How to mine BITCOIN with your Home PC or Laptop!

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The Hobbyist Miner
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Video Transcript:
are you looking to put your home computer to work earning Bitcoin when you're not using it I got you covered maybe you have a monster computer with a massive GPU and CPU maybe you're rocking a slick gaming laptop with some crazy Hardware in it when you're in school at class at work on vacation or sleeping you can put your PC to work mining Bitcoin in less than 10 minutes what is going on Miners and welcome back to the hobbyist miner Channel well in 10 minutes and 10 easy steps I'm going to show you how you
can set up your PC to mine Bitcoin if you're new to the channel welcome I'm the hobbyist miner I started mining 3 years ago with two MSI 970s jump ahead I have 100 graphics cards over 30 Bitcoin Miners and well I love crypto mining in today's video I hope you learned something and come back next time so feel free to go ahead and click that subscribe button to be notified when I drop my next crypto mining video before we get too much further in today's video I want to give a special shout out to the
team over at endless mining for sponsoring today's video I've had the pleasure of getting to know Augustine very well over the last few years and have met him in person at mining disrupt 2023 if you guys are in the market for buying your next Bitcoin or Casa Miner go reach out to Augustine great guy he can get you really good pricing on your favorite s21s your s19 K pros and the amazing new ks5 and if you don't have a place to run them augustin's got you covered over at endless mining they offer hosting in the
United States which is awesome finally at checkout you want to save a few bucks well augustin's got you covered he's provided the promo code RPM face reveal that you give you guys a discount at checkout go check out all the details directly down below and tell endless mining I said hello all right 10 steps 10 minutes let's get started all right step number one is super easy and most of you probably already have this done you're going to want Windows 10 or Windows 11 installed on whatever computer you're looking to earn Bitcoin on if you're
unfamiliar on how to do this and you want some help I'll put a link to a fellow content creators video down below where they walk you through step by step how to install Windows 10 and windows 11 all right step number two is a simple one you just want to make sure you're on the internet you can be connected via a wired ethernet connection from your computer directly to your router or via Wireless as long as the connection is stable you're good to go mining doesn't use a lot of bandwidth so you can get away
with five down five up very simple and very easily step number three we want to disable hibernate and screen saver because we don't want your computer falling asleep and disabling some of the resources it needs when it's mining so to do this hit the Windows key in the bottom leftand corner and we're going to start out by typing in screen saver that's going to be the first thing that pops up and we're going to click on that that's going to bring up your windows screen saver right now we got the good old ribbons running at
15 minutes so let's start there by clicking the drop- down box Going To None the next thing you're going to want to do is to go down here to where it says change power settings click there right here it's going to give you some of your power settings and we're going to click change power settings once that's done you can see that if I'm running on a laptop it has a battery if you're running on a normal gaming computer or workstation computer it's not going to have the battery option but we want to come in
here and make sure that everything in here is set to never because we hate to get started Mining and then find out that our computer pretty much went into hibernate or sleep mode 30 minutes into Mining and cuts into well our Bitcoin profits once that's completed hit save changes close out of that hibernation window hit apply and hit okay step number four close all of your programs and browsers before you get started mining any of that takes up resources and well cuts into your profits so first thing to do unfortunately go through guys and close
all of these programs that we have open you want to have nothing running no Photoshop no let's see no smiley faces in uh paint and no browsers with boatloads of content and tabs open you want absolutely nothing open at the time of mining step number five open your favorite internet browser and go to nice hash's website if you guys want a direct link I'll leave one directly Down Below in the video description that will also include step-by-step instructions once you're over on nice House's website click get started in the upper right hand corner this is
going to bring up a signup page walk through the sign up process and I'll see you guys on the other side step number six we've created an account and we've loged Lo in to nice has we're now on the nice has dashboard our next step is to install the nice has Miner which will earn us Bitcoin so in the upper leftand corner click on mining in the upper right hand corner click download Miner this will bring up a page with different miners pick the second one that just has nice hash minor with the white and
orange logo go ahead and click on that and it's going to prompt us with another download nice hash Miner when you do that it's going to begin to download the minor in the meantime it's going to give us our nice hash wallet go ahead and copy that once your download is finished you can go ahead and launch the software I have it right here in my download history I'm going to go ahead and left click on it and that is going to launch the installer for nice has we're going to walk through it here you
can read through the terms of service if you're interested click I agree and click next look at that it finished rather quickly we're going to go ahead and click finish and it's going to launch the actual mining software step number eight let's get started mining so we've launched the nice hash Miner software it's going to give us another terms of service um agreement click I agree it's now going to give us a disclaimer we're going to hit I agree it's going to ask us our language we're going to hit next all right so because I've
tested this out and played with it before I get this popup saying that it's detected the nice has address in my registry most likely you're going to hit add new mining address here and this is where it's going to want you to you can scan a QR code and things like that but if you remembered we copied our address that nice has address to our clipboard so we have an option right down here that says enter nice mining address manually we're going to click there and we're just going to hit contrl V and that paste
it right in there and we're just going to hit save next it's going to go ahead and it'll take a few minutes to run through testing out a few things so give it a few minutes check back in just a second during the install process if you come to any Windows like this no need to be concerned it's just two types of miners that would like to be installed that run inside the nice has software so I'm going to hit I agree for both of them next it's going to ask to reboot the actual nice
has software we'll click restart all right so the software is ready guys it detects our one GPU and our one CPU so what should we do well let's just go ahead and click the play button to get started mining if at any time you see this window pop up don't be concerned go ahead and click allow access nice has is trying to install another minor to go ahead and test and Benchmark Now by default your GPU is enabled but we want to go up to top to devices and you can see here the GPU is
benchmarking which is great but my CPU is disabled so if you'd like to mine with your CPU as well go ahead and check off the box for CPU it will now Benchmark both of these these devices and let this run i' honestly this could take a few minutes it could take a few hours but you want it to Benchmark as long as possible to determine the best minor to use on your system for your CPU and GPU which will result in being the most profitable I highly recommend that while benchmarking or mining is occurring that
you don't try to use your GPU or your CPU mining trying to use 100% of both of those devices to be the most profitable trying to play games check your email return messages it's not going to work out well your entire computer is going to seem goofy a little locked up and super sluggish well it's using all the resources if you are mining with a laptop I highly recommend that you actually flip it over on its side and I'll show you a great example of how I do it because of the way that laptops are
designed the fans are really going to start to spin up quickly here to help cool off your CPU and GPU and when you have it face down like you normally would use a laptop it actually is restricting air flow so proper putting it up like this does a great job of helping to cool your equipment all right step number nine this can be completed on another computer while this is running or you can do this on your phone on the nice hash app that you can download and sign into step number nine is we want
to get our Bitcoin wallet address not the one in nice hash but actually our true Bitcoin wallet address and that would be from a device that you purchased for me I love the tangent wallet and I highly recommend the tangent wallet I'll put a link directly down below to it as well as a full step-by-step tutorial video on how to use it so we're over on the nice dashboard we're going to click Mining and you're going to see our minor is in here right now and if you click the arrow next to it it's actually
benchmarking which is fantastic so something to keep track of is and kind of while we talk through things in the very middle you'll see unpaid mining balance this is the balance that has been earned from Mining and it'll take quite a while maybe an hour or two to start to update when you actually have funds in your unpaid mining balance there's a countdown timer to the right when that countdown timer hits zero it will move from unpaid balance over to your Bitcoin Wallet balance now that's your wallet balance on nice has not in your Bitcoin
wallet like for what we talked about before a tangent wallet so that timer I think is about every 3 hours keep an eye on it it's either 2 and 1/2 or 3 hours and that will count down after you've actually purchased or set up an individual ual separate Bitcoin wallet that you own outright as I said I highly recommend the tangum you can come into the nice hash website go to the drop- down arrow up top and click withdraw and you can withdraw your funds from nice has and put them directly on your Bitcoin wallet
step number 10 you are now mining Bitcoin with your computer how awesome is that and finally step number 11 if you guys want to talk about this more you want some help you want to talk more about mining more about Hardware more about GPU rigs feel free to stop over to the hobbyist miner Discord I'll put a link directly down below you got to follow Step 11 though come over and join the community I'd love to talk with you more oneon-one that's going to wrap things up for today I really appreciate you guys joining me
today hopefully this video was helpful 10 easy steps to earn Bitcoin with your computer when it's not in use if you guys enjoyed today's video and you want to be notified when I drop my next video go ahead and click that subscribe button and I'll see you guys next time take care today's video is sponsored by the team over at Quantum Expeditions Bitcoin mining can be incredibly profitable but as most of you know doing it yourself can be complicated and risky unpredictable cost equipment failures and high energy cost make it very difficult for regular people
to achieve consistent gains let alone scaling up Quantum Expeditions makes it easy for retail investors like yourself to participate in the vast opportunities of largescale Bitcoin mining without ever leaving your house join a community where you can contribute your knowledge and feedback or learn from the experience of others now for a limited time you can invest directly in the company through an exclusive regulation CF crowdfund and earn from the future growth in the industry Quantum Expeditions just completed their first deployment of Bitcoin miners 3 weeks ahead of schedule so now is an excellent time to
get involved come check out the quantum Expeditions Link in the description below [Music]
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