hello War welcome to this talk now today we're going to be looking at something very important metabolic reset and we're going to be hearing from the Channel's favorite cardiologist Dr Asim Malhotra for well over a decade I have been managing many patients to help them improve their Lifestyles and reverse risk factors for heart disease linked to obesity such as high blood pressure type 2 diabetes and what I found through my research and my own clinical experience that just within weeks of dietary changes many of those conditions can even be revers or sent to remission and
as you see from that teaser there Dr mahotra is currently in the was last week was in the United States for the inauguration and I think we can say is tipped for a post in the new Administration which could have tremendous implications for American Health now this is Dr mra's website here uh Metabolic Research and you can go on there and it's uh you can look up the evidence-based for example and you'll find out that metabolic reset is vitally important for about 140 million people um in the United Kingdom and the United States but it
applicable to everyone because we have so much metabolic disease the Obesity the the hypertension and all the complications that come from these conditions diabetes Strokes heart attacks peripheral vascular disease are all related to this vital metabolic Health uh concept so let's dive straight into it now do try and stick with this video because there's some really important stuff in it so metabolic reset we can all reset our metabolism according to Dr motra and the evidence he gives and tantalizingly a key role in the uh National Institutes of Health what implications is this going to bring
potentially immense implications for the future and when the United States starts getting its act together as I believe it will it's going to give us immense um research data and ammunition to change Lifestyles around the world so really quite an exciting time and uh we're going to hopefully going to be following this and and Dr mahotra is going to keep us up to date as well uh big Chang is probably ahead in terms of global Health um I won't get distracted on that now let's stick to the point now Dr mahotra says if an item
comes out of a packet and it contains five or more ingredients then it's not allowed in other words it's a ra processed food which we don't want so um unprocessed food is food that looks like food so you can recognize it as part of an animal or it looks like a plant that's completely on processed partly processed might be something like putting beans in a tin but then when we have ultr processed food it's basically it's food that comes out of a factory and contains five or more components on the label and it's been jiggled
around with it's being processed often through high temperature processes often with things like emulsifiers and colors and additives put into it things that our hunter gather ancestors would never have heard of let alone ever considered eating right there is nothing natural or healthy about items like that so this is not what we want to be eating so he says look for a short ingredients list food has been through very little processing and I would add uh low temperature processing as well high temperature processes can change oils and all sorts of things so looking for cold
pressed things like cold pressed olive oil is a good idea minimal processing preferably at low temperatures is what we want uh now studies suggest the more processed food in your diet the more processed your diet is the higher the risk of conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure so eat a lot of this High processed food the metabolic consequences is what the research is indicating and This only affects 140 millions in Brits uh directly and of course it potentially affects us all now Dr mahotas patients have reversed their pre-diabetes lowered their blood pressure within 28
days on the diet it doesn't involve calorie counting we don't want people to feel hungry what are the components well well all sugary and carpy foods that lack fiber aband at least for the first month or so so the idea is in Dr mahotra thinking here um is that you go on a fairly restrictive diet for a month or two that resets the metabolism and then you can gradually normalize to an extent although there are going to be some changes that will need to be lifelong so it's not about counting calories no need to be
hungry but all sugar Carby foods that lack fiber are band so we don't the idea here is we we reduce sugars and carbohydrate sugars try and cut those out all together as far as possible um certainly overt sugar like cakes and biscuits and fizzy fizzy sugary drinks would be would be banned and we want to cut out carbohydrates especially the white carbohydrates like white bread white rice white pasta but if you're eating um uh carbohydrates that's associated with fiber they're absorbed much more slowly and they are though we need do need to restrict carbohydrates quite
a lot for the first month or so of this diet but you know like uh I mean I just love dates for example which are quite sugary but they're also very fibrous so that's kind of more allow eating the fiber having said that some fruits are very sugary mangoes bananas are very high in carbohydrates um others contain equal amounts of fiber but less sugars but that the these are principles anyway all sugar Carby foods that lack fiber AB band so sugar white bread pasta and rice we don't want it and if we do have these
they should certainly be brown with fiber in them it's for Sugar Sugar addicts like I used to be who need to snap out of their addiction to junk food and reset their metabolic Health says Dr motra and I was certainly addicted to carbs as well I'm still struggling with it to an extent but I'm much better and I don't crave sugar anything like as much as I did Dr mahotra was actually on 40 teaspoonfuls a day so uh one of the chief of Sinners himself who's now in in great shape having cut that out that
takes quite a bit of eating actually 42 spoonfuls a day but that's what Dr mahotra says he was consuming he only recommends to follow it for a month or so after that people can slowly reintroduce carbs at the weekends and the principle is kind of 8020 so you know have a fairly low carb diet for 80% of the time and um I got this in a private conversation but he did tell me um that he has the occasional Biryani or pizza so that's okay that's okay you can do that but it's how you behave most
of the time that's that's going to be important um Dr mahotra says I know stuff like this works I've been doing it for years recommending it to my own patients too so this is based on extensive clinical experience as a cardiologist with a special interest in metabolic health so one of his patients after 4 weeks lost 11 pound that's just under 5 kg uh it put his type 2 diabetes into remission incredible another person aged 50 one all of their joints pain disappeared when they cut out bread carbs and cheese i' struggled to cut out
cheese most people wouldn't need to stop cheese because it's uh high in protein high in fat and very low in sugar um now Dr mahot was working with dietitian Kim Pearson and this is BAS large basely on the Mediterranean diet which of course we know is healthy so it's plant BAS Foods healthy fats some fish olive oil and and raw nuts things like that uh tomatoes olives Mediterranean type foods we we we pretty convince this is a healthy approach to diet now practically uh breakfast berry smoothie or vegetable omelet would be good um one possibility
there berries for example uh high in nutrients vitamin C vitamin K Vitamin B's potassium magnesium antioxidants and fiber and I know um another friend of the channel Dr seil Dand is very keen on blueberries as well so PR preferably grown without pesticides and all the junk that can be added to the agricultural processes as far as possible these are just some out ideas really lunch protein salad plus Limitless veg eat all the veg you want veg is good big piles of vegetables evening stir fry with Japanese noodles or meatballs or a vegetable spaghetti Getty as
a possibility eat three meals a day uh leave four to 5 hours between each sitting my trouble is uh snacking I'm working on it cutting out snacks is is really quite important uh and then having of course a few hour a good few hours off overnight 14 to 16 hours to allow the digestive system to recover interesting uh ve very consistent with uh Tim Spectre and the Zoe ideas so we're getting these ideas coming together I don't want to take quote M misquote Professor Spectre but but I think this is largely consistent with his thinking
especially the uh the intermittent fasting seil Dand motra these are leading doctors in the field who seem to be uh coalescing around around common viewers although I'm sure Professor Spectre would have things like fermented foods um it's there always extra bits um now we do need to learn some skills in the kitchen it may cost more in the short term this is true there's no getting away from the fact that healthy eating in the short term can be more expensive because junk food contains a lot of calories that are dirt cheap um but but we
should be eating at least five vegetables and pieces of fruit a day but also I find just go to local supermarkets and markets and sometimes farmers markets if you buy vegetable seasonally it's sometimes possible to get them remarkably cheaply remarkably cheaply so it's just a matter of keeping your eye open for a bargain stocking up on a week's worth and I you know I'll I'll make like a you know if I get some leaks soup leaks cheap I'll make a huge pan of leak soup with them all and that'll do that'll do for 3 days
if you keep it in the fridge so seasonal vegetables can be very very cheap actually um it doesn't necessarily need to be more expensive if you are a sensible Shopper now uh diet sodas are band so all these zero drinks we don't want those what we want to do is get rid of the sort of um I mean when when you drink these things they taste sweet and your body kind of responds appropriately plus there's question marks over a lot of these artificial sweetness but the point is we need to re-educate the pallet to get
away from the sweetness and you can do you can do I mean I I remember when I was younger I was about 15 I stopped taking sugar I decided one day I'd sto taking sugar in my tea so I just stopped stopped taking sugar in my tea and it was awful but then within a week or two I could taste the sweetness from the from the lactose in the milk you sensitize your pette so it's a case of getting rid of this sugar craving um very sweet tooth type palette and there is a degree of
pallet re-education that is required but um it does work really quite quickly so uh diet sodas would be considered processed with additives that have the potential to compromise Health fake sugars perpetuated Sweet Tooth Cravings these Cravings we can get over them we do get over them we want to work with people uh to unsweeten their sweet to tooth and attune their pallet to Whole Foods says Dr motra now alcohol uh this protocol suggests consuming three small glasses of uh dry white wine or seven single measures of white spirit and I would add that of course
this is per week not per day um alcohol again addictive very addictive um many people like me uh for a long time were addicted to alcohol uh not that I was lying around drunk in the gutter every weekend but it becomes a regular thing it becomes a habit and it there's a level of dependency there uh and that can be broken it can be broken my my drinking is now massively reduced uh for 6 months last year I didn't drink at all it can it can be done and the Cravings do go down a lot
of it habit as well U and of course alcohol is calorific so if you cannot drink fine if you need a little bit to drink then okay you can have a little bit to drink is the message um if you don't drink already whatever you do uh don't start so alcohol in moderation if if you need it Miss Pearson we want to ensure that the plan is sustainable for people uh longterm this is about longterm changes and for many the ability to have a couple of glasses of wine a week is something they enjoy yeah
so okay that's okay Dr motra um now this along with Robert Kennedy I think doesn't suggest a junk food ban for America we're not telling people what to eat I'm not telling you what to think this is empowering your thinking um so it's not about controlling the food supply that would be totalitarian I don't think anyone would agree with that apart from the practicalities doesn't suggest junk food for uh ban for America or the UK rather this is to Kickstart new habits let's get into better dietary habits and get rid of this metabolic disease that's
affecting 140 million of us simple switches for example eating Burgers without buns and other one suggested um one of his investigations found bread contained 50 additives I mean bread you know you can you can make like I made some simple flatbread the other day just with a self-raising flour uh a bit of yogurt um bit of milk and that's fine just just those components but very often bread is an ultr processed food with loads of components it's really hard I found one bread I can buy regularly in the supermarket and even then that's not always
there that doesn't have emulsifiers I don't want to eat bread with emulsifiers they're not good for you but it's very hard to get bread without emulsifiers because bread is often an ultra processed food when it doesn't need to be unfortunately so re-educating Shoppers as well as re-educating the pallet I guess is important so the 8020 rule is behave yourself 80% of the time have a pizza or a birani or something um 20% of the time and I think this fits in with RFK Junior's Bobby Kennedy's policy he wants to ban some pesticides which of course
we would agree with uh it needs to investigate food additives seed oils especially the high processed the ones processed at high temperatures some Ultra processed foods make America healthy again plan is to provide families with safe food end The Chronic epidemic disease epidemic plaguing our children and the appalling levels of obesity ingredients which are either banned or heavily regulated in Europe need to be reviewed in the United States not that we're that good in in in Europe but America about 70% of calories come from ultr processed food which is not the way to go and
the metabolic price in ill health is paid for that by hundreds of millions of us around the world so massively important topic um now um I'm gonna I'm going to play the full clip from Dr mahotra now I just I I obviously everyone needs to make a living I I have no financial interest in this whatsoever for well over a decade I have been managing many patients to help them improve their Lifestyles and reverse risk factors for heart disease linked to obesity such as high blood pressure type 2 diabetes and what I found through my
research and my own clinical experience that just within weeks of dietary changes many of those conditions can even be reversed or sent to remission more recently I did a pilot program with nutritionist from Harley Street called Kim peon and over four weeks we managed hundreds of patients who were able to even reverse type 2 diabetes which many people will find quite extraordinary but we were not that surprised we're now scating this up with a program that we want to make affordable for people it's going to empower them they're going to learn about cholesterol statins high
blood pressure we're going to give them diet plan with recipes it's called metabolic reset and you can sign up for a £5 joining fee and Then followed by £25 a month Le less than a gym membership to get access to all this information because we want to make it accessible to as many people as possible we've had some great coverage already in the daily mail and I am here in Washington DC at the moment to help support my friend Robert Kennedy Jr and the Trump Administration in the process of making America healthy again but uh
you can certainly look around the website look at the article references I've put in and um it's all really quite interesting and actually pretty common sensical really you know um I've given dietry advice all my life based on guidelines a lot of that's turned out to be wrong but now these simple combinations of food like putting some extra virgin olive oil on your salad um the combination of foods we know know just works it's it's sensible eating of proper food but um yeah we have the potential to improve the health of hundreds of millions of
people um hopefully going forward data on this will be collected in the United States and then this will become unambiguous but for now thank you for watching