IS SALT A SPIRITUAL WEAPON? The Hidden Truth of SALT in the Bible

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in this video we will unveil the power of salt as a weapon in spiritual warfare we will speak clearly and simply so that everyone can understand its pure and correct use pay attention did you know there are three things you can do with salt to Break Every curse and bring blessings of abundance upon you why do you think Jesus told his disciples that you are the salt of the earth stay until the end of this video because there I will show you the answer and I assure you that you will be amazed by the revelations
of salt as a spiritual weapon first we must acknowledge an absolute truth everything was created by God through him and for him nothing exists outside of his will and this implies that God created salt with a purpose there is absolutely nothing in this world that has not been created by the mighty hand of God by him all things were made this truth reson Ates in every grain of salt every drop of water every spark of fire god conceived salt even before life itself in Genesis we read that in the beginning God created the heavens and
the Earth Salt being a mineral was created from the start the church often avoids discussing that God grants Authority not only to humans but also to plants animals and elements each thing has a Divine Purpose consider fire and water fire has the authority to consume everything it touches while water has the authority to give life similarly salt was given the authority to season and preserve fire devours water gives life salt preserves and purifies each is an instrument in the hands of the almighty let us deeply reflect all the elements of the world have a Divine
Purpose just as salt preserves food does it not also preserve our faith in times of trial I wish to take a brief pause to encourage you to share your experience with salt in the comments many of you are inspired and strengthened by hearing the testimony of other Christians many people have found relief and healing through its use for example one sister saw a miraculous change in her life after anointing her hands with salt did you feel better after using salt in prayer tell us your story and how God acted in your life through this power
ful mineral let's continue with the video people in Antiquity believed that salt had incredible power it preserved meat seasoned food and surprisingly was used as currency in ancient Rome public officials were paid in salt hence the word salary Jesus spoke in Parables to teach but not everything is symbolic oil Bread and Wine play sacred roles in the Christian faith so why do we accept the use of oil without issues but doubt the power of salt some think that salt is an evil thing used in dark rituals This Is A Lie from the enemy remember John
10 the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy the enemy wants to steal the truth about Salt the spiritual manifests in the physical God uses what he created to fulfill his will consider the example of oil anointing oil is mentioned 20 times in the Scriptures it was used in the old Testament to pour over the head of the high priest and his descendants also over the Tabernacle and its Furnishings to mark them as holy and set apart to Jehovah you can read examples of this in Leviticus 8 and exodus 25 but the Jews were
strictly forbidden to reproduce the use of anointing oil for personal use as we read in Exodus 30 the recipe for the anointing oil contained myrrh cinnamon and other natural ingredients there is no indication that the oil or the ingredients had any Supernatural power it wasn't the oil that had Supernatural power but the obedience to God in the ritual that demonstrated Holiness if God commands you to anoint with oil do so let us reflect deeply God calls us to use his Creations purposefully if he tells us to anoint with oil we do it why not do
the same with salt we are ignoring a powerful weapon that God has given us salt like oil has a sacred place when we use it according to God's will Matthew 5 says you are the salt of the earth let us not allow the enemy to steal this truth from us only four passages in the New Testament mention anointing with oil in Luke 7 Mary anoints Jesus's feet in Worship in James 5 the Elders of the church anoint the sick to heal them in Hebrews 1 God anoints Jesus with the oil of Joy declaring your throne
oh God is forever and ever these acts show us that God uses the material to reflect the spiritual and fulfill his will consider another example Moses's staff God granted power to the staff that Moses carried in his hands to manifest his power and Jehovah asked what is that in your hand Moses replied a staff Jehovah then said throw it on the ground Moses threw it on the ground and it became a serpent and Moses fled from it by this they will believe that Jehovah has appeared to you the prophets used water salt oil mantel and
staffs in their Ministry they did not worship these objects but used them as Tools in prophetic acts they understood that the everyday use of these elements could turn them into mere religious rituals everything we have discussed is based on the Bible nothing has been altered it is simply the word of God the enemy is is a usurper in some countries it is said it's salty to refer to someone with bad luck associating it with witchcraft because it is known that witches use salt to curse denying these practices would be to ignore the reality of evil
in the world evil and wicked people exist there is no white magic that comes from God every act that is not Guided by the Holy Spirit and the Bible is witchcraft the enemy as a usurper imitates and corrupts what God creates trying to use God's weapons for his benefit Satan offered Jesus the kingdoms of the world a stolen Authority from man Matthew 4 records how the tempter offered Jesus the kingdoms of the world though these were given to Man by God again he took him to a very high mountain showed him all the kingdoms of
the world and their Splendor and said all this I will give you if you Bow Down and Worship me but man through his Disobedience was stripped of that Authority allowing Satan to usurp the kingdoms of the world let us deeply reflect are we aware of how the enemy tries to corrupt the sacred do we use the tools that God has given us with reverence and purpose let us always remember that the material can be a reflection of the spiritual and that our duty is to use these tools with faith and obedience to God as it
is said in Ephesians 6 for our struggle is not not against flesh and blood but against the rulers against the authorities against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the Heavenly Realms the Bible suggests that God and His prophets were the first to use salt after the creation of the mineral the story of Sodom and Gomorrah recounted in Genesis 19 is well known lot seeking worldly pleasures without God's guidance chose to live in these depraved cities the sexual depravity and sin reached up to heaven God punished Lot's wife
for her Disobedience by turning her into a pillar of salt here salt was used to punish the sin of Disobedience it was not Satan but God who used this mineral to exercise his Justice in Leviticus 2 it is stated season all your grain offerings with salt do not leave the salt of the Covenant of your God out of your grain offerings add salt to all your offerings here God commands man to sprinkle salt on every offering every offering means there are no exceptions and do not leave out emphasizes the perpetuity of this practice for the
Israelites salting the offerings was mandatory to purify the impurities this passage reveals another quality of salt purification in Chronicles it is stated do you not know that the Lord the god of Israel has given the kingdom over Israel to David and his descent descendants by a covenant of salt forever God establishes covenants with man using simple and natural tools like salt this verse shows another quality of salt the Perpetual Covenant we've seen three main attributes of salt in the spiritual realm to purify to Covenant and to curse these qualities reveal the depth and Divine Purpose
in the use of this mineral now let us reflect a bit why does the witch use salt for witchcraft they use precise ly this element because they are aware of the spiritual attribute that salt represents aware that it is a mineral created by the almighty God that transcends both the material and spiritual worlds and that it has been given these three specific authorities and if used against him could cause significant harm the enemy has tried to make Christians and the entire world believe that salt is an instrument of evil used only by Sorcerers but today
you will understand that salt is not just a rusty tool used only in the Old Testament and forgotten today you will know that the Covenant of salt is Everlasting and if Christians have ceased using it it is because they were cunningly deceived today is the day you say enough to the deceptions today is the day of Truth glory to God salt and the curse at the beginning of the study we saw that Lot's wife was turned into a pillar of salt this is closely Rel related to Sodom and Gomorrah in Deuteronomy 29 it mentions and
the generations to come your children who will rise up after you and the Foreigner who comes from a distant land when they see the plagues of that land and its diseases with which the Lord has Afflicted it the sulfur and salt burning all its land it will not be swn nor will it produce nor will any grass grow in it just as in the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah which the Lord dest destroyed in his anger and wrath sulfur and salt are symbols of curse on the land preventing any herb from growing salt along with
sulfur destroys Now understand why Sorcerers use salt what was originally for justice today is used against the children of God not because salt is evil but because we have abandoned the prophetic acts and the instruments that were given to us salt is our inheritance if you are a genuine child of God you should not fear the sorcerer who uses salt against your home work or business you have the authority to undo any Witchcraft and revoke curses Zephaniah 2 says therefore as I live says the Lord of hosts God of Israel Moab shall be like Sodom
and the children of Ammon like gomorah a field of nettles and a pit of salt and a Perpetual desolation the remnant of my people shall plunder them and the remnant of my people shall possess them salt relates to Sodom and Gomorrah Moab and Ammon Moab and Ammon are children of the incest between lot and his daughters born after the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah this act of depravity produced two Wicked peoples who continually waged war against Israel sexual perversion brings curses upon Generations many do not understand why their families face issues failed marriages or abuse
the root could be in the moral acts of ancestors often we don't understand why there are certain problems in our families or why our children can't have a successful marriage why there are rapists and victims in the family environment even being Christians this is undoubtedly a regrettable situation the cause could be the degeneration inherited through the immoral acts of our ancestors to release your children from these curses the previous verse from Zephaniah offers an answer take the salt consecrated to God and repeat this prayer my father God of Israel thank you for finding me and
giving me your word forgive the sins of my family my grandparents and my parents forgive the sexual depravity of my family today I take the salt consecrated to your altar and dry up the evil that until today burdened my family I spread the salt over my belly the Desolation has left the place where the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah dwell from today onwards I will leave all wickedness so that your truth your piety and your mercy Reign Over Me and My Generations in the mighty name of Jesus Amen salt is the only element in the
Bible used both to bless and to curse it is a weapon of God inherited by his children but the enemy uses it against us do not fear Jesus said you are the salt of the earth but if the salt loses its saltiness how can it be made salty again it is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men in the Bible salt appears in contexts of both curse and blessing Psalm 107 says he turned Rivers into a desert Flowing Springs into thirsty ground and fruitful land into a salt
waste because of the wickedness of those who lived there salt marks Barren land as a punishment for wickedness Christians rarely use salt to Cur which is good as we should have genuine love however a child of God should know when to use salt for war and when for peace salt is a weapon of both War and Peace here we focus on salt as a weapon of War an army is made for the protection of a country and will be used at the opportune moment when an Invader tries to take the territory by force as long
as the Invaders do not attempt to take the country the Army remains in a passive state but always prepared for War unfortunately in spiritual warfare the enemy is already attacking Christian territory and salt must be used to curse the enemy's army take the salt consecrated to God and spread it in your home your neighborhood your city now I invite you to make this prayer with authority my father God of Israel this day I take the Covenant salt and spread it over my entire city home neighborhood church and dry up all the works of the enemy
all witchcraft all idolatry I undo all pacts that the Sorcerer And witch have made over this city and give an ultimatum to the sorcerer if he does not repent of all his evil he himself will fall under the mighty hand of the Living God I bind the strong man in the name of Jesus and bind every spirit of Vengeance that wishes to come against me and mine and from today and forever more wickedness shall never rise again in this city in the name of Jesus Let It Be written and let it be done salt is
powerful Elisha went to the source of the waters threw in salt and said thus says the Lord I have purified these Waters there shall not be from there any more death or barrenness this is the most remembered verse about salt Elisha a man with a double portion of the spirit used the salt that God had given him and healed the waters in the name of the Lord Ezekiel 4 says when you finish making atonement you shall offer a bull without blemish and a ram without defect the priests shall sprinkle salt on them and offer them
as a burnt offering to the Lord the animals offered to God had to be purified with salt before being burned this shows the importance of salt in the purification rituals of the Old Testament think about money it passes through many hands before reaching the altar of God as an offering or tithe do you know where this money has been perhaps through thieves murderers Smugglers brothel houses of sorcerers Etc the salt consecrated to God is a weapon of purification capable of purifying the money you bring to the altar Golden Rule if you want to consecrate salt
for God take it with reverence and respect if you buy salt to consecrate buy a whole package and dedicate 100% to the service of God use this salt for nothing else use it solely and exclusively to honor God you cannot use a bit for God and another bit for cooking understand that you bought the salt solely to be used at the altar just as you dedicate the bought salt solely for God so should be the container you use do not look for an old bottle at home buy a new container and dedicate it especially to
honor God this same rule should be applied with oil many churches when receiving tithes and offerings ings sprinkle salt on them and pray to God that they be purified from all impurity as explained in Leviticus 2 and although not all churches practice this prophetic act there are people who understand that the work of their hands should be pure therefore before giving their tithe they cleanse it at home using the salt that has been consecrated for this task the Covenant as stated in numbers 18 says all the heave offerings of the Holy things that the children
of Israel offer unto the Lord I have given unto thee and to thy sons and to thy daughters with thee by a statute forever it is a covenant of salt forever before the Lord unto thee and to thy seed with thee we are reading the same Bible here it says a Perpetual Covenant of salt the salt Covenant remains valid today and will continue for those who honor God and you might say but that was for the Israelites well I tell you that you are a branch grafted under the of the same father who gives to
those who seek him in the Holy scriptures salt for its qualities as a preservative symbolizes durability and loyalty the Eternal and is used as a sign of the Covenant the essence of a covenant is that it be perpetual and therefore salt is a fitting symbol for this in the East because salt prevented Decay it became a symbol of the stability and permanence of friendship according to ancient customs a bond of friendship was established by eating salt taking salt and placing it in a meal shared between two people is a guarantee of enduring friendship a promise
of Perpetual Fidelity ensuring the ongoing solidarity of the parties involved two people who shared a meal seasoned with salt committed not to betray or harm each other it was said that whenever someone ate through a meal the salt of a man they became friends for life the Eternal wanted every sacrifice to be a reminder of the relationship with him when covenants were made the parties often ate together including salt which denoted Perpetual loyalty and Fidelity to the celebrated Covenant therefore it was understood that a salt Covenant should be fulfilled without fail numbers 18 mentions that
non-compliance or betrayal of the salt Covenant was often punishable by death on one occasion an American historian was researching in a city in the Middle East and without realizing it night fell upon him knowing how dangerous those roads were at night he decided to approach one of the tents along the way it is likely that this tent he found belonged to people who robbed Travelers who lost their way but he did not care the night was cold and danger lurked the American approaching the tent spoke to the owner telling him that the city he was
heading to was still far away and that it it was very dangerous to continue on the road at night as he could get lost or Worse the man from the tent told him do you not know that I am a thief how do you know I will not kill you and Rob you of what you carry yes I know you are a thief said the traveler but I will make a salt Covenant with you then the thief replied come pass blessed of the Lord and sit down the thief put bread on the table and seasoned
it with salt and both ate the next morning the American got up and the thief was Vigilant in the tent taking care of his guests belongings the thief counted the Traveler's belongings and returned them all kindly the American got into his vehicle and continued his journey escorted by the thief who accompanied and protected him all the way to the destination city the thief knew that making a covenant with salt with a man is a service to God and he will honor it until the day he dies the salt Covenant in the east is still valid
today and is a mutual agreement valid until the end of days even after the death of one of the covenanters a merchant goes to the field to buy 100 sheep but upon arrival he realizes that the shepherd had 300 sheep and wanted to sell them all the merchant realizes he does not have enough money to buy them all then the shepherd tells him let's make a salt Covenant with the promise that I will give you the 300 sheep and you within 60 days will pay me for the remaining 200 both agree and eat a meal
seasoned with salt the merchant takes the 300 sheep 30 days later the merchant dies but his son was aware of the Covenant his father had with the shepherd at 60 days the Merchant's son honors the Covenant his father made with the shepherd and pays the remainder of the money owed I want you to understand this clearly the salt Covenant is a mutual commitment between God and man a balanced relationship you cannot tell the Lord you are making a covenant with him and then live however you like God honors those who honor him his promise is
that he will be your son and he your father however one must remember the Commandments of their God Exodus 20 speaks of the valley of salt where Victory belongs to those who fight for their blessing according to 2 Samuel David became famous when he returned from defeating 18,000 Aram in the valley of salt he himself killed 10,000 in the same Valley and thus the battle continued calling it by the name it retains to this day striving amesia gathered his people and went to the valley of salt where he killed 10,000 men of sea the valley
of salt is where the Israelites defeated their enemies on two occasions the first being David's victory over the 18,000 arameans Scholars are unable to to pinpoint the exact location described but Samuel tells us that there David was exalted by his people for achieving an uncommon victory in Wars what a difficult battle awaited David with so many enemies against him and an army outnumbering the Israelites but perhaps God was with him indeed David achieved victory in the valley of salt defeating the 18,000 soldiers but I want to explain something about this brief account if if you
do not fight your battles you will not win many of us grew up with the phrase God fights our battles but that is a half truth God won the war it is all done but you must fight your own battles fight for your blessings it's a bad habit that modern Christians have acquired of only praying and crying out let me tell you that Jesus is the word the word made flesh and that his words were accompanied by action did he dedicate himself only to praying certainly not the master like David knew that battles are faced
by putting into practice the faith professed yes it's a fact that we must pray fast and praise but there is also a time to put into action what we believe with the heart for the Israelite salt is very important with salt the Covenant of God with man was sealed with salt offerings were purified with salt one could bless or curse but that day David had to prove to the people that God was with him that the the salt of the Covenant was upon his head and that Victory would come from the hand of Jehovah now
you who want the blessings of God what do you do to achieve them do you wait sitting down or just pray at home and expect God to show up do you only congregate in church and are content with that we Christians tend to wait for God's response and that is all we don't want to make sacrifices we don't want to do anything beyond the strictly necessary to be considered good believers we are conformists but not thankful we want to achieve the greatest blessings with the least effort what should a Christian do to achieve their blessings
the answer is easy fight for them the story of David is an example that salt can bless or curse if you go to battle ready to win the salt will be for blessing if you go to battle with the idea that you do what you can then the salt will be your doom thus works the witch if a witch curses your home with salt and you are not consecrated to God that curse will fall on you but if you understand that salt is a weapon made for you and honor God by being faithful then no
plague nor curse will touch your house a Christian must pray fast consecrate themselves be just Pious and upright before God living spiritually if one does not live in the spiritual realm then something is missing in life salt is the beginning of this struggle on many occasions Jesus healed just with his word but other times he used prophetic acts demonstrating that he was the son of the creator of everything in John 9 it is reported that passing by Jesus saw a blind man his disciples asked him Rabbi who sinned this man or his parents that he
was born blind Jesus answered neither this man nor his parents sinned but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him we must do the works of him who sent me while it is day night is coming when no one can work while I am in the world I am the light of the world having said this he spit on the ground made some mud with the saliva and put it on the Man's eyes he told him go wash in the pool of silom which means scent the man went and washed
and came home seeing perhaps you still do not understand what I am trying to explain so I will give some examples of plants we know that God created did everything that exists and that everything was made for his glory among all that was created there are plants that were made to heal the human and animal body and some have properties to cure serious diseases many of today's medicines are derived from these plants such as aspirin and morphine now are plants spiritual or material clearly you would say they are material as they belong to the physical
world we know but what if I told you that plants began their existence istence in the spiritual world in the beginning of existence there was nothing just a huge void and then suddenly everything was created Genesis the physical world we know is the result of bringing the spiritual into the material first it existed in the thought of God and then it was formed in the mortal world in the words of Jeremiah before I formed you in the womb I knew you and before you were born I consecrated you Jesus is Spirit made flesh when we
transfer the spiritual to the material world that is when Miracles occur salt is just salt until it joins with the spiritual and in the spiritual it is Covenant cleansing blessing Jesus himself joined the spiritual with the physical having said this he spit on the ground made mud with the saliva and applied it to the Blind Man's eyes the Earth is just Earth of course but from the dust of the earth Man was created created saliva is just saliva but it is also water and water was created to give life Jesus recognizes this and through his
authority unites the spiritual with the material to provoke a miracle however there is a key point in this and it is in John 9 he told him go wash in the pool of Salam which means scent so he went washed and came back seeing the action completed the miracle obedience and acting produced blessing final summary salt has been used as a tool of War since the times of the Old Testament representing the Covenant between God and David it was used to purify offerings and condemn places marked by sin symbolically salt represents the Eternal it is
used to purify curse and establish covenants its handling must be meticulous and pure from purchase dedicating it and using new utensils reserved only for this purpose when employing salt the believer must be dedicated to God and live as a true son of Faith salt is used in areas affected by curses from witches sin and human evil in places where evil spirits refuse to leave praying and interceding during the act and restraining any spirit of Vengeance additionally salt is applied to eliminate curses of corruption passed down from generation to generation applying it over the womb and
renouncing any ancestral ties it should also o be spread over the tithes and offerings presented at the altar praying for their purification in the home and consecrated places Salt is scattered to affirm that they are protected by divine grace and that no evil entity or spell has power over them in eastern cultures salt symbolizes a mutual commitment of no betrayal or harm establishing a bond of trust and eternal loyalty however salt will have no effect without faith and commitment to God final warning have you ever heard of the bronze serpent that God commanded Moses to
make in numbers 21 after leaving mount hore on the way to the Red Sea to go around the land of Edom the people became discouraged and spoke against God and Moses why have you brought us up out of Egypt to die in the desert there is no bread or water and we detest this miserable food then Jehovah said fiery serpents among the people and they bit the people many Israelites died the people came to Moses and said we sinned when we spoke against Jehovah and against you pray to Jehovah that he take away the serpents
Moses prayed for the people and Jehovah said to him make a fiery Serpent and set it on a pole anyone who is bitten can look at it and live Moses made a bronze Serpent and put it on a pole whenever some some One Was Bitten and looked at the bronze serpent they lived God was merciful to his people providing a visible instrument so that the Israelites could look upon it and be saved from the Venom but the story doesn't end there God's people later became corrupt again in Kings 18 the king removed the high places
smashed The Sacred Stones cut down the Ashera poles and broke into pieces the bronze serpent that Moses had made because up to that time the Israelites had been burning incense to it and had called it niushan King Hezekiah destroyed the serpent because the people of Israel forgot that the miracle came from God and not from a statue the same is true with salt it should be an instrument in the service of God's children not revered or used frivolously salt is a means to manifest God's Authority be correct be a faithful servant and do not make
the same mistake as the Israel ites use God's tools correctly and you will always have the favor of your heavenly father be blessed blessings do not live in complaints mourning or self-pity you are a warrior in times of War and the only goal is to move forward there is no going back a Christian never goes back a Christian is faithful to their God in good times and bad faith must never wne if you are a Christian live supernaturally if the spiritual power of salt in the Bible has amazed you imagine the video that appears on
the screen click on it and discover what the Bible says about tattoos leave your opinion about the video Topic in the comments always respecting others opinions I hope you enjoyed the video If this content was valuable to you I ask that you support me with your subscription so you do not miss any of our upcoming videos share this video with family and friends give it a like and leave your opinion in the comments this helps the video reach more people together we can Enlighten more minds and expand our understanding thank you for being here and
may God bless you
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