Welcome to our YouTube channel where wisdom meets inspiration in this channel we share valuable insights to help you become the best version of yourself our content is designed to uplift your spirit and enrich your life make sure to subscribe to our channel to stay connected with this incredible journey click the Subscribe button below pranayama very popular in all the yoga schools everywhere you will see Asana and pranayama Asana the different yogic postures and pranayama breathing in patanjali yoga Ashtanga Yoga Eightfold yoga what are they Yama Asana pranayama so fourth practice in asang yoga is pray
then samadi what do they mean first Yama Andy the moral practices then as sitting posture third one is fourth one is breathing pranayama prama means control of The Prana Prana aama control of The Prana then fifth one is prara withdrawing the senses from outside sixth one is dhana focusing on something seventh one is meditation so meditation is not an easy thing meditation is the seventh of the eight limbs of yoga and the eighth one is the deepest meditation possible samadhi anyway that's patanjali yoga so that prama Shankar aara refers to here first of all we
shall see as we do the basic practice and then the advanced practice first the yogic practice and then the vedantic practice what is the basic practice the yogis discovered one thing if you want to meditate and calm down your mind certain things are helpful certain things are not helpful for example sitting still is helpful moving around not helpful so they will they discovered particular postures for sitting not just sitting still in any particular posture like this there are particular postures ASAS suitable for meditation what else did they discover for example we just read dishy keeping
the eyes fixed that is helpful for meditation keep looking around not helpful for Med meditation what else did they discover a huge Discovery very big Discovery was breath is connected to the Mind breath is connected breathing breathing in breathing out is connected to the mind how they noticed that when the breathing is agitated mind is also agitated when the mind is agitated breathing is agitated you are excited angry Furious you see breathing is faster short and jerky and fast you are tired exhausted or feeling sick you'll see breathing is heavy slow maybe sometimes faster sometimes
in Fever breathing is shallow and fast you're concentrated you will find breathing is even and calm automatically now what the Yogi's thought was if you want to concentrate and calm down the mind difficult to fight with the Mind directly start with the breath and they discovered something remarkable if you control the breath mind is controlled breathe deeply and evenly and they have techniques for this a few cycles of that you will see mind becomes calm even three deep breaths will calm your mind for for the while for a while so breathing is connected to the
Mind catch hold directly to catch hold of the mind is difficult subtle but you can catch hold of the breath catch hold means you can control the breath you can control the in breath you can control the holding of the breath you can control the release of the breath so they developed breathing techniques proper breathing and then they discovered not only for meditation breathing is connected deeply to the health of the body you see pray and Anaya Anaya is physical body pranamaya is the vital body breathing is part of the the praname the vital body
so if you control the breathing and the breathing is proper and healthy it will have a healthful effect on the physical body they discovered different techniques of breathing can cure diseases and it's not strange because diseases are a are a feature of the malfunctioning of the vital forces in the body of The Prana in the body of the flow of Prana so flow of Prana cannot be directly controlled but if you control the breathing the flow of Prana in the body is also controlled the yogis found this out so they developed a variety of techniques
pranayama is a vast subject yesterday we had a well-known Yogi visiting from India a master of hat yoga Pandit radhesham Mishra so he's the the master of the udj school of yoga very old school of yoga in India so he visited us yesterday and he was telling me that he wrote a book on bre brething 770 Pages he was telling me it hardly sold in a few copies nobody's interested you would think people are interested in breathing you think what is there to learn about breathing I know breathing I'm breathing all the time no you
are not one of the early Masters to come out from India to teach hat yoga in USA AER I think he's lights on yoga probably um either that book the three great Masters who came in the early part of the 20th century AER was there then Krishna machara and pavi joy so they they formed they're at the source of the various schools of hat yoga which are popular throughout the West now one of them I think it was AER he said my first interaction with westerners t showed me something interesting what they are hardly breathing
at all and remember that was a long time ago before our our hectic hyperactive times even at that time he said they were hardly breathing at all they were using only a part of their lung capacity they're so tense the clothes they wear the posture they hold and they get into bad habits of breathing so they're not breathing properly unless they're taught how to do that breathing is necessary for for every you know any kind of physical activity whether it's Sports breathing is necessary for living also it's highly recommended but Sports and singing and anything
Athletics dancing all of that you need to learn breathing all over again so he would give special emphasis on breathing lessons again pranayama has a variety of techniques for breathing many many techniques so it's a vast science in itself to make the ASAS more effective in hat yoga they also have pranayama along with them in fact these three are very important Asana of course pranayama and bandha we also did bandha the locks this is Yoga basic practice of pranayama they have three terms puraka breathing in kumaka holding the breath reaka releasing the breath so breathing
in holding releasing now the holding can be internal when you breathe in and hold your breath and the holding can be external when you breathe out and keep it out for a while so the technique is this it's performed in every ritual or before meditation you can do that I'm not teaching you by the way one thing is pranayama should be learned from an expert pranayama should never be practiced from books or casually like that because it can have dangerous effects pranayama is one thing which can have serious um side effects if that it's not
practiced properly if it's not learned learned from a good yoga teacher I had a friend who lost his mind because he he practiced sophisticated systems of pranayama without the proper uh routine diet and discipline later on he recovered but it was a great lesson so there are people who have lost their minds or they have got diseases because they practiced pranayama improperly so with that caution what is the technique the basic technique is this is um you close the right nostril like this and breathe in for counts you mentally you can count 1 2 3
4 or 4 Ohms oh oh oh don't say it mentally then you hold like this for 16 ohms or 16 counts so four 16 then you release with the right nostril for four counts no eight counts so if you breathe in for eight hold for 16 release for eight breathe in for four hold for 16 release for eight 4 16 8 the ratio should be like that and then you breathe in from the right nostril for four counts hold for 16 and then release for eight again so in four counts hold 16 counts release eight
counts that's the basic pranayama and then they multiply more and more and more so the breathing becomes a long longer and deeper and deeper you can hold for 64 counts don't try it unless you are an expert in pranayama so this is the basic technique breathing in holding letting go that is Yoga what does Shankar aara have to say about it you know well in advance he's going to say it is Brahman let's see what Shankar aara says he devotes three verses to it wonderful practice the adic practice of pranayama 118 brah brah [Music] the
Restraint of all the modifications of the Mind by regarding all mental States like the chitt as Brahman alone is called pranayama sensation of the modification of the mind that's the goal of yoga which we just discussed we just discussed this what do you what are you trying to do in yoga says ation of all the modifications of the Mind the mind the thoughts which come up in the mind calm down those modifications that is Yoga right you with me now what he's saying is the real is not to shut down the mind but to regard
everything in the universe everything in the universe including the mind and the modifications of the Mind as Brahman so not only no thought when you have thoughts also about what about anything those thoughts are also Brahman internal and externally it is Brahman alone the CH the Mind itself is Brahman when you think of any thought whatever you think about that is Brahman so every thought that arises in the mind is Brahman every object outside is Brahman everything there you yourself are Brahman this keeping this knowledge in view this is the real pray everything that arises
in your awareness is Brahman Swami viranda who was president of the order he used to say when I look at the world the entire world including the body and mind mind everything is revealed at once to my awareness so either I am all of it or I none of it the aani the ignorant person thinks I am this much where do I stop I stop at the tip of my finger I am all inside this is me outside this barrier of the skin is not me me not me me and you different now the gani
thinks all of this is me Brahman all none of this is meani can say equally I'm not I'm not the world obviously I'm not the body I'm not the mind I'm not the intellect all of that I'm not pakha the Anaya PR man I'm none of that I the witness consciousness of all of these they are false appearances I am the one real Consciousness can say that or the gani can say I am all of them I am the mind too I am the breath too I am the body to I am the world I'm
the universe too how all of them are nothing but pure Consciousness with names and forms how does that work the water in the ocean can say that I am not the wave I'm not the bubble I am not the spray I am not the um the the you know the surf what am I I am water or the water can say I'm the wave I am the bubble I am the surf I am the spray is it not true are you following me is it not true the water is everything yes and other than the
water is there any wave is there any bubble is there any surf is there any spray no similarly you the Consciousness and none of this there are appearances in you the exist in you they disappear in you or you can say you the Consciousness are all of this take the dream example everything you see in the dream everybody you see in the dream including yourself in the dream every experience that happened in the dream dream everything that you ate and you heard and you saw all of that is false their appearances their dream or you
can say I alone am all of them both are true what is not true is what it what seemed in the dream what did it seem like in the dream when you are not aware it's a dream when you were dreaming the dream it seemed like another waking experience I am this much and they are all separate from me if at this moment you suddenly sit up on your bed then what will you think oh I was dreaming of the vedanta class the vanta society and the and the Swami and the lecture and me too
sitting on the chair and see all of that was my mind true so he says all of this is Brahman so this is real pranayama how do you practice it he will tell you what is breathing in very nice practice what is breathing in what is breathing out what is holding the breath in ad not in yoga see 119 [Music] Nish br [Music] am [Music] he says now what is breathing in is breathing in what is breathing out what is holding the breath he says the negation of the phenomenal world is breathing out the thought
that I am Brahman is breathing in and holding in that thought thought that I am Rahman is called holding the breath this is the pranayama of the enlightened and the other one is torturing the nose this is a humorous little mischievous Tweaky puts at the end the what the others are doing this one this is torturing the nose you're just in inflicting suffer ing on the nose that's twisting the nose so this is the pranay of the enlightened it reminds me of a story um Swami subhananda Koka Maharaj who is disciple of Sri ramakrishna direct
disciple that's his picture there he used to be in b m he was simple like a boy so his name was Koka Koka means little boy um he was in Borat and it was his practice to go to The Veranda near Swami vian's room upstairs those who have seen belat and sit there facing the Ganges the river and he would read the adhyatma ramayana there that's the spiritual version of the ramayana so one day he was doing that and this was seen and narrated by Swami shradhanand who was the Swami in the the Sacramento Center
long ago in the 1950s 60s uh up to he passed away in the '90s '90s yes so that Swami he saw this and he narrated it to others he said that he he saw kokam Mara sitting upstairs there and reading something looking up and laughing then he's again reading something and looking up and laughing so this Swami could not restrain his curiosity anymore he went upstairs and he asked Maharaj what are you reading and what are you seeing and why are you laughing so he said you know Shan's name was bimol you know bimol I'm
reading here that the world is false Jag what does vant teach brah brah alone is real the world is false I'm reading that the world is false and I look up and I see everything is a mountain of Ashes then I again read the book and it says Brahman alone is real and I look up everything the river Kolkata everything in front of me everything is Sri Rak Krishna He Saw s ramakrishna's Brahman everything is s Rak Krishna when I read when I when I have the Gana the understanding that the world is an appearance
I see everything is a mountain of Ashes ashes means nothing valueless false appearance and I burst into laughter again in this book tells me everything is Brahman and I look up and truly everything is Sak Krishna everything is Brahman that's why again burst into laughter it's the same thing how does it work when you look at the rope and the snake see it as the snake fals false it's not real there's no such thing as a snake see it as the Rope real it's a it's a it's a [Music] rope it's like seeing various Jewels
bracelets necklaces rings they're all names and forms you can see them as different ornaments or you can see them as one gold the difference is you don't have to do anything to your eyes it's not like you know they put on 3D specs and you see a movie in 3D you don't have to put on 3D specs you only have to put on vant specs vant glasses somebody told me don't say specs in USA say glasses vant glasses put on vanta glasses and you will see the world as Brahman or you will see the world
as an appearance both are true what shankaracharya is saying seeing the world as an appearance that is breathing out breathe out the world and then breathe in I am Brahman a vast ocean of existence Consciousness place outside and inside that I am I am this Brahman that's breathing in and steady yourself in that knowledge I am Brahman that's holding the breath if you can't hold the breath too long you have to let it out world is I'm breathing out the world breathing in I am Brahman stay there so that is vedantic pranayama nonu pranayama everything
inside and outside is Brahman a vast ocean of existence Consciousness please you see if it if Brahman God is something somewhere else you have to go there God is in heaven you have to go to heaven or if God is somewh else some other time not now some other time then you have to wait after death after samadi after the second coming of the Christ then only I will meet so you have to wait if God is someone other than you you have to meet God and make friends with him God and have an relationship
with God but vant says God is here everywhere and here if God is here where do you have to go God is now all the time and now Eternal and now if God is now what will you wait for God is you whom do you want to meet and make friends with that reality which is here and now and you what do you have to do to get that reality nothing only only you need to recognize it you need knowledge once you realize that inside and outside with eyes closed and with eyes open you see
that same reality this is this is the teaching of vant little difficult to get but once you get it it's it's remarkable here you have to get it in yoga you have to do something you have to hold your breath you have to breathe in breathe out hold your breath that's a technique of pranayama and that's used for calming the Mind remember it's not a criticism of yoga does the Y y pranayama work certainly there's no doubt about it you try just three rounds of pranayama your mind will calm down but does it give you
Nirvana does it give you Moka does it settle all your problems of samsara does it take you beyond suffering no become Swami viandas messenger share the video with three of your friends [Music] [Music]