god Set me to speak to someone because I will be sharing with you hopefully in the last service I'm not a prophet of Doom and I I I as I respect God and I respect myself and I respect your trust for me so if I stand here and I tell you things especially I'm prophesying I make sure that I know what I'm saying I saw something about next year that will make you need this message because what I saw is going to be a time of turbulence and S serious challenge for believers I'm not a
prophet of Doom my teaching grace is enough for me like that I mustn't prophesy but if I open my mouth and I tell you something you just believe it so don't ignore when you see God bring things like this he's Redeeming the future there is something he has seen you see that now I saw many many many people folding their companies and people both father and mother losing jobs at the prime not even knowing what to do PTA meetings happening and teachers are saying you cannot drive our children why don't you structure the payment when
I saw that thing my heart I said God what is the meaning of this when God shows things like this is not to put fear but he's showing it so that Believers can be prepared now you have something on ground God has shown you Mercy I wish I had the time I would have taught you on on financial carelessness there are people who are going to spend everything God gave them this December and then suffer by January hear this servant of God don't there is nowhere written in the Bible that if you don't eat cow
and chicken you will not commemorate the birth of Jesus live a modest and a decent life within your means are we together now remember the dream of Joseph 7 years of plenty seven if you have the money fine you God bless you but for many of us who especially those that the year has been rough there is a mindset people have that once it is Christmas burn everything you have finish all the money live a fake and a false life carry your family and go around the world and then return back and suffer that's not
a wise Bain for someone God is helping you to now begin to be frugal another thing I would have thought about is f is living a fake life one of the major reasons a fake life is very EXP expensive write it down a fake life is very expensive it takes so much to fund a fake life and once you start you must maintain it a fake life is very expensive if you are not there you not there you can stand gradually with the Dignity of Kingdom Integrity a fake life is expensive don't try to buy
a car that is not yet your level don't try to go and live in a house that is not yet your level you are living in a house that you are owing 3 years rent now you can't pay back it's a sign you are not yet there get out of that place and look for a decent place Hallelujah there are some of us who do not yet have the means to start Gathering people and celebrating elaborate birthdays elaborate occasions no be patient God is bringing you there even for schools as much as I would want
you to educate your children at the highest level you must be wise and keep them within your budget find the best school that your budget can afford if your child is on scholarship that is fine otherwise find the budget the school that your budget can afford but by all means coinonia please hear me great disaster is going to befall many and there are many who will begin to T the corridors of compromise because of this Finance thing I shall not want is not just a prophetic declaration it is a declaration that comes with responsibilities and
the responsibility is learn all you can now that God has given you a good job don't waste your salary that is coming learn all you can about Investments are we together now meet intelligent people with Integrity who know what they are saying not people playing games all around playing games all around the internet deceiving and fooling people don't fall prey to some of these things seek counsel there are five kinds of investment you must make in your life number one is your spiritual investment number two investment in your mind let me give you this and
then we'll wrap up five kinds of investment number one your spiritual investment when I talk of Investments I'm not just talking of putting money your relationship with Jesus is a potent investment that has returns even Financial returns number two mental Investments what you store in your mind is there you don't need to refrigerate it you don't need to warm it it is there and will always be ready to be delivered when needed number three invest in your health and your well-being it's an investment invest in your health and your well-being it's often said that people
deteriorate their health to make money then they use the money they have made to now maintain their health that is now deteriorated don't be like that invest in your health and your Wellness number four invest in strategic relationships relationships are an investment they bring returns Mighty marvelous returns they bring returns I shared a story in Ghana that I want to share as I wrap up a wealthy man had a son he had a son and this son lived a very careless and a riotous life and the man God sad and said I will never give
you anything of my estate and he called the servant and he told the servant you have been a well- behaved person I give you the Liberty to choose anything you want to choose and the servant chose the Estates chose the cars chose some of the businesses and chose everything and while he was choosing the man was touched with compassion and then he said are you done choosing the servant said yes then he looked at his son he said for Mercy's sake I will allow you to choose only one thing and get out of my way
and the son said I choose a servant did you get the story I choose what a wise boy I choose a servant means that I chose the car the servant chose I chose the house that belongs to the servant everything why am I saying this there are certain things when you find you have found other things too relationships there are certain things when you find you have found all other things there are things that you truly may not need to bother about again when you get the majors in life because the majors control the minors
for instance your relationship with Jesus for instance your relationship with men for instance the power of the Holy Ghost now we are going to pray that song power to prosper we're going to sing it once twice and then I will pray for you that the hand of God will rest upon your head the hand of God will rest upon your hand the hand of God will rest upon your feet rise up on your feet coin onion rise up on your feet don't be distracted sing it once twice go ahead let your power power to prosper
rest on me rest on me let your power power to prosper rest on me rest on me oh rest on me oh rest on me oh oh rest on me power to prosper rest on me let your power power to prosper rest on me rest let your power power to prosper rest on me rest oh rest on me oh rest on me oh rest power to prosper rest on me only one prayer point tonight and I speak over your life father in light of all that I've heard cause me to walk in this truths and
then let your power to prosper trly come upon me go ahead and pray go ahead and pray remember I told you that financial prosperity is a composite of many factors laws and principles human relational factors Supernatural empowerment then the god Factor someone pray someone pray someone [Music] pray someone pray father visit me visit my [Music] family the LA of absolute surrender tithes offerings and all kinds of givings the law of value the law of productivity the law of Excellence the love of relationships understanding Investments these are some of the keys then the power to prosper
the Divine enablement that comes upon your mind empowering your thinking empowering ideas empowering creativity witty inventions the anointing coming upon your hand causing the works of your hands to be blessed extraordinary excellence and productivity the anointing coming upon your feet bringing you Direction bringing you guidance and Isaac sold in that land that land that land that land thou shall hear a voice from behind saying this is the way walk ye in it you will find rest for your [Music] soul hallelujah hallelujah hopefully in another meeting when we have the time I will share with you
a bit of the god factor in the finances of men in every man's Destiny a day will come when you will experience something along the lines of your finances that only God can bring it can happen once only in your lifetime just once just once if you are not positioned to to discern there are people today their Rising is absolutely the god Factor God came they discerned they maximized the moment and they stepped into a very Supernatural dimension