Believe All Things Are Possible With God: A Powerful Prayer To Start Your Day With God

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Daily Jesus Prayers
Be blessed as you stand in faith and believe all things are possible with the LORD. ► LIKE! 👍 ► CO...
Video Transcript:
like a mountain climber staring up at a seemingly unscalable Peak the path ahead may look impossible but today we'll discover how With God all things truly are possible if you believe that God can make a difference in your life today let us stand together in faith I will pray a fervent prayer with you in the mighty name of Jesus so watch until the end and open your hearts to receive the blessings of this prayer my friends imagine you're that climber equipped with nothing but a simple rope and your determination the summit appears Out Of Reach
yet something within you refuses to give up this is where faith comes in not just belief but action fueled by trust in God's power as we explore this message let us remember the words from Mark 10 verse 27 with men it is impossible but not with God for With God all things are possible no matter how high the mountain or how Fierce the storm when we place our trust in God we tap into a strength far greater than our own that's the power that will carry us to the summit no matter how how impossible it
may seem now let us explore embracing the power of faith my friends when we say all things are possible with God what does that truly mean for our lives it's not just about moving mountains or parting Seas it's about the everyday Miracles that occur when we align our hearts with God's will think about the challenges you're facing right now perhaps it's a difficult relationship a financial struggle or a health concern these mountains may seem challenging but with God they can be conquered in the Book of Luke 1: 37 we're reminded for with God nothing will
be impossible this isn't just a comforting phrase It's a call to action it's an invitation to step out in faith even when the odds seem stacked against us consider the story of Zechariah and Elizabeth in the Bible they were well advanced in years and had no children in their culture this was seen as a great Misfortune yet God had a plan that defied human logic and biological limitations he blessed them with a son John the Baptist who would prepare the way for Jesus their story teaches us that God's possibilities extend far beyond our limited understanding
when we trust in him we open ourselves to Miracles that defy explanation my dear friends what seemingly impossible situation are you facing today are you ready to hand it over to the god of infinite possibilities remember Faith isn't just believing that God can do the impossible it's taking that first step even when you can't see the entire path it's trusting that The God Who created the universe is intimately involved in your life he cares about your struggles your dreams and your deepest desires and he's ready to work wonders in your life if you'll only believe
my friends let's think about the obstacles that often stand in our way and look at ways to overcome these obstacles through through God's strength these barriers can take many forms fear doubt past failures or present circumstances they Loom large casting Shadows over our dreams and aspirations but here's the truth with God these obstacles become opportunities for growth and Triumph in Philippians 4:13 Paul boldly declares I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me this isn't about relying on our own strength or abilities it's about tapping into the Limitless power of our creator when we
align our will with Gods we become conduits for his miraculous work think about Esther a young Jewish woman who became queen of Persia she faced a seemingly impossible task to save her people from genocide the odds were stacked against her and approaching the king Uninvited could mean death yet she stepped out in faith saying if I perish I perish her courage fueled by faith changed the course of history my dear friends what's holding you back from your god-given destiny is it fear of failure lack of resources is it past disappointment ments remember these are not
roadblocks but Stepping Stones to your Miracle God Specializes in using the unlikely to accomplish the extraordinary he can turn your weakness into strength your lack into abundance but it requires us to take that first step of faith it means trusting God even when we can't trace his hand at work it means believing that his plans for us are good even when circumstances suggest otherwise as we Face our personal mountains let's remember that our God is bigger than any obstacle he's inviting us to partner with him and making the impossible possible my friends let's now look
at how to practically live out this truth that all things are possible with God it's not about waiting for big dramatic moments it's about embracing a mindset of possibility in our everyday lives in 2 Corinthians 5 verse 7 we're reminded for we walk by faith not by sight this verse challenges us to see beyond our current circumstances to look at life through the lens of God's promises not our problems it's about cultivating an attitude of expectancy always ready for God to move consider the story of Rahab in the Book of Joshua she was an unlikely
candidate for God's favor a prostitute in a pagan City yet she chose to believe in the god of Israel even before seeing his power firsthand and her faith not only saved her life but placed her in the lineage of Jesus Christ my dear friends how can we cultivate this kind of faith faith in our daily lives first we must saturate our minds with God's word his promises become our fuel propelling us forward even when things look Bleak second we need to practice gratitude thankfulness opens our eyes to the Miracles happening all around us third we
must step out in obedience even when it doesn't make sense God often Parts the waters only after we put our feet in fourth we should surround ourselves with faith-filled Believers their testimonies can encourage us when our own faith waivers lastly we must persist in prayer knowing that God hears and answers sometimes the answer is yes sometimes it's no and sometimes it's wait but always it's for our good and His glory my friends as we close I want to encourage you whatever impossibility you're facing today know that your God Is Bigger he's inviting you to partner
with him in a great adventure of Faith now to all those within the sound of my voice let us go to the Lord in prayer I want you to pray this prayer with me or listen to this prayer in faith so that you can have all the blessings of this prayer let us pray to our gracious and loving God Heavenly Father creator of all that is seen and unseen I stand in awe of your majesty your power knows no bounds Your Love No Limits you are the alpha and omega the beginning and the end You
Are Holy righteous and worthy of all praise thank you Lord for your unfailing love and boundless Mercy I am grateful for the gift of life and for your daily blessings and Provisions thank you for the strength to face each day and the faith to believe in the impossible I confess my shortcomings and ask for your forgiveness cleanse me from all unright righteousness and help me to forgive those who have wronged me Lord I come before you with mountains that seem impossible to overcome but I declare that with you all things are possible I rebuke every
Spirit of doubt and fear in the name of Jesus I bind the lies of the enemy that tell me I'm not capable or worthy in the name of Jesus I claim Faith courage and determination into my life father just as you made a way for Esther make a way for me open doors that no man can shut and close doors that no man can open give me the wisdom to recognize your opportunities and the boldness to step into them Lord where I see limitations show me your Limitless power where I see dead ends reveal your
new beginnings Lord I ask for your healing touch in every area of my life heal my body from sickness my mind from anxiety and my spirit from weariness protect me from the attacks of the enemy whether they come as discouragement disease or Discord Shield me from negative influences and surround me with your favor as with a shield bless the work of my hands and make my path straight Lord extend these blessings to my loved ones protect them provide for them and draw them closer to you let your peace that surpasses all understanding guard their hearts
and Minds Lord as I say this prayer together with everyone listening I am grateful for every heart that is opening before you right now we come in agreement believing that where two or three are gathered in your name you are in our midst unite Us in faith and purpose empowering us to believe in the impossible fill us with your Holy Spirit igniting a fresh fire of Faith within our hearts we declare that no weapon formed against us shall prosper in the name of Jesus we claim victory over every challenge every sickness and every obstacle together
we step into the realm of possibility that you have opened for us we thank you for breakthroughs that are on the way for mountains that are moving even now Lord teach us to walk by faith and not by sight help us to see beyond our current circumstances and Trust in your perfect plan give us the courage to believe in you even when we can't see the full picture strengthen our faith to take that first step knowing you will make a way where there seems to be no way let your will be done on Earth and
in our lives as it is in heaven for yours is the kingdom the power and the glory forever and ever thank you Lord for hearing and answering my prayer in the mighty name of Jesus I pray amen if you were blessed by this prayer type the word amen in the comment section below I declare that all the blessings of this prayer are now upon you in the name of Jesus you can help us to reach more persons and spread the gospel you can do this by sharing the video with a friend or family member and
by clicking the like button also remember to subscribe to our channel daily Jesus prayers for more videos that will bless your heart and uplift your spirit we appreciate all your support you're blessed to be a blessing please feel free to leave your prayer request in the comment section so that we can present them before God for your blessings and victory and so that other believers on the YouTube platform and all over the world can join us and start praying for you right now stand in faith with us while we pray to God be all the
glory May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all
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