6 Habits You Must Quit to Hear God’s Voice Clearly | C.S. Lewis 2025

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Spiritual Journey
#cslewis2025 #gospel #bibleverses 6 Habits You Must Quit to Hear God’s Voice Clearly | C.S. Lewis 20...
Video Transcript:
for those truly seeking to hear God's voice to deepen their relationship with him and to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit some bold changes are necessary today I want to share seven things I had to let go of that transformed my connection with God and let me tell you if you're ready for a breakthrough these are the steps to unlock it did I give these things up overnight not at all the Holy Spirit took me on a journey gradually showing me what needed to go when you allow him to lead he guides you into
Holiness convicting refining and removing anything that stands in the way of connecting with the father this journey isn't about sudden Perfection it's about subtraction sometimes to hear God's voice clearly we need to eliminate distractions we live in a world that constantly pulls Us in every direction busyness noise and chaos but the Holy Spirit calls you into Stillness so you can hear God clearly urging you to slow down and replace old habits that keep you stuck in the world's patterns when you let go of what's holding you back breakthrough is right around the corner anxiety stress
and even depression begin to fade away why because you are creating space for God's peace to flow and that's when you'll start hearing him like never before let's talk about what a had to let go of first I stopped spending time on things that added no value to my life this was one of the first areas the Holy Spirit addressed guiding me back to the word and showing me that I needed to cut down on entertainment that didn't nourish my spirit things like news shows certain TV programs and novels that didn't contribute to my growth
at first I didn't understand this completely but as I S God more he made it clear be mindful of what you allow into your life this didn't mean giving everything up but I scaled back I still watch the news but less frequently I no longer read fiction for entertainment instead I read books that help me grow I replace noise with things that lift my spirit podcasts YouTube teachings anything that nourishes my soul remember this truth not everything placed in front of you deserves your attention just because something is there doesn't mean it's for you be
selective reduce the outside noise that drowns out God's voice you don't have to eliminate all forms of entertainment but you do need to take control don't let distraction stand in the way of hearing God's voice imagine hearing God's voice clearly as he guides you are you ready to follow the holy spirit's lead the first step to Clarity is letting go of negative influences it's time to stop surrounding yourself with toxic discouraging people you may have friends who aren't Believers and yes we're called to share the gospel with them but let's be honest you can't spend
time in relationships that pull you away from God some connections are simply harmful planting seeds of doubt and negativity in your life you don't need to stay in environments filled with criticism and negativity it's time to step away from friendships that continually bring you down why because these relationships don't just waste your time they actively hinder your growth with God you have to choose is your relationship with God more important than staying connected to people who hold you back you can't have it both ways protect your spirit and create space for God to move in
your life the holy spirit is calling you to rise above now is the time to let go of what's keeping you from that higher purpose this brings me to the third Point stop criticizing and judging others hear me on this the Holy Spirit convicted me of this when I was young I used to criticize a lot gossiping and pointing out faults but one day the holy spirit said I'm calling you to bring Salvation healing and freedom yet you're spending your time tearing people down it hit me like a ton of bricks why because it's not
your job to highlight everyone's flaws whether that's in your church Community or circle of friends constant criticism only brings Darkness into your own life you're not called to magnify what's wrong in others you are called to love others pray for them and help them grow into the person God intends them to be but let's take it further stop criticizing yourself some of you need freedom from the negative way you speak about your own life you constantly put yourself down saying I'm never good enough I always mess up or I'm not worthy of leadership those are
lies from the enemy you need a clear revelation of who you are in Christ stop tearing yourself down and start building yourself up by immersing in God's word when you stop criticizing yourself you become more sensitive to the Holy Spirit God doesn't want you stuck in a cycle of negativity he wants you to walk in love Grace and compassion just as Jesus did it's time to step into who God has called you to be let go self-criticism judgment and doubt pray for others uplift them and allow the Holy Spirit to work in their lives this
is how we remove the barriers that block us from clearly hearing God's voice release the negativity of it and watch how God moves in your life next stop magnifying everything that's going wrong quit constantly talking about your problems many people live in a state of focusing only on what's wrong I have friends who every time I call only talk about their latest issue they get so caught up in their problems spending all day from morning until night thinking about them they don't even realize that these problems are taking over their thoughts emotions and even their
faith now I'm not saying you'll never face issues we all experience things beyond our control but God wants us to approach them with faith and focus on his promises not just the problems at hand there are situations you can't change on your own and these are the ones you need to bring to God In Prayer but here's the key what are you doing with the things you can control how are you choosing to respond to those challenges you have a choice in every situation to magnify the problem and let it stress you out or to
make a powerful shift and magnify God instead you can keep focusing on what's going wrong or you can turn your attention to the one who holds the answers Jesus promised he would never leave us you have the Holy Spirit living within you and let me tell you he will give you guidance if you're willing to listen he is your comforter your guide and your helper the Sol solution is already inside you because the Great I Am lives within you when you start honoring God rather than focusing on your problems everything begins to shift your thoughts
become clearer your heart finds peace and suddenly you can hear God's voice more easily the Holy Spirit starts showing you the way forward because now your attention is on him not on the issue that's the power of Shifting your focus I'm not saying to pretend you're s don't exist and bring them to God but don't let them dominate your life if you spend all your time dwelling on what's wrong whether it's health issues financial needs or relationship struggles you're giving the enemy a chance to steal your peace instead of amplifying your problems let your focus
be on God who is greater than any challenge you face reflect on what God has done for you remember the times he rescued you provided for you and gave you breakthrough after breakthrough look at the blessings in your life your health victories Revelations he has shown you and most importantly the Eternal promises we have in Christ stop draining your energy focusing on what you don't have yet like finances promotions or healing that hasn't manifested instead celebrate the good that God has already brought into your life let go of the habit of living in a place
of constant lack and start embracing the fullness of what God has already done for you shift your mindset from scarcity to abundance from hopelessness to Faith when you begin to do this you'll start to see things differently the holy spirit will guide you through challenges with a clear focus on his promises you will learn to respond with peace even when things around you are chaotic when you let go of the things that drain you where the whe they be distractions toxic relationships negative selft talk or magnifying your problems God will begin to move in new
ways in your life he will make his voice clearer to you and your connection with him will deepen this is how breakthrough happens it's not about doing more it's about letting go of what's hindering your spiritual growth when you release the distractions let go of toxic influences stop criticizing Ing and shift your focus to God that's when you will begin to hear his voice like never before the holy spirit will guide you strengthen you and lead you into deeper intimacy with the father that's the Breakthrough you've been waiting for if you want to experience eternal
life the blessing of Salvation and the peace that surpasses all understanding the key is to shift your focus when you do you open the door to God's Supernatural peace instead of feeling anxious ious or overwhelmed you can stand firm knowing that God is with you working on your behalf and guiding you through every trial to the other side now let's discuss another essential change stop overloading yourself we live in a world that glorifies busyness but the truth is that busyness can be the enemy of spiritual growth the more you fill your schedule the more distractions
you invite in even if they seem like good things there was a time in my life when I was so involved in church activities that I couldn't say no to anything I volunteered in every area trying to do it all but after a while I became exhausted I was so busy doing things for God that I neglected spending time with God don't fall into that trap serving God is important but if you're constantly saying yes to everything you risk burning out when you're overwhelmed whether it's from church work or your person personal life you deprive
yourself of the time you need with God you might be busy doing good things but if you're too tired to pray too drained to read the Bible or too overwhelmed to spend Quiet Moments With Jesus you're missing out on what matters most balance is essential say yes to what God has called you to but also learn when to say no protect your time with God it's not just a task to check off it's the most valuable relationship you have worthy of your time energy and focus time spent with God isn't a chore it's a privilege
when you slow down and make space for these moments your entire life will begin to transform if your schedule is so full that you can't even think clearly it's time to re-evaluate cut out what's crowding your days to the point of exhaustion so you can give Jesus the time he deserves it's time to make some changes slow down lean into God's word and create space for him to speak to you as you cut back on the excess and find balance you'll hear God more clearly feel his presence more powerfully and experience a deeper relationship with
him don't let busyness steal your time with God it's not about doing more it's about focusing on what matters most serving others is important but so is spending time in prayer meditating on God's word and simply being in his presence if you want to grow in your relationship with God and hear his voice more clearly you must make time for him slow down find balance and prioritize your relationship with your father he's waiting to speak to you comfort you and guide you but you must make room for him in your life next stop trying to
please everyone you you're not living for people you're living for God and His word is clear about this I know it's not always easy but when you decide to pursue godliness live a holy life and seek God's wisdom over the opinions of others you will face real resistance let me be real with you following God will often put you at odds with the culture around you people will criticize you some will resent the way you live the way you speak and especially the way you boldly share the gospel if you're called to lead serve or
disciple others understand that criticism is part of the journey the greater your impact on God's kingdom the more opposition you will face people may try to tear you down but remember this they didn't create you they didn't die for you and they didn't save you you live for God and God alone do what he's called told you to do follow his plan for your life and walk boldly in the purpose he's given you if you spend your life trying to please everyone you will limit what God can do in and through you when you stop
worrying about other people's opinions you make room for the Holy Spirit to work in your life people's opinions can hold you back but only God has the answers to your deepest needs God is leading you in ways that may ruffle feathers and yes you might lose some friends along the way but living to please others puts their opinions above God's purpose for your life stop people pleasing so you can fully step into what God has planned for you now let's talk about another area that needs change over thinking I've been there there was a time
when the Holy Spirit convicted me about constantly overanalyzing everything and it kept me stuck I wasn't moving forward with what God wanted because I couldn't stop dissecting every little detail the problem with overthinking is that it makes it harder to hear God's voice when the Holy Spirit speaks his guidance is often gentle and subtle he might lead you to do something small but if you start overthinking you'll Tor yourself out of it letting doubt take over imagine that God nudges you to pray for someone but instead of obeying you think is this really God what
if they think I'm strange suddenly you've convinced yourself not to act this is how we grieve the Holy Spirit by not moving when he leads I've been there too when God first called me to teach I overthought everything am I even good at this do I have the right words my doubts drowned out God's calling the same thing happened when I began to receive spiritual discernment I questioned everything God showed me and I hesitated to act if that's you it's time to stop quit letting doubt creep in when the Holy Spirit urges you to act
obey the more you overthink the more room doubt has and the less likely you are to follow his lead trust and move as he guides you and watch how he works through your obedience when you let go of worries about other people's opinions and stop overanalyzing everything every step God empowers you to find Freedom peace and Clarity in his will for your life the holy spirit is speaking are you ready to listen and take action I share this message because it has worked in my life bringing me closer to God it's been a journey not
an instant transformation and it may look different for each of us perhaps God is guiding you to let go of something specific that is holding you back if you're battling addiction for instance God wants you to be free he doesn't want anything to enslave you he wants you to walk in the spirit and deepen your relationship with him Jesus died for us so we could approach the throne of grace and let me tell you his grace is beyond amazing he gives us the strength to overcome sometimes we need to stop listening to our emotions all
the time God once led me to focus more on him than on my Fe feelings it's important to acknowledge how you feel but it's even more vital to listen to what the holy spirit is guiding you to do you have the Holy Spirit within you which means you have the power to rise above your emotions instead of being controlled by them I know many struggle with anxiety depression or other negative feelings I speak about this because I believe in the freedom you can find through the Holy Spirit you don't have have to live by your
emotions you live above them your identity in Jesus Christ is greater than any feeling honor that identity let it be the foundation of your life not the way you feel you are called to freedom and in Christ you can walk in it thank you for watching chosen ones if this message touched your heart don't forget to like the video and share it with others who need to hear it let's spread the message together and help more people experience the Breakthrough that comes from living and working in the spirit if you feel moved by this message
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