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do you have confidence or do you lack confidence I submit to you that most people struggle in the arena of confidence I'm going to teach you today how to have confidence and not just how to have confidence and confidence which is what most people think they need I'm going to show you how you can have unshakable confidence and if you don't have it already I'm going to show you why so confidence let's first before we do anything else let's write the word confidence on the board so we're going to write it um what's the root
word of confidence confide what does confide mean to trust so if you don't have confidence that means you don't trust yourself so if you lack confidence my question for you then is why don't you trust yourself is that a good question I think it's a great question and I here's the reality people who have confidence can accomplish more than people who don't who don't in fact it's it's unfortunate it's unfortunate that con artist are very good at helping people develop confidence in things that are not true that what that's what makes them a con artist
right because they're getting you to put your confidence in something that's not trustworthy so they're getting you to trust something that's not worthy of your trust and that's what makes him a con artist so but a con artist often times is better at selling a lie than people who believe the truth are at selling the truth wow because the person who's selling the LIE believes in the outcome he desires to have more than the person who believes the truth believes in the truth that they say they believe and so unlocking The Confidence Code how to
unleash unshakable confidence so I've had several people ask me this um the first one that comes to mind is my man Brian Bowman so Brian said to me one day we're on our way to the golf course as he and I often were and he's like Maron um you have more confidence no he didn't say confidence you have you have a higher sense of certainty than anybody I've ever met do you teach that I said no I don't teach you but I can tell you where it comes from he said where does it come from
I said I have a book and it tells me how everything works and it's filled with promises and practices and precepts and principles and practices that give me the ability to make predictions about outcomes in the future so I can position myself on the path of prosperity Prosperity means to flow on the path of prosperity so that when the good times start rolling I'm Already There buckets in hand would you like to know the name of the book he said the Bible I said you nailed it because he knew me so he knew he he
already knew which book it was going to be okay so so how do you unleash unshakable confidence um you become expectant based on comprehension of principles this is how you build confidence you start out by being expectant based on principles on your confidence on your competence on your comprehension rather of principles so the better you understand how things work the more confidence you have the less you understand how things work the more random you believe things are and so you believe things happen according to happen stance right but if you understand principles then you can
intentionally apply those principles this is this is why by the way the whole concept of evolution is s such a farce because order doesn't come out of disorder without intention so the first law of energy or the first law of energy conservation is en everything is energy energy is neither created or destroyed it just changes form y'all y'all all heard that scientific principle right okay everything is energy energy is neither created or just change just changes form then Second Law is the law of entropy so what does entropy mean anything left to itself tends to
move more and more towards disorder think about it if you leave anything alone long enough it becomes worth nothing if you leave a you plant a garden and you don't cultivate the garden by pulling the weeds and watering the garden and fertilizing the garden then the weeds take Take Over the Garden you don't have to you don't isn't it fascinating you don't have to plant weeds they just show up you don't have to plant weeds no what are you doing I'm I'm planting some weeds no you don't have to do that and if you don't
take a bath you're not going to get cleaner over time you're not going to smell better over time why because anything left to itself tends to move more and more towards disorder if you don't clip your fingernails and toenails they turn into claws some people actually intentionally go get their fingernails turned into cloth but that's another conversation for a different day okay so so like your your ability to navigate the landscape of life is going to be in direct proportion to your understanding and comprehension of principles that exist so we we just talked about two
principles we talked about the principle of energy and we talked about the principle of entropy so let me let me just talk about that really quickly so one of the reasons one of the reasons people have confidence have conf have who have confidence have so much confidence is because they understand the law of energy versus the law of entropy so did you ever think about the fact that you're going to take some aspect of your life it could be your health it could be your relationship it could be your wealth it could be whatever any
area of your life that you going to make better intention is required you have to set an intention I am going to intentionally use my energy to make this aspect of my life better but you don't have to set an intention for your life to get worse like I don't I don't have to set an intention to get out of shape all I have to do is nothing I don't have to set an intention to not smell good all I have to do is not take a bath not take a shower right and so so
if you do nothing everything in your life gets worse here's how here's how here's how powerful the law of entropy is if you buy a piece of real estate in the United States of America you get this thing called depreciation and you can accelerate the depreciation what does that mean the government says that if you buy this piece of real estate and you do nothing to it in 27 and A2 years it will be worth nothing and so because you are going to do something to it to make it better to make it last they
will give you take whatever the price of the real estate is divide it by whatever the price of the structure not not the land the structure is you divide it by 27 A2 you multiply that number times seven and you can take that much as a tax write off in the first year wow that's crazy right and say my what's the point my point is if you don't do anything your life is going to get worse in order to have progress intention is required but in order to digress the only thing that's required is neglect
so one of the things we have to make sure we do if we're going to have confidence don't neglect the principles that make life better so there are some principles in business that I operate by that make my life work very very well here's one um if I desire to make more money then I have to bring more value to more people or a higher value to fewer people in order for me to make more money because people will only pay me in direct proportion to the value I give them like well no but people
should pay me based on how hard I work well let's say you work really hard and you go out to some remote area in the middle of Oklahoma and you dig a ditch with a shovel and that ditch is 10 feet deep 10 feet wide no 10 feet deep and 10 feet square you dig a that's a big ditch and you dug it with a shovel that's some really hard work how much are you going to get paid well nothing unless somebody wants a hole that deep it's not how hard you work that makes the
work valuable it's who values the work that makes the work valuable and so one of the things I've got to do as a principal the reason I know I can make a lot of money is because I know that I care to serve a very large number of people a very high value which causes me to make a lot of money by the way that's the formula for you too all you got to do all you got to do is stop thinking about yourself long enough to focus on obsessing over somebody else's problem and if
you can find a big enough pool of people with a big enough problem and Pockets at least deep enough to solve that pay to solve that problem you can make a fortune wow it's pretty my that seems like an oversimplification okay I mean if you want to make an excuse any excuse will do it's like my neighbor came over one day and said dude can I borrow your lawnmower I said yeah man I can't let you borrow my lawnmower my wife's making beef stroganov he turns around and walked away he said wait what what's beef
strog got to do with me borrowing your lawn mower I said nothing but if I don't want you to borrow my lawnmower any excuse will do no that didn't really happen Okay okay so it's like like we can always find an excuse not to do something okay so they're laughing at me because I don't have a lawn mower I I already I already know they're laughing at me because I don't even have a lawnmower I don't have a lawnmower I've I've have a mowing company who wants a lawnmower well it's not therapeutic anyway different day
conversation expect them based on principles so you must love and understand principles if you're going to make your if you're going to develop confidence you must love and understand principles stop trying to make life the way you are and make yourself more aligned with the way life is stop trying to fix everything outside yourself and start fixing the things inside of yourself because if you fix the things inside of yourself all the broken stuff outside yourself will have a lot less impact on you man it's the the world is unfair yeah it is but you
know what you solve the problems inside of you and it'll matter way less that the world is unfair M I'm a woman in a man's world guess what you solve the problems in you um you'll make the men around you wish it was a woman's world my I'm a black man in white man's world what okay I I get it if that's what you believe that if you want but guess what you fix the problems inside of you it won't matter what what man's world it is it's way easier for us to drop the iPad
than just to keep put it on the chair so way it's way easier it's way easier for us to look for the answer to why our life's not working outside of ourselves it's way easier for easier for us to find an answer outside of ourselves but it's it's impossible to fix answers that are outside of ourselves it's harder to find answers inside myself well the reason my life ain't working is because yeah I work really hard but I work really hard on stuff only I care about how many youall tracking see you got to fall
in love with solving other people's problems but see here's why you one of the I watch people who attempt to sell stuff and they don't even realize the reason they can't sell is because they're obsessing over the commissions like I had somebody call me last week and I thought it was my bank and so I answered it hey Mr Golden I'm with ppnl blah blah blah blah blah and I work alongside your I wanted to talk to you about your electric bill who are you and what do you want yeah well we such such a
company I okay um are you with ppnl no I'm not with ppnl is pennslvania power and lights okay because for my house in Pennsylvania um are you with ppnl no I'm not but I'm talking I want to talk to you about your bill because we can get you a rebate and blah blah blah okay sir I appreciate the fact that you called but I don't care about a rebate but how much is your electric bill I don't know how much of my electric bill it's on auto is I don't it's on auto pay I don't
know how much it is I don't care how much it is but you're I but I know you're smart and you're a businessman click now I'm done because you want to talk to me about what's important to you but I just told you I don't care and it's not that I don't care because I have so much money I don't care I don't care because it is a waste I'm it's costing me more to have this stupid conversation with you than what whatever amount I'm paying for my electric bill so I don't want to talk
to you about how much my electric bill is because then I have to go find out how much my electric bill is and then I have to call you back and have a conversation so I can save $16 my electric bill this is dumb I can go read a book and learn how to make $166,000 and you're talking to me about my saving money on my electric bill you're wasting my time okay can you tell I was irritated by that this is my irritate I'm irritated Faith okay you have to love principles love and understand
principles and then you must learn and app learn and apply principles so you got to love principles when you love principles you become curious about them when you become curious about them you start looking for them I wonder why this works I wonder how that works I wonder why this works I wonder how that works I wonder why this works so so recently recently a year and a half ago um I bought this guitar course and so far it's been like $113,000 that I paid for this guitar course in a year and a half but
I'm cool with that because I want to master the guitar and I'm serious about mastering the guitar I'm not and and I I discovered something about myself and music and so weird because I'm kind of weird don't agree with that okay I discovered that I like music theory more than I like music I know that's weird like listen to music's fine but man understanding how it works is epic right okay so learn and apply principles and by the way the reason I decided to master guitar because I was reading the book and it made me
realize when I was reading that book oh everything works off of vibrations you have harmonic vibrations and you have you have melodic vibrations and you have symphonic vibrations I'm like okay so the better I understand music the better I understand life oh I'm going to master the guitar that that's that's my that's how my brain worked out that situation okay cool so learn and apply principles and then leverage and accomplish based on the principles that you love and learn this is how your life changes I promise you if you will learn more about how things
work in life your life will get better not it might get better it will get better okay some people don't want to be bothered though and so why don't some people want to be bothered why don't some people want to learn these principles because you bought into the lie your identity that the cultureal hypnotic societal mechanism gave you that you're not smart they told me I wasn't smart like if you looked at my report card from first grade to third grade you'd have thought this guy is a genius fourth grade through 12th grade probably a
dodo bird not the smartest guy in not the sharpest knife in the drawer not the brightest bulb on the tree this dude right here not he's not smart I got way more fs and D's than any other thing from fourth grade to 12th grade but if I bought into if I would have bought into the lie that I'm not smart because I didn't do well in school see unfortunately the miseducation misdirection system validates the system at your children's expense I thought I hated school when I was in school you know when I knew I hated
it when my kids were in school that's when I discovered oh this is terrible the principal called my office one day Mr Golden your son didn't get his homework done again last night let me help you understand something bud it's not homework it's schoolwork y'all didn't finish teaching them at school and they're not going there for free I'm paying y'all do your job and don't expect me and my wife to do your job when my children come home we have a family we have stuff we want to do together and if you think I'm going
to obsess over my children doing this stuff y'all call homework to validate your degree you are out of your mind and if you don't want me to send my children to school with a backpack full of dishes they didn't get washed last night stop sending all this junk to my [Applause] house you say you didn't say just like that I was not confused I might have been wrong but I wasn't confused and I don't believe I was wrong and I wasn't going to help this mis educational misdirection misdirection system I wasn't going to help them
make my children think they're not smart anyway but you bought into that lie which is why you don't want to learn principles you avoid learning because you think you're not smart because of the identity the school system gave you you know I'm keeping it real amen and then you have to have extreme belief based on your competence do you know confidence is the result of comprehension of principles but it's also the the result of competent practices you have to competently practice those principles and that's where confidence comes from like I know this principle works it's
one thing to know that the principle works and so like 1 plus 2 1 plus 2 = 3 4+ 4 = 8 5 + 5 = 10 it's always going to be the same principles always do what they always do they're not going to stop working because I started applying them right and so when I start applying them and I start getting results then I know what to expect at the end of doing this activity and so now all I got to do is look around and see what I'm good at what are my competencies
what am I competent at and so I've got to discover my proficiency discover what I'm good at and by the way don't make the mistake of thinking that you're not good at anything because everybody's good at something God wouldn't hand it out gifts and said well you know what you you ain't getting nothing today keep moving and so you discover your proficiency what are you good at like hey here's what I discovered so I've got six brothers and I was really frustrated as a child because I've got six brothers one older brother five younger brothers
all my brothers can run but I got this brace on my leg I can't run like I didn't like the fact that I was different I hated it I didn't hate it a little I hated it a lot couldn't run so guess what I learned how to fight okay y'all weren't expecting that were you but guess what now that I'm an adult I'm glad I couldn't run as a child because I would have wasted a lot of time running that instead I used observing how things work in life so you discover what you're good at
and I was good at watching people and watching things and breaking down how things work and reversing engineering processes why because well that's what pretty much what I could do and so I developed my that's my proficiency I didn't know that that proficiency would eventually like make me millions and millions of dollars I had no idea that that would happen I just knew that I was good at what I was good at and the stuff I wasn't good at I wasn't good at so I didn't waste a whole lot of time attempting to be better
at things I was bad at you know one of the biggest mistakes people make in life why they don't have confidence is because they spend too much time attempting to strengthen their weaknesses instead of strengthening their strengths you know how much time I practice running zero but you know how much time I practice analyzing almost all of my time why because once I analyze it I figure it out then I can apply it and then once I apply it and it works then I can come back and report and when I report people pay me
for my reports a that great oh okay I thought it was great okay discover your discover your proficiencies and once you discover your proficiency once you discover what you're good at then develop that proficiency passionately in other words have a good time getting better at the things you're good at this how you're confident you know so I remember right before I got I was I was um in Miami um I think it was in 2019 maybe 2020 2019 I think it was 2019 I was in Miami 2019 Grant Cardone was having um his 10x growth
con Russell Brunson was speaking Russell asked me to come out and help him with a presentation on stage I'm speaking to 35,000 people in the Miami Marlins Arena and right before I went out somebody said are you nervous I'm like I'm a whole lot of stuff but nervous is not on the list I don't ever get nervous when I'm going to speak and I know that's weird I'm but I'm hey you're this is who you're dealing with I don't ever get nervous when I'm going to speak I don't care how many people I'm speaking to
or how few people I'm speaking I don't get nervous why because I already know what's gonna happen why because I passionately improved my proficiencies and I just I I've this whole thing about communication I promise you I've studied it more than most people you will ever hear communicate in your life so I'm not worried about whether what I'm going to say is going to make sense I know it's going to make sense because I made it make sense to me before I ever thought about attempting to make it make sense to you and I had
so much fun learning all this stuff that I know how to do and that I use now on a daily basis I have had so much fun developing these skills I'm not I'm not the least bit concerned about whether or not somebody's going to get it of course they're going to get it what else would they do that if you don't understand where I'm coming from that sounds pompous Probably sounds arrogant but if you understand where I'm coming from it's a level of confidence where I'm not worried about the outcome because the outcomes are predictable
based on the inputs so you discover your proficiencies then you develop your proficiencies passionately and then you deploy your proficiency passionately and profitably so then once once you get good at doing a thing the F fir I remember the f I remember the first time I did like a seminar to sell something from the stage I wasn't nervous but I didn't know what I was doing either and so I in I invited Jerry Clark to come speak at this event and um it was a friend of mine who had a network marketing company a direct
sales company in he did an event in Waco Texas Jerry lived in Dallas my friend Stan said hey you need to have Jerry come speak at your event I was like why do I need to have him come speak at my event it's my event that like small thinking but I I let him talk me into it okay whatever Jerry can come speak so I spoke I only did there were 35 people there I did $350 in sales that was my very first event it was in August of 2003 2001 August of 2001 2003 something
like that anyway um so then Jerry got up and spoke same 35 people Jerry did $3,500 in sales Jerry said hey when you leave tomorrow you're flying out of Dallas aren't you I said yeah he said get there early we'll have lunch I'm like Okay cool so we get there we go out the lunch Jerry pulls back the curtain and shows me the speaking business he had been speaking for 15 years he was making millions of dollars a year he showed me speaking business I was like oh this is going to be so great' just
so happened at my very second seminar Jerry was speaking at that event and so I got with Jerry and he coached me some more and he told me to do some stuff I was so nervous because the stuff he told me to do i' had never done before I literally and this is my like I spent every dime I had to get to this network marketing conference in Birmingham Alabama where I'm going to be speaking to these quote 700 people and I'm going to make I don't know how much money but it needs to be
a lot cuz I spent all of my money and borrow my dad's van and drove here like left on Thursday and got to Birmingham on Friday night cuz I had to go to Jacksonville and pick up my tapes cassette tapes the the duplication company in Jacksonville duplicated for me and so I was and I was supposed to speak on Saturday morning they kept putting it off putting it off putting it off I didn't get to speak till Sunday morning I was the next to the last speaker on the last day there were only about 130
people left I called my family like pray for me I'm going to be speaking this morning they cut back my time they pushed back my M I don't know if and then Jerry told me to do and everything Jerry told me to do I was very nervous about because none of it made sense to me well think about that good coaching most of the time is going to be counterintuitive think about it if it made sense to you you'd already be doing it so it didn't make sense what he told me to do didn't make
sense but I said I'm going to do it anyway I'm going to do exactly what he told me to do exactly the way he told me to do it I'm just going to see what happens but I got everybody praying for me cuz I was scared I mean I wasn't nervous I was scared I was like I been on all my I don't even know if I got enough money to get back home to my family I'm in my dad's van I can't leave my dad's van down here in Alabama what am I going to
do like I was nervous right and so I got up I did everything Jerry told me to do I got down to my offer now here's what's funny I was so nervous my offer was $147 I was I'm telling you I was nervous and so I did everything Jerry told me to do and I'm thinking to myself oh these people are like I'm this is there's no way this could work but but I did the whole thing exactly like he laid it out cuz I'm coachable I got done with my offer I told him the
price there was a lady on the front row about where you are Trudy and my my table was in the back corner over there lady jumped up she said what what and she jumped up she ran to the back table and people started following her I was in shock it was it took every amount of restraint that I could muster up to keep from breaking out into hysterical laughter I had never it it just didn't seem to make any sense to me and then two other people who were there said hey can you come do
a training like that for my people one of them said and can you come do a training like that for my people in two weeks in Cleveland can you come do a training like that for my people in Baltimore I'm in the game and I went to Cleveland I made $6,600 at that event I ended up doing $5,900 in sales that was in 45 minutes that was like what just happened that was a fortune to me back then then I I'm pretty sure it was 2001 now that I think about it uh and then um
went to Baltimore made $8,800 I'm like this is a thing you can make $5,000 every weekend oh oh it's on now you shouldn't have showed me right and so I just kept doing put that thing on rinse and repeat every time I go to event somebody else will book me somebody else would book me then I started calling people I knew Network hey you want me to come do a free training for your people and then I just it just started growing from there and then people started telling people about these trainings I was doing
and I started raising my prices from 147 then 297 297 then 497 so you deploy your proficiency passionately and profitably and now my offers are like my big offers are like $350,000 a year a million dollars a year start out with my little and those don't even make me nervous why because I passionately developed my proficiency profitably and then so it's expectant based you unleash your confidence by being expectant based on your comprehension of principles by being having extreme belief in your competencies I have extreme belief in my competencies I know that everything I work
on is going to work cuz I know how it works and by the way if I don't have enough belief in the thing because I don't don't have enough experience like like I don't this new mentor of mine who's teaching me how to like buy hundreds of millions of dollars worth of real estate like I don't have any experience in that so guess what I do guess what I do I borrow his belief to build mine so I'm going to do the action based on the fact believes it'll work and then I'll do it based
on the fact he believes it works I'll do everything he says the way he says to do it because he believes it works and then guess what then it'll work for me and then I'll have a whole new level of Confidence from a whole new level of competence and then excellence in behavior and character so this is the one this is this is probably the biggest kicker of all the kickers excellence in character and behavior in character what does that mean it means keep your word to yourself start there what does that mean if you
don't have confidence you don't trust yourself what's the number one reason people don't trust themselves because they've lied to themselves so many times in the past they can't believe a word they say think about your New Year's resolution January 1st 2023 what date in January AR did you let yourself off the hook for that one and so what happens is we make choices instead of decisions and then we let ourselves off the hook and we've lied to ourselves so many times in the past we can't believe a word we say so if you say you're
going to do something first and foremost keep your word to yourself don't say I'm going to do something then not do it and if you don't do the thing you told yourself you're going to do have penalty to pay okay number two penalty to pay like what let's say you say I'm going to do my webinar my first webinar my first presentation or my first challenge or I'm going to launch my ebook or my whatever my first affiliate offer on this day and if I don't launch it on that day I'm going to and you
want to really challenge yourself pick somebody you don't like I'm going to pay that person $100 don't be at me like you can't think of nobody somebody nobody you don't like oh Mar I like everybody quit tripping you might be able to shout out to somebody but I ain't buying okay okay um was that too human okay yeah so keep your word to yourself keep your word to other people Psalm 15 says that a a good man swears to his own hurt and changeth not what does that mean that means they say they're going to
do something even if they find out that they're going to it's going to cost them time effort energy money or heartache or difficulty or pain after they gave their word they keep their word anyway he sweareth to his own hurt and changeth not keep your word to others which brings me to last Point keep your word even when it hurts guess what guess what kind of person you will be you will be kind kind of person who knows that when you say something it matters and you'll know that it matters because you made it matter
I'm telling you if you will practice these principles you will develop an unshakable confidence and here's what confidence will do for you it'll open doors that have been closed your whole life it'll Usher in opportunities that have been running from you when you have unshakable confidence you don't have to waste 40 Years of your life wandering in the wilderness you can let that 11-day Journey just take 11 days do you know it was it was 11 days from Egypt to the promised land it an 11-day journey and it took all of the adults 20 years
old and older 40 years and they died in the wilderness never got to see the promised land why because their confidence was shaken if you will have confidence you will be able to do things like it'll create a whole new universe of opportunities for you I'm not speaking from Theory I'm speaking from what I know to be true because this is how I live my life go out study the principles become proficient in the practices and you will profit immensely in your business stay blessed by the best and we'll look forward to seeing you on
the next video peace [Applause] out works
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