how to exit your LUKEWARM ERA: how to get closer to God, disciplined, and on fire for Jesus❤️‍🔥

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Ashley Hetherington
how to exit your LUKEWARM ERA: how to get closer to God, disciplined, and on fire for Jesus❤️‍🔥 🌱...
Video Transcript:
so maybe you've recently realized that you're a lukewarm Christian you might go to church or to Bible study but you want to really know him and have a relationship with God for yourself girl I think so many of us have been there including myself and if this is you I got you I about to share 10 realistic lifechanging habits that will help you not be lukewarm be on fire for Jesus and get back to God after living a lukewarm life and never look back hello everyone if you're new here my name is Ashley I share
on my channel on how you can grow closer to God and become the best version of yourself in him subscribe if you haven't already for new videos every week if you're watching this video right now you might be struggling to overcome being a lukewarm Christian maybe you're not sure how to be a light to your lukewarm friends or how to know who is holding you back and who you should let go of in your life maybe you want a real experience with God and to know how to leave the world and not even have the
desire to go back if that's you there is literal no judgment here that was my story I know I needed to hear this in my lukewarm phase so you might need to hear this too 5 years ago I was the epitomy of a lukewarm girly I was one foot in the world and one foot in God I wanted to fit in at school with everyone so I partied I did things with my boyfriend that I know I shouldn't be doing I had no problem going to church hung over with stamps on my hands even though
I would try to scrub them off the morning before church if you know what I'm saying I knew I shouldn't go back to living like the world and living in the world but every time I would try to resist temptation I would just fail and then fall back into old habits and then I'd feel bad about myself and question my relationship with God and repeat the cycle all over again it wasn't until I hit rock bottom completely 5 years ago and I came to a realization that everything I was going to for satisfaction was not
going to give me what only Jesus could give me which was a real true Abundant Life In Christ I finally decided to go all in with Jesus I came to a realization that the way that I was living was just not working anymore more and I wasn't going to experience a real relationship with God if I wasn't giving my whole self to him I'm inviting you right now to recommit your life to Jesus wholeheartedly if you were like me you're probably feeling done with this you are done with going back to sin going back to
the guys going back to the toxic relationships going back to the partying you are done feeling this way and going back to the things that make you feel terrible and separated from God God and you are going to recommit to Jesus and I'm inviting you to recommit to Jesus today and go all in with him starting now number one recommit your life to God this is basically when you choose to repent and turn to Jesus all repentance is a mentor described it for me is you've been going down one way and all it is is
you deciding that you're going to turn away from the way you've been doing things and you're going to turn to God and his way of doing things you're basically saying God I see that your way is better than my way and I'm laying down my pride of thinking I know the best way to live my life and I'm going to follow you you might be thinking Ashley you have no idea what I did yesterday you have no idea what I did 2 hours ago and guess what I don't care and Jesus doesn't care either he
cares about a heart that is willing and obedient to follow him if you are a new creation in Christ it's it says that the old is gone and the new is here Lamentations 3:22-23 says the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases his mercies never come to an end they are new every morning great is your faithfulness and 2 Corinthians 517 says therefore if anyone is in Christ the new creation has come the old has gone the new is here the moment that you repent and you turn away from that sin and you turn to
God he will welome welcome you with open arms he's not going to even think about or condemn you for your past but he is going to invite you into living a new life with him he's so happy to have you back I think about the prodical son who for a couple days he goes away from the father's house and he spends all the father's wealth on prostitutes and living this crazy life and partying whatever and then he comes back and he's feeling so much shame because he's like my dad's probably not going to be happy
with the way that I was living and guess what the father does in this story The Father runs out to him with open arms and he says oh my goodness welcome home this is how God looks at you today no matter what you did yesterday no matter what you did a couple hours ago he is just so happy to have you back in his house number two hate sin we cannot tolerate sin we cannot be okay with a few slip UPS here and there there's this whole Theology of free Grace like okay well because she's
died for me and he died for all my future mistakes if I make this mistake well it's okay because there's Grace listen I used to do that I used to live by that and that is not how Paul talks about Grace Romans 6 1-2 says what shall we say then shall we go on sinning so that Grace may increase by no means we died to sin how can we live in it any longer thanks Paul love that we are to be holy because God is Holy we are not to become friends with the things that
Jesus died for or tolerate the things that Jesus died for our hearts are meant to be grieved by sin not okay with sin if we are okay with sin right now and our heart has become hardened because of sin that's what happens when we continually and habitually sin is our heart gets hard to the conviction of the Lord what we got to pray is Lord soften my heart help me to have a softened heart to you and a heart of Flesh not a heart of stone we must ask the Lord to open our eyes to
see the destruction that sin brings so we will begin to hate the things that made Jesus go to the cross and the things that Jesus died for number three don't get into bed with temptation if you're an alcoholic say you are giving up alcohol you're like I'm done with being an alcoholic okay are you going to go to the bars and if you go to the bars do you think that you won't fall into that bad habit again eventually you're in the bars go you get a drink one drink turns into two all of a
sudden you're an alcoholic again so many of us are being friends with temptation we are letting that door open just a little bit just a little but if you give the devil an inch he'll take a mile I knew my Temptations for me it was going out to the bars I was the queen of getting dressed up going out to the bars and staying out till like 1:00 a.m. I had so much funing doing that like genuinely but even though it was fun it was not lifegiving and it was also not leading me closer to
Christ so I made a decision to cut myself off from even going into those environments I knew I couldn't get into those environments because I would be tempted to get drunk and stay out also with guys I knew the guys that I would be tempted to do things with that were not in accordance with God's will for my life I knew the guys that weren't on fire for Jesus who would be okay with us slipping up and yes I was lonely and yes I wanted to text them but just because I wanted to text them
and just because I wanted to go out and have a good time doesn't mean that I should have been doing those things I had to cut those things out of my life Matthew 5:29 says if your right eye causes you to sin tear it out and throw it away for it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be thrown into hell so don't even make friends with your Temptations don't even take a bite of the chocolate cake because you full and well will probably finish that whole piece of
cake without even realizing it and guess what if you have friends who are causing you to fall into temptation because they're falling into temptation you have Temptation buddies you relate on how you both fall into temptation together you both oh struggle with getting drunk together or being with those guys that aren't good for you together it's just something you relate on I would question your closeness to that friend as you grow closer to Jesus but more on that later number four be careful what you watch and listen to let's have a a moment and talk
about TV shows movies and music let me be the first to say that I used to be the girly who loved watching all the shows that did not help her grow closer to God these were great shows but the characters did cuss the characters did hook up with one another the characters did party and they looked really cool and fun while doing all that and so guess what I was wanting to do over time I was wanting to do the things that I was watching on the screen subconsciously it was making an impact on me
similarly with the music I was listening to some of these songs on Tik Tok that are trending are actually really good songs like these songs will be stuck in your head for days but little do we realize that it's actually affecting us the more that I listen to worldly music the more I become a worldly person the more I listen to music with cuss wordss in it the more that I will subconsciously begin to cuss what you input becomes what you output I will be also the the first to say that I didn't always love
Christian music I didn't grow up on Caleb I didn't really like Caleb okay no shamed Caleb there's some great songs out there but God by his grace showed me good viby Christian music that was similar to the songs that I was listening to but only this music Had lyrics that were glorifying to Jesus and not opening the door to the enemy to have a little foothold in my life I'm talking Christian rap I'm talking Indie music I'm talking alternative music I'm talking all these genres that are in the world right now that are popping off
there's actually Christian artists who are incredibly talented who are creating music similar to this but only the lyrics are incredible and it's worship to God I'm telling you that most of you are sleeping on good viby Christian music I have an entire Spotify with all of these playlists that we as a community have curated over the years and I'm telling you every single season I look forward to a new Spotify playlist because these songs are so good and the more that you listen to this music the more that you won't even want to listen to
the old music you used to listen to because you're going to start to love what you listen to if you're new to eating healthy food you're going to struggle eating healthy food for a while but the more that you eat healthy food you actually lose your taste for the junk food before and you start to Crave what you eat number five stop hanging out with lukewarm people sis I know you don't want to hear this any more than I didn't want to hear this 5 years ago but if you've been around the Channel long enough
you know that I will drill this in you always become who you surround yourself with multiple Studies have shown that you will become the sum of the five people you hang out with the most so if these five people don't really love God guess what you're probably not going to really love God if these five people you're spending most of your time with are lukewarm or living a lukewarm lifestyle you cannot be surprised if you fall into a lukewarm lifestyle we have got to look inward okay we' got to go look at ourselves go how
can I hold hold myself accountable to the life I'm living right now for me I was hanging out with lukewarm people so I had to have a season where I separated and I was going all in with God people ask how can I be a light to my lukewarm friends or how can I still be relatable to my friends who aren't as close to Jesus our goal isn't to be relatable our goal isn't to fit in our goal isn't to get people to like us was that Jesus's goal no let me tell you what his
goal for our lives is Matthew 28:1 19-20 therefore go and make disciples of all Nations baptizing them in the name of the father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I've commanded you and surely I with you always to the very end of the age if you're going all in with God you are going to have to be okay with other people not liking you period you're going to have to be okay with standing out I can't tell you the amount of times I have had people try to convince
me to stay out late convince me to get drunk convince me to do things with them not stick to to my conviction of waiting until marriage I'm a little weird to them at that moment they might not agree with me they might not like me and that's okay because we are living for an audience of one number six get in community with people who are on fire for God now if you're having a season where you're separating yourself from these lukewarm friends like maybe you're loving them from afar but they're not your go-to besties you
hang out with them every single weekend every single day don't drop them you still love them you're still kind to them but they're not your go-to anymore and because of that you're going to have to be intentional to get around people who truly love Jesus and want to live a life that is glorifying to him where to meet Christian friends I recommend going to a Bible study getting planted in a local body of Believers getting planted in a church going to a church a physical Church going to a school Ministry you can get involved in
my community the tree which you can access in the link in my description I can't tell you how many places I went went to alone this year and it was terrifying to go alone it was terrifying to walk into churches alone walk into social Gatherings alone where I didn't know anybody and I would just pray the whole time like God I'm scared but I knew that my situation wasn't going to change and I wasn't going to meet people who truly loved God if I wasn't ever putting myself out of my comfort zone and getting in
spaces with people who know him there has been so much fruit to me putting myself out there in new environments this year I literally have so many new friends and I'm like oh my goodness I would would know this girl if I didn't go there I wouldn't know this girl if I didn't step out and do that like God rewards your Steps of Faith he rewards your steps of obedience when he provides opportunities for you to step out in faith you realize when you follow him into these spaces he rewards you get around people who
will bring out the best in you who will hold you accountable who will actually be the people who will call you up and call you higher you won't always be the one dragging people along saying hey come on guys follow Jesus they're going to be the ones that are helping you grow number seven get to to know a real relationship with God now this is not where you go to church once a week or you listen to Christian podcasts you listen to a church sermon in your workout or you go to youth group every week
you go to Bible study I'm not talking about that but you have a real relationship with God and you know God like you would know a best friend there's a lot of religious people out there who are lukewarm there's a lot of people who do all the right things but don't actually know Jesus and guess what that's not going to be you many of us are lukewarm because we don't know what it's like to be on fire for God when you are in a real relationship with him you will not want to go back to
being lukewarm number eight read the Bible and let it renew your mind you might be asking how do I get into a real relationship with God like how do I actually know God I got you boo one of the ways is by reading the Bible daily I know you might be intimidated and overwhelmed by it but I promise it does not have to be difficult or overwhelming I did not grow up reading the Bible I did not grow up in a Christian home so you can actually trust me on this and now I read it
every single day without fail I recommend getting started with reading the Bible as a beginner with a Bible reading plan if you don't have a plan you plan to fail my sis you can start out reading a book of the Bible I recommend these lovely books you can also join my Bible study plan and bible study Community the treat which is in the link in my description God word is the primary way that God speaks to us so if you want to have a real relationship with God and actually talk to God and actually hear
God's voice you've got to get in the word and he will speak to you through his word number nine abide in Christ through obedience and prayer let me just tell you there is so much peace that comes from the Holy Spirit there is so much joy that comes from the Holy Spirit I love how in Scripture it says to not get drunk on wine but be filled by the spirit I don't even want to get drunk drunk anymore because I want to be filled by his spirit all the time I don't want to grieve the
Holy Spirit ever because like I just want to be in communion with him all the time I don't want anything to get in the way of that other words for abide are remain and stand by I want you to imagine your everyday normal life and take that and just bring God into it and remain with God the whole day acknowledging his presence throughout the day there's an amazing book called practicing the presence of God by Brother Lawrence that I would really suggest you read it's a very small read on Amazon it talks more about abiding
in Christ and practicing the presence of God throughout the day but we abide in Christ through two ways by obeying what his word says when you obey the Lord you obey what his word says and you're going to know his word more because you're going to be reading it every day okay but when you obey his word throughout your day you're abiding in Christ we also abide in Christ the second way through prayer and talking to him Contin continually it says in the scriptures that we are to pray without ceasing every single moment that means
every single moment we're praying I didn't always do this because it was so unfamiliar to me like to just talk to God I'm like what do I say to God what does one say to God we don't have to make it complicated just talk to him about anything talk to him about everything he's your best friend he's your father The Lord's Prayer tells us how we are to pray I recommend four ways that I love just praying and always going back to is praise which means I just praise God for who he is I say
God you are my helper you are my friend you are my Advocate I love you like I just praise the Lord okay confession I confess sin Holy Spirit brings up sin in the middle of my day I'm like okay God I confess that to you I'm so sorry Thanksgiving I thank God throughout my day on my prayer walks I'm thinking God most of the time and then the last way that I like to pray is supplication so that means I just ask God for my daily needs God I pray that you would help out with
this I pray that you would give me energy for this project I pray that you would speak through me here I just ask him for my daily needs that's how you pray so just do that throughout the day now I talk to God all day long like it's just a total habit like if I'm worried I'm praying if I'm bored I'm praying I'm praying all the time and I know that that will be like for you when you just get into this habit of talking to God throughout the day if it feels complicated just start
out with talking to him like you would be talking to a friend number 10 spend time with God every single day how do you fall in love with anyone let's think about it you spend time with it if you are going to not be lukewarm you are going to spend time with Jesus every single day because that's how you fall in love with someone you spend time with them Falling In Love With Jesus doesn't look like getting your quick fix at Sunday church or at youth group or a Bible study hang but Falling In Love
With Jesus happens when he is your entire life my morning routine with Jesus is sacred it is when I talk to him and I read my Bible that's like My Date With Jesus every single day and then I talk to him throughout the day and I'll go to Bible study I'll do things but that time in the morning is so sacred for me I want you to set a routine where you spend time with Jesus every single day and that is a non-negotiable for you and slowly but surely you will be reading more of scripture
you will be praying more you will be getting to know God more just because of that time that you get with him every single day we see this with Jesus he would wake up very early it says he would wake up Before Dawn to pray and talk to God so Jesus would do this because sometimes the craziness of the day happens we have school we have work we have relationships and friendships and solely but surely like God we're just putting him on the back burner if you give him that first hour of your day I'm
telling you it is going to transform your entire day it's also going to transform your entire relationship with him Jeremiah 29:13 has a promise for us you will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart when you seek God and you make make it your aim to seek him with all of your entire being it is a promise that you will find him and it will not be you living vicariously through me and my relationship with God it will be you having your own unique personal relationship with God the father
and I cannot wait for you to get to know him and not only that but get to know his love for you because once you truly know him and his love for you you will never be the same because his love is just that good you watching this video I believe that you will grow closer to God more than you ever have I believe that he will transform you into a completely different person that's what he loves to do if you made it to this point in the video comment this Emoji below follow me on
Instagram for more content to grow closer to God and reach your full potential in him and I'll see you guys in the next video [Music] m [Music]
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