Exploring The Depths Of Astrology With Rajarshi Nandy - Zodiac, Grahas, Destiny & More | TRS 334

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with Mars we have this idea that it is very commonly called as mangalik mangalik is basically certain combinations of Mars are present in the horoscope whether they're in the 7th house 8th house couple of other years are there so that causes a disturbance in the married life previously it used to be believed that it will cause death to the spouse today mostly divorce or separation but there are rituals and pujas that can be done to pacified that or there are um combinations for example normally what they do is that there's a horoscope mat that can
be done with that other individual also has similar mangalik do so it kind of cancels it out so whenever somebody tells me that Gita says this first question has tell me the sloka because the gaita is the most popular book also is the most abused book really people have their own understanding fed into the one book will have for everything is wonderful text but Gita is not at all an easy text people have made it easy because they have owned their own understandings also they have fed into most people don't know Sanskrit they read commentaries
commentaries commentaries and then they add up things and pick up one two slokas from here and there and make up an idea Gita may be saying that Gita says a lot of things about lot of things by the way Gita is a progression from chapter 1 to chapter 18 it is a progression this episode is a deep dive into the basics and slightly intermediate aspects of Vic astrology ology if you're someone who doesn't know anything about even astrology in general I think this episode is a fantastic theoretical starting point promise you this one's heavy it'll
teach you a lot about astrology it will polish up your skills if you know the basics and it's with a TRS Allstar rajash nandi sir Returns on TRS make sure you take notes for this one it's one of the ultimate 101s on Vic astrology on the Indian internet enjoy yourselves guys and keep learning with rajash nandi and [Music] DRS the Emperor of Tantra is back rajash Shandi welcome back we're not going to be talking only about Tantra in this one mhm we're doing an astrology 101 okay and I had a lot of chances to do
ABCs about astrology the advanced explanation of it with lots of people over the years right I was waiting for the right person and I didn't even know that you knew about astrology until we had a little phone call where you helped me out a bit and we won't talk a a lot about my personal chart and all that but uh this particular conversation is mainly so that people just understand mhm astrology in its most classical form fundamentals yeah ABCs of it right and then maybe he'll build upon it I don't know whether it'll be a
1hour conversation or a three-hour conversation so let's just start talking um where would you like to begin I do have a slightly Western question to begin with which is that when someone's born on a particular date of the year so say you're born on June 1st I'm technically a Gemini MH according to the Gregorian explanation of it uh how did the Gregorian calendar come up how did these Gemini Libra Pisces and all these signs come up there did they take it from the East did it spread out of the East has it developed parall do
they follow the same kind of principles that we do or is it something completely different because whatever research I have ended up doing I feel like there are some parallels but it's like a slightly less detailed system of what we have in the East sorry if I confused you at the top of this it's not confusing but it's a covers a lot of talk ground your question before I start joak okay so uh I believe that astrology or what we call as joa jsha has been an integral part of uh Hindu DH okay to the
extent that uh It is believed that in order to have have expertise in vdas there has to be certain vanga which is limbs of the vdas a person must know and of these limbs uh various things are there Sanskrit and ritualism and a couple of other things I'm not going into that but one of the limbs is considered as jsha joa was considered as the eye of the vas okay it gives you an ability to see beyond the normal okay now uh development of jotish uh when it comes to the West uh I I think
it's possible that two aspects are there now I can't be 100% sure of this because perhaps a historian will be able to tell you better but there has been a parallel developments of astrology uh both in ancient uh you know West and as well as India plus it is also possible that some parts of the uh astrological techniques that was there might have migrated from west to India but once it came here it not only got modified it got let's say expanded to a level which was not there originally some of the techniques now this
is what scholars believe I personally have no opinion either way it doesn't matter whether it fully organically developed here or it developed but there was some input from the West also I think some of the astrologers do mention texts uh uh with this title of yavana and all that yavana means the Greek text and all that so there could have been some cultural exchanges okay uh now coming to the first point is that there is however a strong difference between the Western astrology for the sake of this conversation I'll use the word Western astrology to
denote all that is in the west while we have joa here one of the primary difference is that uh so these the Zodiac belt is an imaginary belt by the way okay looking at the uh the stars and the nakshatras so there are certain animal figures and all that that have been created um and this was observed by people who are sort of Sky Watchers it was independently observed in India it was independently observed in the west Etc so but remember that it's an imaginary belt so you are assuming that this is a belt like
this okay so and it is divided into uh what we call the in uh in our term the rashis or the houses okay 12 rashis are there 12 houses are there as in 12 signs in the West 12 signs and for is 12 rashis rashis okay key difference is that our the Zodiac belt there's a there's okay before that also let me just say that uh at an ancient time in India astrology was not divorced from mathematics so if you if you did not know there is a part called falita fita means is predictive and
there is a part called ganit ganit means mathematics so if you did not know the mathematics you could not become an astrologer it's not possible today you have softwares and this and that to make things but those days you need to know how will you calculate the position tentative position of the planets there's a saying I learned on the show they say that mathematics is the language of the universe which is so true every subject is the language of the universe if you go to that depth not just mathematics if you develop the eyes you
will enjoy the orchestra very well okay uh just general statement sure no I I understand what you're saying uh so coming back to the what we were discussing so these um uh so the calculation part so as I mentioned there's a mathematics that is involved there okay uh and there's a mathematics involved in the west also so people who were sort of astronomers obviously in astronomy there is mathematical ability that is required not everybody can do that so only more or less those people or those who had a scientific mindset by the way they were
the people interested in things like astrology okay so for example I think um if I'm not mistaken even Newton had while he was a great scientist he also had many of these beliefs and he had written about these things okay so it was it it was something that was not diverse from each other it was parallel to each other if you were not good with uh looking at the skies and figuring out the you know the constellations and things like that and the mathematics you could not do this okay now having said that so there
is a calculation based on which the zodiac is defined okay some mathematical calculation is there in inherently here there is something known as Precision of equinoxes I'm not going into the details of it okay this is from astronomy anybody interested can you know find out more of this but uh so the zodiac is an imaginary belt now we uh from the the Hindu philosophers they saw the Zodiac in the background of the Stars the nakshatras the stars are very far off so stars are outside of the our galaxy they're very far off okay so so
on the background of the Stars they defined the Zodiac belt whereas um the West did not do it this way they defined the Zodiac belt using some other parameters okay now this caused over periods of over long periods of time this caused the difference in the tilt of the zodiacs to the degree I this may this may all just you know be with me for some time because this will all be a little year but um sounds technical but it's not actually that difficult so basically what happens is effectively the Western zodiac and the jtia
Zodiac has about I think 23 24 degrees difference in them in the Tilt okay which results in what so if you are born in so when you do when you say a gentic statement that I'm a gemini or a Taurus or whatever it is so first of all the very average statement is that taken as the position of the sun okay in the western system sun is in Gemini sun is in Taurus so you are saying that taus but if you use the Hindu calculation you might find that the position is different instead of Taurus
it may be in Aries I will have to just pause you here and make it slightly simpler I've got what you're trying to say when you're born there's a map of the sky above you right now for the map of the Earth you draw the land you draw out the mountains you draw out the oceans that's how you know where you are correct in order to draw out the sky you can only do that through the positions of the sun of planets in your solar system and of the Stars sort of now the Stars can
be divided the entire map of the sky above you can be divided into 12 Parts 12 Parts yes and depending on where the sun is where Mars is where Venus is uh that has certain astrological effects correct now you're saying the difference between the Western and the Eastern way of looking at the same subject is that we have a 23° difference in the map so the map has just slightly moved yeah 23° away s of and uh this is we in Hindu system we call the aona that's a term that's used aona basically um this
23° difference causes a difference in the position of the planets when you are trying to make a chart okay uh difference number one difference number two is that the West uses certain different techniques at least the older as older astrological writings little bit that I've gone through I'm not extremely proficient in the western system uh it uses a different set of techniques whereas the Hindus use a different set of techniques we have wide variety of techniques because jotish has been developed over Centuries by some of the finest Minds um parashara miira Etc they were fantastic
people excellent high IQ terrific individuals okay so as I said were also capable in knowledgeable in multiple other fields uh in mathematics and things like that so it went in parallel so obviously somebody's good in mathematics has to be highly intelligent there are international listeners there are people who may not be open to the Eastern way of looking at things but for the Z of understanding the subject much more in detail I think at this point we should head straight into the Eastern breakdown of astrology correct uh and I feel that whether or not you
believe in the Eastern school of thought or the Western school of thought uh by the end of this ation you'll have learned a lot and you'll be able to apply it in whatever format of astrology you're following I'm also learning about these in this much detail for the first time okay um but before I let you continue again I'm going to give some Basics here which I picked up from the show um and please correct me wherever you think I'm wrong like you can interrupt first rule is that when a baby is born they note
down the time they note down the place and obviously the date right and that's the map of the sky that you draw out on your astrological chart correct that's the basic then the other logic here is that each of these planets the sun uh each of these celestial bodies like the sun the moon and the planets and even their combinations have a certain kind of effect on the astrological chart correct um BK Shivani on this show said that astrological charts are great representations of a Soul's Journey till the point they took this birth mhm in
terms of all the karmas from the previous births land up as this astrological chart and it's a likely scenario of what can happen in your life but as you move forward in this lifetime through your actions through your karmas through your um sadna your meditations and disciplines maybe you can even shift your astrological charts and you can make it better for yourself or if you do evil things you can make it worse for yourself so it's just the mapping of the Soul's Journey till that point mhm now I also know that it's difficult to change
your astrological chart for the average everyday person who's going to office coming back home having a family having things to do mhm so if you know about your own astrological chart it just makes living slightly more convenient or you can anticipate that certain difficult phases are coming and if you have a spiritual journey if you're into Tantra you'll be able to combine your practices with the best outcomes for your future um have I missed out any point Point here from the basics no most of it is correct but I the few points I look at
it differently so I'll explain them uh more or less what you told is right so basically uh having covered the part about the difference and also there are uh just one more line the Western system uses certain different techniques than we do okay some of those have also been integrated into certain aspects of astrology in India but that's more deeper we'll go later into that if the conversation goes there but uh coming back to it will coming back to the topic so basically yeah at the moment when it is born when somebody some somebody's born
for that matter not just an individual by the way it could also be an event so there are different branches of astrology in Hindu system so one there is the jatakam which is for the individual horoscope then there is something known as M MTA means uh at this specific moment what are the planetary combination there and from there you can make certain predictions or for example suppose a particular you're starting a company okay the moment the company is getting registered or you are entering into a new house the moment you're entering into the new house
Etc the gr conditions at that moment can tell you what is likely to happen in the future okay so that's like a birth of a thing birth need not be an animate it can be an animate object also looking at the time when an individual is taking oath You can predict that how his is that you know party or that individual in oath in terms of say even a political party or somebody in some other capacity you can say that how things are going to go okay so not going into more details on this but
this is the broad Outlook of things oh and there is another aspect of joa which is a bit rare which is um uh which is like Destiny of land masses okay this is something I have not explored too much but it is also there which means that so what is the Destiny of this uh say southeast Asia or or certain parts of the world so that has its own rules also but that is the aspect of jsh that is least explored more or less the most common is individual horoscopes and of course muras okay now
when a person is born this date time place you know these things from this you can get a map of the Skies map means basically uh after the rashis there are 12 rashis I mentioned the next most important thing is the nine grahas okay 12 houses 12 signs 12 signs 12 rashes the signs of the rashes what you call which is like the Aries Taurus Gemini cancer and all the same thing okay on an Indian astrological chart mhm do the 12 different houses represent different aspects of your life like I have heard that the first
house represents your personality second house represents your marriage yes of course that is the whole basis in which you using which you predict okay but only rashes are not enough next comes the Gras nine Gras are there the na Gras so it is important here because uh to mention this U so there the word graha uh means it comes from the root word in Sanskrit which means to grasp okay something that grasps your mind and governs you basically so are these actually the physical planets yes or no both are important to understand while we take
the position of the physical planets but let us for the sake of discussion assume that a graha is like the astral projection of one of the physical planets wow okay yeah that is why you are able to also manipulate the Gras a bit that comes in the last part of Joes and by the way not just in the eastern western oul also they have ways of invoking planets okay so what exactly is it that is invoking if you're worship if you're doing certain certain sadhanas for Jupiter for example baspa which is Jupiter suppose okay is
it the physical planet is it changing anything nothing but there is everything has its own uh let us just take an you know a projection of itself that projection which contains the essence the T of the graah can interact with you and cause certain changes one way or the other depending on how you are approaching it for example Saturn is Shani is the god spoken about in the puranas no no it's not like that so graa so God means not in the God so these are grahas is the D spoken about in the deas are
higher than this d means d means if you say Shiva or ganpati they're much higher than this okay okay okay this is just personification of the planets personification correct word personification of the planets let's look at it that way okay and it has certain effects it can have effects if you approach it in a certain manner positive and negative both it is a accumulation of right as you said the gr the birth chart gives you an accumulation of what karmas you might have done till that point of time okay uh now what happens as I
was mentioning in the other podcast is that 99% of the people I think I don't know whether I mentioned it so 99% of the people lead their life just as a reaction to actions they have performed so when I get a question from somebody that what is the purpose of My Life um I'm afraid to say out of 100 people 99 of no purpose you are just reacting to things that have happened that's all okay purpose and all that comes in later for very few people they have it most are just what purpose you you
you finish school you go into college then you work then you get married then you have kids uh then you grow older then you die that's all purpose it's just reaction sometimes you happy sometimes you are sad this that and all that uh so what happens what is what I mean by that is that because of the momentum of actions you have done more or less your destiny is in Broad lines it is set which means that if you look at a horoscope at the moment of birth and it is indicating suppose that this person
will have a bad marriage okay there are almost 99 to 100% chance that he'll go through bad relationships or marriage in the context of the times okay say context of the times means suppose the uh in say 500 years ago somebody's seeing a chart and saying that your spouse is going to die okay 500 years ago we did not have divorces and all that as much so today spouse will not die but divorce something like that okay so more or less that what I mean is that because the accumulated momentum of kmas are such that
the chart kind of 80 to 90% will sort of give you a broad indication of where it is going and it will happen that way how the intensity May differ but the basic lines are kind of set because at any given point a person is not alone or he's not outside of time there's a past and there's the future the pressure from the past and the pull from the future is what makes you at this moment in time and only kov can take you out of time okay before we go into a very deep conversation
about carb and how daes are also a part of this again I have to boil it down to the ABC's here um do you want to talk about the 12 houses right now or do you want to talk about the planets and all the effects yeah sure but before that there's one more small aspect that needs to be mentioned so so there are three types of karmas more or less okay for easy understanding and it plays a part in the jotish and relevant to the question of how your birth chart affects you okay so first
is there's one part of the karma that is Dr Dr means fixed okay certain combinations can indicate in certain individuals it may not be in everybody that some karma is fixed fixed Karma means you just have to bear with it you can't do anything about it it cannot be changed you will have to face it nobody in the world can change it then there is some part of the karmas which are Dr which means that fixed and unfixed which means basically fundamentally it translates to this that if you do some kind of upaya pariharam pariharam
means some specific mantras or some Puja Etc depending on the horoscope there is a chance that part of it will be negated and maybe uh certain say intensity was coming at 10 it comes down to three or two or something it's more bearable okay and then the third is the ad which is not fixed not fixed karmas are just showing a tendency they're very easy to change you don't need to chant or do any ritual all you need is a strong mind you just want the willpower using a willp power you can change it so
these are three types of karmas that will reflect in a horoscope I've been advised not to understand the laws of karmas that deeply okay by gangas pru he was on the show last week and when I kept deep ding into questions related to Karma he said don't try understanding it fully he spoke about these things he spoke about prab Karma and all those aspects as well but he's like in the Gita there's a part that says karma is such a complex subject to understand that you'll go crazy if like you try understanding those I have
a different perspective of this so what I think that aspect is um so K GTI there's a particular phrase in the Gita so currents of karma are very deep uh yes that is true to the extent that if you want to find out that I am sitting here and I suddenly have a headache ke what is the karmic reason for me to get a headache you will not find that reason CU there might have been something something something but what I'm talking about is something that is very fundamental to understanding Jes okay there's nothing I
uh the way I look at it so these three if you don't understand you will not understand that why is it that certain things can be changed and certain things cannot be changed and I just remembered I think I had read one of those cartoon long back I used to read Kelvin Hobbs and he makes this wonderful statement I forgot that you know God give me the strength to what cannot be changed that you enjoy it or something like that it's a very fantastic line that was there so there are certain aspects which you can't
change in certain individuals okay there are certain combinations once and I have seen that in the course of when I have done readings and all these days I do very less but when I've done them so that nobody can change it doesn't matter you can go go to all the temples in the world go to every single spiritual person in the world every person if you're only meant to live for 39 years of your life you'll die at age 39 that's one example of something like this let's say sort of it depends it's not like
it's not that simple okay there are certain combinations of grahas which if present and I'll not go into details of that because the problem with astrology though is that right about when you start combinations everybody opens their chart first thing okay that's the last thing you should do because you will never be objective when you are doing your own analysis you have to learn from other people okay people with whom you have no emotional connect that will give you the lesson anyway so certain combinations are there which you present it indicates that it's very fixed
Karma can you give an example of a Karma which can be changed through will power so many things uh for example I'm growing fat I need to become thin all right start exercising eat L fast willpower is acting see in the yogic format as I was just telling you there's the physical body there is the vital plane where there's astral body and then there's the mind a perfectly working Yogi is one where the Mind controls the vital your emotional and the emotions and the vital body controls your physical body but for people what happens just
the Ulta mind has no control so emotions that control a to zed I feel like eating I feel like going out with with my friends I feel like enjoying Etc that's all your emotional talk and that's the goal of yoga to have complete control over your mind yes and do you know what is the uh in in another aspect another way of looking at it this vital power that is there uh who is the greatest representative of this vital force Hanuman G what does he do initially he is when he's jumping over the ocean he
doesn't know what powers he has then he's told then he gets it okay and he sublimates it whole to the feet of Lord Rama so basically the vital has tremendous power but it should not make its own judgment it puts itself into something higher in this case say the mind or in in in the case of Lord Hanuman he puts it to Rama okay so the moment that is done basically the idea is that don't let your emotions make the judgment M okay emotions are tremendous Force nothing in this world can happen without emotions but
if you allow it to be your master then it is a terrible Master its role is that it should be in control of the mind because the mind is objective but that rarely happens in humanity as in the mind should be able to control the emotions and not the other mind should give an order and the emotions should follow but that's very difficult to achieve that is the if you already achieve that then everybody will fall at your feet you are already a saint have you achieved oh no forget me I am just an ordinary
person okay okay okay I I'm just ordinary person that's all I probably have spoken to two or three people on this show who I believe have come close to it I'm not going to take names but like of everyone have spoken and these are obviously like spiritually inclined people who I think may have come little close to possible yeah you meet a lot of spiritual people so it's the goal of yoga Union between that's one goal of yoga let's put it this way because everything is the more you look the more you see that there
are things okay okay okay uh I'll let you take it Forward where do you want to continue so with these understanding that there are three types of karmas now we spoke of the rashis there are the 12 rashes we spoke of 12 signs that are there the zodiac signs uh and then there are the nine grahas and I told you that grahas are basically graspers of Consciousness it is very important to understand that do you want to name the grahas yeah so uh in if you speak in English so graha is not exactly the planet
let me tell you this way so that's why sun is also a graha okay so I'm not talking about astronomy here okay it's from the jotish point of you so the Sun the moon Mercury Venus uh Jupiter Saturn uh and how much six six um Jupiter Mercury Venus Jupiter Saturn then rahu and ketu are also there okay two of them these do not have physical presence okay so each of these rahu and ketu are two of the nodes nodes means so the Moon is traveling around the earth right so there is a it's it's like
U it's a point in space in calculation where it changes its direction Northern direction is rahu Southern direction is ketu so it doesn't have a physical presence uh I think an easy way to understand that is think of the head and tail of a serpent yeah so that is that is so uh this is I'm talking about the calculation part of it okay and when we see the the head and tail of a serpent plus uh rahu is one of the most powerful Gras okay in this age specifically as the ages go rahu becomes more
powerful so Sun for example sun is let's the first of the planet so basically Sun represents certain qualities so one of the qualities could be sun may represent the government Sun represents father leadership leadership fame fame comes from son uh if son is positive then it can give uh um it can cure from many diseases uh including things like for example if there is certain people have patches on the skin and things like that so there is some stories where uh certain people so those were cured by worship of sun Etc so like that sun
but most importantly sun will give you a lot of Fame if Sun is positive for an individual okay there a lot of him Kaa used to be a worshipper of Surya okay when you're saying positive for an individual you mean the com combination of sun with which house/ Rashi yeah there is then the more complicated thing that comes that when does a when is a gr positive and when is a gr negative okay in this there are certain SP places where the grah will become more powerful and some places where the grah becomes weak so
simply speaking Sun becomes very powerful when it is in Aries mes first house okay of the zodiac and it becomes very weak when it is in Tula Tula is Libra which is seventh just opposite to that okay it becomes very weak so because of the strength of the graha uh it will have its own um Power and behavior pattern will change of the human being involved no of the gr of the graa and I told you that what graha means grasper so accordingly when son is influencing an individual at a particular phase of time if
3 years or four years those properties it will transfer into the individual gotta understood okay that is how it grasps the Consciousness that's why they and makes you do things M that's why they say things like oh your son is now in uh Gemini that's why this kind of effect oh now your Venus is in Aries Etc um I got to pause you here and I know that this is pissing off some viewers who already know about astrology but I also got to talk to like more basic viewers autobiography of a yogi has an entire
chapter on astrology where they talk about how every object in the world has a kind of you can think of it as an electromagnetic energy or a spiritual energy that it gives out like how light has a dual nature of like being a wave form as well as photons so in the same way everything like say the planets have a solid nature which is as the physical planet and then they have an energy that they're giving out corre you can think of it as in the same way that every big object has gravity every object
in the world has gravity but when an object is hugee it has more gravity in the same way when an object is huge it has a deeper Cosmic effect on a human being's life and that object doesn't want to be negative or positive it just is and that's where this aspect of grahas comes in correct okay any anything you want to mention no not much but more or less these nine Gras are the fundamentals of jsha okay now now I think you should mention each one little little bit okay so sun is like that as
it say say Fame and things like that on the other hand when to just give an example suppose so one of the other things on the negative side Sun can also denote ego okay somebody with a very uh strong Sun May project a very strong ego or even misrepresented as being very arrogant because son is super confident okay on the other hand when son is weak lacks confidence and May may be internally insecure I have seen horoscopes like that so basically they will be again a gr to to clarify a gr is never independent in
the sense that uh there are other aspects of it it's like chemistry multiple Gras may be in the same house some grah may have something known as dishy effect sight so each gr can also see uh the house that is seven distance from it just opposite opposite okay some Gras are special dises okay we'll go into that this is details of astrology deta this is actually these are all basics of astrology not even details but okay go on so uh so Sun so it creates that sense of insecurity in can create an insecurity sense in
the individual and and the thing is that for example um if Sun is weak uh they get affected by Praise very easily good or bad if you praise them they become very happy or if you criticize them a bit they become very disturbed whereas when the grah is stronger it is more stable it is not ah criticism also it doesn't take that seriously but it may project an image of ego or arrogance it depends on the overall horoscope okay at a very deep level astrology also has its own levels at a very deep spiritual level
Sun Also represents the Atma inside an individual it is the king of the solar system the Atma is the king of your life like that your soul soul at another level son is Shiva but it can also be Rama depends on the horoscope okay so these does that mean so these come in later on so you have suppose um suppose there's an Affliction to Sun in the horoscope and seeing and I see that it needs to be rectified or some some way it can be cured or something like that so how do you do that
there are three ways in which you can do that one is that you do certain activities related to that graha that makes the gr favorable towards you okay so for example uh some government agency or government related thing you make some donations so you do some work sun is connected to the government Sun becomes happy but there is suppose some other kind of combination in the chart with respect to Sun so I say that no this is not enough there you need the help of forces higher forces okay so how you need the help of
devatas devatas are higher than these Gras but the grahas can map to certain devatas partial energies to some degree so depending again on the position of the sun I may say that uh worship Shiva or worship Bava or worship Lord Rama Rama is of the solar Dynasty okay depending on the position of the Sun or worship a specific mahavidya like a Davi huh each graa can map to lot of things see these nine Gras will map to everything if you know it can map to everything it is the capacity of the astrology to find out
that what exactly is the mapping happening and this is not exactly a science it's more like an art correctly find out so a good astrologer must also have a certain degree of experience and intuition okay after sun let's go to Moon perhaps the most important GR in the horoscope if you ask me more than even the sun okay moon is your mind moon is your mother moon is water moon is milk okay these things moon is food items also certain things various other list of things are there uh Moon the graha itself is something that
fluctuates so there is Pima and then there is Amasia so exactly like the human mind today I'm happy tomorrow I'm very sad day after again I'm happy then I'm sad so the Moon is like that changing changing like that so the moon becomes very uh powerful when exalted when it is in Taurus exalted means what exalted means maximum power okay okay okay R and becomes very weak when it is in Scorpio just seven houses separate okay uh strong Moon can indicate somebody who has lot of emotional self-control and who has the capacity to enjoy even
in stressful times that inner who stability stability but not just a dry stability Bliss because it's liquid moon is water so that sense of happiness and joy also is governed by moon are you okay giving names of like celebrities or no okay no no individual charts I'll go into but uh uh let's just say that yeah Moon gives you that um that feeling of contentment inside a strong Moon whereas a weak moon plus Moon allows you to have extract joy and enjoyment from a wide range of things if the moon is strong so to give
an example a person with a very strong Moon who even if he falls in the drain feel he may not panic right now I can't change my circumstantial situation I'm fine moon is weak the slightest amount of disturbance happens oh my God what the hell is happening I can't take this and being in a so even more second step of analysis so being Scorpio being a sign Scorpio is a very interesting sign it's governed by Mars so there is amount there could be uh how do you how does somebody uh react to a disturbance one
way of reacting is that you could internally curse yourself that okay things are very bad or you could just throw around a lot of disturbance to everybody around I not just I am disturbed but I want to throw the it happens to people okay it doesn't matter whether the person you telling is responsible or not but more or less you create that environmental disturbance can be created okay now uh these get modified a lot because obviously a gr is never normally alone there will always be some aspect or some other gr something like that and
those will modify the characteris characteristics I'm just talking about a very pure gr condition and now almost no chart has this and this is important to me mention because a lot of your lists are going to say oh my moon is like this but I'm not behaving like this or I'm behaving like that or Etc that's because there will be all other Gras it's like like chemistry you add things and final product comes in something else jotish is also like that it's never going to be one gr alone I'm just talking about the B basic
qualities sure after Moon let's go to Mercury Mercury is the so Moon by the way also connects to the Divine mother to the feminine okay uh depending on the position of the Moon it could be various characteristics of the uh Davi which form of Davi where Soma mild form whether it's aggressive form whether it's Kali whether it's shamuna whether it's Tara position of the Moon can govern these things okay and uh uh Vishnu Avatar is also connect to them by the way like I said sun is connected to Rama moon is connected to Krishna so
Mari is the gr Buddha is the gr that is considered to be youthful it's perpetually youthful it's it's like a prince if Sun is the king and moon is the queen of the horoscope then Buddha is the prince he is eternally in the teenage or just cross teenage face he doesn't grow up beyond that so he's very playful he's extremely good in comedy okay he has a remarkable memory Buddha has to be strong for a person who knows multiple languages without that you cannot learn languages it's tremendous memory okay he hears something he remembers it
he may not understand it though that's a different topic that goes to different that domain but he will be very good with it uh certain positions he may be very good in communication communication things governed by Buddha and certain positions of Buddha can also make a person very good in yoga and and this is very strange it may sound certain combinations of Buddha can also represent things like aara or black magic okay Buddha is fundamentally as I said it's a youthful gr and also by the way Buddha also governs uh certain other aspects like um
uh people who suffer from whether it's impotency or things like that or confusion regarding sexuality these are all governed by Buddha Buddha has this capacity uh it's it's it's very playful it's very playful graa but also very powerful graa because as I said Buddha's blessing if it's there on somebody they are very good in uh remembering things extremely sharp memory will be there they'll be very good with languages they can learn subjects very fast things like that they'll do it play y there's no stress just like that they learn so but uh not as I
said all these characteristics that I'm talking of the Gras all of them will not manifest in an individual it again everything gets modified with the POs where exactly is it and what other Gras are combining with it okay so Buddha becomes very powerful when it is in Kya Kya Rashi which is uh Virgo in English Okay and it becomes very weak when it is in uh meaning or Pisces okay Kya Rashi Buddha is the strongest all the positive traits of the Buddha come out and if it's in Pisces all the negative traits negative weaker traits
and there will be disturbances various other things see Buddha is so important Buddha is communication half the time when you have miscommunication Buddha is playing some role or the other or even all forms of growth actually happen with communication yeah communication is very important for examp example what you do as a communication is a significant part of it so uh Buddha is very important for anything related to communication also Buddha is very important Buddha's other thing is that if Buddha blesses an individual you'll be very good in academics so studies and subjects and all that
you'll be very good the often you'll find people who have done multiple phds and all that with certain combination of Buddha okay not all but certain combination as I said he Buddha is that he's very youthful he's Young that energy is there in Buddha Buddha connects to Vishnu very strongly okay Lord Vishnu position of Buddha will tell you which form of Vishnu Buddha also connects to among the Davi forms connects to tripurari she's a mahavidya and Buddha can also connect toava because he's somebody who's younger so these are things related to Buddha let's go to
the next say Mars Mangal Mars is the warrior among the Gras Mars represents that martial Spirit Mars represents the ability aggression Mars represents fighting ability Mars represents fire okay Mars um is the general among the Army verat kohi sure he has a very strong mongle all Sportsmen who are into physical Sports will have a strong Mars it's impossible to be in physical Sports whether it's Cricket football football or anything without a strong Mars or the military H military too police military Etc okay all these are all governed by Mars strong Mars uh so Mars becomes
very powerful when it is in maker Mak is Capricorn and becomes very weak when it is in cancer okay cancer is uh kkat Rashi because it's governed by Moon so it becomes it's not particularly a very gr that uh and that's emotional things like that to watering okay Mars connects to certain dates one of the first dat is Hanan G okay then there is kandha or murugan who's the general of the army okay but Mars also connects to narasimha of the Vishnu avatars Mars also connects to bami among the mahavidyas which one balamii okay with
the Mah Vias which specific form it will connect to depend on the horoscope all these are Warrior dates all these are Warrior dates it Mars also connects to chamunda it's a very Fierce form of the mother but it depends on certain other combinations not Standalone okay uh when Mars is strong and an individual they are normally capable of very not just physically strong but they also what I've seen is that there's a confidence in this physicality okay they're very confident and that also makes them pure Mars I'm talking about so there is self-control also but
pure Mars is very rare the moment Mars is touched by few other girls Behavior will change for example if Mars has any contact with rahu it becomes like a wall like condition yudha yudha yoga okay they are put them into a conflict bu straight they'll go into singular Mars will be very self controlled it will only enter if at all is needed just as much as it is needed to get result it will come out but Mars combined with other things will behave differently is this related to mangalik certain positions of Mars make an individual
mang is it true that when you marry a mangli it's bad for the partner and all these okay according to astrology yeah so but there are ways to digate that also do you want to address that later in the episode or we'll just briefly touch upon it but not too much details so basically uh before I go to that so Mars when it becomes weak uh it can have first of all there could be uh Mars also represents Blood by the way okay so there could be blood related problems plus there will be a weak
Constitution okay and again when a graha is weak it is fundamentally insecure so that individual will have certain degree of insecurity with respect to his own physical strength and that can manifest in very weird ways by the way which means sometimes what happens is if you're insecure about certain thing to cover up your insecurity you may try to be proactively more aggressive so a stronger Mars will have more self-control because he's confident of his power weaker Mars even at the slightest amount of disturbance something like that we'll try to behave in a way that is
very you know aggressive it's basically because deep down there's an in so you have to kind of prove more to yourself subconsciously no no I am very strong that psychology works with the Gras through the individual okay with Mars we have this idea that it is uh very commonly called as mangalik mangalik is basically certain combinations of Mars are present in the horoscope whether they're in the 7th house 8th house couple of other years are there so that causes a disturbance in the married life previously it used to be believed that it will cause death
to the spouse today mostly divorce or separation okay but there are uh rituals and pujas that can be done to pacify that or there are um combinations for example normally what they do is that there's a horoscope matching that can be done with that other individual also has similar mangalik do so it kind of cancels it out to a degree okay not fully but to a degree so basically you'll still fight but stay together so that kind of thing and and then there are cancellations of yoga also there in chart which is another aspect just
because of Mars is in a certain position it's showing mangalik it may not show the result if there are some other combinations present so like this okay but Mars is um uh uh so all things related to military police Etc is governed by Mars and the datas that I mentioned these are the ones who can control Mars if it is weak if it is negative if it needs some other disturbances manifest in it then we approach these datas and we worship them okay like for example Hanan gives you self-belief yeah Hanan see dees are more
powerful than the Gras remember this always so when you are approaching a deata for a specific grah related problem he can solve that problem but if you approach D for spirituality then he goes even deeper into spirituality he will take you beyond he can take you beyond any of the DAT is okay one more thing is that Mars in a female horoscope can represent uh partner boyfriend things like that okay can represent partner boyfriend now let's come to Venus so Venus has this very interesting thing Venus is also known as kavya cavia means poetry so
Venus fundamentally gives you the ability all that is Artistic in the world is governed by Venus okay Aesthetics is governed by Venus whether it is wonderful Aesthetics or weird Aesthetics okay whether it is a classical painting or whether it is a very difficult modernistic or postm modernistic painting that also is Venus but different positions of the Venus it could be that the Venus is weaker a weaker Venus but other combinations are there so very famous painting but you're not able to understand whereas a classical painting could be a very classically placed nicely placed Venus okay
so like that so Venus governs in general it governs women Venus governs things of beauty whether the way you are dressing up whether you're using a perfume and all that all these are Venus jeweleries everything is Venus poetry is Venus the ability to write poetry is Venus Venus also governs Tantra shastra I wonder who has a strong Venus so no there are other Gras also that govern but Venus has one particular governing capacity of Tantra and this comes from Venus is a uh among the Gras Venus is one of the gurus by the way there
are only two gurus in the Gras Venus is one of them and Venus comes from shukratara we find the reference to shukratara many times in our scriptures shukratara was uh one of the rishis okay and he was the guru of the asuras and the dasas okay shukratara was born in the lineage of Ru Ru was one of the Ries Ru and shukratara was a terrific worshipper of Shiva it is shukratara who gave us the munja Mantra he it is said that he went to Kashi and for 5,000 years he worshiped Shiva in his in a
normal way of P of worship and nothing happened then said I'll do sever austerities for 1,000 years he worshiped Shiva but making sure that he only consumes the smoke from burned grains nothing else only smoke in your eyes in your continuously for Thousand Years while chanting the Mantra of Shiva Mantra after thousand years they say that there's there's an anecdotal story the other Gras and the other gods the gods came to see okay k how is he able to do this much amount of sadana how is he amount to do this much amount so Gods
came and uh they were like but they they themselves cannot do it this much what shukra is doing just inhaling smoke can you imagine man his almost eyes are blind kind of with smoke and all that and is's continuously worshiping after thousand years they tell Shiva that please give him whatever he wants stop this H because if he keeps doing that he alone will control everything Shiva appears before him and tells him I'll teach you one thing I'll teach you the sanjani viya how to bring the dead back to life something that no one else
has got he gives him that shukra uses that then to revive the asuras during the battle okay so he is able to bring back all the Divine beings and all that so then the pratas or the Shiva ganas they come to Shiva and say that he's Reviving all the asuras back all the wounds are going and there again how will we defeat them ever then sha tells nandi who is shiva's greatest Baka do that go and catch him and bring him here okay so he gets shukra back Shiva digests shukra takes him inside his body
eats inside the body of Shiva he's seeing that all the 14 Locas are there universes there everything is there gods are there asuras are there whatever is happening outside everything is inside his body only okay and in this he's not able to come out of that state because he's they say that I think for hundreds of years he stayed inside the body of Shiva okay and the asuras obviously became weaker because he was not using the Vidya to revive them anymore so the king God started winning after that finding no other excuse no other way
out he was able to come out from the sexual organ of Shiva then Shiva told him that by this act you become like my son okay and you will have Mastery of a certain aspects so sha was so he gets the name shukra shukra the word also means Sean shukar he has Venus controls everything about sexuality in the sense normal sexuality okay everything whether a person looking at the condition of shukra you can find out a A to Z about a person's um various things about his sexuality and things like that okay including even um
those aspects which are for example used in Tantra some of the aspects where myona is used in Tantra whether it can be done on whether individual will be able to do it or it depends on the shukra wow shukra knows the Vidya to revive somebody if shukra is strong in a person certain things you there are practices they can do by which even if they may be aging but still looking y it is the capacity of shukra to give you that shukra is fundamentally passion see Moon and shukra both are likeness but there is a
difference both are feminine Gras there a difference moon is that General Bliss and happiness everything is fine is Passion this is what he applies in the he says that no no I have to get Shiva like mad he does a everybody stunn how the hell is he able to do this so much of penance austerity okay this is the capacity of shukra without shukra it is very difficult to succeed in the world because you don't have passion for something if you don't have passion you are not going to put in that effort and passion could
be for anything passion could be for sadana also and once passion's in something it doesn't feel like effort exactly then it is not work anymore anybody who has done something terrific will need to have some blessings of shukra Venus will have to be in a good place in the chart yes for the material growth correct not just material that's what there are certain combinations there's a particular combination of Venus Saturn and ketu present in the chart it shows a tapas yoga you are able to do Tapas tapasia which means that you able to do penances
hard penances okay because you like doing it once as you said once you start liking something then to it is not effort anymore then no one has to prod you to go to office or go to school or something like that you on your own will do it okay that is the blessing of shukra and it's very very important in many things on a very low level I know that if your Venus is in a good place you are said to have a lot of sex in your life huh that is one way of looking
at it so basically what happens is that two things Venus does govern sex but also it governs the for a for a man Venus also governs his wife or girlfriend or something like that whatever his partner okay Venus by itself is women all women are governed by Venus in fact uh by looking at the position of Venus you can make out even that how how what are the physical features and various other things really lot of things okay so not just Venus other Gras are there but Venus is a key component of it okay and
uh so Venus connects to lakmi mahalakshmi and also among the mahavidyas she Venus connects to kamalika is a mahavidya okay that's the tantric form of lakmi but again a graha is never alone so once it has influence of other Gras its character and behavior changes Venus by the way also controls things like films and all that you can never be famous as a film actor or somebody who's well known until your Venus is well placed and connected to certain places in the horoscope okay that visibility that see that's the thing Venus that connection of lot
of people okay uh that that kind of f with respect to uh films and things like that all are somehow governed by Venus one of the artistic Fields media for example also Venus okay after Venus let's go to Jupiter okay Jupiter is the second is the guru of the devatas okay Jupiter is is masculine in nature Jupiter is Guru in the traditional sense he's heavy okay he has certain there's a certain gravity and a weight in Jupiter somebody who's influenced by Jupiter moment they sit in a room you will understand that Jupiter is strong so
they they not they'll not joke around and all that it's not intimidating kind of heavy but you feel that okay this person knows a lot or this person has a lot of depth in him that is Jupiter okay uh Venus by the way also governs Jewels diamond and all that those business you cannot enter jewelry business you cannot enter without Venus influence especially uh gemstones and rare stones and rare materials and all that things now Jupiter is the guru of the grahas okay he is the uh he teaches the devatas not the Gras he teaches
the gods how to fight whatever other vidas have to be taught Etc is that way he represents the Vedas and the vedant he is the traditional path okay completely jotish and all traditionally all under his domain his influence Jupiter also represents wisdom Mercury had mentioned that has the ability to learn lot of things but you may learn a thing you whether you are digesting it or not that governs Jupiter whether you're realizing it or not okay that is Jupiter's domain Jupiter represents gold it represents lot of wealth it represents banking systems so very often clean
wealth but it's very important Jupiter is Jupiter is fundamentally ethical he doesn't like non ethical things because it's a guru of the Gras it will never do any shortcut business ethics is very important okay Jupiter also weight is there so there are certain combinations of Jupiter if it's present then people tend to put on weight there's a certain heaviness heaviness in their Aur heaviness also physically can happen Okay Jupiter becomes very strong when it is placed in cancer Kat Rashi and it becomes very weak when it's placed in Capricorn okay just the opposite of Mars
uh Jupiter can connect to any gr any deity for that matter but certain placements depending on placements it can represent Shiva or it can represent a very Cosmic form of Vishnu okay very large form of Vishnu Jupiter can also represent a very Cosmic form of ganpati very powerful form of ganpati so there are more details of it which stra of ganpati will connect to Jupiter in this form and from the tantric point of Jupiter represents matara okay so Jupiter has these characteristics Jupiter's blessing on individual means he'll be very deeply learned so subjects like um
I would say for example say physics these are all governed by Jupiter or philosophy 100% Jupiter without a strong Jupiter you will not that depth will not come okay Jupiter has that very they're very sincere Jupiter doesn't like shortcuts and numberer okay very ethical very sincere hardworking and Jupiter's blessing is very important to digest experiences correctly digest The Experience spirituality Jupiter plays a very important role whatever other Gras may be they have their own role to play but Jupiter plays a role in the sense the Jupiter puts you in the right path no shortcuts hardw
workking and it helps you to finally expand and digest experiences that's one of the key things about Jupiter I already mentioned matara links to Jupiter certain conditions of Jupiter she has to be worshiped to bring the person out on the negative side Jupiter a Jupiter's another fundamental quality is that it expands but likes expansion okay a negative Jupiter can also bring in diseases by the way in an individual like cancer and things like that sudden uncontrolled expansion of cells or something like that uh Jupiter likes sweet things a person's strong Jupiter we can more or
less say we like sweet as a taste Jupiter also there are kakas of Gras kakwa means Lordships what does it control there are two types of Lordships of a graha which is till now what I was telling you was the nice which means natural lordship so Jupiter naturally Lords gold Jupiter naturally Lords certain things but in an a horoscope it may have some functional lordship also which depends later we'll go into that but so Jupiter uh because of this if Jupiter is Afflicted you will you may see diseases like sugar blood sugar and things like
that these are also governed hormonal problems are governed by Jupiter sometimes okay some kind of uh hormonal imbalance or things like that in a woman's horoscope Jupiter May govern her husband so you can understand the basic nature of the husband by looking at the position of the Jupiter okay and general wealth and wisdom and all these things are there so the daa guru then we come to Saturn Shani Shani the most interesting one for a lot of viewers sheny is fundamentally a gr of discipline and Taskmaster it likes hard work it likes people who do
hard work a positive sheny means they will will be very hardworking negative sheny means they will be extremely lazy okay lazy indolent okay and the more lazy you become the more your shy is going to cause you trouble simplest I'm saying of course it all gets modified based on various other factors but this is number one so hard work and discipline is what Shani likes number two Shani likes uh masses lower level not the elites Shani dislikes Elite see Shani is actually son of Surya the son of the sun yeah in the mythological LS that
we get he's a son of Surya okay but he dislikes Surya completely dislikes him Shani just dislikes son okay because Sun can project the ego arrogance and confidence Shani likes humility just the opposite the more humble one is so shani's idea is that you be humble and do hard work then why does Shani have a negative connotation that is because certain positions of Saturn if it is placed so these are the two things that are told but fundamentally people may not neither be humble nor hardworking okay so then uh Shani also among other things it
l it rules things like something that is very longlasting okay so if Shani gives you a trouble it is going to last for a very long time okay for example what I said about um discipline and all that this is the fundamental nature of the gra but if Shani is negative okay and is troublesome then it can cause a lot of trouble because it is slow also okay and also another thing with Shani is that it it likes Justice okay if there is something wrong or some injustice that has happened or being done something it
likes dishing out that Justice to that individual during its period that can be very painful okay Shani worships Bava and Kali these are the two go to graa devatas who can control Shani to an extent but also here let me say that some of the most fixed karmas we are speaking of D karmas are also governed by certain positions of Saturn Saturn in that sense is many people will say that Saturn is a kic gr basically what it means is that Saturn likes giving this Justice business so you have taken shortcuts XY Z somewhere somewhere
somewhere Saturn comes in and he gives you full hisab so he's like that credit card bill that comes in first you enjoy then then the bill will come so that is what he is and that is where people that's why people get scared because obviously uh somewhere or the other if you have taken shortcuts or some things like that and Saturn comes in is going to make you pay and there's no no escaping it it's not that simple to no to escape Saturn so easily it's very it itself is humble see escaping means what supp
Sun or the other Gras are weak or something like that you do some puas or japas or something like that for the Gras that's basically a way of placating the gr to Plate Shani is very difficult because it's very humble it is not looking for your Praises too much and that's why you say the Hanuman Chalisa Hanuman Chalisa can help but it has to be significant amount of Hanuman Chalisa okay Hanuman G has the ability to control the nine Gras by the way other dates also have haran chal is very popular so that's why uh
we use that a Saturn also controls um various beings of the lower Realms so positions of Saturn can tell you whether XY Z individual will have contact with these kind of entities or not uh Spirits also sometimes can be governed by Saturn Saturn also indicates so Saturn indicates generally the worker class okay one of the very interesting remedies of Saturn I know a friend who uh uses this tell people for example Saturn is difficult in somebody's horoscope so tell him that in your house on a specific day you yourself clean the toilets that's something a
very menial kind of work precisely what Saturn likes don't let the servant or somebody else do it you do it you don't like it so what that's the attitude that if you have then Saturn is going to turn slightly favorable towards you it hates ego it hates uh arrogance it hates lack of humility it hates lack of discipline but unfortunately the whole World suffers from these things a lot and Saturn also gives in his Justice his he very Justice oriented in that sense by the way Saturn can give in certain combinations exceptional amount of wealth
so much wealth that no other gr can give in fact you can take it this way that perhaps some of the greatest uh the richest people some of them would likely to have certain combinations of Saturn certain places when Saturn gives wealth it's like Unthinkable amount of wealth will come but there is a catch involved Saturn is one of the now there are Gras of other combinations also so there are certain Gras which are more Cura Cura means more um um say let's say freers or something not so not gentle okay Saturn is one of
the CR gr sun is also CR gr by the way Saturn is a CR so Saturn's combin if if a wealth comes from Saturn then there are uh it is not a natural domain of Saturn natural domain of Saturn is hard work and discipline being an unnatural domain you can be certain that if a person if a horoscope comination shows that this person made a lot of money with respect to Saturn there will always be shortcuts involved corruption yeah yeah okay because it's not as not natural domain okay Saturn also represents imprisonment and things like
that like the Ring of Saturn is like a test you're caged up for some time yeah and if you pass that test you're rewarded yes sort of so and uh is is it true that at the end of your Saturn phase there's a reward always no not always it's it's a popular saying sometimes it is true but sometimes it may not be true again all of it depends on the position of Saturn okay and as I mentioned there are certain combinations of Saturn which present no cure possible for that if whatever is the Affliction nothing
no amount of aasana of any deity no amount of going to anywhere else is going to bring any relief just have to go through that because that is the lesson that nature is going to teach you Saturn is very good in teaching lessons uh to keep certain degree of control over Saturn Saturn also by the way controls oil and things like that these are all governed by Saturn people often ask I'll do Hanan Chala once depending on the amount of trouble you are in you decide how much you have to do okay so that it
should be you know of the same level as the intensity of difficulty that you are facing then only there's a chance that you will have some relief from it okay now we go to rahu so rahu is basically an assura The Story Goes that rahu after the after the churning of the ocean Cosmic ocean was done then there was am that came out okay many things came out of which one of them was am makes you immortal so rahu and assura disguises himself and goes the gods have taken the am and their having he goes
there he says that I want their Amita also so he disguises himself and he sits and he takes a bit of the Amita in his mouth okay immediately there's a Vishnu there he understands that okay this is uh this is not a god this is Aura so he uses his Sudan and cuts off his head okay so the am comes into his mouth doesn't go into the body so two parts come out one is the head and one is the tail the head is rahu of the Asura and the tail is ketu body tail or
body whatever okay but because he had am so he becomes Immortal okay rahu is a head without a body rahu has its own interesting nature the primary Natures of rahu is that it is a master in creating Illusions absolute Master Okay number one number two is that rahu tries to eat everything okay grasp and eat but it can't digest everything because it doesn't have a body so rahu influence means you are trying to you'll try to in that specific area or something that spread very fast but whether you are able to integrate that properly that
you don't know in fact very often that is precisely what the illusion is very fast expansion in certain ways or very fast uh yeah expansion only for lack of better words but whether that is being integrated or not if it is not being integrated then eventually that is going to suddenly burst that is one of the problems with rahu okay uh rahu also governs Spirits okay because it doesn't have a physical presence rahu is extremely powerful because all these domains Illusions this that Etc these are all things in the mind imagination a certain com combination
of rahu can give tremendous imagination okay rahu is also in a way like the the the physical domain is there and then there is the oul domain he is the doorway between the the physical and the ult he can take you to that realm both in a positive and a negative sense rahu is extremely brave but this braver is different from that of Mars Mars is like full scale Warfare rahu is like a bomb blast even a moment before that you don't know what is going to happen suddenly it burst and everything is you like
shocked out of your mind okay rahu has another ability it can read through conspiracies no other GR can if there is some conspir all the conspiracy theories in the world are roused doing he loves creating conspiracies whether they're real or not and it also gives you the ability to see through a conspiracy any individual is working in a spy agency or something like this you can't do that work until your rahu is strong it's impossible or politics speculating equations being made this will work that will work you all that is rah's domain internet full scale
rahu all YouTubers we we this age is rahu by the way we call it K yoga this is the age when rahu is most powerful so rahu is not always bad by the way I'm not saying that rahu is bad technology is entirely rahu today you have 50 60 years ago people used to think that you know what is going to be a computer large computer maybe like the size of a room or something today that whole processing power is there in your telephone okay it's becoming small it's becoming more powerful things are changing very
fast anything that changes fast as rahul's domain quickly it is going to shift things okay rahu grasps attention very quickly which is why the phone is the attention grabber in this today's age everybody take the phone away you are like like a fish out of water okay so these things dahu can control uh on the positive side rahu gives a lot of Courage very strong courage rahu also as I mentioned can influence a person into black magic or these things both both being a victim of it or somebody who's doing it okay plus the world
of spirits and all that rahu has full connection to it certain combination of Gras can indicate that somebody may be affected by Spirits rahu is control over it rahu also controls uh animals not animals rather it's like insects and all that cockroaches spiders this that all these are governed by raho okay rahu to control rahu there are few deities who are very good in controlling rahu uh primary of them is Madura primary of them then also Bava he's very good in controlling rahu extremely poent in controlling rahu okay ra rahu can lead to addictions by
the way certain combinations with rahu more or less you can be certain that they'll have addiction and very difficult to get out of addiction certain combinations of rahu are there is present so these two other daes are also there in the tantric uh in the D mahavidya Dei chinnamasta is the one who controls rahu okay chinnamasta is extremely aggressive but this judgment is to be correctly applied when to worship which de for Relief okay if whatever is there rahu has the ability to eclipse the Sun and the Moon Sun and Moon are the most fundamental
Gras in the horoscope because Sun I told you is deeper level is soul and moon is the mind your soul and mind are the most important things rahu can cause Eclipse to that and that is going to cause certain behavioral changes in that individual even when we have eclipses outside by the way you'll see there two things there eclipse is a very peculiar time one is that when an eclipse is happening temples are closed okay normal Dharma normal sense of right and wrong what is to be done and what is to be not done tharma
and adharma has a certain flow okay whenever rahu grasps the Sun and the Moon it causes a tremendous change in the energy in the atmospheric energ spiritual energy of the uh place where that eclipse is happening even on the world at a subtle level but more specifically the place where the eclipse is happening so normal Dharma gets Disturbed that is one of the reasons why temples are closed uh traditionally there are certain sutak that is followed which means that you don't eat food for certain period of time until the eclipse gets over then you take
a bath and things like that you don't see an eclipse directly and I'm not talking about the scientific aspect and all that but spiritually they have their own meaning why these are not done and this is good to follow okay but that period is also extremely good for Spiritual practice what you can achieve through years of practice in normal time you can achieve in one or two hours during a grahan because rahu is like that Veil between the world you see and the world that you cannot see explosive growth explosive he can LIF that Veil
also can cause that Veil also and in fact there are certain outside India there certain places where rahu worship is very common outside India yeah yeah certain places rahu worship rahu tattoos and rahu puas are done specifically but the power is used more for material purposes some positive some negative what is it called in English uh I don't know what is it called but they call it rahu only okay uh and uh rahul's ability to see through conspiracy is very useful correctly placed rahu can also help you dominate your enemies because even before they make
a move you know what they're trying to do he can see that thing okay rahu is also your link to your subconscious mind all the other gr are functioning in your conscious rahu is where the subconscious business starts in okay good or bad whatever but either way and even Hanuman G also can be certain sadas are there Hanuman G which can be done to control rahu another thing is that rahu can show in a hor things like we were discussing sarpa and all that placement of rahu determines that rahu also controls nagas and serers and
all that okay snakes and all are Rus so after rahu let's go to ketu ketu is the body of rahu without the head ketu governs again like rahu it governs all Spirits particularly spirits but also high level of spirituality very high level see Jupiter as I was mentioning is more like uh wisdom and philosophy yes but this is mysticism mystical experiences very strange experiences but also Spirits okay both of them are very much there and it also governs a certain degree of Detachment correctly placed ketu will govern Detachment correctly placed ketu can also show whether
a person will attain to very high States like Nirvana and all these things certain but that is in my opinion that judgment should not be done because very high when you talk about that level of spirituality they actually go beyond Gras okay it's not it's it's what happens is that after a person has achieved something then people try to retrofit and say but actually that level of spirituality is beyond Gras K is also very brave okay but kuu is a bit mindless so ketu is irrational completely doesn't have head so wherever ketu is placed that
is the area where you will work mostly either out of Intuition or whatever organic feeling you have uh thinking too much is not going to help wherever the ketu is placed in the horoscope so ketu requires a head one of the best dates to worship to control ketu is ganpati okay because ganpati himself has his head replaced by uh worshiping ganpati is very good to bring ketu under some degree of control and feeding fishes and things like that they are also governed by ketu okay so K's placement tells you a about spirits and about Detachment
also Detachment means it can be very strong degree of Detachment in the sense if suppose the house of spouse has ketu it may show that the marriage um in the marriage there is a certain degree of could be a disconnect between the husband wife maybe same house they're staying but there is no connection properly it's like two roommates that's it kind of so those things it could be in other areas also so these are the three fundamental themes of ketu one is that it could be Spirits or it could be high level of spirituality ketu
also governs very high level of mathematical ability by the way very high level I'm not talking ordinary level this is like uh International best mathematicians of the world um that is very typically kuu has this ability or very high caliber chess players not just normal chest plat this is like super Grand Masters okay where they're looking at the most complicated positions because after some point ketu is the gr of intuition most important gr of intuition because it doesn't think the mind is not there your intuition gets blocked because you have a rational mind okay but
rational mind has its uses because until the intuition is purified and correctly build on it will guide you wrongly because you are getting you can get information all sorts of places uh so kuu governs these things uh and uh among dates one of the as I mentioned the first D to worship is ganpati for that matter there are certain Ganesh Ras which with energized with mantras they can help an individual during troubles if there are very significant amount of problem problems a certain placement of ketu in Tantra the mahavidya known as dhumavati to control ketu
she is one of the most pecar mahavidyas okay ketu also controls things like smoke particular so rahu and ketu's differences to give an example suppose somebody is afflicted by disease if you if rahu is the cause of the disease uh you go to a doctor the doctor will tell you this is what the is you go to doctor B he will say it's very simple no problem but he'll give you different diagnosis you go to 10 different places all of them will give you full confidence he them 100% will get cured but 10 different diagnosis
if kuu is govering the disease 10 110 doctors also will not find out what is the root cause of the problem so it's like this smokiness about it it's not the vision is not there Clarity is not there and rahu is the pretense of clarity ru's illusion K's mystery sort of in a way briefly saying that is right and uh both of them get involved in yogas obviously they're always seven houses apart rahu and ketu will always be seven houses apart okay and they get involved in the Gran and all these things Etc so so
ketu fundamental is in a way both intuition spirituality Spirits uh and Detachment these things are governed by G okay that's it that's the that's the N okay this is the point where I would also like you to explain the houses okay in terms of let's make this personalized for the end viewer there's a lot of people who don't understand astrology but I feel like if they get an idea of what houses stand for it suddenly makes you interested in astrology for the first time I would always kind of laugh at my mom who's very into
it all this doesn't work and when she explained the houses and she explained the positions of my planets I was like okay that's a little weird kind of describe my personality I would even laugh at all these friends of mine who talk about oh you're a Libra that means you could date a Gemini I would laugh at my friends until I just realized that there's some truth in astrology and the more I learn about it the more humble I got about the subject but it began with understanding what those 12 houses right stand for on
a very personal level I will let you expand on this thought let start with the first house first house is the lagna okay which we call uh LNA is the Zodiac that comes up in the Eastern Horizon at the moment of birth of an individual okay of the 12 houses whatever is coming up at the Eastern Horizon as in the map of where you were born at what time you were born you look at the Eastern Horizon correct whatever is there whatever Sign House Rashi is coming up that is the lockdown the question is is
there a sun there is there mercury in that part is there Venus in that part that comes second part first is you you fix the lagna okay from where the calculations are to be done okay so lagna is your house number one okay it could be any house lagna so lagna determines the individual's first basic personality it determines ke what is their uh physically how do they look and things like that and their thinking process LNA is perhaps in a way the self you are the lagna first okay how you think how you determine how
you work and all that everything will be governed by lown can you explain that looks part based on if the Sun is in that part or the Moon is in that part no so it there are multiple combinations possible in this uh along with the lagna there has to be there is the so the trines of the individual Okay the reason I'm not going into the specific combinations because the end they are endless combinations okay and too long not just too long it'll take years to actually grasp H there are so many combinations possible you
will have only through practice this is the basics I'm talking but once a person starts practicing and all that eventually they are then you will develop your method of understanding how is the looks so sometimes it's possible that even a in a creu gr some of the Gras they can give fantastic looks in an individual okay but there will be something in the personality that is not absolutely clean okay so all these things are various possibilities are there uh this is house number one okay it also gives a general idea about your health whether as
I said it is like yourself how do you look at yourself okay also how like the world would know you no that's that's very interesting there is another calculation that goes not at the first level of second level so there is something know as the Aruda lagna there's a specific combination which finds out specific house will have that and from that point if you look at the horoscope then you will understand how the world looks at you you may think you are XY Z the world may think you are something else wow okay because jotish
goes to that depth okay okay your second house governs things like food what do you like eating how do you speak okay what's the manner of speech is it sweet is it rough uh do you lie are you truthful all these things you can find out number two wealth that comes from your family are you born into a rich family well of family does your family support you Etc like this family means parents side family okay after marriage it becomes your spouse and all that family more or less shows the support of your family resources
that your family can provide for you your food habits your speech these things okay uh I'm I'm just giving broad ideas remember that these nine grahas and 12 rashis govern everything in the universe if if jotish is to be take we look at from the jsh point of view so that means that each houses and each Gras will have a huge list of things actually connected to them but these are the most primary things that I'm talking about okay third house for example is communication written communication okay it is also the house of Courage how
much whether a person is brave or whether a person is not brave you can figure out from the Turles okay uh it also gives short travels not very long okay maybe from Mumbai to Pune or things like that short travels uh it also governs Sports okay are you whether you are inclined towards sports physical Sports not not chess and all that okay those things so and yeah it also governs your siblings specifically younger siblings those who are younger than you whether you have a sibling or not what is your equation with the sibling everything third
house will tell you that okay your fourth house is your mother and also the house your home where are you staying okay uh along with that it from the fourth house you can figure out things like whether you are you will stay in a country of your birth you go to a different place uh what is your equation with your mother first thing okay uh then is the vastu of your place correct or not wow where you are staying this is almost like intrusively like an x-ray on someone's life yeah that's how deep astrology can
go if it's in the hands of a right and this I'm talking is just the starting level there are more other things there okay even the charts in jotish not one one is your Rashi chart which is this I'm talking about then there is navamsa and then there are 10 15 other subtle levels of charts if I have to check your spirituality I will check a particular horoscope which will give a more detailed view of one aspect of your life if I need to check something else uh say uh you know there various other aspects
so like this there are multiple charts and that is why one of the typical questions that come in that if twins are there of similar birth uh why are their lives different because even if there is a difference in a few seconds those subtle those secondary tertiary charts will all start changing wow okay so this level Western astrology does not have it's only jsh that has it uh so we dealt with fourth house is basically a home fourth house also determines one very interesting thing are you happy or not very simply put your sense of
happiness peace 4000 heart also that's one of the first spiritual houses fourth okay then comes fifth house fifth house governs creativity how imaginative are you how creative are you one more thing 4 also governs your primary education school okay school education and all that fifth house will start governing your higher education your creativity most importantly all artistic people must have certain strong combination with the fifth house fifth house also governs your children if Pro people have problems in child birth often there is some problem in the fifth house okay uh it's sort of your vision
of the future sometimes it happens that there may be a negative gr or some other problematic combination the fifth house so that individual does not have a clear vision of where am I going in the future or you will make plans and they'll never succeed that's one of the things that fifth house causes the problem okay so fifth house governs these things fifth house also governs by the way among many other houses also there but fifth is the first one that governs your Mantra what is the natural Affinity of the man which which Mantra will
work naturally for you as in each of the gers has its own D this is generally speaking okay to give an example if somebody has suppose and mind you again I'm saying that there are multiple combinations this just I'm telling you one so in um suppose fifth house is Mars now we have learned that Mars controls Mars is connected to Hanuman G Mars is connected to narasa Mars isect to scanda to bami you can choose one of these dates depending on some othery what are the influences there in Mars and say that you can start
this St is subasana okay fifth house governs your first natural liking and the beauty of this is that each house from its shines which is the from that house if you connect to Fifth and 9th of the house if you do a calculation 1 2 3 4 if you take that as the base and connect the fifth one and the ninth one so these houses will have a natural liking towards each other 159 from any house basically means yourself is house one five is your children so generally Humanity will have a love for their child
okay if you did not if this was not there why would a person take care of a child what what about the ninth uh ninth is your forefathers your father okay so this makes a very interesting yourself your future and your past they are linked together okay you at the fifth house fifth house now let's come to the sixth house this is the first difficult house in the horoscope uh sixth is the house of diseases sixth is the house of enemies sixth is the house of debts sixth is the house of court cases all these
things will come from sixth house okay uh so if there is if there's a problem of enemies or things like that difficulties from looking at the combination in the sixth house and the grahas you can make out that whether uh how long it is going to last or what is the way to get out of it if at all you can get out of it or not and plus diseases and all that all that is govern by sixth house okay uh on the positive side sixth house can also indicate service service means um to serve
somebody without expectation that also governs that is also governed by the 6th house okay then comes 7th house 7th house is the house of your spouse your partner 7th house is also the window to to the world okay because it's just opposite to yourself 7th house is also a house of business a partnership if you're doing a business so whether you are you will work or whether you'll do business in that 7,000 plays a key role to determine but more or less your marriage and relationships first thing is that 7,000 it will govern very interestingly
by the way I just for fifth house governs uh feeling of love but whether that translates into something concrete eventually will be covered by the 7th house and it is the job of the person who is doing the analysis to see how it Lings up everything okay then comes the eighth house this is the mysterious house uh bad and good bad because it is a house where if a graha is placed more or less it is going to give you trouble that's certain just like sixth house 6th house going to give you trouble 7 8
house is also going to give you trouble 8 house is everything in your life that you cannot see everything that you cannot predict you thought that every all all bases are covered 8 house is what you never expect to happen unexpected things accidents nobody expects an accident right absolutely unknown things that comes from 8 whether sometimes you'll see a person normal life is leading out of the blue he acquires some wealth or something like that happens or something some Sudden Change that comes in positive or negative it's all 8 house that which you could not
predict before no one could predict out of the blue it will happen 8 house also governs your longevity more or less how many years you will survive 8 house is death 8 house is sex 7th house is also sex but 8th House shows whether a person enjoys it or not and it can also govern and show you if there are any kind of diseases or anything related to sexuality all that will come out from the 8 house 8os is occult almost every individual who is good in occult will have certain strong 8os combinations okay because
ult means what that which you cannot actually see in the normal sense that's where your occult starts 8 house governs all that okay 8 also governs things like Kundalini and all that so 8 house also governs inheritance very interestingly okay whether you will attain inheritance it also governs whether you will attain any inheritance from your spouse some people will marry into very rich family okay get something from there so all that is governed by the condition of the eighth house okay then comes to 9th house 9th house is your father 9th house is your Dharma
9th house is your Guru because father is your first Guru in a way when a child is born is considered uh 9th House shows more or less if a person what kind of Guru and what kind of guidance he will receive where he will receive the guidance from uh what teachers how is his equation with the teachers okay these things will come out from the 9th house plus 9th house also governs things like suppose you're doing PhD and that type of that level of study 9th house comes into play okay um pit doas and all
that if they are there in the chart they reflected uh among other things through the ninth house also okay so ninth house is fundamentally your Guru a 9th house also is your deata by the way not just fifth ninth is also your D ninth is not just a d it is in your house or your wherever you do your spiritual practice it governs and shows what kind of spiritual practice is it doing is that space nice or is this space problematic or whatever many things can come in 9 9 house is your connection to God
okay then comes 10th house 10th house is very powerful house 10th house is your karma ninth is Dharma 10th is karma karma is fundamentally where are you placed in society how is society looking at you what have you achieved in life what is your area of work so basically when questions on career and work comes in 10 becomes very important you see see that what kind of work you can do so now if you link this knowledge with the see initials of Joes are people have to remember these things if you don't remember you'll never
be able to do Joes this should be completely inside your head so we have talked about Mars as a gr that connects to uh police and army and suppose someone has Mars placed in the 10th house very strong you can more or less predict that okay this guy is going to likely to go into police or some this type of work okay because that is the area of work and that is the gr of place there now if you change Mars and suppose Venus comes in safely either going to be in some fashion industry or
Media or something like that change it to Moon okay Moon had said among other things is that food so maybe he should open a restaurant see change it to Sun try for government jobs upsc this that it's a straight of 10,000 is also in some some people consider 10th also to be father okay but more or less fundamentally 10th shows your uh kind of your where do you stand in society what work you can do and how far you will succeed and things like that okay so that makes it a very crucial house for people
okay 10th is that then comes to 11th house 11th house governs things like wealth your earning okay how much salary are you getting or how much what is your earning from the work you are getting whatever you are doing okay 11th house is first thing is earnings second thing about 11th house is that um it also rules your friends how is your friend Circle okay so if you have a rahu in your 11th house you will have rahu infl friends around you okay like that these two connections are very simple so once you remember these
two first step of jsh is to remember these things unless you remember them you'll never be able to do you remember them then you uh then you apply after that you practice and apply and there are other sadhanas you do which can make you better in jotish many things are there anyway so wealth earnings specifically salary what we call all these things are 11th house 11th house is also your friends 11th house is also your Elder sibling somebody who's Eld to you if you have an elder sibling what if if at all you have an
elder sibling what is your equation with the Elder sibling all these things will come in 11th house okay and 11th house is also your relatives more or less broadly speaking see uh what I'm again whatever the ter I'm saying about the different houses these are like the first level there are more things involved as I said nine Gras 12 houses govern everything in the world if you can see it that way okay so obviously the list will be very heavy after 11th so 11th house uh if somebody has a um to give an example if
somebody has Jupiter in the 11th house he'll make a lot of wealth or it'll be clean wealth because Jupiter is an ethical gr somebody has say rahu in the 11th house be very rich in fact negative Gras not negative creu Gras in the 11th house bring tremendous amount of wealth but there'll always be some corruption involved in it is not going to be in fact understanding these things in a horoscope you can look at a person's horoscope and see that is the amable to corruption or not can you bribe this person or not even better
than predicting what is going to happen later horoscopes work even more powerfully in understanding the nature of the person how is he going to react if you know your fundamentals in jotish you can figure out if you have data on the person's date time and place of birth you have some level of power over the person uh one way of looking at it that way but nature is smarter than you remember this always so nature is never going to give power to somebody who doesn't deserve it there is a responsibility that comes in with jotish
uh not to be misused and if you start frivolously using it after some time your predictions all of them will go wrong wow you can try you can mug up all the texts in the world still the art of prediction is something different it will still will be things are not going correct so Nature has its own way of balancing things big boss is nature then um after the 11th house we come to the 12th house 12th house is also sort of a negative house just like 6th and 8th 12th there is something negative and
then there's something positive also in the negative sense 12th house represents things um uh uh hidden enemies you may have uh hospitalization long-term diseases secret relationships okay which are not there in public secretly some Affair or something going on Etc on the positive side 12th house can represent meditative capacity 12th house is uh uh it's like that part of the Mind or that zone it's also your sleep by the way yeah 12 do your sleep so looking at 12th do you can figure out whether a person dreams a lot dreams less good dreams bad dreams
many things can you can figure out uh and yes U meditative capacity whether you can meditate because meditation is also like sleep except you're not losing Consciousness completely okay you are being aware and you are going to a different Zone how far you can meditate or not depends on often very good meditators have very strong Gras in the 12th house okay so these are the 12 houses now we're done with the theory of astrology yes wow and this is not even 1% of the subject no no there's lot of other things okay at this point
in the show I have to ask you some FAQs frequently asked questions all right let's talk about sarati a so sarati is a Saturn strength Transit over Moon basically so Saturn is what a very dry Planet as I told you it's very in that sense very disciplined Planet it's not an emotional planet Moon is an emotional whenever these two come together more or less it is going to cause you pain okay because it's it's very diverse nature as in in when it meets in your first house no no anywhere it meets that house it will
cause some pin so if it meets in your house of spouse it'll cause fights in your marriage if it meets in fight or other problem with the other if it meets in your career will cause career problems yes okay okay but this is the general in the horoscopic combination but what is known as sarati is that uh so now there are two aspects to Gras one is that you are born with a certain combination of Gras apart from that the grahas are always moving transiting right through the Zodiac so that is called as transit or
Goa okay so when the grahas are these two have to be combined together for predictions when Saturn is passing over your moon that is known as sarati because Saturn takes 2 and a half years to cross one Rashi okay so basically uh Saturn's influence starts even before it reaches your moon which means to give an example uh we were talking about the 12 houses say say Aries let's just say Aries Aries before Aries you have Pisces and after Aries you have Taurus so somebody's moon is in Aries suppose Saturn is passing through Pisces it'll start
its effect on the moon already 2 and/ half years of Pisces then 2 and/ half years of Aries then 2 and/ half years of Taurus 7 and/ half years it is going to influence the moon that's why s STI but it is not always bad it's more of projection that has been done that it is very bad sometimes it will be bad and in some individuals it may not be bad okay it depends on multiple factors which is other planetary positions in your planetary positions fundamental strength of the horoscope suppose somebody's Moon already has an
influence of Saturn which means that right from younger age only they are accustomed to getting beaten up by life it is not going to be worse than what is already there so that's in a way of looking at uh suppose s is running but your Dasha is positive Dasha means now there is the other concept of time each of the Gras get a certain time which it governs your life okay so your Dasha is positive you'll find more or less positive results Z you not s will not impact you that much okay or if the
moon is very strongly placed you will have the ability to withstand whatever Saturn is teaching you okay um I have to ask you some of more mystical questions as well okay uh if I take up monkhood a year from now will my entire chart be turned upside down because I'm shedding off my identity and all that no it's not that easy to get out of the GRS GRS will already indicate that whether you are taking up mhood or not okay a person gets out of the influence of Gras at a very very very very very
late stage in the spiritual journey in the spiritual journey if you are a good if you have good grasp over the subject and you have some blessings of some deities of there are people like that you can figure out for a long part of the journey to go out of the influence of grahas yeah it is possible it comes at a much later stage not the initial stages okay so effectively for the average human what should be the approach towards astrology according to you after studying astrology so much should you even be knowing your future
uh that depends on you I think for see even this this is also such an interesting question you can see a chart and say that whether this person will be able to learn astrology or not no in terms of should everyone even be getting the charts read right so uh in terms of when there is a difficulty it is good to have some amount of guidance from it but also understand that don't go into specific details of it specific details means U astrology has this problem of weakening the mind also in some cases which means
once you take some readings so you'll feel for every small thing you'll think that okay let's just check the chart no it doesn't work that way look at a broad perspective broad perspective means okay I am running this particular gr these are the themes related to my chart which will work for the next few years this broad idea you have then you use your own natural intelligence and hard work and work do not do not some people have that it's a weakness of the mind every day morning you go and open your chart and see
what is going to happen that is all nonsense m so that will weaken the mind astrology is very good if used in the right degree when they do your kundal matching before marriage what is actually happening are you superimposing the two charts on each other no kind of but basically you are seeing that what is the level of compatibility at uh in using various parameters multiple parameters are there okay uh some parameters are whether there's a mental compatibility uh whether there is a familywise compatibility because marriage is considered not just at least when these devised
so marriage is not just about two individuals it's like two families coming together so if uh sometimes it may show that there may be lack of compatibility among the families okay uh physical compatibility between the individuals um whether there's a support system and then there are few other factors which are more mystical in nature which shows that okay is this Union going to bring forth uh positive result in terms of children and other things and growth these so all these things are taken into account that's one aspect of it but that is not a final
aspect final aspect means in my experience uh what is the standard matching of horoscopes is not enough apart from that there are also some other techniques to find out whether uh there is a certain level of compatibility or not possible it becomes very crucial to do that today because unlike past we have the option of divorces here uh past there was no divorces so you get married you are like stuck in there more or less okay today people get married after a few years not even that less than that things don't match you move out
okay so therefore accordingly understanding also has to change and have a more you know according so so whether there is a certain degree of compatibility in the Gras that also has to be checked there's never going to be by the way a perfect compatibility that doesn't happen have you seen a marriage where there is a bad compatibility theoretically according to the K but then it ends up in a good marriage is that possible or it's unlikely so it depends on what you mean by good marriage isn't it like they rate it on a score of
34 or something 36 36 yeah and then above a certain point also is not good and then below a certain point is also not good you just so that that's exactly what I was telling in the previous one which is that previous answer I was saying so this is the we call the Guna matching what are the gas Guna qualities basically of matching Etc it's like the mathematic of compatibility yeah but it is not foolproof okay I have seen cases where people have had low scores but they have had good more or less good no
one no marriage is perfect ever okay but more or less good and they're doing good whereas I've seen cases where the matching is shown very high scores but it did not last that's why I say that that is not enough there is to be a basic also checking of the condition of the Gras and how they is kind of superimposed the chart it's its own techniques and all are there so that gives a more deeper Clarity whether these two individuals are fit to be together how much does intense levels of Tantra shift your entire chart
no nothing shifts your entire chart okay that idea to you take it out of the head first it is going to be I have not seen anybody being able to change their entire chart what not just Tantra let's make it more genetic so spiritual practices you can here is the thing if you have reached a level where you have developed a connection with your isata whoever it is proper connection not just theoretical them proper connection then the is deata has a far higher intelligence than you he or she will guide you through those times which
no astrologer can guide ever that is a way of so it is not that the karmas are Vanishing the karmic momentum that thing is coming towards you but the isata knows how to bypass this you have bodyguard then more of them it's like a you have surrendered to that deata they will take care it comes to the same thing as I mentioned ramakrishna param was giving an example that suppose somebody's leg is supposed to be cut because of some karmic thing or accident or something like that he does a lot of sadhana instead of cutting
the leg there may be just a pin prick that karma is getting nullified okay K this level however is not easy it can only only come when the is takes control of a person's life and that is not at all easy it's what about astrology TV shows and channels that talk about wearing gemstones or even crystals like these these are Loosely related to astrology M what is the role of crystals gemstones and all in like changing your behavioral patterns or your story so fundamentally astrology has this other aspect that is I was talking about the
the pariharam the upaya the remedial measures if there is something that is problematic first of all whether it can be remedied and what is the best way to remedy that among the remedial measures that are possible there are multiple things worship of dates specific mantras to be done specific activities to be performed or wearing of specific gemstones related to the grahas now which of these remedies are going to work for individual that is for the astrologer to determine okay okay it is not necessary for everybody to we this gemstones neither is it in some cases
it will work very well so that that judgment has to be done by the person who is looking at the horoscope crystals entered my life very organically naturally and I've gotten really into them lately is it because of something in my charts that came s say uh possible is there any logic like if you buy too many crystals you're playing too much with your karmas no no so first of all don't worry about playing with the karmas and all that those things are whatever is to like like a particular amount of um uh particular momentum
of events that are supposed to happen kind of going to happen anyway that is going to come so uh that get that idea very clear in your head first okay that is not going to specifically if there is something that is going to cause a strong impact on your Consciousness that is sort of prefixed AB as an individual what you can do is that how do you prepare yourself for it so it is not that bringing too many crystals are going to cause anything bad I mean I have not dealt with crystals too much uh
gemstones and all is fine but crystals I haven't dealt so I am I do not think that there is anything negative that is going to happen if you know what you're doing and what you're dealing with and I believe that crystals can hold energies uh I think somebody who's more into crystals maybe able to explain better but I don't think it is one way or the other it is not going to shift your karma s easily unless and here is again coming back to the three types of karma that I've told you if there are
ad karmas there are weak karmas etc those two you can shift through these things but remember that which is a Dr karma in a horoscope anybody's horoscope that um nothing can change okay nothing in the world will change that is you have to go through that I mean again I keep boiling myself back down to this daty question and Tandra question it's not easy to spiritually progress that's one thing I figured you need discipline hard work willpower yes you're earning all that spiritual progress through so much willpower and discipline it doesn't shift anything yeah next
life it'll shift now so only only for your next life you're preparing right now take these are not things of one lifetime it's like that student who is working hard for an exam that's 2 days away thinking that I'll make my yeah date tomorrow easier I'll just revise tomorrow but I'll finish my portion today yeah it's it's not necessarily going to bring you the right results so you have to take expand your understanding of the time skills in our system for Jes and this and then Karma it is not um uh so death is not
the end so you are carrying forward some things from here and the practices you are doing are modifying what is what you're going to get the next time okay okay specifically when there are fixed karmas that cannot be changed so this is the way to go about it do you think we've missed out anything in this conversation on jotish yeah 90% is left let's talk about jotish sadas you said that even a good jotish has to follow certain spiritual disciplines right so today most of them don't okay almost nobody who is into jotish does any
kind of and all that but in a previous era there used to be the norm that before you start reading charts and all that uh you start getting um some connection to some dat okay and that helps you in specifically there are going to be horoscopes or there are going to be things which are going to be tricky when it is tricky then see this is what I told you is the logic but after this there are many things to be weighed in the chart right so that is not not a particularly scientific that's not
mathematical it's something that organically intuitively you have to determine these are the Gras these are the positive these are negative so where does it weigh is it going to be finally positive or finally negative that governing capacity is an individual's capacity same horoscope you give to 10 people it's if it's a slightly tricky horoscope they may come with 10 different interpretations of it so which is the right one there you need some inspiration from some dater that's why previously it used to be uh today's time I would say that if somebody's interested in jotish one
of the best things to do is worship ganpati he has the knowledge and he has the if you blesses somebody you will learn jotish if you have um the basics your meant to learn then uh ganpati is the best Dy one of the best dates to worship but not the only Dy why did you get into it I was just curious someday I remember somebody uh somebody gave the chart and all somebody gave some readings and all that so I just thought that let's see what is there in it so I bought some books and
started reading and uh after that I started predicting just like that and slowly slowly it knowledge accumulated practice that's how it started okay um what sadas should those uh professional astrologers be doing right now so most of them that I have met do not do any sadhas so they I feel that their correct prediction volume of correct prediction many factors are there their own horoscopes are also there what their own horoscopes are also there suppose an astrologer is passing through a bad time he may know everything but his predictions are going to all fail okay
okay so uh I feel that generally as I mentioned the worship of ganpati is very good if not ganpati then if you have an is deata whom you connect to some even little bit of connection then it's good to worship that de and it will build up a stronger uh chance of success in predicting finally the end of the day jotish is about prediction you may know all the theory and your predictions may all go wrong then it's not much useful right so it's a way of divination okay a pestry and face reading related subjects
to Joes yeah palmist is related to jotish in some senses so your palm does have some those who know palmistry they can figure out how the grahas are placed really huh wow do you know palmistry a little bit really you know my chart so by seeing my hand do you see parallels no no I will not go into the specifics of it no that I will that's not yeah but yeah pist can okay uh give you some hint but there are other things also jotish is I Rely more on jotish than on pist if needed
uh but jotish has this other aspects I mentioned to you m and there is something called a prashna that's very interesting what is prna prna is suppose you have a question and you are serious about the question okay not not a frivolous question but seriously something is bothering you Etc you may not have your birth data and all that it can still be answered because the moment that question comes in your head and you decide to take help from somebody you approach somebody I have this doubt I have this question the Gras at that moment
at that place it's like a birth chart time place and uh that date the at that moment will give you an answer ke what is what is the answer to that question it is it positive negative uh will it work out will it not work out what are the obstacles what time everything damn that is prna damn and specifically in South in Kerala lot of texts were created on prashna and fantastic texts are there great texts are there prashna Tantra they call it so many things everything can be in fact whenever there's a doubt in
the horoscope not just doubt here's the other thing just somebody uh in the horoscope for example is your accumulated karmas from past right so there are certain astrologers who will suppose you approach them but it has to be done in seriousness that's what I say astrology should not be frivolous ke I get up in the morning and have nothing to do and I just open some chart no if you really need help at that time only you should approach an astrologer or use astrology if you if you know that thing so you open your birth
horoscope but at the same time look at the Gras in the sky compared these two that will tell you that whether you have in this life you have done positive things or negative things you said that if you have a burning desire to know something important and you go to a good jotish he will look up at the sky basically which is the astrological chart and he'll be able to predict time which means time and space are always connected in terms of your life and its outcomes and results will be a result of what point
in your timeline you're at but you get a trailer and a preview by looking at the stars and the W with designs around you yes so uh if I understand what you're saying correctly so yes at any given point if you approach the astrologer with a specific burning question in your head at that moment the condition of the grahas where they're placed in which Rashi Etc treat it like a birth chart at that moment looking at the Gras you can figure out that whether that specific thing that you have in mind whether it'll what what
is the outcome of that positive negative how much time it will require what needs to be done Etc everything you can find out makes me think even more that we're living inside a simulation which we are according to spiritual theory that we've spoken about in all these other episodes and astrology basically Gods we are giving you a hint about what's going to happen in your version of the simulation in the near or far future uh yeah uh depends on how you define God the universe the universe universe is like a software universe is like a
software so constantly there's a feedback loop everything that you're doing is getting fed into that whatever algorithm it has and Shing out that okay yeah you are doing this so this is the outcome that is going to come this is the outcome it's constantly real time it's happening okay which means that what actions you perform can also modify it if you give it a certain amount of time and that time is not always in one lifetime I have a friend who's recently started studying the bhagat Gita okay through classes and she's not so into spirituality
so I actually wanted to know what she picked up from the bhagat Gita like what's the basic understanding she said that the Gita says that there's actually no such thing as good or bad we look at it as good or bad based on our conditioning and our stories till that point the universe is just reacting to your karmas so effectively what you're meant to do in the present moment is just try being a good person and try getting more spiritualized it basically boils under that because you can't help what's going to happen to you it's
because it's happened in your past and you might look at it as a bad event but it's actually just an outcome of what you've done in the past already my view no please that's why I'm bringing up this so again slight deviation from what exactly you asked so whenever somebody tells me that Gita says this first question asked tell me the sloka okay because the gaita is the most popular book also is the most abused book really people have their own understanding fed into the one book will have for everything Gita is wonderful text but
Gita is not at all an easy text people have made it easy because they have own their own understandings also they fed into um because first of all nobody knows most people don't know Sanskrit they read commentaries commentaries comment and then they add up things and pick up one two slas from here and there and make up an idea Gita may be saying that Gita says a lot of things about lot of things by the way Gita is a progression from chapter 1 to chapter 18 it is a progression you cannot suddenly randomly pick up
one verse from here and one verse from there in one place Krishna tells Arjuna that you have to go beyond The Vedas because the vas are three gunas again at I think 16th or 17th chapter he says the person who does not follow the shastras what is written in the STI and and shti which is The Vedas and the vanga and the dastra ETC is acting out of his Free Will and is mostly deluded so one place is saying go beyond the vas other place is saying that everything is the vas how do you reconcile
these two unless you ask this question reconciliation anyway this is going to a tangent it's a very terrific text but it's also a text that uh to to embi it correctly I feel that uh both at a spiritual and an intellectual level it requires a certain degree of practice maturity and other things are involved in it so it's fantastic so anyway whenever somebody tells that Gita says this first question they ask is that please tell me which sloka is telling this then I can answer you because you might think that the Gita is saying this
I might read the sloka and find a different meaning out of it in the context of the other verses okay because it's not that one verse has to be taken out of context there's a reason why he says all he he speaks of Mo I think in the fourth or fifth chapter but it doesn't stop the gaita then no he could have just said Arjuna attain Moka everything is over after that also there are other things going on I think this is the end of the episode all right is there anything we've missed out on
so on jotish anything that you wouldd like to mention uh learn jotish respect jotish do not abuse jotish lot of people abuse jotish abuse of jotish is every day morning wake up and see what what is there in my horoscope that's an abuse of the Vidya it's a very powerful Vidya it is more powerful than intuitions and other things I've seen people with intuitions they're good but if you have trust on jotish it's a Vidya that Vidya has to come to you once it comes to you then and you respect that vid by not being
frivolous about it do not just open your chart just like that randomly earlier times the astrologers who were really careful they were also deeply spiritual so they would uh uh uh specific days they'll sit Pro you know they' expect the person who is coming to come with a certain degree of calmness you take a bath and you you know like you go to a spiritual place like that you just didn't wake up and phone and those days it used to happen that you have to be physically present in front of the astrology because today the
phones and all are there uh it's so powerful an art I don't call it a science it's an art so powerful an art the way you come into the room the way you sit the which part of the body you are touching by that only already I have an understanding which gr is influencing you if I'm good with my knowledge of the basics and if I have some blessings of the day is then there is another part I forgot to mention this there's another astrology which is very uh very powerful it's called the DEA prashna
it's down in in South it's quite popular in North is very rare d prashna means how do you know the will of a D in a temple how do you know the will of a dity in a temple yes you can know that definitely there are there's a there's a huge astrological exercise that is done not everybody can do it people who are trained in it can do it they prna they call it it can go on for days you mean a particular Temple what is that Temple's purpose no then the D in the temple
if you go say you go to tirupati there's lord wadeshwar inside if you go to Kashi Kashi vishar inside what do you think is there just a vraa no there is a Dy present there and what is the Dy thinking what is the daty want what what is his or her will and in South it is very commonly done in great temples and everything you can ask you may even ask lot of questions you may put lot of questions you may put and that questions will tell you various answers to what to do what not
to do I know a specific case uh uh of an individual friend of mine uh they had a temple uh and uh I think they were vnas uh so this is is very interest I love this episode uh so they had uh the some things were going on so they invited one of the most knowledgeable people and one of the most advanced people to do a DEA prashna so he came with his team and all that and he sits there all it's a wnaa setting um they're all vnas and all that and there's the small
boy so he just calls that boy and says that randomly take a name of the god you like best and this boy says Shiva who knows why says Shiva everybody is like little start because it's completely VN they don't you know engage with other D and then the DNA starts one after the other one after the other from that point it's like a nit it's a sign because uh they started with certain kinds of uh they have their own so people who do engage in these type of joa Are Spiritual people ordinary joas cannot do
these things okay so as the DEA prashna keeps going on uh he finds out more and more about sh sh it's turning out Shiva and then says that in your family there is some Shiva Temple that is there which is being neglected and that is causing all these issues the D is not happy then they found that yes there was a Shiva Temple that was given they were given to take care of which was not taken care properly and neglected and then they buil certain things based on the prna certain tanks couple of other things
specific puas and all that done and the issues started getting all resolved and things like that DEA prashna is a way to know the will of the dat in the temple cross the boundary of this universe way it is more or less so what is a DAT in a temple a datat d is Gods we have Shiva in the universe but we also have the J lingas so a portion of shiva's energy which is as Divine same t comes and resides there for the benefit of humanity okay inzing the shivalinga and we do worship of
it we benefit from it within a certain job graphical area it will have its influence because the ultimate the cosmic Shiva out of his own kindness he comes in because not everybody can connect to that Shiva so he he comes in in the jti lingas and the other places with tremendous amount of power so that Ordinary People can benefit from there but the power has still some geographical uh limitations within which it works okay in fact having temples of deities who are woried in certain places built in in the right Manner and what it it
uh cements uh sort of the positive energy of that place and ensures that negativity or things are reduced uh I just wanted this to be an astrology 101 right for people to kind of understand what's going on in eastern astrology because there's a big upsurge in the popularity of Western astrology and I think people from all over the world do turn to India when we talk about these metaphysical subjects so I hope that this piece that we've created Finds Its way to the rest of the world as well so hope so uh do you think
we did Justice to uh yeah at least at the starting point it's good like this is the ABCs of astrology yeah rajash nand again thank you uh looking forward to another episode with you yeah thank you so much so that was the episode for today I want to make a lot more episodes about astrology so if you have guest recommendations please let me know tell me what you thought about this slightly Hut TRS episode there are more episodes with rajash nandi that will be released very very soon so stay tuned for some more epic TRS
episodes and please keep sending in your guest suggestions we'll be back very soon everyone [Music]
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