People Don’t See It But It’s Already Started

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Grace For Purpose
Serious End Time Bible Prophecies Are Happening 📚Grace For Purpose Prayer Book now available on Am...
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but no one could ever point to Jesus even today the enemies of Christ canot point to any wrongdoing so why is he hated and I would submit to you the most hated man on this planet why because he was light because he was righteous we're living in biblical times and here are five Bible prophecies happening right now that we should all be paying attention to number one 2 Peter 3:3 says knowing this first that scoffers will come in the last days walking according to their own lusts a scoffer can be described as a person who
mocks or makes fun of someone or something often of religious or moral values but there has been a allout pedal to the metal war against faith in Christ it's been pictured as Arcane uh ignoramus would follow it science is the way to go when you look at television uh the way that they mock Christians and Christianity in this day and age it's quite apparent that every few weeks there seems to be an event an individual or an incident that mocks Christianity most recently the Olympics drew a lot of controversy because of their opening ceremony that
every believer who knows their Bible should know that when we see the increase in the mockery of Christ we're drawing closer to his return when we see the moral decline of society when we see evil being called good and good being called evil when the spirit of antichrist is so clearly at work when it's so visible and out in the open and we should all know that we are edging closer to his return the second sign Matthew 24:6 says you will hear of wars and rumors of wars but see to it that you are not
alarmed such things must happen but the end is still to come now just look at these headlines there's plenty news out there covering Wars and the threats of Wars there's uncertainty when it comes to the current state of international Affairs this is Bible prophecy being fulfilled but the Bible tells us not to be alarmed not to be frightened the end is still to come number three Luke 21:11 says there will be great earthquakes famines and pestilences in various places and fearful events and great signs from Heaven underline that word pestilences for a moment and consider
the recent pandemic and the different variants of the virus now there are some people who are of the opinion that the world World Health Organization will be very influential in the world when it comes to dealing with pandemics now while that remains to be seen the who have been preparing for something called disease X now it's important to clarify at the time of this video there is no virus or bacteria circulating right now that is called disease X the who are preparing for the future this is a hypothetical disease given the name disease X however
the fact that the world is already preparing for a future pandemic tells us that we're living in a day and age where pestilences are happening number four Jesus says in Matthew 24:12 and because lawlessness will be increased the love of many will grow cold we can see an increase in many areas of lawlessness today many take advantage of the poor to get rich many commit vicious crimes out of impulse and for selfish gain many have a disregard for human life you look at the television you watch the news and look at the entertainment industry and
you'll find that there is so much hatred idolatry and pride that has infiltrated our culture and if you are not careful it's easy to be influenced swayed and enticed by the evil around us and unfortunately in some pockets increased lawlessness can even be seen in the church there are groups of people within the church who live a life of judgment they will not Embrace Sinners who sin in different ways than them instead of showing love and compassion they show self-righteousness and condemnation we need to ensure that we are people who do not let our love
grow cold but instead we must have a deep love for God number five in Acts 2:1 17 the Bible tells us that and it shall come to pass in the last days says God that I will pour out my spirit on All Flesh your sons and your daughters shall prophesy your young men shall see Visions your old men shall dream dreams right now despite what you may see on mainstream media sources God is still at work in the world the underground church and places like China and in other places where Christian persecution is high many
people are coming to Christ and believing just because the news doesn't show it that doesn't mean it isn't happening now even if this is the case even if the world is approaching its final days what are we supposed to do well for starters as Christians what we should not be doing is running around in a panic like everyone else we should not be giving into and encouraging this culture constant fear the Bible tells us the one thing that we should fear is God always remember no matter how chaotic the world becomes no matter how dangerous
God will still be in control what will happen over the next few months in 2024 what will be the global impact what will be the economic impact just how close are we between peace and Anarchy well I'd like to offer a biblical perspective on some of the current events that are happening for the Christian man or woman Living in America recent events may have left you feeling fearful and anxious do not fear God is still in control regardless of what happens now let me Begin by telling you that it does nothing for you to focus
on the many theories out there about who is working in the shadows or what dark secret organization is attempting to govern the World Behind the Scenes this will do nothing for your peace of mind I think every Christian in America and around the world can sense that there's a spiritual battle taking place this is something you can prayerfully discern when you look at the world through the lens of the Bible but as you're listening right now I want to direct your focus to what the word of God says it already tells us that in the
last days perilous times will come the word perilous it means full of danger and full of risk there seems to be unrests all around the world and with it being an election year in the US folks all around the world are tuned in and anxiously waiting to see what will happen in November regardless of what happens regardless of what state you live in or your beliefs many people can't help but wonder about the outcome and what follows what will the global impact be the world seems to be a dangerous place right now and understandably many
people will ask the question what other Wars might be on the horizon further questions the people will definitely have are what will happen economically with concerns about inflation already will it get worse will there be an economic collapse is there any Financial stability to hope for so here's what you need to do don't focus on any conspiracy theories ignore those there'll be people Here There and Everywhere sensationalizing every event exaggerating every detail of anything that happens but first and foremost regardless of what's Happening regardless of what could happen Believers in Christ are commanded not to
fear look at the faces of these people these are the faces of people who are filled with anger they are the faces of people who are drowning in sin but have no desire to repent these are the faces of people with ice cold hearts and sensitive Hearts we read a lot about Bible proph prophecy concerning the end times we know about the strange signs in the sky we know about wars and rumors of whes we even know about the great apostasy where many turn away from the faith but what you're about to hear is the
Bible's most serious prophetic warning about the type of people that you will see in the last days there's a lot of warnings in the Bible warnings concerning how you should be living your life warnings about the devil and his strategies there are warnings about the type of company you should be keeping but I want to focus on the warnings in second Timothy CH 3 the warnings in this chapter are incredibly powerful because they focus on the culture of today and on society second Timothy chter 3 talks about the last days and I feel as though
the theme of the chapter is captured in the the first verse because the Bible says but Mark this there will be terrible times in the last days the Amplified translation says but understand this that in the last days dangerous times of great stress and trouble will come difficult days that will be hard to bear as you read through the chapter several things become clear in the last days there's a total rejection of of God in this world anything the word of God stands for will be rejected there will be a time when people will want
to have their ears tickled they'll want a gospel that gives the blessing but doesn't require repentance they want a gospel that preaches Prosperity not sacrificial living and there's a lot of this right now a lot of people prefer to have their ears tickled instead of receiving the pure gospel that will penetrate the heart and challenge every sinful behavior in your life now to add to the corruption that will be in the world second Timothy 3 tells us there'll be a total breakdown of society because people will be treacherous rash slanderous brutal disobedient to parents abusive
and without self-control no rules no moral absolutes no restraints of any kind everyone will do that which is right in their own eyes and woe to the person who dares to question anyone's lifestyle choices now verse five says that people will have a form of godliness but denying its power have nothing to do with such people this is the age of religious Rebels men and women who have the outward appearance of godliness but deep down in their hearts are full of sin and deceit religious Rebel will ask all the right questions but watch their actions
because they will follow all of the wrong answers religious Rebels may go as far as quoting scripture but their hearts will be far from God and even further from his word when you read 2 Timothy 3 go through the list of how people in society will be the Bible tells you people will be lovers of self meaning they'll be narcissistic and self-focused and this is obviously against the command to love the Lord with all your heart soul and mind people will be lovers of money impelled by greed how much of this do we see in
this day and age how much greed is there in this world yet the word of God tells us to be free from the love of money as you go further and further down the list you'll find that people are described as unloving devoid of natural human affection boastful and arrogant so as Christians I want you to answer the following questions as an individual Are you standing firm in a pagan world will you let Society control how you'll act or how you'll live your life will you follow the crowd and the majority as they love themselves
more than they love God be careful that you're not found with the characteristics named in 2 Timothy 3 be careful that unb believing and Unfaithful and uncaring people don't change you Beware of the false prophets and false doctrines and false teachers because they will try and poison your thinking and dismantle your faith and these last days make sure that you're ready for his return and do not be like the world but let the world see Christ through you the behavior of this world does not surprise God but the standards and immorality of this world does
not catch God by surprise and let me tell you this it shouldn't surprise us as the Church of Christ either and so for the Christian who's listening what are you to do how are you survive the conditions described in 2 Timothy 3 well the chapter ends in verse 16 and 17 saying this all scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching rebuking correcting training and righteousness so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work the truth of the word of God can save you forgive you justify you sanctify you
purify you transform you regenerate you and one day it will take you all the way home to heaven for all eternity everything we need to know about life with God can be found in the pages of the Bible if we had needed to know anything else God would have told us the Bible is complete as it stands a finished product that will produce in us a new life a Godly life a growing life a fruitful life a loving life a Christlike life eternal life the very life of God himself now the Bible says in Revelation
3: 2:3 wake up strengthen what remains and is about to die for I have found your Deeds unfinished in the sight of my God remember therefore what you have received and heard hold it fast and repent but if you do not wake up I will come like a thief and you will not know at what time I will come to you the Bible is calling us to wake up the Lord wants us to wake up to the fact that there is a heaven and a hell there is a day of judgment if someone's driving down
the road and they doze off or their attention wanders they could very well miss some of the road signs telling them where to go well God has given us his children many signs to watch out for the word of God is filled with signs to let us know that time is wrapping up this world will not last forever however until that day comes the Lord has provided us with road signs to warn us that the time is near he has provided us with clear signs so that we should know the end is near the Bible
tells us that people will pop up claiming to be the Christ or to be the Messiah but it warns us not to listen in other words when Jesus returns we won't have to go around telling each other about it because everyone will know when the Lord returns there's no need for anyone to make a video and announce it we'll all see him in the clouds and All His glory and Majesty Luke 21:9 says but when you hear of wars and commotions do not be terrified for these things must come to pass first but the end
will not come immediately the wise Among Us Will Be watchful they'll see the signs of the times before they study God's word but the foolish the foolish will fall asleep they'll miss the signs because of a lack of knowledge that's why it's incredibly important for us to take heed of God's word take key of the biblical warnings we've been given have you ever come across a passage of scripture that tells you to pay special attention well one such passage is found in Mark 13 verse 28-33 and as I read this passage I want you to
visualize the imagery that's being painted right here in the word of God which says now learn a lesson from the Fig Tree when its branches bud and its leaves Lees begin to sprout you know summer is near in the same way when you see all these things taking place you can know that his return is very near right at the door I tell you the truth this generation will not pass from the scene before all these things take place Heaven and Earth will disappear but my words will never disappear however no one knows the day
or hour when these things will happen not even the angels in heaven or the son himself only the father knows and since you don't know when that time will come be on guard stay alert now when the word of God tells us to take heed it's telling us to pay special attention it's telling us to pay careful consideration regarding what's being said especially when it comes to the return of Jesus and how does one take heed you may ask well the Bible says take heed Watch and Pray well let me ask you a question are
you watching are you praying are you observing what the Bible says concerning the signs of his coming are you praying for discernment or for the Holy Spirit to open your spiritual eyes when it comes to these days that we're living in I believe that the word of God is continuously telling us to take heed that we're not living in sin because there will be a day of judgment I believe we are to take heed and make sure that we seek first the kingdom of God and more importantly because of the day and age we live
in I believe the Bible is telling us to take heed because in the last days perilous times shall come the word perilous means full of danger or full of risk Danger when it comes to our health as a human danger a risk when it comes to the economy or nature itself but that's not all we're to take heed when we notice that men are lovers of themselves lovers of money boasters proud blasphemers unthankful Unholy and we can only see that Society is in this state if we are watching and praying another instance where the Bible
tells us to take heed is in Matthew 24:4 which says and Jesus answered and said to them take heed that no one deceives you once again you and I are being told to take heed be careful that no one deceives you this means there will come a time when there will be a prevalence of deception but once again how do we guard ourselves through watching and praying pray pray for the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth pray for God to guide you into all truth there is a flood coming a wave we're told in Revelation
12:12 that therefore Rejoice O heavens and you who dwell in them but woe To You O Earth and sea for the devil has come down to you in great Wrath because he knows that his time is short the devil knows and he understands that his time is short his days are numbered and so he is coming with an anger he's coming for the Believers trying to get them to backslide he's coming for those who are on fire for God and he's trying to get them to a state of being lukewarm he's coming for the family
and for the whole all so that he can steal kill and destroy but the Bible says when the enemy comes in like a flood the spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standarded against him meaning that should the devil try to flood your life then in jesus' name the Gates of Hell shall not Prevail whatever the flood may be God will will raise a standard against him you have a deliverer in Jesus you are on Higher Ground when you stay in the presence of the Lord you have a defense in Jesus an impenetrable Fortress
and no flood from the devil can harm you at some point in life most people will hear the term the good old days and in most instances it's a reference to a time period that people remember fondly our grandparents always believed that the days they grew up and lived in were far better than this present day likewise our parents talk about how things were when they were coming up and how they were different and better than the things that exist today Matthew 24: 37-38 the Bible reads but as the day of Noah were so also
will the coming of the son of man be for as in the days before the flood they were eating and drinking marrying and giving in marriage until the day that Noah entered the Ark the days of Noah from generation to generation would you say that society as a whole has been improving morally and spiritually since the days of Noah or would you say that Society has been declining morally since the time of Noah during the days of Noah the Bible says in Genesis 6:5 the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the
earth and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually how does this generation compare if sin was prevalent in in those days what should we make of this present day if the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the days of Noah then what does he think of today we've had a boom in technology the kind of technology that makes it easier to sin in many different ways we've had Society glamorize sin through celebrities and entertainment so if the days of Noah were bad what about today could
this current generation be the most wicked known to man at least since the flood Jesus did not refer to the days of the past the days of Noah as the good old days but instead he referred to them as a time that we could look at as a means to understanding his second coming for Christians this might Inspire us to want to ask the question question exactly how bad was the generation that existed in the final days before the flood in speaking of his own return Jesus said in Matthew 24: 37-39 but as the days
of Noah were so also will the coming of the son of man be for as in the days before the flood they were eating and drinking marrying and giving in marriage until the day that Noah entered the Ark and did not know until the flood came and took them all away so also will the coming of the son of man be Jesus desired to let his followers know that if we could discern and understand the times leading up to the flood then perhaps we could discern and understand the season in which he Jesus would return
it's all all about having the awareness to know that when these things start happening when people become comfortable and start pushing God out of their lives When sin and wickedness is the norm when you start to feel the birth pains then you know you know that the return of Christ is near so what was it like during the days of Noah what was it like before the destruction of mankind the book the Book of Genesis tells us that the Lord was sorry that he had made man on the earth and he was grieved in his
heart the Bible also teaches that all mankind was corrupt and that the Earth was a wretched Place Genesis 6: 11 and 12 says the Earth also was corrupt before God and the Earth was filled with violence so God looked upon the Earth and indeed it was corrupt for All Flesh had corrupted their way on the earth so the Earth was filled with violence All Flesh had corrupted their way way up to those descriptions against the world today however in and amongst all that was going on Noah found Grace in the eyes of God Noah was
described as perfect and just in his generation he was described as a man who walked with God and because of this he was saved in this day and age ask yourself as a man or woman of God am I a Noah in this sinfield world am I walking with Jesus am I practicing righteousness or am I to be found sitting and dining on the same table as those who willingly sin against God though God's intent was to dest destroy the evil that controlled the hearts and minds of his creation he did not intend to annihilate
his greatest creation as a whole which is why he saved Noah God's heart has always been to reconcile Sinners back to a state of righteousness he wants us to spend all of eternity with him but all too often we're not paying attention to his word which tells us how to live and what to watch out for in times like these
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