Katt Williams SLAMS Steve Harvey For Hating On Him | Exp0ses Steve As A Fr@ud

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Katt Williams SLAMS Steve Harvey For Hating On Him | Exp0ses Steve As A Fr@ud Katt Williams is read...
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y'all Cat Williams is ready to F Steve Harvey up and he is not joking around when it comes to his beef with him these two men have been feuding since God knows when but it looks like they're about to take it to the streets and rough it out like real men because back in January Cat Williams went on Shannon Sharp's Club Shay podcast where he completely trashed Steve Harvey and had him looking real bad Steve Harvey tried to clap back at Cat Williams and warn cat to keep his name out of his mouth but y'all
know that cat is as stubborn as they come and he continued to clown Steve Well Uncle Steve has been fighting for his life on social media since that interview because people have been coming for him left and right because of the cat's statements and accusations he eventually decided to set the record straight and during a recent show he call cat out threatening to pull up on Cat and throw hands with him he probably didn't expect cat to reply but cat did just that and he threatened to jump steeve but y'all know that cat is always
going to go the extra mile literally we saw him running to show us how fast he actually is and he also spilled some spicy tea on Steve exposing him as a fraud and allegedly lying to his fans the whole time so why exactly have these men been feuding and beefing and are these two grown old men really going to have a messy street fight between them let's really break it down I know that cat's insanely messy interview on Club Shay was all the way back in January about 9 months ago so you think that everybody
would be passed it by now right I mean sure the interview was more than 70 million views and Kat came hard for a whole lot of celebs but hey 9 months is a long time in Hollywood who's the one to hold grudges right well it looks like Steve Harvey is definitely holding that Grudge and honestly it's hard not to blame him because cat went in on him cat wasn't holding back when he threw some serious shade at Steve Harvey during his Club Shay Shay interview he claimed that Steve's success wasn't just about hard work like
he claimed according to cat Steve St got to the Top by allegedly being a straightup thief a liar and a master manipulator but hold on these is cat words not mine but this wasn't the first time that cat tried to Spill the tea on Steve he's been hinting for a while that Steve has a bad habit of stealing jokes from other comedians but on Club sh Shay he went all the way in saying Steve would steal his jokes let them simmer for a few years until people forgot then pull them out of his shows giving
them a little remix and act like he came up with them on his own well cat brought the Heat and spilled some extra spicy tea about Steve Harvey calling him out for allegedly lying to his fans for years about his rag to Rich story now if you've been keeping up with Steve you've probably heard a whole SB story about going from dirt po to the top including that Infamous tell of him living in his car and living in parking lots because he couldn't afford rent but according to cat while Steve might have struggled with money
at times the whole living in his car narrative is a bit of a stretch cat claimed that Steve was never that broke and called BS on the idea that Steve was ever homeless even worse he claimed that he had to live in a car and sleep in parking lots and that Steve stole his story like Steve Harvey telling people he used to be homeless that's my story that's not his story Steve Harvey was never homeless when he Mark Curry was touring with him 25 years ago he was making $3,000 a show in cash and doing
five shows a week did they just tell the stories this my thanks to my wife I'm where I am you said that about the first wife you forget that you told us it was her then you went and married somebody else that think like a man like what are you talking about they just they think they can rewrite history yeah that was definitely a nasty read but why exactly did cat go off on Steve like that and what exactly led to their beef in the first place cuz there's no way this started out of the
blue not many people remember this but Steve Harvey and Cat used to be on good terms when cat first started out on his comedy Journey now I won't go as far as to call them besties or anything like that but they were definitely solid Steve got into the industry way before cat did and he even gave cat his stamp of approval during cat's early days in the industry for example at the 2005 bet Comedy Awards Steve introduced cat on stage for his performance and he had nothing but good things to say about cat ladies and
Gentlemen please welcome one of the hottest young comedians in the country today I'm telling you he got my stamp this c as High please put your hands together for cat [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] William good evening ladies and gentlemen what a pleasure to be here but in 2008 the drama between Cad and Steve Took a wild turn when they got into a bizarre beef over who was the better comedian cat was out here saying that he had more talent in his pinky finger than Steve while Steve clapped back reminding everyone that he has
more success and have been in the game way longer than cat well the tension definitely hit a boiling point when they were both booked for the same New Year's Eve show in Detroit Michigan talk about a showdown years later cat spilled some more tea claiming that he wasn't even supposed to be at that show initially according to him he was about to leave standup comedy alog together but the organizers begged him to perform because they needed his name to help sell those tickets but of course the drama didn't stop there cat said Steve got all
salty about him being on the lineup and started throwing shade behind his back but y'all know that Steve has a smart mouth of his own and he threw some shade back at cat he claimed that cat was trying to use a made up beef between the both of them to promote the Detroit show and Steve was not down for that but that ain't got nothing to do with me so this see a little beef thing that everybody want to want to start cuz you want to make a name for yourself that's cool do you you
ain't going to do it right here though you you you ain't going to be on no reputation all Steve Harvey Steve did his thing on that stage without throwing shade or being sneaky but when cat took the stage y'all he dragged Steve for Filth and he dragged him hard and it probably didn't help that he took the main stage immediately after Steve cat's whole segment was pretty much just a roast session dedicated to dragging Steve Harvey for Filth he went in on everything Steve's b style comedy and then some it was brutal y'all like you
just had to be there to witness this savagery firsthand so why did cat Hold On To The Grudge for so long and why did he come for Steve hard on Club Shay now if you think that cat might have had a change of heart or felt even a little bit sorry for coming at Steve unprovoked think again cat isn't losing sleep over any of it in fact he doubled down during his Club Shay appearance proudly claiming that he roasted Steve so badly that Steve was practic forced to hang up his mic and retire from standup
comedy and Cat said all of it with his full chest and meant every word but that's not all because cat also claimed that he was not only the comedian that Steve stole from because he said Steve stole from Mark Curry also punch up and get to the level that it was the same Steve that went to go watch Mark Curry do his whole sitcom and then stole everything Mark Curry had now Steve got a sit kind where he the principal and and he wear a suit and he and then he gets this high top fade
making all black men think he got the best lineup in the business and it's a man unit according to him not only did Steve steal Mark's jokes but he stole Mark's movie idea and pitched it to producers and speaking about Steve's acting career K also slammed Steve for lying about the reason he did not find a lot of success as an actor oh and remember how cat exposed Steve for lying about being homeless he also revealed that at the time time when Steve claimed to be homeless he was making up to $3,000 per show during
his tour with Mark Curry back in the day Steve Harvey went on these shows five times a week and I'mma let you do the ma well cat also brought up the old rivalry between Steve and the late Bernie Mack including an old interview where Bernie had accused Steve of trying to stop his bag well Bernie even spoke about it in his interview with GQ and according to reports the magazine noted several years ago that someone allegedly representing Harvey supposedly called Oceans 11 director Steven soberg office and asked him to reconsider the casting of ma the
caller argued that Harvey was more popular man Bernie says I heard about that I was told about it you know these people are you surprised tell me are you really surprised it's always about him so it kind of looks like cat was defending other comedians who he believed to have been hurt by Steve and he dragged Steve by his potato go head and mustache but why did it take Steve so long to respond and why does he want to fight cat while Steve initially had a few things to say about cat's words he clapped back
a couple of days ago at a show where he threatened to put hands on Cat Williams don't do that man I I I I stay away from it now do I want to yes cuz I'm a human being and a h I used to be a fighter and I still got hands they slow but if you get a r real close I can still not feel that inside I just don't have quickness I hand but I still know how to turn my hi and Shi that way and I'll knock your sh ass out I shoot
your F straight out your head no I'm not even going to lie I would pay some good money to see a fight between these two cuz I know that it would be hilarious as F just to see Steve dancing with his feet in that ring and Cat shuffling around laughing because neither one of them looks like they can actually fight but hey you never can tell what these old folks they got that old man strength but according to an Insider Cat Williams is ready to take it all the way there with Steve too he allegedly
claims that he still got them hands and Steve can catch them hands any time of day these two old men have been doing way too much because we didn't follow them this far into the beef only to be left hanging also oh man get that money well fans have been laughing all over over the Internet leaving comments saying who's going to throw a hip out first Steve Harvey had a lot of is to say and names to call cat but y'all notice that he didn't call him a liar that interview was months ago so him
responding now is just m and who is this unaccomplished hater he's referring to because it's definitely not Cat Williams and Steve Harvey said he's going to knock out Cat Williams man please must be true if you want to fight Tell it on himself man should concentrate on giving his daughter some love so she doesn't continue being a fluffer for the entertainment industry yikes y'all I got to know what you think about all this do you really think that Steve Harvey wants that smoke or is he just flapping his gums drop your th in comments below
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