and then James as a healthy dose of intuition yeah um we both do because the intuitive part of tarot is really what our online courses about intuitive tarot tarot um that that really anyone can read tarot cards as long as you learn to trust your own intuition and as long as you're open to what the cards have to tell you and I gotta say when Liz developed this with me she I was really shocked because she's a great reader ter reader and it's a way in to the knowing yeah you're welcome it's a way into
the psyche psyche and it's just you know yeah and it's amazing because we did this before for student calls and you know we'll see what's on the cards but then and Liz helps in the cards and I use the intuition so we match both of them right kind of the yin and the Yang you don't take it too literally and but you know you do have the tarot cards do guide you um so they they kind of start you off and then you let your intuition right possibilities goinge and how does that you Kelly's really
an expert with astrology right so you want to help we put the two together or what does that well I think it's so similar as I was I was you know kind of thinking about what we were going to talk about today I thought wow it's just like astrology because if somebody's a Leo you don't say to them oh you're a Leo and this is exactly how you are right but you might say because there's all kinds of styles of Leos styles of Aries styles of scorpios they're not you know there's not 12 types of
people in the world all aspects all these different aspects but how nice to be aware for example if you're a Taurus of how you might what your attributes might be and what things you have to watch out for absolutely absolutely and it's interesting because the year 2025 brings a lot of transformation so this is going to be a real interesting awareness to see where we go with this kind of new transformation yeah but when you look at astrology Kelly do you because I know that's that's your you know one of your passions do you really
you know if you're reading somebody's chart and you're they're going well that doesn't really sound like me like how do you sometimes you look at the cards and you're like well that doesn't really make sense 25 yes that happens a lot that happens a lot actually they'll say no it but it I you know I don't think in that way or this or that but really for me it's just giving somebody an awareness is which what you guys are talking about you know giving them an awareness of what perhaps this could mean and opening them
up in a way to see things it's all about know thyself and um and use your intuition so I think that tarot is a wonderful way to um open up the psyche for this and astrology is as well Kelly with astrology would you say it shows the possibilities that are available for someone as well Endless Possibilities yes I love and about interpretation as well right right yeah interpretation intuition and just like mediumship yeah it's it's a three-way thing it's it's the medium it's the car well actually it's a four-way well it's a three-way with mediumship
because it's you it's the spirit and it's the person you're doing the reading for and with this it's it's you and the cards and the person you're reading for so yeah there's energy with all three yeah it's really interesting and Liz's done some spreads for Eric my roommate and other people and it's like wow it was blow away I was like wow was so good you your interpretation was right right on well it's so much fun to see how the cards relate to each other that really we're going to be doing spreads we're not we'll
pull a card single card here and there but we're g to be doing spreads because it just they tell such a better and more complete story can you tell everybody what a spread is in case they don't know sure so if you just pull a card like if you have for years and years I had my deck of cards I had not this deck but my original deck for over 30 years wow and once in a while you know You' pull a card and sort of say in the morning like you know what do I
need to what do I need to know about the day what's the day G to bring and what do I need to bring to the day right that was sort of my thing of like what do I need to know to be you know make this the best day possible and that's great you can pull a card and you can get a lot out of that and what I would do is sort of reflect on it throughout the day so you ort of as the day evolves you're like oh I get it I see what's
happening here but with a spread you've got maybe three cards you might pull three for past present and future or you might pull two for what are my strengths what what strengths do I bring to this situation and what what weaknesses what do I have to watch out for um or we're going to do a very cool New Year's spread that starts with the theme of the year and it goes through the challenges that you're going to have to overcome and the opportunities that you're going to embrace and what you bring to the table and
what lessons you're going to learn so that's going to be a really fun one great and so you know it's just but you look at like the cards and how they relate and what the suits of you know the cards tarot cards have the major Arcana which is the TW the 0er to 21 the Fool's Journey which starts with the fool starts with the naive young man who's setting out and it goes through this you know kind of Journey to where you know where he's he's got the world he's got the whole the cycle has
been completed right and then there's also four suits just like cards that start with an Ace and end with a king so um when but the suits have different you know if you're the suits are cups wands swords and Pentacles and each one has a certain meaning so if you see a lot of patterns if you see you know cups and swords you kind of know what that's going to mean so there's just this sort of over you'll just sort of look and you'll see the theme and you'll see the patterns and that's really what
gives you such good insight and you can't get that from just pulling a single card andless I have a question for you how many years have you been doing this now okay I mean I've had my cards for over 30 years and I've been you know I start but I started really slow and then when we started working together 10 years ago it inspired me to really go a little deeper so I was just wondering so the more you've done this you got better and better at more interpretation and you trusted yourself more 100% yeah
yeah I it's amazing when you just spread it I'm just telling you no it's so much fun and and it's so interesting and it's so enlightening and for our school we had a a student call Kelly and it was really amazing because we did spreads and we asked the students what do they get from it and it was so interesting that some students got a very particular like a branch with leaves and it's is Springtime I never even saw that or they're standing on something like I didn't see that so you mentioned that or the
colors or the mountain in the background it's fascinating each person looks like differently wow and it's fun to pull it's it's great to pull the cards no matter what but New Year is such a great opportunity to really look ahead and take this moment because the holidays can be really hectic um you know start we're right in it now we started with Thanksgiving and the Hol Christmas is coming up and New Year's and I'm already on Valentine's Day oh my go but you take that pause and you know think like why why do people why
do you think people make New Year's resolutions it's because the change moving forward better exist better place I always love like a blank slate you know you feel like the new year is just open opportunities and if you can have a little bit of insight yeah um it's so helpful so I think that's why it's so nice to do this kind of predicting the new year and what it has in store for us with the tarot yes great and how are we going to do this tonight I was just going to ask that same question
I know how we're going to do it but I was thinking that well what we're going to do is we'll pull some we'll pull some spreads and we'll kind of all talk about what we what we get out of that perfect so you know I'll tell you some of the general meanings and Kelly are you familiar with tarot I mean how much I'm really not but I use the destiny system the destiny card system so I'm assuming it's very similar and if we put that along with some astrology in it a little different different yeah
Destiny card is more defined is you know it's interpretation more but you can look at the cards and I hope you'll do that look at the cards and if you see water and know you know know that the water means a journey and also everything can mean different things so the water could mean a journey or moving forward or emotion emotion or intuition you know and the cups represent love and family and fulfillment the Wes rep represent magic as James says the magic wands and creativity and making things Happ swords are obstacles swords can be
conflict or swords can be um the mind I mean swords really represent the you know the intellectual sharpness the sharpness very good CH you're sure catching on but the swords tend to come with there there are more like cards that kind of are like warning cards or or because it's not easy you know when you when you overthink you know right it can get hard you can analyze it too much yeah and then Pentacles are the last and the Pentacles are um material things they could have to do with security the Pentacles are like the
Earth signs right in the like foundations too right foundation Taurus is like if you think of Taurus it's like that's what the Pentacles are all about okay okay and way do you see the designs in the cards it's just so interesting and and intricate and you get something different each person gets something very different yeah and and by the way there is a very close correlation between astrology and the C cards so the wands are about the wands are fire are associated with the fire the cups are water the swords are air and the Pentacles
are Earth great so as you're looking at them that might give you like that's clue to interpreting them okay okay all right so we' set up the studio so we have a separate camera for the tarot cards so and just one one thing to talk about is is it's not like we said as we're pulling these cards if there's cards that look scary first of all a lot of tarot cards like the death card that people go you know when they see it there's really nothing frightening about it um it's just about rebirth and it's
about transformation it's about change or the ending of something right right it doesn't mean you're going to be hit by a bus right right I've always thought that when I that that card I was it's a new beginnings right right yeah same with the tower like you know Tower or the hangman I've heard of that yeah right yeah and the hangman is really about like taking a moment allowing things to happen a so surrendering yeah so there's nothing that's going to show up that's going to scare us too much um so and and if you
and we'll talk about you know for those people in the audience that are that have a tarot card deck and want to play along you know you're welcome to do that we'll we'll explain the spreads we'll explain the cards we're putting down and what they mean and you know what the positions mean and then we'll pull pull the card so you're welcome to kind of go work along with us okay um so do we want to pull one yeah let's pull one well I guess do you pull them first or so we we are doing
all of this live so we don't know we really don't and I have not removed any scary cards from the deck which I know people sometimes do do they well especially if you're at a party or a wedding you know like say pulling cards at a wedding or something you you would want the happy so there's nothing wrong with that but we've got all the card all you know card the cards in the deck right here and it's an interesting thing with when she reads the card because I I've looked at it said oh that's
a little and and she reads it and interpretation is always like kind of a positive spin it's not like you be scared of it's just a way of looking at it right opportun right because if someone was to say to you like you say I've heard you say to people like oh you need to you know check on your feet or check on your heart or check on your you know um there's that knowledge is power like you you know stuff is happening already having a little insight to it is only going to help you
yeah and I think and what I say all the time is everything is an opportunity right exactly exactly and I have a quick question if the card comes up a certain way backwards or forwards or however it is if it's lay upright or upside down does that make a difference it does um and it can mean different things it could mean you know in fact we were just um we were just pulling a couple of cards and we were doing a past present and future and we pulled the ace the page of Pentacles which is
kind of an opport kind of getting started in the past with get you know putting your security together building your financial security and your security in general with the career and then the next card was actually just happened to be the next card in that sequence which would be the Knight of Pentacles but he was upside down and he was looking back at the page which basically so what that meant was you know you're moving forward but you're also looking backwards and sort of questioning your path yeah and so it can really mean different things
and you have to sort of Inuit it yeah the meaning down can kind of mean oh this is happening but it's happening on like a different level where not phys not in the physical world but more internally it could mean that you're doing something but it's blocked or your second guessing yourself something's holding you back well interesting enough Mercury is retrograde right now and that's the first thing I thought of Scorpio isor yeah in viic astrology lovely so so let's just for fun okay um let's pull past present and future okay for the year ahead
so let's talk about kind of where we are you know in the world like let's look at it we're pulling for the world right um down and let's James if you want to cut the deck cut the deck Pearl is at my side here so she wants attention can't get it go lay down go lay down okay girl all right so if we can switch over to the tarot cam the tarot cam is that great okay now this card represents the past and what's happened in the fairly recent past this is where we're at right
now as the year comes to an end and this card is going to represent what's to come all right let's see drum roll let's see what we've got okay so the Knight of Pentacles is the past it means in general we were we were P we were and Pentacles are slow moving oh wow so this could be the past that's been happening for quite a while but it's it's kind of this this slow pursuit of material things and knights are going night Knights are kind of going after things it's a very male energy they're going
after it but Pinnacles are not charging forward Pinnacles to they roll they r r nine also means completion the nine of Pentacles would be a completion very good K you're right the night the night night um so present card so that's the past okay so as a people right we've we've sort of like been slowly pursuing this fight security and safety okay that's all going and then presently oh the hermit is the present card I love the hermit and the hermit is like going within but that that's very realistic right now everybody is going within
right now they had no choice they had no choice and and the other thing is and I had mentioned this earlier before we got on on live um we have two new moons in December of 2024 it's called a black moon when there's two new moons it's a really rare thing and two new moons represent going inward actually going inward so you right now this is like right on something has been completed we are going inward right now and I most people are very they they're not sure what to do with their life so they're
really going inward right now Kelly what is the moon what are the signs that moon is in well oh the first one inic is in um Scorpio the first one was December 1st in Scorpio and um a lot of planets in Scorpio right now inic astrology and on the 30th of December it moves into Sagittarius James so really what it's all of the it means completion and new beginnings and it's a double whammy of new beginnings so it really give us all a time to be a Hermit to go in and to really really think
about what it is you want in life it's a really important time I can't stress that enough and what your values are and everything changed y your place in the world if you will what feeling does a Hermit give you James what do you the hermit G can I see it again yes a lantern right holding a lantern yes so I I think exactly what you said it's time to go inside and and look and see The Light Within and and share it with the world but first go within right it's almost like when I
talk about you can't you know how can you love another person if you don't love yourself oh that's right yeah if you first got to love yourself and the hermit is alone but he's not lonely he's got his Solitude like me I love my solitude and I think for December like the hermit makes so much sense to me for December it's like reflecting winter and almost hibernation on the year right it's pretty wild right it's Salon oh yeah so let's see what what's in store for us oh interesting okay so the Chariot we were just
talking about this card so the Chariot Chariot is is momentum and movement and whatever we've you know kind of whatever we've put in place is moving forward and there's not a whole lot we're going to be able to do to stop it so just aware be aware that things are going to change Cycles are going to happen it's going to keep moving forward and you can keep moving forward with it you can choose to you know keep going or you can choose maybe to take a different path that makes so much sense right nowy you
said Capricorn is in and Jupiter is it Jupiter and Capricorn no Jupiter's in Taurus and it's yeah it's going to be a very very powerful year that we have coming up transformation exactly lot of transformation right now wow that's great is that great wow that was that really makes a lot of sense is there a number connected to the Chariot seven seven so going forward in spirituality thank you I mean that's part of that inward work that we're doing now yeah very much so I think that's a pretty encouraging card yeah oh I do too
that we will that we will go forward we will go forward for sure of course but how interesting that we're going to be and that's where the pattern comes in it's like oh okay the things we were thinking about the security and the money and the finances that we were worried about in our jobs you know we're going to go within we're going to get we're going to elevate a little bit and then we're going to move forward from there that's great yes wow what a spread that's a pretty good spread that's a good spread
and you notice really accurate yeah I know and you see what we mean about how the cards play off of each other you while if you just pulled Chariot it wouldn't it wouldn't tell as much of a story right right it's like telling a story right we talk about that telling a story it's great so I was doing a little research today about New Year's spreads and I found wow and I found another one that I really liked um that I thought was a lot of fun and I shouldn't call it fun because it's really
more than that but that was really interesting it spoke to you and very insightful and it spoke to me and so shall we try that or do you guys yeah let's go for it ready we're ready um okay so let's have James cut this again cut the cards and there's five cards in this one okay okay and I I talked about this for a minute before um so the first card we're going to put down is the overall theme for 20 for the year ahead for 2025 and card number two is the opportunities to embrace
so what what we have to look forward to in 2025 and what we need and opportunities that we need to be open to to and be looking for and then three are challenges that we should prepare for and expect but the good news is we have strengths to lean on to tackle those challenges and card number five because this is the schoolhouse that we're all Yes um is the lessons we're here to learn in in the year wow is it amazing so there's a lot there's a lot there so let's find out what's our theme
for 2020 oh my goodness cut the deck a couple of times is that the hermit for the The Hermit is back wow have to go within we have to go within is there a number attached to the hermit it is nine more completions like maybe it's going in with such deep transformation that people will let go of whatever has bogged them down whether it's not forgiving somebody or not dealing with their own emotions or or neglect or something that they haven't dealt with that they would be completing in this cycle going forward I was saying
that that and definitely is um a sense of finding your soul self oh I love that and here's another thing the year 2025 will be a nine year of completion so you are right on I think that we will be doing a lot of soul surging yep yeah finding your soul turned over I thought the soul the soul wow wow that's encouraging yeah oh yeah it's all good so before we turn turn over the opportunities to embrace one funny one interesting thing about the tarot one kind of funny thing is sometimes you'll have a position
in a spread that's like the good news or the opportunities or your strengths and it'll be something that you're like oh this doesn't feel like a strength right it's the death card or it's the you know it's a card that doesn't feel necessarily like like it fits right and that's where you have to kind of just take a minute and dig a little deeper and see like okay what is that telling me or or is it that you know your hopes it might be a card that's like your hopes and it's like your hopes might
be that things get too good you know it might be you know a negative thing or it might be your fears might be something that's very positive it might feel like it's flipped or reversed or counterintuitive but that's when it's like that's when the real magic starts because it really gets you thinking about what that actually means and you you one thing you do with your spreads and your reading it's always very positive and which it should be you want want to encourage the person not destroy that right and and knowledge is power yeah um
but it also I'm curious because sometimes people react a certain way yeah like The Chariot card there's nothing negative about that card but I always feel a little like sense of oh my gosh are we GNA be crushed by the wheels of The Chariot like I do have sometimes I'll get a hit of like oh you know the chariot's moving ahead and we're moving ahead and that's why I like seeing the hermit before that because it's like Gathering your own strength and your soul your inner resources well the other thing with that Liz PE many
people have a fear of moving forward have a fear of it because it's the unknown unknown and that's telling that's telling you something about yourself if that's how you react to that card yes and also control hello yes the more you think it through that's why tarot is not a one day you know fad it's like you have the cards and you start to the more you interpret the cards and the more you see yourself pulling the same cards because cards will come up in your life over and over again and you start to see
those patterns so let's see what our opportunities to embrace are going to be oh my gosh so here's the there's a chariot again um so the opportunities are the forward momentum oh my gosh I swe we sh and and that was a seven on that did you say The Chariot was a yes it's a seven so really the opportunities for people for emotional growth for spiritual growth will be marching ahead for everybody they will be uh able to grow spiritually that's great lot of opportunities for that then go inward with this yeah okay here's the
night of P maybe we didn't Shuffle as well as wait wait wait before before go on that that the that Chariot and that it's almost like what you've learned inside will help to push you forward yes right yes yes exactly okay well yeah because that's the theme that that's the overarching theme is that going within is the soul is the soul it's your power right it's your power okay and the challenges to prepare for might be some there's the KN of Pentacles so maybe we didn't Shuffle as well as we thought but but um but
the Knight of Pentacles is like we talked about before you know tackling the going after the the physical so you might not the challenges might be oh maybe the maybe the market will dip maybe there'll be some hiccups in our financial security and that's something to just prepare for and be aware of but again remind me what remind me what Pentacles means again Pentacles are are money finances everything that's in the Earth signs you know it's career things so is and it's a nine is that correct on that um no it's a KN it's not
it do do there have is there a number to it no number no just a suit interesting that's fascinating here are the strengths that you're going to bring to the table oh interesting okay so you might be concerned about your security your security might be handled but that's I can't see it from me that's the KN king of Pinacle the Knight of Pentacles was this card and the next card is the nine of cups oh and the nine of Cups kind of that's the strengths you have to lean on and the nine of cups is
almost at the end of the cycle of the cups and the cups are all about love and family and relationships and so the nine kind of goes through all the lessons you've learned across you know from the ace to the you know all the way to the nine and it's like you're bringing with with you this like kind of security and this um this faith in yourself and the people you love and the things you love and care about and you know the as you turn that card over and you talk about I thought anytime
I see that card fulfillment yes yes so fulfillment your cup run over your cup yeah and it could also have to do with emotions in families that F that maybe um they'll instead of Discord families will be coming back together oh and you know the universe conspires for our highest good you know you know that's really something we should always be aware of okay last one is last one and the last one is the lessons to learn and that's a that's the wands it's the six of Wands and the six of Wands six is typically
in the tarot because you're going from one you know you're going from the ace to the 10 and then you're getting to the you know cord cards but the sixes are usually like okay you kind of come over the hill right and so wands are all about creativity like we talked about in Inspiration magic and and just making things happen but they're not the physical they're not your family it's like that part of yourself that self-actualization you know you other stuff but now your creativity can flow well and six balance too right so it's like
you're you've kind of you've turned the corner and you're confident you're secure and you're moving forward and that's the lessons to learn the lessons to learn this is saying that hey don't worry so much don't worry about so many things like don't stress so much know that you're going to come out if you if you have that strength within you you're going to come out the other side so that's an encour that's a really encouraging card to see in this position very very much so very much so a great spread a greate right on and
I did the kind of disclaimer about oh sometimes the strengths are kind of going to look negative and the negative if things are going to look positive but that actually didn't happen here these were all really aligned and in the right all these cards were like in the right place wow yeah which we see more often than we see lot yes it's amazing really wow having a students do it it was just incredible really um and so I want to shuffle really well yeah Shuffle while you talk sure you can Shuffle while I talk um
but if you think about the new year and you think about yourself so you're pulling this and we're pulling this about oh um you know how's the world going to be and how are we going to live how are we going to exist in it you know in the year ahead but also like the next spread I want to do is really very personal so you can either take this as you know PL think about how it applies to you personally not the world this is you or pull it yourself if you have a deck
if if you have you're at home and you have a tarot card deck or pull it later um but it's just it's kind of my it's one of my favorite types of spreads which is really giving you suggestions for yourself so the first one is what you need to release in the upcoming year no that's great um so what you want to let go of from 2024 right and what energy you're looking for and welcoming and inviting in in 2025 and then what you need to do to grow so I I love these kind of
they're like they're really my favorite okay we're shuffled um thank you okay now I'm G to cut it okay um and if we see those cards again we're gonna know leaving the room me to be so are we ready um and this is for this is the theme this is kind of the theme of the year it's what to release okay is the first card so what parts of 2024 you want to leave behind and what energy you can look forward to in the new year and then what what you need to do to grow
and make the most of what's what's ahead okay so here's what we need to release okay so this is the seven it was upside down but this is the seven of Cups and what that card means it's kind of an interesting card I always feel like it's a pretty positive card because I like to have lots of choices um but basically the seven of cups is you're looking at all these opportunities in front of you but there's almost too many and the what's in the cups represents things like money and power and love and inspiration
like it's just all the different things that you know you might choose from as you're moving ahead and it was upside down it was upside down say about that so when it's upside down it means there's something blocking or there's a problem I was getting elusive yeah it's like you're kind of wanting everything it's like a little kid who's trying to grab everything a candy store they can't grab anything yeah or they're dropping it or you're you're trying you're getting maybe so maybe it's like a little bit of overwhelm right upside down yeah um so
that's that's what you want to release is that feeling of like you know you you don't necessarily not only do you not want it all or you can't handle it all but you don't need it all you know it's kind of like going back to the soul if you think about the hermit the hermit's not like trying to grab everything in the candy store The Hermit is is going within and going okay what really matters at the deepest level yeah right um W interesting Kelly very interesting so the reverse just me oh there's choices but
it's like huh but then again it's a little too much like it's a little overwhelming right might be overwhelming for people what is there a number associated with that yes there is that's a seven seven K so interesting seven also spirituality seven is um you know getting maybe uh just time to let go of certain things and maybe people don't know what to let go of at this point well go within and find out go within yeah that's the advice is going within we're gonna see what the advice is and and honor your strength honor
your power yeah I like that yeah honor jump in and just take you know yeah yeah so do you see it as being choose your tried and true like stick with your strengths or are you thinking of like try something new um um I I always say even with mediumship when I first started you just got to jump right in I tell my students just jump right in and just know the universe inspires for your highest good and you just got to feel good about yourself everything's an opportunity to learn you know well that's what's
coming for me is like be true to yourself be true to yourself yeah everybody else is taken so I took a PE the next card okay okay and what does this represent again and this one is what energy should you look forward to and welcome in 2025 what is that but this is a really interesting card so here's another seven Kelly Bo a lot of spirituality coming up got another seven but seven is um seven can be considered sort of a stealthy and sneaky card but it can also be a very it can also be
a very strategic card so the seven you might be in in a position where you really have to bring it all together bring your most strategic and almost ruthless self to the game um that's true kind of the positive so it can be like a sneaky card someone's trying to take advantage of you maybe you need to be super Vigilant about you know what's going on around you but you also Can't Take Your Eye Off the Ball you've got to be very focused and very aware of what's Happening yeah great definition for that um and
let's see what what you need to help you grow oh oh this is great okay so the fool which we love explain the fool okay so the fool is the first that's zero it's a zero um And The Fool is starting out on the journey the fool is kind of what the tarot is all about right he's starting out on the journey with this optimism but he's also walking cheerfully off a cliff but he's gonna be okay because because he's he's just starting his journey and he gets to keep going so the fool is this
sort of almost this like sort of divine have you ever known somebody who's so kind of head in the CL because they're so like evolved and and that's kind of to me what the fool is so the energy you need to bring is this energy of like oh my gosh don't get hung up in all of this stuff it's like the Cheery hermit right the the fool is like he's all about the kind of like you it's like me yeah yeah it's like don't take things so seriously have a sense of humor about things laugh
a bit because we have to here and I was thinking about something yesterday I was talking to somebody and I was saying oh you know I want this to be really fun holiday season and he was like oh it will be as long as like nobody pushes my buttons and I was like well you can choose not to have buttons that's right you don't have to have a bunch of buttons right you can probably guess who I was talking to anyway so I know who you were talking to so but but you you don't have
to have you know and the fool doesn't have buttons the fool is like he's just open and he is and he's just embracing it all and he's got his little he laughs at his Falls he laugh right he falls and he bounces he bounces right right like a drunk they say you know you're drunk you fall and you're not going to hurt yourself you're so relaxed right so that's kind of the like the I like the fool a lot and the fool is holding a flower and he's got his little dog by his side and
he's good you um so that's I I love that that's the that is the energy I plan to bring into 2025 so how about you yeah but I live that way now I've learned that say so seriously because it all really matter just to gain this this life you know but if the if the seven of of swords is the um is kind of you know the energy to take to be aware of what to be aware of what to be looking he like oh there's stuff going on that you pay attention to the fool
is like but just you know the less is the action to grow just embrace it don't don't overthink it don't over stress um but still be aware she's pretty good isn't she it's wonderful I was just literally thinking that James really really Liz it's really interesting to watch you do this horrific but it's so it's so I've learned so much but don't you love it's just like astrology you're like oh okay you know but it's a new language this part of lot of it is a new language for me another tool yeah another tool yeah
oh and you guys have the transformational courses it's started right now so is it 50% off right now yes it's 50% off the black the the two the two foundational courses of the school which are the psychic intuitive certification great course and mediumship one grade course grade coures we're just looking at that today and like everyone very very popular those two courses and they should be and they they are just as popular as they were when you launched them yeah and people are still learning so much and loving them um they go back to all
the lessons and they learn something different each time too which is really great that's I love about james' school is that you have lifetime access to the courses so as you evolve as you're on your chariot ride for 2025 you can you can kind of check you know check in on any lesson that you want to revisit and it's funny because a lot of the students say you know I redid the course and oh my God it was so different the next time really you're in a different space yeah you know 20day transformation course they
said all the time so yeah W it'd be a great time to take this class especially with these two new moons coming up or these two new moons it would be a great great opportunity for people opportunity I just heard the word opportunity um and now we can pull a single card if you want James like if we want to kind of personally let's pull a card for you about your journey in scar know why or want to pull one for Kelly let's pull one for Kelly let's pull for you want to pull one for
me okay I think we should okay we've been sort of shuffling okay putting the deck but I think for Kelly's what we're gonna do is we're gonna do we're gonna spread them out and then we gonna have pull the one that feels the most has the most Kelly energy oh gosh okay I'm go okay I want to go underneath the pile but here there we go that's it oh my gosh okay the Ace of Swords oh what tell me about the Ace of Swords so the Ace of Swords the ace aces are always for all
the suits kind of like it's like think of it think of it as maybe this isn't something you were paying that much attention to but the fog is the fog is lifting or the Mist is clearing and you're seeing that like going forward I want to be really in search of the truth and that's actually yes mean it's like you're cutting you're cutting through all the nonsense and you're just getting to the truth and aces are New Beginnings also New Beginnings are super positive they're always positive cards is very are you I love it I'll
take it yeah keep I like the sword yeah I like the sword and it's also the intellect it's also thinking and thinking things through and really analyzing excuse me I just got the sense of another book another book wow so you'll start you'll get your book next year you'll start it yeah yeah I see that for sure thank you thank you great card that's a great card let's do one for James James yes yes Kell you can you can I don't know if you can I run my hand over you can tell me when to
stop okay okay I'm just gonna Shuffle is this fun that was so fun it's so fun okay all right so I'm you just tell me when you want me to stop no go to the right no do the right that one right there Yep this is James oh look strength yeah the strength card I'm working out yay I love P so the strength card is really about spiritual strength it's it's a it's a woman and she's opening the jaws of a lion and the lion is not threatening her um and she's got the infinity sign
over her head so it's really a symbol of spiritual strength um it's so you James it's very very yeah I'm writing the book next year there you go so but it's like that sort of calm it's not like an aggressive strength it's a fool it's a very fool Vibe strength it's like you're just allow you're just letting this happen you don't have fear you're just that's why well that is who you are authentically I mean you've been doing this work for 40 years and you had no fear you just kicked the door open and started
doing it yeah that's right yeah yeah that's great thank you so that's a great word I think Liz we should get one for you okay James you want to pull in for me yes okay are you shuffling you're not a good shuffler terrible Shuff terrible Shuff hold on but you don't you don't Shuffle tarot cards at least I don't like like you would playing cards yeah I just do one fell that's the one that's how it goes yep get it I got it oh oh it's a good one so this is the nine of Pentacles
she's holding a falcon oh great one that's a really good like you've worked for so strong woman and she's AB it's like an abundance card it's a generosity card so it's like you it's so you security and all that yeah security you know she's grounded she's happy but she's she's gathered everything and she's willing to she's happy to give it away and share that's true bar you tell John got that card I will I will that's a great card Liz great card Liz oh my gosh much success with that one oh good I'm happy to
see that thanks James yeah you're welcome can you pull a a card for everybody out out there that's watching let's do that let's do it for every for our listeners yeah okay I got okay okay I come from a family of poker players you do so that's why you're such a good shuffler this one's kind of poking it's going oh interesting okay another set we're really on a roll oh that's my glasses it's the eight of Wands and the eight of Wands means things coming at you fairly quickly right so things are happening and you
want to prepare whether it's quick change quick success quick things you didn't expect surprises it's kind of a it's an interesting card because a lot of the cards we talk about have so much symbolism and so much and this is a very simple card but remember we're talking about the wands which are kind of exciting things the wands are you know magical things magical things happening things you maybe didn't expect but that'll be that'll be fun and different yeah eight bring power too and Infinity power Infinity I get the sense of you got to believe
in yourself for these things I just got that sense oh I love that yeah you gotta believe in yourself to get this in order to get the magic but you don't and you don't have fear with this card this card doesn't look like oh there are things coming at you to hit you in the head there you know it's like oh life is coming at you like change is always know things are always happening change is good and this is something you're you know you're going to see some new things and some changes so that
there we go Kelly doesn't make sense I mean a lot of sense yep right and that does kind of align with your with your black your dark moon or your Black Moon yes transformation a lot of going inward a lot of moving movement forward also letting go releasing letting go right and maybe that's true too maybe it's also Al things going away from you yeah you know things that you believe Letting Go letting go of the you know in with the old out with the new I mean that what a New Year's kind of a
theme out with the old in with right out with the old in with a new or yeah we know what you me um but also I would hope that the audience is kind of thinking about that card or other cards that they've seen if there was another card that you saw as we were pulling all the different cards and you thought wow I really like that one like the fool or the magician or the different cards that we saw that were just interesting if something kind of stood out to you or resonated with you resonate
right yeah you know think it over you know maybe Goog Google the meaning of it and just kind of ponder it or draw a little sketch of it or you know think about it as you go through the next few days if you have a deck if you have a Tarot deck pull the card out like James always says oh take if you pull a card and it just feels right put it in your pocket and carry it with you for the day yes great idea I have a question for you how much does I
know they break into suits but sure um regular playing cards M can you read them not like tarot but well you can read them in the same way that you would read the minor Arcana so the cards that we've been looking at like like we just looked at you know the wands and the swords and the cups they do correlate to to playing cards and some of the really experienced kind of old school tarot readers do do read with regular playing cards sometimes they'll Mark Carolyn malalo just to say carollyn yeah she did that yeah
and there there was somebody at miraval Resort that used to do that right that's right she was like a really older woman and she was really really good and she used regular playing cards so I think there's probably tons of people who do that um or some people create their own and there's a it's very interesting online on YouTube I watched davia turn me on the Brooklyn tarot reader oh and it's really funny and she's a real Str New York accent and she's just a whole it's a whole experience because she's all CH ke on
the desk okay so this is for the Capricorn let's go she just great reader though but she mixes the tarot and her intuition really that's what we're trying to do yeah exactly so it's really interesting we just It Takes Two of Us for that you know ban but the other part the other part is and that's why it's great to have Kelly too is to get the other person's reaction and you're bringing so much of your own intuition I really enjoyed this this is so fun for me just I love the level of awareness that
we can all come to but I think if you think about all the cards that we've seen and what is coming ahead it it feels optimistic MH yeah feels like you're going to need to be aware you're going to need to be aware of yourself and aware of your what you want what you don't want but there's nothing to be afraid of right let go within yeah we can handle it yeah yes go we things we can handle this and that's really what all these cards have said to me there's nothing that I thought oh
I wish I hadn't pulled that one right like I never had the thought oh I wish I'd taken that card out of the deck you know they're all they all really make sense other challenging cards oh sure I mean there are cards that definitely show you challeng like the and but also like so like the later cards in the swords M like the nine of Swords the T of Swords the eight of Swords they're all about oh you know betrayal or anxiety or dark KN of the Soul or you know um but they also indicate
the end of a cycle right so like the T of Swords it's like the end okay you've had your challenges and they're really bad but they also have come to an end so now you have a chance to to regroup um and also another meaning of that card that I just I just discovered that I thought was really cool was you may be overreacting like the person that's lying there with 10 swords in their back maybe you're actually overthinking because the swords is so much about intellect and thinking it's like you may be blowing this
issue up to be a much much bigger problem too much in your head too much in your because you know when you get so in your head we can make ourselves crazy yeah the rabbit hole yes we don't want to go there we don't want to go there good for rabbits um so if you were going to give people advice and Kelly I know you're used to um you you also use other types of cards if you're going to do a spread at home what would your what advice would you give them on how to
do that in the best way possible like what if you were gonna say you're you're a novice you're just getting your first deck um you know how do you pull a spread what how do you set yourself up and open yourself up just like you would say to a medium or psychic that you're that you're working with a student I I would just say to prepare them you know when when you have a deck and you're ready to do a spread just open that yourself up to whatever happens don't think negative just as opportunities to
look at I think that's how it started off and just and you know it's always positive to me it's not negative oh yeah Kelly what about you what would you say I would say you know when you're shuffling or you're you're moving the cards about really put your um energy into it put your energy into it really pay attention focus on that and Kelly know what I like we talked about earlier Liz was um what resonates with you I love that it's very true what resonates with you yeah because everything would have a positive and
could have a negative I mean it's just how life is you could have as you said absolutely yes it's true and Duality is such a theme we didn't pick a lot of The Duality cards but there were a lot of cards in the tarot that have like this Duality like understand that there's there's two sides to everything it's B too you know and you just have to be open like the things that feel the most positive can also be the most can also worry us or you know like the seven of cups like the overwhelmingness
of that card yes um like all these choices wow that's a lot you know um so it's great to have choices but can you have too many and that's and then you kind of you think about that and you jot it down if you pull a spread in the morning and then you just sort of ponder it as the day goes by and love that advice I love that yeah some don't don't just go oh my gosh and then like put the cards away real quick like write it down or think about it or take
a lot of times I'll take a picture and also at the end of the day I mean when you have it with you and you're think about then all a sudden like maybe the you get a whole new way of yeah and that's just how that's really how the cards work is they do they just keep building on themselves if you just put it in the back of your mind and you let it sort of percolate you know as the day goes on as we've done this course I would say to Liz it's a story
it's a story that's unfolding right yes it feels like that right and sometimes the lessons you know if you remember that life is all about learning these lessons yeah the negative card the cards that might feel negative or dark are the ones that showing that there's a lesson ahead which is really what you need to grow so you have to know that there a lesson coming up it was all just like sunshine and light it you know how much would you grow we wouldn't learn' be happy have fun but for a little while but it's
the challenges that make us strong too right there is a question here uh do you think the layout of a spread matters or is it about the intention and the meaning I think the layout does matter but you can create your own you don't have to go with it the tried andrue you know past present future you can you can as you're putting it down set your intent attention about what those places are so you can create whatever layout you like um so you can have your greatest strengths and your greatest weaknesses you can have
things that you need to embrace and things that you need to let go you can you know whatever you can think up of like here's what I want to know as long as you're setting your intention as you're putting those down it's it's fine yeah just like you can personalize the meaning of the cards you know based on your intuition yes well Liz has been great thank you very much wonderful show thank so much your knowledge is just profound I've loved it and you guys still have it it's on sale right now it now the
school Y and uh it was a great course that we developed really great and people love it so it's at my school JP School mystical arts and it's on sale of the um the intuitive tarot is not on sale but it will be on sale in a couple of in a few days so I thought it was a cyber monday no Cyber Monday is actually psychic and intuitive and then mediumship one so but those are all good because you should take them all um especially right now based on the cards this is a great time
to go within to tap learn Soul self yeah right true great way to do it and Kelly you have something coming up too right I do uh this Friday we have angels and Archangel class it's this Friday I was wondering when that was this Friday December 6 and in Los or in Pacific time it's at from 4: to 6:00 pm. and Australia it's actually at 11:00 a.m. on that Saturday December 7th so please join us it's a zoom event and it's with Janelle Campbell it's going to be fantastic James she's going to be doing a
channeling of the archangels and we're going to be doing a meditation you're going to learn a lot and it's just going to be that energy of what surrounded by Angels so gonna be a Wonderful class and then Saturday I'm doing a book signing and you're gonna come with me and do the book signing with me I'm so excited Friday you'll be up in La already right you'll be there two Friday I'll be in Los Angeles y'll actually be there Thursday but um and then Friday I'll be u in LA and then Saturday we'll be doing
at the Crystal Shrine it's called we're doing a book signing in Burbank so please join us if you're in Los Angeles a lot of people oh and listen to this we have speaking of cards a friend of mine whose name is Charlene who you'll meet is gonna she works there she does readings and she's gonna give everybody who's waiting in line give a card reading for them oh that's great so that's going to be really fun yeah and the owner of shop shaa who I love sh McDonald I love shaa I've known her for years
know years it's be so fun I remember but you house oh yeah that's gonna be great way back way back it's gonna be really fun super thank you very much oh thank you it's great seeing both of you yeah thank you and Rene thank you and uh Ian who's here doing the camera work thank you and uh we'll see you next time oh [Music]