CONTROL YOUR EMOTIONS - Motivational Speech by Andrew Tate | Andrew Tate Motivation

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Mental Fortitude, Mental resilience , Mental toughness Andrew tate ๐ŸŽถ music by - ' Eclipse ' by Sc...
Video Transcript:
I think that a lot of people don't understand that it's all of the challenges and struggles that's going to make them it's either going to make or break them I read I don't read studies very often but I was sent a study about stress from somebody it's probably the best study I ever read and it's talked about the placebo effect of stress and it said that there they took some of the most stressed people in the world CEOs Etc and the ones who believed that stress was really bad for them were dying earlier because of
the cortisol inside of their blood and they stress bom they having heart attacks but the ones who believed that stress was good for them and it made them perform I perform Under Pressure stress is good for me they were living longer so the same drug inside of their blood how they framed it inside of their mind had different effects on their body so from that point onwards even though I already thought this way I knew I was the right way I knew it was the right way to think innately because I've done pretty good in
life that way but this confirmed it every time I feel stressed or under pressure I get excited I I I hate to not be stressed I wake up and I'm like everything's [ __ ] good yes like that's just how I am right but it's it's how you adop it's how you look at the problem and how you use them to fuel you so the question was what's the problem for the average man today what's the biggest problem I think there's a whole host of problems but what you have to do is frame it inside
of your mind and understand that all of those problems are going to allow you give you the fuel the unlimited motivation that you need to become a successful and and beautiful individual if you frame it in the right way if you take a man and give him a life shielded from problems and he never has any to face I guarantee you he's terrible at being a man the best men in the world have gone through [ __ ] that's just that's why women love scars cuz it didn't kill you that's the whole point of it
right so the best thing you can do as a man is look and go okay this is hard this is hard this is hard this is hard I feel negative because these are all so difficult I'm struggling with XY Z let me internalize all of that and turn it into a superpower let me become genuinely uncomfortable with my situation in life and go and fix things because like I said the universe is absolutely rutly very giving and if you truly hated being in the position you were in you wouldn't be there very long so I
think that the the the number one problem with with the world today and the biggest problem that men face isn't the problems themselves it's just the way that they been taught to mentally frame issues people think when bad things happen to them that somehow they're a victim to the universe and bad things only happen to me and this is so terrible they don't understand that bad things happen to everybody and the most successful person you know had all those probably maybe even worse at least the same bad things happened to them they just framed it
differently and used it that's that's the difference so I I don't pray for an easy life I I pray for a life of difficulty that allows me to become a better and better person I pray to become more competent to handle problems I pray to put myself in a position where if the mass media machine attempts its very best to destroy my life I can laugh and smile from my fill and the mind this is who I pray to become I don't pray that nobody hurts me I pray to be able to fight so it's
just a different mentality where did that mentality come from I've heard I know your background story I've heard listen to tons of your interviews I know the a big impact especially your father had on your life was there a single or were there a handful of pivotal moments for you where your mindset just shifted I know you've talked before about being young and seeing people driving by in flashy cars and it annoying you and not annoying the people around you but I I'm really curious to know where the where the tape mindset came from it's
a good question I think a lot of people build their mindsets around trying to feel good so that's why we were talking earlier about people who want to ignore the idea of personal responsibility or self-accountability because they feel better if they pretend it's not a real thing they feel better if they pretend everything's something else's fault a lot of people's mental model and how they view the world is based around them feeling as good as possible so when you sit there and talk to somebody who has a mask on and they refuse to believe the
the elites are laughing at them it's not because they can't comprehend the ideas it's because they feel better if they don't believe that they are a clown to the elites I feel better if this is really all innocent and it's really all about a disease so people are try Bas they're basing their mindsets around trying to feel good I have always tried to base my mindset around absolute competence regardless of how I feel and there are there are certainly disadvantages to that there are times you're going to be a lot more pessimistic or you're going
to be a lot more stressed or a lot more you know pissed off about certain things than others yeah that can be seen as a downside but like I said I use all of those things for unlimited motivation to propel My Endless upward trajectory but if you construct a mindset that allows you to be as competent as possible as opposed to feel any different or feel better then you're going to naturally come to the conclusions I've come to you're as competent as possible if you believe you can affect absolutely everything about your life you're as
competent as possible if you believe absolutely everything that's happened to you whether good or bad is completely your fault you're as competent as possible if you believe the bad things that happen to you are going to allow you to work harder and become even better when bad things happen to me the first thing out my mouth is good good Andrew they they took $10 million out the bank cuz they canceled you good good that's just my response good Andrew this happened good good good now now I'm really pissed good like like it's that this mindset
I've constructed allows me to be as fearsome a competitor as possible allows me to be a feared opponent in any realm of human endeavor and that's that's the point of a mindset why would you have a mental model or a mentality that made you anything less in the ultra competitive world that we've just discussed discussing that everybody wants the things you have why would you absorb information or construct a mental model that doesn't allow you to be as competitive as possible I am a feared competitor in anything I do anyone who's up against me at
anything is going to feel a degree of nervousness just because it's me it doesn't matter what it is if you say look you're going to go learn how to play piano and you're going to play against someone else who's never played piano and you're to go learn and that guy's Andrew Tate you're be like oh the [ __ ] I can't even play piano but part of them is going to be like oh not Tate even though even though I have no piano experience cuz they just know me they know my mindset they know my
determination they know I'm stubborn they know I don't quit they know I'm they know I'm going to win that's just who I am so I've constructed a mental model that allows me to be competent and to always succeed and that's how I've come to the conclusions I've come to and I truly once again don't understand how people go through the world without with any other mental model I get asked all the time what do you feel or what about happiness or depression that that doesn't even how I feel doesn't cross my mind I don't know
how else explain it there are days where I'm pissed off or sad or happy it doesn't cross my mind it's just like I woke up whatever mood I happen to be in I have things I need to do it's a busy day Zubie's here soon I need to go training before he gets here I had a meeting with the bank at 7:15 a.m. I have [ __ ] to do like I didn't cross my mind if I was happy sad excited I just had to work so I I I I think my mental model to
a degree I'm certainly not a person who doesn't feel emotions because we're all human I certainly do but I've I've never prioritized them in any regard I haven't built a mental model that affects I haven't put them in in the middle of my mental model and then affected my actions based on how I feel for each one it's absolutely completely the opposite I would love to do a podcast on a day where i'm particularly sad and a podcast on a day where i'm particularly happy and I guarantee you you would be tell the [ __
] difference so that's what allows me to be competitive right because if you're competitive if you want to be the most competitive predator on the planet you have to be able to hunt in the day and the night you have to be able to do both you have to be able to perform when you're happy and sad you can't you can't only be able to perform when you're happy you can't only go to the gym when you're motivated you can't only be a competent person when your life's going well because when your life's not going
well you're no longer competent then you're going to lose to people like me and it's player versus player if you're the kind of person who can only do well when you're happy and you're competing against someone like me who can do well all the [ __ ] time guess what you lose so my mental model the answer is most of my opinions are just based around constructing a mental model that allows me to be brutally competitive it's why I say depression isn't real I've argued this point endlessly and I try and explain to people but
they're smart enough to understand that I don't care if I'm wrong I don't care I am more competitive as an individual if I don't believe I can become depressed so I don't give a [ __ ] if I'm right or wrong because no matter what bad happens to me in my life even if heaven forbid the worst things on earth that could happen happen to me I could never become clinically depressed because I would never self diagnose myself as clinically depressed because I don't believe in it I believe that I am currently sad but I
have work to do and eventually I will feel better I will never get to a point of absolute desperation and kill myself CU I don't I'm never going to get to a point hopelessness cuz I don't believe in the idea of hopelessness you cannot try and make me adopt thinking that will reduce my competitiveness as an individual so I don't give a [ __ ] if I'm wrong I don't believe in it that's it end of story so I don't believe in things that take power away from me I don't believe in things that make
me less competitive and I don't adopt mental models that make me less competitive every single mental model I have are the most efficient ones I could find the the mental model I found that if I adopt I become a more fearsome Predator that's it so this is how I've come to all of my conclusions as an individual I literally I don't know how I'd function in society I think that life is very very hard for a man it was certainly very very hard for me I can't imagine having no mental resilience I can't imagine being
that fragile I can't imagine being that offendable I can't imagine believing there are systems which are going to oppress me and prevent me from ever becoming everything I want to be I can't imagine being that way if I were to try and absorb all those mentalities and and then live a normal life I don't think I can do it I literally there's a reason why these people end up on ADH anxiety depression and I get it cuz it's just suicide it's me it's literally mental suicide [Music]
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