10 CLEAR Signs God Is Transitioning Your Life For The Better (Christian Motivation)

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Journey To God
Do you feel stuck for so long in the same circle? Do you desperately need a change and breakthrough?...
Video Transcript:
do you feel stuck for so long in the same Circle do you desperately need a change and breakthrough I have good news for your life today God is ready to transition your life for the better he's right there with you changing situations in your favor do you doubt this today I will share 10 signs that show God is working behind the scenes to transition you to higher Heights when you see any of these signs they are confirmations that God is about to do a new thing in your life he hasn't forgotten you sit back as
I unveil these 10 signs before we continue please remember to subscribe to this channel if you haven't you might be facing terrible situations that make you question God's existence perhaps you are going through a tough time now but no matter how difficult or overwhelming the season is for you remember that no circumstance lasts forever God doesn't leave anything halfway whatever he starts he will complete if he has sustained you to this hour he will definitely Perfect all that concern you always remember that he orchestrates these things to lead you toward a more fulfilling life as
a Christian you should know that life won't be all Rosy even Jesus Christ experienced difficulties while he was here on Earth but there's good news for you a amid all these you have the assurance that the changes you're experiencing are tools God is using to transition your life for the better transitions occur in processes and stages remember Ecclesiastes 3 one says there is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens this means the change doesn't occur overnight it might take days months or even years before the results surfaces God works
in order that is why he takes his time to prepare you before putting you under the spotlight unfortunately some people do not make it through these transitions that's because they sometimes fail to identify God's hand in it or perhaps they aren't attentive enough the truth is if you don't know the mind of God you'll never understand what he's working behind the scenes in your life so to ensure you don't miss out on this here are 10 signs that confirm that God is transitioning your life for the better number one you become restless and uncomfortable in
your comfort zone are you feeling so uneasy and Restless deep within your soul even when things appear to be fine with you on the surface this is usually the first sign you see when you step into a season of transition you feel a lack of peace yet when you look around everything seems to be very okay when this happens don't be afraid there's nothing wrong with you God is only stirring up your faith for a higher calling this unquenchable longing is his way of creating a deep feeling of disatisfaction within you he instills a burden
in your heart so you can seek new and better Horizons in him for instance you might have the best job anyone can wish for everything in your life life might be moving well yet you feel unsatisfied this is a nudge from God for you to desire better opportunities when you find yourself in a situation like this turn to God in sincerity and ask him for directions and Clarity number two you might experience challenges and close doors the Bible assures us that we will never lack why God owns all things he provides enough for those working
to fulfill his purpose in their life this provision will however stop Once you walk outside God's will you might begin to struggle to get the things you had before however is this always the case what if you still keep God's Commandments but still experience challenges that is why you must know that even when you're still connected to God Divine provision might dwindle at this point you will no longer feel his presence in your actions relax this doesn't mean he doesn't love you anymore he sees that you've become too comfortable in your current state and he
knows that if you're left there stagnancy would become your companion so he turns off the switch of divine provision this way you had to get up and move ahead this was what happened to the children of Israel in the wilderness when you experience this don't complain God is setting you free from the situations that are hindering your growth and he's preparing you for a better season of blessings this would be very challenging but take a step of faith and follow his Lee he'll take you by the hand to your Promised Land what is the challenge
or difficulty you're facing Don't Panic lay it all at the feet of Jesus and you'll find rest number three God will change your perspectives and stir a new passion in you your perspective needs to change before God can elevate your life you must have heard people say you can't keep doing the same thing every time and expect different results this is very true to get a better experience out of life how you view certain things needs to change this may include a change in relation relationships friendships and character for Abraham God had to separate him
from lot before his Prosperity set in sometimes people pray that God should separate them from the things hindering their success however even after God answers this prayer they still hold firm to these same things you can't be praying for something and still be blocking the answer to your prayer for this transition to be complete you must allow God to prune you shake off every unpleasant behavior and let go of those toxic relationships he does this so you can have a deeper sense of purpose beyond what you know when this happens Embrace this new found passion
then watch how God will Kindle the Flames of your unique talents and Gifts number four God will send Divine connections your way for every season God has prepared certain people to help you these persons are Destiny helpers who align with his purpose for you God connects you to them in ways that you can't explain there may sometimes be people you know such as mentors friends or family on the other hand they may be total strangers whose duty is to help you at that particular stage in life these people encourage and challenge you to step into
your new season apostle Paul is a practical example of one who experienced this Divine connection God sent Barnabas to go with Paul on his missionary journey after he got converted Barnabas was the one who introduced Paul to the apostles in Jerusalem he also spoke to them about Paul's new stand in Christ and helped him spread the gospel and yes your destiny helper might be reluctant to help you notwithstanding no matter how hardened the heart of your destiny helper is God will turn it in your favor the Bible gives Assurance in Proverbs 21 one saying in
the Lord's hand the king's heart is a stream of water that he channels toward all who please him number five you will experience peace amid uncertainties when others are murmuring and complaining about the unpleasantness around you you'll remain unshaken not because everything is smooth with you but because of the presence of God in your life the peace of God surpasses all understanding and when it fills your heart it brings calmness sometimes when you experience this you might not understand what is happening but God wants you to know that this is a sign of transition it
is a sign that he's taking you to a place that is better than what you're enjoying now you may not like the offer presented to you nevertheless there's a kind of Peace around it God might use this channel to change your life number six you'll experience the unveiling of new opportunities in your life when your life is transitioning for something better God positions you at the right place and time to embrace the right opportunities they may not be what you desire nonetheless you must trust God to align them with his will for your life it
is often difficult to risk taking up new opportunities because you are already used to what you have but you need to know that God won't bring you out of level one into another level one instead he'll take you to a higher and greater level problem with some people is that when such opportunities surface they don't glorify God they prefer to use it for their selfish gains when Esther became the queen she would have used her new position for her benefit but she didn't do that instead she chose to help her people and she succeeded if
you're determined to work for God opportunities will keep coming your way and God will use you in Greater dimensions for his glory number seven the transformation of your life will lead to Divine restoration for restoration to take place there must first be a loss Joel 22526 says I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten the great Locust and the young Locust the other locusts and the locust swarm the great Army that I sent among you you will have plenty to eat until you are full and you will praise the name of the
Lord your God who has worked wonders for you never again will my people be shame this indicates that you recover the things you lost in the past just like in the case of job as you surrender to his guiding hand his wind of favor will blow to all areas of your life he will heal every broken thing and pour Abundant Blessings peace joy and fulfillment upon your life when you experience this know it is a sign of transition from God to Usher you into your season of Plenty embrace it and his promises concerning you will
never fail number eight your faith in God will increase faith in God is very crucial for a desired connection with him but there are times when trusting God seems to be a very difficult thing to do and other times you find yourself doing it without stress however do you know your problems and challenges can make you trust God more it sounds funny but it's true take a look at Joseph his Destiny was to be a leader but right from his his father's house his brothers hated him that would have been enough reason to give up
on his dreams but he didn't next his brothers sold him into slavery imagine someone whose Destiny is to be a leader becoming a Slave how would he feel in that kind of situation many people will have to rethink whether they understand their dreams well enough but despite all these Joseph didn't give up as his life became tougher his faith in God grew stronger he never gave up until he fulfilled God's purpose for his life his problems helped him to trust God all the more no matter how hard his situation was aside from that his wisdom
also increased he gained Divine wisdom and was able to rule the right way you might have been struggling a lot but keep your faith intact God is taking you to a place far beyond where you are he's strengthening your faith in him to use you for his glory number nine you'll receive the willingness to obey God more God's love for mankind is unique in all facets and one interesting thing is the more you get to know God the faster your love for him grows this tells you that if you don't know God it will be
difficult to love him one good way you can prove your love for God is through obedience when you begin to feel that nudge to do what pleases God despite the inconvenience you encounter it shows that God is working not only on your heart but also on your entire being he's transitioning and restructuring you into the person he desires you to be he wants you to have the Jesus kind of heart when you Embrace this you will encounter God at a new level like never before number 10 when God is this transitioning your life you'll receive
Divine confirmations you're well aware that God is not an author of comption that is why he clarifies everything he does he makes sure you receive a confirmation to show that he is the reason behind the happenings around you this confirmation often comes in different ways it could be through Divine interventions confirming signs or prophetic messages it could be that you're experiencing certain situation in your life you then ask God for a sign to confirm if he's the one at work in your life you might be listening to a sermon and it feels like the preacher
is speaking to you in particular immediately you would know that's the confirmation you asked for has this ever happened to you one Bible character who asked God for this kind of sign was Gideon when God called him to lead the Israelites to fight against the midianites Gideon was unsure of himself he he thought he was not unqualified so he asked for a sign to confirm God's calling upon his life he said he would place a wool fleece on the threshing floor if there is dew only on the fleece and all the ground is dry then
he will know that God called him God made this happen not withstanding Gideon was still not satisfied so he asked God for another sign this time he said let the fleece be dry and the ground covered with Dew God also made this happen finally Gideon believ that God would use him to save the children of Israel and he moved on with confidence you need to pay Keen attention to those Visions dreams and promptings from the Holy Spirit these are Divine confirmations that God is changing your life for a greater purpose dear child of God as
you pass through different trying Seasons be careful to recognize the signs that show God is at work changing your life for the better let them assure that God is transitioning your life for his Divine Purpose embrace the journey trust his leading and surrender to his transformative power may you experience joy as you go through these crucial turning points in your life dear Lord I come before your throne of grace to acknowledge your lordship over my life I thank you for never allowing my enemies to have their way with me it is not because I am
righteous but because of your mercies over my life I exalt your name forever thank you for revealing the signs that show you are transitioning my life for the better God please guide and Empower me as you transition my life for the better I trust in your divine plan and surrender to your will grant me the strength and courage to embrace the changes that lie ahead and to fully trust in your timing and purpose no matter how difficult the transitions are help me to see the opportunities for growth and blessings in this transition and give me
an enduring Spirit Jesus Christ endured all the hardship he faced on Earth from birth to crucifixion please help me to be like Jesus I will always stand for what is right not minding the crowd against me for I know that you will never leave or forsake me Lord I ask that you give me a heart of obedience a heart that will love you both in times of Plenty and want I know that life is not a walk through the park but I also know that life with you is sweet and everlasting this is the life
I desire to experience please make it a reality for me help me to let go of the things that are hindering my progress remove whatever is standing as a blockade to my next level be it my friends or my character please help me to shake them off I let go of every weight that is pulling me down open my eyes to identify any relationship not adding value to my life and as I'm separated from them please connect me to the people you've destined to help me on this journey I pray for wisdom and discernment I
need to make the right decisions and navigate this new season of my life father Grant unto me above all my father please grant me the grace to persevere I acknowledge that you're too faithful to fail me please prune and refine me into that finished product according to your desire for my life no matter how long it takes I'm willing to wait because I know that my end will be magnificent thank you Heavenly Father for I am confident that whenever I pray you hear and answer me in jesus' name I have prayed amen if this video
touched your life please hit the like button don't forget to subscribe to this channel for more soul-lifting videos here's another one that will help restore all you've lost
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