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Assine a AcrópolePlay: Curso de filosofia PRESENCIAL:
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They are simple and viable advice for everyone that I will pass. And these advice create favorable environments. It is evident that only by creating these conditions, you will not necessarily grow, you will not necessarily raise consciousness, it depends on your determination.
But the environment will be extremely conducive to this. It will create conditions with active life, so that you can raise your consciousness, feel good about life, and be able to realize yourself as a human being. And useful for anyone.
There is nothing specific here. Hello! Welcome to our chat today.
Today we will talk about philosophical advice to be well with life. It will be a very simple chat, but with some things, pointing out some things that can be very useful, so that we can build a lighter, healthier life, and that our consciousness can rise and reach higher levels, which is what we intend as human beings. So I hope these tips are good for you, that they are a sum factor.
Let's get to know some of these tips? The first thing I work on is having an ideal. It is the story of purpose that everyone talks about nowadays.
It is very important to have an ideal. Our life has a purpose. It has to be directed towards something, so that we do not feel lost, out of the North, without the North, disoriented, without the East.
We have to have an ideal. What is this? Imagine that you put yourself, put your consciousness on the last day of your life.
What kind of human being do you want to be? What do you want to have built in you? How do you want to be?
What is the result of your work of a lifetime? Do you want to have some virtue? Is it important that you make this choice?
It's like a house that is going to be built. First you call the architect, and he draws the plant in great detail, passes it to the engineer, who passes it to the master of works. Every day, for the master of works to start working, he will look at the ready-made plant of the future.
If we do not know what our ideal is, how are we going to work, where, in which direction, we are absolutely at a disadvantage. Many times we feel like this, a little loose in life. Half on the drift.
Because in fact, many times we are. So putting our consciousness in this moment will force us to define an ideal of life that is certainly on a subtle level of values, virtues, wisdom. Because before death, no one is thinking about their balance on the bank or the amount of cars they leave in the garage.
Before death, we necessarily think about the field of the circle. What I went, what I allowed people to go through me, and what the world became thanks to me. That is, I was a sum factor.
I added, even if it's a little bit. That is, I went through the world making a difference. And this is fundamental.
So we put as an objective, let's say, fraternity and justice. This is my goal. All my days will be headed in this direction.
Without any anxiety. The ideal is not for you to be anxious. It is simply for you to be consistent every day.
Every day you do the part of justice and fraternity that you fit to do now. Every day you walk in this direction. Trying to make full days.
And not anxious about anything. The ideal is simply so that you don't get lost in the middle of the way. And this is very important.
Because having this direction, we are not so manipulative. Having this direction, knowing where we want to go, we can have values. What leads in this direction is good.
What leads in other directions is bad. It is dishonest, it is imperfect. We can know what is necessary of the things that are offered to us.
We can make good choices. Because now we have what I'm going to talk about. A mission spirit.
When you have an ideal, you have a mission spirit. I know what I want to build. I want to build myself.
As a fuller human being. When I know what I want to build, imagine that you want to build a table. You have a mission, build a table.
You go to the market, you know how to choose what is necessary to build a table. Make good choices. You will not go out buying anything.
Why do you know how to make choices? Because you know what you are going to build. The one who does not want to build anything, goes out consuming the most bizarre things in the world.
Spending energy uselessly. Therefore, an ideal, a mission spirit, gives you direction. And allows you to walk with more accurate steps.
And make your days aligned with the same direction. That is, your energy is being added to a goal. Avoid the anguish of feeling the drift.
Which is exactly what happens when we don't have an ideal. And an extremely important thing to add to this, is to have a moment of inner life every day. When we stop and think, what is my ideal and what I did today?
Was it consistent or not? If it was not consistent, why did I betray my ideal today? What was there that was so attractive, that I left my trail and ran after it?
I have to mark a lot, so that I develop resistance to this factor. So that at some point, it will not steal me from my path. When I am walking towards my ideal, I am myself.
This is my identity. When I am walking in another direction, I am outside myself. And the ideal is that nothing drags us out of ourselves.
So a daily reflection about what we are doing with our lives. A daily moment of inner life. This is very important.
Plato talked about this. He called it the divine bones. The moment to dialogue with our soul.
And check what we are doing with our days. So that we don't throw it away. Ours is not such a long life, to throw days away.
Cultivate discipline. This is fundamental. Through discipline, we can start to have victories over circumstances.
Disorganization, certainly frees us. Disorganization, the lack of method, chaos, will make us be stopped in the middle of our disorder. In the middle of all that mess you produced.
You can't move forward. There is no trail for you to move forward. If I tell you, you have one hour to appear in such a place, presenting your documents, you will have a good chance of employment.
If you are disorganized, you will lose this chance. Because you don't know where your documents are. You won't find them in an hour.
There is time to get there. In other words, chaos, disorganization, always breaks our path. Stealing opportunities.
When we organize ourselves, we have a necessary discipline to organize ourselves. We are starting to advance. And this advance is extremely necessary.
It is very bad that we only see failures when we look back. This will end up generating in us a loss of self-confidence. This can't happen.
We have to feel that something has been done. So that we stimulate ourselves to keep walking. We can't keep accumulating failures.
This will end up corroding the faith we have in ourselves. And this is very difficult to rebuild. Therefore, small advances develop self-confidence, security and a sad pride of the tests I am able to overcome.
Therefore, discipline is extremely necessary to advance and have this incentive to know that, even if little, even if slowly, I am advancing. What else is extremely necessary? Practice concentration exercises.
There is a phrase by Carl Gustav Jung, the founder psychiatrist of psychology, that he used, not a phrase, but an expression, he said, body and mind together. This is extremely necessary. Where are we?
Being with body and mind together. Life, life experiences are attracted by our need for experience. Therefore, the place we are in is the ideal place for us to grow at this moment.
But you have to be there all the time. Do not live running away from life through aliens, through fantasies. Be whole body at every moment of life and seek to learn what this moment has to teach you.
That is, the ability to concentrate in the present moment. Capacity to concentrate and perception of what life offers you at every moment. Therefore, training concentration is very important.
There are a series of exercises, I recommend a very simple one, which is called Tratac. You simply draw a circle and put a dot in the center. You must concentrate so much on this dot that for seconds you stop seeing the circumference.
You will tell me, what a silly joke, what is the point of this? After you practice, go read a book and you will see the difference. How huge this produces.
It's like exercising the muscle of concentration, which is extremely necessary. What else? Realize that the trigger of emotional instability in general is a thought.
We let ourselves concentrate, let aggressive thinking enter, a thought that reminds us of something very bad back there, a thought that reminds us of a bad feeling we have for someone. Let this thought enter. And this thought will impact our emotional, turning negative emotional states, which then give us a job to reverse.
Sometimes we stay all day in an emotional state of depression, of sadness or cholera, because we were not able to concentrate and avoid that unwanted mental forms, totally out of context, penetrate our mind. More and more, by training concentration, we become masters of our mind, because otherwise it is chaos. We get lost in the middle of this little redemo, without any control.
It is not possible to do anything in the middle of a typhoon. It's like you're in the eye of a typhoon. You have to control the mind, so that it focuses on what is necessary at every moment.
Being in the present with enthusiasm, avoids anxiety. This is also an interesting thing in Jung's expression. Body and mind together.
When you have body and mind together, you are entirely in the present. And being in the present, will cut the thread of anxiety. Anxiety is a sick connection with the future that is expected to come.
Or that is expected to escape from it, whatever it is. And it causes a total absence. The man is disconnected from what he is living now.
He lives absent from this moment. Connected to a possibility, to fear, to something. When you try to focus on the present day, to be in body and mind together on the present day, you do not long for anything.
You long to simply realize your ideal on that day. As if that day were unique. As Emperor Marco Aurelio would say, the great stoic philosopher, as if it were the last day of his life.
With the freshness of the first day, and with the final touch of the last. And so we fight states of anxiety. Which are usually a constant escape from the present.
When we have an emotional pain, many times a pain arises out of nowhere. We feel a certain anguish, a certain sadness. What do we immediately do?
We will move our mental plan to find a justification for it. If we do not find anything in the present moment, we will move to a more distant past. Soon we will find a justification.
That's why. It was because when I was a child, my teacher told me such a thing, such a thing happened. And you justify an emotional form, that if you did not justify it, it would pass.
Sometimes we capture emotional forms that are from other people. It's normal on the emotional level. Sometimes we are contaminated by emotional forms that are passing.
And if you don't give her a justification, she leaves the same way she came. But you attract her to a mental justification. Then she stays.
And one more day, she is stuck to heavy emotional forms. If you have already done this, and you have already added an explanation for your sadness, for your anguish, whatever it is, try to do the opposite immediately. For this justification, remember three, four, ten events that were the opposite of that.
This person offended me that day. Remember ten times where people told me beautiful, exciting things. They did good things for me.
They showed me my value. It must be full of that in your life. Change the focus, take the soft focus.
We tend to look at the worst. Realize how we are like this. If I tell you, tell me something about Egypt.
You will tell me about Cleopatra. What was the worst thing there? Say something about Rome.
You will talk about Caligula and Nero. What was the worst? Do you know someone?
The one who always arrives late. He had a thousand qualities that you have already seen. But you only remember the defect.
This soft focus is terrible. It's what makes us go slowly on the side of an accident, because we want to see. Sometimes I want to read in the newspaper all the details of how that crime happened.
It's horrible. This soft focus will make us always get justifications for all the emotional forms that pass by. Every time you do this, the ideal is not to do it, to let them go.
Hold and prevent there to be mental forms that justify. But if you've done it, look for positive mental forms. Many, as many as you can.
Start collecting mental forms that are the opposite of what you thought. Such person betrayed me. How many people were loyal to me?
How many people had attitudes of loyalty? Many throughout my life. Start remembering this.
Remember, remember, feed this memory. This will make you dissolve this trigger of negative emotional forms. That often hit us throughout the day, throughout life.
Fight inertia and laziness. Not only because inertia and laziness is a type of chaos, is a type of disorganization that makes us not be in time with the opportunities that life gives. As well, because inertia and laziness, as it was said in the past, a factory of bad ideas.
My grandmother used to say this. You stay in bed, boy, the head is a factory of bad things. When we are in bed, the body in bed, already awake, is a laboratory of terrible mental forms.
You can see that moment when the mental forms are spinning, you are not completely awake, but you are no longer sleeping. You have no control over them. Bad images come, negative thoughts come, and you create identity with that.
Right at the beginning of the day, which is a terrible thing, a terrible way to start the day. So be careful, be in bed only if you are about to fall asleep or asleep. Wake up, try not to stay in bed.
This little interval, Helena Blavatsky called it this interval, is terrible. It will put extremely negative ideas in your mind, in your day that is beginning. Fight against morbidity and criticism.
Fight against this stimulus of looking for the worst of all things. Have a persistence in always looking for the best. Always come a negative idea about anything.
Automatically look for the other side. So you dissolve this addiction. Every time I think badly about whatever it is, I automatically start looking for positive aspects.
Which are true. Why do I deny myself to see them? Why are the positive aspects inferior to the negative ones?
These deserve to be looked at and the others don't. This is a terrible addiction. Which develops in us this affection to morbidity.
Terrible. And also criticism. The constant criticism about life, about events, about the worst aspect of all things.
Avoid criticism. Criticism is something that, for it to be worth, has to be in very special circumstances. A person who, for example, has an order to educate the other.
A father with a son, a teacher with a student who does that, but not in a negative way, not even wanting to offend. He does it showing a better path. Criticizing when it doesn't suit you will only do that you put your finger in a wound that the person probably already knows that has this wound.
And it will hurt once again to realize that people are seeing. She is doing her best to heal this wound. And you go there and put your finger in the wound once again.
And sometimes when we don't criticize for the person, for third parties, this is much worse. We disseminate an idea that will soon create a stereotype of this person. And she starts to be labeled for it.
And it gets very difficult to grow a negative label. Break the habit of looking for the negative aspect in everything and in everyone. This is fundamental.
Good music and good text when waking up and sleeping. It is what we call the magic of beginnings. The beginning of the vigilance consciousness, the beginning of the oniric consciousness.
When we are about to fall asleep, when we are about to enter the day, in life. This beginning is very important. You establish a vibration that you tend to carry for a long time.
I don't know if you've noticed that sometimes we stop with the car on the street where there is someone listening to a song. A bad song that you don't like. But that comes in without you noticing.
And then two hours, three hours in your day that song is playing in your brain. As if it were a sound device that goes out capturing things and drags for a long time. While you don't go there and stop, it keeps running in your mind.
If we, on purpose, in the morning, put that song that elevates our consciousness, it is important that we realize what these songs are. That take our consciousness from banality. They remind us of who we are, where we want to go.
This one that positions us, remembering our ideal, willing to walk towards our ideal. There are songs for everything. There is this song, you have to find it.
Have it right next to your bed, in a small room, where you simply play and listen to this song. It can be the same at night, or another, more peaceful, if you prefer. Polarize consciousness in this higher aspect.
And if possible, also a text, which is a little thing, it can be a prayer, a verse of poetry, a thought of someone. Something that also makes consciousness rise and position itself well in front of life. You will not take a minute to do this, it is very fast.
And this brings you a way to start the day very positive. That you will take with you for a long time. A very good start, makes a lot of difference.
Try it, you will see. And also at night, because sometimes we sleep in a way that we get tired more than if we were awake. By the tumult of our dream consciousness.
If we enter sleep in the right way, we also have a much deeper and more restorative sleep. It's the same thing. Keep the environments organized and clean.
And the clean body itself. The feeling of dirt in the environments where we are, even if consciously we are not perceiving, unconsciously we capture. And there is as if it were a command in our mind.
I accept to live with dirt. I accept to live with dirt. There comes dirt in the emotional plane, anger, anger, envy, jealousy.
Dirt comes in the mental plane, negative thoughts, morbidity, criticism. And I don't see it. You know why?
I admit to living with dirt. I don't have that feeling of lightness, of demanding that the environments where I am, my body, is always clean. You have to put a law inside you.
I don't admit to living with dirt. Whenever it comes, I will fight against it. And this feeling of lightness that the clean gives, will help you to keep clean in all personality planes.
It will help you to concentrate your mind, to have high feelings, to not have so much emotional oscillation. Feel clean, light, prepared for life. Another important thing that sometimes we don't value much.
The contagion that we have of negative mental forms. Through products, cultural products, that are offered to us. That story that there is nothing good happening in the cinema.
But since we have nothing else to see, let's see what's really going on. You get me an extremely bad movie, with violent scenes, unnecessary violence, that impacts your brain, because sometimes, years later, you have that image in your memory. There is that pollution that, from time to time, comes up in your memory.
This can be in a movie, in a book, in a computer, on the internet. Avoid consuming garbage, because it contaminates you. It will be spinning in your mind and whenever the consciousness goes down, these things come down even more.
To hurt even more. To lower our consciousness even more. So avoid polluting our mental plane.
If we eat distorted things, intoxicating things, or if they are out of the point, rotten, rotten, whatever it is, it will cause an infection in our physical body. We don't do that. We look for the pure, fresh food.
Why don't we do the same thing in the mental plane? Be careful to consume anything, because there is no other option. There are always other options.
Even a good conversation is a better option than doing that. And in fact, it is an excellent option, a good conversation. To select the movies and cultural products you consume, so that you are not infected by negative mental forms, which will drag you along for a long time.
I have some of, I don't know, 30 years, and I insist on getting rid of them. I can't. From the lowest moments, they appear again.
It's impressive. It's a dirt you let in and it's very difficult to clean. Take sun and walk a little, if possible, one of the things that is recommended, I will talk about it later, is to do some physical exercise.
A walk is a very good exercise. If you pay attention to nature, to everything that is happening around you, it passes in a tremendous speed. You don't even realize how long it has been.
And this contact with nature is very positive. We realize the beauty, the harmony of all things, how different plants harmonize to produce a single garden. The noise of animals, insects, birds, how they also enter into harmony, it seems like a symphony.
Observe nature, the beauty of everything, get in tune with it, vibrate with it, it is extremely positive. Especially if we can do it in the early hours of the morning. It is very good, very sadistic.
It generates a very good state of consciousness. Also pay attention to instrumental music. This is a very interesting advice.
Because our attention, in general, is only to concentrate, to be attentive, if your attention is very superficial. You are used to giving a glance at things and be satisfied. Don't see the details.
Life is very heated, full of details, to go so superficially through things. Who is superficial on the outside, will be superficial on the inside too. You will not see yourself.
You will not know yourself. We have to be attentive to the details of life. And for that, an instrumental music is great for you to train.
You have to recognize the entrance of an instrument. Such a thing entered. If you don't know the name of the instrument, it doesn't matter.
A different sound entered, metallic. This sound came out now. Look, something else came in, it looks like a flute.
Realize the exit and the entrance. When you listen to the instrumental music, unconsciously, you don't see it. You only see that block of sounds.
This is an excellent training to rekindle our sight. So that we can notice details. Because this wealth of details is essential for us to understand life.
And receive everything it has to give us. Life is tremendously pedagogical. We can't just give a glance.
We have to take all the details that it offers us. Every day. So that we can receive this daily learning.
Do not lend ears to people grumpy and moody, chronic. It is not about a person who once had a problem and wants to get rid of it. But chronic people are those who are always talking about their pain.
They are always complaining about what they did to her. They suffer from a syndrome of sick victimization. And you keep listening to that.
It feeds her addiction. And creates a terrible mental pollution in you. This person will become more and more undesirable to others.
You are stimulating her addiction. Which is terrible for her. So the best thing to do for a person is not to lengthen conversations.
Do not let her enter this cycle. Cut before the slaps start. And if you are this person, end this habit now.
Cut it completely. Start to have the habit of talking about the best things that happened in your life. About three times a day stop and think about who you are and where you want to go with your life.
That is, our ideal. This is extremely interesting. In the morning, at some point, I'm having coffee.
Who am I? I am Lúcia. I am in this place.
Because I intend to get to such a place that will take me at the end of my life to fraternity and justice. That is, I am in the world doing such a thing and this is not loose. This breakfast I'm having has a connection with everything I intend to do in my life.
I'm doing the right thing, doing the right thing. And with my conscience present in this. Even ISO 9000 talks about this.
Local action with global vision. I know where I want to go and why I'm doing this. And this has a connection with everything.
And then, in the middle of the day, once again, stop the scene. Who am I? I'm this person.
Where do I want to go with all this? There. Okay, let me position myself so that I can go there.
Because neglect makes us take deviations. We have to bring a little attention to our lives. If you plan to do this associated with a meal, for example, it's so fast, so simple to do.
Oops, stop the tape. Who am I? What I'm doing now?
Is this aligned with my life goal? It is. Okay.
Roll the tape. This is extremely important. It will position us, call our conscience throughout the day.
And very simple to do. A very useful advice. Relate the things we are doing now with our ideal.
That is, this breakfast, this way I'm dressing, everything is related to my ideal. Where do I want to go? Everything is related.
I want to be a fair person. Therefore, I have to be fair with my body. I have to have a suit that is appropriate to him, appropriate to the moment.
I have to be fraternal, in the sense that I don't need to spend my wealth with an extraordinarily expensive outfit. I need something that is natural, elegant, appropriate, that is, that I can wear at any time. But I don't need to be so selfish to waste everything I have, simply with a suit.
That is, what I'm wearing now is consistent with the goals of my life. The step I'm taking, everything has. If you stop and relate, you have to find.
If at some point you stop and try to relate and you can't, it means you've taken a detour. You are out of yourself. And this is the opportunity for you to take the road again.
Avoid and isolate yourself, but don't fear the necessary loneliness. That is, it is not that person who, because she is totally closed, doesn't like anyone, and doesn't try to approach. Doesn't try to develop empathy, doesn't make an effort to be with others.
This is extremely necessary. When we get to an environment that has two or three people there that you know and many that you don't know, that defeats this tendency to go to those that you know. That feels at home with new people, that knows how to get to know new people, that knows how to expand your social ties.
Have this curiosity to meet people, not with second intentions, not to want to take anything from them, simply because you want to know this huge and beautiful mosaic that is humanity. Know a little more, like to be with people. Now, if at a certain moment it is necessary to be alone, have the ability to be well alone.
This painful feeling of loneliness comes from not being with yourself. I don't have inner life, I'm afraid to go inside and find nothing. I don't have dreams, I don't have ideals, I don't have a sense of life.
I'm afraid to go inside and find this isolating scenario. So I always run away from things that pull me out. And suddenly I'm alone, I have nothing that pulls me out, I fear that.
If we are with ourselves, loneliness will give us a pleasant time of coexistence with our inner life, with our purposes, to align small details of our life that were not very well aligned with our purpose. That is, it is a useful time, a valid time. We know how to be alone if it is necessary.
Now, if it's time to be with people, don't get isolated. Try to move the body in some physical activity, if possible outdoors. This is also highly recommended within medical literature.
Some exercise, it can be that walk or anything that pleases you. If it is possible to do it outdoors, it is even better. If it is not possible, patience.
Do it in an environment where it is possible. But it is very good for the body, it brings a very good feeling of well-being, you have control of it, keep it active, keep it in good condition. Combat circular mental forms about problems.
When sometimes something happens to us, we can stop thinking about it. Even after we have already made a decision about it. When you have a problem, stop, concentrate on it, research everything you want to research.
If you want to get advice from someone you consider to be a good person, take all the elements you have and make a decision. I made a decision and I don't think about it anymore. I will be mulling over a problem about which I have already decided.
Because this only takes our conscience to a hole. A spiral descending. All the time it invades our conscience and we are walking with it all the time.
Sometimes a person did us harm in a moment. We carry this damage with us all day and keep repeating this damage. He hurt me once, I hurt myself a thousand times.
Keeping this negative mental form all day long. Know how to focus on the mental plane and imagine that you are cutting this vicious thought. Making a ball and playing far away.
And put something positive in the ball. A small exercise of imagination. Put something positive in the ball.
And if it comes back and tries to penetrate again, put something positive in it. That is of your liking, of your interest. Do not let the negative circular mental forms stay all day long for you repeating a certain suffering that could be once and becomes many.
Closing accounts with the past. This is also fundamental for us to have a clear understanding of our own weakness to keep walking. What does this mean?
We had problems. These problems allowed me to grow. The relationship between what I suffered and what I grew up is equivalent?
For what I grew up, the suffering was not so bad. I lost some things, but I gained others. If I consider that the ones I gained were valid, justified that suffering, I close the accounts.
I do not think about it anymore. I have settled accounts with life. It owes me nothing, I owe nothing to it.
I suffered when I had to suffer, I learned when I had to learn. Suffering allowed me to learn, I closed the account. I gave something, I received something, I closed the commercial transaction.
I do not drag anything else in my present-day accounting that speaks of old debts. Neither of life with me, nor mine with life. I suffered the same things that the other did.
But a lot of what I am today came from this suffering. I would not be what I am if it were not for this suffering. You also gained a lot.
Close the accounts. The other says that life deals with him, your karma, what he corresponds to. You, closed accounts, and walking lightly to the future.
This is fundamental. You take a period, an exercise to not walk with the past. The new year is a good time for that.
I close this year and close all my accounts with this year. And I start anew. As if I were reborn.
Remember that our time is limited to be wasted. If we lived, I do not know, a thousand years, we could say a day is little. It's nonsense to spend a day thinking about the pains of the past.
It makes no difference. It is nonsense to spend a day with circular thoughts in your mind. It is not a waste.
It is a waste to spend a day with negative thoughts. It makes no difference. It is only a day.
I live a thousand years. But it is not a thousand years that we live. We lived what?
80 years? 90? A day is enough.
It is not little. And even more, when you dedicate a day to negative things, to memories of the past, which are bitter, which are negative, to negative mental forms, this day has a tendency to contaminate the next. It may be that this way takes you more than one day of your life.
Sometimes it takes a week. It may be that you are not able to fight and cut. Be careful.
Value our days. They are a very significant unit of a life that is not that long. This is a fact.
Those who are already well lived, as is my case, when they look back, are able to put on the speed with which life passes. It's amazing. Much more than you can imagine when we are starting.
Always remember to love those who love you. You take this base. I love these people.
And with this feeling, recording this fixed feeling in your emotional plane, you try to distribute this feeling wherever you go. Creating emotional ties wherever you go. So I always take this path.
Look how beautiful this path is. How I like it. There is a rose there, there is a little tree there.
I always cross with these people on the path. They always give me a good day. How good.
They are generous, so kind these people. I don't live with them much. But they are good.
They always dedicate the best to me every day. Develop an emotional bond with this person. Today I will already give my good day with something more, with a feeling of projected love.
And the places where you go, and the people who are with you, create many, many, many emotional ties. Look to love to such an extent that you can't even imagine that our heart is always more and more filled. Because this is one of the great senses of life.
Create emotional bonds. That allow through these created paths our heart to expand, to give, to surrender. And this is fundamental.
This generates for our life a perfect environment for consciousness to expand, to rise, for us to realize ourselves. The most suitable environment for everyone. An environment of lovingness.
And finally, a phrase that is very inspiring from a thinker that I like a lot, Nila Kanta, Sri Ram, he says something very beautiful that has a lot to do with this last thing we talked about. You must lose your heart every day and then go in search of it. So you will discover that your heart is the heart of all things.
I lose my heart every day and then I will look for it. I will see that I caressed my heart in all the places I went, in all the people I passed by, and I will go out caressing my path with my heart. And slowly I will realize that my heart is not just mine, it is the heart of all things.
And we started to practice the greatest of the mysteries of life, which is the mystery of the recovery of unity in multiplicity. The great mystery of the universe is to reconquer unity. And this gives us, evidently, a mental and emotional state as best as possible.
And we stay here, as I said, there are some examples of very simple recommendations, very basic, that I believe that for all people can be useful. I hope it is also for you. A hug!
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CONQUISTANDO A HARMONIA INTERNA E EXTERNA através de 4 virtudes-Lúcia Helena Galvão da Nova Acrópole
REFLECTIONS ON LIGHTNESS: In 2024, add lightness to your life! Lúcia Helena Galvão
Cortes do Lutz [OFICIAL]
WE CAN BE WHAT WE WANT TO BE_ Lúcia Helena Galvão from New Acropolis
NÃO SE DEIXE CONTAMINAR PELO MEIO - Prof. Lúcia Helena Galvão de Nova Acrópole
Soul Connection - 1 hour Healing Angelic Music - Relax Your Body & Mind
Soul Connection - 1 hour Healing Angelic M...
Clara Sophia
CAIBALION: AS LEIS QUE GOVERNAM O UNIVERSO | Mente em Evolução | Lúcia Helena Galvão
Mente em Evolução
Prof. Lúcia Helena Galvão: A Natureza do Universo e do Ser Humano | Lutz Podcast #213
Prof. Lúcia Helena Galvão: A Natureza do U...
Lutz Podcast
Os 7 PRINCÍPIOS que regem o UNIVERSO - Prof. Lúcia Helena Galvão
Os 7 PRINCÍPIOS que regem o UNIVERSO - Pro...
PodPeople - Ana Beatriz Barbosa
The 7 Universal Laws through my window! LÚCIA HELENA GALVÃO (Subtit. English)
The 7 Universal Laws through my window! LÚ...
Viver com sabedoria
ASPECTOS DE UMA BOA CONVIVÊNCIA - Lúcia Helena Galvão da Nova Acrópole
A PHILOSOPHICAL LOOK AT HUMAN DECISIONS - Lúcia Helena Galvão of New Acropolis
O MELHOR CAMINHO PARA A AUTORREALIZAÇÃO: Ensinamentos de Buda-Lúcia Helena Galvão da Nova Acrópole
LIVE AND LET LIVE How to get along with those who think differently-Lúcia Helena,New Acropolis
LIVE AND LET LIVE How to get along with th...
🔴 SALVE-SE PRIMEIRO! É Chegada a Hora. Lúcia Helena Galvão
🔴 SALVE-SE PRIMEIRO! É Chegada a Hora. Lú...
Cortes Arquimilionários
RESPEITO: manual do usuário - LÚCIA HELENA GALVÃO da Nova Acrópole
RESPEITO: manual do usuário - LÚCIA HELENA...
Professora Lúcia Helena Galvão: Propósitos e projetos. ensinamentos e virtudes. Podcast Os Nagle
Professora Lúcia Helena Galvão: Propósitos...
Leda Nagle
Vida Feliz e Estoicismo com Lúcia Helena
Vida Feliz e Estoicismo com Lúcia Helena
Pensamentos, Pitacos e Poesias - Podcast Samer Agi
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