YouTube Channels Abandoned for Disturbing Reasons

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why would someone grow a channel from zero to millions of subscribers only to abandon it today we'll dive into the creepy tragic and shocking reasons why amazing YouTube channels were abandoned starting from the least to the most disturbing reason I'm visual adventure and you are awesome snake bit McGee to most people snake bit McGee was just a Channel about hiking but in reality it was much more than that The Man Behind the channel was Kenny Vach an experienced hiker Kenny filmed himself hiking through the Nevada and California deserts and uploaded the videos to YouTube he is big look at the horns on that guy that's why I love coming out here you never know what you're going to see but hiking through these deserts was more dangerous than viewers realized the heat is Extreme with temperatures hitting 134° F there's also little water so dehydration can occur in a matter of hours to make matter worse Kenny was hiking through the desert alone he didn't carry a map or compass and his food and water supplies were minimal we walked through the home to rattlesnakes mountain lions and coyotes but instead of staying clear of them Kenny was known to play with rattlesnakes for fun it was only a matter of time before one of his hiking trips went horribly wrong Kenny's problems began with a simple comment on a YouTube video in June 2014 a YouTube channel called serious disclosure posted a video TI titled son of an Area 51 technician the video was by a guy who claimed his dad was an engineer at Area 51 which was a top secret military base in Nevada conspiracy theorists believe that the US government conducts top secret experiments involving UFO aliens and other extraterrestrial technology there so after this guy posted the area 51 video people started watching and commenting one of the comments was from Kenny v Kenny wrote I Am A longdistance hiker one time during one of my hikes I found a hidden cave the entrance to the cave was shaped like a perfect capital M I always enter every cave I find but as I began to enter this particular cave my whole body began to vibrate the closer I got to the cave entrance the worse the vibrating became suddenly I became very scared and hight tailed out of there that was one of the strangest things that have ever happened to me everyone was buzzing about Kenny's comment a strange m-shaped cave near Area 51 could it be proved of aliens on Earth there was just one problem Kenny didn't have any evidence and many people called him out for it to prove he was telling the truth Kenny had to return to the cave and film it his subscribers urged him to retrace his steps and find the cave again so that he could investigate further it seemed like a simple task for Kenny but it would become a huge disaster in late 2014 Kenny went on a hike to find the M cave but he seemed really nervous besides his video camera Kenny also took a firearm for protection section so I hope I can find it again if if I do I'm I'm going in there I'm going to put on my light and take my out and walk in there see if I find anything unfortunately his mission would end in a failure in a video entitled M cave hike Kenny revealed that after days of searching through the hot desert he couldn't find the cave well I did not find the cave that is so weird I mean I thought for sure I was just going to be able to find it disappointed YouTube users flooded the comment section criticizing vich for not proving his original claim they pressured him to go on another hike and find the cave by any means Kenny's credibility was at stake so in November 2014 Kenny went on another hike to find the MC he told his family and friends that he would be back the next day Days Later Kenny never returned Kenny's girlfriend reported him missing and search teams went looking for him on November 22nd search and rescue volunteers found k phone near an abandoned M shaft his car was also found about a 4-Hour hike away from where the phone was found but no other traces of Kenny were discovered it was like he vanished Into Thin Air conspiracy theorists went wild many people believed Kenny found the cave but then the government locked them up to keep their secrets safe the rumors intensified when Kenny's comments on that area 51 video were mysteriously deleted with one person saying Kenny's comments are removed why I was digging up more more information about M cave and what happened to Kenny I truly now think the government has something to do with Kenny's disappearance Kenny still hasn't been found and his YouTube channel has been inactive since Kenny beich was trying to solve a mystery and now he is another mystery now this next channel is less bizarre but much much more upsetting the kniv nulls husband and wife Austin and Britney null weren't just YouTube vloggers they were Christian vloggers their identity as Christian was a major part of their brand they started their channel the kniv nulls in 2010 before long the channel grew to over 350,000 subscribers with over 60 million views over the past year and a half my hot wife Britney and I have enjoyed making super sexy videos for you guys we've been able to bring awareness to many important issues Austin and Brittney never missed a chance to share their Christian beliefs they also posted videos showing their daily lives as parents which involve activities like taking care of their children and eating together what are you guys doing man y look so crazy Hey listen I have something that you will love they seem like the perfect Christian couple however Austin had a secret he was hiding from his wife and he knew it would destroy the relationship Christmas day was a special time for the null family however Christmas Day 2015 was the worst day of Austin's life because that was a day inappropriate videos of himself were leaked on the internet first of all when it got released it was like Christmas Day and then my family was staying with me and then people on the blogs that hated on us found out and they started dming my videos to my mom and sister to all of our sponsors the leak went viral with many mainstream media Outlets covering the Scandal the videos showed Austin doing inappropriate acts now that practically everyone saw it Austin had no choice but to come clean a few days later Austin and Britney made a video addressing the Scandal Austin explained that a year ago a girl sent him inappropriate photos on social media but instead of blocking the girl Austin said that he had a Secret online Affair for 5 months he called it an online affair because he never met the girl in person the affair involved exchanging photos and videos to make matters worse the affair began when Britney found out she was pregnant with their third child in the apology video Austin and Brit said that they were going to use this opportunity to spread the of Christ no matter what you've done Jesus will forgive you they also signed up for couples counseling to fix their relationship but things didn't get better in fact they went downhill even faster in July of 2017 after 7 years of running their Channel Austin and Britney null made a video that broke their subscribers Hearts they announced they were getting a divorce some fans were shocked asking what could possibly break up this perfect couple it turns out that history repeated itself Austin cheated again Austin's unfaithfulness ruined their relationship and tarnished their reputation as Christian role models Austin said he kept having Affairs because he was no longer happy in the relationship and that's why in July 2017 the nulls decided to split their Christian Family Channel was ruined and Austin abandoned the YouTube channel but after the divorce Britney renamed the channel Brit space and continued to Vlog about her life and her children the YouTube channels we've covered so far were abandoned because of a tragedy or scandal however the next chapter was abandoned because of stupidity Trevor Jacob not many YouTubers can say they are Olympic athletes but Trevor Jacob is one of the few that can Trevor represented the United States in snowboarding at the 2014 Winter Olympics he was also skilled at skateboarding surfing BMX riding Motocross and mixed martial art this guy did it all so when Jacob started YouTube no one was surprised when he decided to create Daredevil content he created high energy videos showing him skydiving snowboarding and Performing other adrenaline pumping stunts Jacob's fearlessness made him really popular and his channel quickly crossed 100,000 subscribers however just as his channel was gaining momentum Trevor posted a controversial video that threatened his YouTube career and put his life in danger in November 2021 Trevor filmed himself preparing to fly a one-seater single engine aircraft the video show show him taking off from Lomo City airport in California heading to Mammoth Mountain Jacob was a licensed pilot and he recorded himself making dozens of flights but this flight in particular wasn't like the others 35 minutes after takeoff Jacob turned to the camera and said his plane was experiencing engine failure he looked a bit anxious and it was understandable since his life was at risk after looking around a bit Jacob said he couldn't find a place to land the plane his only option was to jump out of the plane so that's what he did already wearing a parachute he jumped out with a selfie stick camera in hand and filmed his descent the unmanned plane flew through the sky and crashed into the Los padus National Forest the plane's plunge was recorded by cameras mounted on the plane's wing and tail when he landed Jacob heaved a sigh of relief and said I'm just so happy to be alive weeks later on December 23rd 2021 Jacob uploaded a 12-minute video of the crash to YouTube titled I crash my airplane in the video Jacob emphasized that he did not intentionally crash the plane but realized there was nowhere for him to land while he was mid-flight and parachuted out in need of an emergency escape the video instantly went viral racking up more than 4 million views Jacob's subscribers were relieved he survived the strange crash without major injuries but little did his subscribers know that they were fooled the crash wasn't an accident Jacob did it on purpose it seemed like the plan was to go viral and it worked the video was getting thousands of views every day I mean there have been crazy things people have done for views but crashing a plane is on another level here's the plot twist Jacob didn't realize that intentionally crashing a plane was a crime to keep himself out of jail he went to Great Lengths to cover up his lie the problem with a video going viral is that a lot of people get to watch it some viewers noticed inconsistencies in Jacob's story and grew skeptical of the crash within week authorities were called in to investigate the crash for foul play but now this morning the FAA and NTSB saying they are investigating if Jacob who was also a former Olympic snowboarder intentionally crashed that plane the first problem with Jacob's video was that he was already wearing a parachute when the plane took off it was like he knew the plane would crash also Jacob's video did not show the aircraft controls nor engine instruments to support his claim that the engine failed but the final piece of evidence was the strongest when Trevor said the engine failed he didn't perform basic Aviation emergency procedures like trying to restart the engine contacting air traffic control or initiating a forced Landing he just jumped out as the authorities continued their investigations Jacob acted like he wasn't worried about the allegations saying people can believe whatever they choose however as the pressure mounted Jacob decided to commit a second crime to cover up his first Jacob was told he was was responsible for preserving the wreckage so the agency could examine it instead he went back to the wreckage site and moved parts of the plane to a hanger where he destroyed them what he did was obstruct a federal investigation which is a crime after destroying the evidence Jacob lied to investigators saying that he couldn't remember exactly where the crash took place however the YouTube video was the biggest evidence against them in April 2022 the authorities concluded that Jacob crashed his plane for views in May 2023 Jacob pleaded guilty to the charges against them he was sentenced to 6 months in federal prison and his pilot's license was temporarily revoked I did pretend that you know the engine died and kind of made The Saga of the video you were acting a bit yeah after Trevor Jacob was sentenced he abandoned his YouTube channel putting his career on hold he got out of jail on June 12th 2024 and he seems to have posted one video 9 months ago as I'm recording this video but seems to have fully abandoned it sometimes one innocent mistake can bring down a super successful YouTube channel and that's exactly what happened in the next story Jenna Marbles Jenna Marbles was one of YouTube's first Superstars her Channel grew to 20 million subscribers and 1. 8 billion video views she was the first YouTuber to have a wax figure of herself Madame tuzo in New York her YouTube videos were discussed on ABC News and in the New York Times and then Jenna threw it all away by quitting YouTube her videos weren't demonetized and she didn't have health issues she just quit but the big question is why to understand the answer we need to explain how Jenna a former go go dancer at nightclubs gained 20 million subscribers in the first place when Jenna joined YouTube in 2010 she pulled off something amazing her very first video went viral her video how to trick people into thinking good-looking got 5. 3 million views in the first week I don't even have a video with that many views period hello there friends and welcome to my tutorial on how to trick people into thinking you're really good looking her follow-up videos were also successful how to avoid people you don't want to talk to was featured in The New York Times and ABC News giving her national attention young woman who is the queen of clicks her YouTube videos have been viewed by more than a billion Jenna Fame skyrocketed in the next couple of years she joined a top talent agency made t-shirts with her most popular phrases and was an executive producer for a Hollywood movie and of course Jenna got rich making millions of dollars from YouTube now once a week she makes a new video on everything from how to put on makeup when you're drunk amazing to a day in the life of Jenna after 10 years on Youtube Jenna was a real celebrity that's when one mistake from her past came back to ruin everything in June 2020 someone noticed a video on Jenna's YouTube channel the video showed Jenna imitating Nicki Minaj while wearing black face blackface is the type of makeup that white performers use to imitate black people although Jenna's blackface video was from 9 years ago in 2011 it still made thousands of people mad social media blew up Jenna was criticized for creating such distasteful content but before she could even apologize they found more offensive videos on her Channel there was another 2011 video where she makes derogatory comments about an Asian man and a 2012 video where she made hurtful comments about females after receiving a barrage of negative comments on social media Jenna decided to post an emotional apology video and I try to make fun content inclusive content things that don't offend people or upset people she said I just want to tell you it was not my intention to do blackface it doesn't matter all that matters is that people were offended it's shameful it's awful I wish it wasn't part of my past at the end of her apology she announced that she was quitting YouTube I don't think I'm having a good time and it seems like maybe some other people aren't having a good time so for now I don't I just can't exist on this channel Jenna's decision wasn't about taking a break it was about the intense backlash it was the way cancel culture attacked her although Jenna accepted her mistakes and deleted the offensive videos the hate kept pouring in it seemed that people wanted to tear her down rather than give her a chance to change Jenna felt her only option was to quit Jenna leaving YouTube was headline news it showed just how famous she was her subscribers genuinely loved her and didn't want to see her go one fan tweeted I'm devastated I watch Jenna Marble videos every night I rewatch it tons of times the fact that she may never return to her Channel post content there anymore breaks my heart I look up to this woman so much so to me Jenna's story is disturbing because it shows how horrible cancel culture is one of the First videos that ever blew up for me was a video called how cancel culture destroyed an entire generation she was canceled over something insignificant that she did 9 years ago and she even apologized for it Jenna abandoned her 20 million subscriber YouTube channel because the hate was too much and I don't blame her when you put yourself out there online you become a Target just because Jenna has millions of subscribers and you don't doesn't ch the fact that you can become a Target too right now as we speak your data might be floating online for everyone to see and this can have real consequences my mom has been a victim and I've been hacked and doxed all because my information was public without me even realizing it how it happens is that data Brokers are companies that collect your information from everywhere surveys social media and even Forum posts then they sell it to other companies this 2024 alone the FTC received 5.
7 million reports of fraud in identity theft obviously it's not slowing down so I use delete me to help keep my information off the internet once you sign up you just tell them what information you want deleted and their privacy experts handle the rest it took me like 10 minutes and I Peace of Mind knowing that my information is safe to get 20% off delete me consumer plans go to join delet me. com Venture and use my code Venture checkout again it's join delet me. com Venture Cod Venture it's an honor to have delete me sponsoring this video my friends this might just save you more than you realize the next YouTube channel was caught in a Web of Lies betrayal and revenge it was like something straight out of a Hollywood movie Steven Maka YouTube Channel vote Saxon 07 ended due to a situation a judge described as one of the most complex cases she had ever come across vote Saxon 07 was created in 2015 by Steven Mulla Steven filmed himself reviewing toys colle ibles and merch from the science fiction series Doctor Who he also reviewed merch from other popular franchises this for example is my all-time favorite Sonic Screwdriver the 11th DrSonic and I've created a whole new character this is drunk da his channel grew slowly eventually amassing around 37,000 subscribers when he wasn't reviewing toys Steven live streamed himself playing video games by the end of 2022 Steven had a successful YouTube channel a girlfriend and a baby on the way he wasn't involved in any controversies or Scandal life was good then one day everything changed when Steven was accused of taking someone's life Steven's girlfriend was 32-year-old Natalie mcnali she was 15 weeks pregnant with his child although Natalie and Steven both lived in the UK they lived in different parts of the country around 9:00 a.
m. on December 18th 2022 Natalie's neighbors thought they heard a scream coming from her home the scream stopped and the neighbors didn't call the police the next morning Steven showed up at Natalie's home and found her body someone had taken her life Steven called the cops and they showed up a few minutes later this was now a crime scene almost immediately Steven was ruled out as a suspect because he had a solid Alibi the previous night which was when the crime occurred Steven was live streaming himself playing Grand Theft Auto the thousands of viewers who watched his 6-hour live stream could vouch for him besides Steven had no motive he was let off the hook as police focused on other suspects however it didn't take long for the cops to Circle back to him because they realized Steven had one of the strongest motives to want Natalie gone during the investigation the police checked Natalie's emails and text messages when they scanned her phone they found something interesting 3 days before she died Natalie exchanged 33 WhatsApp messages with an ex-boyfriend Steven found out Natalie's family told the cops that she gave Steven the passcode to her phone when they started dating phone records also showed that on the night before Natalie passed her phone was unlocked nine times the cops suspected Steven read the messages between Natalie and her ex the night before the crime this wasn't enough to arrest Steven but it motivated the cops to take a closer look at his Alibi and what they discovered was so diabolical it made Steven look like a criminal genius Steven's Alibi was that he was live streaming for 6 hours on the night of the crime but when the detectives reviewed the footage they noticed so many red flags typically during a live stream the streamer can see messages from viewers and respond in real time but during Steven's live stream he told viewers he could not interact with them live due to technical issues he then made repeated references to the time being at home and broadcasting live it was pretty weird how he kept emphasizing that he was live hey and we're live that's the fun of being life so I just thought why not I'm going to do a live stream cyber experts were invited to analyze the live stream footage and they confirmed what the cops suspected Steven's live stream was not live it was pre-recorded days earlier the fake live stream didn't prove that Steven was guilty but it did prove he lied about what he was doing on the night of the crime why would an innocent man lie to the cops Steven was invited to the station to answer that question and believe it or not he had an explanation after he was presented with evidence that he faked the live stream Steven quickly changed his story he acknowledged he was not live streaming on the night of the crime but he said he was instead drinking in his house and fell asleep Steven had no witnesses to support his Alibi that he was drinking at home police also found CCTV footage showing a man who looked like Steven taking a taxi near Natalie's home the night of the crime Steven was now the prime suspect he was accused of plotting against Natalie after finding her texts with her ex and creating a fake 6-hour live stream to cover up Steven Mulla was arrested on January 31st 2023 and pleaded not guilty his trial was set for September 2024 which is literally right now as I'm recording this video Steven's arrest and fake live stream Alibi was headlined news around the world after his arrest Steven obviously abandoned his YouTube channel the next channel on our list also involves a YouTuber who went from being loved to hated in fact things got so bad that their own subscribers put a bounty on her had nutty's diary by the time she was 29 nathamon Kong also known as nutty was one of the most successful YouTubers in Thailand she started her channel in 2014 posting singing and dancing tutorials K-pop covers as well as Vlogs to document her daily life nutty's Beauty and Charisma attracted many fans soon her Channel amassed over 800,000 subscribers and millions of views as nutty got more popular she began to earn a lot of money and she wasn't afraid to spend it nutty filmed herself buying luxury cars watches and properties showcasing her lavish lifestyle attracted even more followers it was at this point that Natty shocked her fans by quitting singing and dancing to become a financial Guru it turned out to be the biggest mistake of her life nutty subscribers watched in awe as she showed her lavish lifestyle dreaming of the day they could be rich enough to live like her so they were excited when nutty announced she was going to help her subscribers get rich suddenly she claimed that she was a successful Forex Trader she started going by the name coach nutty she said she could generate thousands of dollars in just 16 minutes of trading and over $100,000 in a single day she even posted images of what she said her profits were her lavish lifestyle convinced viewers that she was rich and following her advice would make them Rich too that's when nutty made her pitch since she was such a good Trader she told her subscribers to send her money for Forex Trading guaranteeing returns as high as 35% on their Investments usually when people invest in the stock market the average return is about 5 to 7% so this was incredible in total more than 6,000 people gave her their money then they sat back and waited for the checks to come in Unfortunately they were going to be disappointed by April 2022 the 6,000 people who invested with nutty didn't receive their payments and they were Furious hundreds of them filed complaints demanding their money back however nutty's response was far worse than they expected in an Instagram post nutty claimed that she lost all her investors money after a huge mistake in trading the amount she lost was about 55 million us of her subscriber money now let that sink in nutty promised to return all their money if they gave her some time then she went silent on social media her announcement caused Panic among her subscribers some tried to sue her but her response to the lawsuit was that she wouldn't be able to make repayments if she were imprisoned and then amidst the growing Scandal nutty vanished reports claimed that she might have fled to another country most likely Malaysia her victims chipped in and put a bounty on her head within a few months they raised $55,000 as a reward for information leading to her arrest unfortunately nutty still hasn't been found her YouTube channel nutty's diary has been abandoned for about 2 years spy kitten TV spy kitten TV is a YouTube channel that helped spread the wildest conspiracy theories on the internet created in 2015 the face behind the channel was a mysterious lady known as Dasha my name is Dasha for those of you who don't know and I was born in Russia Spy Kid TV made videos discussing secret societies the occult and world domination no one was off limits for dasha from h hwood actors to Billboard's hottest musicians Dasha didn't hesitate to accuse anyone of being a member of an evil secret society in today's video we will be discussing the terrifying reality of our world and the Demonic forces behind it the group Dasha discussed most was the Illuminati she claimed the Illuminati was trying to establish a new world order to control the world the only way you stop them was to expose their Master Plan before it was too late so that's what her YouTube channel was trying to do videos like the weekend admits he sold a soul Illuminati exposed and the Illuminati warning to Taylor Swift brought in millions of views helping her Channel reach 267,000 subscribers at its peak but as Dasha got more subscribers her theories became more disturbing she dissected music videos and celebrity photos pointing out symbols she believed were linked to the Illuminati I will be decoding the extreme Illuminati symbolism purposely planted throughout Beyonce's music video called Hold Up many believed adasha was connecting unrelated events to build a narrative that supported her theories still her fans saw her as a hero putting herself in danger to reveal the truth it sounded far-fetched but maybe Dasha was really in danger because something strange happened when Dasha tried to link rapper tekashi 69 to the Illuminati in July 2018 Dasha uploaded a video titled tekashi 6 9 welcomed into the Illuminati in today's video we will be discussing rapper tekashi 69 his brand new music video and his involvement with the Illuminati Dasha focused on the music video for Fe a collaboration between him and Nicki Minaj she pointed out several symbols and imagery that she believed were signs of illuminati influence no matter how Goofy and innocent this music video looks to the average viewer many won't notice what is actually going on das's video was a huge success raking in over a million views her subscribers were eager for more exposes like this they waited and waited but no new video came that's when they realized Dasha disappeared in July 2018 spy kitten TV suddenly went silent her social media channels also went dark with no explanation dasha's disappearance made people wonder what really happened to her some thought Dasha uncovered something dangerous something that went far beyond the usual conspiracy theories a secret so huge those in power would do anything to keep it from getting out if Dasha had real proof of a conspiracy then there's a possibility that some people would want to end her this Theory gets more disturbing when you consider how Dasha vanished no warning no goodbye just silence some try to suggest a more innocent explanation maybe Dasha decided to take a break from YouTube but why would a YouTuber who was so committed to her Mission take such a long break without telling her subscribers fans dug into dasha's personal life and uncovered another clue right before she vanished she was talking more openly about the Illuminati controlling world events her last four videos went all in on the Illuminati and got a ton of views her sudden silence felt too convenient to be a coincidence 5 years have now passed since Spy Kid TV was abandoned and with each passing day dasha's subscribers are more conin convinced that she was silenced and maybe one day we'll know the truth our next channel will be remembered as one of the worst endings to one of the most iconic YouTube channels ever appur in November 2021 appur uploaded a video titled I am not dead I am 57 today he had no idea that just a few days later that title would make headlines ur's content was unlike anything on YouTube he shared videos of himself performing daring activities on Frozen Waters like ice skate swimming in ice holes and Diving but appor stunts weren't the weirdest part about his content appor had a strange habit of licking stuff he would lick a signpost an old car and a piece of glass his wacky behavior is even more fascinating when you consider his background ur's real name was tour eov several years back he graduated from a top university in Norway and lived in the city with his partner and child so how did apator go from family man living in the big city to performing weird stunts in below freezing temperatures in 2006 after living in the city for a while apur grew bored with his traditional life he loved camping mountain climbing and outdoor bathing since he couldn't experience that in the city apur left his family and moved into a cabin in the Norwegian Countryside he got a job at a paint factory and started making YouTube videos in his free time however it took 5 years for apur to go viral with a video called on thin sea ICE 2 in that video he was skating on ice while making noises like a seal when it hit a million views in one week apur decided to make more videos like it people loved his content and his views shot up apur even had a video Hit 105 million views although people loved his content it clearly wasn't safe and it was just a matter of time before something bad happened on November 27th 2021 apur made a video that ended up being his last while he was filming on a frozen lake before eov fell through the ice e off's partner said on Facebook he was in an icy lake for too long while filming a video for the apur channel sadly appur didn't make it it was a tragic end to one of the most creative channels YouTube has ever seen rest in peace the way this next Channel ended didn't just disappoint viewers destroyed lives and tore families apart nomadic static the way nomadic static ended was so shocking that it made national headlines and even triggered a policeman hunt Nomad static was a YouTube channel created by Gabby Patito and her fiance Brian laundry they planned to travel across the US in their van and Vlog their experience through their Channel they were young in love and about to travel the world it seemed like a fairy tale but the truth was the happy couple wasn't as happy as they seemed Gabby and Brian often got into big arguments sometimes these fights were so intense they even turned physical after one of their arguments Gabby wrote a letter to Brian she wrote you know how much I love you so and I'm writing this with love just please stop crying and stop calling me names because we're a team and I'm here for you I'm always going to have your back she ended the letter with I hope you understand what I'm upset it's cuz you make me love you too much now stop crying and come home and say you love me with a big hug I love you even though they argued a lot they were committed to embarking on their cross country road trip to save up for their trip Gabby worked 50 hours a week at Taco Bell while ran worked at a juice bar by December 2020 they saved enough to buy a 2012 Ford van converted into a camper and then on July 2nd 2021 Gabby and Brian set off on a 4mon cross country Adventure they set up cameras laptops in the van so they could shoot edit and upload their videos to their Channel this was supposed to be the first of many trips but it soon became obvious that 4 months in a cramped van was too much for the emotional couple the trip was off to a good start in the first month on the road they visited momentum rocks Mystic hot springs and many cool places so we are right outside Capal Reef right now in a uh free dispersed Camp spot and we've been lucky so far at all the places we've stayed Brian stretching doing some morning yoga I love the van it was going great and then less than 2 months into their Journey their small van Felt Like Hell on Wheels in August 2021 someone called 911 to report they'd seen a man and woman arguing in the street that couple was Gabby and Brian when the cops Tracked Down the van and pulled them over they found Gabby crying heavily in the passenger seat Gabby claimed she was doing work on her computer that morning when the couple started fighting she also admitted that she got physical first and Brian retaliated the officers also noticed scratches on Brian's Body which Brian says Gabby caused since neither of them wanted topress charges the cops made no arrest in retrospect the cops should have taken the case more seriously because Brian and Gabby's next argument was going to be so bad it would become headline news on August 27th Gabby's mom received a weird text from her the message read can you help St I just keep getting his voicemails and Miss calls the message raised a million red flags because Stan was Gabby's grandfather and Gabby never referred to her Granddad by his first name 3 Days Later Gabby's mom received another weird text from Gabby it simply said no service in yose these didn't feel like messages Gabby would typically send that was strange but stranger things were happening with Brian around that same time Brian unexpectedly showed up at his parents home in Florida he was driving the couple's van but Gabby was not with him he didn't want to discuss where she was Miles Away gab's mom was still uneasy about the weird text messages on September 11th after not hearing from Gabby for weeks Gabby's mom reported her missing as Gabby's disappearance became a national Story the spotlight fell on Brian especially since the relationship was so unstable however before anyone could question him Brian himself went missing he left his parents home to go hiking but never returned 2 days after Brian vanished the country received devastating news Gabby's remains were found at a campsite in Wyoming and the autopsy revealed that she had been gone for 3 to 4 weeks looking at the Timeline it seemed that Brian sent texts from Gabby's phone after her demise to make it look like Gabby was still with him it was a sloppy attempt to cover his tracks Brian was now the prime suspect however they wouldn't get the chance to bring him to Justice a month later they discovered Brian's remains in a natural reserve in Florida the nomadic static YouTube channel is turned into a memorial for Gabby Patito with the comments section filled with messages of love for a beautiful soul taken too soon Gabby poto never goes outside this next YouTube channel ended in a tragic way and sadly it was all caught on camera Nishu desw Nishu deswal was one of the biggest YouTubers in India and forgive me if I'm not saying his name right his channel hrpb tractors had more than 1.
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