"Repeat This 100 Times: Even the Impossible Will Manifest for You!"NEVILLE GODDARD

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Let me tell you a profound truth that will change your life forever: the power that you seek, the power to manifest even the impossible, lies dormant within you at this very moment. You are that power; you are the operant power; you are God in the most profound sense, temporarily occupying a garment of flesh. I say to you now, for just one minute, one single minute of your time, you can set in motion forces so magnificent that they will reshape your entire world, for consciousness is the only reality.
In that one minute of focused consciousness, you can plant a seed that must, by Divine Law, come to harvest. Tonight, I share with you not theory, but law: immutable, unchangeable law. The law states that your consciousness, your feeling, your assumption is the only reality.
What you feel as true, what you accept as real, in that one minute of focused attention becomes the blueprint that the whole vast world must follow. Consider this: when you go to sleep tonight, enter into that one minute with complete surrender to your desire fulfilled. Feel it as real; feel it as present; feel it as now, for the feeling is the secret.
And that one minute of reality of your desire is more powerful than a thousand minutes of yearning or wanting. Let me share with you what I mean. Suppose you desire wealth beyond measure.
In that one minute, you must feel the weight of that wealth, the satisfaction of that abundance, the joy of that prosperity, as if it were already yours. You must enter into the state of the wish fulfilled so completely that when you open your eyes, the outer world seems pale in comparison to what you have just experienced. The outer world, you see, is nothing more than a shadow, a reflection of past assumptions.
But in that one sacred minute, you have the power to change every assumption, to rewrite every belief, to transform every aspect of your life. The whole vast world will reshape itself to match your new assumption, for this is law. I tell you, time is nothing to your subconscious mind.
What you impress upon it in that one minute of focused feeling will work day and night to externalize itself in your world. This is why scripture tells us, "In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, we shall all be changed. " That moment is the moment of assumption.
You need not concern yourself with the how; the how is not your part in this Divine drama. Your role is simply to occupy the state of consciousness of the wish fulfilled for that one minute with such intensity, such conviction, that you can say with absolute certainty, "It is done. " I remember a lady who came to me in dire circumstances.
She had not a penny to her name, and creditors were at her door. I told her to take one minute, just one minute, before sleep and feel the joy, the relief, the absolute knowing of having more than enough. She did this faithfully, and within weeks, through channels she could never have imagined, abundance flowed into her life from every direction.
You see, the outer world must conform to your inner assumptions; it has no choice in the matter. Just as the fruit must grow from the seed, your outer world must grow from the seed of your assumption, and that seed, planted in one minute of focused feeling, contains within it all that is necessary for its own fulfillment. Let me tell you something of profound importance: when you enter into that one minute of consciousness, you must do so with the knowledge that you are entering the most holy of holies.
You are entering into the very source of creation itself, for your consciousness, your "I am," is God Himself, and there is no other power to create or to destroy. Think of it this way: if you were to witness a miracle this very moment, what would you feel? How would your body respond?
What thoughts would flow through your mind? That is exactly how you must feel in your one minute of focused consciousness. You must feel the naturalness, the reality, the absolute certainty of your desire fulfilled.
The reason most people fail in their manifestations is that they treat their imaginal acts as something unreal, something separate from themselves. But I tell you now: your imaginal acts are more real than the world of Caesar, for they are the very substance from which all reality springs. In that one minute, you must abandon yourself completely to the feeling of the wish fulfilled.
If you desire perfect health, feel the freedom and vitality in every cell of your body. If you desire a specific position, feel the satisfaction and responsibility of that position. If you desire a particular relationship, feel the love and connection as if it were already yours.
The secret lies in the intensity of your feeling, the completeness of your absorption in that state. Desire for feeling is the secret, and in that one minute of focused feeling, you are literally molding the substance of the universe according to your desire. Remember the words of scripture: "Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
" This transformation takes place in consciousness first, and that one minute of transformation in consciousness will work its magic until the outer world reflects perfectly what you have impressed upon your subconscious mind. Do not make the mistake of thinking that one minute is too short a time to manifest the impossible. Time is only a concept of the outer world.
In the realm of consciousness, in the realm of the subconscious mind, one minute of complete absorption in the feeling of the wish fulfilled is equal to an eternity. Let me tell you what most of humanity has forgotten: in your imagination, which is your own wonderful human. .
. Consciousness: you can, in one minute, live an entire lifetime. You can compress time to such a degree that a thousand years become as one day in your consciousness.
This is the mystery that the ancient mystics knew. When I tell you to take one minute, I am speaking of a minute pregnant with infinite possibility; for in that minute, when properly used, you transcend all limitations of time and space. You enter into the eternal now, where all things are possible and all realities exist simultaneously.
Consider this: every moment of your life you are manifesting. Every single moment you are creating through your assumptions, but most of these moments are spent unconsciously accepting the limitations of your current reality. What I am giving you now is the secret of conscious creation—deliberate manifestation through that one focused minute.
Let me share with you an absolute principle: the feeling of the wish fulfilled is the secret of creation—not the wish, not the want, not the desire, but the feeling of already having what you desire. In that one minute, you must generate this feeling with such intensity that it crowds out all other thoughts and feelings. When you close your eyes tonight, when you enter into that one minute of focused consciousness, you must feel with every fiber of your being that you are now the person you desire to be.
You must feel the reality of it so intensely that when you open your eyes, the physical world seems like the dream and what you have just experienced in imagination seems like the reality. I tell you, and I tell you with absolute certainty, that your three-dimensional world is nothing more than the out-picturing of your assumptions. The whole vast world is yourself pushed out.
Therefore, in that one minute, you are literally rearranging the entire universe according to your assumption. What would you feel like if you were now the person you desire to be? What would you experience?
How would your friends address you? What conversations would you have? These are not idle questions; they are the very substance of creation.
For in that one minute, as you feel these things as real, you are creating them in the only place they can be created: in consciousness. Remember the words I share with you now: your consciousness is God; your "I am" is the creator of all that appears in your world. Therefore, when you enter into that one minute of focused feeling, you are entering into the very creative substance of the universe.
You are entering into God Himself. I have tested this law countless times, and I tell you now, it never fails. A lady once came to me in tears, her child desperately ill.
I told her to take one minute before sleep and feel the joy, the relief, the gratitude of seeing her child in perfect health. She did this faithfully, and within days, her child made a recovery that the doctors could not explain. You see, the outer world has no choice but to conform to your inner assumptions.
This is law. Just as an apple seed must produce an apple tree, your assumption must produce its physical equivalent. And in that one minute of focused feeling, you are planting the seed that must come to harvest.
Let me tell you of the power that lies within that one minute. When you enter into it, you must do so with the knowledge that you are entering into the most sacred of activities. You are literally exercising your divine right as a created being.
You are doing the work that you were created to do. Do not make the mistake of thinking that this is mere positive thinking or autosuggestion. What I am giving you is the very principle of creation itself.
It is the same principle that created the stars and the planets and that maintains the order of the universe. It is the principle that scripture refers to when it says, "Let there be light. " In that one minute, you must let there be that which you desire to experience.
You must feel it with such completion, such totality that you can say with absolute conviction, "It is finished. " But when you can feel this, when you can experience this with your whole being, the thing is done. And all the forces of the universe move to bring about its physical manifestation.
Think of it this way: everything you now accept as real was once only imagined. Your current circumstances, your present relationships, your existing conditions—all were first imagined before they became fact. Therefore, in that one minute, you are engaging in the most natural and most powerful of all human activities: the act of conscious creation through imagination.
I tell you now with absolute authority that if you understand and apply what I am sharing with you in this moment, nothing will be impossible for you; for the one who knows how to use that single minute of consciousness holds within their hands the key to all creation. Consider the words of scripture: "Before they call, I will answer. " This is not some distant God responding to prayer; this is the law of consciousness in operation.
When you enter that one minute with the feeling of the wish fulfilled, you have already created it. The answer precedes the call because in consciousness, where all creation takes place, you have already received. Let me share with you a profound truth that few understand: in your imagination, there is no limitation of time or space.
You can traverse a million years in a single second of consciousness. You can experience the end before the beginning. This is why that one minute, properly used, can reshape your entire existence.
When you lie down tonight and enter into that sacred minute of communion with your own wonderful human imagination, you must do so. . .
So, with the knowledge that you are entering the realm of cause, the three-dimensional world you see around you is merely an effect. It must, by Eternal Law, conform to what you establish in Consciousness. I tell you now: do not waste that minute wondering how your desire will be fulfilled.
The how is not your concern; your only responsibility is to assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled with such intensity, such conviction, that you can feel the naturalness of it, feel the solidity of it, feel the reality of it. Imagine, if you desire perfect health, in that one minute you must feel the vitality coursing through your veins, feel the strength in your limbs, feel the perfect functioning of every organ, every cell. Feel the joy of moving with complete freedom and vigor.
Feel the naturalness of perfect health so completely that you cannot remember what it felt like to be otherwise. If it is wealth you desire, in that one minute you must feel the abundance surrounding you, feel the security of substantial wealth, feel the freedom it brings, feel the joy of helping others, feel the naturalness of having more than enough. Feel it so completely that you cannot remember what lack feels like.
You see, your subconscious mind knows no difference between what you imagine with feeling and what you experience in the outer world; to your subconscious mind, they are one and the same. Therefore, what you impress upon it in that focused minute of consciousness must externalize itself in your world. Let me tell you of a principle that never fails: the intensity of your feeling determines the speed of its manifestation.
When you enter that one minute of focused consciousness, you must abandon yourself completely to the feeling of the wish fulfilled. Let no doubt enter; let no contrary thought disturb your assumption. Remember this: your consciousness is the only reality.
Everything you now consider real was first only imagined. The chair you sit on, the clothes you wear, the building you live in—all were first only imagined before they became fact. Therefore, what you imagine with feeling in that one minute is as real as anything you now consider real.
I share with you now a secret of manifestation that few understand: when you enter that one minute of consciousness, you must do so from the end. Live in the end. Experience the completion, the fulfillment, the attainment of your desire, for when you experience the end in consciousness, all the steps necessary for its achievement must unfold naturally.
Think of it this way: if you were to receive news right now that your desire had been fulfilled, what would you feel? How would your body respond? What thoughts would flow through your mind?
That is exactly how you must feel in your one minute of focused consciousness. You must generate those exact feelings, those exact sensations. Do not make the mistake of thinking that this is merely daydreaming or fantasizing.
What I am giving you is the very principle by which the universe operates. It is the principle of assumption, and it never fails. What you assume to be true, what you feel to be real in consciousness, must externalize itself in your world.
Let me share with you a profound truth that will revolutionize your understanding of manifestation. In that one minute of focused consciousness, you are literally rearranging the entire universe, for consciousness is the only reality, and what you establish there must, by Eternal Law, manifest in your world. I tell you from my own experience, time after time, that this law is as exact as mathematics.
Just as 2 + 2 must equal four, what you feel as real in consciousness must externalize itself in your world. This is not theory; this is law, and it operates with mathematical precision. When you enter into that one minute tonight, you must do so with the knowledge that you are entering into the very substance of creation.
Your consciousness, your "I am," is God Himself in operation. Therefore, whenever you accept as true in that state of consciousness, it has no choice but to externalize itself. Consider this: every moment of your life, you are manifesting.
Every single thought, accompanied by feeling, is creating your future. But when you take that one minute and consciously direct it, when you deliberately assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled, you are exercising your Divine creative power at its highest level. Let me tell you something remarkable about your imagination: in it, there is no such thing as impossibility.
In that one minute of focused consciousness, you can be, do, or have anything you desire. The limitations of time, space, and circumstance do not exist in imagination; there are only beliefs we accept in our outer world. When you lie down tonight, when you enter into that sacred minute of communion with your own wonderful human imagination, you must feel with every fiber of your being that your desire is already fulfilled.
Feel the joy of it; feel the reality of it; feel the naturalness of it. If you desire a particular position or achievement, in that one minute, you must feel the satisfaction of already having achieved it. Feel the respect it brings; feel the responsibility it carries; feel the natural pride in your accomplishment.
Feel it so completely that you cannot remember what it felt like to desire it. You see, the secret lies in the feeling. Feeling is the secret.
It is not enough to merely visualize or think about your desire; you must feel it as real. You must generate the feeling that would be yours if your desire were already a fact in the outer world. Let me tell you something about the nature of consciousness that few understand: your consciousness is not confined to your physical body; it extends throughout the universe.
Therefore, when you assume a state in consciousness, you are. . .
Literally rearranging the entire universe to match your assumption, I share with you now a principle that has transformed countless lives: the feeling of the wish fulfilled is the secret of creation. Not the wishing, not the hoping, not the wanting, but the feeling of already having what you desire. This is the secret that all the great ones of history have known.
Remember this: your outer world is nothing more than your inner world objectified. Everything you now see and experience was first only imagined. Therefore, what you feel as real in that one minute of focused consciousness must, by law, become real in your outer world.
Think of the power that lies within that one minute. In it, you can transcend all limitations; in it, you can rewrite your entire life story; in it, you can plant a seed that must, by Divine Law, come to harvest. For consciousness is the only reality, and what you establish there is more real than anything in the outer world.
Do not let anyone tell you that this is mere positive thinking or wishful dreaming. What I am giving you is the very principle by which the universe operates. It is the same principle that keeps the stars in their courses, that maintains the order of creation.
It is the principle of conscious assumption. Let me tell you the final and most crucial truth about this one minute that can transform your entire existence: when you feel the reality of desire so intensely that your whole being vibrates with its truth, you have planted a seed in the fertile soil of infinite possibility that must come to harvest. Do you know why most people fail in their manifestations?
They treat their imaginal acts as something unreal, something separate from life itself. But I tell you now: your imaginal acts in that one minute are more real than the world you see around you, for they are the very substance from which all reality springs. Think of this: every invention, every discovery, every achievement in human history began in someone's imagination.
Everything that now exists in your world was once only imagined. Therefore, what you imagine with feeling in that one minute has a divine right to manifest, for this is the way of creation itself. I tell you with absolute certainty that if you will faithfully apply this law, if you will enter into that one minute each night feeling the reality of your desire fulfilled, your whole world must reshape itself to match your assumption.
This is not hope; this is law. Remember these final words I share with you now: you are not some tiny being struggling against the world. You are the operant power; you are the creator of your reality.
That one minute of focused consciousness, properly used, contains within it the power to reshape the universe. Tonight, when you enter into that one minute, do so with the knowledge that you are entering into the most holy of holies. Feel the reality of your desire with such intensity that when you open your eyes, the physical world seems pale in comparison to what you have just experienced.
For in that one minute, properly used, even the impossible must yield to your assumption. The whole vast world will conspire to make your assumption a reality, for this is the eternal law of consciousness: what you feel is real in consciousness must externalize itself in your world. I leave you with this final truth: the power is within you; the kingdom is within you.
That one minute of focused consciousness, used with understanding and feeling, is more powerful than a thousand years of toil. For in that minute, you are exercising your divine right as a creative being. Go forth now with this knowledge; apply this law, test it, prove it in the laboratory of your own life.
For I tell you with absolute authority that even the impossible will manifest for you when you understand the power of that one minute of focused consciousness. Let this be your practice from this moment forward: enter that one minute with complete faith, with absolute conviction, with the feeling of your desire fulfilled. For when you do this, you are doing the work you were created to do.
You are consciously creating your reality through the power of your own wonderful human imagination. Remember that what is yourself pushed out, therefore in that one minute, you are literally rearranging the entire universe according to your assumption. There is no power outside of you that can withstand what you establish in consciousness, for consciousness is the only reality, and you are that consciousness.
And now, knowing this truth and understanding this law, go forth and create the life you desire, for you hold within you, in that one minute of focused consciousness, the power to manifest even the impossible. This is the truth; this is the law; this is your divine inheritance. The end is where we begin; the completion is where we start.
Therefore, enter into that one minute from the end, living in the assumption that your desire is already fulfilled. For when you do this, you are operating in accordance with the highest law of creation, and nothing can prevent your assumption from becoming your reality. So I say to you finally: take this minute, use it wisely, fill it with the feeling of your wish fulfilled, and watch as the whole vast world rearranges itself to match what you have established in consciousness, for this is the way of creation, this is the law of assumption, and this is your power as a divine created being.
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