Every Saiyan Transformation Explained in 21 Minutes

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great ape first introduced with Goku and early Dragon Ball the true nature of the great ape transformation or Uzu only became clear with Vegeta's arrival on earth when a saian with a tail is exposed to a full moon or an artificial source of blood's waves they undergo a powerful transformation into a towering apik creature this form amplifies their power tenfold and allows them to unleash energy attacks including powerful Mouse beams and Earth shaking roarers capable of leveling entire Landscapes while Elite says like Vegeta could retain control and act strategically in this form others like young
Goku lost all rational thought becoming purely instinctual engines of Destruction a good example of how much destruction this form can cause is when Goku unintentionally destroys Emperor poff's Castle we also saw it during Vegeta's strategic use of an artificial moon to transformed during his first battle on Earth and during Gohan's sudden transformation that turned the tide in the battle against Vegeta however the form has its downsides removing a Saiyan's tail or destroying the moon SL blood's wave Source will reverse the transformation there size also makes them easier targets for quick opponents and the tail remains
a sensitive point when squeezed the pain can actually snap them out of the transformation despite the sheer power of the great ape its lack of control in multiple weaknesses LED it to become obsolete among saans Super Saiyan the Super Saiyan transformation was first achieved by Goku on Namek after witnessing krillin's death at the hands of Frieza bringing to life a Thousand-Year Legend this form grants a massive 50x power boost to the user bace form marked by Golden th upright hair teal eyes and a fierce Golden Aura unlocking it requires intense emotional trauma or rage along
with a pure heart whether good or evil once unlocked a Saiyan can access it at will though early Transformations often come with heightened emotions and flashes of anger the first time we saw this iconic form was with Goku against Frieza which became a defining moment in the Dragon Ball series Future Trunks also revealed this Super Saiyan form in order to annihilate meca Frieza and Vegeta finally achieved it through Relentless training that put him to his Breaking Point initially it was challenging to control and drain significant energy Goku and Gohan later achieved a full power Super
Saiyan state by maintaining the form continuously which eliminated the stamina drain and allowed them to use its power with far more efficiency this Mastery showed that even legendary Transformations could be refined and improved with discipline and dedication and really quick if you enjoy straight to the point informative content like this based around all sorts of anime and manga then make sure to subscribe and turn those notifications on because we post a video on this channel just like this every 5 days but anyway Super Saiyan grade 2 or ascended Super Saiyan was first discovered within the
confines of the hyperbolic Time Chamber during the looming Android threat Super Saiyan grade 2 represents the first attempt by Z fighters to transcend the limitations of the original Super Saiyan form Vegeta and Future Trunks independently achieved this form through rigorous training pushing their bodies Beyond normal super saiyan boundaries the transformation manifests through a notable increase in muscle mass and bio electrical discharge accompanied by a sharper more defined appearance of the user's hair and Aura the power multiplication of this form is massive offering roughly double the strength of the standard Super Saiyan transformation users experience dramatically
enhanced key output allowing for more devastating energy attacks and significantly increased physical striking power the form also heightens battle senses and reaction time though not enough to compensate for its drawbacks Vegeta's debut of this form against semi-perfect cell remains one of its most iconic appearances the prince of saans dominated the early stages of their battle forcing cell to flee and seek Android 18 for its perfect form however the transformation fundamental flaws became apparent as fights progressed the increased muscle mass while providing tremendous power caused significant reduction in movement speed and combat agility energy consumption was
also problematic with the form burning through stamina at an accelerated rate these weaknesses ultimately led to both Vegeta and Trunks abandoning the form proving it to be more of an evolutionary dead end rather than a true advancement in Saiyan combat potential Super Saiyan grade 3 or Ultra Super Saiyan The Logical yet flawed extension of grade 2 Super Saiyan grade three represents the peak of physical enhancement possible through direct Super Saiyan augmentation Future Trunks unveiled this transformation during his desperate battle against perfect cell showcasing a form that pushed muscle enhancement to its absolute limit the user's
muscle mass expands enormously creating an almost monstrous appearance with shoulders and arms ballooning to incredible proportions the hair becomes more rigid and pronounced while the electrical Aura intensifies significantly this form achieves what was previously thought impossible a power level that actually surpassed perfect cell at the time of its debut the raw strength and energy output of grade three is massive offering roughly four times the power of standard Super Saiyan Transformations however the extreme muscle enhancement reduces Mobility to such an extent that the form becomes practically unusable in serious combat self famously mocked trunks during their
battle easily evading every attack while explaining the transformation fundamental Al weakness the form also places incredible strain on the user's body and stamina reserves making it unsustainable for prolonged combat Beyond trunks's initial usage the form was never seriously attempted Again by any fighter full power Super Saiyan was developed through Goku and Gohan's revolutionary training approach in the hyperbolic Time Chamber rather than pursuing raw power multiplication like with grade 2 and three this form focused on perfecting key control and eliminating the inherent weaknesses of the Super Saiyan State the visual changes are small compared to the
other variants the aura becomes more Serene and controlled while the user remains relaxed and focused in their state by remaining transformed for extended periods even during routine activities Goku and Gohan learn to eliminate the mental strain and emotional intensity typically associated with the Super Saiyan transformation this resulted in the complete elimination of excess energy consumption allowing users to maintain the form indefinitely with no stamina drain the power output remains consistent with the standard Super Saiyan transformation but the perfect energy control allows for more precise and efficient combat techniques this Mastery proved very important during the
cell Saga particularly in Gohan's pivotal battle against perfect cell the sustained efficiency of full power Super Saiyan allowed him to fight at Peak Performance without wasting energy ultimately contributing to his ability to ascend to Super Saiyan 2 when pushed to his emotional limit Super Saiyan 2 Gohan first unlocked the Super Saiyan 2 transformation during the Cell Games triggered by the death of Android 16 and cell's merciless attacks on his friends this form takes the power of Super Saiyan to new heights doubling it to a massive 100 times bace power marked by spikier more rigid hair
and a crackling Aura of Bio electricity Super Saiyan 2 enhances key control boost speed and sharpens fighting instincts it was the First Step Beyond the Legendary Super Saiyan State proving that even greater strength lay ahead moments that capture the impact of this transformation include Gohan's near effortless takedown of cell and the cell Juniors which completely turned the tight of the fight Majin Vegeta also used it in his fight against Goku demonstrating its destructive power and Future Trunks eventually attained it in his timeline to defeat the Androids achieving this transformation requires intense training or a deep
emotional trigger and even then maintaining it for long periods of time proves challenging this form redefined the sa's potential establishing that Super Saiyan was only one step toward an even greater possibility Super Saiyan 3 Goku unveiled the dramatic Super Saiyan 3 transformation during his fight against Majin Buu pushing Saiyan power to new heights the physical transformation was pretty notable Goku's eyebrows vanished his Golden Hair extended to extreme lengths and pronounced brow ridges gave him an intense look this form Amplified his base Power by an incredible 400 times far surpassing even Super Saiyan 2's impressive strength
Super Saiyan 3's energy output was so intense that it caused powerful electromagnetic disturbances affecting entire planets the transformation itself was massive sending out Tremors and sparking electrical storms that could be felt across vast distances Goku even introduced new moves such as the dragon fist showcasing power that seemed capable of bending the fabric of reality however the sheer energy cost of Super Saiyan 3 was its weakness even Fighters like Goku could only hold the form for a short time especially when in a living body which consumed energy even faster this limitation became a critical disadvantage during
the battle against Kid Buu where the form's immense power couldn't counterbalance its rapid stamina drain despite these drawbacks Goten through Fusion managed to master Super Saiyan 3 suggesting that with immense raw energy or ideal conditions its challenges could be somewhat controlled Super Saiyan God this Crimson hair transformation introduced Divine key to the Saiyan Arsenal requiring a ritual of six righteous saans to initially unlock beerus's prophecy LED Goku to become the first Super Saiyan God in recent history though ancient Saiyan Legends spoke of its existence unlike the aggressive golden Transformations God form offered streamlined power shrinking
the user's frame while providing Godly energy man manipulation this Divine Evolution fundamentally changed how saans fought the form granted perfect key control movement prediction and healing capabilities that transcended mortal limits Goku's battle with beerus demonstrated its true potential fighting at Universe shaking levels while maintaining Precision that previous forms could only dream of achieving the Tranquil nature of the form represented a philosophical shift from raw power to refined technique after the ritual both Goku and Vegeta learned to access Godly key naturally through intense training with whis the form served as a foundation for divine transformations to
come with users able to maintain its base benefits even in normal State this marked a pivotal Evolution inan power no longer bound by mortal limitations they could now touch the realm of gods through sheer effort alone Super Saiyan blue or Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan when Divine key met the Super Saiyan transformation it created something entirely new first achieved by Goku and Vegeta during their training with whis blue represented the perfect Fusion of God ly control insane power the form's brilliant blue aura and hair signified Mastery over both Divine and Mortal key allowing unprecedented power
control Beyond its stunning appearance blue offered tactical advantages its predecessors lacked users could regulate their power output with microscopic Precision preventing energy waste while maximizing impact this efficiency helped overcome Super Saiyan 3 stamina issues while exceeding its power ceiling the form proved particularly effective against Divine opponents as demonstrated in the tournament of power where it became Goku and Vegeta's go-to transformation each fighter developed unique applications Vegeta achieved blue Evolution through sheer pride and determination while Goku discovered he could stack kokken with blue something impossible with previous Super Saiyan forms these showed that even at a
Divine level Saiyan potential for growth remained Limitless however mastering blue requires perfect key control along with equal concentration with any laps in Focus resulting in a massive power drain Super Saiyan r R first manifested by Future Trunks during the climactic battle against Goku black and zamasu in Dragon Ball super super saiyan rage represents one of the most emotionally charged and Visually distinctive sanan Transformations born from the depths of Despair righteous Fury and an overwhelming desire to protect the few survivors of his Ravis timeline the user's hair takes on a more pronounced Spike pattern with a
brilliant blue tinted golden hue surrounded by a towering dual layered aura that combines the golden Super Saiyan energy with electric blue Highlight of Super Saiyan blue the form's most distinctive feature is its intense bioelectrical discharge far exceeding that of even Super Saiyan 2 it allowed Future Trunks to stand against opponents far beyond normal super saiyan levels the form demonstrated enough raw power to pressure Fusion zasu a feat that even Goku and Vegeta struggled with individually its most iconic moment came when trunks channeled the hopes and energy of the remaining humans into a spirit sword technique
literally cutting through an immortal being the form appears to draw power from both extreme emotional intensity and the user's force of will making its upper limits difficult to Define Super Saiyan blue KO Ken Goku first used this transformation during the universe 6 tournament in his battle against Hit Super Saiyan blue koen represents the seemingly impossible Fusion of the god key based blue transformation with the Mortal technique of kooen this combination was previously thought to be impossible due to the intense strain it would place on the user's body but the perfect key control offered by Super
Saiyan blue made it achievable For the First Time The Calm Aura of Super Saiyan blue becomes engulfed in a violent Crimson energy field creating a purple tinted stream of power around the user the intensity of the red Ken Aura varies with the multiplication level being used from a small Crimson tint at lower levels to an overwhelming Scarlet fire at maximum output the user's muscle mass increases slightly and the bioelectrical discharge becomes more chaotic and intense this transformation offers insane power increases with Goku eventually mastering up to KO K time 20 while in blue form the
combination of Blue's intense key consumption with Ken's body straining effects creates a limited usage window before the user risks severe damage extended use could lead to intense pain loss of key control and potentially long- lasting physical consequences despite these risks it remains one of Goku's most powerful and tactically flexible techniques Ultra Instinct stands as perhaps one of the most significant transformations in Dragon Ball history representing not just a power increase but an evolution in martial arts Mastery Goku used this during the tournament of power in his desperate battle against jiren this form transcends traditional Saiyan
Transformations by tapping into a state that even the gods of Destruction struggle to master the mastered form known as autonomous Ultra Instinct transforms the user's hair to pure silver along with more intense silver white Aura the form's primary attribute isn't raw power though it provides that in abundance but rather the achievement of autonomous movement allowing the body to react and fight independently of conscious thought this results in Perfect Defense and offense with movements that even Gods struggle to track and predict the form dramatically enhances speed strength and energy projection while maintaining perfect efficiency as demonstrated
in battles against jiren Morrow and gas however Ultra Instinct comes with unique challenges it requires an incredibly difficult mental state to achieve and maintain demanding that the user empty their minds of conscious thought while remaining intensely focused additionally the form places immense strain on the body particularly during its uses Goku's journey to master this form has been ongoing with him learning to combine aspects of ultra Instinct with his own fighting style rather than trying to achieve the perfect emotionless State originally associated with the technique true Ultra Instinct emerged as Goku's personalized evolution of autonomous Ultra
Instinct first used during his intense battle against gas during the granola Arc the transformation represents Goku's realization that the traditional emotionless purely instinctual approach to ultra Instinct wasn't as optimal path to power instead true Ultra Instinct Embraces Goku's Saiyan nature and fighting Spirit while maintaining the core benefits of the original form his facial expressions show more personality and fighting Spirit the form also demonstrates a unique energy signature that combines the Serene flow of divine key with the passionate intensity of sayyan power this transformation solved the primary weakness of the original Ultra Instinct the requirement to
maintain an emotionless detached State of Mind by incorporating his emotions and fighting instincts Goku achieved a more sustainable and personally authentic version of the technique this form allows him to fight at full power while still enjoying the battle a crucial aspect of his Saiyan Heritage the form demonstrated its Effectiveness against gas where Goku's ability to combine Ultra instinct's automatic reactions with his own combat creativity and emotional Drive proved to be superior to the purely technical Mastery of the original form Ultra ego stands as Vegeta's answer to ultra Instinct developed through his training with beerus and
First Unleashed her in the granola Arc rather than pursuing the Serene self-mastery of ultra Instinct this form Embraces the destructive and prideful nature of both Sans and gods of Destruction growing stronger through the thrill of battle and even through taking damage Vegeta's hair becomes spiked upward with a dark purple color while his body is surrounded by an aura of destructive energy that resembles purple Flames or smoke Ultra ego's most unique attribute is its ability to grow stronger through battle damage and combat excitement unlike traditional Transformations that weaken as the user takes damage Ultra ego feeds
off the battle damage in order to increase its power the more Vegeta gets hurt the stronger he becomes this was demonstrated in his battle against granola in gas where seemingly devastating injuries only serve to enhance his combat capabilities the form also grants access to hakai energy allowing Vegeta to utilize destruction techniques similar to those of the Gods of Destruction however the Reliance on taking damage to gain power is a double eted sword while it can lead to massive power increases it also risks pushing the user's body Beyond its physical limits on top of that the
form requires maintaining a specific mindset needing to take pleasure in battle and destruction which can be psychologically taxing and potentially lead to Reckless Behavior golden great ape the golden great ape transformation represents an intermediate State between the traditional great ape and Super Saiyan 4 first shown when Goku transformed during his battle on planet TL this form occurs when a Saiyan with the ability to become Super Saiyan transforms into a great ape while having their tail creating a fusion of Primal and Super Saiyan energy the traditional brown fur of the great ape takes on a golden
color while the eyes glow red initially the user loses control just like a regular great ape as demonstrated when Goku first transformed and began rampaging across planet tuel however with sufficient willpower or external help such as pan reaching out to Goku the user can regain their Consciousness while maintaining the form's power this conscious control serves as a step towards achieving Super Saiyan 4 Super Saiyan 4 stands as GT's ultimate evolution of Saiyan power achieved through the Mastery and transformation of the golden great ape State first attained by Goku through Pan's emotional intervention the user's body
becomes covered in Crimson fur with black hair returning to its natural state rather than becoming gold the tail which is important for achieving this form remains present and serves as both a symbol of Saiyan Heritage and a source of power this transformation offers insane power without the stamina drain of previous sane forms allowing for extended combat periods the form grants perfect key control enhanced physical abilities and a unique connection to San Primal power while maintaining complete rational thought Super Saiyan 4 also uniquely responds to bloodz waves which can forcibly trigger the transformation if the user
has previously achieved it however its absolute requirement of a tail makes it exclusively accessible to saans who have retained or regrown this part Super Saiyan Rose stands as one of the most elegant yet terrifying transformations exclusively manifested by Goku black the corrupt alternate timeline version of zamasu inhabiting Goku's body the form shows what happens when a natural God attempts to access Super Saiyan power through a Saiyan body resulting in a unique Divine transformation instead of the traditional golden hair or blue hair of other Divine Super Saiyan forms Rose comes with pink hair and a matching
aura that resembles cherry blossoms Super Saiyan Rose offers power comparable to Super Saiyan blue but with several unique Parts the form grants absolute God key control and allows the creation of unique energy weapons such as black signature keyblade the for also demonstrates unique properties and key manipulation allowing techniques like the Scythe of Sorrow which could actually tear holes in SpaceTime unlike mortal saans who must undergo intense training in order to achieve God key control Black's natural Divine status menty automatically accessed this advanced form instead of regular Super Saiyan Transformations however the form remained exclusive to
him due to its unique requirements of having both divine origins and a Saiyan body Legendary Super Saiyan known simply as legendary Saiyan in the manga this is an extremely powerful and rare Super Saiyan transformation that appears once every Thousand Years alongside the user as a berserk State this transformation seemingly has an endless supply of energy it's the Super Saiyan B type of Broly's branch of Super Saiyan Transformations and it's a Super Saiyan which has evolved differently from the graded forms in levels 2 and three it's also the final form of the standard super Saiyan form
though it's also been considered as Super Saiyan third grade Vegeta states that this state may be the true form of a Super Saiyan the Legendary Super Saiyan is a being of immense power spoken of in ancient San folklore and Broly's form is referred to as being the Legendary Super Saiyan due to the user's Love Of Destruction and Slaughter similar to the Super Saiyans of Legend and it's noted that perhaps this instinctive driven form is the true Super Saiyan spoken of in Legends well that does it for every Super Saiyan transformation at least every single sing
Le one that I could find if I'm somehow missing one then let me know in the comments below otherwise you can click the video you see on your screen right now to learn about every Bon Kai and bleach and we'll see you there
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