Watch me start & sell a service in 10 hours

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Watch me start & sell a service in 10 hours Use Instantly Today To Get 10x your leads, meetings and ...
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so I was talking to my friend Jake the other day and I was telling him how easy it is to start and sell Services these days okay hold on a minute so you think you can start and sell a new service in 10 hours and he actually disagreed with me so I decided to make a bet with him that in just 10 hours I could start and sell a service to clients and actually close a deal and if I win the bet I get all the bragging rights but if I lose the bet I have to buy him a first class ticket to anywhere that he likes so I'm going to start the timer now so that you guys can me accountable and see if I can do this in time all right so what I went ahead and did is I created a checklist here with all the things that I believe are involved of starting and selling a service in 10 hours first things first is the business infrastructure I got to figure out okay how am I going to figure out my business how am I going to make this an actual thing first things first is what am I going to sell what I think I'm going to sell what I want to sell is cold email Outreach on behalf of businesses is something that I know really well something that I could get up and running something I have a lot of results for so that is is going to be a no-brainer for me so doing cold Outreach for businesses to help them get leads using pulled email and you can basically go to like chachy BT you could say I want to help B2B customers get more leads what service can I sell that would be easiest to do after doing some research obviously Chachi BT gave me a bunch of different services that I could be offering to people but knowing me I'm going to stick with using cold email to get my clients results because at the end of the day what your clients want is they want results they want more business how I can provide them more business is call the Emil okay cool then I got to come up with a business name so let's use Mrchat gbt for that as well I help companies with hold Outreach give me 10 name examples I can choose from let's have ai come up with this cuz we are on a time crunch guys I like Precision Outreach and the next thing I know that I need is going to be a logo here so I'm just going to go to camp . I'm going to create a new design I'm going to search logo and then I'm going to go through some of these templates here and let's find one that looks dope I like this one I don't like this though we want to keep it real simple okay logo let's find a Target we could just make it on the o boom Precision Outreach baby let's go so now we have our logo let's go ahead and get this bad boy uploaded here logos dialed in now for website domain we are going to go to godaddy. com we're going to do Precision Outreach and let's see if there's any cool so we're going to go ahead and get this domain add it to cart continue continue to cart and let's buy this so we now have the infrastructure we have the service that we want to sell we have the business name we have the logo we're off to a good start guys this is looking good so far let's see if I can keep this up and we can get some results now it's time to actually craft the offer so what a lot of people do when they're thinking about the offer or they're thinking about selling a service is they just say oh I'm going to help you with cold email my theory when coming up with an offer is realizing one that the offer is the main thing that's actually going to get somebody to convert and we should focus on the offer providing a desired outcome for our customer so we need to figure out okay what are the customers struggling with what are the desired outcomes and how can I make an offer that's going to solve those outcomes to get them to what they actually want which in this case with what we're Sig is going to be more clients so I have a checklist here that I'm going to go through that's going to allow me to really get to the root of my customers problems so that I can solve my customers problems with my offer but also have some good copy infrastructure so that when I begin to actually go write the emails I'll have good infrastructure for copyrighting so that when I do write my emails that it's actually solving the problems and speaking to them this is how we're actually going to get responses is having a super good offer one of the most important parts of your cold email and just getting clients in general is going to be your offer making sure your offer is super dialed in let's speed this up with chat BT because we're going to be super efficient here I do cold outre for businesses to help them leads doing full email top 10 niches that I could help do this for see what Chach BD can do for us SAS companies B2B Consulting recruitment agencies marketing agencies so we're going to do marketing agencies I actually like this angle quite a bit pain points we're going to use chat GPT to come up with the pain points because once we understand the pain of our customers it becomes really easy to craft the offer that is going to actually get them an outcome so for this what I'm going to ask is we're going to help marketing agencies get new clients using cold email what are the top five pain points of these customers make them polarizing and speak the language of my customers so that the pain hits deep for them specifically let's see so the struggle with predictable growth High Authority clients so we're just going to use use these for Speed so let's go ahead and paste these here the next thing that we want is desired outcomes cuz what we're selling is we're not selling cold email I'm going to set up your cold email and run it and write your copy we're selling the outcomes we're selling the outcomes that cold email actually provides for our customers we need to figure those out so what are the desired outcomes of my customers use the same principles of speaking their language pipeline that doesn't rely on Lucker referrals nice so now what we're going to do is we're going to do the same thing we're going to paste these bad board inside of our little sheet for the infrastructure the next thing that's going to be really helpful as we scale this service is going to be unique selling proposition so same thing here guys is with me selling cold email what would be a unique mechanism or a unique selling proposition I can talk about like blueprint or method Etc give me 15 examples make them two to three words we are doing good on time guys we are crushing it we're doing good on time all things are good here all right client magnet method pipeline power play targeted Outreach engine let's say give me 10 more I like outbound Authority blueprint let's use that guarantee oh gosh let's think here so because we're kind of like risking it for the biscuit I'm going to be pretty aggressive with the guarantee same thing I'm going to rely on chbd to help me out this so let's say give me five options for a guarantee of my services to these Brands I like this one this one seems It's kind of aggressive but not too aggressive thing with like guarantees it's helpful to have because basically what it is it's a risk reversal and it's going to increase the likelihood of the customer to respond so whether we use it or not it's at least helpful to have it in some of this infrastructure so we'll see what we decide to do here so the guarantee here is going to be client ready pipeline promise if we don't fill your pipeline with at least 60 warm leads I'm just going to put in the first 3 months we'll refund you all right not going to lie guys this is probably taking a little bit more time than I anticipated at taking to get this up to speed I'm hoping that we can get this launched as soon as possible possible so that we can start getting leads and get on some sales calls and and close some deals because again I'm not trying to send a first class ticket to Jake so let's see how this continues to go part of the infrastructure we're only on phase two the next thing I need to figure out is the deliverables I got to figure out what exactly I'm actually going to be offering this person in these people that agree to a call I know it's going to be called email but what is it going to be all right so that 20 20 or so minutes of research was well worth it because I got to see what a lot of other competitors are doing in the space of what I'm trying to do and got some good ideas on what they're doing from a deliverable perspective as well as some pricing insights I think I have what I landed on as far as deliverables go I'm going to do the infrastructure I'm setad of like their offer I'm going to review their offer make sure it checks the list that we're doing right now I'm going to build a targeted list I'm going to write the copy test multiple angles I'm going to set appointments for them that will just eliminate all of the roadblocks to getting them to the guarantee cuz if they don't know how to set appointments it's going to be really challenging I'm going to analyze look over the reporting and see what's actually sticking for them and then we scale and feed the engine with more lists based off of what's doing well I think that's enough for now I think I could still sell this if I jump on a call I don't think I need to list out every single thing at this point just cuz I'm just trying to get my first client like I don't need to be too specific I don't need to be too crazy with it let's go ahead and look at pricing so they can cover my cost of what this is going to take so basically what I'm going to look at is like infrastructure offer audit this is maybe like 2 hours of time email setup we can buy the software for them sure that's going to be $97 list building let's just budget $300 for this writing copy this is probably going to be 2 hours um setting up appointments for them we could probably have a VA do this let's call it 60 hours a month at $5 an hour look over reporting see what's sticking this would maybe be like 3 hours a month what I'm going to do is I'm just going to put myself at $50 an hour so this be $100 this going to be $300 for the list write copy that's going to be $1100 can train an appointment set for $5 an hour to be really good at this so that would be $300 $150 basically what I'm looking at is $100 $97 let's just round it up to $100 $300 oh we got to get the emails as well $400 for that maybe $400 100 300 150 so no KN this my cost of a good sold is going to be 1,450 and I can multiply that by let's call it three round it to $4500 retail all in but we're going to do analyzing and scaling so that's going to be some extra time I'm just going to do $6,000 paid in full for 3 months that's going to be my pricing and the logic that I did is I basically just broke down the deliverables how much time it's going to take who I get to help me out with this what's the cost of every single hour because time is money when you're selling services and that g me $6,000 paid in full which I think is pretty competitive now I have to build a website cuz what I don't want to happen is I don't want clients to come on our page or check us out and be like oh wow these people are not legit they don't have a website and this is just not credible whatsoever so what can I do to do this quickly let's just Google free landing pages ooh free landing page builder and Creator and canva nice I'm just going to use this so let's add this to our website [Music] cool let's use that [Music] photo at the end of the day if I'm just trying to sell my first client I don't need to have like this crazy website I think a lot of people spend a little bit too much time on this kind of stuff but it's not going to be the end of the world if you're just starting to get your first client the cold Outreach will help for the first client but if you're more established and this is a game plan that you're wanting to do then I'd for sure pay a little bit more attention to it let's publish this website I could use Precision Outreach publish site so website is done good enough for now and I'm trying to spend my time on the things that are actual needle movers for us not things that are going to like help with the brand necessarily like I care about that like that is a huge part of cold Outreach but for the sake of this I'm really just going to focus on the needle moving activities which is going to be the copy the pricing when I actually begin to go sell this stuff that's what's actually going to be most important all right guys been sitting in this chair for a really long time things are going well I'm only on Phase 2 still so let's just hope I can keep up the pace so that I can spend the most time getting leads and getting on these calls and hopefully closing a deal so let's see how it goes all right so now that we have the offer creation the business infrastructure we're pretty much set up to start selling this in my opinion I feel pretty good about this I feel pretty good about this off offer I feel pretty good about this Niche I feel pretty good about what we're offering to people that it's a pretty solid pain point with a pretty clear solution pricing is competitive a lot of people doing this um and there's a lot of people within my Niche so I'm feeling pretty confident I would say that we can get this knocked out but my real goal right now is I need to start the lead gen process so that I can start booking some calls and getting some things happening cuz that's what's going to be most important after we do all this what we need to do is we need to actually set up the infrastructure of reaching out to people and generating leads of course I'm going to use cold email because that's going to be the fastest way to reach the most amount of people in the smallest amount of time so what I need to do is I need to log into instantly I need to start building lists and I need to get the emails to send from because I can't just be sending from my email and I can't be doing Outreach manually cuz that's just going to take forever to do so what we're going to do is we're going to go to instantly.
a we're going to create an account and log in so I have an account here and as we can see here I have a few emails sort of warmed up some ready to go but it's not near nearly enough to actually scale and sell a service within the amount of time that I have to actually sell this service so what I need to do is I need to get emails to send from what most people do is they manually do Outreach they manually DM they manually email and it just takes forever with instantly we can literally send thousands of emails today given the software and the tools that they have so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go to add new and I'm going to set up emails what I don't want to do is send a bunch of emails from my current account and just burn my domains end up and spam all that store stuff I need to buy emails to send from so that I can have multiple emails that I'm sending from so I can send the volume required to actually get results and sell the service the cool thing with instantly is they have pre-warmed accounts pre-made accounts in domains with generic names which is killer if I can do this I can literally start getting emails right now so I'm going to get 15 domains so that would allow me to be able to send 2,250 emails every single day so I'm going to buy this mini cuz a lot of people underestimate how much volume we need to be sending to actually get results and the cool thing is is I can add a foring domain to all these domains so everybody who is like Edge engage. Edge engage goflow core Etc anytime somebody looks that up I'm just going to redirect them to my canva website when they start to do the research at least I have something up that's all that matters so payment is in process cool so now we can see that these emails are pre-warmed so I don't need to wait 2 weeks for them to be warmed up because again I'm just trying to get my first lead so I can check this off the box and this didn't take me too much time I got instantly I got emails to sent from I can start sending emails as quickly as I can start building out these campaigns we need to figure out who we're going to send these emails to like when it comes to list building I mean I could search Google I could go on LinkedIn I could find a bunch of emails but the cool thing with instantly is I can literally find a list of leads right in here what I can do is I can go to Industry and keywords I can type in marketing and advertising services so what this is going to do is going to pull a list of everybody in the industry of marketing and advertising how else do I want to filter this CU I only want C CEOs I only want Founders co-founders so this gave me a list of 10855 to Founders that do marketing and advertising of some sort so I'm going to go ahead and save this list cuz I'm going to keep using this cuz there's 108,000 people in here which is incredible first what I'm going to do is I'm going to go into my campaigns I'm going to add a new campaign I'm going to do marketing agency called email Legion okay so I'm going to start to build out my campaign inside of instant okay now what it's going to ask me it's going to say add some leads I'm just going to go to lead finder I have the save list right here and what I can do is I can click add to campaign we will add 10,000 verified leads to your campaign so it's not like they're just going to add all these emails and like we're going to spray and pre and hope these are actually good contacts it goes through a verification process so I know that every single person I'm emailing is in the marketing advertising space so I'm going to go ahead and add it to here add to campaign and we are good to go we are making good time I'm starting to feel a little bit better about this whole process starting to feel a little bit better about how long it can really take to to get this dialed in so so now as that is getting uploaded I'm good for list building we we have gotten through three of the seven phases we are doing well okay we are we are doing good so far so the next thing that we need to do is copyrighting so copyrighting is one of the most important parts if not the most important part of having success with qual email because copy is like the creative copy is what's going to get their attention and get somebody to actually take action on the email campaigns and actually turn into an appointment turn into a lead for your business if we're not good with copyrighting then it's going to look like a spamming email and it's going to end up in the trash folder or you're going to send all these emails and nobody's going to respond and you're just going to be discouraged so what we need to do is we need to create campaigns and write copy so if I go to instantly we already created the campaign so what we need to do is we need to start writing copy for this campaign when I go to sequences what I can begin to do so I can see that the leads are being added in the leads which is good they're getting verified I can see the email provider all that good stuff so now what I need to do is I need to write copy okay so again I'm trying to speed this up as much as possible and do this quickly so subject line I'm going to do first name thoughts I'm going to say hi first name cous do you also struggle with chasing referrals at your agency reason I ask is because we help agencies build a predictable sales pipeline using hour having to worry about where their next deal is coming from could I shoot you over a personalized video how it all works cheers so for Speed I'm avoiding the personalized line I'm just getting straight into it and we're just going to see how this goes what I'm going do is I'm add a variant and the variant is going to be somewhat similar I'm going to do one more variant awesome so we have three different variations with three different things that we can test so now what we want to do is we want to create follow-up sequences basically from the first message so this is the first message that is going to test out three different variations so now what we're going to do is we're going to use the previous line subject we're send some followup emails beautiful love it simple straight to the point do another followup okay perfect okay I'm going to do one more email and I'm going to do one day apart that's little aggressive but we're running out of time here so so four emails total I'm not writing a novel I'm really just trying to like hit on the pain and hit on the desired outcome of these customers because that's really what they want and that's really the purpose of that in copy really just following up on sending more information cuz what we're doing is we're messaging a bunch of cool people and we want them to raise their hand and show interest all right so now that this is pretty much ready to rock all I need to do is hit go so I'm going to go to options I'm going to select all the accounts that I just bought here I am going to go ahead and click launch we can send 2,000 emails a day so I'm going to get this bad boy launched we're officially live guys let's see how this goes all guys we're officially live with our campaign now we play a little bit of a waiting game and see if this is actually going to produce results we pressed launch I think we did all the work that we needed to do we created a killer offer we created really good copy we got really good lists we did it pretty efficiently but uh proof is going to be in the pudding so we'll just wait and see so I'm going to give it a little bit of time and I'll check back all right so now that the campaign is launched we have what's called a uni box inside of instantly where we're going start to see all the replies all I need to do is I need to open up I can see the positive replies inside of here and I can mark them as interested all that good stuff I can simply reply to them and try to book an appointment so things are looking pretty good so far now it's about getting on a call and seeing how this actually really pans out so Jake think you're in for it bro all right y'all it's been about a week since we launched this campaign I wanted to give it some some steam before we check back in with you but I mean as you saw the results came in pretty quick cuz we were shooting pretty hardcore sending over 2,000 emails every single day actually ended up buying more emails so that they could add the volume but let's go check out the results of what we got here what we can see in the last 7 days I sent 20,000 emails I got 2.
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