The Illusion of Evil (How To Cleanse Your Perception Of It)

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Aaron Abke
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weak men create Hard Times Hard Times create strong men strong men create good times good times create weak men we go through these cycles and the fourth cycle the fourth turning is when it all burns down all the darkness comes to light and there's a reset that happens so we're in that fourth turning now and we're emerging into the fourth density so how do we meet a fourth turning from fourth density Consciousness as our spiritual intelligence is now rising to a higher level above the solar plexus in to the heart the ego's control of the
mind is no longer useful and in fact it has outlived its usefulness and it's now creating more problems than it's solving we got to leave this old faulty thought system behind look at the world today crumbling before our eyes corruption everywhere left right and Center unspeakable travesties why cuz people are living from that thought system [Music] I want to talk about another essential principle for living from fourth density Consciousness in our current world because that's all that really matters right is can you actually show up as a fourth density being in the world we're living
in today with all the catalysts and all the challenges it's presenting because if we're going to learn how to live from the heart permanently which is what fourth density Consciousness is the fourth chakra Consciousness then in the day and age we're living in with these sort of unfathomable levels of corruption and darkness coming to light every day we we need to know how to internally respond to what we're seeing because ego is really good at inventing excuses for Jud judement right and for fear and whatnot it'll give you reasons to judge and to put people
out of your heart and to feel fear States and justify feeling fear justify feeling lack because come on are you seeing what's happening how could anyone have a loving attitude towards this says the ego so if we're going to be able to meet the darkness of our world today with light we have to know how to do that because if we're not careful we can add more negative energy to the world through our perception of the corruption that we're seeing right so what are the requirements of living from heart-based Consciousness fourth density Consciousness in a
third density world you know it's kind of ironic the the format of the the fourth turning some of you guys have heard me talk about that I talk about that a lot with J Griff on our Great Awakening show the the four turnings are the four cycles of Society of uh civilization that happens everywhere across time there's these kind of four pivotal stages and the best way to the best way to understand the four turnings is that phrase you've probably heard that says weak men create Hard Times Hard Times create strong men strong men create
good times good times create weak men and then weak men create bad times and it just goes through that cycle it's like this this is how Humanity kind of like a vibration a spiral of learning and evolution we go through these cycles and the fourth cycle the fourth turning is when it all burns down and it all comes to light all the darkness comes to light and there's a reset that happens collectively so we're in that fourth turning now and we're emerging into the fourth density so how do we meet a fourth turning from fourth
density Consciousness well we've talked in several lectures about how judgment is the number one blockage to the heart yes judgment is the number one blockage to the heart chakra and usually we've talked about this as it pertains to judging other people right perceiving ourselves as separate from people Etc today we're going to zoom out a bit and deal with our judgments on the macro level not just the micro level in other words we need to dispel the one ultimate judgment that the mind holds against the universe the one judgment the Mind holds against reality and
projects everywhere onto reality and that is the Judgment of evil or Sin Sin and evil the concept of evil is the ego's most cherished concept because it's basically separation right but Amplified into our conscious perception evil is the ego's most cherished concept because it creat creates the Hostile frightening universe that the ego needs to justify its existence what we teach here and for to you is that the ego is the mental program that has evolved to help protect the human being from a scary dangerous Universe a scary dangerous world with threats and challenges and lack
and whatnot ego is this the fill in of the Gap right of I'm alone I'm I'm in this scary Universe who's going to to help me ego says don't worry I'll help you I'll keep you safe and it's a necessary mechanism ego has served a great purpose for Humanity but as our spiritual intelligence is now rising to a higher level above the solar plexus into the heart or towards the heart at least the ego's control of the mind is no longer useful and in fact it is outlived its usefulness and it's now creating more problems
than it's solving because we don't live in a hostile darwinian survival world where we're running around through the forest with Spears hunting animals and defending from predators you know we live in a very like civilized protected safe Society where you're basically never going to experience real physical danger in your life unless you put yourself in physical danger in some way so like ego as a purely survival tool has kind of outlived its usefulness it's time for Humanity to evolve past it but that's why evil is the most cherished concept for the ego because if the
ego can get you to see evil in the universe it creates that terrible frightening cruel hostile universe that it needs to justify its existence in your mind if there is no scary frightening Universe if there is no dangerous Universe ego has no purpose to fulfill right if the ego realizes that the the universe is good and it's safe and it's full of love and God's in control ego is out of a job so this is why the ego can project this concept of evil or sin onto anything it wishes and it gets two instant rewards
out of this projection number one that calling somebody else evil in your mind whether you do it verbally or not if there's any part of your mind that sees them as evil which can be subtle right it's not like it's always obvious when you judge somebody as bad sinful evil but the first reward is that it strengthens the ego's sense of self right it reinforces the egoic identity I'm a good person because I'm able to see evil out there and if evil is out there it's not in here therefore I am good because I am
the Arbiter of evil of what evil is I judge what's evil CU I'm good so I'm in the right position to do so it's the strengthening of ego's sense of self and two it keeps the Apparently dangerous frightening Universe going so the the ego gets both of those itself and its Universe both get strengthened when you call something evil in your mind so how can you be how can you be free of suffering while you're adding evil into the world in your mind right in your own mental world it's impossible right so judging others to
be evil only gives the ego more of a false sense of safety the illusion of safety right and we have to come to realize this the feeling I get by putting somebody else out of my heart and man is this all the rage these days right on the far left Donald Trump's the most evil person ever on the far right Cala Harris Biden they're the most evil people ever and both sides are just doing the exact same thing so this begs the obvious question how can we come to see no evil when we seem to
see people and things happening that are very evil murder genocide War child trafficking you know come on Aaron be practical you're insane to tell me that I should be able to look at a pedophile a murderer and not see them as evil are you saying I should see their actions as good who can possibly accept such a teaching isn't that what ego says to people this is always the resistance guys that I met with when I teach these things whether it's on an Instagram post or on a YouTube video there's always people that show up
being like how dare you tell me to see murder as a good thing and I'm like hm when did I ever say you should see murder as a good thing see you're still stuck in Duality ego Only Knows Duality that's its universe so if I say get rid of evil ego says okay so I've gotten rid of one of my two concepts good and evil get rid of evil I'm only left now with good so you want me to see everything is good pedophilia murder genocide rape good no way I'll never do that I need
to see evil to know right from wrong this is always what the ego assumes when we say to see no evil by seeing no evil I'm not asking you to see evil actions as good that's insane that's still Duality I'm asking you to rid yourself of both of those Concepts good and bad good and evil right and wrong this is the ego's thought system it doesn't exist in reality reality doesn't know the concepts of right wrong good evil value judgments do not exist in reality and so what I'm asking you to do when I say
hey see no evil I'm saying don't project a value onto anything good or evil instead simply see what is true from what is false what is sane from what is insane these are not value judgments true and false is just what is what is not just objective just see what's true and what's not true well Aaron how do you know what's true and what's not true what obeys natural law and what violates natural law see God is already created the perfect law system the law of one which Reigns omnipotent through all the universe forever it's
immutable it's unassailable can't be changed and if you violate it it has to violate you in equal measure because it's perfect it's perfectly balanced so you can't unbalance the law of one so I'm asking you to see what is in alignment with the law of one and what is not in alignment with the law of one that's the difference and I mean it sounds kind of kind of funny to say doesn't it that everything's just true or false like it's that simple but if everything is true or false as funny as it sounds then everyone's
just sane or insane right if everything's just true or false then everyone's on some level of that spectrum of insanity or sanity uh illusion or truth where are you living in your mental world that's it so can you start to tune in to where people are living in their mental world and when you see somebody living on the spectrum of what we call evil don't call it evil call it illusion call it Insanity call it confusion they don't know what they're doing they don't know what truth really is so here's what we have to see
the law of one is the supreme law of the universe and it can't be violated without a consequence so if someone is behaving unloving towards another to any degree if someone harms another person to any degree that action is not true a action that violates free will that does harm is a false action why because it violates the one single truth of the entire universe all is one you cannot actually hurt another person everybody is you right they're all you in different forms and so whatever you do to them will always be done unto you
maybe not the immediate second and so yeah you go on with this illusion like I harmed that person and no harm came to me I win says the ego but it is a false action because there is no such thing as just harming another person all harm you do to another you will always experience for yourself all harm is self harm and that's why it's a false action because nobody would willingly harm thems for no reason so every action that somebody takes that harms another person in any way means that that person is stuck in
negative Karma it means that they themselves are suffering and full of pain it is impossible to willingly or intentionally do harm to somebody when when you don't have any pain within yourself you can only be good and loving and benevolent and kind and of service because that's what naturally pours out of a heart that's free of pain the absence of pain is the fullness of joy isn't it what is true is joyful what is false is miserable so yes even the cruelest dictators and political tyrants who abuse the masses they do it because they are
abjectly miserable on the inside and don't let your ego fool you for one second to believe that a political Tyrant isn't a miserable person they are among the most miserable people on planet Earth that's why they have to rise to these levels of power to control the masses in this way because they can't get that satisfaction from just abusing their spouse anymore or whatever they have to level up the ATI because the ego always needs more more more it's never good enough so people that crave power it's CU they're running from intense internal conflict and
pain and the only way they know how to cope with it is the small hit of pleasure they get from controlling others and gaining worldly power to even ask if somebody who who does such things in the world is Happy would be like asking if a heroin addict strung out on the street is true truly happy like would any of us say that they're happy well come on Aaron they look happy while they're shooting up would any of you want to trade places you want to be the heroin addict on the street if you think
they're so happy didn't think so masking pain doesn't equate to happiness and somebody who does harm to others is masking their pain so if anyone came to know this this fact right that all harm you do to others you really do to yourself by the negative Karma you create and invite by violating the law of Oneness if everybody knew you can only harm yourself no one would do harm the world would be perfectly enlightened we'd have an enlightened civilization right it's like saying hey whatever money you steal from someone else will you will always lose
that exact amount from your bank account if every Thief knew that every single thing you steal gets subtracted from your bank account you know you steal a hundred bucks from somebody you deposit it in your bank account and your bank account goes down 200 bucks you know it offsets the 100 you stole and you lose another 100 if everybody knew that stealing from others drops your own bank account balance nobody has an incentive to steal anymore right pretty simple so you see when you have the spiritual intelligence to comprehend Divine Law it incentivizes righteous behavior
effortlessly and automatically the law demands obedience when it is seen seeing an action that brings harm to yourself demands you not to do it like I don't want to harm myself well when you live in perfect obedience to God's sacred law of one you experience only happiness and love and fulfillment and peace and joy you get to enjoy these gifts in infinite Supply but every metric that you violate that law from comes back upon you even the smallest grain of sand even a a small perception of separateness will in some way come back upon you
so we got to get really serious right about cleaning up our perception making no excuses for judgments anymore we got to leave this old faulty thought system behind we're watching its fruits in the world today aren't we look at the world today crumbling before our eyes corruption everywhere left right and Center Darkness being exposed everywhere in every corner of the world unspeakable travesties and evils like child trafficking like you know the cancer industry popping up everywhere why because people are living from that thought system that says judgment is good it's helpful and there's a utility
for it we should judge what we think is wrong we should hate people we think are evil we should put things and people out of our heart cuz that's how we create goodness in the world H well I don't know about you guys but it doesn't look like to me it's going very well wouldn't you say maybe we try a new approach maybe we try not adding evil to the world in our mind by judging and condemning it where we see it so this is simple enough enough isn't it anyone who does anything we deem
is evil is just confused about reality can you integrate that truth simple enough right but you've got to see it you've got to see that fact clearly in real time in order to respond to this evil you're seeing with compassion and understanding and look you guys we are we are all living on the perfect practice field right now you guys want to go Pro level fourth density you're playing with the pros here on Earth you are you got the best coaches that money can buy you've got the best training facility money can buy you've got
the best athletes to train with to sharpen you the world we live in today is so chalk full of opportunities to practice forgiveness and compassion and understanding and seeing no evil I mean if you guys can look at the things happening today and genuinely not be they're evil people how dare they and not go into that reaction mode and instead just go ah so much confusion so much blindness to truth God please help me to be a light of Truth God please help me to radiate Your Love Your Truth into the world so that these
people who are so confused about reality can wake up to make that your reaction is so available you guys and this world today you can practice it all day every day just you know flip on your iPhone on social media look through the news cycle for a few seconds and watch the internal reactions come pouring out of you oh I can't believe this oh you just watch the ego throwing its fit arguing with reality arguing with reality and you can say actually this uh story of war overseas or whatever is perfect this is a perfect
experience in reality why because it's a perfect example of karma at work a war is a perfect manifestation of angry violent thinking so it doesn't mean it's something I prefer I prefer War over peace no no no no no we're not saying any of that we're saying I refuse to label something that happens in reality as wrong shouldn't be happening how can I possibly know a war shouldn't happen if two sides have been harboring this just brooding anger and hatred towards each other for years decades and the tension Rises and Rises of course they need
to go to war with each other it's too late there's no other option for them they're living from Insanity so war is a perfect manifestation of insanity and anybody who participates in it is part of the insanity that's perfect there's no judgment to be had anywhere it's just what is if someone's lost their mind that's just true they need help and healing not anger and judgment and by the way this is why love has no problem in acting Justice where it's needed to have compassion for somebody who does harm to somebody else doesn't mean we're
giving two thumbs up to their behavior and encouraging them please keep going please keep harming again that's the ego's belief about what love means that's the ego's misunderstanding of love it simply means that we don't put them out of our heart not that we don't try to bring correction or truth to the situation it's no different than a loving parent who's dis who disciplines their child for misbehaving you do it because you want your child to experience the consequences of their actions so they can learn from them that's how reality Works isn't it raise your
hand if you've never learned from a consequence in your life you know all the challenges the painful experiences you've had they never taught you anything they never made you better they never sharpened you nobody going once going twice okay wow so it seems like all of us learn from our mistakes that's because that's how reality designed it to work and so yes some people have to make the same mistake thousands of times before they finally learn it but they will learn it and so wouldn't love want them to have the best opportunity to learn their
lesson so love has no problem in acting Justice because love does it out of love and the desire to help if somebody's not open to talking about their feelings and going through a healing process willingly they need their karma and that's perfect too so loving everyone and not seeing evil doesn't mean we say don't let consequences happen don't put murderers in prison or none of that we're not saying any of that the third density world we live in has natural built-in consequences maybe not all of them are perfectly just right I think we all know
a prison system is extremely corrupt but every once in a while somebody who actually did a crime goes there and like that's their perfect consequence in this world that's just the way it works so yes in a free will Universe you're allowed to steal you're allowed to kill you're allowed to do all these things but why would you want to once you know you're only robbing yourself or killing yourself they do it because they don't know it you guys they really don't see it they really think that they are separate from their actions right that
their actions are separate from them that what they do to others is isolated from who they are and what what they experience it's never true your actions are an extension of you whatever you do to someone else you're telling the universe do this to me you steal from someone you're saying steal from me there's only one being and so the ego would have us believe that harming others or judging them and putting them out of our heart will make us feel better and this is the great deception isn't it that by shutting off the heart
from love we we could feel better closing yourself off to love always hurts even when you do it from the Tyrant or the murderer or whoever the longer you close off your heart the more it hurts just like saying the longer you stay out in the cold the colder you get right it's simple simple law simple metaphysics so to come out of the freezing cold thought system of evil and separation and into the warm embrace of Love's thought system fourth density Consciousness really requires us to do this one thing which is to erase the concept
of evil from our mind and judge nothing in our awareness as such because again evil is insanity that's all it is it's confusion about what's true and the ego labels the confusion as another Power called evil that now can oppose God's power and it's God versus evil duking it out everywhere we see and we're not actually sure if God's going to win sometimes I don't know about you guys that the WF looks pretty powerful it's pathetic we are already living in the perfect Universe God makes everything perfect it's impossible that God could be perfect and
the universe not be the universe is God's mind pushed out the universe is the manifestation of God's mind so to see it as you know there's two separate conflicting powers in God's mind is to call God insane it is so far away from what is real and true and actual so that's why if we judge evil we reveal our own insanity and confusion don't we every time I judge another person I reveal an unhealed part of myself this is law this is always true 100% of the time so when we come to see evil as
someone acting out an illusion in their mind as someone who is going against what's actually true we feel no need to judge them see the correct perception automatically elicits the correct response the correct emotional response all we have to do is cleanse our perception of the flaws and distortions in it and we will naturally with no effort on our part respond to a murderer with deep compassion and empathy wow you must be suffering Beyond imagination to want to kill one of God's sacred creatures blessings my friend peace be unto you I forgive you you know
not what you do if you want that to be your automatic heartfelt response cleanse your perception of the flaw of evil that's it if you saw a blind person walking down the highway towards oncoming traffic would you get angry at them would you judge them as evil or whatever or would you pull your car over as fast as possible to help them get out of Harm's Way well in a very real sense most of the world today you guys are blind people walking down the highway towards oncoming traffic it's just the reality of the situation
most people don't have the SQ needed to perceive the fallacy of their thoughts and their actions they are lost in a distorted confused thought system and they need help not judgment and condemnation and so to stop your car and pull over and help the blind person out out of the highway out of the way of traffic is to see them as Divine it doesn't mean you have to go out into the world and try to correct every mistake you see that's not what we're saying everything begins here of course of Miracle says all minds are
joined they're all joined and so the way I see somebody has a metaphysical effect upon them and so again by saying that evil is an illusion we're not denying the experience of evil you guys only the reality of it we're not denying the experience of evil we're denying the reality of evil there isn't a second power here called evil that's opposing God's power and corrupting God's universe that's the ego's projection and invention raw calls it the path of that which is not meaning when someone harms another they're not acting based on a principle of Truth
in any way they're not operating on the law of Truth in any way it is a false action right it violates the truth and therefore the consequences cycle back around it is madness and so we can relate to this on another level as well in that everybody under the sound of my voice has had the experience of being Dr drawn to do something that you know is wrong as if you're being helplessly pulled by it like by the force of a magnet or something who's experienced that you know this thing is wrong you don't really
want to do it but some Force within you is like compelling you whether it's an addiction or a Temptation a seduction and you find yourself being compelled to do what you know is wrong if we've all if we've all had that experience who are we to judge any one else for doing it even if it's an action that seems to be worse than what I've ever done like it's the same mechanism right and this is because for the ego to violate truth there's a kind of secret mortal pleasure in it a mortal Delight a hit
of pleasure the ego gets because it's like ah I've have gotten the better of the universe I've gotten the better of Truth I've gotten away with a evil action the ego gets a little kick out of this right and that's the kick people chase when they're miserable inside to keep escaping their misery and so what I'm here to say to you today is that real pleasure is constant and complete it's not a temporary hit of something you know all temporary pleasure is an illus illusion it's not real it's not based in what's real cuz what
is real doesn't change I've said this before right when you live from a heart of Devotion to God you are happy all the time even when a challenging situation arises you know the the birth story I told you guys the the 13 days of Labor it was tough at times it was like wow it's hard for me to see my wife who I love so much suffer every day but at the same time you guys there was this underlying peace and this subtle Joy of my father has it it's all under control the happy outcome
is guaranteed In My Father's World you can have both of those things at the same time you can have the knowing that never leaves you and so that real pleasure we're we're actually seeking is constant Everlasting enduring and it doesn't come and go so whoever chooses the temporary pleasure of the flesh over the Eternal pleasure of SP Spirit chooses the Lesser in favor of the greater they choose to wander through a desert aching to quench their thirst rather than choosing to drink the Heavenly Waters of love that are available right now so when you choose
to judge something is evil and you always choose it whether you know it or not maybe an unconscious choice but at some level you're choosing it you have chosen in Hell instead of Heaven can we take a minute to let the implications of that fully sit in anytime you judge someone as evil to any measure you have chosen hell to that same measure instead of Heaven you've made the greatest error that anyone could ever make to perceive evil in God's Universe to perceive something other than God is the single greatest error the greatest blunder in
Consciousness that could ever be made and that sounds extreme and intense because it is but that's CU we need to see it as such we need to see it that way to obey it right you need the full implications of Truth to hit you before you're like oh all I want is obedience to the law of one every day you wake up Lord thank you for your beautiful perfect law today and let me not deviate from it even one iota but let me walk every step of this day in perfect obedience to your most holy
law the law of one and that will be a heartfelt prayer every morning once you let the implications of this fact sink in to your heart that every time I judge I choose hell instead of heaven and I make the greatest mistake in Consciousness that can be made and really the only one that can be made right to choose choose illusion over the truth to choose fantasy over reality to choose fear instead of love so this is it guys this is the secret of life learn how to choose the greater over the Lesser always choose
to operate based on the highest possible truth the truth of Oneness and relative truth will not get you anywhere you want in life we just come to learn that only Love Changes people and it just becomes an obvious fact you guys you're just like man judgment's so useless if I want somebody to stop lying cheating stealing I have to stop judging them as a liar cheater and stealer I have to see that deep within them there is a light a Divine Light there's a part of them that has never left Oneness with God and they
forgot it they're blind to it they don't see it and so they need to be helped to see it and I can begin helping them right now by not judging them and that's how we can truly be of service to the world right by remaining always in my heart no matter what I add no more harm to an already harm filled world I add no more negativity or evil to an already negatively fueled world and instead my light stretches out to touch everything surrounding and its effects are subtle they're not always perceived noticeably but the
frequency of love that radiates from each one of us that are willing and courageous enough to live from our heart in a world like this are the ones that are the true change makers and light Bringers on this planet
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