Types of Entrepreneurship for Beginners. Before undertaking or setting up your own business, it is very important to understand that entrepreneurship has some fronts, models and areas to be worked on. That's why we've separated here the 09 Main Types of Entrepreneurship that every professional needs to know before having their own company.
All in a practical and straight to the point way! Do you want to receive tips and information to set up your own business. So subscribe to this channel and stay on top of everything you need to know to open your own company.
Entrepreneurship is something very rewarding and fulfilling. However, it involves a lot of work, willpower, resilience and a lot of planning. Therefore, knowing the types of entrepreneurship is essential for you to be able to prepare yourself even better to set up your own business.
Trust me: understanding this will make all the difference. So let's go! 1.
SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP Basically, it is a concept that enables the construction of businesses that aim to have a greater impact on improvements in society. Be it local or even global too. And in this way, entrepreneurs create measures that can be profitable, but at the same time have social improvements.
In other words, social entrepreneurship makes these businesses have as their main objective to meet the social needs of the places where they operate and contribute to changing the reality of their consumers. Social enterprises must sell products or services capable of increasing people's quality of life and contributing to changing social realities. As well as enabling the company to be able to sustain itself and grow as well.
The term social entrepreneurship means that the business, in addition to being profitable, needs to bring development to society. And yet, be economically profitable. So, if you want to know more about Social Entrepreneurship, watch our video that shows all this in a very practical way.
If you want to watch it, just click on this button above or on the link we leave in the description. 2. INDIVIDUAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP Here, we are dealing with self-employed entrepreneurs .
That is, alone. And a practical example is the MEIs (or individual microentrepreneurs). Usually, this type of entrepreneur starts a business of their own and works alone.
Sometimes, with only 1 collaborator to help, for example. 3. INFORMAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP This type of entrepreneurship is usually carried out by those who are self-employed.
However, it is often more of a short-term view. Even, often even temporary. In this way, because it is informal, it is something that does not present as much stability or even protection.
And a subject that complements this theme well is uberization at work. In a nutshell, it is a new way of controlling, managing and organizing work. Some experts even point to uberization as a process of flexibilization and informalization.
There are no big bureaucracies, no big upfront investments to get started. So, if you want to know more about Uberização at work, watch our video with everything about this subject. To do this, just click on this button above or on the link we leave in the description.
4. COOPERATIVE ENTREPRENEURSHIP This is a business model in which different types of entrepreneurs start to act in a cooperative manner. That is, entrepreneurs from different areas support and help each other.
That way, together, they have greater chances to achieve better results, finding good business opportunities. Here, to work well, you need a lot of organization, responsibility and great communication. Since they are different heads, with ways of working that cannot always be the same either.
5. FRANCHISE ENTREPRENEURSHIP This type of entrepreneurship is a franchise-based business model. Also known as Franchising, franchising is a business strategy focused on expanding a brand, company or even a business model.
It is a relationship that involves two sides: franchisor and franchisee. Franchisor is a legal entity that holds the rights to a certain brand or patent, which formats a business model and assigns to third parties (which in this case are the franchisees) the right to use this brand or patent and the developed know-how, being remunerated by them for using this system. And the Franchisee is an individual or legal entity that joins the franchise network created by the franchisor, upon payment of certain fees for the assignment of the right to use the trademark or patent and transfer of know-how.
And it is also necessary to commit to following the model determined by the franchisor. This entrepreneurship is highly sought after because it is possible to work with brands that are already renowned and with great potential for good revenues and results. And nowadays, there are different types of franchise.
Even with models that are 100% digital and online. So, if you want to know how a franchise works, watch our video on this subject. To do this, just click on this button above or on the link we leave in the description.
6. CORPORATE ENTREPRENEURSHIP Here, it is about the entrepreneurship in which an employee sets up a new project within the company he works for. And this is seen with good eyes by the company itself as well.
Although not totally the owner of the project, the professional usually has a lot of autonomy to make his decisions and walk where he thinks he needs to go. This makes these entrepreneurs motivated within a business that can provide structure for their projects to happen. At the same time, companies can have great results with these initiatives as well.
7. PUBLIC ENTREPRENEURSHIP In this model, it is something related to the government sector. Often, the public service does not function properly.
Therefore, public entrepreneurship works in different ways to help society. And, at the same time, make those responsible and governors of regions, cities, states or countries wake up and always work in favor of society. 8.
DIGITAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP Basically, it is a digital business model, in the online environment. Whether to sell products or services. In other words, it is creating and setting up a business whose model is based on the internet.
Where it is possible to sell or market products such as e-books, online courses, videos, shows, events or workshops in digital format, technological solutions, applications, online consulting, games, webinars, among many others. Currently, it is an entrepreneurship that has been growing a lot due to the potential it presents. Therefore, we highly recommend watching our video that explains how it works and all its advantages.
If you want to watch it, just click on this button above or on the link we leave in the description. 9. OWN BUSINESS ENTREPRENEURSHIP And this one is very famous, where it refers to the creation of one's own business.
Seeking to meet market needs or taking advantage of good opportunities. That is, to solve a problem or a demand that has not yet been met or resolved. They are those entrepreneurs who believe in a business idea.
And they work hard to make it happen in the best possible way. These were the main types of entrepreneurship. It is very important to know them to be able to work even better on your entrepreneurial journey.
However, they are not the only ones. So if you know another type of entrepreneurship, write it here in the comments and share it with us. And if you want to understand how to set up your own business the right way, let's leave here our playlist with the most diverse pillars and subjects that will surely help you a lot.
If you want to watch it, just click on this button above or on the link we leave in the description. What's up? Did you like this video?
So, if you can, click on the “Thanks” button below and help our channel to continue producing and improving videos and content of this type for you. And just to recap what we've said here: 1. SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP 2.
DIGITAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP 9. liked it! And if you want to know more about how to set up and manage your own business, visit our Youtube channel, we have several videos on this subject, ok?
And if you liked it, share this video with your friends and family to help them too! If you want to prepare even more, download our free e-book now with the 11 key questions to find out if you are ready to open your own business or not. Let's leave the download link here in the description of this video, okay?
And be sure to subscribe to this channel and stay on top of all our news on how to set up and manage your own business. And if you can, leave your like to help this channel. A hug and see you next!