The peace of the Lord! I am going to give you a brief summary of all the biblical content that we are going to study. Well, we'll start with the creation, in Genesis, then we'll talk about Adam and Eve, about the fall of man, due to their disobedience in the Garden of Eden.
We will study Noah and the flood, everything related to this subject. Babel, the Tower of Babel, which became Babylon. [We will study about] Abraham, a very important person.
Joseph; Joseph who went to Egypt, and who should not be known as "Joseph of Egypt", but rather as "Joseph, who was in Egypt". Moses, and here we will talk about the exodus. The Law that was given at Sinai, right?
! Also known as Mount Horebe. The Tabernacle, right ?
! Which God instructed to be built in the desert. The people of Israel wandered in the desert for approximately 40 years, and the promised land.
This land that belonged to Canaan and that God promised to the people of Israel. Judges; Here we will talk about the sequence of judges [leaders] who ruled the people of Israel until the ascension of kings. Of these kings the main ones were Saul, David and Solomon.
David had a dream that came true during his son's, Solomon, reign. What was David's dream? He dreamed of building a temple (a "house") for the Lord, but even on the day that this “house” was built to God by Solomon, he admitted to know that neither heaven nor the highest of the heavens can contain the Lord, let alone a building.
Solomon was aware of this, although he fulfilled his father's wish, by building a temple to honor the name of the Lord. Next, we will study the [divided kingdom]. These three kings here [Saul, David and Solomon] were the only kings who ruled Israel [as a unified kingdom] with their 12 tribes [united], mainly David, ok?
! It so happens that after Solomon's death the kingdom of Israel was divided, so we will study this, as it is a very important subject. The kingdom was divided into two parts, the northern kingdom and the southern kingdom.
The northern kingdom was called the "House of Israel", and the southern kingdom was called the "House of Judah", ok? ! The northern part, the House of Israel, had Samaria as its capital, so we will also study the fall of Samaria, which was one of the host cities of Ephraim.
Then we will study the Assyrian captivity. Upon its fall, Samaria became captive to Assyria. In the southern kingdom, which is the House of Judah, the fall of Jerusalem, in which they are taken into exile in Babylon, known as Babylonian exile.
This exile lasted 70 years, when they returned to the land of Judah, they rebuilt the city, the temple, the walls. . .
In the New Testament we will study the ministry of Jesus, his birth and life, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus, every detail is very important. The day of Pentecost, a fundamental day in the history of the Church. The Primitive Church, when they start to fulfill the "Great Commission", they should wait for Pentecost, in fact, they had to wait for the permanent indwelling of the Holy Spirit, which occurred at Pentecost, before they could start to fulfill the “Great Commission”.
Then, the Primitive Church starts, mainly in the book of Acts. The Apostles' doctrine are the fundamental letters (epistles) so that every Christian can understand what God wants from us as a Church, as an individual and as a group as well. And finally, the book of Revelation, which is the most important Prophetic book we have today in the New Testament.
Apocalypse talks about things that are already happening and things that are going to happen soon, ok? ! May God bless you, and here is the course schedule.
It is a simple course, but at the same time, it is profound. It is simple so that you can understand its purpose, and it is profound when we get to the details of each of these topics, ok? !
God bless you, and pray for us always! I thank you in the name of Jesus!