Inclusion and Education: #AllmeansALL​

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The 2020 GEM Report on 'Inclusion and Education: All means all' calls on countries to concentrate on...
Video Transcript:
everyone is different the 2020 global education monitoring report on inclusion and education believes that education is strongest when it embraces diversity learners should not have to adapt to the system instead education systems should adapt to their needs when students do not feel welcome in school they are less likely to learn this is everyone's loss but rich and poor countries too often educate some children apart children who have a disability have been displaced speak a different language or are poor and disadvantaged school design may favor some students over others as do many laws and policies teachers
are often ill-equipped to cater for students diverse needs children may not recognize the way they are portrayed in textbooks some may not see themselves there at all they receive the message that they do not belong testing sometimes follows a narrow vision of Education and consequently some students leave education earlier than they should these are complex problems to solve but a belief in the right to education is a belief in inclusion children have different learning speeds they need curricula that are flexible creative and relevant how we prepare teachers matters they must be given the tools and
training to achieve our vision for reform the resources we know can help the marginalized educators support stuff and equipment should be shared so that everyone can benefit better data on those left behind will help us reach them disadvantages often accumulate we can't address inclusion one group at a time redressing these disadvantages requires funds these must be equitable and target individual specific needs we must work together on these tasks across government ministries from central to local authorities with civil society supporting governments and schools opening doors to the community inclusion in education requires a change in mindset
in society so that education for all means education for everyone without an exception achieving this is everybody's business including yours you
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