videos before starting a conversation in English as a kind of warm up before exercising yeah that's great so remember not just uh only listening to me find native speakers who are talking about things as
well so find people who are listening uh and can give you more naturally varied review all right today you are looking Army person so you'd say you're looking like looking like you can say you're looking like an army person or looking like a soldier or looking like you are in the Army see I'm giving you naturally varied review different ways of expressing this yes I got a haircut uh two days ago so I'm trying to enjoy my hair before it's all gone and then I'll just I will like have to wear a wig or something
what should I wear maybe every video I can wear a different a different wig all right is Khan tool in Japanese no uh Dogo is a tool in Japanese but no I I was just giving that example I I will give Japanese examples sometimes uh but I do have Japanese people who watch these videos and the example is even better for them if it's not in Japanese so I like I just use like an alien lesson like that so Khan doesn't mean anything so if uh dog am I look at my Japanese is like Missy
too but yes Khan doesn't doesn't mean anything all right uh good morning shiv Kumar Juan again thanks for explanation glad to hear it uh Eric uh uh uh L El Cera I need to practice that an email Sarah uh so glad to see you it's been some time I haven't watched you things for this great live uh God bless you all and then one again how could I effectively benefit from reading a book to improve my speaking skills well reading a book helps you understand the vocabulary better but there's nothing special about reading a book
or listening to an audio or watching a video or something it's just do you understand the content or not maybe you understand something from like a written example but if you heard that same example you would probably understand it too so it's not only about like only reading but reading is a good way to get more naturally varied review so you want to hear lots of different examples and you want to get them in different ways so you want to read them and see them and hear them and all of these things come together it's
the same way that you learned your native language so you want to simulate that same environment all right so this is what we do in fluent for life like every day you're learning the vocabulary or the grammar or whatever or the like whatever the pronunciation but you're hearing it in different ways from different speakers in different tenses at different speeds okay and all of this is what builds your fluency automatically even if you don't have anyone to practice with all right [Music] um okay Edwin says hello Drew greetings from Philly oh like Philadelphia uh I'm
from Colombia following since 2016. you are it's a you are uh good teacher well thank you very much Charles again this program is extremely helpful for non-native speakers yes that's the plan so the point is to make it easy we want to transition you from learning English like a student so learning English as a second language to learning English as a first language so you speak English as a first language all right you can speak multiple first languages you just have to learn that way that's that's how we do it uh and again sham again
what do you think that shadowing can help to improve my pronunciation uh shadowing is useful but I think it's much better to get many many examples of other people speaking because often like people will try to make their pronunciation they want to mimic the exact sound of the other person so if you're trying to do it for pronunciation rather than just like to practice moving your mouth and saying something I would rather get like 10 different people hearing them pronounce something rather than just like one person and me repeating after that your your mind will
do lots of practicing by yourself like even if you don't open your mouth I remember there was an interesting psychology experiment about shooting a basketball and a team was split into two groups and one was actually shooting baskets and the other was just sitting there and visualizing it and they both improved so even the people who did not actually shoot the ball like the people who were just thinking about it they got better also uh let's see tough woman oh a tough woman over there hello teacher Drew I am your new subscriber from your channel
watching from glad to hear it from the Philippines awesome all right Durant speaking of naturally varied review I hope there will be available transcripts for your live streams uh well you can just you can get the um uh I make the uh the subtitles available usually they take some time to process because it you know it's just Google processing those uh maybe I'll go back and make some of those but like that's one of the benefits of being in fluent for life is we've got all the transcripts and everything all nicely written out for people
all right so is that again you are a good teacher thank you so much glad to hear it uh can you say a hello to Brazil hello uh to Brazil nice to see everybody out there we got a lot of Brazilian fans I know our perfect pronunciation my name Drew thanks congrats all right uh his Lima says hello Professor watching from USA just to let people know I know some people call me Professor I know that's like a name for teacher in some places but I'm not like I'm just a regular guy that knows how
to teach but I'm not like a certified Professor or anything all right uh Brazilians are everywhere indeed didn't expect that yes we have actually uh I've got some friends out here who from Brazil actually a guy both of his parents were uh or I think one of them is Japanese and one of them is Brazilian but he grew up uh in in Brazil all right do you have any tips to practice conversation says Camilla uh again without uh even having someone to speak with I would spend your time like watching other people speaking and getting
naturally varied review so if you can you don't have to wait for for other people to to be available to practice speaking you just start getting reviewed and start understanding the language like a native so get lots of native examples like we do in fluent for life all right uh let's see Tom again says this is the best channel to learn English glad to hear it uh what is shadowing I don't understand the question yeah there are some people that focus more on this it's it's kind of like speaking after other people like the shadow
so if I say something then you're repeating after me but I think I think shadowing is overrated uh overrated so I mean I think it's like I don't know people people talk about it more than is like saying it's more important than it actually is it's helpful just like kids repeat after their parents but there's nothing like magical about that but I do think getting more examples of many different speakers if I had to choose like repeating one person or hearing lots of different people and you could even still try to repeat after them that's
going to be better for you uh thanks teacher your class tonight God Bless you that's my pleasure seem Akita for the uh that's for the the Brazilian I'm guessing that's some Portuguese or something all right uh Sensei Drew yes you could say drew Sensei Yale against us I'm meaning your class yes I figured that and again sham says I watch videos of some non-native people speaking English instinctively probably those people will follow your tips otherwise they will know already naturally varied review yeah that's just the name of it I I gave to it but it's
what people are doing anyway but I think when you when you know what what natives are doing uh it's a lot easier for you to do the same thing so you hear a lot of like traditional advice about language learning which is like some advice is uh just like repeat lessons a lot but that's forgetting about human psychology and it's forgetting about how people actually learn languages themselves like in their native language so just if you do something in your native language do that same thing for learning English it's not that difficult it's just finding
the information and making sure you can understand that is the difficult part by yourself but it's possible so that's how I taught myself yourself Japanese all right uh and then some more uh Portuguese on there as well all right Camilla says I think that I have no difficulty so no difficulty to understand Advanced English but maybe uh to speak I have yeah and so like if you have this like the actually the the subject of this video is how to speak continuously so how to keep talking that's what I'm trying to give you an example
of that like me talking now but if you watch uh actually a better way to explain this like for you or anyone out there that's that's trying to improve your speaking remember that if you're making mistakes and you're worried about those mistakes that will stop you from speaking so I gave some examples at the beginning of this video about the kinds of things that like people struggle with but the the core maybe foundational reason for most people is that they don't understand the language like a native all right so you should be understanding English like
a native rather than understanding English through your native language all right so you want to learn English as a first language rather than as a second language so you can understand things and there are different levels of understanding so you might have the awareness level of understanding but you don't have the ownership level of understanding where you really feel confident about using something all right so understand that these are there there are different levels to this that's why you can understand often but still not feel confident about using something all right so I might know
it like intellectually or logically like I know how the grammar Point works but maybe I still can't use it myself all right so when you understand it you can continue to improve that and go from the awareness level to the ownership level that's taking you to the fluent level just by getting more examples so even if you don't speak you can do that uh okay we are all here in Brazil learning English with teacher Drew I know isn't that amazing you can be on the other side of the world and and still be learning without
being in a classroom with somebody you could be on the beach right now all right thanks for this class and answer me says Camilla ah you would say like so in that in that example like if you say thanks for this class and answer me it sounds like like I didn't answer you so that isn't that interesting like people often think they know the vocabulary but if they make there's like certain mistakes you might make that if you're in a conversation people would say like oh I did answer you what do you mean by that
so what you should have said if you're talking about like thanking me for answering you would say thanks for the class and answering me all right if you say answer me it's like answer me like give me the answer but for answering me means I already gave you the answer all right and these are the subtle slight differences when you understand it like a native like you don't make those mistakes because you understand it the native way and that's why I remind people uh you can try to start speaking more and maybe you will maybe
you will improve a little bit probably not I mean most people they've they've been like at a plateau level for a long time and that's why they find my videos and join my programs and they start improving because now they're learning like a native all right so again if you're if you're feeling confident about understanding but you're still not speaking there are probably mistakes in your speech still even like things that you don't realize or mistakes but you're maybe you're not quite feeling very confident about it but that's why I just spend more time getting
more review hearing more examples all right all right Yale it gives me the uh the okay symbolic there see Daddy what is the best way to make students speaking most of my students they are too shy to speak is that okay to teach Grammar with other mother language no no no don't do any of that all right number one the thing that I explained to students and even these are my own students like adults who are learning with me is you don't have to speak until you're ready okay so don't force yourself to speak if
you are a teacher in a classroom your students will feel very good if you say two things the first one is you don't have to speak uh if you don't want to all right and the second thing is it's my fault if you don't speak all right and that means as the teacher you are the one who either makes the language understandable or you do not so if you are a good teacher then the students will understand the lesson and they will naturally want to speak all right but if you're not a good teacher if
you're just giving them translations then it will be hard for them to understand and then of course they won't want to speak alright so it is your job as the teacher just like me for like fluent for life or any of the programs or these videos if I'm a good teacher I make the lesson understandable so people feel good about that they think ah now I understand this vocabulary or grammar or something and now I feel confident about using it all right so it's the understanding that leads to confidence it's not more speaking practice so
the I'll put this example up here again so English as a second language what people usually do is they start with like okay I'm going to teach you something but usually it's through your native language and then I want you to repeat after me so there's some kind of speaking and now I want you to repeat that and then at some point like there's fluency but it doesn't really happen like this right so usually what happens is like you get to this point and you stop right there and you never develop fluency so you teach
a new word or phrase you try to say that thing and then you repeat that again but you don't actually build fluency all right but when you learn English as a first language you understand the whole point is to understand it's not just to like know it like you told me a grammar Point like you do this word plus this word plus this word no I'm giving you lots of examples so you understand what I'm saying and when you understand you feel confident so confidence it confidence really means a lack of worry a lack of
doubt a lack of questions because in your mind as you're learning things like that that tool example I gave before so if I give you that that picture I'm going to try to draw it quickly over here here's that the like example I gave before if I if I put Khan up here and just say this is Khan all right so if I'm doing this as like the English as a second language but you know imagine it's like an alien language I'm teaching you so the first thing I do I show you something and I
say con so I know as the teacher I know what I mean I know what this word means but you don't you don't really know all right so I gave you the other examples before but now I'm like if I'm teaching you something new so I'm teaching you something and now I say okay repeat after me and you just say Khan Khan Khan every time you see this this little sign or symbol you will say Khan but you don't really know what con means yet all right you didn't learn anything you're repeating after the teacher
but you don't really understand all right and so this like this this example here like this is the ESL way I give you something I'm trying to teach you and and this is like a visual example of it but it could be a grammar point explanation or something or maybe it's a translation but in the efl way I'm gonna give you a whole bunch more examples because the goal is understanding it and so when you hear this one and then maybe I draw like this other thing here and then I draw I don't know what's
like another like here I drew this example before uh and so this is Khan and this is Khan and then maybe I draw like I know some other thing over here and if you understand what all those things mean ah the word con means tool now I get it all right it's not because I gave you a translation it's because you understood it like a native okay to understand something like a native means you connect with it directly you don't need the translation because you understand so this way like so you teach something they don't
really understand so like people don't talk about this at all in regular language learning they don't talk about like understanding the information they just talk about teaching and now we get to speaking and repeating but why don't we develop fluency why not it's because people don't understand okay so you don't get fluent by speaking speaking doesn't help you if you don't understand so understanding gives you confidence it answers your questions like okay what does con mean uh I have a I have a general idea maybe 80 percent you can't really fit that let's say this
is 80 up here all right I feel about 80 percent confident I know what that means oh now I hear another example now I'm 90 confident oh I hear that oh now I'm like 99 oh now I really feel very confident about the word I'm 100 confident that Khan means tool all right so because I'm confident now I speak so I spend my time here not here speech is the result of this okay so after and this is why you can get fluent by yourself so you don't need a speaking partner the speaking partner what
are you going to do with a speaking partner you're just going to repeat things you don't really understand you don't need to do that it's just understand feel confident and then you start speaking and sure maybe you have like a little bit of practice like with pronunciation or something but the the core of understanding because you've heard it from different people you've seen it in different contexts like the past or the present or the future or whatever you've heard different people talking about it you really feel confident about something the speaking is automatic the speaking
is the easy part after that okay so you can get by yourself you don't need to spend a lot of time practicing speaking so remember this as a teacher I really like want to make this point clear because students if you force them to go through this like you're just wasting their time you're wasting your time and I know maybe you have to do this for passing a test but this is much faster and easier and the students will enjoy it so when I when I teach people like I mean I don't teach in the
classroom anymore other than this but I'm not telling you to say anything the job is on me I am the teacher I have to make the language understandable it's my fault if you don't understand if you don't get fluent it's my fault not your fault but over here in ESL it's like well the teacher taught something you have to just remember it okay repeat it to yourself and then the student is like uh of course they feel shy and scared and they don't have confidence okay so don't do that as a teacher all right let's
see here oh no now I like got a whole bunch more questions over here all right I think I think actually we're getting pretty close to the end I've only got a few minutes left anyway all right um so hopefully uh daddy that makes sense all right so you don't need to use your native language to teach English You Begin by just making it understandable if you'd like to see how to do that click on the link below this video for Frederick install that and you'll see how to teach English as a first language all
right uh for answering me that's the correct way to say it then yes so it's like thank you for doing something thank you for thank you for coming thank you for watching thank you for answering me so you give you the naturally varied review your different examples thank you for coming thank you for going thank you for playing thank you for doing this and then you can add for me or with me or whatever all right I always hit the like button when I'm in the class very good yes everyone click that like button click
click click do you usually develop and update Frederick yes so we're continuing to develop it and yeah we just released a new update a little like like a few days ago but yes we're continuing to develop it and the the goal is to have it in schools actually so if you'd like to use it in your school you can start doing it now but send us an email at info englishanyone.com and say hey Drew uh we love the app we want to use it in our school how can we do that and we with that
all right time answered me let's see unit says for example scissors is a tool and a tool is a thing I mean if I don't know the word scissors I'll say tool and give someone a description of it and if I don't know the word tool I'll say thanks yes that's correct so you could and I gave this example a while ago about like different categories of something so you can go higher or lower or whatever all right by the time uh and practice I will get used to it yes so the practice is what
gets you used to it and that's how you start speaking so don't put pressure on yourself to speak just relax and understand get more examples that's how you do it so if you'd like help with this this is what we do in fluent for life again like if you enjoy these videos you will love that because it's got more me teaching but most of it is like just lots and lots of examples in a step-by-step way that leads you to understanding and speaking like a native all right so if we can teach you like a
native we're going to help you understand like a native so you speak like well all right so click on the link in the description below this video if you'd like to do that do click that like button share this video with anyone else who would enjoy and I think uh yeah I think that's everything let's see Niels again uh let's see thank you drew for the time to say good night until next time May Fang says hi Andrew can you make a shorter video out of this live chat you mean the chat or the video
itself I think probably uh we will do I don't know I'd like I'd like to actually have someone like cut our videos up and make shorts out of them so I'd like to do that actually um yes really nice content very inspiring glad to hear it all right thank you so much to take care I'm already addicted to these classes as Tom all right fantastic and we will see you in the next video that will probably be Monday Japan time around the same time so like Monday like 10 a.m around that but thank you for
joining me it's been a pleasure and again click on the links below this video in the description absolutely get Frederick and that will just let you practice lots of things grammar pronunciation listening uh learn lots of vocabulary that you don't know even if it seems like an app for kids it's not it's an app for anybody who's trying to learn like a native and again if you already have the app and you like it do go to the App Store and give us a great review give us five stars in fact give us 10 Stars
if you can but have a fantastic day all right what fan from Chicago too look at that all right fantastic my hometown I haven't been back to Chicago in a long time uh let's see what school in Canada are you a teacher at me oh I'm not I got my this is my school in the school of life I'm in Nagasaki Japan love your videos over the years glad to hear it it's my pleasure all right well I'm going to shut it down so I can rest my voice get some lunch and have uh have
a nice rest of my day have a fantastic day do click that like button and share bye-bye
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Why You’re Not Getting More Fluent In English
Why You’re Not Getting More Fluent In English
How To Speak Fluently In English About Almost Anything
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Native English Daily Expressions For Fluent Speech
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How To Use Your Mind & Change Your Life
How To Use Your Mind & Change Your Life
Myron Golden
The Secret To Spontaneous English Speech
The Secret To Spontaneous English Speech
Luyện nghe Tiếng Anh thụ động | Study with me - I'm Mary
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I'm Mary
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Ikrimah ibn Abi Jahl (ra): The Pious Son o...
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How to Measure Your Fluency in English
How to Measure Your Fluency in English
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